Subject: Patch 7.3.949
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Patch 7.3.949
Problem:    Python: no easy access to tabpages.
Solution:   Add vim.tabpages and vim.current.tabpage. (ZyX)
Files:	    runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c,
	    src/if_python.c, src/proto/,
	    src/proto/, src/proto/, src/structs.h,

*** ../vim-7.3.948/runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt	2013-05-15 14:39:47.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt	2013-05-15 15:05:04.000000000 +0200
*** 223,228 ****
--- 223,242 ----
  	    :py w in	# Membership test
  	    :py n = len(	# Number of elements
  	    :py for w in	# Sequential access
+ <	Note: object always accesses current tab page,. 
+ 	|python-tabpage|.windows objects are bound to parent |python-tabpage| 
+ 	object and always use windows from that tab page (or throw vim.error 
+ 	in case tab page was deleted). You can keep a reference to both 
+ 	without keeping a reference to vim module object or |python-tabpage|, 
+ 	they will not loose their properties in this case.
+ vim.tabpages						*python-tabpages*
+ 	A sequence object providing access to the list of vim tab pages. The 
+ 	object supports the following operations: >
+ 	    :py t = vim.tabpages[i]	# Indexing (read-only)
+ 	    :py t in vim.tabpages	# Membership test
+ 	    :py n = len(vim.tabpages)	# Number of elements
+ 	    :py for t in vim.tabpages:	# Sequential access
  vim.current						*python-current*
  	An object providing access (via specific attributes) to various
*** 230,235 ****
--- 244,250 ----
  		vim.current.line	The current line (RW)		String
  		vim.current.buffer	The current buffer (RO)		Buffer
  		vim.current.window	The current window (RO)		Window
+ 		vim.current.tabpage	The current tab page (RO)	TabPage
  		vim.current.range	The current line range (RO)	Range
  	The last case deserves a little explanation.  When the :python or
*** 375,380 ****
--- 390,397 ----
  Window objects represent vim windows.  You can obtain them in a number of ways:
  	- via vim.current.window (|python-current|)
  	- from indexing (|python-windows|)
+ 	- from indexing "windows" attribute of a tab page (|python-tabpage|)
+ 	- from the "window" attribute of a tab page (|python-tabpage|)
  You can manipulate window objects only through their attributes.  They have no
  methods, and no sequence or other interface.
*** 407,412 ****
--- 424,447 ----
  The width attribute is writable only if the screen is split vertically.
+ 6. Tab page objects					*python-tabpage*
+ Tab page objects represent vim tab pages. You can obtain them in a number of 
+ ways:
+ 	- via vim.current.tabpage (|python-current|)
+ 	- from indexing vim.tabpages (|python-tabpages|)
+ You can use this object to access tab page windows. They have no methods and 
+ no sequence or other interfaces.
+ Tab page attributes are:
+ 	number		The tab page number like the one returned by 
+ 			|tabpagenr()|.
+ 	windows		Like |python-windows|, but for current tab page.
+ 	vars		The tab page |t:| variables.
+ 	window		Current tabpage window.
