diff --git a/7.3.1285 b/7.3.1285
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3705f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.3.1285
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+To: vim_dev@googlegroups.com
+Subject: Patch 7.3.1285
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.3.1285
+Problem:    No tests for picking a window when selecting an entry in a
+	    location list.  Not picking the right window sometimes.
+Solution:   Add test 96. Set usable_win appropriately. (Lech Lorens)
+Files:	    src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/test96.in,
+	    src/testdir/test96.ok, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+	    src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+	    src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+*** ../vim-7.3.1284/src/quickfix.c	2013-06-30 13:57:40.000000000 +0200
+--- src/quickfix.c	2013-07-01 21:16:44.000000000 +0200
+*** 1635,1641 ****
+--- 1635,1644 ----
+  	    FOR_ALL_WINDOWS(usable_win_ptr)
+  		if (usable_win_ptr->w_llist == ll_ref
+  			&& usable_win_ptr->w_buffer->b_p_bt[0] != 'q')
++ 		{
++ 		    usable_win = 1;
+  		    break;
++ 		}
+  	}
+  	if (!usable_win)
+*** ../vim-7.3.1284/src/testdir/Makefile	2013-05-19 19:16:25.000000000 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Makefile	2013-07-01 21:16:44.000000000 +0200
+*** 29,35 ****
+  		test79.out test80.out test81.out test82.out test83.out \
+  		test84.out test85.out test86.out test87.out test88.out \
+  		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
+! 		test94.out test95.out
+  SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
+--- 29,35 ----
+  		test79.out test80.out test81.out test82.out test83.out \
+  		test84.out test85.out test86.out test87.out test88.out \
+  		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
+! 		test94.out test95.out test96.out
+  SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
+*** ../vim-7.3.1284/src/testdir/test96.in	2013-07-01 21:24:26.000000000 +0200
+--- src/testdir/test96.in	2013-07-01 21:18:43.000000000 +0200
+*** 0 ****
+--- 1,139 ----
++ This will test for problems in quickfix:
++ A. incorrectly copying location lists which caused the location list to show a
++    different name than the file that was actually being displayed.
++ B. not reusing the window for which the location list window is opened but
++    instead creating new windows.
++ C. make sure that the location list window is not reused instead of the window
++    it belongs to.
++ Note: to debug a problem comment out the last ":b 1" in a test and testing will
++ stop at this point.
++ :so small.vim
++ : enew
++ : w! test.out
++ : b 1
++ : " Set up the test environment:
++ : function! ReadTestProtocol(name)
++ :   let base = substitute(a:name, '\v^test://(.*)%(\.[^.]+)?', '\1', '')
++ :   let word = substitute(base, '\v(.*)\..*', '\1', '')
++ :
++ :   setl modifiable
++ :   setl noreadonly
++ :   setl noswapfile
++ :   setl bufhidden=delete
++ :   %del _
++ :   " For problem 2:
++ :   " 'buftype' has to be set to reproduce the constant opening of new windows
++ :   setl buftype=nofile
++ :
++ :   call setline(1, word)
++ :
++ :   setl nomodified
++ :   setl nomodifiable
++ :   setl readonly
++ :   exe 'doautocmd BufRead ' . substitute(a:name, '\v^test://(.*)', '\1', '')
++ : endfunction
++ : augroup testgroup
++ :   au!
