diff --git a/7.0.193 b/7.0.193
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcf4d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.0.193
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+To: vim-dev@vim.org
+Subject: patch 7.0.193
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.0.193
+Problem:    Using --remote or --remote-tab with an argument that matches
+            'wildignore' causes a crash.
+Solution:   Check the argument count before using ARGLIST[0].
+Files:      src/ex_cmds.c
+*** ../vim-7.0.192/src/ex_cmds.c	Tue Sep  5 18:28:45 2006
+--- src/ex_cmds.c	Tue Feb 13 03:47:52 2007
+*** 6967,6972 ****
+--- 6967,6980 ----
+       */
+      set_arglist(eap->arg);
++     /*
++      * Expanding wildcards may result in an empty argument list.  E.g. when
++      * editing "foo.pyc" and ".pyc" is in 'wildignore'.  Assume that we
++      * already did an error message for this.
++      */
++     if (ARGCOUNT == 0)
++ 	return;
+  # ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS
+      if (cmdmod.tab)
+      {
+*** ../vim-7.0.192/src/version.c	Wed Feb  7 03:42:37 2007
+--- src/version.c	Tue Feb 13 03:47:08 2007
+*** 668,669 ****
+--- 668,671 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     193,
+  /**/
+hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
+113. You are asked about a bus schedule, you wonder if it is 16 or 32 bits.
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\        download, build and distribute -- http://www.A-A-P.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///
diff --git a/7.0.194 b/7.0.194
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66fac55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.0.194
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+To: vim-dev@vim.org
+Subject: patch 7.0.194
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.0.194
+Problem:    Once an ml_get error is given redrawing part of the screen may
+            cause it again, resulting in an endless loop.
+Solution:   Don't give the error message for a recursive call.
+Files:      src/memline.c
+*** ../vim-7.0.193/src/memline.c	Wed Feb  7 03:42:37 2007
+--- src/memline.c	Tue Feb 13 03:56:00 2007
+*** 2054,2066 ****
+      linenr_T	lnum;
+      int		will_change;		/* line will be changed */
+  {
+!     bhdr_T    *hp;
+!     DATA_BL *dp;
+!     char_u  *ptr;
+      if (lnum > buf->b_ml.ml_line_count)	/* invalid line number */
+      {
+! 	EMSGN(_("E315: ml_get: invalid lnum: %ld"), lnum);
+  errorret:
+  	STRCPY(IObuff, "???");
+  	return IObuff;
+--- 2054,2074 ----
+      linenr_T	lnum;
+      int		will_change;		/* line will be changed */
+  {
+!     bhdr_T	*hp;
+!     DATA_BL	*dp;
+!     char_u	*ptr;
+!     static int	recursive = 0;
+      if (lnum > buf->b_ml.ml_line_count)	/* invalid line number */
+      {
+! 	if (recursive == 0)
+! 	{
+! 	    /* Avoid giving this message for a recursive call, may happen when
+! 	     * the GUI redraws part of the text. */
+! 	    ++recursive;
+! 	    EMSGN(_("E315: ml_get: invalid lnum: %ld"), lnum);
+! 	    --recursive;
+! 	}
+  errorret:
+  	STRCPY(IObuff, "???");
+  	return IObuff;
+*** 2088,2094 ****
+  	 */
+  	if ((hp = ml_find_line(buf, lnum, ML_FIND)) == NULL)
+  	{
+! 	    EMSGN(_("E316: ml_get: cannot find line %ld"), lnum);
+  	    goto errorret;
+  	}
+--- 2096,2109 ----
+  	 */
+  	if ((hp = ml_find_line(buf, lnum, ML_FIND)) == NULL)
+  	{
+! 	    if (recursive == 0)
+! 	    {
+! 		/* Avoid giving this message for a recursive call, may happen
+! 		 * when the GUI redraws part of the text. */
+! 		++recursive;
+! 		EMSGN(_("E316: ml_get: cannot find line %ld"), lnum);
+! 		--recursive;
+! 	    }
+  	    goto errorret;
+  	}
+*** ../vim-7.0.193/src/version.c	Tue Feb 13 03:49:01 2007
+--- src/version.c	Tue Feb 13 03:59:22 2007
+*** 668,669 ****
+--- 668,671 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     194,
+  /**/
+hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
+114. You are counting items, you go "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D...".
