Subject: Patch 7.4.355
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Patch 7.4.355
Problem:    Several problems with Javascript indenting.
Solution:   Improve Javascript indenting.
Files:	    src/misc1.c

*** ../vim-7.4.354/src/misc1.c	2014-07-02 18:27:44.662290695 +0200
--- src/misc1.c	2014-07-03 22:42:20.315848662 +0200
*** 5382,5387 ****
--- 5382,5388 ----
  static char_u	*cin_skipcomment __ARGS((char_u *));
  static int	cin_nocode __ARGS((char_u *));
  static pos_T	*find_line_comment __ARGS((void));
+ static int	cin_has_js_key __ARGS((char_u *text));
  static int	cin_islabel_skip __ARGS((char_u **));
  static int	cin_isdefault __ARGS((char_u *));
  static char_u	*after_label __ARGS((char_u *l));
*** 5410,5415 ****
--- 5411,5417 ----
  static int	cin_skip2pos __ARGS((pos_T *trypos));
  static pos_T	*find_start_brace __ARGS((void));
  static pos_T	*find_match_paren __ARGS((int));
+ static pos_T	*find_match_char __ARGS((int c, int ind_maxparen));
  static int	corr_ind_maxparen __ARGS((pos_T *startpos));
  static int	find_last_paren __ARGS((char_u *l, int start, int end));
  static int	find_match __ARGS((int lookfor, linenr_T ourscope));
*** 5494,5500 ****
--- 5496,5533 ----
+  * Return TRUE if "text" starts with "key:".
+  */
+     static int
+ cin_has_js_key(text)
+     char_u *text;
+ {
+     char_u *s = skipwhite(text);
+     int	    quote = 0;
+     if (*s == '\'' || *s == '"')
+     {
+ 	/* can be 'key': or "key": */
+ 	quote = *s;
+ 	++s;
+     }
+     if (!vim_isIDc(*s))	    /* need at least one ID character */
+ 	return FALSE;
+     while (vim_isIDc(*s))
+ 	++s;
+     if (*s == quote)
+ 	++s;
+     s = cin_skipcomment(s);
+     /* "::" is not a label, it's C++ */
+     return (*s == ':' && s[1] != ':');
+ }
+ /*
   * Check if string matches "label:"; move to character after ':' if true.
+  * "*s" must point to the start of the label, if there is one.
      static int
*** 6621,6632 ****
  find_match_paren(ind_maxparen)	    /* XXX */
      int		ind_maxparen;
      pos_T	cursor_save;
      pos_T	*trypos;
      static pos_T pos_copy;
      cursor_save = curwin->w_cursor;
!     if ((trypos = findmatchlimit(NULL, '(', 0, ind_maxparen)) != NULL)
  	/* check if the ( is in a // comment */
  	if ((colnr_T)cin_skip2pos(trypos) > trypos->col)
--- 6654,6673 ----
  find_match_paren(ind_maxparen)	    /* XXX */
      int		ind_maxparen;
+     return find_match_char('(', ind_maxparen);
+ }
+     static pos_T *
+ find_match_char(c, ind_maxparen)	    /* XXX */
+     int		c;
+     int		ind_maxparen;
+ {
      pos_T	cursor_save;
      pos_T	*trypos;
      static pos_T pos_copy;
      cursor_save = curwin->w_cursor;
!     if ((trypos = findmatchlimit(NULL, c, 0, ind_maxparen)) != NULL)
  	/* check if the ( is in a // comment */
  	if ((colnr_T)cin_skip2pos(trypos) > trypos->col)
*** 6976,6981 ****
--- 7017,7024 ----
  #define LOOKFOR_NOBREAK		8
+ #define LOOKFOR_JS_KEY		11
+ #define LOOKFOR_NO_COMMA	12
      int		whilelevel;
      linenr_T	lnum;
*** 6986,6991 ****
--- 7029,7035 ----
      int		cont_amount = 0;    /* amount for continuation line */
      int		original_line_islabel;
      int		added_to_amount = 0;
+     int		js_cur_has_key = 0;
      /* make a copy, value is changed below */
      int		ind_continuation = curbuf->b_ind_continuation;
*** 7209,7214 ****
--- 7253,7268 ----
+      * Are we looking at a ']' that has a match?
