Subject: Patch 7.4.107
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Patch 7.4.107
Problem:    Python: When vim.eval() encounters a Vim error, a try/catch in the
	    Python code doesn't catch it. (Yggdroot Chen)
Solution:   Throw exceptions on errors in vim.eval(). (ZyX)
Files:	    src/ex_eval.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/proto/,
	    src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
	    src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok

*** ../vim-7.4.106/src/ex_eval.c	2013-06-08 15:50:28.000000000 +0200
--- src/ex_eval.c	2013-11-28 16:59:09.000000000 +0100
*** 321,326 ****
--- 321,337 ----
+  * Free global "*msg_list" and the messages it contains, then set "*msg_list"
+  * to NULL.
+  */
+     void
+ free_global_msglist()
+ {
+     free_msglist(*msg_list);
+     *msg_list = NULL;
+ }
+ /*
   * Throw the message specified in the call to cause_errthrow() above as an
   * error exception.  If cstack is NULL, postpone the throw until do_cmdline()
   * has returned (see do_one_cmd()).
*** 410,475 ****
      return TRUE;
!  * Throw a new exception.  Return FAIL when out of memory or it was tried to
!  * throw an illegal user exception.  "value" is the exception string for a user
!  * or interrupt exception, or points to a message list in case of an error
!  * exception.
!     static int
! throw_exception(value, type, cmdname)
      void	*value;
      int		type;
      char_u	*cmdname;
!     except_T	*excp;
!     char_u	*p, *mesg, *val;
      int		cmdlen;
!     /*
!      * Disallow faking Interrupt or error exceptions as user exceptions.  They
!      * would be treated differently from real interrupt or error exceptions when
!      * no active try block is found, see do_cmdline().
!      */
!     if (type == ET_USER)
!     {
! 	if (STRNCMP((char_u *)value, "Vim", 3) == 0 &&
! 		(((char_u *)value)[3] == NUL || ((char_u *)value)[3] == ':' ||
! 		 ((char_u *)value)[3] == '('))
! 	{
! 	    EMSG(_("E608: Cannot :throw exceptions with 'Vim' prefix"));
! 	    goto fail;
! 	}
!     }
!     excp = (except_T *)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(except_T));
!     if (excp == NULL)
! 	goto nomem;
      if (type == ET_ERROR)
! 	/* Store the original message and prefix the exception value with
! 	 * "Vim:" or, if a command name is given, "Vim(cmdname):". */
! 	excp->messages = (struct msglist *)value;
! 	mesg = excp->messages->throw_msg;
  	if (cmdname != NULL && *cmdname != NUL)
  	    cmdlen = (int)STRLEN(cmdname);
! 	    excp->value = vim_strnsave((char_u *)"Vim(",
  					   4 + cmdlen + 2 + (int)STRLEN(mesg));
! 	    if (excp->value == NULL)
! 		goto nomem;
! 	    STRCPY(&excp->value[4], cmdname);
! 	    STRCPY(&excp->value[4 + cmdlen], "):");
! 	    val = excp->value + 4 + cmdlen + 2;
! 	    excp->value = vim_strnsave((char_u *)"Vim:", 4 + (int)STRLEN(mesg));
! 	    if (excp->value == NULL)
! 		goto nomem;
! 	    val = excp->value + 4;
  	/* msg_add_fname may have been used to prefix the message with a file
--- 421,461 ----
      return TRUE;
!  * Get an exception message that is to be stored in current_exception->value.