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\        download, build and distribute -- http://www.A-A-P.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///
diff --git a/7.0.195 b/7.0.195
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471a369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.0.195
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+To: vim-dev@vim.org
+Subject: patch 7.0.195
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.0.195
+Problem:    When a buffer is modified and 'autowriteall' is set, ":quit"
+            results in an endless loop when there is a conversion error while
+            writing. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Solution:   Make autowrite() return FAIL if the buffer is still changed after
+            writing it.
+Files:      src/ex_cmds2.c
+*** ../vim-7.0.194/src/ex_cmds2.c	Tue Jan 16 21:31:38 2007
+--- src/ex_cmds2.c	Tue Feb 13 06:11:28 2007
+*** 1242,1255 ****
+      buf_T	*buf;
+      int		forceit;
+  {
+      if (!(p_aw || p_awa) || !p_write
+! 	/* never autowrite a "nofile" or "nowrite" buffer */
+! 	|| bt_dontwrite(buf)
+  #endif
+! 	|| (!forceit && buf->b_p_ro) || buf->b_ffname == NULL)
+  	return FAIL;
+!     return buf_write_all(buf, forceit);
+  }
+  /*
+--- 1242,1263 ----
+      buf_T	*buf;
+      int		forceit;
+  {
++     int		r;
+      if (!(p_aw || p_awa) || !p_write
+! 	    /* never autowrite a "nofile" or "nowrite" buffer */
+! 	    || bt_dontwrite(buf)
+  #endif
+! 	    || (!forceit && buf->b_p_ro) || buf->b_ffname == NULL)
+  	return FAIL;
+!     r = buf_write_all(buf, forceit);
+!     /* Writing may succeed but the buffer still changed, e.g., when there is a
+!      * conversion error.  We do want to return FAIL then. */
+!     if (buf_valid(buf) && bufIsChanged(buf))
+! 	r = FAIL;
+!     return r;
+  }
+  /*
+*** 1472,1477 ****
+--- 1480,1487 ----
+  	if (buf == NULL)    /* No buffers changed */
+  	    return FALSE;
++ 	/* Try auto-writing the buffer.  If this fails but the buffer no
++ 	 * longer exists it's not changed, that's OK. */
+  	if (check_changed(buf, p_awa, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) && buf_valid(buf))
+  	    break;	    /* didn't save - still changes */
+      }
+*** ../vim-7.0.194/src/version.c	Tue Feb 13 04:03:05 2007
+--- src/version.c	Tue Feb 13 06:18:28 2007
+*** 668,669 ****
+--- 668,671 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     195,
+  /**/
+hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
+115. You are late picking up your kid from school and try to explain
+     to the teacher you were stuck in Web traffic.
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\        download, build and distribute -- http://www.A-A-P.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///
diff --git a/README.patches b/README.patches
index bea612f..0bdae07 100644
--- a/README.patches
+++ b/README.patches
@@ -222,3 +222,6 @@ Individual patches for Vim 7.0:
   1778  7.0.190  "syntax spell default" results in an error message
  10918  7.0.191  the items used by getqflist() and setqflist() don't match
   5114  7.0.192  ml_get errors when resetting 'swapfile' in empty file
+  1599  7.0.193  crash when using --remote with arg matching 'wildignore'
+  2701  7.0.194  ml_get errors may be given in a recursive loop
+  2677  7.0.195  endless loop for conversion error when auto-writing
diff --git a/vim-7.0-hunspell.patch b/vim-7.0-hunspell.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea26bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim-7.0-hunspell.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+diff -ru vim70.orig/src/Makefile vim70.hunspell/src/Makefile
+--- vim70.orig/src/Makefile	2006-12-15 12:29:41.000000000 +0000
++++ vim70.hunspell/src/Makefile	2006-12-14 11:11:20.000000000 +0000
+@@ -1287,7 +1287,7 @@
+ # abbreviations
+diff -ru vim70.orig/src/spell.c vim70.hunspell/src/spell.c
+--- vim70.orig/src/spell.c	2006-12-15 12:29:44.000000000 +0000
++++ vim70.hunspell/src/spell.c	2006-12-15 12:27:49.000000000 +0000
+@@ -319,6 +319,8 @@
+ # include <time.h>	/* for time_t */
+ #endif
++#include "hunspell/hunspell.h"
+ #define MAXWLEN 250		/* Assume max. word len is this many bytes.
