Subject: Patch 7.4.754
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Patch 7.4.754
Problem:    Using CTRL-A in Visual mode does not work well. (Gary Johnson)
Solution:   Make it increment all numbers in the Visual area. (Christian
Files:      runtime/doc/change.txt, src/normal.c, src/ops.c,
            src/proto/, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
            src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
            src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
            src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,

*** ../vim-7.4.753/runtime/doc/change.txt	2015-01-27 18:43:42.134535513 +0100
--- runtime/doc/change.txt	2015-06-25 13:55:43.686428819 +0200
*** 156,161 ****
--- 156,164 ----
  The 'B' and 'M' flags in 'formatoptions' change the behavior for inserting
  spaces before and after a multi-byte character |fo-table|.
+ The '[ mark is set at the end of the first line that was joined, '] at the end
+ of the resulting line.
  2. Delete and insert				*delete-insert* *replacing*
*** 376,385 ****
--- 379,421 ----
  CTRL-A			Add [count] to the number or alphabetic character at
  			or after the cursor.  {not in Vi}
+ 							*v_CTRL-A*
+ {Visual}CTRL-A		Add [count] to the number or alphabetic character in
+ 			the highlighted text.  {not in Vi}
+ 							*v_g_CTRL-A*
+ {Visual}g CTRL-A	Add [count] to the number or alphabetic character in
+ 			the highlighted text. If several lines are
+ 		        highlighted, each one will be incremented by an
+ 			additional [count] (so effectively creating a
+ 			[count] incrementing sequence).  {not in Vi}
+ 			For Example, if you have this list of numbers:
+ 				1. ~
+ 				1. ~
+ 				1. ~
+ 				1. ~
+ 			Move to the second "1." and Visually select three
+ 			lines, pressing g CTRL-A results in:
+ 				1. ~
+ 				2. ~
+ 				3. ~
+ 				4. ~
  CTRL-X			Subtract [count] from the number or alphabetic
  			character at or after the cursor.  {not in Vi}
+ 							*v_CTRL-X*
+ {Visual}CTRL-X		Subtract [count] from the number or alphabetic
+ 			character in the highlighted text.  {not in Vi}
+ 							*v_g_CTRL-X*
+ {Visual}g CTRL-X	Subtract [count] from the number or alphabetic
+ 			character in the highlighted text. If several lines
+ 			are highlighted, each value will be decremented by an
+ 			additional [count] (so effectively creating a [count]
+ 			decrementing sequence).  {not in Vi}
  The CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands work for (signed) decimal numbers, unsigned
  octal and hexadecimal numbers and alphabetic characters.  This depends on the
  'nrformats' option.
*** 396,401 ****
--- 432,440 ----
    under or after the cursor.  This is useful to make lists with an alphabetic
+ For decimals a leading negative sign is considered for incrementing/
+ decrementing, for octal and hey values, it won't be considered.
  For numbers with leading zeros (including all octal and hexadecimal numbers),
  Vim preserves the number of characters in the number when possible.  CTRL-A on
  "0077" results in "0100", CTRL-X on "0x100" results in "0x0ff".
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/normal.c	2015-06-25 13:30:41.206095684 +0200
--- src/normal.c	2015-06-25 13:42:06.342924954 +0200
*** 4201,4209 ****
      cmdarg_T	*cap;
!     if (!checkclearopq(cap->oap)
! 	    && do_addsub((int)cap->cmdchar, cap->count1) == OK)
--- 4201,4217 ----
      cmdarg_T	*cap;
!     int visual = VIsual_active;
!     if (cap->oap->op_type == OP_NOP
! 	    && do_addsub((int)cap->cmdchar, cap->count1, cap->arg) == OK)
+     else
+ 	clearopbeep(cap->oap);
+     if (visual)
+     {
+ 	VIsual_active = FALSE;
+ 	redraw_later(CLEAR);
+     }
*** 7841,7854 ****
      switch (cap->nchar)
  #ifdef MEM_PROFILE
       * "g^A": dump log of used memory.
