Subject: Patch 7.3.1197
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.3.1197
Problem:    ":wviminfo!" does not write history previously read from a viminfo
	    file.  (Roland Eggner)
Solution:   When not merging history write all entries.
Files:	    src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/

*** ../vim-7.3.1196/src/ex_cmds.c	2013-06-08 18:19:39.000000000 +0200
--- src/ex_cmds.c	2013-06-15 16:16:33.000000000 +0200
*** 1722,1732 ****
!  * write_viminfo() -- Write the viminfo file.  The old one is read in first so
!  * that effectively a merge of current info and old info is done.  This allows
!  * multiple vims to run simultaneously, without losing any marks etc.  If
!  * forceit is TRUE, then the old file is not read in, and only internal info is
!  * written to the file. -- webb
  write_viminfo(file, forceit)
--- 1722,1732 ----
!  * Write the viminfo file.  The old one is read in first so that effectively a
!  * merge of current info and old info is done.  This allows multiple vims to
!  * run simultaneously, without losing any marks etc.
!  * If "forceit" is TRUE, then the old file is not read in, and only internal
!  * info is written to the file.
  write_viminfo(file, forceit)
*** 2047,2052 ****
--- 2047,2053 ----
      int		count = 0;
      int		eof = FALSE;
      vir_T	vir;
+     int		merge = FALSE;
      if ((vir.vir_line = alloc(LSIZE)) == NULL)
*** 2058,2066 ****
      if (fp_in != NULL)
  	if (flags & VIF_WANT_INFO)
  	    eof = read_viminfo_up_to_marks(&vir,
  					 flags & VIF_FORCEIT, fp_out != NULL);
! 	else
  	    /* Skip info, find start of marks */
  	    while (!(eof = viminfo_readline(&vir))
  		    && vir.vir_line[0] != '>')
--- 2059,2070 ----
      if (fp_in != NULL)
  	if (flags & VIF_WANT_INFO)
+ 	{
  	    eof = read_viminfo_up_to_marks(&vir,
  					 flags & VIF_FORCEIT, fp_out != NULL);
! 	    merge = TRUE;
! 	}
! 	else if (flags != 0)
  	    /* Skip info, find start of marks */
  	    while (!(eof = viminfo_readline(&vir))
  		    && vir.vir_line[0] != '>')
*** 2079,2085 ****
! 	write_viminfo_history(fp_out);
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
--- 2083,2089 ----
! 	write_viminfo_history(fp_out, merge);
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
*** ../vim-7.3.1196/src/ex_getln.c	2013-06-08 18:19:39.000000000 +0200
--- src/ex_getln.c	2013-06-15 16:23:57.000000000 +0200
*** 6003,6008 ****
--- 6003,6011 ----
  #if (defined(FEAT_VIMINFO) && defined(FEAT_CMDHIST)) || defined(PROTO)
+ /*
+  * Buffers for history read from a viminfo file.  Only valid while reading.
+  */
  static char_u **viminfo_history[HIST_COUNT] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
  static int	viminfo_hisidx[HIST_COUNT] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
  static int	viminfo_hislen[HIST_COUNT] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
*** 6184,6192 ****
! write_viminfo_history(fp)
      FILE    *fp;
      int	    i;
      int	    type;
--- 6187,6202 ----
+ /*
+  * Write history to viminfo file in "fp".
+  * When "merge" is TRUE merge history lines with a previously read viminfo
+  * file, data is in viminfo_history[].
+  * When "merge" is FALSE just write all history lines.  Used for ":wviminfo!".
+  */
! write_viminfo_history(fp, merge)
      FILE    *fp;
+     int	    merge;
      int	    i;
      int	    type;
*** 6236,6242 ****
  		    p = round == 1 ? history[type][i].hisstr
  				   : viminfo_history[type] == NULL ? NULL
  						   : viminfo_history[type][i];
! 		    if (p != NULL && (round == 2 || !history[type][i].viminfo))
  			fputc(hist_type2char(type, TRUE), fp);
--- 6246,6254 ----
  		    p = round == 1 ? history[type][i].hisstr
  				   : viminfo_history[type] == NULL ? NULL
  						   : viminfo_history[type][i];
! 		    if (p != NULL && (round == 2
! 				       || !merge
! 				       || !history[type][i].viminfo))
  			fputc(hist_type2char(type, TRUE), fp);
*** ../vim-7.3.1196/src/proto/	2013-04-14 23:19:32.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/	2013-06-15 16:20:46.000000000 +0200
*** 51,57 ****
  void prepare_viminfo_history __ARGS((int asklen, int writing));
  int read_viminfo_history __ARGS((vir_T *virp, int writing));
  void finish_viminfo_history __ARGS((void));
! void write_viminfo_history __ARGS((FILE *fp));
  void cmd_pchar __ARGS((int c, int offset));
  int cmd_gchar __ARGS((int offset));
  char_u *script_get __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, char_u *cmd));
--- 51,57 ----
  void prepare_viminfo_history __ARGS((int asklen, int writing));
  int read_viminfo_history __ARGS((vir_T *virp, int writing));
  void finish_viminfo_history __ARGS((void));
! void write_viminfo_history __ARGS((FILE *fp, int merge));
  void cmd_pchar __ARGS((int c, int offset));
  int cmd_gchar __ARGS((int offset));
  char_u *script_get __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, char_u *cmd));
*** ../vim-7.3.1196/src/version.c	2013-06-15 15:09:44.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2013-06-15 16:13:55.000000000 +0200
*** 730,731 ****
--- 730,733 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1197,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
216. Your pet rock leaves home.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///