+ 				   Some places assume a word length fits in a
+ 				   byte, thus it can't be above 255. */
+@@ -428,6 +430,8 @@
+ #define	SP_FORMERROR	-2	/* format error in spell file */
+ #define SP_OTHERERROR	-3	/* other error while reading spell file */
++#define MAXREGIONS 20
+ /*
+  * Structure used to store words and other info for one language, loaded from
+  * a .spl file.
+@@ -450,6 +454,10 @@
+     char_u	*sl_name;	/* language name "en", "en.rare", "nl", etc. */
+     char_u	*sl_fname;	/* name of .spl file */
+     int		sl_add;		/* TRUE if it's a .add file. */
++    int		sl_ishunspell;	/* TRUE if it's an unconverted hunspell aff/dic combination. */
++    Hunhandle	*sl_hunspell;
++    vimconv_T   sl_tohunconv;
++    vimconv_T   sl_fromhunconv;
+     char_u	*sl_fbyts;	/* case-folded word bytes */
+     idx_T	*sl_fidxs;	/* case-folded word indexes */
+@@ -460,7 +468,7 @@
+     char_u	*sl_info;	/* infotext string or NULL */
+-    char_u	sl_regions[17];	/* table with up to 8 region names plus NUL */
++    char_u	sl_regions[MAXREGIONS * 2 + 1];	/* table with up to 8 region names plus NUL */
+     char_u	*sl_midword;	/* MIDWORD string or NULL */
+@@ -997,6 +1005,36 @@
+ static char_u	*repl_from = NULL;
+ static char_u	*repl_to = NULL;
++static void
++    slang_T *lp;
++    if (!lp->sl_hunspell)
++    {
++        char_u *dic = lp->sl_fname;
++        char_u *aff = vim_strnsave(dic, strlen(dic));
++	vim_strncpy(aff + strlen(aff) - 3, "aff", 3);
++	lp->sl_hunspell = Hunspell_create(aff, dic);
++	vim_free(aff);
++	if (convert_setup(&lp->sl_tohunconv, spell_enc(), 
++	    Hunspell_get_dic_encoding(lp->sl_hunspell)) == FAIL)
++	{
++	    lp->sl_tohunconv.vc_fail = TRUE;
++	}
++	if (convert_setup(&lp->sl_fromhunconv, 
++	    Hunspell_get_dic_encoding(lp->sl_hunspell), spell_enc()) == FAIL)
++	{
++	    lp->sl_fromhunconv.vc_fail = TRUE;
++	}
++    }
+ /*
+  * Main spell-checking function.
+  * "ptr" points to a character that could be the start of a word.
+@@ -1101,27 +1139,70 @@
+     {
+ 	mi.mi_lp = LANGP_ENTRY(wp->w_buffer->b_langp, lpi);
++	if (mi.mi_lp->lp_slang->sl_ishunspell)
++	{
++	    slang_T *lp = mi.mi_lp->lp_slang;
++	    char_u *converted = 0;
++	    char_u *thisword;
++	    char_u *mi_end = mi.mi_end;
++	    char_u *mi_final =  mi.mi_word + strlen(mi.mi_word);
++	    while (1)
++	    {
++		ensurehunspellinit(lp);
++		if ((lp->sl_tohunconv.vc_fail == TRUE) || (lp->sl_fromhunconv.vc_fail == TRUE))
++		    break;
++		if (mi_end != mi.mi_word)
++		{
++		    thisword = vim_strnsave(mi.mi_word, mi_end - mi.mi_word);
++		    converted = string_convert(&lp->sl_tohunconv, thisword, NULL);
++		    if (converted)
++		    {
++			if (Hunspell_spell(lp->sl_hunspell, converted) != 0)
++			{
++			    mi.mi_result = SP_OK;
++			    mi.mi_end = mi.mi_cend = mi.mi_word + strlen(thisword);
++			}
++			vim_free(converted);
++		    }
++		    vim_free(thisword);
++		}
++		if (mi_end == mi_final)
++		    break;
++		do
++		{
++		    mb_ptr_adv(mi_end);
++		} while (*mi_end != NUL && spell_iswordp(mi_end, wp->w_buffer));
++	    }
++	}
+ 	/* If reloading fails the language is still in the list but everything
+ 	 * has been cleared. */
+-	if (mi.mi_lp->lp_slang->sl_fidxs == NULL)
++	if (!mi.mi_lp->lp_slang->sl_ishunspell && mi.mi_lp->lp_slang->sl_fidxs == NULL)
+ 	    continue;
+-	/* Check for a matching word in case-folded words. */
+-	find_word(&mi, FIND_FOLDWORD);
++	if (!mi.mi_lp->lp_slang->sl_ishunspell)
++	{
++	    /* Check for a matching word in case-folded words. */
++	    find_word(&mi, FIND_FOLDWORD);
+-	/* Check for a matching word in keep-case words. */
+-	find_word(&mi, FIND_KEEPWORD);
++	    /* Check for a matching word in keep-case words. */