+ ==============================================================================
  6. pyeval() and py3eval() Vim functions			*python-pyeval*
  To facilitate bi-directional interface, you can use |pyeval()| and |py3eval()| 
*** ../vim-7.3.948/src/if_py_both.h	2013-05-15 14:51:31.000000000 +0200
--- src/if_py_both.h	2013-05-15 15:10:16.000000000 +0200
*** 27,32 ****
--- 27,33 ----
  #define INVALID_BUFFER_VALUE ((buf_T *)(-1))
  #define INVALID_WINDOW_VALUE ((win_T *)(-1))
+ #define INVALID_TABPAGE_VALUE ((tabpage_T *)(-1))
  static int ConvertFromPyObject(PyObject *, typval_T *);
  static int _ConvertFromPyObject(PyObject *, typval_T *, PyObject *);
*** 1579,1584 ****
--- 1580,1734 ----
      (objobjargproc) OptionsAssItem,
+ /* Tabpage object
+  */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+     PyObject_HEAD
+     tabpage_T	*tab;
+ } TabPageObject;
+ static PyObject *WinListNew(TabPageObject *tabObject);
+ static PyTypeObject TabPageType;
+     static int
+ CheckTabPage(TabPageObject *this)
+ {
+     if (this->tab == INVALID_TABPAGE_VALUE)
+     {
+ 	PyErr_SetVim(_("attempt to refer to deleted tab page"));
+ 	return -1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ TabPageNew(tabpage_T *tab)
+ {
+     TabPageObject *self;
+     if (TAB_PYTHON_REF(tab))
+     {
+ 	self = TAB_PYTHON_REF(tab);
+ 	Py_INCREF(self);
+     }
+     else
+     {
+ 	self = PyObject_NEW(TabPageObject, &TabPageType);
+ 	if (self == NULL)
+ 	    return NULL;
+ 	self->tab = tab;
+ 	TAB_PYTHON_REF(tab) = self;
+     }
+     return (PyObject *)(self);
+ }
+     static void
+ TabPageDestructor(PyObject *self)
+ {
+     TabPageObject *this = (TabPageObject *)(self);
+     if (this->tab && this->tab != INVALID_TABPAGE_VALUE)
+ 	TAB_PYTHON_REF(this->tab) = NULL;
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ TabPageAttr(TabPageObject *this, char *name)
+ {
+     if (strcmp(name, "windows") == 0)
+ 	return WinListNew(this);
+     else if (strcmp(name, "number") == 0)
+ 	return PyLong_FromLong((long) get_tab_number(this->tab));
+     else if (strcmp(name, "vars") == 0)
+ 	return DictionaryNew(this->tab->tp_vars);
+     else if (strcmp(name, "window") == 0)
+     {
+ 	/* For current tab window.c does not bother to set or update tp_curwin
+ 	 */
+ 	if (this->tab == curtab)
+ 	    return WindowNew(curwin);
+ 	else
+ 	    return WindowNew(this->tab->tp_curwin);
+     }
+     return NULL;
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ TabPageRepr(PyObject *self)
+ {
+     static char repr[100];
+     TabPageObject *this = (TabPageObject *)(self);
+     if (this->tab == INVALID_TABPAGE_VALUE)
+     {
+ 	vim_snprintf(repr, 100, _("<tabpage object (deleted) at %p>"), (self));
+ 	return PyString_FromString(repr);
+     }
+     else
+     {
+ 	int	t = get_tab_number(this->tab);
+ 	if (t == 0)
+ 	    vim_snprintf(repr, 100, _("<tabpage object (unknown) at %p>"),
+ 								      (self));
+ 	else
+ 	    vim_snprintf(repr, 100, _("<tabpage %d>"), t - 1);
+ 	return PyString_FromString(repr);
+     }
+ }
+ static struct PyMethodDef TabPageMethods[] = {
+     /* name,	    function,		calling,    documentation */
+     { NULL,	    NULL,		0,	    NULL }
+ };
+ /*
+  * Window list object
+  */
+ static PyTypeObject TabListType;
+ static PySequenceMethods TabListAsSeq;
+ typedef struct
+ {
+     PyObject_HEAD
+ } TabListObject;
