Subject: Patch 7.4.925
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.4.925
Problem:    User may yank or put using the register being recorded in.
Solution:   Add the recording register in the message. (Christian Brabandt,
            closes #470)
Files:      runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/repeat.txt, src/ops.c,
            src/option.h, src/screen.c

*** ../vim-7.4.924/runtime/doc/options.txt	2015-11-10 19:41:30.519462341 +0100
--- runtime/doc/options.txt	2015-11-19 17:26:15.245736151 +0100
*** 6507,6512 ****
--- 6528,6534 ----
  	  c	don't give |ins-completion-menu| messages.  For example,
  		"-- XXX completion (YYY)", "match 1 of 2", "The only match",
  		"Pattern not found", "Back at original", etc.
+ 	  q     use "recording" instead of "recording @a"
  	This gives you the opportunity to avoid that a change between buffers
  	requires you to hit <Enter>, but still gives as useful a message as
*** ../vim-7.4.924/runtime/doc/repeat.txt	2013-08-10 13:25:00.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/repeat.txt	2015-11-19 17:26:15.245736151 +0100
*** 102,108 ****
  q{0-9a-zA-Z"}		Record typed characters into register {0-9a-zA-Z"}
  			(uppercase to append).  The 'q' command is disabled
  			while executing a register, and it doesn't work inside
! 			a mapping and |:normal|.  {Vi: no recording}
  q			Stops recording.  (Implementation note: The 'q' that
  			stops recording is not stored in the register, unless
--- 109,121 ----
  q{0-9a-zA-Z"}		Record typed characters into register {0-9a-zA-Z"}
  			(uppercase to append).  The 'q' command is disabled
  			while executing a register, and it doesn't work inside
! 			a mapping and |:normal|.
! 			Note: If the register being used for recording is also
! 			used for |y| and |p| the result is most likely not
! 			what is expected, because the put will paste the
! 			recorded macro and the yank will overwrite the
! 			recorded macro. {Vi: no recording}
  q			Stops recording.  (Implementation note: The 'q' that
  			stops recording is not stored in the register, unless
*** ../vim-7.4.924/src/ops.c	2015-08-11 19:36:37.050004181 +0200
--- src/ops.c	2015-11-19 17:26:15.249736106 +0100
*** 1080,1086 ****
  	    retval = FAIL;
! 	    Recording = TRUE;
  	    regname = c;
  	    retval = OK;
--- 1080,1086 ----
  	    retval = FAIL;
! 	    Recording = c;
  	    regname = c;
  	    retval = OK;
*** ../vim-7.4.924/src/option.h	2015-11-10 19:41:30.519462341 +0100
--- src/option.h	2015-11-19 17:26:15.249736106 +0100
*** 213,219 ****
  #define SHM_ATTENTION	'A'		/* no ATTENTION messages */
  #define SHM_INTRO	'I'		/* intro messages */
  #define SHM_COMPLETIONMENU  'c'		/* completion menu messages */
! #define SHM_ALL		"rmfixlnwaWtToOsAIc" /* all possible flags for 'shm' */
  /* characters for p_go: */
  #define GO_ASEL		'a'		/* autoselect */
--- 213,220 ----
  #define SHM_ATTENTION	'A'		/* no ATTENTION messages */
  #define SHM_INTRO	'I'		/* intro messages */
  #define SHM_COMPLETIONMENU  'c'		/* completion menu messages */
! #define SHM_RECORDING	'q'		/* short recording message */
! #define SHM_ALL		"rmfixlnwaWtToOsAIcq" /* all possible flags for 'shm' */
  /* characters for p_go: */
  #define GO_ASEL		'a'		/* autoselect */
*** ../vim-7.4.924/src/screen.c	2015-11-10 14:35:14.312069795 +0100
--- src/screen.c	2015-11-19 17:54:41.439168573 +0100
*** 163,168 ****
--- 163,169 ----
  static int win_do_lines __ARGS((win_T *wp, int row, int line_count, int mayclear, int del));
  static void win_rest_invalid __ARGS((win_T *wp));
  static void msg_pos_mode __ARGS((void));
+ static void recording_mode __ARGS((int attr));
  #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS)
  static void draw_tabline __ARGS((void));
*** 10163,10169 ****
! 	    MSG_PUTS_ATTR(_("recording"), attr);
  	    need_clear = TRUE;
--- 10164,10170 ----
! 	    recording_mode(attr);
  	    need_clear = TRUE;
*** 10227,10237 ****
  	if (Recording)
! 	    MSG_PUTS_ATTR(_("recording"), hl_attr(HLF_CM));
  #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS)
   * Draw the tab pages line at the top of the Vim window.
--- 10228,10251 ----
  	if (Recording)
! 	    recording_mode(hl_attr(HLF_CM));
+     static void
+ recording_mode(attr)
+     int attr;
+ {
+     MSG_PUTS_ATTR(_("recording"), attr);
+     if (!shortmess(SHM_RECORDING))
+     {
+ 	char_u s[4];
+ 	sprintf((char *)s, " @%c", Recording);
+ 	MSG_PUTS_ATTR(s, attr);
+     }
+ }
  #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS)
   * Draw the tab pages line at the top of the Vim window.
*** ../vim-7.4.924/src/version.c	2015-11-19 13:46:43.658535430 +0100
--- src/version.c	2015-11-19 17:27:48.956717638 +0100
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     925,

FIXME and XXX are two common keywords used to mark broken or incomplete code
not only since XXX as a sex reference would grab everybody's attention but
simply due to the fact that Vim would highlight these words.
					-- Hendrik Scholz

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///