!     case Ctrl_A:
! 	vim_mem_profile_dump();
! 	break;
--- 7849,7876 ----
      switch (cap->nchar)
+     case Ctrl_A:
+     case Ctrl_X:
  #ifdef MEM_PROFILE
       * "g^A": dump log of used memory.
! 	if (!VIsual_active && cap->nchar == Ctrl_A)
! 	    vim_mem_profile_dump();
! 	else
+     /*
+      * "g^A/g^X": sequentially increment visually selected region
+      */
+ 	     if (VIsual_active)
+ 	{
+ 	    cap->arg = TRUE;
+ 	    cap->cmdchar = cap->nchar;
+ 	    nv_addsub(cap);
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	    clearopbeep(oap);
+ 	break;
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/ops.c	2015-06-19 15:17:49.891065610 +0200
--- src/ops.c	2015-06-25 13:44:44.285272132 +0200
*** 5375,5383 ****
   * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
! do_addsub(command, Prenum1)
      int		command;
      linenr_T	Prenum1;
      int		col;
      char_u	*buf1;
--- 5375,5384 ----
   * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
! do_addsub(command, Prenum1, g_cmd)
      int		command;
      linenr_T	Prenum1;
+     int		g_cmd;		    /* was g<c-a>/g<c-x> */
      int		col;
      char_u	*buf1;
*** 5385,5390 ****
--- 5386,5392 ----
      int		hex;		/* 'X' or 'x': hex; '0': octal */
      static int	hexupper = FALSE;	/* 0xABC */
      unsigned long n;
+     long	offset = 0;		/* line offset for Ctrl_V mode */
      long_u	oldn;
      char_u	*ptr;
      int		c;
*** 5394,5640 ****
      int		dooct;
      int		doalp;
      int		firstdigit;
-     int		negative;
      int		subtract;
      dohex = (vim_strchr(curbuf->b_p_nf, 'x') != NULL);	/* "heX" */
      dooct = (vim_strchr(curbuf->b_p_nf, 'o') != NULL);	/* "Octal" */
      doalp = (vim_strchr(curbuf->b_p_nf, 'p') != NULL);	/* "alPha" */
-     ptr = ml_get_curline();
-     RLADDSUBFIX(ptr);
       * First check if we are on a hexadecimal number, after the "0x".
      col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
!     if (dohex)
! 	while (col > 0 && vim_isxdigit(ptr[col]))
! 	    --col;
!     if (       dohex
! 	    && col > 0
! 	    && (ptr[col] == 'X'
! 		|| ptr[col] == 'x')
! 	    && ptr[col - 1] == '0'
! 	    && vim_isxdigit(ptr[col + 1]))
! 	/*
! 	 * Found hexadecimal number, move to its start.
! 	 */
! 	--col;
! 	/*
! 	 * Search forward and then backward to find the start of number.
! 	 */
! 	col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
! 	while (ptr[col] != NUL
! 		&& !vim_isdigit(ptr[col])
! 		&& !(doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(ptr[col])))
! 	    ++col;
! 	while (col > 0
! 		&& vim_isdigit(ptr[col - 1])
! 		&& !(doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(ptr[col])))
!     /*
!      * If a number was found, and saving for undo works, replace the number.
