Subject: Patch 7.0.156
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Patch 7.0.156 (extra)
Problem:    Vim doesn't compile for Amiga OS 4.
Solution:   Various changes for Amiga OS4. (Peter Bengtsson)
Files:	    src/feature.h, src/mbyte.c, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c,
	    src/os_amiga.c, src/os_amiga.h, src/pty.c

*** ../vim-7.0.155/src/feature.h	Thu Apr 27 01:54:09 2006
--- src/feature.h	Wed Nov  1 17:52:54 2006
*** 1133,1139 ****
   * +ARP			Amiga only. Use arp.library, DOS 2.0 is not required.
! #ifndef NO_ARP
  # define FEAT_ARP
--- 1133,1139 ----
   * +ARP			Amiga only. Use arp.library, DOS 2.0 is not required.
! #if !defined(NO_ARP) && !defined(__amigaos4__)
  # define FEAT_ARP
*** ../vim-7.0.155/src/mbyte.c	Tue Aug 29 17:28:56 2006
--- src/mbyte.c	Wed Nov  1 17:52:54 2006
*** 667,673 ****
  	     * API */
  	    n = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(enc_dbcs, (BYTE)i) ? 2 : 1;
! # ifdef MACOS
  	     * if mblen() is not available, character which MSB is turned on
  	     * are treated as leading byte character. (note : This assumption
--- 667,673 ----
  	     * API */
  	    n = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(enc_dbcs, (BYTE)i) ? 2 : 1;
! # if defined(MACOS) || defined(__amigaos4__)
  	     * if mblen() is not available, character which MSB is turned on
  	     * are treated as leading byte character. (note : This assumption
*** ../vim-7.0.155/src/memfile.c	Tue Sep 26 13:49:41 2006
--- src/memfile.c	Wed Nov  1 17:52:54 2006
*** 655,661 ****
  # endif
  #ifdef AMIGA
! # ifdef __AROS__
  	if (fsync(mfp->mf_fd) != 0)
  	    status = FAIL;
  # else
--- 655,661 ----
  # endif
  #ifdef AMIGA
! # if defined(__AROS__) || defined(__amigaos4__)
  	if (fsync(mfp->mf_fd) != 0)
  	    status = FAIL;
  # else
*** ../vim-7.0.155/src/memline.c	Tue Oct 10 21:56:37 2006
--- src/memline.c	Wed Nov  1 17:52:54 2006
*** 55,64 ****
  # include <time.h>
! #ifdef SASC
  # include <proto/dos.h>	    /* for Open() and Close() */
  typedef struct block0		ZERO_BL;    /* contents of the first block */
  typedef struct pointer_block	PTR_BL;	    /* contents of a pointer block */
  typedef struct data_block	DATA_BL;    /* contents of a data block */
--- 55,68 ----
  # include <time.h>
! #if defined(SASC) || defined(__amigaos4__)
  # include <proto/dos.h>	    /* for Open() and Close() */
+ #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H
+ # include <errno.h>
+ #endif
  typedef struct block0		ZERO_BL;    /* contents of the first block */
  typedef struct pointer_block	PTR_BL;	    /* contents of a pointer block */
  typedef struct data_block	DATA_BL;    /* contents of a data block */
*** 4481,4487 ****
      curchnk = buf->b_ml.ml_chunksize + curix;
      if (updtype == ML_CHNK_DELLINE)
! 	len *= -1;
      curchnk->mlcs_totalsize += len;
      if (updtype == ML_CHNK_ADDLINE)
--- 4485,4491 ----
      curchnk = buf->b_ml.ml_chunksize + curix;
      if (updtype == ML_CHNK_DELLINE)
! 	len = -len;
      curchnk->mlcs_totalsize += len;
      if (updtype == ML_CHNK_ADDLINE)
*** ../vim-7.0.155/src/os_amiga.c	Thu Sep 14 21:36:35 2006
--- src/os_amiga.c	Wed Nov  1 18:09:46 2006
*** 30,49 ****
  # include <exec/types.h>
  # include <exec/exec.h>
  # include <libraries/dos.h>
- # include <libraries/dosextens.h>
  # include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #else
- # include <proto/dos.h>
- # include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- # include <proto/intuition.h>
- # include <proto/exec.h>
  #include <exec/memory.h>
  #include <dos/dostags.h>	    /* for 2.0 functions */
  #include <dos/dosasl.h>
  #if defined(LATTICE) && !defined(SASC) && defined(FEAT_ARP)
  # include <libraries/arp_pragmas.h>
--- 30,60 ----
  # include <exec/types.h>
  # include <exec/exec.h>
  # include <libraries/dos.h>
  # include <intuition/intuition.h>
+ /* XXX These are included from os_amiga.h
+ #include <proto/exec.h>
+ #include <proto/dos.h>
+ #include <proto/intuition.h>
+ */
  #include <exec/memory.h>
+ #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
  #include <dos/dostags.h>	    /* for 2.0 functions */
  #include <dos/dosasl.h>
+ /* From version 4 of AmigaOS, several system structures must be allocated
+  * and freed using system functions. "struct AnchorPath" is one.
