Subject: Patch 7.4.849
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.4.849
Problem:    Moving the cursor in Insert mode starts new undo sequence.
Solution:   Add CTRL-G U to keep the undo sequence for the following cursor
            movement command. (Christian Brabandt)
Files:      runtime/doc/insert.txt, src/edit.c, src/testdir/,

*** ../vim-7.4.848/runtime/doc/insert.txt	2013-08-10 13:24:56.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/insert.txt	2015-09-01 19:00:11.780862669 +0200
*** 373,378 ****
--- 377,385 ----
  CTRL-\ CTRL-O	like CTRL-O but don't move the cursor	     *i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O*
  CTRL-L		when 'insertmode' is set: go to Normal mode  *i_CTRL-L*
  CTRL-G u	break undo sequence, start new change	     *i_CTRL-G_u*
+ CTRL-G U	don't break undo with next left/right cursor *i_CTRL-G_U*
+ 		movement (but only if the cursor stays
+ 		within same the line)
  Note: If the cursor keys take you out of Insert mode, check the 'noesckeys'
*** 412,417 ****
--- 419,446 ----
  This breaks undo at each line break.  It also expands abbreviations before
+ An example for using CTRL-G U: >
+ 	inoremap <Left>  <C-G>U<Left>
+ 	inoremap <Right> <C-G>U<Right>
+ 	inoremap <expr> <Home> col('.') == match(getline('.'), '\S') + 1 ?
+ 	 \ repeat('<C-G>U<Left>', col('.') - 1) :
+ 	 \ (col('.') < match(getline('.'), '\S') ?
+ 	 \     repeat('<C-G>U<Right>', match(getline('.'), '\S') + 0) :
+ 	 \     repeat('<C-G>U<Left>', col('.') - 1 - match(getline('.'), '\S')))
+ 	inoremap <expr> <End> repeat('<C-G>U<Right>', col('$') - col('.'))
+ 	inoremap ( ()<C-G>U<Left>
+ This makes it possible to use the cursor keys in Insert mode, without breaking
+ the undo sequence and therefore using |.| (redo) will work as expected. 
+ Also entering a text like (with the "(" mapping from above): >
+    Lorem ipsum (dolor
+ will be repeatable by the |.|to the expected
+    Lorem ipsum (dolor)
  Using CTRL-O splits undo: the text typed before and after it is undone
  separately.  If you want to avoid this (e.g., in a mapping) you might be able
  to use CTRL-R = |i_CTRL-R|.  E.g., to call a function: >
*** ../vim-7.4.848/src/edit.c	2015-07-28 21:17:31.526069349 +0200
--- src/edit.c	2015-09-01 19:15:52.938978211 +0200
*** 202,207 ****
--- 202,209 ----
  static void check_auto_format __ARGS((int));
  static void redo_literal __ARGS((int c));
  static void start_arrow __ARGS((pos_T *end_insert_pos));
+ static void start_arrow_with_change __ARGS((pos_T *end_insert_pos, int change));
+ static void start_arrow_common __ARGS((pos_T *end_insert_pos, int change));
  #ifdef FEAT_SPELL
  static void check_spell_redraw __ARGS((void));
  static void spell_back_to_badword __ARGS((void));
*** 241,251 ****
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) || defined(PROTO)
  static void ins_tabline __ARGS((int c));
! static void ins_left __ARGS((void));
  static void ins_home __ARGS((int c));
  static void ins_end __ARGS((int c));
  static void ins_s_left __ARGS((void));
! static void ins_right __ARGS((void));
  static void ins_s_right __ARGS((void));
  static void ins_up __ARGS((int startcol));
  static void ins_pageup __ARGS((void));
--- 243,253 ----
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) || defined(PROTO)
  static void ins_tabline __ARGS((int c));
! static void ins_left __ARGS((int end_change));
  static void ins_home __ARGS((int c));
  static void ins_end __ARGS((int c));
  static void ins_s_left __ARGS((void));
! static void ins_right __ARGS((int end_change));
  static void ins_s_right __ARGS((void));
  static void ins_up __ARGS((int startcol));
  static void ins_pageup __ARGS((void));
*** 297,302 ****
--- 299,306 ----
  static int	did_add_space = FALSE;	/* auto_format() added an extra space
  					   under the cursor */
+ static int	dont_sync_undo = FALSE;	/* CTRL-G U prevents syncing undo for
+ 					   the next left/right cursor */
   * edit(): Start inserting text.
*** 767,772 ****
--- 771,782 ----
  	if (c != K_CURSORHOLD)
  	    lastc = c;		/* remember the previous char for CTRL-D */
+ 	/* After using CTRL-G U the next cursor key will not break undo. */
+ 	if (dont_sync_undo == MAYBE)
+ 	    dont_sync_undo = TRUE;
+ 	else
+ 	    dont_sync_undo = FALSE;
  	    c = safe_vgetc();
*** 1237,1243 ****
  	    if (mod_mask & (MOD_MASK_SHIFT|MOD_MASK_CTRL))
! 		ins_left();
  	case K_S_LEFT:	/* <S-Left> */
--- 1247,1253 ----
  	    if (mod_mask & (MOD_MASK_SHIFT|MOD_MASK_CTRL))
! 		ins_left(dont_sync_undo == FALSE);
  	case K_S_LEFT:	/* <S-Left> */
*** 1249,1255 ****
  	    if (mod_mask & (MOD_MASK_SHIFT|MOD_MASK_CTRL))
! 		ins_right();
  	case K_S_RIGHT:	/* <S-Right> */
--- 1259,1265 ----
  	    if (mod_mask & (MOD_MASK_SHIFT|MOD_MASK_CTRL))