!      */
!     firstdigit = ptr[col];
!     RLADDSUBFIX(ptr);
!     if ((!VIM_ISDIGIT(firstdigit) && !(doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(firstdigit)))
! 	    || u_save_cursor() != OK)
! 	beep_flush();
! 	return FAIL;
!     }
!     /* get ptr again, because u_save() may have changed it */
!     ptr = ml_get_curline();
!     RLADDSUBFIX(ptr);
!     if (doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(firstdigit))
!     {
! 	/* decrement or increment alphabetic character */
! 	if (command == Ctrl_X)
! 	    if (CharOrd(firstdigit) < Prenum1)
! 		if (isupper(firstdigit))
! 		    firstdigit = 'A';
- 		    firstdigit = 'a';
- 	    }
- 	    else
  #ifdef EBCDIC
! 		firstdigit = EBCDIC_CHAR_ADD(firstdigit, -Prenum1);
! 		firstdigit -= Prenum1;
- 	}
- 	else
- 	{
- 	    if (26 - CharOrd(firstdigit) - 1 < Prenum1)
- 	    {
- 		if (isupper(firstdigit))
- 		    firstdigit = 'Z';
- 		else
- 		    firstdigit = 'z';
  #ifdef EBCDIC
! 		firstdigit = EBCDIC_CHAR_ADD(firstdigit, Prenum1);
! 		firstdigit += Prenum1;
! 	curwin->w_cursor.col = col;
! 	(void)del_char(FALSE);
! 	ins_char(firstdigit);
!     }
!     else
!     {
! 	negative = FALSE;
! 	if (col > 0 && ptr[col - 1] == '-')	    /* negative number */
! 	    --col;
! 	    negative = TRUE;
! 	}
! 	/* get the number value (unsigned) */
! 	vim_str2nr(ptr + col, &hex, &length, dooct, dohex, NULL, &n);
! 	/* ignore leading '-' for hex and octal numbers */
! 	if (hex && negative)
! 	{
! 	    ++col;
! 	    --length;
! 	    negative = FALSE;
! 	}
! 	/* add or subtract */
! 	subtract = FALSE;
! 	if (command == Ctrl_X)
! 	    subtract ^= TRUE;
! 	if (negative)
! 	    subtract ^= TRUE;
! 	oldn = n;
! 	if (subtract)
! 	    n -= (unsigned long)Prenum1;
! 	else
! 	    n += (unsigned long)Prenum1;
! 	/* handle wraparound for decimal numbers */
! 	if (!hex)
! 	{
  	    if (subtract)
! 		if (n > oldn)
! 		    n = 1 + (n ^ (unsigned long)-1);
! 		    negative ^= TRUE;
! 	    else /* add */
! 		if (n < oldn)
! 		    n = (n ^ (unsigned long)-1);
! 		    negative ^= TRUE;
- 	    if (n == 0)
- 		negative = FALSE;
- 	}
! 	/*
! 	 * Delete the old number.
! 	 */
! 	curwin->w_cursor.col = col;
! 	todel = length;
! 	c = gchar_cursor();
! 	/*
! 	 * Don't include the '-' in the length, only the length of the part
! 	 * after it is kept the same.
! 	 */
! 	if (c == '-')
! 	    --length;
! 	while (todel-- > 0)
! 	{
! 	    if (c < 0x100 && isalpha(c))
! 		if (isupper(c))
! 		    hexupper = TRUE;
! 		else
! 		    hexupper = FALSE;
- 	    /* del_char() will mark line needing displaying */
- 	    (void)del_char(FALSE);
- 	    c = gchar_cursor();
- 	}
! 	/*
! 	 * Prepare the leading characters in buf1[].
! 	 * When there are many leading zeros it could be very long.  Allocate
! 	 * a bit too much.
! 	 */
! 	buf1 = alloc((unsigned)length + NUMBUFLEN);
! 	if (buf1 == NULL)
! 	    return FAIL;
! 	ptr = buf1;
! 	if (negative)
! 	{
! 	    *ptr++ = '-';
! 	}
! 	if (hex)
! 	{
! 	    *ptr++ = '0';
! 	    --length;
! 	}
! 	if (hex == 'x' || hex == 'X')
! 	{
! 	    *ptr++ = hex;
! 	    --length;
! 	}
! 	/*
! 	 * Put the number characters in buf2[].
! 	 */
! 	if (hex == 0)
! 	    sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lu", n);
! 	else if (hex == '0')
! 	    sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lo", n);
! 	else if (hex && hexupper)
! 	    sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lX", n);
! 	else
! 	    sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lx", n);
! 	length -= (int)STRLEN(buf2);
! 	/*
! 	 * Adjust number of zeros to the new number of digits, so the
! 	 * total length of the number remains the same.
! 	 * Don't do this when
! 	 * the result may look like an octal number.