+     static PyInt
+ TabListLength(PyObject *self UNUSED)
+ {
+     tabpage_T	*tp = first_tabpage;
+     PyInt	n = 0;
+     while (tp != NULL)
+     {
+ 	++n;
+ 	tp = tp->tp_next;
+     }
+     return n;
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ TabListItem(PyObject *self UNUSED, PyInt n)
+ {
+     tabpage_T	*tp;
+     for (tp = first_tabpage; tp != NULL; tp = tp->tp_next, --n)
+ 	if (n == 0)
+ 	    return TabPageNew(tp);
+     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, _("no such tab page"));
+     return NULL;
+ }
  /* Window object
*** 1588,1595 ****
      win_T	*win;
  } WindowObject;
- static int WindowSetattr(PyObject *, char *, PyObject *);
- static PyObject *WindowRepr(PyObject *);
  static PyTypeObject WindowType;
      static int
--- 1738,1743 ----
*** 1681,1687 ****
  	return OptionsNew(SREQ_WIN, this->win, (checkfun) CheckWindow,
  			(PyObject *) this);
      else if (strcmp(name, "number") == 0)
! 	return PyLong_FromLong((long) get_win_number(this->win));
      else if (strcmp(name,"__members__") == 0)
  	return Py_BuildValue("[ssssssss]", "buffer", "cursor", "height", "vars",
  		"options", "number", "row", "col");
--- 1829,1835 ----
  	return OptionsNew(SREQ_WIN, this->win, (checkfun) CheckWindow,
  			(PyObject *) this);
      else if (strcmp(name, "number") == 0)
! 	return PyLong_FromLong((long) get_win_number(this->win, firstwin));
      else if (strcmp(name,"__members__") == 0)
  	return Py_BuildValue("[ssssssss]", "buffer", "cursor", "height", "vars",
  		"options", "number", "row", "col");
*** 1797,1803 ****
! 	int	w = get_win_number(this->win);
  	if (w == 0)
  	    vim_snprintf(repr, 100, _("<window object (unknown) at %p>"),
--- 1945,1951 ----
! 	int	w = get_win_number(this->win, firstwin);
  	if (w == 0)
  	    vim_snprintf(repr, 100, _("<window object (unknown) at %p>"),
*** 1824,1837 ****
  typedef struct
  } WinListObject;
      static PyInt
! WinListLength(PyObject *self UNUSED)
!     win_T	*w = firstwin;
      PyInt	n = 0;
      while (w != NULL)
--- 1972,2030 ----
  typedef struct
+     TabPageObject	*tabObject;
  } WinListObject;
+     static PyObject *
+ WinListNew(TabPageObject *tabObject)
+ {
+     WinListObject	*self;
+     self = PyObject_NEW(WinListObject, &WinListType);
+     self->tabObject = tabObject;
+     Py_INCREF(tabObject);
+     return (PyObject *)(self);
+ }
+     static void
+ WinListDestructor(PyObject *self)
+ {
+     TabPageObject	*tabObject = ((WinListObject *)(self))->tabObject;
+     if (tabObject)
+ 	Py_DECREF((PyObject *)(tabObject));
+ }
+     static win_T *
+ get_firstwin(WinListObject *this)
+ {
+     if (this->tabObject)
+     {
+ 	if (CheckTabPage(this->tabObject))
+ 	    return NULL;
+ 	/* For current tab window.c does not bother to set or update tp_firstwin
+ 	 */
+ 	else if (this->tabObject->tab == curtab)
+ 	    return firstwin;
+ 	else
+ 	    return this->tabObject->tab->tp_firstwin;
+     }
+     else
+ 	return firstwin;
+ }
      static PyInt
! WinListLength(PyObject *self)
!     win_T	*w;
      PyInt	n = 0;
+     if (!(w = get_firstwin((WinListObject *)(self))))
+ 	return -1;
      while (w != NULL)
*** 1842,1852 ****
      static PyObject *
! WinListItem(PyObject *self UNUSED, PyInt n)
      win_T *w;
!     for (w = firstwin; w != NULL; w = W_NEXT(w), --n)
  	if (n == 0)
  	    return WindowNew(w);
--- 2035,2048 ----
