Subject: Patch 7.4.835
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.4.835
Problem:    Comparing utf-8 sequences does not handle different byte sizes
Solution:   Get the byte size of each character. (Dominique Pelle)
Files:      src/misc2.c

*** ../vim-7.4.834/src/misc2.c	2015-07-17 13:22:43.153523709 +0200
--- src/misc2.c	2015-08-25 16:27:31.565982817 +0200
*** 5058,5064 ****
      char_u	*s1;
      char_u	*s2;
!     int		i;
      int		prev1 = NUL;
      int		prev2 = NUL;
--- 5058,5064 ----
      char_u	*s1;
      char_u	*s2;
!     int		i, j;
      int		prev1 = NUL;
      int		prev2 = NUL;
*** 5068,5086 ****
      if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL)
  	return FALSE;
!     if (STRLEN(s1) != STRLEN(s2))
! 	return FAIL;
!     for (i = 0; s1[i] != NUL && s2[i] != NUL; i += MB_PTR2LEN(s1 + i))
  	int c1 = PTR2CHAR(s1 + i);
! 	int c2 = PTR2CHAR(s2 + i);
  	if ((p_fic ? MB_TOLOWER(c1) != MB_TOLOWER(c2) : c1 != c2)
  		&& (prev1 != '*' || prev2 != '*'))
  	    return FAIL;
  	prev2 = prev1;
  	prev1 = c1;
      return TRUE;
--- 5068,5086 ----
      if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL)
  	return FALSE;
!     for (i = 0, j = 0; s1[i] != NUL;)
  	int c1 = PTR2CHAR(s1 + i);
! 	int c2 = PTR2CHAR(s2 + j);
  	if ((p_fic ? MB_TOLOWER(c1) != MB_TOLOWER(c2) : c1 != c2)
  		&& (prev1 != '*' || prev2 != '*'))
  	    return FAIL;
  	prev2 = prev1;
  	prev1 = c1;
+         i += MB_PTR2LEN(s1 + i);
+         j += MB_PTR2LEN(s2 + j);
      return TRUE;
*** 5814,5827 ****
      const char *p, *q;
      int maxlen;
!     int		i;
      int		c1, c2;
      const char	*s = NULL;
!     for (i = 0; maxlen < 0 || i < maxlen; i += MB_PTR2LEN((char_u *)p + i))
  	c1 = PTR2CHAR((char_u *)p + i);
! 	c2 = PTR2CHAR((char_u *)q + i);
  	/* End of "p": check if "q" also ends or just has a slash. */
  	if (c1 == NUL)
--- 5814,5827 ----
      const char *p, *q;
      int maxlen;
!     int		i, j;
      int		c1, c2;
      const char	*s = NULL;
!     for (i = 0, j = 0; maxlen < 0 || (i < maxlen && j < maxlen);)
  	c1 = PTR2CHAR((char_u *)p + i);
! 	c2 = PTR2CHAR((char_u *)q + j);
  	/* End of "p": check if "q" also ends or just has a slash. */
  	if (c1 == NUL)
*** 5829,5834 ****
--- 5829,5835 ----
  	    if (c2 == NUL)  /* full match */
  		return 0;
  	    s = q;
+             i = j;
*** 5854,5861 ****
  	    return p_fic ? MB_TOUPPER(c1) - MB_TOUPPER(c2)
  		    : c1 - c2;  /* no match */
!     if (s == NULL)	/* "i" ran into "maxlen" */
  	return 0;
      c1 = PTR2CHAR((char_u *)s + i);
--- 5855,5865 ----
  	    return p_fic ? MB_TOUPPER(c1) - MB_TOUPPER(c2)
  		    : c1 - c2;  /* no match */
+ 	i += MB_PTR2LEN((char_u *)p + i);
+ 	j += MB_PTR2LEN((char_u *)q + j);
!     if (s == NULL)	/* "i" or "j" ran into "maxlen" */
  	return 0;
      c1 = PTR2CHAR((char_u *)s + i);
*** ../vim-7.4.834/src/version.c	2015-08-25 16:19:01.587296525 +0200
--- src/version.c	2015-08-25 16:22:58.444828674 +0200
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     835,

If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid
just as it would for a vehicle.
		[real standing law in Florida, United States of America]

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///