Subject: Patch 7.3.926
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Patch 7.3.926
Problem:    Autocommands are triggered by setwinvar() et al. Missing BufEnter
	    on :tabclose. Duplicate WinEnter on :tabclose. Wrong order of
	    events for :tablose and :tabnew.
Solution:   Fix these autocommand events. (Zyx)
Files:	    runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c,
	    src/fileio.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/,
	    src/testdir/test62.ok, src/window.c

*** ../vim-7.3.925/runtime/doc/eval.txt	2013-02-20 21:11:14.000000000 +0100
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt	2013-05-06 04:33:13.000000000 +0200
*** 5294,5301 ****
  		Note that the variable name without "t:" must be used.
  		Tabs are numbered starting with one.
- 		Vim briefly goes to the tab page {tabnr}, this may trigger
- 		TabLeave and TabEnter autocommands.
  		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
  settabwinvar({tabnr}, {winnr}, {varname}, {val})	*settabwinvar()*
--- 5320,5325 ----
*** 5308,5315 ****
  		doesn't work for a global or local buffer variable.
  		For a local buffer option the global value is unchanged.
  		Note that the variable name without "w:" must be used.
- 		Vim briefly goes to the tab page {tabnr}, this may trigger
- 		TabLeave and TabEnter autocommands.
  		Examples: >
  			:call settabwinvar(1, 1, "&list", 0)
  			:call settabwinvar(3, 2, "myvar", "foobar")
--- 5332,5337 ----
*** ../vim-7.3.925/src/buffer.c	2013-05-06 04:21:35.000000000 +0200
--- src/buffer.c	2013-05-06 04:33:13.000000000 +0200
*** 4551,4557 ****
       * When the ":tab" modifier was used do this for all tab pages.
      if (had_tab > 0)
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(first_tabpage, TRUE);
      for (;;)
  	tpnext = curtab->tp_next;
--- 4551,4557 ----
       * When the ":tab" modifier was used do this for all tab pages.
      if (had_tab > 0)
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(first_tabpage, TRUE, TRUE);
      for (;;)
  	tpnext = curtab->tp_next;
*** 4663,4669 ****
  	if (!valid_tabpage(tpnext))
  	    tpnext = first_tabpage;	/* start all over...*/
  # endif
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(tpnext, TRUE);
--- 4663,4669 ----
  	if (!valid_tabpage(tpnext))
  	    tpnext = first_tabpage;	/* start all over...*/
  # endif
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(tpnext, TRUE, TRUE);
*** 4767,4779 ****
      if (last_curtab != new_curtab)
  	if (valid_tabpage(last_curtab))
! 	    goto_tabpage_tp(last_curtab, TRUE);
  	if (win_valid(last_curwin))
  	    win_enter(last_curwin, FALSE);
      /* to window with first arg */
      if (valid_tabpage(new_curtab))
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(new_curtab, TRUE);
      if (win_valid(new_curwin))
  	win_enter(new_curwin, FALSE);
--- 4767,4779 ----
      if (last_curtab != new_curtab)
  	if (valid_tabpage(last_curtab))
! 	    goto_tabpage_tp(last_curtab, TRUE, TRUE);
  	if (win_valid(last_curwin))
  	    win_enter(last_curwin, FALSE);
      /* to window with first arg */
      if (valid_tabpage(new_curtab))
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(new_curtab, TRUE, TRUE);
      if (win_valid(new_curwin))
  	win_enter(new_curwin, FALSE);
*** 4825,4831 ****
      if (had_tab > 0)
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(first_tabpage, TRUE);
      for (;;)
--- 4825,4831 ----
      if (had_tab > 0)
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(first_tabpage, TRUE, TRUE);
      for (;;)
*** 4865,4871 ****
  	/* Without the ":tab" modifier only do the current tab page. */
  	if (had_tab == 0 || tpnext == NULL)
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(tpnext, TRUE);
--- 4865,4871 ----
  	/* Without the ":tab" modifier only do the current tab page. */
  	if (had_tab == 0 || tpnext == NULL)