+  */
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+ # include <dos/anchorpath.h>
+ # define	free_fib(x) FreeDosObject(DOS_FIB, x)
+ #else
+ # define	free_fib(x) vim_free(fib)
+ #endif
  #if defined(LATTICE) && !defined(SASC) && defined(FEAT_ARP)
  # include <libraries/arp_pragmas.h>
*** 56,62 ****
  #undef	FALSE
  #define FALSE (0)
! #if !defined(AZTEC_C) && !defined(__AROS__)
  static long dos_packet __ARGS((struct MsgPort *, long, long));
  static int lock2name __ARGS((BPTR lock, char_u *buf, long   len));
--- 67,75 ----
  #undef	FALSE
  #define FALSE (0)
! #ifdef __amigaos4__
! # define	dos_packet(a, b, c)   DoPkt(a, b, c, 0, 0, 0, 0)
! #elif !defined(AZTEC_C) && !defined(__AROS__)
  static long dos_packet __ARGS((struct MsgPort *, long, long));
  static int lock2name __ARGS((BPTR lock, char_u *buf, long   len));
*** 68,74 ****
--- 81,89 ----
  static BPTR		raw_out = (BPTR)NULL;
  static int		close_win = FALSE;  /* set if Vim opened the window */
+ #ifndef __amigaos4__	/* Use autoopen for AmigaOS4 */
  struct IntuitionBase	*IntuitionBase = NULL;
+ #endif
  #ifdef FEAT_ARP
  struct ArpBase		*ArpBase = NULL;
*** 186,194 ****
--- 201,217 ----
      int	    special;
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+     return (long_u)AvailMem(MEMF_ANY);
+ #else
      return (long_u)AvailMem(special ? (long)MEMF_CHIP : (long)MEMF_ANY);
+ #endif
+ /*
+  * Waits a specified amount of time, or until input arrives if
+  * ignoreinput is FALSE.