!     char_u *
! get_exception_string(value, type, cmdname, should_free)
      void	*value;
      int		type;
      char_u	*cmdname;
+     int		*should_free;
!     char_u	*ret, *mesg;
      int		cmdlen;
!     char_u	*p, *val;
      if (type == ET_ERROR)
! 	*should_free = FALSE;
! 	mesg = ((struct msglist *)value)->throw_msg;
  	if (cmdname != NULL && *cmdname != NUL)
  	    cmdlen = (int)STRLEN(cmdname);
! 	    ret = vim_strnsave((char_u *)"Vim(",
  					   4 + cmdlen + 2 + (int)STRLEN(mesg));
! 	    if (ret == NULL)
! 		return ret;
! 	    STRCPY(&ret[4], cmdname);
! 	    STRCPY(&ret[4 + cmdlen], "):");
! 	    val = ret + 4 + cmdlen + 2;
! 	    ret = vim_strnsave((char_u *)"Vim:", 4 + (int)STRLEN(mesg));
! 	    if (ret == NULL)
! 		return ret;
! 	    val = ret + 4;
  	/* msg_add_fname may have been used to prefix the message with a file
*** 506,519 ****
! 	excp->value = value;
      excp->type = type;
      excp->throw_name = vim_strsave(sourcing_name == NULL
  					      ? (char_u *)"" : sourcing_name);
      if (excp->throw_name == NULL)
! 	if (type == ET_ERROR)
  	goto nomem;
--- 492,556 ----
!     {
! 	*should_free = FALSE;
! 	ret = (char_u *) value;
!     }
!     return ret;
! }
! /*
!  * Throw a new exception.  Return FAIL when out of memory or it was tried to
!  * throw an illegal user exception.  "value" is the exception string for a
!  * user or interrupt exception, or points to a message list in case of an
!  * error exception.
!  */
!     static int
! throw_exception(value, type, cmdname)
!     void	*value;
!     int		type;
!     char_u	*cmdname;
! {
!     except_T	*excp;
!     int		should_free;
!     /*
!      * Disallow faking Interrupt or error exceptions as user exceptions.  They
!      * would be treated differently from real interrupt or error exceptions
!      * when no active try block is found, see do_cmdline().
!      */
!     if (type == ET_USER)
!     {
! 	if (STRNCMP((char_u *)value, "Vim", 3) == 0
! 		&& (((char_u *)value)[3] == NUL || ((char_u *)value)[3] == ':'
! 		    || ((char_u *)value)[3] == '('))
! 	{
! 	    EMSG(_("E608: Cannot :throw exceptions with 'Vim' prefix"));
! 	    goto fail;
! 	}
!     }
!     excp = (except_T *)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(except_T));
!     if (excp == NULL)
! 	goto nomem;
!     if (type == ET_ERROR)
! 	/* Store the original message and prefix the exception value with
! 	 * "Vim:" or, if a command name is given, "Vim(cmdname):". */
! 	excp->messages = (struct msglist *)value;
!     excp->value = get_exception_string(value, type, cmdname, &should_free);
!     if (excp->value == NULL && should_free)
! 	goto nomem;
      excp->type = type;
      excp->throw_name = vim_strsave(sourcing_name == NULL
  					      ? (char_u *)"" : sourcing_name);
      if (excp->throw_name == NULL)
! 	if (should_free)
  	goto nomem;
*** 2033,2042 ****
  	/* If an error was about to be converted to an exception when
  	 * enter_cleanup() was called, free the message list. */
  	if (msg_list != NULL)
! 	{
! 	    free_msglist(*msg_list);
! 	    *msg_list = NULL;
! 	}
--- 2070,2076 ----
  	/* If an error was about to be converted to an exception when
  	 * enter_cleanup() was called, free the message list. */
  	if (msg_list != NULL)
! 	    free_global_msglist();
*** ../vim-7.4.106/src/if_py_both.h	2013-11-11 01:05:43.000000000 +0100
--- src/if_py_both.h	2013-11-28 17:00:22.000000000 +0100
*** 566,571 ****
--- 566,593 ----
  	return -1;
+     else if (msg_list != NULL && *msg_list != NULL)
+     {
+ 	int	should_free;
+ 	char_u	*msg;
+ 	msg = get_exception_string(*msg_list, ET_ERROR, NULL, &should_free);
+ 	if (msg == NULL)
+ 	{
+ 	    PyErr_NoMemory();
+ 	    return -1;
+ 	}
+ 	PyErr_SetVim((char *) msg);
+ 	free_global_msglist();
+ 	if (should_free)
+ 	    vim_free(msg);
+ 	return -1;
+     }
      else if (!did_throw)
  	return (PyErr_Occurred() ? -1 : 0);
      /* Python exception is preferred over vim one; unlikely to occur though */
