To: Subject: Patch 7.3.1048 Fcc: outbox From: Bram Moolenaar <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ------------ Patch 7.3.1048 Problem: Python: no consistent naming. Solution: Python patch 9: Rename d to dict and lookupDict to lookup_dict. (ZyX) Files: src/if_py_both.h *** ../vim-7.3.1047/src/if_py_both.h 2013-05-29 22:36:06.000000000 +0200 --- src/if_py_both.h 2013-05-29 22:39:16.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 475,481 **** * you call VimToPython. */ static PyObject * ! VimToPython(typval_T *our_tv, int depth, PyObject *lookupDict) { PyObject *result; PyObject *newObj; --- 475,481 ---- * you call VimToPython. */ static PyObject * ! VimToPython(typval_T *our_tv, int depth, PyObject *lookup_dict) { PyObject *result; PyObject *newObj; *************** *** 489,495 **** return result; } ! /* Check if we run into a recursive loop. The item must be in lookupDict * then and we can use it again. */ if ((our_tv->v_type == VAR_LIST && our_tv->vval.v_list != NULL) || (our_tv->v_type == VAR_DICT && our_tv->vval.v_dict != NULL)) --- 489,495 ---- return result; } ! /* Check if we run into a recursive loop. The item must be in lookup_dict * then and we can use it again. */ if ((our_tv->v_type == VAR_LIST && our_tv->vval.v_list != NULL) || (our_tv->v_type == VAR_DICT && our_tv->vval.v_dict != NULL)) *************** *** 498,504 **** our_tv->v_type == VAR_LIST ? (void *)our_tv->vval.v_list : (void *)our_tv->vval.v_dict); ! if ((result = PyDict_GetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf))) { Py_INCREF(result); return result; --- 498,504 ---- our_tv->v_type == VAR_LIST ? (void *)our_tv->vval.v_list : (void *)our_tv->vval.v_dict); ! if ((result = PyDict_GetItemString(lookup_dict, ptrBuf))) { Py_INCREF(result); return result; *************** *** 538,544 **** if (!(result = PyList_New(0))) return NULL; ! if (PyDict_SetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf, result)) { Py_DECREF(result); return NULL; --- 538,544 ---- if (!(result = PyList_New(0))) return NULL; ! if (PyDict_SetItemString(lookup_dict, ptrBuf, result)) { Py_DECREF(result); return NULL; *************** *** 546,552 **** for (curr = list->lv_first; curr != NULL; curr = curr->li_next) { ! if (!(newObj = VimToPython(&curr->li_tv, depth + 1, lookupDict))) { Py_DECREF(result); return NULL; --- 546,552 ---- for (curr = list->lv_first; curr != NULL; curr = curr->li_next) { ! if (!(newObj = VimToPython(&curr->li_tv, depth + 1, lookup_dict))) { Py_DECREF(result); return NULL; *************** *** 573,579 **** if (!(result = PyDict_New())) return NULL; ! if (PyDict_SetItemString(lookupDict, ptrBuf, result)) { Py_DECREF(result); return NULL; --- 573,579 ---- if (!(result = PyDict_New())) return NULL; ! if (PyDict_SetItemString(lookup_dict, ptrBuf, result)) { Py_DECREF(result); return NULL; *************** *** 586,592 **** --todo; di = dict_lookup(hi); ! if (!(newObj = VimToPython(&di->di_tv, depth + 1, lookupDict))) { Py_DECREF(result); return NULL; --- 586,592 ---- --todo; di = dict_lookup(hi); ! if (!(newObj = VimToPython(&di->di_tv, depth + 1, lookup_dict))) { Py_DECREF(result); return NULL; *************** *** 970,980 **** { char_u *key; typval_T tv; ! dict_T *d = self->dict; dictitem_T *di; DICTKEY_DECL ! if (d->dv_lock) { PyErr_SetVim(_("dict is locked")); return -1; --- 970,980 ---- { char_u *key; typval_T tv; ! dict_T *dict = self->dict; dictitem_T *di; DICTKEY_DECL ! if (dict->dv_lock) { PyErr_SetVim(_("dict is locked")); return -1; *************** *** 982,988 **** DICTKEY_GET_NOTEMPTY(-1) ! di = dict_find(d, key, -1); if (valObject == NULL) { --- 982,988 ---- DICTKEY_GET_NOTEMPTY(-1) ! di = dict_find(dict, key, -1); if (valObject == NULL) { *************** *** 994,1001 **** PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, keyObject); return -1; } ! hi = hash_find(&d->dv_hashtab, di->di_key); ! hash_remove(&d->dv_hashtab, hi); dictitem_free(di); return 0; } --- 994,1001 ---- PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, keyObject); return -1; } ! hi = hash_find(&dict->dv_hashtab, di->di_key); ! hash_remove(&dict->dv_hashtab, hi); dictitem_free(di); return 