Subject: Patch 7.1.219
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From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.219 (after 7.1.215)
Problem:    synstack() returns situation after the current character, can't
	    see the state for a one-character region.
Solution:   Don't update ending states in the requested column.
Files:	    runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/hardcopy.c,
	    src/proto/, src/screen.c, src/spell.c, src/syntax.c

*** ../vim-7.1.218/runtime/doc/eval.txt	Thu Jan 10 22:23:22 2008
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt	Fri Jan 11 22:04:59 2008
*** 1,4 ****
! *eval.txt*      For Vim version 7.1.  Last change: 2008 Jan 10
  		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
--- 1,4 ----
! *eval.txt*      For Vim version 7.1.  Last change: 2008 Jan 11
  		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
*** 4967,4976 ****
  		Return a |List|, which is the stack of syntax items at the
  		position {lnum} and {col} in the current window.  Each item in
  		the List is an ID like what |synID()| returns.
- 		The stack is the situation in between the character at "col"
- 		and the next character.  Note that a region of only one
- 		character will not show up, it only exists inside that
- 		character, not in between characters.
  		The first item in the List is the outer region, following are
  		items contained in that one.  The last one is what |synID()|
  		returns, unless not the whole item is highlighted or it is a
--- 4970,4975 ----
*** ../vim-7.1.218/src/eval.c	Thu Jan 10 22:23:22 2008
--- src/eval.c	Fri Jan 11 21:46:12 2008
*** 15725,15731 ****
      if (!transerr && lnum >= 1 && lnum <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count
  	    && col >= 0 && col < (long)STRLEN(ml_get(lnum)))
! 	id = syn_get_id(curwin, lnum, (colnr_T)col, trans, NULL);
      rettv->vval.v_number = id;
--- 15725,15731 ----
      if (!transerr && lnum >= 1 && lnum <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count
  	    && col >= 0 && col < (long)STRLEN(ml_get(lnum)))
! 	id = syn_get_id(curwin, lnum, (colnr_T)col, trans, NULL, FALSE);
      rettv->vval.v_number = id;
*** 15874,15880 ****
  	    && col >= 0 && col < (long)STRLEN(ml_get(lnum))
  	    && rettv_list_alloc(rettv) != FAIL)
! 	(void)syn_get_id(curwin, lnum, (colnr_T)col, FALSE, NULL);
  	for (i = 0; ; ++i)
  	    id = syn_get_stack_item(i);
--- 15874,15880 ----
  	    && col >= 0 && col < (long)STRLEN(ml_get(lnum))
  	    && rettv_list_alloc(rettv) != FAIL)
! 	(void)syn_get_id(curwin, lnum, (colnr_T)col, FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
  	for (i = 0; ; ++i)
  	    id = syn_get_stack_item(i);
*** ../vim-7.1.218/src/hardcopy.c	Thu May 10 20:40:02 2007
--- src/hardcopy.c	Fri Jan 11 21:46:20 2008
*** 876,882 ****
  	if (psettings->do_syntax)
! 	    id = syn_get_id(curwin, ppos->file_line, col, 1, NULL);
  	    if (id > 0)
  		id = syn_get_final_id(id);
--- 876,882 ----
  	if (psettings->do_syntax)
! 	    id = syn_get_id(curwin, ppos->file_line, col, 1, NULL, FALSE);
  	    if (id > 0)
  		id = syn_get_final_id(id);
*** ../vim-7.1.218/src/proto/	Thu Jan 10 22:23:22 2008
--- src/proto/	Fri Jan 11 21:54:19 2008
*** 4,10 ****
  void syn_stack_apply_changes __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
  void syntax_end_parsing __ARGS((linenr_T lnum));
  int syntax_check_changed __ARGS((linenr_T lnum));
! int get_syntax_attr __ARGS((colnr_T col, int *can_spell));
  void syntax_clear __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
  void ex_syntax __ARGS((exarg_T *eap));
