diff --git a/7.3.1106 b/7.3.1106
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..801c007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.3.1106
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+To: vim_dev@googlegroups.com
+Subject: Patch 7.3.1106
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.3.1106
+Problem:    New regexp engine: saving and restoring lastlist in the states
+	    takes a lot of time.
+Solution:   Use a second lastlist value for the first recursive call.
+Files:	    src/regexp.h, src/regexp_nfa.c
+*** ../vim-7.3.1105/src/regexp.h	2013-06-02 15:55:52.000000000 +0200
+--- src/regexp.h	2013-06-03 11:29:26.000000000 +0200
+*** 72,78 ****
+      nfa_state_T		*out;
+      nfa_state_T		*out1;
+      int			id;
+!     int			lastlist;
+      int			negated;
+      int			val;
+  };
+--- 72,78 ----
+      nfa_state_T		*out;
+      nfa_state_T		*out1;
+      int			id;
+!     int			lastlist[2]; /* 0: normal, 1: recursive */
+      int			negated;
+      int			val;
+  };
+*** ../vim-7.3.1105/src/regexp_nfa.c	2013-06-02 22:37:39.000000000 +0200
+--- src/regexp_nfa.c	2013-06-03 12:15:17.000000000 +0200
+*** 255,260 ****
+--- 255,269 ----
+  /* If not NULL match must end at this position */
+  static save_se_T *nfa_endp = NULL;
++ /* listid is global, so that it increases on recursive calls to
++  * nfa_regmatch(), which means we don't have to clear the lastlist field of
++  * all the states. */
++ static int nfa_listid;
++ static int nfa_alt_listid;
++ /* 0 for first call to nfa_regmatch(), 1 for recursive call. */
++ static int nfa_ll_index = 0;
+  static int nfa_regcomp_start __ARGS((char_u*expr, int re_flags));
+  static int nfa_recognize_char_class __ARGS((char_u *start, char_u *end, int extra_newl));
+  static int nfa_emit_equi_class __ARGS((int c, int neg));
+*** 2169,2175 ****
+      s->out1 = out1;
+      s->id   = istate;
+!     s->lastlist = 0;
+      s->negated = FALSE;
+      return s;
+--- 2178,2185 ----
+      s->out1 = out1;
+      s->id   = istate;
+!     s->lastlist[0] = 0;
+!     s->lastlist[1] = 0;
+      s->negated = FALSE;
+      return s;
+*** 3113,3121 ****
+  #endif
+  	    /* These nodes do not need to be added, but we need to bail out
+  	     * when it was tried to be added to this list before. */
+! 	    if (state->lastlist == l->id)
+  		goto skip_add;
+! 	    state->lastlist = l->id;
+  	    break;
+  	case NFA_BOL:
+--- 3123,3131 ----
+  #endif
+  	    /* These nodes do not need to be added, but we need to bail out
+  	     * when it was tried to be added to this list before. */
+! 	    if (state->lastlist[nfa_ll_index] == l->id)
+  		goto skip_add;
+! 	    state->lastlist[nfa_ll_index] = l->id;
+  	    break;
+  	case NFA_BOL:
+*** 3131,3137 ****
+  	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
+  	default:
+! 	    if (state->lastlist == l->id)
+  	    {
+  		/* This state is already in the list, don't add it again,
+  		 * unless it is an MOPEN that is used for a backreference. */
+--- 3141,3147 ----
+  	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
+  	default:
+! 	    if (state->lastlist[nfa_ll_index] == l->id)
+  	    {
+  		/* This state is already in the list, don't add it again,
+  		 * unless it is an MOPEN that is used for a backreference. */
+*** 3173,3179 ****
+  	    }
+  	    /* add the state to the list */
+! 	    state->lastlist = l->id;
+  	    thread = &l->t[l->n++];
+  	    thread->state = state;
+  	    copy_sub(&thread->subs.norm, &subs->norm);
+--- 3183,3189 ----
+  	    }
+  	    /* add the state to the list */
+! 	    state->lastlist[nfa_ll_index] = l->id;
+  	    thread = &l->t[l->n++];
+  	    thread->state = state;
+  	    copy_sub(&thread->subs.norm, &subs->norm);
+*** 3616,3621 ****
+--- 3626,3632 ----
+  /*
+   * Save list IDs for all NFA states of "prog" into "list".
