Subject: Patch 7.0.111
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Patch 7.0.111
Problem:    The gzip plugin can't handle filenames with single quotes.
Solution:   Add and use the shellescape() function. (partly by Alexey Froloff)
Files:      runtime/autoload/gzip.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c,
            src/mbyte.c, src/misc2.c, src/proto/

*** ../vim-7.0.110/runtime/autoload/gzip.vim	Tue Aug  8 19:55:06 2006
--- runtime/autoload/gzip.vim	Tue Oct  3 14:39:29 2006
*** 1,6 ****
  " Vim autoload file for editing compressed files.
  " Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
! " Last Change: 2006 Jul 19
  " These functions are used by the gzip plugin.
--- 1,6 ----
  " Vim autoload file for editing compressed files.
  " Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
! " Last Change: 2006 Oct 03
  " These functions are used by the gzip plugin.
*** 68,76 ****
    let tmp = tempname()
    let tmpe = tmp . "." . expand("<afile>:e")
    " write the just read lines to a temp file "'[,']w tmp.gz"
!   execute "silent '[,']w " . tmpe
    " uncompress the temp file: call system("gzip -dn tmp.gz")
!   call system(a:cmd . " " . tmpe)
    if !filereadable(tmp)
      " uncompress didn't work!  Keep the compressed file then.
      echoerr "Error: Could not read uncompressed file"
--- 68,76 ----
    let tmp = tempname()
    let tmpe = tmp . "." . expand("<afile>:e")
    " write the just read lines to a temp file "'[,']w tmp.gz"
!   execute "silent '[,']w " . escape(tmpe, ' ')
    " uncompress the temp file: call system("gzip -dn tmp.gz")
!   call system(a:cmd . " " . s:escape(tmpe))
    if !filereadable(tmp)
      " uncompress didn't work!  Keep the compressed file then.
      echoerr "Error: Could not read uncompressed file"
*** 127,135 ****
      let nmt = s:tempname(nm)
      if rename(nm, nmt) == 0
        if exists("b:gzip_comp_arg")
! 	call system(a:cmd . " " . b:gzip_comp_arg . " '" . nmt . "'")
! 	call system(a:cmd . " '" . nmt . "'")
        call rename(nmt . "." . expand("<afile>:e"), nm)
--- 127,135 ----
      let nmt = s:tempname(nm)
      if rename(nm, nmt) == 0
        if exists("b:gzip_comp_arg")
! 	call system(a:cmd . " " . b:gzip_comp_arg . " " . s:escape(nmt))
! 	call system(a:cmd . " " . s:escape(nmt))
        call rename(nmt . "." . expand("<afile>:e"), nm)
*** 154,163 ****
      if rename(nm, nmte) == 0
        if &patchmode != "" && getfsize(nm . &patchmode) == -1
  	" Create patchmode file by creating the decompressed file new
! 	call system(a:cmd . " -c " . nmte . " > " . nmt)
  	call rename(nmte, nm . &patchmode)
! 	call system(a:cmd . " " . nmte)
        call rename(nmt, nm)
--- 154,163 ----
      if rename(nm, nmte) == 0
        if &patchmode != "" && getfsize(nm . &patchmode) == -1
  	" Create patchmode file by creating the decompressed file new
! 	call system(a:cmd . " -c " . s:escape(nmte) . " > " . s:escape(nmt))
  	call rename(nmte, nm . &patchmode)
! 	call system(a:cmd . " " . s:escape(nmte))
        call rename(nmt, nm)
*** 173,178 ****
--- 173,186 ----
      return fn
    return fnamemodify(a:name, ":p:h") . "/X~=@l9q5"
+ endfun
+ fun s:escape(name)
+   " shellescape() was added by patch 7.0.111
+   if v:version > 700 || (v:version == 700 && has('patch111'))
+     return shellescape(a:name)
+   endif
+   return "'" . a:name . "'"
  " vim: set sw=2 :
*** ../vim-7.0.110/runtime/doc/eval.txt	Sun May  7 17:08:32 2006
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt	Fri Sep 22 19:43:18 2006
*** 1,4 ****
! *eval.txt*      For Vim version 7.0.  Last change: 2006 Sep 09
  		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
--- 1,4 ----
! *eval.txt*      For Vim version 7.0.  Last change: 2006 Sep 22
  		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
*** 1709,1714 ****
--- 1715,1722 ----
  settabwinvar( {tabnr}, {winnr}, {varname}, {val})    set {varname} in window
  					{winnr} in tab page {tabnr} to {val}
  setwinvar( {nr}, {varname}, {val})	set {varname} in window {nr} to {val}
+ shellescape( {string})		String	escape {string} for use as shell
+ 					command argument
  simplify( {filename})		String	simplify filename as much as possible
  sort( {list} [, {func}])	List	sort {list}, using {func} to compare
  soundfold( {word})		String	sound-fold {word}
*** 4434,4439 ****
--- 4457,4477 ----
  			:call setwinvar(1, "&list", 0)
  			:call setwinvar(2, "myvar", "foobar")
+ shellescape({string})					*shellescape()*
+ 		Escape {string} for use as shell command argument.
+ 		On MS-Windows and MS-DOS, when 'shellslash' is not set, it
+ 		will enclose {string} double quotes and double all double
+ 		quotes within {string}.
+ 		For other systems, it will enclose {string} in single quotes
+ 		and replace all "'" with "'\''".