++	    find_word(&mi, FIND_KEEPWORD);
+-	/* Check for matching prefixes. */
+-	find_prefix(&mi, FIND_FOLDWORD);
++	    /* Check for matching prefixes. */
++	    find_prefix(&mi, FIND_FOLDWORD);
+-	/* For a NOBREAK language, may want to use a word without a following
+-	 * word as a backup. */
+-	if (mi.mi_lp->lp_slang->sl_nobreak && mi.mi_result == SP_BAD
+-						   && mi.mi_result2 != SP_BAD)
+-	{
+-	    mi.mi_result = mi.mi_result2;
+-	    mi.mi_end = mi.mi_end2;
++	    /* For a NOBREAK language, may want to use a word without a following
++	     * word as a backup. */
++	    if (mi.mi_lp->lp_slang->sl_nobreak && mi.mi_result == SP_BAD
++						       && mi.mi_result2 != SP_BAD)
++	    {
++		mi.mi_result = mi.mi_result2;
++		mi.mi_end = mi.mi_end2;
++	    }
+ 	}
+ 	/* Count the word in the first language where it's found to be OK. */
+@@ -2359,6 +2440,80 @@
+     if (r == FAIL)
+     {
++#	define HUNSPELLDICT "/usr/share/myspell/"
++	DIR *dirp = opendir(HUNSPELLDICT);
++	if (dirp != NULL)
++	{
++	    slang_T* thislang[MAXREGIONS] = {0};
++	    slang_T *lp = 0;
++	    struct dirent *dp;
++	    int i = 0;
++	    while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL)
++	    {
++		char_u final_name[MAXPATHL];
++		char_u spf_name[MAXPATHL];
++		char_u thisregion[3] = {0};
++		char *resolvedlink = final_name;
++		int j, regionpos;
++		if (strncmp(dp->d_name, lang, strlen(lang)) != 0)
++		    continue;
++		if ((strlen(dp->d_name) <= 4) || (dp->d_name[strlen(lang)] != '_'))
++		    continue;
++		if (strncmp(".dic", dp->d_name + strlen(dp->d_name) - 4, 4) != 0)
++		    continue;
++		vim_strncpy(spf_name, HUNSPELLDICT, strlen(HUNSPELLDICT));
++		vim_strncpy(spf_name + strlen(HUNSPELLDICT), dp->d_name, strlen(HUNSPELLDICT));
++		if (realpath(spf_name, resolvedlink) != resolvedlink)
++		    continue;
++		thisregion[0] = tolower(dp->d_name[strlen(lang)+1]);
++		thisregion[1] = tolower(dp->d_name[strlen(lang)+1+1]);
++		r = OK;
++		for (j = 0; j < MAXREGIONS; ++j)
++		{
++		    if (thislang[j] && (strcmp(thislang[j]->sl_fname, final_name) == 0))
++			break;
++		}
++		if (j < MAXREGIONS)
++		    lp = thislang[j];
++		else
++		{
++		    lp = slang_alloc(lang);
++		    lp->sl_ishunspell = TRUE;
++		    lp->sl_fname = vim_strsave(resolvedlink);
++		    lp->sl_next = first_lang;
++		    first_lang = lp;
++		    thislang[i] = lp;
++		}
++		regionpos = 0;
++		while (lp->sl_regions[regionpos] != 0) ++regionpos;
++		//silently lose regions which won't fit in
++		if (regionpos == MAXREGIONS * 2)
++		    continue;
++		vim_strncpy(lp->sl_regions + regionpos, thisregion, 2);
++		++i;
++	    }
++	    closedir(dirp);
++	}
++    }
++    if (r == FAIL)
++    {
+ 	smsg((char_u *)_("Warning: Cannot find word list \"%s.%s.spl\" or \"%s.ascii.spl\""),
+ 						     lang, spell_enc(), lang);
+     }
+@@ -2429,6 +2584,9 @@
+ slang_free(lp)
+     slang_T	*lp;
+ {
++    Hunspell_destroy(lp->sl_hunspell);
++    convert_setup(&lp->sl_tohunconv, NULL, NULL);
++    convert_setup(&lp->sl_fromhunconv, NULL, NULL);
+     vim_free(lp->sl_name);
+     vim_free(lp->sl_fname);
+     slang_clear(lp);
+@@ -2974,7 +3132,7 @@
+ {
+     int		i;
+-    if (len > 16)
++    if (len > MAXREGIONS*2)
+ 	return SP_FORMERROR;
+     for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ 	lp->sl_regions[i] = getc(fd);			/* <regionname> */
+@@ -4112,6 +4270,7 @@
+     /* loop over comma separated language names. */
+     for (splp = buf->b_p_spl; *splp != NUL; )
+     {
++	int hunspellregionunsupported;
+ 	/* Get one language name. */
+ 	copy_option_part(&splp, lang, MAXWLEN, ",");
+@@ -4182,6 +4341,7 @@
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Loop over the languages, there can be several files for "lang".
