Subject: Patch 7.2.308
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.308
Problem:    When using a regexp in the "\=" expression of a substitute
	    command, submatch() returns empty strings for further lines.
	    (Clockwork Jam)
Solution:   Save and restore the line number and line count when calling
Files:	    src/regexp.c

*** ../vim-7.2.307/src/regexp.c	2009-11-25 18:21:48.000000000 +0100
--- src/regexp.c	2009-11-25 19:45:07.000000000 +0100
*** 6828,6833 ****
--- 6828,6835 ----
   * that contains a call to substitute() and submatch(). */
  static regmatch_T	*submatch_match;
  static regmmatch_T	*submatch_mmatch;
+ static linenr_T		submatch_firstlnum;
+ static linenr_T		submatch_maxline;
  #if defined(FEAT_MODIFY_FNAME) || defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
*** 6941,6947 ****
- 	    linenr_T	save_reg_maxline;
  	    win_T	*save_reg_win;
  	    int		save_ireg_ic;
--- 6943,6948 ----
*** 6953,6959 ****
  	     * vim_regexec_multi() can't be called recursively. */
  	    submatch_match = reg_match;
  	    submatch_mmatch = reg_mmatch;
! 	    save_reg_maxline = reg_maxline;
  	    save_reg_win = reg_win;
  	    save_ireg_ic = ireg_ic;
  	    can_f_submatch = TRUE;
--- 6954,6961 ----
  	     * vim_regexec_multi() can't be called recursively. */
  	    submatch_match = reg_match;
  	    submatch_mmatch = reg_mmatch;
! 	    submatch_firstlnum = reg_firstlnum;
! 	    submatch_maxline = reg_maxline;
  	    save_reg_win = reg_win;
  	    save_ireg_ic = ireg_ic;
  	    can_f_submatch = TRUE;
*** 6976,6982 ****
  	    reg_match = submatch_match;
  	    reg_mmatch = submatch_mmatch;
! 	    reg_maxline = save_reg_maxline;
  	    reg_win = save_reg_win;
  	    ireg_ic = save_ireg_ic;
  	    can_f_submatch = FALSE;
--- 6978,6985 ----
  	    reg_match = submatch_match;
  	    reg_mmatch = submatch_mmatch;
! 	    reg_firstlnum = submatch_firstlnum;
! 	    reg_maxline = submatch_maxline;
  	    reg_win = save_reg_win;
  	    ireg_ic = save_ireg_ic;
  	    can_f_submatch = FALSE;
*** 7212,7217 ****
--- 7215,7243 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+  * Call reg_getline() with the line numbers from the submatch.  If a
+  * substitute() was used the reg_maxline and other values have been
+  * overwritten.
+  */
+     static char_u *
+ reg_getline_submatch(lnum)
+     linenr_T	lnum;
+ {
+     char_u *s;
+     linenr_T save_first = reg_firstlnum;
+     linenr_T save_max = reg_maxline;
+     reg_firstlnum = submatch_firstlnum;
+     reg_maxline = submatch_maxline;
+     s = reg_getline(lnum);
+     reg_firstlnum = save_first;
+     reg_maxline = save_max;
+     return s;
+ }
+ /*
   * Used for the submatch() function: get the string from the n'th submatch in
   * allocated memory.
   * Returns NULL when not in a ":s" command and for a non-existing submatch.
*** 7241,7247 ****
  	    if (lnum < 0 || submatch_mmatch->endpos[no].lnum < 0)
  		return NULL;
! 	    s = reg_getline(lnum) + submatch_mmatch->startpos[no].col;
  	    if (s == NULL)  /* anti-crash check, cannot happen? */
  	    if (submatch_mmatch->endpos[no].lnum == lnum)
--- 7267,7273 ----
  	    if (lnum < 0 || submatch_mmatch->endpos[no].lnum < 0)
  		return NULL;
! 	    s = reg_getline_submatch(lnum) + submatch_mmatch->startpos[no].col;
  	    if (s == NULL)  /* anti-crash check, cannot happen? */
  	    if (submatch_mmatch->endpos[no].lnum == lnum)
*** 7267,7273 ****
  		while (lnum < submatch_mmatch->endpos[no].lnum)
! 		    s = reg_getline(lnum++);
  		    if (round == 2)
  			STRCPY(retval + len, s);
  		    len += (int)STRLEN(s);
--- 7293,7299 ----
  		while (lnum < submatch_mmatch->endpos[no].lnum)
! 		    s = reg_getline_submatch(lnum++);
  		    if (round == 2)
  			STRCPY(retval + len, s);
  		    len += (int)STRLEN(s);
*** 7276,7282 ****
  		if (round == 2)
! 		    STRNCPY(retval + len, reg_getline(lnum),
  		len += submatch_mmatch->endpos[no].col;
  		if (round == 2)
--- 7302,7308 ----
  		if (round == 2)
! 		    STRNCPY(retval + len, reg_getline_submatch(lnum),
  		len += submatch_mmatch->endpos[no].col;
  		if (round == 2)
*** ../vim-7.2.307/src/version.c	2009-11-25 18:21:48.000000000 +0100
--- src/version.c	2009-11-25 19:50:16.000000000 +0100
*** 683,684 ****
--- 683,686 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     308,

Engineers are always delighted to share wisdom, even in areas in which they
have no experience whatsoever.  Their logic provides them with inherent
insight into any field of expertise.  This can be a problem when dealing with
the illogical people who believe that knowledge can only be derived through
				(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

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