      static PyObject *
! WinListItem(PyObject *self, PyInt n)
      win_T *w;
!     if (!(w = get_firstwin((WinListObject *)(self))))
! 	return NULL;
!     for (; w != NULL; w = W_NEXT(w), --n)
  	if (n == 0)
  	    return WindowNew(w);
*** 3018,3029 ****
  	return (PyObject *)BufferNew(curbuf);
      else if (strcmp(name, "window") == 0)
  	return (PyObject *)WindowNew(curwin);
      else if (strcmp(name, "line") == 0)
  	return GetBufferLine(curbuf, (PyInt)curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
      else if (strcmp(name, "range") == 0)
  	return RangeNew(curbuf, RangeStart, RangeEnd);
      else if (strcmp(name,"__members__") == 0)
! 	return Py_BuildValue("[ssss]", "buffer", "window", "line", "range");
  	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, name);
--- 3214,3228 ----
  	return (PyObject *)BufferNew(curbuf);
      else if (strcmp(name, "window") == 0)
  	return (PyObject *)WindowNew(curwin);
+     else if (strcmp(name, "tabpage") == 0)
+ 	return (PyObject *)TabPageNew(curtab);
      else if (strcmp(name, "line") == 0)
  	return GetBufferLine(curbuf, (PyInt)curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
      else if (strcmp(name, "range") == 0)
  	return RangeNew(curbuf, RangeStart, RangeEnd);
      else if (strcmp(name,"__members__") == 0)
! 	return Py_BuildValue("[sssss]", "buffer", "window", "line", "range",
! 		"tabpage");
  	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, name);
*** 3568,3573 ****
--- 3767,3789 ----
      WindowType.tp_setattr = WindowSetattr;
+     vim_memset(&TabPageType, 0, sizeof(TabPageType));
+     TabPageType.tp_name = "vim.tabpage";
+     TabPageType.tp_basicsize = sizeof(TabPageObject);
+     TabPageType.tp_dealloc = TabPageDestructor;
+     TabPageType.tp_repr = TabPageRepr;
+     TabPageType.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT;
+     TabPageType.tp_doc = "vim tab page object";
+     TabPageType.tp_methods = TabPageMethods;
+     TabPageType.tp_getattro = TabPageGetattro;
+     TabPageType.tp_alloc = call_PyType_GenericAlloc;
+     TabPageType.tp_new = call_PyType_GenericNew;
+     TabPageType.tp_free = call_PyObject_Free;
+ #else
+     TabPageType.tp_getattr = TabPageGetattr;
+ #endif
      vim_memset(&BufMapType, 0, sizeof(BufMapType));
      BufMapType.tp_name = "vim.bufferlist";
      BufMapType.tp_basicsize = sizeof(BufMapObject);
*** 3582,3587 ****
--- 3798,3811 ----
      WinListType.tp_as_sequence = &WinListAsSeq;
      WinListType.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT;
      WinListType.tp_doc = "vim window list";
+     WinListType.tp_dealloc = WinListDestructor;
+     vim_memset(&TabListType, 0, sizeof(TabListType));
+     TabListType.tp_name = "vim.tabpagelist";
+     TabListType.tp_basicsize = sizeof(TabListType);
+     TabListType.tp_as_sequence = &TabListAsSeq;
+     TabListType.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT;
+     TabListType.tp_doc = "vim tab page list";
      vim_memset(&RangeType, 0, sizeof(RangeType));
      RangeType.tp_name = "vim.range";
*** ../vim-7.3.948/src/if_python3.c	2013-05-15 14:51:31.000000000 +0200
--- src/if_python3.c	2013-05-15 15:05:04.000000000 +0200
*** 626,631 ****
--- 626,632 ----
  #define WIN_PYTHON_REF(win) win->w_python3_ref
  #define BUF_PYTHON_REF(buf) buf->b_python3_ref
+ #define TAB_PYTHON_REF(tab) tab->tp_python3_ref
