Subject: Patch 7.2.106
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From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.106
Problem:    Endless loop when using "]s" in HTML when there are no
	    misspellings. (Ingo Karkat)
Solution:   Break the search loop.  Also fix pointer alignment for systems
	    with pointers larger than int.
Files:	    src/spell.c

*** ../vim-7.2.105/src/spell.c	Tue Dec  9 22:34:02 2008
--- src/spell.c	Wed Feb 11 17:54:50 2009
*** 2376,2382 ****
  	    /* If we are back at the starting line and there is no match then
  	     * give up. */
! 	    if (lnum == wp->w_cursor.lnum && !found_one)
  	    /* Skip the characters at the start of the next line that were
--- 2376,2382 ----
  	    /* If we are back at the starting line and there is no match then
  	     * give up. */
! 	    if (lnum == wp->w_cursor.lnum && (!found_one || wrapped))
  	    /* Skip the characters at the start of the next line that were
*** 4956,4968 ****
   * Structure that is used to store the items in the word tree.  This avoids
   * the need to keep track of each allocated thing, everything is freed all at
   * once after ":mkspell" is done.
  #define  SBLOCKSIZE 16000	/* size of sb_data */
  typedef struct sblock_S sblock_T;
  struct sblock_S
-     sblock_T	*sb_next;	/* next block in list */
      int		sb_used;	/* nr of bytes already in use */
      char_u	sb_data[1];	/* data, actually longer */
--- 4956,4971 ----
   * Structure that is used to store the items in the word tree.  This avoids
   * the need to keep track of each allocated thing, everything is freed all at
   * once after ":mkspell" is done.
+  * Note: "sb_next" must be just before "sb_data" to make sure the alignment of
+  * "sb_data" is correct for systems where pointers must be aligned on
+  * pointer-size boundaries and sizeof(pointer) > sizeof(int) (e.g., Sparc).
  #define  SBLOCKSIZE 16000	/* size of sb_data */
  typedef struct sblock_S sblock_T;
  struct sblock_S
      int		sb_used;	/* nr of bytes already in use */
+     sblock_T	*sb_next;	/* next block in list */
      char_u	sb_data[1];	/* data, actually longer */
*** 15011,15017 ****
  	case 0:
! 	     * Lenghts are equal, thus changes must result in same length: An
  	     * insert is only possible in combination with a delete.
  	     * 1: check if for identical strings
--- 15014,15020 ----
  	case 0:
! 	     * Lengths are equal, thus changes must result in same length: An
  	     * insert is only possible in combination with a delete.
  	     * 1: check if for identical strings
*** ../vim-7.2.105/src/version.c	Wed Feb 11 16:45:56 2009
--- src/version.c	Wed Feb 11 17:56:34 2009
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     106,

If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and
only four tellers?

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///