*** ../vim-7.4.106/src/proto/	2013-08-10 13:37:10.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/	2013-11-28 16:56:33.000000000 +0100
*** 4,11 ****
--- 4,13 ----
  int should_abort __ARGS((int retcode));
  int aborted_in_try __ARGS((void));
  int cause_errthrow __ARGS((char_u *mesg, int severe, int *ignore));
+ void free_global_msglist __ARGS((void));
  void do_errthrow __ARGS((struct condstack *cstack, char_u *cmdname));
  int do_intthrow __ARGS((struct condstack *cstack));
+ char_u *get_exception_string __ARGS((void *value, int type, char_u *cmdname, int *should_free));
  void discard_current_exception __ARGS((void));
  void report_make_pending __ARGS((int pending, void *value));
  void report_resume_pending __ARGS((int pending, void *value));
*** ../vim-7.4.106/src/testdir/	2013-11-11 01:05:43.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/	2013-11-28 16:41:01.000000000 +0100
*** 179,184 ****
--- 179,210 ----
  :unlockvar! l
  :" Function calls
+ py << EOF
+ import sys
+ def ee(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
+     try:
+         exec(expr, g, l)
+     except:
+         ei = sys.exc_info()
+         msg = sys.exc_info()[0].__name__ + ':' + repr(sys.exc_info()[1].args)
+         msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'argument 1 ', 'TypeError:(\'')
+         if expr.find('None') > -1:
+             msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'iteration over non-sequence\',)',
+                               'TypeError:("\'NoneType\' object is not iterable",)')
+         if expr.find('FailingNumber') > -1:
+             msg = msg.replace(', not \'FailingNumber\'', '').replace('"', '\'')
+             msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'iteration over non-sequence\',)',
+                               'TypeError:("\'FailingNumber\' object is not iterable",)')
+         if msg.find('(\'\'') > -1 or msg.find('(\'can\'t') > -1:
+             msg = msg.replace('(\'', '("').replace('\',)', '",)')
+         if expr == 'fd(self=[])':
+             # HACK: PyMapping_Check changed meaning
+             msg = msg.replace('AttributeError:(\'keys\',)',
+                               'TypeError:(\'unable to convert list to vim dictionary\',)')
+         vim.current.buffer.append(expr + ':' + msg)
+     else:
+         vim.current.buffer.append(expr + ':NOT FAILED')
  :fun New(...)
  :   return ['NewStart']+a:000+['NewEnd']
*** 193,210 ****
  :$put =string(l)
  :py l.extend([l[0].name])
  :$put =string(l)
! :try
! :   py l[1](1, 2, 3)
! :catch
! :   $put =v:exception[:16]
! :endtry
  :py f=l[0]
  :delfunction New
! :try
! :   py f(1, 2, 3)
! :catch
! :   $put =v:exception[:16]
! :endtry
  :if has('float')
  :   let l=[0.0]
  :   py l=vim.bindeval('l')
--- 219,228 ----
  :$put =string(l)
  :py l.extend([l[0].name])
  :$put =string(l)
! :py ee('l[1](1, 2, 3)')
  :py f=l[0]
  :delfunction New
! :py ee('f(1, 2, 3)')
  :if has('float')
  :   let l=[0.0]
  :   py l=vim.bindeval('l')
*** 216,222 ****
  :let messages=[]
  :delfunction DictNew
  py <<EOF
- import sys
  def em(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
--- 234,239 ----
*** 323,328 ****
--- 340,346 ----
  :py l[0] = t.t > 8  # check if the background thread is working
  :py del time
  :py del threading
+ :py del t
  :$put =string(l)
  :" settrace
*** 882,910 ****
  :fun D()
  py << EOF
- def ee(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
-     try:
-         exec(expr, g, l)
-     except:
-         ei = sys.exc_info()
-         msg = sys.exc_info()[0].__name__ + ':' + repr(sys.exc_info()[1].args)
-         msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'argument 1 ', 'TypeError:(\'')
-         if expr.find('None') > -1:
-             msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'iteration over non-sequence\',)',
-                               'TypeError:("\'NoneType\' object is not iterable",)')
-         if expr.find('FailingNumber') > -1:
-             msg = msg.replace(', not \'FailingNumber\'', '').replace('"', '\'')
-             msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'iteration over non-sequence\',)',
-                               'TypeError:("\'FailingNumber\' object is not iterable",)')
-         if msg.find('(\'\'') > -1 or msg.find('(\'can\'t') > -1:
-             msg = msg.replace('(\'', '("').replace('\',)', '",)')
-         if expr == 'fd(self=[])':
-             # HACK: PyMapping_Check changed meaning
-             msg = msg.replace('AttributeError:(\'keys\',)',
-                               'TypeError:(\'unable to convert list to vim dictionary\',)')
-         cb.append(expr + ':' + msg)
-     else:
-         cb.append(expr + ':NOT FAILED')
  d = vim.Dictionary()
  ned = vim.Dictionary(foo='bar', baz='abcD')
  dl = vim.Dictionary(a=1)
--- 900,905 ----
*** 1276,1281 ****
--- 1271,1277 ----
  ee('vim.eval("Exe(\'throw \'\'ghi\'\'\')")')
  ee('vim.eval("Exe(\'echoerr \'\'jkl\'\'\')")')
+ ee('vim.eval("xxx_unknown_function_xxx()")')
  del Exe
*** ../vim-7.4.106/src/testdir/test86.ok	2013-11-11 01:05:43.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/test86.ok	2013-11-28 16:41:01.000000000 +0100
*** 53,60 ****
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd']
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}]
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}, 'New']
! Vim(python):E725:
! Vim(python):E117:
  [0.0, 0.0]
--- 53,60 ----
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd']
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}]
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}, 'New']
! l[1](1, 2, 3):error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: DictNew',)
! f(1, 2, 3):error:('Vim:E117: Unknown function: New',)
  [0.0, 0.0]
*** 1197,1202 ****
--- 1197,1203 ----
  vim.eval("Exe('throw ''ghi''')"):error:('ghi',)
  vim.eval("Exe('echoerr ''jkl''')"):error:('Vim(echoerr):jkl',)
  vim.eval("Exe('xxx_non_existent_command_xxx')"):error:('Vim:E492: Not an editor command: xxx_non_existent_command_xxx',)
+ vim.eval("xxx_unknown_function_xxx()"):error:('Vim:E117: Unknown function: xxx_unknown_function_xxx',)
  vim.bindeval("Exe('xxx_non_existent_command_xxx')"):error:('Vim:E492: Not an editor command: xxx_non_existent_command_xxx',)
  Caught KeyboardInterrupt
  Running :put
*** ../vim-7.4.106/src/testdir/	2013-11-11 01:05:43.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/	2013-11-28 16:41:01.000000000 +0100
*** 172,177 ****
--- 172,207 ----
  :unlockvar! l
  :" Function calls
+ py3 << EOF
+ import sys
+ import re
+ py33_type_error_pattern = re.compile('^__call__\(\) takes (\d+) positional argument but (\d+) were given$')
+ def ee(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
+     cb = vim.current.buffer
+     try:
+         try:
+             exec(expr, g, l)
+         except Exception as e:
+             if sys.version_info >= (3, 3) and e.__class__ is AttributeError and str(e).find('has no attribute')>=0 and not str(e).startswith("'vim."):
+                 cb.append(expr + ':' + repr((e.__class__, AttributeError(str(e)[str(e).rfind(" '") + 2:-1]))))
+             elif sys.version_info >= (3, 3) and e.__class__ is ImportError and str(e).find('No module named \'') >= 0:
+                 cb.append(expr + ':' + repr((e.__class__, ImportError(str(e).replace("'", '')))))
+             elif sys.version_info >= (3, 3) and e.__class__ is TypeError:
+                 m =
+                 if m:
+                     msg = '__call__() takes exactly {0} positional argument ({1} given)'.format(,
+                     cb.append(expr + ':' + repr((e.__class__, TypeError(msg))))
+                 else:
+                     cb.append(expr + ':' + repr((e.__class__, e)))
+             else:
+                 cb.append(expr + ':' + repr((e.__class__, e)))
+         else:
+             cb.append(expr + ':NOT FAILED')
+     except Exception as e:
+         cb.append(expr + '::' + repr((e.__class__, e)))
  :fun New(...)