      static void
  call_PyObject_Free(void *p)
*** 652,657 ****
--- 653,659 ----
  static PyObject *OutputGetattro(PyObject *, PyObject *);
  static int OutputSetattro(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
  static PyObject *BufferGetattro(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+ static PyObject *TabPageGetattro(PyObject *, PyObject *);
  static PyObject *WindowGetattro(PyObject *, PyObject *);
  static int WindowSetattro(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
  static PyObject *RangeGetattro(PyObject *, PyObject *);
*** 1275,1280 ****
--- 1277,1302 ----
+ /* TabPage object - Implementation
+  */
+     static PyObject *
+ TabPageGetattro(PyObject *self, PyObject *nameobj)
+ {
+     PyObject *r;
+     GET_ATTR_STRING(name, nameobj);
+     if (CheckTabPage((TabPageObject *)(self)))
+ 	return NULL;
+     r = TabPageAttr((TabPageObject *)(self), name);
+     if (r || PyErr_Occurred())
+ 	return r;
+     else
+ 	return PyObject_GenericGetAttr(self, nameobj);
+ }
  /* Window object - Implementation
*** 1303,1308 ****
--- 1325,1346 ----
      return WindowSetattr(self, name, val);
+ /* Tab page list object - Definitions
+  */
+ static PySequenceMethods TabListAsSeq = {
+     (lenfunc)	     TabListLength,	    /* sq_length,    len(x)   */
+     (binaryfunc)     0,			    /* sq_concat,    x+y      */
+     (ssizeargfunc)   0,			    /* sq_repeat,    x*n      */
+     (ssizeargfunc)   TabListItem,	    /* sq_item,      x[i]     */
+     0,					    /* sq_slice,     x[i:j]   */
+     (ssizeobjargproc)0,			    /* sq_as_item,  x[i]=v   */
+     0,					    /* sq_ass_slice, x[i:j]=v */
+     0,					    /* sq_contains */
+     0,					    /* sq_inplace_concat */
+     0,					    /* sq_inplace_repeat */
+ };
  /* Window list object - Definitions
*** 1497,1502 ****
--- 1535,1551 ----
+     void
+ python3_tabpage_free(tabpage_T *tab)
+ {
+     if (TAB_PYTHON_REF(tab) != NULL)
+     {
+ 	TabPageObject *tp = TAB_PYTHON_REF(tab);
+     }
+ }
  static BufMapObject TheBufferMap =
*** 1507,1512 ****
--- 1556,1562 ----
  static WinListObject TheWindowList =
+     NULL
  static CurrentObject TheCurrent =
*** 1514,1519 ****
--- 1564,1574 ----
+ static TabListObject TheTabPageList =
+ {
+     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&TabListType)
+ };
      static PyObject *
*** 1526,1533 ****
--- 1581,1590 ----
+     PyType_Ready(&TabPageType);
+     PyType_Ready(&TabListType);
*** 1551,1556 ****
--- 1608,1615 ----
      PyModule_AddObject(mod, "current", (PyObject *)(void *)&TheCurrent);
      Py_INCREF((PyObject *)(void *)&TheWindowList);
      PyModule_AddObject(mod, "windows", (PyObject *)(void *)&TheWindowList);
+     Py_INCREF((PyObject *)(void *)&TheTabPageList);
+     PyModule_AddObject(mod, "tabpages", (PyObject *)(void *)&TheTabPageList);
      PyModule_AddObject(mod, "vars", DictionaryNew(&globvardict));
      PyModule_AddObject(mod, "vvars", DictionaryNew(&vimvardict));
*** ../vim-7.3.948/src/if_python.c	2013-05-15 14:51:31.000000000 +0200
--- src/if_python.c	2013-05-15 15:05:04.000000000 +0200
*** 624,633 ****
--- 624,635 ----
  #define WIN_PYTHON_REF(win) win->w_python_ref
  #define BUF_PYTHON_REF(buf) buf->b_python_ref
+ #define TAB_PYTHON_REF(tab) tab->tp_python_ref
  static PyObject *OutputGetattr(PyObject *, char *);
  static PyObject *BufferGetattr(PyObject *, char *);