+      */
+     else if (*skipwhite(theline) == ']'
+ 	    && (trypos = find_match_char('[', curbuf->b_ind_maxparen)) != NULL)
+     {
+ 	/* align with the line containing the '['. */
+ 	amount = get_indent_lnum(trypos->lnum);
+     }
+     /*
       * Are we inside parentheses or braces?
       */						    /* XXX */
      else if (((trypos = find_match_paren(curbuf->b_ind_maxparen)) != NULL
*** 7473,7486 ****
  	if (cin_iscomment(theline))
  	    amount += curbuf->b_ind_comment;
-       /*
-        * Are we at least inside braces, then?
-        */
  	trypos = tryposBrace;
  	ourscope = trypos->lnum;
  	start = ml_get(ourscope);
--- 7527,7539 ----
  	if (cin_iscomment(theline))
  	    amount += curbuf->b_ind_comment;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * We are inside braces, there is a { before this line at the position
+ 	 * stored in tryposBrace.
+ 	 */
  	trypos = tryposBrace;
  	ourscope = trypos->lnum;
  	start = ml_get(ourscope);
*** 7502,7525 ****
! 	    /*
! 	     * that opening brace might have been on a continuation
! 	     * line.  if so, find the start of the line.
! 	     */
  	    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = ourscope;
! 	    /*
! 	     * position the cursor over the rightmost paren, so that
! 	     * matching it will take us back to the start of the line.
! 	     */
  	    lnum = ourscope;
  	    if (find_last_paren(start, '(', ')')
  			&& (trypos = find_match_paren(curbuf->b_ind_maxparen))
  								      != NULL)
  		lnum = trypos->lnum;
! 	    /*
! 	     * It could have been something like
  	     *	   case 1: if (asdf &&
  	     *			ldfd) {
  	     *		    }
--- 7555,7573 ----
! 	    /* That opening brace might have been on a continuation
! 	     * line.  if so, find the start of the line. */
  	    curwin->w_cursor.lnum = ourscope;
! 	    /* Position the cursor over the rightmost paren, so that
! 	     * matching it will take us back to the start of the line. */
  	    lnum = ourscope;
  	    if (find_last_paren(start, '(', ')')
  			&& (trypos = find_match_paren(curbuf->b_ind_maxparen))
  								      != NULL)
  		lnum = trypos->lnum;
! 	    /* It could have been something like
  	     *	   case 1: if (asdf &&
  	     *			ldfd) {
  	     *		    }
*** 7535,7542 ****
  	    start_brace = BRACE_AT_END;
! 	 * if we're looking at a closing brace, that's where
  	 * we want to be.  otherwise, add the amount of room
  	 * that an indent is supposed to be.
--- 7583,7594 ----
  	    start_brace = BRACE_AT_END;
+ 	/* For Javascript check if the line starts with "key:". */
+ 	if (curbuf->b_ind_js)
+ 	    js_cur_has_key = cin_has_js_key(theline);
! 	 * If we're looking at a closing brace, that's where
  	 * we want to be.  otherwise, add the amount of room
  	 * that an indent is supposed to be.
*** 7643,7649 ****
  	     * Search backwards.  If we find something we recognize, line up
  	     * with that.
! 	     * if we're looking at an open brace, indent
  	     * the usual amount relative to the conditional
  	     * that opens the block.
--- 7695,7701 ----
  	     * Search backwards.  If we find something we recognize, line up
  	     * with that.
! 	     * If we're looking at an open brace, indent
  	     * the usual amount relative to the conditional
  	     * that opens the block.
*** 8051,8056 ****
--- 8103,8143 ----
  		terminated = cin_isterminated(l, FALSE, TRUE);
+ 		if (js_cur_has_key)
+ 		{
+ 		    js_cur_has_key = 0; /* only check the first line */
+ 		    if (curbuf->b_ind_js && terminated == ',')
+ 		    {
+ 			/* For Javascript we might be inside an object:
+ 			 *   key: something,  <- align with this
+ 			 *   key: something
+ 			 * or:
+ 			 *   key: something +  <- align with this
+ 			 *       something,
+ 			 *   key: something
+ 			 */
+ 			lookfor = LOOKFOR_JS_KEY;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		if (lookfor == LOOKFOR_JS_KEY && cin_has_js_key(l))
+ 		{
+ 		    amount = get_indent();
+ 		    break;
+ 		}
+ 		if (lookfor == LOOKFOR_NO_COMMA)
+ 		{
+ 		    if (terminated != ',')
+ 			/* line below current line is the one that starts a
+ 			 * (possibly broken) line ending in a comma. */
+ 			break;
+ 		    amount = get_indent();
+ 		    if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum - 1 == ourscope)
+ 			/* line above is start of the scope, thus current line
+ 			 * is the one that stars a (possibly broken) line
+ 			 * ending in a comma. */
+ 			break;
+ 		}
  		if (terminated == 0 || (lookfor != LOOKFOR_UNTERM
  							&& terminated == ','))
*** 8062,8072 ****
  		     *		    bar )
! 		     * position the cursor over the rightmost paren, so that
  		     * matching it will take us back to the start of the line.