++ :   autocmd BufReadCmd test://* call ReadTestProtocol(expand("<amatch>"))
++ : augroup END
++ : let words = [ "foo", "bar", "baz", "quux", "shmoo", "spam", "eggs" ]
++ :
++ : let qflist = []
++ : for word in words
++ :   call add(qflist, {'filename': 'test://' . word . '.txt', 'text': 'file ' . word . '.txt', })
++ :   " NOTE: problem 1:
++ :   " intentionally not setting 'lnum' so that the quickfix entries are not
++ :   " valid
++ :   call setloclist(0, qflist, ' ')
++ : endfor
++ Test A:
++ :lrewind
++ :enew
++ :lopen
++ :lnext
++ :lnext
++ :lnext
++ :lnext
++ :vert split
++ :wincmd L
++ :lopen
++ :wincmd p
++ :lnext
++ :"b 1
++ :let fileName = expand("%")
++ :wincmd p
++ :let locationListFileName = substitute(getline(line('.')), '\([^|]*\)|.*', '\1', '')
++ :wincmd n
++ :wincmd K
++ :b test.out
++ :call append(line('$'), "Test A:")
++ :call append(line('$'), "  - file name displayed: " . fileName)
++ :call append(line('$'), "  - quickfix claims that the file name displayed is: " . locationListFileName)
++ :w
++ :wincmd o
++ :b 1
++ Test B:
++ :lrewind
++ :lopen
++ :2
++ :exe "normal \<CR>"
++ :wincmd p
++ :3
++ :exe "normal \<CR>"
++ :wincmd p
++ :4
++ :exe "normal \<CR>"
++ :let numberOfWindowsOpen = winnr('$')
++ :wincmd n
++ :wincmd K
++ :b test.out
++ :call append(line('$'), "Test B:")
++ :call append(line('$'), "  - number of window open: " . numberOfWindowsOpen)
++ :w
++ :wincmd o
++ :b 1
++ Test C:
++ :lrewind
++ :lopen
++ :" Let's move the location list window to the top to check whether it (the first
++ :" window found) will be reused when we try to open new windows:
++ :wincmd K
++ :2
++ :exe "normal \<CR>"
++ :wincmd p
++ :3
++ :exe "normal \<CR>"
++ :wincmd p
++ :4
++ :exe "normal \<CR>"
++ :1wincmd w
++ :let locationListWindowBufType = &buftype
++ :2wincmd w
++ :let bufferName = expand("%")
++ :wincmd n
++ :wincmd K
++ :b test.out
++ :call append(line('$'), "Test C:")
++ :call append(line('$'), "  - 'buftype' of the location list window: " . locationListWindowBufType)
++ :call append(line('$'), "  - buffer displayed in the 2nd window: " . bufferName)
++ :w
++ :wincmd o
++ :b 1
++ :qa
+*** ../vim-7.3.1284/src/testdir/test96.ok	2013-07-01 21:24:26.000000000 +0200
+--- src/testdir/test96.ok	2013-07-01 21:16:44.000000000 +0200
+*** 0 ****
+--- 1,9 ----
++ Test A:
++   - file name displayed: test://bar.txt
++   - quickfix claims that the file name displayed is: test://bar.txt
++ Test B:
++   - number of window open: 2
++ Test C:
++   - 'buftype' of the location list window: quickfix
++   - buffer displayed in the 2nd window: test://quux.txt
+*** ../vim-7.3.1284/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak	2013-05-19 19:16:25.000000000 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak	2013-07-01 21:20:38.000000000 +0200
+*** 33,39 ****
+  		test76.out test77.out test78.out test79.out test80.out \
+  		test81.out test82.out test83.out test84.out test88.out \
+  		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
+! 		test94.out test95.out
+  .SUFFIXES: .in .out
+--- 33,39 ----
+  		test76.out test77.out test78.out test79.out test80.out \
+  		test81.out test82.out test83.out test84.out test88.out \
+  		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
+! 		test94.out test95.out test96.out
+  .SUFFIXES: .in .out
+*** 145,147 ****
+--- 145,148 ----
+  test93.out: test93.in
+  test94.out: test94.in
+  test95.out: test95.in
++ test96.out: test96.in
+*** ../vim-7.3.1284/src/testdir/Make_dos.mak	2013-06-17 21:53:33.000000000 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Make_dos.mak	2013-07-01 21:20:47.000000000 +0200
+*** 32,38 ****
+  		test79.out test80.out test81.out test82.out test83.out \