  static PyObject *WindowGetattr(PyObject *, char *);
+ static PyObject *TabPageGetattr(PyObject *, char *);
  static PyObject *RangeGetattr(PyObject *, char *);
  static PyObject *DictionaryGetattr(PyObject *, char*);
  static PyObject *ListGetattr(PyObject *, char *);
*** 1137,1142 ****
--- 1139,1162 ----
  		      &((RangeObject *)(self))->end);
+ /* TabPage object - Implementation
+  */
+     static PyObject *
+ TabPageGetattr(PyObject *self, char *name)
+ {
+     PyObject *r;
+     if (CheckTabPage((TabPageObject *)(self)))
+ 	return NULL;
+     r = TabPageAttr((TabPageObject *)(self), name);
+     if (r || PyErr_Occurred())
+ 	return r;
+     else
+ 	return Py_FindMethod(TabPageMethods, self, name);
+ }
  /* Window object - Implementation
*** 1155,1160 ****
--- 1175,1198 ----
  	return Py_FindMethod(WindowMethods, self, name);
+ /* Tab page list object - Definitions
+  */
+ static PySequenceMethods TabListAsSeq = {
+     (PyInquiry)		TabListLength,	    /* sq_length,    len(x)   */
+     (binaryfunc)	0,		    /* sq_concat,    x+y      */
+     (PyIntArgFunc)	0,		    /* sq_repeat,    x*n      */
+     (PyIntArgFunc)	TabListItem,	    /* sq_item,      x[i]     */
+     (PyIntIntArgFunc)	0,		    /* sq_slice,     x[i:j]   */
+     (PyIntObjArgProc)	0,		    /* sq_ass_item,  x[i]=v   */
+     (PyIntIntObjArgProc) 0,		    /* sq_ass_slice, x[i:j]=v */
+     (objobjproc)	0,
+     (binaryfunc)	0,
+     0,
+ #endif
+ };
  /* Window list object - Definitions
*** 1198,1203 ****
--- 1236,1252 ----
+     void
+ python_tabpage_free(tabpage_T *tab)
+ {
+     if (TAB_PYTHON_REF(tab) != NULL)
+     {
+ 	TabPageObject *tp = TAB_PYTHON_REF(tab);
+     }
+ }
  static BufMapObject TheBufferMap =
*** 1208,1213 ****
--- 1257,1263 ----
  static WinListObject TheWindowList =
+     NULL
  static CurrentObject TheCurrent =
*** 1215,1220 ****
--- 1265,1275 ----
+ static TabListObject TheTabPageList =
+ {
+     PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&TabListType)
+ };
      static int
*** 1229,1236 ****
--- 1284,1293 ----
+     PyType_Ready(&TabPageType);
+     PyType_Ready(&TabListType);
*** 1246,1251 ****
--- 1303,1309 ----
      PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "buffers", (PyObject *)(void *)&TheBufferMap);
      PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "current", (PyObject *)(void *)&TheCurrent);
      PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "windows", (PyObject *)(void *)&TheWindowList);
+     PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "tabpages", (PyObject *)(void *)&TheTabPageList);
      tmp = DictionaryNew(&globvardict);
      PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "vars",    tmp);
*** ../vim-7.3.948/src/proto/	2012-06-29 12:54:32.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/	2013-05-15 15:05:04.000000000 +0200
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,12 ----
  void ex_py3file __ARGS((exarg_T *eap));
  void python3_buffer_free __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
  void python3_window_free __ARGS((win_T *win));
+ void python3_tabpage_free __ARGS((tabpage_T *tab));
  void do_py3eval __ARGS((char_u *str, typval_T *rettv));
  void set_ref_in_python3 __ARGS((int copyID));
  /* vim: set ft=c : */
