Subject: Patch 7.4.582
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.4.582 (after 7.4.577)
Problem:    Can't match "%>80v" properly. (Axel Bender)
Solution:   Correctly handle ">". (Christian Brabandt)
Files:	    src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok

*** ../vim-7.4.581/src/regexp_nfa.c	2015-01-14 18:40:23.083769507 +0100
--- src/regexp_nfa.c	2015-01-18 16:38:05.437339384 +0100
*** 6441,6456 ****
  		    int     op = t->state->c - NFA_VCOL;
  		    colnr_T col = (colnr_T)(reginput - regline);
  		    /* Bail out quickly when there can't be a match, avoid the
  		     * overhead of win_linetabsize() on long lines. */
! 		    if ((col > t->state->val && op != 1)
! 			    || (col - 1 > t->state->val && op == 1))
! 		    result = nfa_re_num_cmp(t->state->val, op,
! 			(long_u)win_linetabsize(
! 				reg_win == NULL ? curwin : reg_win,
! 							   regline, col) + 1);
  		    if (result)
  			add_here = TRUE;
--- 6441,6466 ----
  		    int     op = t->state->c - NFA_VCOL;
  		    colnr_T col = (colnr_T)(reginput - regline);
+ 		    win_T   *wp = reg_win == NULL ? curwin : reg_win;
  		    /* Bail out quickly when there can't be a match, avoid the
  		     * overhead of win_linetabsize() on long lines. */
! 		    if (op != 1 && col > t->state->val)
! 		    result = FALSE;
! 		    if (op == 1 && col - 1 > t->state->val && col > 100)
! 		    {
! 			int ts = wp->w_buffer->b_p_ts;
! 			/* Guess that a character won't use more columns than
! 			 * 'tabstop', with a minimum of 4. */
! 			if (ts < 4)
! 			    ts = 4;
! 			result = col > t->state->val * ts;
! 		    }
! 		    if (!result)
! 			result = nfa_re_num_cmp(t->state->val, op,
! 				(long_u)win_linetabsize(wp, regline, col) + 1);
  		    if (result)
  			add_here = TRUE;
*** ../vim-7.4.581/src/testdir/	2014-08-29 11:56:21.350422045 +0200
--- src/testdir/	2015-01-18 16:09:31.852099488 +0100
*** 7,12 ****
--- 7,13 ----
  :so small.vim
  :" tl is a List of Lists with:
+ :"    regexp engine
  :"    regexp pattern
  :"    text to test the pattern on
  :"    expected match (optional)
*** 451,456 ****
--- 452,460 ----
  :"""" Skip adding state twice
  :call add(tl, [2, '^\%(\%(^\s*#\s*if\>\|#\s*if\)\)\(\%>1c.*$\)\@=', "#if FOO", "#if", ' FOO'])
+ :""" Test \%V atom
+ :call add(tl, [2, '\%>70vGesamt', 'Jean-Michel Charlier & Victor Hubinon\Gesamtausgabe [Salleck]    Buck Danny {Jean-Michel Charlier & Victor Hubinon}\Gesamtausgabe', 'Gesamt'])
+ :"
  :"""" Run the tests
  :for t in tl
*** ../vim-7.4.581/src/testdir/test64.ok	2014-08-29 11:56:21.350422045 +0200
--- src/testdir/test64.ok	2015-01-18 16:09:31.852099488 +0100
*** 1030,1035 ****
--- 1030,1038 ----
  OK 0 - ^\%(\%(^\s*#\s*if\>\|#\s*if\)\)\(\%>1c.*$\)\@=
  OK 1 - ^\%(\%(^\s*#\s*if\>\|#\s*if\)\)\(\%>1c.*$\)\@=
  OK 2 - ^\%(\%(^\s*#\s*if\>\|#\s*if\)\)\(\%>1c.*$\)\@=
+ OK 0 - \%>70vGesamt
+ OK 1 - \%>70vGesamt
+ OK 2 - \%>70vGesamt
  multi-line tests
  OK 0 - ^.\(.\).\_..\1.
  OK 1 - ^.\(.\).\_..\1.
*** ../vim-7.4.581/src/version.c	2015-01-18 14:08:52.699436994 +0100
--- src/version.c	2015-01-18 16:12:32.682119256 +0100
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     582,

There's no place like $(HOME)!

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///