diff --git a/7.3.447 b/7.3.447
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0af9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.3.447
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+To: vim_dev@googlegroups.com
+Subject: Patch 7.3.447
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.3.447 (after 7.3.446)
+Problem:    Win32: External commands with "start" do not work.
+Solution:   Unescape part of the command. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files:	    src/os_win32.c
+*** ../vim-7.3.446/src/os_win32.c	2012-02-19 18:19:24.000000000 +0100
+--- src/os_win32.c	2012-02-21 20:56:51.000000000 +0100
+*** 259,264 ****
+--- 259,287 ----
+  }
+  /*
++  * Unescape characters in "p" that appear in "escaped".
++  */
++     static void
++ unescape_shellxquote(char_u *p, char_u *escaped)
++ {
++     int	    l = STRLEN(p);
++     int	    n;
++     while (*p != NUL)
++     {
++ 	if (*p == '^' && vim_strchr(escaped, p[1]) != NULL)
++ 	    mch_memmove(p, p + 1, l--);
++ #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
++ 	n = (*mb_ptr2len)(p);
++ #else
++ 	n = 1;
++ #endif
++ 	p += n;
++ 	l -= n;
++     }
++ }
++ /*
+   * Load library "name".
+   */
+*** 3559,3564 ****
+--- 3582,3588 ----
+      garray_T	ga;
+      int	    delay = 1;
+      DWORD	buffer_off = 0;	/* valid bytes in buffer[] */
++     char	*p = NULL;
+*** 3599,3607 ****
+      if (options & SHELL_READ)
+  	ga_init2(&ga, 1, BUFLEN);
+      /* Now, run the command */
+      CreateProcess(NULL,			/* Executable name */
+! 		  cmd,			/* Command to execute */
+  		  NULL,			/* Process security attributes */
+  		  NULL,			/* Thread security attributes */
+--- 3623,3640 ----
+      if (options & SHELL_READ)
+  	ga_init2(&ga, 1, BUFLEN);
++     if (cmd != NULL)
++     {
++ 	p = (char *)vim_strsave((char_u *)cmd);
++ 	if (p != NULL)
++ 	    unescape_shellxquote((char_u *)p, p_sxe);
++ 	else
++ 	    p = cmd;
++     }
+      /* Now, run the command */
+      CreateProcess(NULL,			/* Executable name */
+! 		  p,			/* Command to execute */
+  		  NULL,			/* Process security attributes */
+  		  NULL,			/* Thread security attributes */
+*** 3616,3621 ****
+--- 3649,3656 ----
+  		  &si,			/* Startup information */
+  		  &pi);			/* Process information */
++     if (p != cmd)
++ 	vim_free(p);
+      /* Close our unused side of the pipes */
+      CloseHandle(g_hChildStd_IN_Rd);
+*** 3898,4018 ****
+      else
+      {
+  	/* we use "command" or "cmd" to start the shell; slow but easy */
+! 	char_u *newcmd;
+! 	long_u cmdlen =  (
+! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
+! 		(allowPiping && !p_stmp ? 0 : STRLEN(vimrun_path)) +
+! #endif
+! 		STRLEN(p_sh) + STRLEN(p_shcf) + STRLEN(cmd) + 10);
+! 	newcmd = lalloc(cmdlen, TRUE);
+! 	if (newcmd != NULL)
+! 	{
+! 	    char_u *cmdbase = cmd;
+! 	    /* Skip a leading ", ( and "(. */
+! 	    if (*cmdbase == '"' )
+! 		++cmdbase;
+! 	    if (*cmdbase == '(')
+! 		++cmdbase;
+! 	    if ((STRNICMP(cmdbase, "start", 5) == 0) && vim_iswhite(cmdbase[5]))
+! 	    {
+! 		si.cb = sizeof(si);
+! 		si.lpReserved = NULL;
+! 		si.lpDesktop = NULL;
+! 		si.lpTitle = NULL;
+! 		si.dwFlags = 0;
+! 		si.cbReserved2 = 0;
+! 		si.lpReserved2 = NULL;
+! 		cmdbase = skipwhite(cmdbase + 5);
+! 		if ((STRNICMP(cmdbase, "/min", 4) == 0)
+! 			&& vim_iswhite(cmdbase[4]))
+! 		{
+! 		    cmdbase = skipwhite(cmdbase + 4);
+! 		    si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
+! 		    si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE;
+! 		}
+! 		else if ((STRNICMP(cmdbase, "/b", 2) == 0)
+! 			&& vim_iswhite(cmdbase[2]))
+! 		{
+! 		    cmdbase = skipwhite(cmdbase + 2);
+! 		    flags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
+! 		    si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
+! 		    si.hStdInput = CreateFile("\\\\.\\NUL",	// File name
+! 			GENERIC_READ,				// Access flags
+! 			0,					// Share flags
+! 			NULL,					// Security att.