! 	 */
! 	if (firstdigit == '0' && !(dooct && hex == 0))
! 	    while (length-- > 0)
! 		*ptr++ = '0';
! 	*ptr = NUL;
! 	STRCAT(buf1, buf2);
! 	ins_str(buf1);		/* insert the new number */
! 	vim_free(buf1);
!     }
!     --curwin->w_cursor.col;
!     curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
!     ptr = ml_get_buf(curbuf, curwin->w_cursor.lnum, TRUE);
!     RLADDSUBFIX(ptr);
      return OK;
--- 5396,5697 ----
      int		dooct;
      int		doalp;
      int		firstdigit;
      int		subtract;
+     int		negative = FALSE;
+     int		visual = VIsual_active;
+     int		i;
+     int		lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
+     int		lnume = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
      dohex = (vim_strchr(curbuf->b_p_nf, 'x') != NULL);	/* "heX" */
      dooct = (vim_strchr(curbuf->b_p_nf, 'o') != NULL);	/* "Octal" */
      doalp = (vim_strchr(curbuf->b_p_nf, 'p') != NULL);	/* "alPha" */
       * First check if we are on a hexadecimal number, after the "0x".
      col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
!     if (VIsual_active)
! 	if (lt(curwin->w_cursor, VIsual))
! 	{
! 	    pos_T t;
! 	    t = curwin->w_cursor;
! 	    curwin->w_cursor = VIsual;
! 	    VIsual = t;
! 	}
! 	if (VIsual_mode == 'V')
! 	    VIsual.col = 0;
! 	ptr = ml_get(VIsual.lnum);
! 	/* store visual area for 'gv' */
! 	curbuf->b_visual.vi_start = VIsual;
! 	curbuf->b_visual.vi_end = curwin->w_cursor;
! 	curbuf->b_visual.vi_mode = VIsual_mode;
! 	col = VIsual.col;
! 	lnum = VIsual.lnum;
! 	lnume = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
! 	if (ptr[col] == '-')
! 	{
! 	    negative = TRUE;
! 	    col++;
! 	}
! 	ptr = ml_get_curline();
! 	if (dohex)
! 	    while (col > 0 && vim_isxdigit(ptr[col]))
! 		--col;
! 	if (       dohex
! 		&& col > 0
! 		&& (ptr[col] == 'X'
! 		    || ptr[col] == 'x')
! 		&& ptr[col - 1] == '0'
! 		&& vim_isxdigit(ptr[col + 1]))
! 	{
! 	    /* Found hexadecimal number, move to its start. */
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 	    /*
+ 	     * Search forward and then backward to find the start of number.
+ 	     */
+ 	    col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
+ 	    while (ptr[col] != NUL
+ 		    && !vim_isdigit(ptr[col])
+ 		    && !(doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(ptr[col])))
+ 		++col;
+ 	    while (col > 0
+ 		    && vim_isdigit(ptr[col - 1])
+ 		    && !(doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(ptr[col])))
+ 		--col;
+ 	}
!     for (i = lnum; i <= lnume; i++)
! 	curwin->w_cursor.lnum = i;
! 	ptr = ml_get_curline();
! 	if ((int)STRLEN(ptr) <= col)
! 	    col = 0;
! 	/*
! 	 * If a number was found, and saving for undo works, replace the number.
