Subject: Patch 7.2.389
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.389
Problem:    synIDattr() cannot return the font.
Solution:   Support the "font" argument. (Christian Brabandt)
Files:	    runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/syntax.c

*** ../vim-7.2.388/runtime/doc/eval.txt	2010-01-19 15:51:29.000000000 +0100
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt	2010-03-10 12:52:12.000000000 +0100
*** 5370,5375 ****
--- 5388,5395 ----
  				the color, cterm: color number as a string,
  				term: empty string)
  		"bg"		background color (as with "fg")
+ 		"font"		font name (only available in the GUI)
+ 				|highlight-font|
  		"sp"		special color (as with "fg") |highlight-guisp|
  		"fg#"		like "fg", but for the GUI and the GUI is
  				running the name in "#RRGGBB" form
*** 5379,5384 ****
--- 5399,5405 ----
  		"italic"	"1" if italic
  		"reverse"	"1" if reverse
  		"inverse"	"1" if inverse (= reverse)
+ 		"standout"	"1" if standout
  		"underline"	"1" if underlined
  		"undercurl"	"1" if undercurled
*** ../vim-7.2.388/src/eval.c	2010-02-24 15:47:58.000000000 +0100
--- src/eval.c	2010-03-10 12:54:27.000000000 +0100
*** 16627,16633 ****
  		    p = highlight_has_attr(id, HL_BOLD, modec);
! 	case 'f':					/* fg[#] */
  		p = highlight_color(id, what, modec);
--- 16627,16633 ----
  		    p = highlight_has_attr(id, HL_BOLD, modec);
! 	case 'f':					/* fg[#] or font */
  		p = highlight_color(id, what, modec);
*** ../vim-7.2.388/src/syntax.c	2010-03-02 17:50:30.000000000 +0100
--- src/syntax.c	2010-03-10 13:05:39.000000000 +0100
*** 8326,8332 ****
      char_u *
  highlight_color(id, what, modec)
      int		id;
!     char_u	*what;	/* "fg", "bg", "sp", "fg#", "bg#" or "sp#" */
      int		modec;	/* 'g' for GUI, 'c' for cterm, 't' for term */
      static char_u	name[20];
--- 8326,8332 ----
      char_u *
  highlight_color(id, what, modec)
      int		id;
!     char_u	*what;	/* "font", "fg", "bg", "sp", "fg#", "bg#" or "sp#" */
      int		modec;	/* 'g' for GUI, 'c' for cterm, 't' for term */
      static char_u	name[20];
*** 8334,8353 ****
      int			fg = FALSE;
  # ifdef FEAT_GUI
      int			sp = FALSE;
  # endif
      if (id <= 0 || id > highlight_ga.ga_len)
  	return NULL;
!     if (TOLOWER_ASC(what[0]) == 'f')
  	fg = TRUE;
  # ifdef FEAT_GUI
!     else if (TOLOWER_ASC(what[0]) == 's')
  	sp = TRUE;
      if (modec == 'g')
  	/* return #RRGGBB form (only possible when GUI is running) */
! 	if (gui.in_use && what[1] && what[2] == '#')
  	    guicolor_T		color;
  	    long_u		rgb;
--- 8334,8363 ----
      int			fg = FALSE;
  # ifdef FEAT_GUI
      int			sp = FALSE;
+     int			font = FALSE;
  # endif
      if (id <= 0 || id > highlight_ga.ga_len)
  	return NULL;
!     if (TOLOWER_ASC(what[0]) == 'f' && TOLOWER_ASC(what[1]) == 'g')
  	fg = TRUE;
  # ifdef FEAT_GUI
!     else if (TOLOWER_ASC(what[0]) == 'f' && TOLOWER_ASC(what[1]) == 'o'
!              && TOLOWER_ASC(what[2]) == 'n' && TOLOWER_ASC(what[3]) == 't')
! 	font = TRUE;
!     else if (TOLOWER_ASC(what[0]) == 's' && TOLOWER_ASC(what[1]) == 'p')
  	sp = TRUE;
+     else if (!(TOLOWER_ASC(what[0]) == 'b' && TOLOWER_ASC(what[1]) == 'g'))
+ 	return NULL;
      if (modec == 'g')
+ 	/* return font name */
+ 	if (font)
+ 	    return HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_font_name;
  	/* return #RRGGBB form (only possible when GUI is running) */
! 	if (gui.in_use && what[2] == '#')
  	    guicolor_T		color;
  	    long_u		rgb;
*** 8374,8379 ****
--- 8384,8391 ----
  	    return (HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_sp_name);
  	return (HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_bg_name);
+     if (font || sp)
+ 	return NULL;
  # endif
      if (modec == 'c')
*** ../vim-7.2.388/src/version.c	2010-03-10 13:19:28.000000000 +0100
--- src/version.c	2010-03-10 13:33:25.000000000 +0100
*** 683,684 ****
--- 683,686 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     389,

WOMAN:   Dennis, there's some lovely filth down here.  Oh -- how d'you do?
ARTHUR:  How do you do, good lady.  I am Arthur, King of the Britons.
         Who's castle is that?
WOMAN:   King of the who?
                                  The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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