Subject: Patch 7.4.717
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Patch 7.4.717
Problem:    ":let list += list" can change a locked list.
Solution:   Check for the lock earlier. (Olaf Dabrunz)
Files:      src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok

*** ../vim-7.4.716/src/eval.c	2015-04-21 16:48:55.028917216 +0200
--- src/eval.c	2015-05-04 11:06:30.878541202 +0200
*** 783,789 ****
  static char_u * make_expanded_name __ARGS((char_u *in_start, char_u *expr_start, char_u *expr_end, char_u *in_end));
  static int eval_isnamec __ARGS((int c));
  static int eval_isnamec1 __ARGS((int c));
! static int get_var_tv __ARGS((char_u *name, int len, typval_T *rettv, int verbose, int no_autoload));
  static int handle_subscript __ARGS((char_u **arg, typval_T *rettv, int evaluate, int verbose));
  static typval_T *alloc_tv __ARGS((void));
  static typval_T *alloc_string_tv __ARGS((char_u *string));
--- 783,789 ----
  static char_u * make_expanded_name __ARGS((char_u *in_start, char_u *expr_start, char_u *expr_end, char_u *in_end));
  static int eval_isnamec __ARGS((int c));
  static int eval_isnamec1 __ARGS((int c));
! static int get_var_tv __ARGS((char_u *name, int len, typval_T *rettv, dictitem_T **dip, int verbose, int no_autoload));
  static int handle_subscript __ARGS((char_u **arg, typval_T *rettv, int evaluate, int verbose));
  static typval_T *alloc_tv __ARGS((void));
  static typval_T *alloc_string_tv __ARGS((char_u *string));
*** 2257,2263 ****
  		if (tofree != NULL)
  		    name = tofree;
! 		if (get_var_tv(name, len, &tv, TRUE, FALSE) == FAIL)
  		    error = TRUE;
--- 2257,2263 ----
  		if (tofree != NULL)
  		    name = tofree;
! 		if (get_var_tv(name, len, &tv, NULL, TRUE, FALSE) == FAIL)
  		    error = TRUE;
*** 2926,2935 ****
  		typval_T tv;
  		/* handle +=, -= and .= */
  		if (get_var_tv(lp->ll_name, (int)STRLEN(lp->ll_name),
! 						      &tv, TRUE, FALSE) == OK)
! 		    if (tv_op(&tv, rettv, op) == OK)
  			set_var(lp->ll_name, &tv, FALSE);
--- 2926,2940 ----
  		typval_T tv;
  		/* handle +=, -= and .= */
+ 		di = NULL;
  		if (get_var_tv(lp->ll_name, (int)STRLEN(lp->ll_name),
! 						 &tv, &di, TRUE, FALSE) == OK)
! 		    if ((di == NULL
! 			   || (!var_check_ro(di->di_flags, lp->ll_name, FALSE)
! 			      && !tv_check_lock(di->di_tv.v_lock, lp->ll_name,
! 								      FALSE)))
! 			    && tv_op(&tv, rettv, op) == OK)
  			set_var(lp->ll_name, &tv, FALSE);
*** 5246,5252 ****
  	    else if (evaluate)
! 		ret = get_var_tv(s, len, rettv, TRUE, FALSE);
  		ret = OK;
--- 5251,5257 ----
  	    else if (evaluate)
! 		ret = get_var_tv(s, len, rettv, NULL, TRUE, FALSE);
  		ret = OK;
*** 10375,10381 ****
  	    if (tofree != NULL)
  		name = tofree;
! 	    n = (get_var_tv(name, len, &tv, FALSE, TRUE) == OK);
  	    if (n)
  		/* handle d.key, l[idx], f(expr) */
--- 10380,10386 ----
  	    if (tofree != NULL)
  		name = tofree;
! 	    n = (get_var_tv(name, len, &tv, NULL, FALSE, TRUE) == OK);
  	    if (n)
  		/* handle d.key, l[idx], f(expr) */
*** 20646,20655 ****
   * Return OK or FAIL.