+  		test84.out test85.out test86.out test87.out test88.out \
+  		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
+! 		test94.out test95.out
+  SCRIPTS32 =	test50.out test70.out
+--- 32,38 ----
+  		test79.out test80.out test81.out test82.out test83.out \
+  		test84.out test85.out test86.out test87.out test88.out \
+  		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
+! 		test94.out test95.out test96.out
+  SCRIPTS32 =	test50.out test70.out
+*** ../vim-7.3.1284/src/testdir/Make_ming.mak	2013-05-19 19:16:25.000000000 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Make_ming.mak	2013-07-01 21:20:52.000000000 +0200
+*** 52,58 ****
+  		test79.out test80.out test81.out test82.out test83.out \
+  		test84.out test85.out test86.out test87.out test88.out \
+  		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
+! 		test94.out test95.out
+  SCRIPTS32 =	test50.out test70.out
+--- 52,58 ----
+  		test79.out test80.out test81.out test82.out test83.out \
+  		test84.out test85.out test86.out test87.out test88.out \
+  		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
+! 		test94.out test95.out test96.out
+  SCRIPTS32 =	test50.out test70.out
+*** ../vim-7.3.1284/src/testdir/Make_os2.mak	2013-05-19 19:16:25.000000000 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Make_os2.mak	2013-07-01 21:20:58.000000000 +0200
+*** 33,39 ****
+  		test76.out test77.out test78.out test79.out test80.out \
+  		test81.out test82.out test83.out test84.out test88.out \
+  		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
+! 		test94.out test95.out
+  .SUFFIXES: .in .out
+--- 33,39 ----
+  		test76.out test77.out test78.out test79.out test80.out \
+  		test81.out test82.out test83.out test84.out test88.out \
+  		test89.out test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out \
+! 		test94.out test95.out test96.out
+  .SUFFIXES: .in .out
+*** ../vim-7.3.1284/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms	2013-05-19 19:16:25.000000000 +0200
+--- src/testdir/Make_vms.mms	2013-07-01 21:21:04.000000000 +0200
+*** 4,10 ****
+  # Authors:	Zoltan Arpadffy, <arpadffy@polarhome.com>
+  #		Sandor Kopanyi,  <sandor.kopanyi@mailbox.hu>
+  #
+! # Last change:  2013 May 18
+  #
+  # This has been tested on VMS 6.2 to 8.3 on DEC Alpha, VAX and IA64.
+  # Edit the lines in the Configuration section below to select.
+--- 4,10 ----
+  # Authors:	Zoltan Arpadffy, <arpadffy@polarhome.com>
+  #		Sandor Kopanyi,  <sandor.kopanyi@mailbox.hu>
+  #
+! # Last change:  2013 Jul 01
+  #
+  # This has been tested on VMS 6.2 to 8.3 on DEC Alpha, VAX and IA64.
+  # Edit the lines in the Configuration section below to select.
+*** 78,84 ****
+  	 test77.out test78.out test79.out test80.out test81.out \
+  	 test82.out test83.out test84.out test88.out test89.out \
+  	 test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out test94.out \
+! 	 test95.out
+  # Known problems:
+  # Test 30: a problem around mac format - unknown reason
+--- 78,84 ----
+  	 test77.out test78.out test79.out test80.out test81.out \
+  	 test82.out test83.out test84.out test88.out test89.out \
+  	 test90.out test91.out test92.out test93.out test94.out \
+! 	 test95.out test96.out
+  # Known problems:
+  # Test 30: a problem around mac format - unknown reason
+*** ../vim-7.3.1284/src/version.c	2013-07-01 21:08:44.000000000 +0200
+--- src/version.c	2013-07-01 21:18:12.000000000 +0200
+*** 730,731 ****
+--- 730,733 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     1285,
+  /**/
+No letters of the alphabet were harmed in the creation of this message.
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\  an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///