+ 		Example: >
+ 			:echo shellescape('c:\program files\vim')
+ <		results in:
+ 			"c:\program files\vim" ~
+ 		Example usage: >
+ 			:call system("chmod +x -- " . shellescape(expand("%")))
  simplify({filename})					*simplify()*
  		Simplify the file name as much as possible without changing
  		the meaning.  Shortcuts (on MS-Windows) or symbolic links (on
*** ../vim-7.0.110/src/eval.c	Sat Sep  9 12:05:39 2006
--- src/eval.c	Thu Sep 14 17:44:41 2006
*** 622,627 ****
--- 622,628 ----
  static void f_setreg __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
  static void f_settabwinvar __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
  static void f_setwinvar __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+ static void f_shellescape __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
  static void f_simplify __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
  static void f_sort __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
  static void f_soundfold __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
*** 7146,7151 ****
--- 7147,7153 ----
      {"setreg",		2, 3, f_setreg},
      {"settabwinvar",	4, 4, f_settabwinvar},
      {"setwinvar",	3, 3, f_setwinvar},
+     {"shellescape",	1, 1, f_shellescape},
      {"simplify",	1, 1, f_simplify},
      {"sort",		1, 2, f_sort},
      {"soundfold",	1, 1, f_soundfold},
*** 14602,14607 ****
--- 14604,14621 ----
+ }
+ /*
+  * "shellescape({string})" function
+  */
+     static void
+ f_shellescape(argvars, rettv)
+     typval_T	*argvars;
+     typval_T	*rettv;
+ {
+     rettv->vval.v_string = vim_strsave_shellescape(get_tv_string(&argvars[0]));
+     rettv->v_type = VAR_STRING;
*** ../vim-7.0.110/src/misc2.c	Thu May  4 23:50:56 2006
--- src/misc2.c	Tue Sep 26 23:13:57 2006
*** 1229,1234 ****
--- 1229,1322 ----
      return escaped_string;
+ #if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
+ /*
+  * Escape "string" for use as a shell argument with system().
+  * This uses single quotes, except when we know we need to use double qoutes
+  * (MS-DOS and MS-Windows without 'shellslash' set).
+  * Returns the result in allocated memory, NULL if we have run out.
+  */
+     char_u *
+ vim_strsave_shellescape(string)
+     char_u	*string;
+ {
+     unsigned	length;
+     char_u	*p;
+     char_u	*d;
+     char_u	*escaped_string;
+     /* First count the number of extra bytes required. */
+     length = STRLEN(string) + 3;	/* two quotes and the trailing NUL */
+     for (p = string; *p != NUL; mb_ptr_adv(p))
+     {
+ # if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN16) || defined(DOS)
+ 	if (!p_ssl)
+ 	{
+ 	    if (*p == '"')
+ 		++length;		/* " -> "" */
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ # endif
+ 	if (*p == '\'')
+ 	    length += 3;		/* ' => '\'' */
+     }
+     /* Allocate memory for the result and fill it. */
+     escaped_string = alloc(length);
+     if (escaped_string != NULL)
+     {
+ 	d = escaped_string;
+ 	/* add opening quote */
+ # if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN16) || defined(DOS)
+ 	if (!p_ssl)
+ 	    *d++ = '"';
+ 	else
+ # endif
+ 	    *d++ = '\'';
+ 	for (p = string; *p != NUL; )
+ 	{
+ # if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN16) || defined(DOS)
+ 	    if (!p_ssl)
+ 	    {
+ 		if (*p == '"')
+ 		{
+ 		    *d++ = '"';
+ 		    *d++ = '"';
+ 		    ++p;
+ 		    continue;
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    else
+ # endif
+ 	    if (*p == '\'')
+ 	    {
+ 		*d++='\'';
+ 		*d++='\\';
+ 		*d++='\'';
+ 		*d++='\'';
+ 		++p;
+ 		continue;
+ 	    }
+ 	    MB_COPY_CHAR(p, d);
+ 	}
+ 	/* add terminating quote and finish with a NUL */
+ # if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN16) || defined(DOS)
+ 	if (!p_ssl)
+ 	    *d++ = '"';
+ 	else
+ # endif
+ 	    *d++ = '\'';
+ 	*d = NUL;
+     }
+     return escaped_string;
+ }
+ #endif
   * Like vim_strsave(), but make all characters uppercase.
   * This uses ASCII lower-to-upper case translation, language independent.
*** ../vim-7.0.110/src/proto/	Fri Mar 24 23:42:55 2006
--- src/proto/	Thu Sep 14 18:28:43 2006
*** 29,34 ****
--- 29,35 ----
  extern char_u *vim_strnsave __ARGS((char_u *string, int len));
  extern char_u *vim_strsave_escaped __ARGS((char_u *string, char_u *esc_chars));
  extern char_u *vim_strsave_escaped_ext __ARGS((char_u *string, char_u *esc_chars, int cc, int bsl));
+ extern char_u *vim_strsave_shellescape __ARGS((char_u *string));
  extern char_u *vim_strsave_up __ARGS((char_u *string));
  extern char_u *vim_strnsave_up __ARGS((char_u *string, int len));
  extern void vim_strup __ARGS((char_u *p));
*** ../vim-7.0.110/src/version.c	Tue Sep 26 13:49:41 2006
--- src/version.c	Tue Oct  3 14:36:40 2006
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     111,

The only way the average employee can speak to an executive is by taking a
second job as a golf caddie.
				(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\        download, build and distribute --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///