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(tpnext, TRUE, TRUE);
*** ../vim-7.3.925/src/eval.c	2013-05-06 04:21:35.000000000 +0200
--- src/eval.c	2013-05-06 04:33:13.000000000 +0200
*** 16604,16610 ****
      if (tp != NULL && varname != NULL && varp != NULL)
  	save_curtab = curtab;
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(tp, TRUE);
  	tabvarname = alloc((unsigned)STRLEN(varname) + 3);
  	if (tabvarname != NULL)
--- 16604,16610 ----
      if (tp != NULL && varname != NULL && varp != NULL)
  	save_curtab = curtab;
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(tp, FALSE, FALSE);
  	tabvarname = alloc((unsigned)STRLEN(varname) + 3);
  	if (tabvarname != NULL)
*** 16617,16623 ****
  	/* Restore current tabpage */
  	if (valid_tabpage(save_curtab))
! 	    goto_tabpage_tp(save_curtab, TRUE);
--- 16617,16623 ----
  	/* Restore current tabpage */
  	if (valid_tabpage(save_curtab))
! 	    goto_tabpage_tp(save_curtab, FALSE, FALSE);
*** 16654,16660 ****
      /* set curwin to be our win, temporarily */
      *save_curwin = curwin;
      *save_curtab = curtab;
!     goto_tabpage_tp(tp, TRUE);
      if (!win_valid(win))
  	return FAIL;
      curwin = win;
--- 16654,16660 ----
      /* set curwin to be our win, temporarily */
      *save_curwin = curwin;
      *save_curtab = curtab;
!     goto_tabpage_tp(tp, FALSE, FALSE);
      if (!win_valid(win))
  	return FAIL;
      curwin = win;
*** 16672,16678 ****
      /* Restore current tabpage and window, if still valid (autocommands can
       * make them invalid). */
      if (valid_tabpage(save_curtab))
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(save_curtab, TRUE);
      if (win_valid(save_curwin))
  	curwin = save_curwin;
--- 16672,16678 ----
      /* Restore current tabpage and window, if still valid (autocommands can
       * make them invalid). */
      if (valid_tabpage(save_curtab))
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(save_curtab, FALSE, FALSE);
      if (win_valid(save_curwin))
  	curwin = save_curwin;
*** ../vim-7.3.925/src/ex_cmds2.c	2013-05-06 04:21:35.000000000 +0200
--- src/ex_cmds2.c	2013-05-06 04:33:13.000000000 +0200
*** 2482,2488 ****
  		/* go to window "tp" */
  		if (!valid_tabpage(tp))
! 		goto_tabpage_tp(tp, TRUE);
  		tp = tp->tp_next;
--- 2482,2488 ----
  		/* go to window "tp" */
  		if (!valid_tabpage(tp))
! 		goto_tabpage_tp(tp, TRUE, TRUE);
  		tp = tp->tp_next;
*** ../vim-7.3.925/src/fileio.c	2013-05-06 04:21:35.000000000 +0200
--- src/fileio.c	2013-05-06 04:33:13.000000000 +0200
*** 8934,8940 ****
  		if (wp == aucmd_win)
  		    if (tp != curtab)
! 			goto_tabpage_tp(tp, TRUE);
  		    goto win_found;
--- 8934,8940 ----
  		if (wp == aucmd_win)
  		    if (tp != curtab)
! 			goto_tabpage_tp(tp, TRUE, TRUE);
  		    goto win_found;
*** ../vim-7.3.925/src/proto/	2012-07-19 18:05:40.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/	2013-05-06 04:33:13.000000000 +0200
*** 27,33 ****
  tabpage_T *find_tabpage __ARGS((int n));
  int tabpage_index __ARGS((tabpage_T *ftp));
  void goto_tabpage __ARGS((int n));
! void goto_tabpage_tp __ARGS((tabpage_T *tp, int trigger_autocmds));
  void goto_tabpage_win __ARGS((tabpage_T *tp, win_T *wp));
  void tabpage_move __ARGS((int nr));
  void win_goto __ARGS((win_T *wp));
--- 27,33 ----
  tabpage_T *find_tabpage __ARGS((int n));
  int tabpage_index __ARGS((tabpage_T *ftp));
  void goto_tabpage __ARGS((int n));
! void goto_tabpage_tp __ARGS((tabpage_T *tp, int trigger_enter_autocmds, int trigger_leave_autocmds));
  void goto_tabpage_win __ARGS((tabpage_T *tp, win_T *wp));
  void tabpage_move __ARGS((int nr));
  void win_goto __ARGS((win_T *wp));
*** ../vim-7.3.925/src/testdir/	2012-07-06 18:27:34.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/	2013-05-06 04:35:08.000000000 +0200
*** 120,125 ****
--- 120,187 ----

+ :" Test autocommands
+ :tabonly!