*** ../vim-7.3.948/src/proto/	2012-06-29 12:54:32.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/	2013-05-15 15:05:04.000000000 +0200
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,12 ----
  void ex_pyfile __ARGS((exarg_T *eap));
  void python_buffer_free __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
  void python_window_free __ARGS((win_T *win));
+ void python_tabpage_free __ARGS((tabpage_T *tab));
  void do_pyeval __ARGS((char_u *str, typval_T *rettv));
  void set_ref_in_python __ARGS((int copyID));
  /* vim: set ft=c : */
*** ../vim-7.3.948/src/proto/	2013-05-12 19:00:36.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/	2013-05-15 15:05:04.000000000 +0200
*** 74,78 ****
  int match_delete __ARGS((win_T *wp, int id, int perr));
  void clear_matches __ARGS((win_T *wp));
  matchitem_T *get_match __ARGS((win_T *wp, int id));
! int get_win_number __ARGS((win_T *wp));
  /* vim: set ft=c : */
--- 74,79 ----
  int match_delete __ARGS((win_T *wp, int id, int perr));
  void clear_matches __ARGS((win_T *wp));
  matchitem_T *get_match __ARGS((win_T *wp, int id));
! int get_win_number __ARGS((win_T *wp, win_T *first_win));
! int get_tab_number __ARGS((tabpage_T *tp));
  /* vim: set ft=c : */
*** ../vim-7.3.948/src/structs.h	2013-05-06 04:21:35.000000000 +0200
--- src/structs.h	2013-05-15 15:05:04.000000000 +0200
*** 1759,1764 ****
--- 1759,1772 ----
      dictitem_T	    tp_winvar;	    /* variable for "t:" Dictionary */
      dict_T	    *tp_vars;	    /* internal variables, local to tab page */
+ #ifdef FEAT_PYTHON
+     void	    *tp_python_ref;	/* The Python value for this tab page */
+ #endif
+ #ifdef FEAT_PYTHON3
+     void	    *tp_python3_ref;	/* The Python value for this tab page */
+ #endif
*** ../vim-7.3.948/src/window.c	2013-05-12 19:00:36.000000000 +0200
--- src/window.c	2013-05-15 15:05:04.000000000 +0200
*** 3510,3515 ****
--- 3510,3524 ----
+ #ifdef FEAT_PYTHON
+     python_tabpage_free(tp);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef FEAT_PYTHON3
+     python3_tabpage_free(tp);
+ #endif
*** 6734,6750 ****
  #if defined(FEAT_PYTHON) || defined(FEAT_PYTHON3) || defined(PROTO)
! get_win_number(win_T *wp)
      int		i = 1;
      win_T	*w;
!     for (w = firstwin; w != NULL && w != wp; w = W_NEXT(w))
      if (w == NULL)
  	return 0;
  	return i;
--- 6743,6774 ----
  #if defined(FEAT_PYTHON) || defined(FEAT_PYTHON3) || defined(PROTO)
! get_win_number(win_T *wp, win_T *first_win)
      int		i = 1;
      win_T	*w;
!     for (w = first_win; w != NULL && w != wp; w = W_NEXT(w))
      if (w == NULL)
  	return 0;
  	return i;
+ }
+     int
+ get_tab_number(tabpage_T *tp)
+ {
+     int		i = 1;
+     tabpage_T	*t;
+     for (t = first_tabpage; t != NULL && t != tp; t = t->tp_next)
+ 	++i;
+     if (t == NULL)
+ 	return 0;
+     else
+ 	return i;
*** ../vim-7.3.948/src/version.c	2013-05-15 14:51:31.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2013-05-15 15:06:37.000000000 +0200
*** 730,731 ****
--- 730,733 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     949,

BLACK KNIGHT:  Come on you pansy!
    [hah] [parry thrust]
    [ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's right arm off]
ARTHUR:        Victory is mine!  [kneeling]
               We thank thee Lord, that in thy merc-
    [Black Knight kicks Arthur in the head while he is praying]
                                  The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///