  		    (void)find_last_paren(l, '(', ')');
  		    trypos = find_match_paren(corr_ind_maxparen(&cur_curpos));
  		     * If we are looking for ',', we also look for matching
--- 8149,8164 ----
  		     *		    bar )
! 		     * Position the cursor over the rightmost paren, so that
  		     * matching it will take us back to the start of the line.
+ 		     * Ignore a match before the start of the block.
  		    (void)find_last_paren(l, '(', ')');
  		    trypos = find_match_paren(corr_ind_maxparen(&cur_curpos));
+ 		    if (trypos != NULL && (trypos->lnum < tryposBrace->lnum
+ 				|| (trypos->lnum == tryposBrace->lnum
+ 				    && trypos->col < tryposBrace->col)))
+ 			trypos = NULL;
  		     * If we are looking for ',', we also look for matching
*** 8117,8126 ****
  		     * Get indent and pointer to text for current line,
  		     * ignoring any jump label.	    XXX
! 		    if (!curbuf->b_ind_js)
! 			cur_amount = skip_label(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, &l);
! 		    else
  			cur_amount = get_indent();
  		     * If this is just above the line we are indenting, and it
  		     * starts with a '{', line it up with this line.
--- 8209,8218 ----
  		     * Get indent and pointer to text for current line,
  		     * ignoring any jump label.	    XXX
! 		    if (curbuf->b_ind_js)
  			cur_amount = get_indent();
+ 		    else
+ 			cur_amount = skip_label(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, &l);
  		     * If this is just above the line we are indenting, and it
  		     * starts with a '{', line it up with this line.
*** 8142,8148 ****
  			if (*skipwhite(l) != '{')
  			    amount += curbuf->b_ind_open_extra;
! 			if (curbuf->b_ind_cpp_baseclass)
  			    /* have to look back, whether it is a cpp base
  			     * class declaration or initialization */
--- 8234,8240 ----
  			if (*skipwhite(l) != '{')
  			    amount += curbuf->b_ind_open_extra;
! 			if (curbuf->b_ind_cpp_baseclass && !curbuf->b_ind_js)
  			    /* have to look back, whether it is a cpp base
  			     * class declaration or initialization */
*** 8302,8309 ****
  			    if (lookfor == LOOKFOR_INITIAL && terminated == ',')
! 				lookfor = LOOKFOR_ENUM_OR_INIT;
! 				cont_amount = cin_first_id_amount();
--- 8394,8434 ----
  			    if (lookfor == LOOKFOR_INITIAL && terminated == ',')
! 				if (curbuf->b_ind_js)
! 				{
! 				    /* Search for a line ending in a comma
! 				     * and line up with the line below it
! 				     * (could be the current line).
! 				     * some = [
! 				     *     1,     <- line up here
! 				     *     2,
! 				     * some = [
! 				     *     3 +    <- line up here
! 				     *       4 *
! 				     *        5,
! 				     *     6,
! 				     */
! 				    lookfor = LOOKFOR_NO_COMMA;
! 				    amount = get_indent();	    /* XXX */
! 				    trypos = find_match_char('[',
! 						      curbuf->b_ind_maxparen);
! 				    if (trypos != NULL)
! 				    {
! 					if (trypos->lnum
! 						 == curwin->w_cursor.lnum - 1)
! 					{
! 					    /* Current line is first inside
! 					     * [], line up with it. */
! 					    break;
! 					}
! 					ourscope = trypos->lnum;
! 				    }
! 				}
! 				else
! 				{
! 				    lookfor = LOOKFOR_ENUM_OR_INIT;
! 				    cont_amount = cin_first_id_amount();
! 				}
*** 8313,8319 ****
  								/* XXX */
  				    cont_amount = cin_get_equal_amount(
! 				if (lookfor != LOOKFOR_TERM)
  				    lookfor = LOOKFOR_UNTERM;
--- 8438,8445 ----
  								/* XXX */
  				    cont_amount = cin_get_equal_amount(
! 				if (lookfor != LOOKFOR_TERM
! 						 && lookfor != LOOKFOR_JS_KEY)
  				    lookfor = LOOKFOR_UNTERM;
*** 8324,8331 ****
  		 * Check if we are after a while (cond);
  		 * If so: Ignore until the matching "do".