+ :let g:r=[]
+ :command -nargs=1 -bar C :call add(g:r, '=== ' . <q-args> . ' ===')|<args>
+ :function Test()
+     let hasau=has('autocmd')
+     if hasau
+         autocmd TabEnter * :call add(g:r, 'TabEnter')
+         autocmd WinEnter * :call add(g:r, 'WinEnter')
+         autocmd BufEnter * :call add(g:r, 'BufEnter')
+         autocmd TabLeave * :call add(g:r, 'TabLeave')
+         autocmd WinLeave * :call add(g:r, 'WinLeave')
+         autocmd BufLeave * :call add(g:r, 'BufLeave')
+     endif
+     let t:a='a'
+     C tab split
+     if !hasau
+         let g:r+=['WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter']
+     endif
+     let t:a='b'
+     C tabnew
+     if !hasau
+         let g:r+=['WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', 'BufLeave', 'BufEnter']
+     endif
+     let t:a='c'
+     call add(g:r, join(map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'gettabvar(v:val, "a")')))
+     C call map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'settabvar(v:val, "a", v:val*2)')
+     call add(g:r, join(map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'gettabvar(v:val, "a")')))
+     let w:a='a'
+     C vsplit
+     if !hasau
+         let g:r+=['WinLeave', 'WinEnter']
+     endif
+     let w:a='a'
+     let tabn=tabpagenr()
+     let winr=range(1, winnr('$'))
+     C tabnext 1
+     if !hasau
+         let g:r+=['BufLeave', 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', 'BufEnter']
+     endif
+     call add(g:r, join(map(copy(winr), 'gettabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, "a")')))
+     C call map(copy(winr), 'settabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, "a", v:val*2)')
+     call add(g:r, join(map(copy(winr), 'gettabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, "a")')))
+     if hasau
+         augroup TabDestructive
+             autocmd TabEnter * :C tabnext 2 | C tabclose 3
+         augroup END
+         C tabnext 3
+         let g:r+=[tabpagenr().'/'.tabpagenr('$')]
+         autocmd! TabDestructive TabEnter
+         C tabnew
+         C tabnext 1
+         autocmd TabDestructive TabEnter * nested :C tabnext 2 | C tabclose 3
+         C tabnext 3
+         let g:r+=[tabpagenr().'/'.tabpagenr('$')]
+     else
+         let g:r+=["=== tabnext 3 ===","BufLeave","WinLeave","TabLeave","WinEnter","TabEnter","=== tabnext 2 ===","=== tabclose 3 ===","2/2","=== tabnew ===","WinLeave","TabLeave","WinEnter","TabEnter","BufLeave","BufEnter","=== tabnext 1 ===","BufLeave","WinLeave","TabLeave","WinEnter","TabEnter","BufEnter","=== tabnext 3 ===","BufLeave","WinLeave","TabLeave","WinEnter","TabEnter","=== tabnext 2 ===","BufLeave","WinLeave","TabLeave","WinEnter","TabEnter","=== tabnext 2 ===","=== tabclose 3 ===","BufEnter","=== tabclose 3 ===","2/2",]
+     endif
+ endfunction
+ :call Test()
+ :$ put =g:r
+ :"
  :/^Results/,$w! test.out
*** ../vim-7.3.925/src/testdir/test62.ok	2012-07-06 18:27:34.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/test62.ok	2013-05-06 04:35:08.000000000 +0200
*** 18,20 ****
--- 18,88 ----
  E474 caught.