+ 	 */
++	hunspellregionunsupported = 0;
+ 	for (slang = first_lang; slang != NULL; slang = slang->sl_next)
+ 	    if (filename ? fullpathcmp(lang, slang->sl_fname, FALSE) == FPC_SAME
+ 			 : STRICMP(lang, slang->sl_name) == 0)
+@@ -4199,6 +4359,11 @@
+ 				/* This addition file is for other regions. */
+ 				region_mask = 0;
+ 			}
++			else if (slang->sl_ishunspell)
++			{
++			    region_mask = 0;
++			    hunspellregionunsupported++;
++			}
+ 			else
+ 			    /* This is probably an error.  Give a warning and
+ 			     * accept the words anyway. */
+@@ -4207,7 +4372,10 @@
+ 								      region);
+ 		    }
+ 		    else
++		    {
++			hunspellregionunsupported--;
+ 			region_mask = 1 << c;
++		    }
+ 		}
+ 		if (region_mask != 0)
+@@ -4225,6 +4393,9 @@
+ 			nobreak = TRUE;
+ 		}
+ 	    }
++	if (region && hunspellregionunsupported >= 1)
++	    smsg((char_u *) _("Warning: region %s not supported"), region);
+     }
+     /* round 0: load int_wordlist, if possible.
+@@ -4832,7 +5003,7 @@
+     char_u	*si_info;	/* info text chars or NULL  */
+     int		si_region_count; /* number of regions supported (1 when there
+ 				    are no regions) */
+-    char_u	si_region_name[16]; /* region names; used only if
++    char_u	si_region_name[MAXREGIONS*2]; /* region names; used only if
+ 				     * si_region_count > 1) */
+     garray_T	si_rep;		/* list of fromto_T entries from REP lines */
+@@ -7093,7 +7264,7 @@
+ 		else
+ 		{
+ 		    line += 8;
+-		    if (STRLEN(line) > 16)
++		    if (STRLEN(line) > MAXREGIONS)
+ 			smsg((char_u *)_("Too many regions in %s line %d: %s"),
+ 						       fname, lnum, line);
+ 		    else
+@@ -8973,7 +9144,7 @@
+     char_u	wfname[MAXPATHL];
+     char_u	**innames;
+     int		incount;
+-    afffile_T	*(afile[8]);
++    afffile_T	*(afile[MAXREGIONS]);
+     int		i;
+     int		len;
+     struct stat	st;
+@@ -9040,8 +9211,8 @@
+ 	EMSG(_(e_invarg));	/* need at least output and input names */
+     else if (vim_strchr(gettail(wfname), '_') != NULL)
+ 	EMSG(_("E751: Output file name must not have region name"));
+-    else if (incount > 8)
+-	EMSG(_("E754: Only up to 8 regions supported"));
++    else if (incount > MAXREGIONS)
++	EMSG2(_("E754: Only up to %d regions supported"), MAXREGIONS);
+     else
+     {
+ 	/* Check for overwriting before doing things that may take a lot of
+@@ -11097,6 +11268,36 @@
+     {
+ 	lp = LANGP_ENTRY(curbuf->b_langp, lpi);
++	if (lp->lp_slang->sl_ishunspell)
++	{
++	    slang_T *slp = lp->lp_slang;
++	    char **slst;
++	    char_u *converted = 0;
++	    ensurehunspellinit(slp);
++	    converted = string_convert(&slp->sl_tohunconv, su->su_fbadword, NULL);
++	    if (converted)
++	    {
++		int suggests;
++		suggests = Hunspell_suggest(slp->sl_hunspell, &slst, converted);
++		if (suggests > 0)
++		{
++		    int i;
++		    char_u *suggest;
++		    for (i = 0; i < suggests; ++i)
++		    {
++			suggest = string_convert(&slp->sl_fromhunconv, slst[i], NULL);
++			add_suggestion(su, &su->su_ga, suggest, su->su_badlen, i, 0, FALSE,
++			    slp, FALSE);
++			vim_free(suggest);
++		    }
++		    free(slst);
++		}
++		vim_free(converted);
++	    }
++	}
+ 	/* If reloading a spell file fails it's still in the list but
+ 	 * everything has been cleared. */
+ 	if (lp->lp_slang->sl_fbyts == NULL)
diff --git a/vim.spec b/vim.spec