  :   return ['NewStart']+a:000+['NewEnd']
*** 186,203 ****
  :$put =string(l)
  :py3 l+=[l[0].name]
  :$put =string(l)
! :try
! :   py3 l[1](1, 2, 3)
! :catch
! :   $put =v:exception[:13]
! :endtry
  :py3 f=l[0]
  :delfunction New
! :try
! :   py3 f(1, 2, 3)
! :catch
! :   $put =v:exception[:13]
! :endtry
  :if has('float')
  :   let l=[0.0]
  :   py3 l=vim.bindeval('l')
--- 216,225 ----
  :$put =string(l)
  :py3 l+=[l[0].name]
  :$put =string(l)
! :py3 ee('l[1](1, 2, 3)')
  :py3 f=l[0]
  :delfunction New
! :py3 ee('f(1, 2, 3)')
  :if has('float')
  :   let l=[0.0]
  :   py3 l=vim.bindeval('l')
*** 315,320 ****
--- 337,343 ----
  :py3 l[0] = t.t > 8  # check if the background thread is working
  :py3 del time
  :py3 del threading
+ :py3 del t
  :$put =string(l)
  :" settrace
*** 829,861 ****
  :fun D()
  py3 << EOF
- import re
- py33_type_error_pattern = re.compile('^__call__\(\) takes (\d+) positional argument but (\d+) were given$')
- def ee(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
-     try:
-         try:
-             exec(expr, g, l)
-         except Exception as e:
-             if sys.version_info >= (3, 3) and e.__class__ is AttributeError and str(e).find('has no attribute')>=0 and not str(e).startswith("'vim."):
-                 cb.append(expr + ':' + repr((e.__class__, AttributeError(str(e)[str(e).rfind(" '") + 2:-1]))))
-             elif sys.version_info >= (3, 3) and e.__class__ is ImportError and str(e).find('No module named \'') >= 0:
-                 cb.append(expr + ':' + repr((e.__class__, ImportError(str(e).replace("'", '')))))
-             elif sys.version_info >= (3, 3) and e.__class__ is TypeError:
-                 m =
-                 if m:
-                     msg = '__call__() takes exactly {0} positional argument ({1} given)'.format(,
-                     cb.append(expr + ':' + repr((e.__class__, TypeError(msg))))
-                 else:
-                     cb.append(expr + ':' + repr((e.__class__, e)))
-             else:
-                 cb.append(expr + ':' + repr((e.__class__, e)))
-         else:
-             cb.append(expr + ':NOT FAILED')
-     except Exception as e:
-         cb.append(expr + '::' + repr((e.__class__, e)))
  d = vim.Dictionary()
  ned = vim.Dictionary(foo='bar', baz='abcD')
  dl = vim.Dictionary(a=1)
--- 852,857 ----
*** 1227,1232 ****
--- 1223,1229 ----
  ee('vim.eval("Exe(\'throw \'\'ghi\'\'\')")')
  ee('vim.eval("Exe(\'echoerr \'\'jkl\'\'\')")')
+ ee('vim.eval("xxx_unknown_function_xxx()")')
  del Exe
*** ../vim-7.4.106/src/testdir/test87.ok	2013-11-11 01:05:43.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/test87.ok	2013-11-28 16:41:01.000000000 +0100
*** 53,60 ****
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd']
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}]
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}, 'New']
! Vim(py3):E725:
! Vim(py3):E117:
  [0.0, 0.0]
--- 53,60 ----
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd']
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}]
  [function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}, 'New']
! l[1](1, 2, 3):(<class 'vim.error'>, error('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: DictNew',))
! f(1, 2, 3):(<class 'vim.error'>, error('Vim:E117: Unknown function: New',))
  [0.0, 0.0]
*** 1186,1191 ****
--- 1186,1192 ----
  vim.eval("Exe('throw ''ghi''')"):(<class 'vim.error'>, error('ghi',))
  vim.eval("Exe('echoerr ''jkl''')"):(<class 'vim.error'>, error('Vim(echoerr):jkl',))
  vim.eval("Exe('xxx_non_existent_command_xxx')"):(<class 'vim.error'>, error('Vim:E492: Not an editor command: xxx_non_existent_command_xxx',))
+ vim.eval("xxx_unknown_function_xxx()"):(<class 'vim.error'>, error('Vim:E117: Unknown function: xxx_unknown_function_xxx',))
  vim.bindeval("Exe('xxx_non_existent_command_xxx')"):(<class 'vim.error'>, error('Vim:E492: Not an editor command: xxx_non_existent_command_xxx',))
  Caught KeyboardInterrupt
  Running :put
*** ../vim-7.4.106/src/version.c	2013-11-28 16:32:34.000000000 +0100
--- src/version.c	2013-11-28 16:41:43.000000000 +0100
*** 740,741 ****
--- 740,743 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     107,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
8. You spend half of the plane trip with your laptop on your lap...and your
   child in the overhead compartment.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///