! 	 */
! 	firstdigit = ptr[col];
! 	if ((!VIM_ISDIGIT(firstdigit) && !(doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(firstdigit)))
! 		|| u_save_cursor() != OK)
! 	{
! 	    if (lnum < lnume)
! 		/* Try again on next line */
! 		continue;
! 	    beep_flush();
! 	    return FAIL;
! 	}
! 	ptr = ml_get_curline();
! 	if (doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(firstdigit))
! 	    /* decrement or increment alphabetic character */
! 	    if (command == Ctrl_X)
! 		if (CharOrd(firstdigit) < Prenum1)
! 		{
! 		    if (isupper(firstdigit))
! 			firstdigit = 'A';
! 		    else
! 			firstdigit = 'a';
! 		}
  #ifdef EBCDIC
! 		    firstdigit = EBCDIC_CHAR_ADD(firstdigit, -Prenum1);
! 		    firstdigit -= Prenum1;
+ 	    {
+ 		if (26 - CharOrd(firstdigit) - 1 < Prenum1)
+ 		{
+ 		    if (isupper(firstdigit))
+ 			firstdigit = 'Z';
+ 		    else
+ 			firstdigit = 'z';
+ 		}
+ 		else
  #ifdef EBCDIC
! 		    firstdigit = EBCDIC_CHAR_ADD(firstdigit, Prenum1);
! 		    firstdigit += Prenum1;
+ 	    }
+ 	    curwin->w_cursor.col = col;
+ 	    (void)del_char(FALSE);
+ 	    ins_char(firstdigit);
! 	else
! 	    if (col > 0 && ptr[col - 1] == '-' && !visual)
! 	    {
! 		/* negative number */
! 		--col;
! 		negative = TRUE;
! 	    }
! 	    /* get the number value (unsigned) */
! 	    vim_str2nr(ptr + col, &hex, &length, dooct, dohex, NULL, &n);
! 	    /* ignore leading '-' for hex and octal numbers */
! 	    if (hex && negative)
! 	    {
! 		++col;
! 		--length;
! 		negative = FALSE;
! 	    }
! 	    /* add or subtract */
! 	    subtract = FALSE;
! 	    if (command == Ctrl_X)
! 		subtract ^= TRUE;
! 	    if (negative)
! 		subtract ^= TRUE;
! 	    oldn = n;
  	    if (subtract)
+ 		n -= (unsigned long)Prenum1;
+ 	    else
+ 		n += (unsigned long)Prenum1;
+ 	    /* handle wraparound for decimal numbers */
+ 	    if (!hex)
! 		if (subtract)
! 		{
! 		    if (n > oldn)
! 		    {
! 			n = 1 + (n ^ (unsigned long)-1);
! 			negative ^= TRUE;
! 		    }
! 		}
! 		else
! 		    /* add */
! 		    if (n < oldn)
! 		    {
! 			n = (n ^ (unsigned long)-1);
! 			negative ^= TRUE;
! 		    }
+ 		if (n == 0)
+ 		    negative = FALSE;
! 	    /*
! 	     * Delete the old number.
! 	     */
! 	    curwin->w_cursor.col = col;
! 	    todel = length;
! 	    c = gchar_cursor();
! 	    /*
! 	     * Don't include the '-' in the length, only the length of the
! 	     * part after it is kept the same.
! 	     */
! 	    if (c == '-')
! 		--length;
! 	    while (todel-- > 0)
! 		if (c < 0x100 && isalpha(c))
! 		    if (isupper(c))
! 			hexupper = TRUE;
! 		    else
! 			hexupper = FALSE;
+ 		/* del_char() will mark line needing displaying */
+ 		(void)del_char(FALSE);
+ 		c = gchar_cursor();
! 	    /*
! 	     * Prepare the leading characters in buf1[].
! 	     * When there are many leading zeros it could be very long.
! 	     * Allocate a bit too much.
! 	     */
! 	    buf1 = alloc((unsigned)length + NUMBUFLEN);
! 	    if (buf1 == NULL)
! 		return FAIL;
! 	    ptr = buf1;
! 	    /* do not add leading '-' for visual mode */
! 	    if (negative && !visual)
! 		*ptr++ = '-';
! 	    }
! 	    if (hex)
! 	    {
! 		*ptr++ = '0';
! 		--length;
! 	    }
! 	    if (hex == 'x' || hex == 'X')
! 	    {
! 		*ptr++ = hex;
! 		--length;
! 	    /*
! 	     * Put the number characters in buf2[].
! 	     */
! 	    if (hex == 0)
! 		sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lu", n + offset);
! 	    else if (hex == '0')
! 		sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lo", n + offset);
! 	    else if (hex && hexupper)
! 		sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lX", n + offset);
! 	    else
! 		sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lx", n + offset);
! 	    length -= (int)STRLEN(buf2);
! 	    if (g_cmd)
! 	    {
! 		if (subtract)
! 		    offset -= (unsigned long)Prenum1;
! 		else
! 		    offset += (unsigned long)Prenum1;
! 	    }
! 	    /*
! 	     * Adjust number of zeros to the new number of digits, so the
! 	     * total length of the number remains the same.