! 		ins_right(dont_sync_undo == FALSE);
  	case K_S_RIGHT:	/* <S-Right> */
*** 6787,6795 ****
      static void
!     pos_T    *end_insert_pos;	    /* can be NULL */
!     if (!arrow_used)	    /* something has been inserted */
  	stop_insert(end_insert_pos, FALSE, FALSE);
--- 6797,6830 ----
      static void
!     pos_T    *end_insert_pos;		/* can be NULL */
! {
!     start_arrow_common(end_insert_pos, TRUE);
! }
! /*
!  * Like start_arrow() but with end_change argument.
!  * Will prepare for redo of CTRL-G U if "end_change" is FALSE.
!  */
!     static void
! start_arrow_with_change(end_insert_pos, end_change)
!     pos_T    *end_insert_pos;		/* can be NULL */
!     int	      end_change;		/* end undoable change */
!     start_arrow_common(end_insert_pos, end_change);
!     if (!end_change)
!     {
! 	AppendCharToRedobuff(Ctrl_G);
! 	AppendCharToRedobuff('U');
!     }
! }
!     static void
! start_arrow_common(end_insert_pos, end_change)
!     pos_T    *end_insert_pos;		/* can be NULL */
!     int	      end_change;		/* end undoable change */
! {
!     if (!arrow_used && end_change)	/* something has been inserted */
  	stop_insert(end_insert_pos, FALSE, FALSE);
*** 8359,8364 ****
--- 8394,8406 ----
  		  Insstart = curwin->w_cursor;
+ 	/* CTRL-G U: do not break undo with the next char */
+ 	case 'U':
+ 		  /* Allow one left/right cursor movement with the next char,
+ 		   * without breaking undo. */
+ 		  dont_sync_undo = MAYBE;
+ 		  break;
  	/* Unknown CTRL-G command, reserved for future expansion. */
  	default:  vim_beep(BO_CTRLG);
*** 9440,9446 ****
      static void
! ins_left()
      pos_T	tpos;
--- 9482,9489 ----
      static void
! ins_left(end_change)
!     int	    end_change; /* end undoable change */
      pos_T	tpos;
*** 9457,9463 ****
  	 * break undo.  K_LEFT is inserted in im_correct_cursor(). */
  	if (!im_is_preediting())
! 	    start_arrow(&tpos);
  	/* If exit reversed string, position is fixed */
  	if (revins_scol != -1 && (int)curwin->w_cursor.col >= revins_scol)
--- 9500,9510 ----
  	 * break undo.  K_LEFT is inserted in im_correct_cursor(). */
  	if (!im_is_preediting())
! 	{
! 	    start_arrow_with_change(&tpos, end_change);
! 	    if (!end_change)
! 		AppendCharToRedobuff(K_LEFT);
! 	}
  	/* If exit reversed string, position is fixed */
  	if (revins_scol != -1 && (int)curwin->w_cursor.col >= revins_scol)
*** 9472,9477 ****
--- 9519,9525 ----
      else if (vim_strchr(p_ww, '[') != NULL && curwin->w_cursor.lnum > 1)
+ 	/* always break undo when moving upwards/downwards, else undo may break */
*** 9479,9484 ****
--- 9527,9533 ----
+     dont_sync_undo = FALSE;
      static void
*** 9542,9548 ****
      static void
! ins_right()
      if ((fdo_flags & FDO_HOR) && KeyTyped)
--- 9591,9598 ----
      static void
! ins_right(end_change)
!     int	    end_change; /* end undoable change */
      if ((fdo_flags & FDO_HOR) && KeyTyped)
*** 9555,9561 ****
! 	start_arrow(&curwin->w_cursor);
  	curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
  	if (virtual_active())
--- 9605,9613 ----
! 	start_arrow_with_change(&curwin->w_cursor, end_change);
! 	if (!end_change)
! 	    AppendCharToRedobuff(K_RIGHT);
  	curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
  	if (virtual_active())
*** 9589,9594 ****
--- 9641,9647 ----
+     dont_sync_undo = FALSE;
      static void
*** ../vim-7.4.848/src/testdir/	2015-07-10 17:19:25.024620239 +0200
--- src/testdir/	2015-09-01 18:57:22.578641036 +0200
*** 45,50 ****
--- 45,65 ----
  :/^a b
  0qqdw.ifooqj0@q:unmap .
+ :" <c-g>U<cursor> works only within a single line
+ :imapclear
+ :imap ( ()<c-g>U<left>
+ G2oki
+ Test1: text with a (here some more textk.
+ :" test undo
+ G2oki
+ Test2: text wit a (here some more text [und undo]uk.u
+ :"
+ :imapclear
+ :set whichwrap=<,>,[,]
+ G3o2k
+ :exe ":norm! iTest3: text with a (parenthesis here\<C-G>U\<Right>new line here\<esc>\<up>\<up>."
  :/^test/,$w! test.out
*** ../vim-7.4.848/src/testdir/test_mapping.ok	2015-07-10 17:19:25.024620239 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_mapping.ok	2015-09-01 18:57:22.578641036 +0200
*** 10,12 ****
--- 10,22 ----
+ Test1: text with a (here some more text)
+ Test1: text with a (here some more text)
+ Test2: text wit a (here some more text [und undo])
+ new line here
+ Test3: text with a (parenthesis here
+ new line here
*** ../vim-7.4.848/src/version.c	2015-09-01 18:51:35.126294303 +0200
--- src/version.c	2015-09-01 18:57:09.862774703 +0200
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     849,

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If it breaks then you get to keep both pieces.
		-- Copyright notice for the chat program

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///