+  */
  mch_delay(msec, ignoreinput)
      long    msec;
*** 252,257 ****
--- 275,281 ----
      wb_window = NULL;
+ #ifndef __amigaos4__
      if ((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
  				OpenLibrary((UBYTE *)intlibname, 0L)) == NULL)
*** 260,265 ****
--- 284,290 ----
+ #endif
  #include <workbench/startup.h>
*** 284,290 ****
      int		    i;
      BPTR	    nilfh, fh;
!     char_u	    buf1[20];
      char_u	    buf2[BUF2SIZE];
      static char_u   *(constrings[3]) = {(char_u *)"con:0/0/662/210/",
  					(char_u *)"con:0/0/640/200/",
--- 309,315 ----
      int		    i;
      BPTR	    nilfh, fh;
!     char_u	    buf1[24];
      char_u	    buf2[BUF2SIZE];
      static char_u   *(constrings[3]) = {(char_u *)"con:0/0/662/210/",
  					(char_u *)"con:0/0/640/200/",
*** 295,329 ****
      char	    *av;
      char_u	    *device = NULL;
      int		    exitval = 4;
      struct Library  *DosBase;
      int		    usewin = FALSE;
   * check if we are running under DOS 2.0x or higher
      DosBase = OpenLibrary(DOS_LIBRARY, 37L);
      if (DosBase != NULL)
      /* if (((struct Library *)DOSBase)->lib_Version >= 37) */
! #ifdef FEAT_ARP
  	dos2 = TRUE;
! #endif
      else	    /* without arp functions we NEED 2.0 */
! #ifndef FEAT_ARP
  	mch_errmsg(_("Need Amigados version 2.04 or later\n"));
! #else
  		    /* need arp functions for dos 1.x */
  	if (!(ArpBase = (struct ArpBase *) OpenLibrary((UBYTE *)ArpName, ArpVersion)))
  	    fprintf(stderr, _("Need %s version %ld\n"), ArpName, ArpVersion);
! #endif
       * scan argv[] for the "-f" and "-d" arguments
--- 320,358 ----
      char	    *av;
      char_u	    *device = NULL;
      int		    exitval = 4;
+ #ifndef __amigaos4__
      struct Library  *DosBase;
+ #endif
      int		    usewin = FALSE;
   * check if we are running under DOS 2.0x or higher
+ #ifndef __amigaos4__
      DosBase = OpenLibrary(DOS_LIBRARY, 37L);
      if (DosBase != NULL)
      /* if (((struct Library *)DOSBase)->lib_Version >= 37) */
! # ifdef FEAT_ARP
  	dos2 = TRUE;
! # endif
      else	    /* without arp functions we NEED 2.0 */
! # ifndef FEAT_ARP
  	mch_errmsg(_("Need Amigados version 2.04 or later\n"));
! # else
  		    /* need arp functions for dos 1.x */
  	if (!(ArpBase = (struct ArpBase *) OpenLibrary((UBYTE *)ArpName, ArpVersion)))
  	    fprintf(stderr, _("Need %s version %ld\n"), ArpName, ArpVersion);
! # endif
+ #endif	/* __amigaos4__ */
       * scan argv[] for the "-f" and "-d" arguments
*** 398,405 ****
--- 427,441 ----
       * Make a unique name for the temp file (which we will not delete!).
       * Use a pointer on the stack (nobody else will be using it).
+      * Under AmigaOS4, this assumption might change in the future, so
+      * we use a pointer to the current task instead. This should be a
+      * shared structure and thus globally unique.
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+     sprintf((char *)buf1, "t:nc%p", FindTask(0));
+ #else
      sprintf((char *)buf1, "t:nc%ld", (long)buf1);
+ #endif
      if ((fh = Open((UBYTE *)buf1, (long)MODE_NEWFILE)) == (BPTR)NULL)
  	mch_errmsg(_("Cannot create "));
*** 513,519 ****
   * fname_case(): Set the case of the file name, if it already exists.
!  *		 This will cause the file name to remain exactly the same.
--- 549,556 ----
   * fname_case(): Set the case of the file name, if it already exists.
!  *		 This will cause the file name to remain exactly the same
!  *		 if the file system ignores, but preserves case.