! 	     * Don't do this when
! 	     * the result may look like an octal number.
! 	     */
! 	    if (firstdigit == '0' && !(dooct && hex == 0))
! 		while (length-- > 0)
! 		    *ptr++ = '0';
! 	    *ptr = NUL;
! 	    STRCAT(buf1, buf2);
! 	    ins_str(buf1);		/* insert the new number */
! 	    vim_free(buf1);
! 	}
! 	--curwin->w_cursor.col;
! 	curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
! 	ptr = ml_get_buf(curbuf, curwin->w_cursor.lnum, TRUE);
+     }
      return OK;
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/proto/	2014-12-17 14:36:10.363090985 +0100
--- src/proto/	2015-06-25 13:38:28.429205490 +0200
*** 43,49 ****
  int fex_format __ARGS((linenr_T lnum, long count, int c));
  void format_lines __ARGS((linenr_T line_count, int avoid_fex));
  int paragraph_start __ARGS((linenr_T lnum));
! int do_addsub __ARGS((int command, linenr_T Prenum1));
  int read_viminfo_register __ARGS((vir_T *virp, int force));
  void write_viminfo_registers __ARGS((FILE *fp));
  void x11_export_final_selection __ARGS((void));
--- 43,49 ----
  int fex_format __ARGS((linenr_T lnum, long count, int c));
  void format_lines __ARGS((linenr_T line_count, int avoid_fex));
  int paragraph_start __ARGS((linenr_T lnum));
! int do_addsub __ARGS((int command, linenr_T Prenum1, int g_cmd));
  int read_viminfo_register __ARGS((vir_T *virp, int force));
  void write_viminfo_registers __ARGS((FILE *fp));
  void x11_export_final_selection __ARGS((void));
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak	2015-06-19 15:45:13.005889121 +0200
--- src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak	2015-06-25 13:45:32.340769261 +0200
*** 45,50 ****
--- 45,51 ----
  		test_command_count.out \
  		test_erasebackword.out \
  		test_eval.out \
+ 		test_increment.out \
  		test_insertcount.out \
  		test_listchars.out \
  		test_listlbr.out \
*** 192,197 ****
--- 193,199 ----
+ test_increment.out:
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/testdir/Make_dos.mak	2015-06-19 15:45:13.005889121 +0200
--- src/testdir/Make_dos.mak	2015-06-25 13:38:28.429205490 +0200
*** 44,49 ****
--- 44,50 ----
  		test_command_count.out \
  		test_erasebackword.out \
  		test_eval.out \
+ 		test_increment.out \
  		test_insertcount.out \
  		test_listchars.out \
  		test_listlbr.out \
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/testdir/Make_ming.mak	2015-06-19 15:45:13.005889121 +0200
--- src/testdir/Make_ming.mak	2015-06-25 13:38:28.429205490 +0200
*** 66,71 ****
--- 66,72 ----
  		test_command_count.out \
  		test_erasebackword.out \
  		test_eval.out \
+ 		test_increment.out \
  		test_insertcount.out \
  		test_listchars.out \
  		test_listlbr.out \
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/testdir/Make_os2.mak	2015-06-19 15:45:13.005889121 +0200
--- src/testdir/Make_os2.mak	2015-06-25 13:38:28.429205490 +0200
*** 46,51 ****
--- 46,52 ----
  		test_command_count.out \
  		test_erasebackword.out \
  		test_eval.out \
+ 		test_increment.out \
  		test_insertcount.out \
  		test_listchars.out \
  		test_listlbr.out \
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms	2015-06-19 15:45:13.005889121 +0200
--- src/testdir/Make_vms.mms	2015-06-25 13:38:28.429205490 +0200
*** 105,110 ****
--- 105,111 ----
  	 test_command_count.out \
  	 test_erasebackword.out \
  	 test_eval.out \
+ 	 test_increment.out \