      static int
! get_var_tv(name, len, rettv, verbose, no_autoload)
      char_u	*name;
      int		len;		/* length of "name" */
      typval_T	*rettv;		/* NULL when only checking existence */
      int		verbose;	/* may give error message */
      int		no_autoload;	/* do not use script autoloading */
--- 20651,20661 ----
   * Return OK or FAIL.
      static int
! get_var_tv(name, len, rettv, dip, verbose, no_autoload)
      char_u	*name;
      int		len;		/* length of "name" */
      typval_T	*rettv;		/* NULL when only checking existence */
+     dictitem_T	**dip;		/* non-NULL when typval's dict item is needed */
      int		verbose;	/* may give error message */
      int		no_autoload;	/* do not use script autoloading */
*** 20680,20686 ****
--- 20686,20696 ----
  	v = find_var(name, NULL, no_autoload);
  	if (v != NULL)
+ 	{
  	    tv = &v->di_tv;
+ 	    if (dip != NULL)
+ 		*dip = v;
+ 	}
      if (tv == NULL)
*** 21474,21481 ****
! 	 * Handle setting internal v: variables separately: we don't change
! 	 * the type.
  	if (ht == &vimvarht)
--- 21484,21491 ----
! 	 * Handle setting internal v: variables separately where needed to
! 	 * prevent changing the type.
  	if (ht == &vimvarht)
*** 21490,21499 ****
  		    v->di_tv.vval.v_string = tv->vval.v_string;
  		    tv->vval.v_string = NULL;
! 	    else if (v->di_tv.v_type != VAR_NUMBER)
! 		EMSG2(_(e_intern2), "set_var()");
! 	    else
  		v->di_tv.vval.v_number = get_tv_number(tv);
  		if (STRCMP(varname, "searchforward") == 0)
--- 21500,21508 ----
  		    v->di_tv.vval.v_string = tv->vval.v_string;
  		    tv->vval.v_string = NULL;
+ 		return;
! 	    else if (v->di_tv.v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
  		v->di_tv.vval.v_number = get_tv_number(tv);
  		if (STRCMP(varname, "searchforward") == 0)
*** 21505,21512 ****
! 	    return;
--- 21514,21523 ----
+ 		return;
! 	    else if (v->di_tv.v_type != tv->v_type)
! 		EMSG2(_(e_intern2), "set_var()");
*** ../vim-7.4.716/src/testdir/	2015-04-13 16:16:31.225091428 +0200
--- src/testdir/	2015-05-04 10:52:25.892071486 +0200
*** 442,447 ****
--- 442,458 ----
  :unlockvar 1 b:
  :unlet! b:testvar
+ :$put ='No :let += of locked list variable:'
+ :let l = ['a', 'b', 3]
+ :lockvar 1 l
+ :try
+ :  let l += ['x']
+ :  $put ='did :let +='
+ :catch
+ :  $put =v:exception[:14]
+ :endtry
+ :$put =string(l)
+ :"
  :unlet l
  :let l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
  :lockvar! l
*** ../vim-7.4.716/src/testdir/test55.ok	2015-04-13 16:16:31.225091428 +0200
--- src/testdir/test55.ok	2015-05-04 10:52:25.892071486 +0200
*** 144,149 ****
--- 144,152 ----
  No :unlet of variable in locked scope:
+ No :let += of locked list variable:
+ Vim(let):E741: 
+ ['a', 'b', 3]
  [1, 2, 3, 4]
  [1, 2, 3, 4]
  [1, 2, 3, 4]
*** ../vim-7.4.716/src/version.c	2015-05-04 10:45:57.292481564 +0200
--- src/version.c	2015-05-04 10:52:38.743925636 +0200
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     717,

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no
account be allowed to do the job.
		-- Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///