Subject: Patch 7.0.092
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.0.092 (after 7.0.082 and 7.0.084)
Problem:    The list of internal function arguments is obsolete now that
	    garbage collection is only done at the toplevel.
Solution:   Remove the list of all arguments to internal functions.
Files:	    src/eval.c

*** ../vim-7.0.091/src/eval.c	Wed Sep  6 22:14:42 2006
--- src/eval.c	Sat Sep  9 12:00:28 2006
*** 248,264 ****
-  * Struct used to make a list of all arguments used in internal functions.
-  */
- typedef struct av_list_item_S av_list_item_T;
- struct av_list_item_S {
-     av_list_item_T  *avl_next;
-     typval_T	    *avl_argvars;
- };
- av_list_item_T *argvars_list = NULL;
- /*
   * Info used by a ":for" loop.
  typedef struct
--- 248,253 ----
*** 6069,6075 ****
      int		i;
      funccall_T	*fc;
      int		did_free = FALSE;
-     av_list_item_T *av;
      tabpage_T	*tp;
--- 6058,6063 ----
*** 6110,6120 ****
  	set_ref_in_ht(&fc->l_avars.dv_hashtab, copyID);
-     /* arguments for internal functions */
-     for (av = argvars_list; av != NULL; av = av->avl_next)
- 	for (i = 0; av->avl_argvars[i].v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN; ++i)
- 	    set_ref_in_item(&av->avl_argvars[i], copyID);
       * 2. Go through the list of dicts and free items without the copyID.
--- 6098,6103 ----
*** 7558,7578 ****
  		    error = ERROR_TOOMANY;
- 		    av_list_item_T  av_list_item;
- 		    /* Add the arguments to the "argvars_list" to avoid the
- 		     * garbage collector not seeing them.  This isn't needed
- 		     * for user functions, because the arguments are available
- 		     * in the a: hashtab. */
- 		    av_list_item.avl_argvars = argvars;
- 		    av_list_item.avl_next = argvars_list;
- 		    argvars_list = &av_list_item;
  		    argvars[argcount].v_type = VAR_UNKNOWN;
  		    functions[i].f_func(argvars, rettv);
  		    error = ERROR_NONE;
- 		    argvars_list = av_list_item.avl_next;
--- 7541,7549 ----
*** ../vim-7.0.091/src/version.c	Wed Sep  6 22:14:42 2006
--- src/version.c	Sat Sep  9 12:04:55 2006
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     92,

"Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that man can
never learn anything from history."       (George Bernard Shaw)

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