+! 			OPEN_EXISTING,				// Open flags
+! 			FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,			// File att.
+! 			NULL);					// Temp file
+! 		    si.hStdOutput = si.hStdInput;
+! 		    si.hStdError = si.hStdInput;
+! 		}
+! 		/* When the command is in double quotes, but 'shellxquote' is
+! 		 * empty, keep the double quotes around the command.
+! 		 * Otherwise remove the double quotes, they aren't needed
+! 		 * here, because we don't use a shell to run the command. */
+! 		if (cmdbase > cmd)
+! 		{
+! 		    if (STRNCMP(cmd, p_sxq, cmd - cmdbase) != 0)
+! 		    {
+! 			STRCPY(newcmd, cmd);
+! 		    }
+! 		    else
+! 		    {
+! 			char_u *p;
+! 			STRCPY(newcmd, cmdbase);
+! 			/* Remove a trailing ", ) and )" if they have a match
+! 			 * at the start of the command. */
+! 			p = newcmd + STRLEN(newcmd);
+! 			if (p > newcmd && p[-1] == '"' && *cmd == '"')
+! 			    *--p = NUL;
+! 			if (p > newcmd && p[-1] == ')'
+! 					     && (*cmd =='(' || cmd[1] == '('))
+! 			    *--p = NUL;
+! 		    }
+! 		}
+! 		/*
+! 		 * Now, start the command as a process, so that it doesn't
+! 		 * inherit our handles which causes unpleasant dangling swap
+! 		 * files if we exit before the spawned process
+! 		 */
+! 		if (CreateProcess(NULL,		// Executable name
+! 			newcmd,			// Command to execute
+! 			NULL,			// Process security attributes
+! 			NULL,			// Thread security attributes
+! 			FALSE,			// Inherit handles
+! 			flags,			// Creation flags
+! 			NULL,			// Environment
+! 			NULL,			// Current directory
+! 			&si,			// Startup information
+! 			&pi))			// Process information
+! 		    x = 0;
+! 		else
+! 		{
+! 		    x = -1;
+  #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
+! 		    EMSG(_("E371: Command not found"));
+  #endif
+- 		}
+- 		if (si.hStdInput != NULL)
+- 		{
+- 		    /* Close the handle to \\.\NUL */
+- 		    CloseHandle(si.hStdInput);
+- 		}
+- 		/* Close the handles to the subprocess, so that it goes away */
+- 		CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
+- 		CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
+  	    }
+! 	    else
+  	    {
+  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)
+  		if (need_vimrun_warning)
+--- 3933,4048 ----
+      else
+      {
+  	/* we use "command" or "cmd" to start the shell; slow but easy */
+! 	char_u *cmdbase = cmd;
+! 	/* Skip a leading ", ( and "(. */
+! 	if (*cmdbase == '"' )
+! 	    ++cmdbase;
+! 	if (*cmdbase == '(')
+! 	    ++cmdbase;
+! 	if ((STRNICMP(cmdbase, "start", 5) == 0) && vim_iswhite(cmdbase[5]))
+! 	{
+! 	    STARTUPINFO		si;
+! 	    DWORD		flags = CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE;
+! 	    char_u		*p;
+! 	    si.cb = sizeof(si);
+! 	    si.lpReserved = NULL;
+! 	    si.lpDesktop = NULL;
+! 	    si.lpTitle = NULL;
+! 	    si.dwFlags = 0;
+! 	    si.cbReserved2 = 0;
+! 	    si.lpReserved2 = NULL;
+! 	    cmdbase = skipwhite(cmdbase + 5);
+! 	    if ((STRNICMP(cmdbase, "/min", 4) == 0)
+! 		    && vim_iswhite(cmdbase[4]))
+! 	    {
+! 		cmdbase = skipwhite(cmdbase + 4);
+! 		si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE;
+! 	    }
+! 	    else if ((STRNICMP(cmdbase, "/b", 2) == 0)
+! 		    && vim_iswhite(cmdbase[2]))
+! 	    {
+! 		cmdbase = skipwhite(cmdbase + 2);
+! 		flags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
+! 		si.hStdInput = CreateFile("\\\\.\\NUL",	// File name
+! 		    GENERIC_READ,				// Access flags
+! 		    0,					// Share flags
+! 		    NULL,					// Security att.