+ === tab split ===
+ WinLeave
+ TabLeave
+ WinEnter
+ TabEnter
+ === tabnew ===
+ WinLeave
+ TabLeave
+ WinEnter
+ TabEnter
+ BufLeave
+ BufEnter
+ a b c
+ === call map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'settabvar(v:val, ===
+ a b c
+ === vsplit ===
+ WinLeave
+ WinEnter
+ === tabnext 1 ===
+ BufLeave
+ WinLeave
+ TabLeave
+ WinEnter
+ TabEnter
+ BufEnter
+ a a
+ === call map(copy(winr), 'settabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, ===
+ a a
+ === tabnext 3 ===
+ BufLeave
+ WinLeave
+ TabLeave
+ WinEnter
+ TabEnter
+ === tabnext 2 ===
+ === tabclose 3 ===
+ 2/2
+ === tabnew ===
+ WinLeave
+ TabLeave
+ WinEnter
+ TabEnter
+ BufLeave
+ BufEnter
+ === tabnext 1 ===
+ BufLeave
+ WinLeave
+ TabLeave
+ WinEnter
+ TabEnter
+ BufEnter
+ === tabnext 3 ===
+ BufLeave
+ WinLeave
+ TabLeave
+ WinEnter
+ TabEnter
+ === tabnext 2 ===
+ BufLeave
+ WinLeave
+ TabLeave
+ WinEnter
+ TabEnter
+ === tabnext 2 ===
+ === tabclose 3 ===
+ BufEnter
+ === tabclose 3 ===
+ 2/2
*** ../vim-7.3.925/src/window.c	2013-05-06 04:21:35.000000000 +0200
--- src/window.c	2013-05-06 04:47:06.000000000 +0200
*** 44,54 ****
  static void new_frame __ARGS((win_T *wp));
  #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
  static tabpage_T *alloc_tabpage __ARGS((void));
! static int leave_tabpage __ARGS((buf_T *new_curbuf));
! static void enter_tabpage __ARGS((tabpage_T *tp, buf_T *old_curbuf, int trigger_autocmds));
  static void frame_fix_height __ARGS((win_T *wp));
  static int frame_minheight __ARGS((frame_T *topfrp, win_T *next_curwin));
! static void win_enter_ext __ARGS((win_T *wp, int undo_sync, int no_curwin));
  static void win_free __ARGS((win_T *wp, tabpage_T *tp));
  static void frame_append __ARGS((frame_T *after, frame_T *frp));
  static void frame_insert __ARGS((frame_T *before, frame_T *frp));
--- 44,54 ----
  static void new_frame __ARGS((win_T *wp));
  #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
  static tabpage_T *alloc_tabpage __ARGS((void));
! static int leave_tabpage __ARGS((buf_T *new_curbuf, int trigger_leave_autocmds));
! static void enter_tabpage __ARGS((tabpage_T *tp, buf_T *old_curbuf, int trigger_enter_autocmds, int trigger_leave_autocmds));
  static void frame_fix_height __ARGS((win_T *wp));
  static int frame_minheight __ARGS((frame_T *topfrp, win_T *next_curwin));
! static void win_enter_ext __ARGS((win_T *wp, int undo_sync, int no_curwin, int trigger_enter_autocmds, int trigger_leave_autocmds));
  static void win_free __ARGS((win_T *wp, tabpage_T *tp));
  static void frame_append __ARGS((frame_T *after, frame_T *frp));
  static void frame_insert __ARGS((frame_T *before, frame_T *frp));
*** 353,363 ****
  						     && valid_tabpage(oldtab))
  			newtab = curtab;
! 			goto_tabpage_tp(oldtab, TRUE);
  			if (curwin == wp)
  			    win_close(curwin, FALSE);
  			if (valid_tabpage(newtab))
! 			    goto_tabpage_tp(newtab, TRUE);
--- 353,363 ----
  						     && valid_tabpage(oldtab))
  			newtab = curtab;
! 			goto_tabpage_tp(oldtab, TRUE, TRUE);
  			if (curwin == wp)
