Subject: Patch 7.2.179
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.179
Problem:    Using negative value for device number might not work.
Solution:   Use a separate flag for whether sn_dev was set.
Files:	    src/ex_cmds2.c

*** ../vim-7.2.178/src/ex_cmds2.c	2009-05-14 22:19:19.000000000 +0200
--- src/ex_cmds2.c	2009-05-16 21:13:29.000000000 +0200
*** 28,34 ****
      char_u	*sn_name;
  # ifdef UNIX
!     int		sn_dev;
      ino_t	sn_ino;
  # endif
  # ifdef FEAT_PROFILE
--- 28,35 ----
      char_u	*sn_name;
  # ifdef UNIX
!     int		sn_dev_valid;
!     dev_t	sn_dev;
      ino_t	sn_ino;
  # endif
  # ifdef FEAT_PROFILE
*** 3049,3055 ****
  		    /* Compare dev/ino when possible, it catches symbolic
  		     * links.  Also compare file names, the inode may change
  		     * when the file was edited. */
! 		    ((stat_ok && si->sn_dev != -1)
  			&& (si->sn_dev == st.st_dev
  			    && si->sn_ino == st.st_ino)) ||
  # endif
--- 3050,3056 ----
  		    /* Compare dev/ino when possible, it catches symbolic
  		     * links.  Also compare file names, the inode may change
  		     * when the file was edited. */
! 		    ((stat_ok && si->sn_dev_valid)
  			&& (si->sn_dev == st.st_dev
  			    && si->sn_ino == st.st_ino)) ||
  # endif
*** 3076,3086 ****
  # ifdef UNIX
  	if (stat_ok)
  	    si->sn_dev = st.st_dev;
  	    si->sn_ino = st.st_ino;
! 	    si->sn_dev = -1;
  # endif
  	/* Allocate the local script variables to use for this script. */
--- 3077,3088 ----
  # ifdef UNIX
  	if (stat_ok)
+ 	    si->sn_dev_valid = TRUE;
  	    si->sn_dev = st.st_dev;
  	    si->sn_ino = st.st_ino;
! 	    si->sn_dev_valid = FALSE;
  # endif
  	/* Allocate the local script variables to use for this script. */
*** ../vim-7.2.178/src/version.c	2009-05-16 21:06:36.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2009-05-16 21:15:08.000000000 +0200
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     179,

(letter from Mark to Mike, about the film's probable certificate)
      I would like to get back to the Censor and agree to lose the shits, take
      the odd Jesus Christ out and lose Oh fuck off, but to retain 'fart in
      your general direction', 'castanets of your testicles' and 'oral sex'
      and ask him for an 'A' rating on that basis.
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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