Subject: Patch 7.3.080
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.3.080
Problem:    Spell doesn't work on VMS.
Solution:   Use different file names. (Zoltan Bartos, Zoltan Arpadffy)
Files:	    src/spell.c

*** ../vim-7.3.079/src/spell.c	2010-12-08 13:11:15.000000000 +0100
--- src/spell.c	2010-12-08 17:01:13.000000000 +0100
*** 327,332 ****
--- 327,342 ----
  typedef long idx_T;
+ #ifdef VMS
+ # define SPL_FNAME_TMPL  "%s_%s.spl"
+ # define SPL_FNAME_ADD   "_add."
+ # define SPL_FNAME_ASCII "_ascii."
+ #else
+ # define SPL_FNAME_TMPL  "%s.%s.spl"
+ # define SPL_FNAME_ADD   ".add."
+ # define SPL_FNAME_ASCII ".ascii."
+ #endif
  /* Flags used for a word.  Only the lowest byte can be used, the region byte
   * comes above it. */
  #define WF_REGION   0x01	/* region byte follows */
*** 2471,2484 ****
  	 * Find the first spell file for "lang" in 'runtimepath' and load it.
  	vim_snprintf((char *)fname_enc, sizeof(fname_enc) - 5,
! 					"spell/%s.%s.spl", lang, spell_enc());
  	r = do_in_runtimepath(fname_enc, FALSE, spell_load_cb, &sl);
  	if (r == FAIL && *sl.sl_lang != NUL)
  	    /* Try loading the ASCII version. */
  	    vim_snprintf((char *)fname_enc, sizeof(fname_enc) - 5,
! 						  "spell/%s.ascii.spl", lang);
  	    r = do_in_runtimepath(fname_enc, FALSE, spell_load_cb, &sl);
--- 2481,2504 ----
  	 * Find the first spell file for "lang" in 'runtimepath' and load it.
  	vim_snprintf((char *)fname_enc, sizeof(fname_enc) - 5,
! #ifdef VMS
! 					"spell/%s_%s.spl",
! #else
! 					"spell/%s.%s.spl",
! #endif
! 							   lang, spell_enc());
  	r = do_in_runtimepath(fname_enc, FALSE, spell_load_cb, &sl);
  	if (r == FAIL && *sl.sl_lang != NUL)
  	    /* Try loading the ASCII version. */
  	    vim_snprintf((char *)fname_enc, sizeof(fname_enc) - 5,
! #ifdef VMS
! 						  "spell/%s_ascii.spl",
! #else
! 						  "spell/%s.ascii.spl",
! #endif
! 									lang);
  	    r = do_in_runtimepath(fname_enc, FALSE, spell_load_cb, &sl);
*** 2496,2502 ****
      if (r == FAIL)
! 	smsg((char_u *)_("Warning: Cannot find word list \"%s.%s.spl\" or \"%s.ascii.spl\""),
  						     lang, spell_enc(), lang);
      else if (sl.sl_slang != NULL)
--- 2516,2527 ----
      if (r == FAIL)
! 	smsg((char_u *)
! #ifdef VMS
! 	_("Warning: Cannot find word list \"%s_%s.spl\" or \"%s_ascii.spl\""),
! #else
! 	_("Warning: Cannot find word list \"%s.%s.spl\" or \"%s.ascii.spl\""),
! #endif
  						     lang, spell_enc(), lang);
      else if (sl.sl_slang != NULL)
*** 2530,2536 ****
      char_u	    *fname;
!     vim_snprintf((char *)fname, MAXPATHL, "%s.%s.spl",
  						  int_wordlist, spell_enc());
--- 2555,2561 ----
      char_u	    *fname;
!     vim_snprintf((char *)fname, MAXPATHL, SPL_FNAME_TMPL,
  						  int_wordlist, spell_enc());
*** 2785,2792 ****
  	if (lp->sl_fname == NULL)
  	    goto endFAIL;
! 	/* Check for .add.spl. */
! 	lp->sl_add = strstr((char *)gettail(fname), ".add.") != NULL;
  	lp = old_lp;
--- 2810,2817 ----
  	if (lp->sl_fname == NULL)
  	    goto endFAIL;
! 	/* Check for .add.spl (_add.spl for VMS). */
! 	lp->sl_add = strstr((char *)gettail(fname), SPL_FNAME_ADD) != NULL;
  	lp = old_lp;
*** 9109,9116 ****
  	    /* For ":mkspell path/vim" output file is "path/vim.latin1.spl". */
  	    innames = &fnames[0];
  	    incount = 1;
! 	    vim_snprintf((char *)wfname, sizeof(wfname), "%s.%s.spl", fnames[0],
! 			     spin.si_ascii ? (char_u *)"ascii" : spell_enc());
  	else if (len > 4 && STRCMP(fnames[0] + len - 4, ".spl") == 0)
--- 9134,9141 ----
  	    /* For ":mkspell path/vim" output file is "path/vim.latin1.spl". */
  	    innames = &fnames[0];
  	    incount = 1;
! 	    vim_snprintf((char *)wfname, sizeof(wfname), SPL_FNAME_TMPL,
! 		  fnames[0], spin.si_ascii ? (char_u *)"ascii" : spell_enc());
  	else if (len > 4 && STRCMP(fnames[0] + len - 4, ".spl") == 0)
*** 9119,9133 ****
  	    /* Name should be language, make the file name from it. */
! 	    vim_snprintf((char *)wfname, sizeof(wfname), "%s.%s.spl", fnames[0],
! 			     spin.si_ascii ? (char_u *)"ascii" : spell_enc());
  	/* Check for .ascii.spl. */
! 	if (strstr((char *)gettail(wfname), ".ascii.") != NULL)
  	    spin.si_ascii = TRUE;
  	/* Check for .add.spl. */
! 	if (strstr((char *)gettail(wfname), ".add.") != NULL)
  	    spin.si_add = TRUE;
--- 9144,9158 ----
  	    /* Name should be language, make the file name from it. */
! 	    vim_snprintf((char *)wfname, sizeof(wfname), SPL_FNAME_TMPL,
! 		  fnames[0], spin.si_ascii ? (char_u *)"ascii" : spell_enc());
  	/* Check for .ascii.spl. */
! 	if (strstr((char *)gettail(wfname), SPL_FNAME_ASCII) != NULL)
  	    spin.si_ascii = TRUE;
  	/* Check for .add.spl. */
! 	if (strstr((char *)gettail(wfname), SPL_FNAME_ADD) != NULL)
  	    spin.si_add = TRUE;
*** ../vim-7.3.079/src/version.c	2010-12-08 14:54:58.000000000 +0100
--- src/version.c	2010-12-08 16:58:03.000000000 +0100
*** 716,717 ****
--- 716,719 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     80,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
5. You find yourself brainstorming for new subjects to search.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///