  	 test_insertcount.out \
  	 test_listchars.out \
  	 test_listlbr.out \
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/testdir/Makefile	2015-06-19 15:45:13.005889121 +0200
--- src/testdir/Makefile	2015-06-25 13:38:28.429205490 +0200
*** 42,47 ****
--- 42,48 ----
  		test_command_count.out \
  		test_erasebackword.out \
  		test_eval.out \
+ 		test_increment.out \
  		test_insertcount.out \
  		test_listchars.out \
  		test_listlbr.out \
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/testdir/	2015-06-25 13:56:12.046135151 +0200
--- src/testdir/	2015-06-25 13:38:28.429205490 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,143 ----
+ Tests for using Ctrl-A/Ctrl-X on visual selections
+ Test cases
+ ==========
+ 1) Ctrl-A on visually selected number
+ Text:
+ foobar-10
+     1)    Ctrl-A on start of line:
+ 	foobar-9
+     2)    Ctrl-A on visually selected "-10":
+ 	foobar-9
+     3)    Ctrl-A on visually selected "10":
+ 	foobar-11
+     4)    Ctrl-X on visually selected "-10"
+ 	foobar-11
+     5)    Ctrl-X on visually selected "10"
+ 	foobar-9
+ 2) Ctrl-A on visually selected lines
+ Text:
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 40
+     1) Ctrl-A on visually selected lines:
+ 11
+ 21
+ 31
+ 41
+     2) Ctrl-X on visually selected lines:
+ 9
+ 19
+ 29
+ 39
+ 3) g Ctrl-A on visually selected lines, with non-numbers in between
+ Text:
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 40
+     1) 2 g Ctrl-A on visually selected lines:
+ 12
+ 24
+ 36
+ 48
+     2) 2 g Ctrl-X on visually selected lines
+ 8
+ 16
+ 24
+ 32
+ 4) Ctrl-A on non-number
+ Text:
+ foobar-10
+     1) visually select foobar:
+     foobar-10
+ :so small.vim
+ :" Test 1
+ :/^S1=/+,/^E1=/-y a
+ :/^E1/+put a
+ :/^E1/+2put a
+ f-v$:/^E1/+3put a
+ f1v$:/^E1/+4put a
+ f-v$:/^E1/+5put a
+ f1v$
+ :" Test 22
+ :/^S2=/+,/^E2=/-y a
+ :/^E2/+put a
+ V3k$:.+put a
+ V3k$
+ :" Test 3
+ :/^S3=/+,/^E3=/-y a
+ :/^E3=/+put a
+ V6k2g:.+put a
+ V6k2g
+ :" Test 4
+ :/^S4=/+,/^E4=/-y a
+ :/^E4=/+put a
+ vf-
+ :" Save the report
+ :/^# Test 1/,$w! test.out
+ :qa!
+ # Test 1
+ S1======
+ foobar-10
+ E1======
+ # Test 2
+ S2=====
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 40
+ E2=====
+ # Test 3
+ S3=====
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 40
+ E3=====
+ # Test 4
+ S4=====
+ foobar-10
+ E4=====
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/testdir/test_increment.ok	2015-06-25 13:56:12.050135109 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_increment.ok	2015-06-25 13:38:28.429205490 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,66 ----
+ # Test 1
+ S1======
+ foobar-10
+ E1======
+ foobar-9
+ foobar-9
+ foobar-11
+ foobar-11
+ foobar-9
+ # Test 2
+ S2=====
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 40
+ E2=====
+ 11
+ 21
+ 31
+ 41
+ 9
+ 19
+ 29
+ 39
+ # Test 3
+ S3=====
+ 10
+ 20
+ 30
+ 40
+ E3=====
+ 12
+ 24
+ 36
+ 48
+ 8
+ 16
+ 24
+ 32
+ # Test 4
+ S4=====
+ foobar-10
+ E4=====
+ foobar-10
*** ../vim-7.4.753/src/version.c	2015-06-25 13:30:41.206095684 +0200
--- src/version.c	2015-06-25 13:38:07.853420831 +0200
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     754,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
144. You eagerly await the update of the "Cool Site of the Day."

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///