index 0d2b3a9..0fcd982 100644
--- a/vim.spec
+++ b/vim.spec
@@ -9,18 +9,19 @@
 %define withnetbeans 0
 %define withvimspell 0
+%define withhunspell 0
 %define baseversion 7.0
 #used for pre-releases:
 %define beta %{nil}
 %define vimdir vim70%{?beta}
-%define patchlevel 192
+%define patchlevel 195
 Summary: The VIM editor
 URL:     http://www.vim.org/
 Name: vim
 Version: %{baseversion}.%{beta}%{patchlevel}
-Release: 1%{?dist}
+Release: 2%{?dist}
 License: GPL
 Group: Applications/Editors
 Source0: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/vim-%{baseversion}%{?beta}%{?CVSDATE}.tar.bz2
@@ -45,6 +46,10 @@ Patch2002: vim-7.0-fixkeys.patch
 Patch2003: vim-6.2-specsyntax.patch
 Patch2004: vim-7.0-crv.patch
 Patch2010: xxd-locale.patch
+%if %{withhunspell}
+Patch2011: vim-7.0-hunspell.patch
+BuildRequires: hunspell-devel
 # Patches 001 < 999 are patches from the base maintainer.
 # If you're as lazy as me, generate the list using
 # for i in `seq 1 14`; do printf "Patch%03d: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/7.0/7.0.%03d\n" $i $i; done
@@ -240,6 +245,9 @@ Patch189: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/7.0/7.0.189
 Patch190: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/7.0/7.0.190
 Patch191: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/7.0/7.0.191
 Patch192: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/7.0/7.0.192
+Patch193: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/7.0/7.0.193
+Patch194: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/7.0/7.0.194
+Patch195: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/7.0/7.0.195
 Patch3000: vim-7.0-syntax.patch
 #Patch3001: vim-6.2-rh1.patch
@@ -367,6 +375,9 @@ chmod -x runtime/tools/mve.awk
 %patch2003 -p1
 %patch2004 -p1
 %patch2010 -p1
+%if %{withhunspell}
+%patch2011 -p1
 perl -pi -e "s,bin/nawk,bin/awk,g" runtime/tools/mve.awk
 # Update all runtime files
@@ -593,6 +604,9 @@ perl -pi -e "s,bin/nawk,bin/awk,g" runtime/tools/mve.awk
 %patch190 -p0
 %patch191 -p0
 %patch192 -p0
+%patch193 -p0
+%patch194 -p0
+%patch195 -p0
 # install spell files
 %if %{withvimspell}
@@ -778,7 +792,7 @@ cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/vim.csh <<EOF
 [ -x /usr/bin/id ] || exit
 [ \`/usr/bin/id -u\` -gt 100 ] && alias vi vim
-chmod 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/*
+chmod 0644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/*
 install -m644 %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/vimrc
 install -m644 %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/virc
 (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/%{name}/%{vimdir}/doc;
@@ -943,7 +957,7 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-%config %{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/vim.*
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/vim.*
@@ -966,6 +980,12 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+* Wed Feb 21 2007 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 7.0.195-2
+- rpmlint fixes (#226526)
+* Tue Feb 13 2007 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 7.0.195-1
+- patchlevel 195
 * Mon Feb 12 2007 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 7.0.192-1
 - patchlevel 192
 - test fix for highlighting problems with curly brackets in #define (#203577)