  			    win_close(curwin, FALSE);
  			if (valid_tabpage(newtab))
! 			    goto_tabpage_tp(newtab, TRUE, TRUE);
*** 2124,2129 ****
--- 2124,2131 ----
      if (firstwin == lastwin)
+ 	buf_T	*old_curbuf = curbuf;
  	 * Closing the last window in a tab page.  First go to another tab
  	 * page and then close the window and the tab page.  This avoids that
*** 2132,2138 ****
  	 * Don't trigger autocommands yet, they may use wrong values, so do
  	 * that below.
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(alt_tabpage(), FALSE);
  	redraw_tabline = TRUE;
  	/* Safety check: Autocommands may have closed the window when jumping
--- 2134,2140 ----
  	 * Don't trigger autocommands yet, they may use wrong values, so do
  	 * that below.
! 	goto_tabpage_tp(alt_tabpage(), FALSE, TRUE);
  	redraw_tabline = TRUE;
  	/* Safety check: Autocommands may have closed the window when jumping
*** 2148,2155 ****
  	/* Since goto_tabpage_tp above did not trigger *Enter autocommands, do
  	 * that now. */
- 	apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  	apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  	return TRUE;
--- 2150,2159 ----
  	/* Since goto_tabpage_tp above did not trigger *Enter autocommands, do
  	 * that now. */
  	apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
+ 	apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
+ 	if (old_curbuf != curbuf)
+ 	    apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  	return TRUE;
*** 2341,2347 ****
      if (close_curwin)
! 	win_enter_ext(wp, FALSE, TRUE);
  	if (other_buffer)
  	    /* careful: after this wp and win may be invalid! */
--- 2345,2351 ----
      if (close_curwin)
! 	win_enter_ext(wp, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
  	if (other_buffer)
  	    /* careful: after this wp and win may be invalid! */
*** 3529,3535 ****
  	return FAIL;
      /* Remember the current windows in this Tab page. */
!     if (leave_tabpage(curbuf) == FAIL)
  	return FAIL;
--- 3533,3539 ----
  	return FAIL;
      /* Remember the current windows in this Tab page. */
!     if (leave_tabpage(curbuf, TRUE) == FAIL)
  	return FAIL;
*** 3574,3587 ****
- 	apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  	apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  	return OK;
      /* Failed, get back the previous Tab page */
!     enter_tabpage(curtab, curbuf, TRUE);
      return FAIL;
--- 3578,3591 ----
  	apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
+ 	apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  	return OK;
      /* Failed, get back the previous Tab page */
!     enter_tabpage(curtab, curbuf, TRUE, TRUE);
      return FAIL;
*** 3692,3700 ****
   * Careful: When OK is returned need to get a new tab page very very soon!
      static int
! leave_tabpage(new_curbuf)
      buf_T	*new_curbuf UNUSED;    /* what is going to be the new curbuf,
  				       NULL if unknown */
      tabpage_T	*tp = curtab;
--- 3696,3705 ----
   * Careful: When OK is returned need to get a new tab page very very soon!