+! 		    OPEN_EXISTING,				// Open flags
+! 		    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,			// File att.
+! 		    NULL);					// Temp file
+! 		si.hStdOutput = si.hStdInput;
+! 		si.hStdError = si.hStdInput;
+! 	    }
+! 	    /* Remove a trailing ", ) and )" if they have a match
+! 	     * at the start of the command. */
+! 	    if (cmdbase > cmd)
+! 	    {
+! 		p = cmdbase + STRLEN(cmdbase);
+! 		if (p > cmdbase && p[-1] == '"' && *cmd == '"')
+! 		    *--p = NUL;
+! 		if (p > cmdbase && p[-1] == ')'
+! 			&& (*cmd =='(' || cmd[1] == '('))
+! 		    *--p = NUL;
+! 	    }
+! 	    /*
+! 	     * Unescape characters in shellxescape. This is workaround for
+! 	     * /b option. Only redirect character should be unescaped.
+! 	     */
+! 	    unescape_shellxquote(cmdbase,
+! 			(flags & CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) ? p_sxe : "<>");
+! 	    /*
+! 	     * Now, start the command as a process, so that it doesn't
+! 	     * inherit our handles which causes unpleasant dangling swap
+! 	     * files if we exit before the spawned process
+! 	     */
+! 	    if (CreateProcess(NULL,		// Executable name
+! 		    cmdbase,			// Command to execute
+! 		    NULL,			// Process security attributes
+! 		    NULL,			// Thread security attributes
+! 		    FALSE,			// Inherit handles
+! 		    flags,			// Creation flags
+! 		    NULL,			// Environment
+! 		    NULL,			// Current directory
+! 		    &si,			// Startup information
+! 		    &pi))			// Process information
+! 		x = 0;
+! 	    else
+! 	    {
+! 		x = -1;
+  #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
+! 		EMSG(_("E371: Command not found"));
+  #endif
+  	    }
+! 	    if (si.hStdInput != NULL)
+! 	    {
+! 		/* Close the handle to \\.\NUL */
+! 		CloseHandle(si.hStdInput);
+! 	    }
+! 	    /* Close the handles to the subprocess, so that it goes away */
+! 	    CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
+! 	    CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
+! 	}
+! 	else
+! 	{
+! 	    char_u *newcmd;
+! 	    long_u cmdlen =  (
+! #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
+! 		(allowPiping && !p_stmp ? 0 : STRLEN(vimrun_path)) +
+! #endif
+! 		STRLEN(p_sh) + STRLEN(p_shcf) + STRLEN(cmd) + 10);
+! 	    newcmd = lalloc(cmdlen, TRUE);
+! 	    if (newcmd != NULL)
+  	    {
+  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)
+  		if (need_vimrun_warning)
+*** 4038,4045 ****
+  		    vim_snprintf((char *)newcmd, cmdlen, "%s %s %s",
+  							   p_sh, p_shcf, cmd);
+  		x = mch_system((char *)newcmd, options);
+  	    }
+- 	    vim_free(newcmd);
+  	}
+      }
+--- 4068,4075 ----
+  		    vim_snprintf((char *)newcmd, cmdlen, "%s %s %s",
+  							   p_sh, p_shcf, cmd);
+  		x = mch_system((char *)newcmd, options);
++ 		vim_free(newcmd);
+  	    }
+  	}
+      }
+*** ../vim-7.3.446/src/version.c	2012-02-20 22:18:23.000000000 +0100
+--- src/version.c	2012-02-21 21:20:05.000000000 +0100
+*** 716,717 ****
+--- 716,719 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     447,
+  /**/
+From "know your smileys":
+ :----}  You lie like Pinocchio
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\  an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///