! 							/* XXX */
! 		else if (cin_iswhileofdo_end(terminated))
  		     * Found an unterminated line after a while ();, line up
--- 8450,8456 ----
  		 * Check if we are after a while (cond);
  		 * If so: Ignore until the matching "do".
! 		else if (cin_iswhileofdo_end(terminated)) /* XXX */
  		     * Found an unterminated line after a while ();, line up
*** 8538,8555 ****
        if (curbuf->b_ind_jump_label > 0 && original_line_islabel)
  	  amount -= curbuf->b_ind_jump_label;
-     /*
-      * ok -- we're not inside any sort of structure at all!
-      *
-      * this means we're at the top level, and everything should
-      * basically just match where the previous line is, except
-      * for the lines immediately following a function declaration,
-      * which are K&R-style parameters and need to be indented.
-      */
  	 * if our line starts with an open brace, forget about any
  	 * prevailing indent and make sure it looks like the start
  	 * of a function
--- 8663,8678 ----
        if (curbuf->b_ind_jump_label > 0 && original_line_islabel)
  	  amount -= curbuf->b_ind_jump_label;
+ 	 * ok -- we're not inside any sort of structure at all!
+ 	 *
+ 	 * This means we're at the top level, and everything should
+ 	 * basically just match where the previous line is, except
+ 	 * for the lines immediately following a function declaration,
+ 	 * which are K&R-style parameters and need to be indented.
+ 	 *
  	 * if our line starts with an open brace, forget about any
  	 * prevailing indent and make sure it looks like the start
  	 * of a function
*** 8700,8705 ****
--- 8823,8840 ----
+ 		 * If the previous line ends on '[' we are probably in an
+ 		 * array constant:
+ 		 * something = [
+ 		 *     234,  <- extra indent
+ 		 */
+ 		if (cin_ends_in(l, (char_u *)"[", NULL))
+ 		{
+ 		    amount = get_indent() + ind_continuation;
+ 		    break;
+ 		}
+ 		/*
  		 * Find a line only has a semicolon that belongs to a previous
  		 * line ending in '}', e.g. before an #endif.  Don't increase
  		 * indent then.
*** ../vim-7.4.354/src/testdir/	2014-07-02 18:27:44.662290695 +0200
--- src/testdir/	2014-07-03 22:41:38.743848025 +0200
*** 1432,1438 ****
  :set cino=(0,ts
! 2kdd=][
  void func(int a
--- 1432,1438 ----
  :set cino=(0,ts
! 2kdd2j=][
  void func(int a
*** 1446,1452 ****
  :set cino=(0
! 2kdd=][
--- 1446,1452 ----
  :set cino=(0
! 2kdd2j=][
*** 1461,1467 ****
  :set cino&
! 2kdd=7][
  void func(void)
--- 1461,1467 ----
  :set cino&
! 2kdd2j=7][
  void func(void)
*** 1538,1544 ****
  :set cino&
  :set cino+=l1
! 2kdd=][
  void func(void)
--- 1538,1544 ----
  :set cino&
  :set cino+=l1
! 2kdd2j=][
  void func(void)
*** 1567,1573 ****
  :set cino&
! 2kdd=][
  void func(void)
--- 1567,1573 ----
  :set cino&
! 2kdd2j=][
  void func(void)
*** 1592,1598 ****
  :set cino&
! 2kdd=][
  void func(void)
--- 1592,1598 ----
  :set cino&
! 2kdd2j=][
  void func(void)
*** 1919,1928 ****
  var foo = [
! 1,  // indent 8 more
! ];  // indent 8 less
--- 1919,1928 ----
  var foo = [
! 1,
! ];
*** 1937,1943 ****
! ];  // indent 16 less
--- 1937,1943 ----
! ];
*** 1954,1959 ****
--- 1954,1961 ----
  cond) {
+ window.something.left =
+ (width - 50 + offset) + "px";
  var class_name='myclass';
  function private_method() {