  int syntax_present __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
--- 4,10 ----
  void syn_stack_apply_changes __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
  void syntax_end_parsing __ARGS((linenr_T lnum));
  int syntax_check_changed __ARGS((linenr_T lnum));
! int get_syntax_attr __ARGS((colnr_T col, int *can_spell, int keep_state));
  void syntax_clear __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
  void ex_syntax __ARGS((exarg_T *eap));
  int syntax_present __ARGS((buf_T *buf));
*** 12,18 ****
  void set_context_in_echohl_cmd __ARGS((expand_T *xp, char_u *arg));
  void set_context_in_syntax_cmd __ARGS((expand_T *xp, char_u *arg));
  char_u *get_syntax_name __ARGS((expand_T *xp, int idx));
! int syn_get_id __ARGS((win_T *wp, long lnum, colnr_T col, int trans, int *spellp));
  int syn_get_stack_item __ARGS((int i));
  int syn_get_foldlevel __ARGS((win_T *wp, long lnum));
  void init_highlight __ARGS((int both, int reset));
--- 12,18 ----
  void set_context_in_echohl_cmd __ARGS((expand_T *xp, char_u *arg));
  void set_context_in_syntax_cmd __ARGS((expand_T *xp, char_u *arg));
  char_u *get_syntax_name __ARGS((expand_T *xp, int idx));
! int syn_get_id __ARGS((win_T *wp, long lnum, colnr_T col, int trans, int *spellp, int keep_state));
  int syn_get_stack_item __ARGS((int i));
  int syn_get_foldlevel __ARGS((win_T *wp, long lnum));
  void init_highlight __ARGS((int both, int reset));
*** ../vim-7.1.218/src/screen.c	Thu Nov  8 21:23:34 2007
--- src/screen.c	Fri Jan 11 21:48:10 2008
*** 3885,3891 ****
  # ifdef FEAT_SPELL
  					       has_spell ? &can_spell :
  # endif
! 					       NULL);
  		    if (did_emsg)
--- 3885,3891 ----
  # ifdef FEAT_SPELL
  					       has_spell ? &can_spell :
  # endif
! 					       NULL, FALSE);
  		    if (did_emsg)
*** ../vim-7.1.218/src/spell.c	Sun Aug  5 18:32:21 2007
--- src/spell.c	Fri Jan 11 21:46:50 2008
*** 2146,2152 ****
  			    col = (int)(p - buf);
  			    (void)syn_get_id(wp, lnum, (colnr_T)col,
! 						       FALSE, &can_spell);
  			    if (!can_spell)
  				attr = HLF_COUNT;
--- 2146,2152 ----
  			    col = (int)(p - buf);
  			    (void)syn_get_id(wp, lnum, (colnr_T)col,
! 						    FALSE, &can_spell, FALSE);
  			    if (!can_spell)
  				attr = HLF_COUNT;
*** ../vim-7.1.218/src/syntax.c	Fri Jan 11 21:26:49 2008
--- src/syntax.c	Sat Jan 12 16:42:25 2008
*** 378,384 ****
  static int syn_stack_equal __ARGS((synstate_T *sp));
  static void validate_current_state __ARGS((void));
  static int syn_finish_line __ARGS((int syncing));
! static int syn_current_attr __ARGS((int syncing, int displaying, int *can_spell));
  static int did_match_already __ARGS((int idx, garray_T *gap));
  static stateitem_T *push_next_match __ARGS((stateitem_T *cur_si));
  static void check_state_ends __ARGS((void));
--- 378,384 ----
  static int syn_stack_equal __ARGS((synstate_T *sp));
  static void validate_current_state __ARGS((void));
  static int syn_finish_line __ARGS((int syncing));
! static int syn_current_attr __ARGS((int syncing, int displaying, int *can_spell, int keep_state));
  static int did_match_already __ARGS((int idx, garray_T *gap));
  static stateitem_T *push_next_match __ARGS((stateitem_T *cur_si));
  static void check_state_ends __ARGS((void));
*** 1691,1697 ****
  	while (!current_finished)
! 	    (void)syn_current_attr(syncing, FALSE, NULL);
  	     * When syncing, and found some item, need to check the item.
--- 1690,1696 ----
  	while (!current_finished)
! 	    (void)syn_current_attr(syncing, FALSE, NULL, FALSE);
  	     * When syncing, and found some item, need to check the item.