      static int
! leave_tabpage(new_curbuf, trigger_leave_autocmds)
      buf_T	*new_curbuf UNUSED;    /* what is going to be the new curbuf,
  				       NULL if unknown */
+     int		trigger_leave_autocmds UNUSED;
      tabpage_T	*tp = curtab;
*** 3702,3719 ****
      reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
!     if (new_curbuf != curbuf)
! 	apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  	if (curtab != tp)
  	    return FAIL;
-     apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
-     if (curtab != tp)
- 	return FAIL;
-     apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
-     if (curtab != tp)
- 	return FAIL;
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI)
      /* Remove the scrollbars.  They may be added back later. */
--- 3707,3727 ----
      reset_VIsual_and_resel();	/* stop Visual mode */
!     if (trigger_leave_autocmds)
! 	if (new_curbuf != curbuf)
! 	{
! 	    apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
! 	    if (curtab != tp)
! 		return FAIL;
! 	}
! 	apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
! 	if (curtab != tp)
! 	    return FAIL;
! 	apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  	if (curtab != tp)
  	    return FAIL;
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI)
      /* Remove the scrollbars.  They may be added back later. */
*** 3734,3746 ****
   * Start using tab page "tp".
   * Only to be used after leave_tabpage() or freeing the current tab page.
!  * Only trigger *Enter autocommands when trigger_autocmds is TRUE.
      static void
! enter_tabpage(tp, old_curbuf, trigger_autocmds)
      tabpage_T	*tp;
      buf_T	*old_curbuf UNUSED;
!     int		trigger_autocmds UNUSED;
      int		old_off = tp->tp_firstwin->w_winrow;
      win_T	*next_prevwin = tp->tp_prevwin;
--- 3742,3756 ----
   * Start using tab page "tp".
   * Only to be used after leave_tabpage() or freeing the current tab page.
!  * Only trigger *Enter autocommands when trigger_enter_autocmds is TRUE.
!  * Only trigger *Leave autocommands when trigger_leave_autocmds is TRUE.
      static void
! enter_tabpage(tp, old_curbuf, trigger_enter_autocmds, trigger_leave_autocmds)
      tabpage_T	*tp;
      buf_T	*old_curbuf UNUSED;
!     int		trigger_enter_autocmds UNUSED;
!     int		trigger_leave_autocmds UNUSED;
      int		old_off = tp->tp_firstwin->w_winrow;
      win_T	*next_prevwin = tp->tp_prevwin;
*** 3753,3759 ****
      /* We would like doing the TabEnter event first, but we don't have a
       * valid current window yet, which may break some commands.
       * This triggers autocommands, thus may make "tp" invalid. */
!     win_enter_ext(tp->tp_curwin, FALSE, TRUE);
      prevwin = next_prevwin;
      last_status(FALSE);		/* status line may appear or disappear */
--- 3763,3769 ----
      /* We would like doing the TabEnter event first, but we don't have a
       * valid current window yet, which may break some commands.
       * This triggers autocommands, thus may make "tp" invalid. */
!     win_enter_ext(tp->tp_curwin, FALSE, TRUE, trigger_enter_autocmds, trigger_leave_autocmds);
      prevwin = next_prevwin;
      last_status(FALSE);		/* status line may appear or disappear */
*** 3788,3794 ****
      /* Apply autocommands after updating the display, when 'rows' and
       * 'columns' have been set correctly. */
!     if (trigger_autocmds)
  	apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  	if (old_curbuf != curbuf)
--- 3798,3804 ----
      /* Apply autocommands after updating the display, when 'rows' and
       * 'columns' have been set correctly. */
!     if (trigger_enter_autocmds)
  	apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  	if (old_curbuf != curbuf)
*** 3869,3875 ****
!     goto_tabpage_tp(tp, TRUE);
      if (gui_use_tabline())
--- 3879,3885 ----
!     goto_tabpage_tp(tp, TRUE, TRUE);
      if (gui_use_tabline())
*** 3879,3901 ****
   * Go to tabpage "tp".
!  * Only trigger *Enter autocommands when trigger_autocmds is TRUE.
   * Note: doesn't update the GUI tab.