*** 1969,1983 ****
  foo: 'bar',
! bar: 2,  // indent 8 more
! foobar: [  // indent 8 more
! 1,  // indent 8 more
! 2,  // indent 16 more
! 3   // indent 16 more
! callback: function(){  // indent 8 more
! return true;  // indent 8 more
! }  // indent 8 more
  }, options||{}));
--- 1971,1985 ----
  foo: 'bar',
! bar: 2,
! foobar: [
! 1,
! 2,
! 3
! callback: function(){
! return true;
! }
  }, options||{}));
*** 2018,2026 ****
  foo: 'bar',
  bar: 2,
  foobar: [
! 1,  // indent 8 more
! 2,  // indent 8 more
! 3   // indent 8 more
  callback: function(){
  return true;
--- 2020,2028 ----
  foo: 'bar',
  bar: 2,
  foobar: [
! 1,
! 2,
! 3
  callback: function(){
  return true;
*** 2040,2054 ****
  function init(options) {
  foo: 'bar',
! bar: 2,  // indent 8 more
! foobar: [  // indent 8 more
! 1,  // indent 8 more
! 2,  // indent 16 more
! 3  // indent 16 more
! callback: function(){  // indent 8 more
! return true;  // indent 8 more
! }  // indent 8 more
  }, options||{}));
--- 2042,2056 ----
  function init(options) {
  foo: 'bar',
! bar: 2,
! foobar: [
! 1,
! 2,
! 3
! callback: function(){
! return true;
! }
  }, options||{}));
*** ../vim-7.4.354/src/testdir/test3.ok	2014-07-02 18:27:44.662290695 +0200
--- src/testdir/test3.ok	2014-07-03 22:18:58.167827177 +0200
*** 1707,1716 ****
  var foo = [
! 1,  // indent 8 more
! 	];  // indent 8 less
--- 1707,1716 ----
  var foo = [
! 	1,
! ];
*** 1720,1726 ****
! 			];  // indent 16 less
--- 1720,1726 ----
! 	];
*** 1732,1737 ****
--- 1732,1739 ----
  			cond) {
+ 	window.something.left =
+ 		(width - 50 + offset) + "px";
  	var class_name='myclass';
  	function private_method() {
*** 1747,1761 ****
  			foo: 'bar',
! 		bar: 2,  // indent 8 more
! 		foobar: [  // indent 8 more
! 			1,  // indent 8 more
! 		2,  // indent 16 more
! 		3   // indent 16 more
! 		callback: function(){  // indent 8 more
! 			return true;  // indent 8 more
! 		}  // indent 8 more
  		}, options||{}));
--- 1749,1763 ----
  			foo: 'bar',
! 			bar: 2,
! 			foobar: [
! 				1,
! 				2,
! 				3
! 			callback: function(){
! 				return true;
! 			}
  		}, options||{}));
*** 1791,1799 ****
  		foo: 'bar',
  		bar: 2,
  		foobar: [
! 		1,  // indent 8 more
! 		2,  // indent 8 more
! 		3   // indent 8 more
  		callback: function(){
  			return true;
--- 1793,1801 ----
  		foo: 'bar',
  		bar: 2,
  		foobar: [
! 			1,
! 			2,
! 			3
  		callback: function(){
  			return true;
*** 1808,1822 ****
  	function init(options) {
  			foo: 'bar',
! 		bar: 2,  // indent 8 more
! 		foobar: [  // indent 8 more
! 			1,  // indent 8 more
! 		2,  // indent 16 more
! 		3  // indent 16 more
! 		callback: function(){  // indent 8 more
! 			return true;  // indent 8 more
! 		}  // indent 8 more
  		}, options||{}));
--- 1810,1824 ----
  	function init(options) {
  			foo: 'bar',
! 			bar: 2,
! 			foobar: [
! 				1,
! 				2,
! 				3
! 			callback: function(){
! 				return true;
! 			}
  		}, options||{}));
*** ../vim-7.4.354/src/version.c	2014-07-03 22:54:04.911859458 +0200
--- src/version.c	2014-07-03 22:54:40.971860011 +0200
*** 736,737 ****
--- 736,739 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     355,

    There's never time to do it right, but always time to do it over.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///