*** 528,536 ****
      if (fib != NULL)
  	flen = STRLEN(name);
  	if (flen == strlen(fib->fib_FileName))	/* safety check */
  	    mch_memmove(name, fib->fib_FileName, flen);
! 	vim_free(fib);
--- 565,578 ----
      if (fib != NULL)
  	flen = STRLEN(name);
+ 	/* TODO: Check if this fix applies to AmigaOS < 4 too.*/
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+ 	if (fib->fib_DirEntryType == ST_ROOT)
+ 	    strcat(fib->fib_FileName, ":");
+ #endif
  	if (flen == strlen(fib->fib_FileName))	/* safety check */
  	    mch_memmove(name, fib->fib_FileName, flen);
! 	free_fib(fib);
*** 548,560 ****
      if (fname == NULL)	    /* safety check */
  	return NULL;
!     fib = (struct FileInfoBlock *)malloc(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
      if (fib != NULL)
  	flock = Lock((UBYTE *)fname, (long)ACCESS_READ);
  	if (flock == (BPTR)NULL || !Examine(flock, fib))
! 	    vim_free(fib);  /* in case of an error the memory is freed here */
  	    fib = NULL;
  	if (flock)
--- 590,606 ----
      if (fname == NULL)	    /* safety check */
  	return NULL;
! #ifdef __amigaos4__
!     fib = AllocDosObject(DOS_FIB,0);
! #else
!     fib = (struct FileInfoBlock *)alloc(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
! #endif
      if (fib != NULL)
  	flock = Lock((UBYTE *)fname, (long)ACCESS_READ);
  	if (flock == (BPTR)NULL || !Examine(flock, fib))
! 	    free_fib(fib);  /* in case of an error the memory is freed here */
  	    fib = NULL;
  	if (flock)
*** 613,618 ****
--- 659,665 ----
      char_u  *s;
      int	    len;
+     /* TODO: Implement this. */
      *s = NUL;
      return FAIL;
*** 625,631 ****
--- 672,682 ----
      char_u  *s;
      int	    len;
+ #if defined(__amigaos4__) && defined(__CLIB2__)
+     gethostname(s, len);
+ #else
      vim_strncpy(s, "Amiga", len - 1);
+ #endif
*** 634,640 ****
--- 685,698 ----
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+     /* This is as close to a pid as we can come. We could use CLI numbers also,
+      * but then we would have two different types of process identifiers.
+      */
+     return((long)FindTask(0));
+ #else
      return (long)0;
+ #endif
*** 746,752 ****
      if (fib != NULL)
  	retval = fib->fib_Protection;
! 	vim_free(fib);
      return retval;
--- 804,810 ----
      if (fib != NULL)
  	retval = fib->fib_Protection;
! 	free_fib(fib);
      return retval;
*** 790,797 ****
      fib = get_fib(name);
      if (fib != NULL)
  	retval = ((fib->fib_DirEntryType >= 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);
! 	vim_free(fib);
      return retval;
--- 848,859 ----
      fib = get_fib(name);
      if (fib != NULL)
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+ 	retval = (FIB_IS_DRAWER(fib)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ #else
  	retval = ((fib->fib_DirEntryType >= 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);
! #endif
! 	free_fib(fib);
      return retval;
*** 912,918 ****
      int		tmode;
! #ifdef __AROS__
      if (!SetMode(raw_in, tmode == TMODE_RAW ? 1 : 0))
      if (dos_packet(MP(raw_in), (long)ACTION_SCREEN_MODE,
--- 974,980 ----
      int		tmode;
! #if defined(__AROS__) || defined(__amigaos4__)
      if (!SetMode(raw_in, tmode == TMODE_RAW ? 1 : 0))
      if (dos_packet(MP(raw_in), (long)ACTION_SCREEN_MODE,
*** 954,967 ****
      struct ConUnit  *conUnit;
      char	    id_a[sizeof(struct InfoData) + 3];
!     struct InfoData *id;
      if (!term_console)	/* not an amiga window */
! 	return FAIL;
      /* insure longword alignment */
      id = (struct InfoData *)(((long)id_a + 3L) & ~3L);
       * Should make console aware of real window size, not the one we set.
--- 1016,1036 ----
      struct ConUnit  *conUnit;
+ #ifndef __amigaos4__
      char	    id_a[sizeof(struct InfoData) + 3];
! #endif
!     struct InfoData *id=0;
      if (!term_console)	/* not an amiga window */
! 	goto out;
      /* insure longword alignment */
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+     if(!(id = AllocDosObject(DOS_INFODATA, 0)))
+ 	goto out;
+ #else
      id = (struct InfoData *)(((long)id_a + 3L) & ~3L);
+ #endif
       * Should make console aware of real window size, not the one we set.