! goto_tabpage_tp(tp, trigger_autocmds)
      tabpage_T	*tp;
!     int		trigger_autocmds;
      /* Don't repeat a message in another tab page. */
      set_keep_msg(NULL, 0);
!     if (tp != curtab && leave_tabpage(tp->tp_curwin->w_buffer) == OK)
  	if (valid_tabpage(tp))
! 	    enter_tabpage(tp, curbuf, trigger_autocmds);
! 	    enter_tabpage(curtab, curbuf, trigger_autocmds);
--- 3889,3916 ----
   * Go to tabpage "tp".
!  * Only trigger *Enter autocommands when trigger_enter_autocmds is TRUE.
!  * Only trigger *Leave autocommands when trigger_leave_autocmds is TRUE.
   * Note: doesn't update the GUI tab.
! goto_tabpage_tp(tp, trigger_enter_autocmds, trigger_leave_autocmds)
      tabpage_T	*tp;
!     int		trigger_enter_autocmds;
!     int		trigger_leave_autocmds;
      /* Don't repeat a message in another tab page. */
      set_keep_msg(NULL, 0);
!     if (tp != curtab && leave_tabpage(tp->tp_curwin->w_buffer,
! 					trigger_leave_autocmds) == OK)
  	if (valid_tabpage(tp))
! 	    enter_tabpage(tp, curbuf, trigger_enter_autocmds,
! 		    trigger_leave_autocmds);
! 	    enter_tabpage(curtab, curbuf, trigger_enter_autocmds,
! 		    trigger_leave_autocmds);
*** 3908,3914 ****
      tabpage_T	*tp;
      win_T	*wp;
!     goto_tabpage_tp(tp, TRUE);
      if (curtab == tp && win_valid(wp))
  	win_enter(wp, TRUE);
--- 3923,3929 ----
      tabpage_T	*tp;
      win_T	*wp;
!     goto_tabpage_tp(tp, TRUE, TRUE);
      if (curtab == tp && win_valid(wp))
  	win_enter(wp, TRUE);
*** 4168,4174 ****
      win_T	*wp;
      int		undo_sync;
!     win_enter_ext(wp, undo_sync, FALSE);
--- 4183,4189 ----
      win_T	*wp;
      int		undo_sync;
!     win_enter_ext(wp, undo_sync, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
*** 4177,4186 ****
   * been closed and isn't valid.
      static void
! win_enter_ext(wp, undo_sync, curwin_invalid)
      win_T	*wp;
      int		undo_sync;
      int		curwin_invalid;
      int		other_buffer = FALSE;
--- 4192,4203 ----
   * been closed and isn't valid.
      static void
! win_enter_ext(wp, undo_sync, curwin_invalid, trigger_enter_autocmds, trigger_leave_autocmds)
      win_T	*wp;
      int		undo_sync;
      int		curwin_invalid;
+     int		trigger_enter_autocmds UNUSED;
+     int		trigger_leave_autocmds UNUSED;
      int		other_buffer = FALSE;
*** 4190,4196 ****
!     if (!curwin_invalid)
  	 * Be careful: If autocommands delete the window, return now.
--- 4207,4213 ----
!     if (!curwin_invalid && trigger_leave_autocmds)
  	 * Be careful: If autocommands delete the window, return now.
*** 4259,4267 ****
!     apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
!     if (other_buffer)
! 	apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
  #ifdef FEAT_TITLE
--- 4276,4287 ----
!     if (trigger_enter_autocmds)
!     {
! 	apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
! 	if (other_buffer)
! 	    apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
!     }
  #ifdef FEAT_TITLE
*** ../vim-7.3.925/src/version.c	2013-05-06 04:21:35.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2013-05-06 04:40:52.000000000 +0200
*** 730,731 ****
--- 730,733 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     926,

       Bravely bold Sir Robin, rode forth from Camelot,
       He was not afraid to die, Oh Brave Sir Robin,
       He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways
       Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin.
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///