*** 1731,1739 ****
   * done.
! get_syntax_attr(col, can_spell)
      colnr_T	col;
      int		*can_spell;
      int	    attr = 0;
--- 1730,1739 ----
   * done.
! get_syntax_attr(col, can_spell, keep_state)
      colnr_T	col;
      int		*can_spell;
+     int		keep_state;	/* keep state of char at "col" */
      int	    attr = 0;
*** 1768,1774 ****
      while (current_col <= col)
! 	attr = syn_current_attr(FALSE, TRUE, can_spell);
--- 1768,1775 ----
      while (current_col <= col)
! 	attr = syn_current_attr(FALSE, TRUE, can_spell,
! 				     current_col == col ? keep_state : FALSE);
*** 1779,1788 ****
   * Get syntax attributes for current_lnum, current_col.
      static int
! syn_current_attr(syncing, displaying, can_spell)
      int		syncing;		/* When 1: called for syncing */
      int		displaying;		/* result will be displayed */
      int		*can_spell;		/* return: do spell checking */
      int		syn_id;
      lpos_T	endpos;		/* was: char_u *endp; */
--- 1780,1790 ----
   * Get syntax attributes for current_lnum, current_col.
      static int
! syn_current_attr(syncing, displaying, can_spell, keep_state)
      int		syncing;		/* When 1: called for syncing */
      int		displaying;		/* result will be displayed */
      int		*can_spell;		/* return: do spell checking */
+     int		keep_state;		/* keep syntax stack afterwards */
      int		syn_id;
      lpos_T	endpos;		/* was: char_u *endp; */
*** 2298,2304 ****
  	 * may be for an empty match and a containing item might end in the
  	 * current column.
! 	if (!syncing)
  	    if (current_state.ga_len > 0
--- 2300,2306 ----
  	 * may be for an empty match and a containing item might end in the
  	 * current column.
! 	if (!syncing && !keep_state)
  	    if (current_state.ga_len > 0
*** 6086,6097 ****
   * Function called for expression evaluation: get syntax ID at file position.
! syn_get_id(wp, lnum, col, trans, spellp)
      win_T	*wp;
      long	lnum;
      colnr_T	col;
!     int		trans;	    /* remove transparancy */
!     int		*spellp;    /* return: can do spell checking */
      /* When the position is not after the current position and in the same
       * line of the same buffer, need to restart parsing. */
--- 6088,6100 ----
   * Function called for expression evaluation: get syntax ID at file position.
! syn_get_id(wp, lnum, col, trans, spellp, keep_state)
      win_T	*wp;
      long	lnum;
      colnr_T	col;
!     int		trans;	     /* remove transparancy */
!     int		*spellp;     /* return: can do spell checking */
!     int		keep_state;  /* keep state of char at "col" */
      /* When the position is not after the current position and in the same
       * line of the same buffer, need to restart parsing. */
*** 6100,6106 ****
  	    || col < current_col)
  	syntax_start(wp, lnum);
!     (void)get_syntax_attr(col, spellp);
      return (trans ? current_trans_id : current_id);
--- 6103,6109 ----
  	    || col < current_col)
  	syntax_start(wp, lnum);
!     (void)get_syntax_attr(col, spellp, keep_state);
      return (trans ? current_trans_id : current_id);
*** 6115,6122 ****
      int i;
!     if (i >= current_state.ga_len )
  	return -1;
      return CUR_STATE(i).si_id;
--- 6118,6131 ----
      int i;
!     if (i >= current_state.ga_len)
!     {
! 	/* Need to invalidate the state, because we didn't properly finish it
! 	 * for the last character, "keep_state" was TRUE. */
! 	invalidate_current_state();
! 	current_col = MAXCOL;
  	return -1;
+     }
      return CUR_STATE(i).si_id;
*** ../vim-7.1.218/src/version.c	Fri Jan 11 21:26:49 2008
--- src/version.c	Sat Jan 12 16:40:47 2008
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     219,

ARTHUR: Go on, Bors, chop its head off.
BORS:   Right.  Silly little bleeder.  One rabbit stew coming up.
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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