*** 983,989 ****
  	/* it's not an amiga window, maybe aux device */
  	/* terminal type should be set */
  	term_console = FALSE;
! 	return FAIL;
      if (oldwindowtitle == NULL)
  	oldwindowtitle = (char_u *)wb_window->Title;
--- 1052,1058 ----
  	/* it's not an amiga window, maybe aux device */
  	/* terminal type should be set */
  	term_console = FALSE;
! 	goto out;
      if (oldwindowtitle == NULL)
  	oldwindowtitle = (char_u *)wb_window->Title;
*** 1006,1011 ****
--- 1075,1086 ----
      return OK;
+ out:
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+     FreeDosObject(DOS_INFODATA, id); /* Safe to pass NULL */
+ #endif
+     return FAIL;
*** 1046,1052 ****
      OUT_STR_NF(tltoa((unsigned long)n));
! #if !defined(AZTEC_C) && !defined(__AROS__)
   * Sendpacket.c
--- 1121,1127 ----
      OUT_STR_NF(tltoa((unsigned long)n));
! #if !defined(AZTEC_C) && !defined(__AROS__) && !defined(__amigaos4__)
   * Sendpacket.c
*** 1371,1378 ****
   *	Use and abuse as you please.
! #define ANCHOR_BUF_SIZE (512)
! #define ANCHOR_SIZE (sizeof(struct AnchorPath) + ANCHOR_BUF_SIZE)
  mch_expandpath(gap, pat, flags)
--- 1446,1457 ----
   *	Use and abuse as you please.
! #ifdef __amigaos4__
! # define	ANCHOR_BUF_SIZE	1024
! #else
! # define ANCHOR_BUF_SIZE (512)
! # define ANCHOR_SIZE (sizeof(struct AnchorPath) + ANCHOR_BUF_SIZE)
! #endif
  mch_expandpath(gap, pat, flags)
*** 1385,1403 ****
      char_u		*starbuf, *sp, *dp;
      int			start_len;
      int			matches;
      start_len = gap->ga_len;
      /* Get our AnchorBase */
      Anchor = (struct AnchorPath *)alloc_clear((unsigned)ANCHOR_SIZE);
      if (Anchor == NULL)
  	return 0;
      Anchor->ap_Strlen = ANCHOR_BUF_SIZE;  /* ap_Length not supported anymore */
! #ifdef APF_DODOT
      Anchor->ap_Flags = APF_DODOT | APF_DOWILD;	/* allow '.' for current dir */
! #else
      Anchor->ap_Flags = APF_DoDot | APF_DoWild;	/* allow '.' for current dir */
  #ifdef FEAT_ARP
--- 1464,1495 ----
      char_u		*starbuf, *sp, *dp;
      int			start_len;
      int			matches;
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+     struct TagItem	AnchorTags[] = {
+ 	{ADO_Flags, APF_DODOT|APF_DOWILD|APF_MultiAssigns},
+ 	{TAG_DONE, 0L}
+     };
+ #endif
      start_len = gap->ga_len;
      /* Get our AnchorBase */
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+     Anchor = AllocDosObject(DOS_ANCHORPATH, AnchorTags);
+ #else
      Anchor = (struct AnchorPath *)alloc_clear((unsigned)ANCHOR_SIZE);
+ #endif
      if (Anchor == NULL)
  	return 0;
+ #ifndef __amigaos4__
      Anchor->ap_Strlen = ANCHOR_BUF_SIZE;  /* ap_Length not supported anymore */
! # ifdef APF_DODOT
      Anchor->ap_Flags = APF_DODOT | APF_DOWILD;	/* allow '.' for current dir */
! # else
      Anchor->ap_Flags = APF_DoDot | APF_DoWild;	/* allow '.' for current dir */
+ # endif
  #ifdef FEAT_ARP
*** 1432,1438 ****
--- 1524,1534 ----
      while (Result == 0)
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+ 	addfile(gap, (char_u *)Anchor->ap_Buffer, flags);
+ #else