0; } *************** *** 1013,1019 **** } di->di_tv.v_lock = 0; ! if (dict_add(d, di) == FAIL) { DICTKEY_UNREF vim_free(di); --- 1013,1019 ---- } di->di_tv.v_lock = 0; ! if (dict_add(dict, di) == FAIL) { DICTKEY_UNREF vim_free(di); *************** *** 1102,1108 **** } static int ! list_py_concat(list_T *l, PyObject *obj, PyObject *lookupDict) { Py_ssize_t i; Py_ssize_t lsize = PySequence_Size(obj); --- 1102,1108 ---- } static int ! list_py_concat(list_T *l, PyObject *obj, PyObject *lookup_dict) { Py_ssize_t i; Py_ssize_t lsize = PySequence_Size(obj); *************** *** 1122,1128 **** litem = PySequence_GetItem(obj, i); if (litem == NULL) return -1; ! if (_ConvertFromPyObject(litem, &li->li_tv, lookupDict) == -1) return -1; list_append(l, li); --- 1122,1128 ---- litem = PySequence_GetItem(obj, i); if (litem == NULL) return -1; ! if (_ConvertFromPyObject(litem, &li->li_tv, lookup_dict) == -1) return -1; list_append(l, li); *************** *** 4009,4032 **** } static int ! pydict_to_tv(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookupDict) { ! dict_T *d; char_u *key; dictitem_T *di; PyObject *keyObject; PyObject *valObject; Py_ssize_t iter = 0; ! d = dict_alloc(); ! if (d == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return -1; } tv->v_type = VAR_DICT; ! tv->vval.v_dict = d; while (PyDict_Next(obj, &iter, &keyObject, &valObject)) { --- 4009,4032 ---- } static int ! pydict_to_tv(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookup_dict) { ! dict_T *dict; char_u *key; dictitem_T *di; PyObject *keyObject; PyObject *valObject; Py_ssize_t iter = 0; ! dict = dict_alloc(); ! if (dict == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return -1; } tv->v_type = VAR_DICT; ! tv->vval.v_dict = dict; while (PyDict_Next(obj, &iter, &keyObject, &valObject)) { *************** *** 4050,4061 **** } di->di_tv.v_lock = 0; ! if (_ConvertFromPyObject(valObject, &di->di_tv, lookupDict) == -1) { vim_free(di); return -1; } ! if (dict_add(d, di) == FAIL) { vim_free(di); PyErr_SetVim(_("failed to add key to dictionary")); --- 4050,4062 ---- } di->di_tv.v_lock = 0; ! if (_ConvertFromPyObject(valObject, &di->di_tv, lookup_dict) == -1) { vim_free(di); return -1; } ! ! if (dict_add(dict, di) == FAIL) { vim_free(di); PyErr_SetVim(_("failed to add key to dictionary")); *************** *** 4066,4074 **** } static int ! pymap_to_tv(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookupDict) { ! dict_T *d; char_u *key; dictitem_T *di; PyObject *list; --- 4067,4075 ---- } static int ! pymap_to_tv(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookup_dict) { ! dict_T *dict; char_u *key; dictitem_T *di; PyObject *list; *************** *** 4077,4091 **** PyObject *valObject; Py_ssize_t lsize; ! d = dict_alloc(); ! if (d == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return -1; } tv->v_type = VAR_DICT; ! tv->vval.v_dict = d; list = PyMapping_Items(obj); if (list == NULL) --- 4078,4092 ---- PyObject *valObject; Py_ssize_t lsize; ! dict = dict_alloc(); ! if (dict == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return -1; } tv->v_type = VAR_DICT; ! tv->vval.v_dict = dict; list = PyMapping_Items(obj); if (list == NULL) *************** *** 4133,4146 **** } di->di_tv.v_lock = 0; ! if (_ConvertFromPyObject(valObject, &di->di_tv, lookupDict) == -1) { vim_free(di); Py_DECREF(list); Py_DECREF(litem); return -1; } ! if (dict_add(d, di) == FAIL) { vim_free(di); Py_DECREF(list); --- 4134,4147 ---- } di->di_tv.v_lock = 0; ! if (_ConvertFromPyObject(valObject, &di->di_tv, lookup_dict) == -1) { vim_free(di); Py_DECREF(list); Py_DECREF(litem); return -1; } ! if (dict_add(dict, di) == FAIL) { vim_free(di); Py_DECREF(list); *************** *** 4155,4161 **** } static int ! pyseq_to_tv(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookupDict) { list_T *l; --- 4156,4162 ---- } static int ! pyseq_to_tv(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookup_dict) { list_T *l; *************** *** 4169,4182 **** tv->v_type = VAR_LIST; tv->vval.v_list = l; ! if (list_py_concat(l, obj, lookupDict) == -1) return -1; return 0; } static int ! pyiter_to_tv(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookupDict) { PyObject *iterator = PyObject_GetIter(obj); PyObject *item; --- 4170,4183 ---- tv->v_type = VAR_LIST; tv->vval.v_list = l; ! if (list_py_concat(l, obj, lookup_dict) == -1) return -1; return 0; } static int ! pyiter_to_tv(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookup_dict) { PyObject *iterator = PyObject_GetIter(obj); PyObject *item; *************** *** 4208,4214 **** } li->li_tv.v_lock = 0; ! if (_ConvertFromPyObject(item, &li->li_tv, lookupDict) == -1) return -1; list_append(l, li); --- 4209,4215 ---- } li->li_tv.v_lock = 0; ! if (_ConvertFromPyObject(item, &li->li_tv, lookup_dict) == -1) return -1; list_append(l, li); *************** *** 4224,4230 **** static int convert_dl(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, ! pytotvfunc py_to_tv, PyObject *lookupDict) { PyObject *capsule; char hexBuf[sizeof(void *) * 2 + 3]; --- 4225,4231 ---- static int convert_dl(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, ! pytotvfunc py_to_tv, PyObject *lookup_dict) { PyObject *capsule; char hexBuf[sizeof(void *) * 2 + 3]; *************** *** 4232,4240 **** sprintf(hexBuf, "%p", obj); # ifdef PY_USE_CAPSULE ! capsule = PyDict_GetItemString(lookupDict, hexBuf); # else ! capsule = (PyObject *)PyDict_GetItemString(lookupDict, hexBuf); # endif if (capsule == NULL) { --- 4233,4241 ---- sprintf(hexBuf, "%p", obj); # ifdef PY_USE_CAPSULE ! capsule = PyDict_GetItemString(lookup_dict, hexBuf); # else ! capsule = (PyObject *)PyDict_GetItemString(lookup_dict, hexBuf); # endif if (capsule == NULL) { *************** *** 4243,4251 **** # else capsule = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(tv, NULL); # endif ! PyDict_SetItemString(lookupDict, hexBuf, capsule); Py_DECREF(capsule); ! if (py_to_tv(obj, tv, lookupDict) == -1) { tv->v_type = VAR_UNKNOWN; return -1; --- 4244,4252 ---- # else capsule = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(tv, NULL); # endif ! PyDict_SetItemString(lookup_dict, hexBuf, capsule); Py_DECREF(capsule); ! if (py_to_tv(obj, tv, lookup_dict) == -1) { tv->v_type = VAR_UNKNOWN; return -1; *************** *** 4285,4291 **** } static int ! _ConvertFromPyObject(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookupDict) { if (obj->ob_type == &DictionaryType) { --- 4286,4292 ---- } static int ! _ConvertFromPyObject(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookup_dict) { if (obj->ob_type == &DictionaryType) { *************** *** 4357,4363 **** tv->vval.v_number = (varnumber_T) PyLong_AsLong(obj); } else if (PyDict_Check(obj)) ! return convert_dl(obj, tv, pydict_to_tv, lookupDict); #ifdef FEAT_FLOAT else if (PyFloat_Check(obj)) { --- 4358,4364 ---- tv->vval.v_number = (varnumber_T) PyLong_AsLong(obj); } else if (PyDict_Check(obj)) ! return convert_dl(obj, tv, pydict_to_tv, lookup_dict); #ifdef FEAT_FLOAT else if (PyFloat_Check(obj)) { *************** *** 4366,4376 **** } #endif else if (PyIter_Check(obj)) ! return convert_dl(obj, tv, pyiter_to_tv, lookupDict); else if (PySequence_Check(obj)) ! return convert_dl(obj, tv, pyseq_to_tv, lookupDict); else if (PyMapping_Check(obj)) ! return convert_dl(obj, tv, pymap_to_tv, lookupDict); else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, --- 4367,4377 ---- } #endif else if (PyIter_Check(obj)) ! return convert_dl(obj, tv, pyiter_to_tv, lookup_dict); else if (PySequence_Check(obj)) ! return convert_dl(obj, tv, pyseq_to_tv, lookup_dict); else if (PyMapping_Check(obj)) ! return convert_dl(obj, tv, pymap_to_tv, lookup_dict); else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, *** ../vim-7.3.1047/src/version.c 2013-05-29 22:36:06.000000000 +0200 --- src/version.c 2013-05-29 22:38:23.000000000 +0200 *************** *** 730,731 **** --- 730,733 ---- { /* Add new patch number below this line */ + /**/ + 1048, /**/ -- hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict: 23. You can't call your mother...she doesn't have a modem. /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\ /// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\ \\\ an exciting new programming language -- /// \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///