  	addfile(gap, (char_u *)Anchor->ap_Buf, flags);
+ #endif
  #ifdef FEAT_ARP
  	if (dos2)
*** 1469,1475 ****
--- 1565,1575 ----
+ #ifdef __amigaos4__
+     FreeDosObject(DOS_ANCHORPATH, Anchor);
+ #else
+ #endif
      return matches;
*** ../vim-7.0.155/src/os_amiga.h	Sun Jun 13 22:09:36 2004
--- src/os_amiga.h	Wed Nov  1 18:03:32 2006
*** 17,25 ****
  #define HAVE_AVAIL_MEM
  #ifndef HAVE_CONFIG_H
! # ifdef AZTEC_C
  #  define HAVE_STAT_H
  # endif
  # define HAVE_STDLIB_H
  # define HAVE_STRING_H
  # define HAVE_FCNTL_H
--- 17,28 ----
  #define HAVE_AVAIL_MEM
  #ifndef HAVE_CONFIG_H
! # if defined(AZTEC_C) || defined(__amigaos4__)
  #  define HAVE_STAT_H
  # endif
+ # ifdef __amigaos4__
+ #  define HAVE_STDARG_H
+ # endif
  # define HAVE_STDLIB_H
  # define HAVE_STRING_H
  # define HAVE_FCNTL_H
*** 34,48 ****
  #  define HAVE_DATE_TIME
  # endif
! #define DFLT_ERRORFILE		"AztecC.Err"
! #define DFLT_RUNTIMEPATH "home:vimfiles,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,home:vimfiles/after"
! #define BASENAMELEN	26	/* Amiga */
! #define TEMPNAME	"t:v?XXXXXX"
! #define TEMPNAMELEN	12
! #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
  #include <exec/types.h>
  #include <libraries/dos.h>
--- 37,60 ----
  #  define HAVE_DATE_TIME
  # endif
! #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
! # define DFLT_ERRORFILE		"AztecC.Err"	/* Should this change? */
! #endif
! # define DFLT_RUNTIMEPATH "home:vimfiles,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,home:vimfiles/after"
! #endif
! # define BASENAMELEN	26	/* Amiga */
! #endif
! #ifndef	TEMPNAME
! # define TEMPNAME	"t:v?XXXXXX"
! # define TEMPNAMELEN	12
! #endif
  #include <exec/types.h>
  #include <libraries/dos.h>
*** 155,163 ****
! #ifndef VIMINFO_FILE
! # define VIMINFO_FILE	"s:.viminfo"
! #endif
  #endif /* FEAT_VIMINFO */
  #ifndef EXRC_FILE
--- 167,175 ----
! # ifndef VIMINFO_FILE
! #  define VIMINFO_FILE	"s:.viminfo"
! # endif
  #endif /* FEAT_VIMINFO */
  #ifndef EXRC_FILE
*** ../vim-7.0.155/src/pty.c	Sun Jun 13 22:04:27 2004
--- src/pty.c	Wed Nov  1 17:53:01 2006
*** 51,57 ****
  # include <sys/termios.h>
  # include <sys/ioctl.h>
--- 51,57 ----
  # include <sys/termios.h>
  # include <sys/ioctl.h>
*** 69,82 ****
  # endif
  # include <unistd.h>
  # include <termio.h>
  #  include <termios.h>
  # endif
--- 69,82 ----
  # endif
! #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
  # include <unistd.h>
  # include <termio.h>
! # ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H
  #  include <termios.h>
  # endif
*** ../vim-7.0.155/src/version.c	Wed Nov  1 15:31:02 2006
--- src/version.c	Wed Nov  1 18:04:17 2006
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     156,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
139. You down your lunch in five minutes, at your desk, so you can
     spend the rest of the hour surfing the Net.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\        download, build and distribute --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///