+   * Also reset the IDs to zero.
++  * Only used for the recursive value lastlist[1].
+   */
+      static void
+  nfa_save_listids(prog, list)
+*** 3629,3636 ****
+      p = &prog->state[0];
+      for (i = prog->nstate; --i >= 0; )
+      {
+! 	list[i] = p->lastlist;
+! 	p->lastlist = 0;
+  	++p;
+      }
+  }
+--- 3640,3647 ----
+      p = &prog->state[0];
+      for (i = prog->nstate; --i >= 0; )
+      {
+! 	list[i] = p->lastlist[1];
+! 	p->lastlist[1] = 0;
+  	++p;
+      }
+  }
+*** 3649,3655 ****
+      p = &prog->state[0];
+      for (i = prog->nstate; --i >= 0; )
+      {
+! 	p->lastlist = list[i];
+  	++p;
+      }
+  }
+--- 3660,3666 ----
+      p = &prog->state[0];
+      for (i = prog->nstate; --i >= 0; )
+      {
+! 	p->lastlist[1] = list[i];
+  	++p;
+      }
+  }
+*** 3683,3692 ****
+--- 3694,3705 ----
+      char_u	*save_regline = regline;
+      int		save_reglnum = reglnum;
+      int		save_nfa_match = nfa_match;
++     int		save_nfa_listid = nfa_listid;
+      save_se_T   *save_nfa_endp = nfa_endp;
+      save_se_T   endpos;
+      save_se_T   *endposp = NULL;
+      int		result;
++     int		need_restore = FALSE;
+      if (state->c == NFA_START_INVISIBLE_BEFORE)
+      {
+*** 3745,3774 ****
+  	}
+      }
+-     /* Call nfa_regmatch() to check if the current concat matches
+-      * at this position. The concat ends with the node
+-      * NFA_END_INVISIBLE */
+-     if (*listids == NULL)
+-     {
+- 	*listids = (int *)lalloc(sizeof(int) * nstate, TRUE);
+- 	if (*listids == NULL)
+- 	{
+- 	    EMSG(_("E878: (NFA) Could not allocate memory for branch traversal!"));
+- 	    return 0;
+- 	}
+-     }
+  #ifdef ENABLE_LOG
+      if (log_fd != stderr)
+  	fclose(log_fd);
+      log_fd = NULL;
+  #endif
+!     /* Have to clear the listid field of the NFA nodes, so that
+!      * nfa_regmatch() and addstate() can run properly after
+!      * recursion. */
+!     nfa_save_listids(prog, *listids);
+      nfa_endp = endposp;
+      result = nfa_regmatch(prog, state->out, submatch, m);
+!     nfa_restore_listids(prog, *listids);
+      /* restore position in input text */
+      reginput = save_reginput;
+--- 3758,3809 ----
+  	}
+      }
+  #ifdef ENABLE_LOG
+      if (log_fd != stderr)
+  	fclose(log_fd);
+      log_fd = NULL;
+  #endif
+!     /* Have to clear the lastlist field of the NFA nodes, so that
+!      * nfa_regmatch() and addstate() can run properly after recursion. */
+!     if (nfa_ll_index == 1)
+!     {
+! 	/* Already calling nfa_regmatch() recursively.  Save the lastlist[1]
+! 	 * values and clear them. */
+! 	if (*listids == NULL)
+! 	{
+! 	    *listids = (int *)lalloc(sizeof(int) * nstate, TRUE);
+! 	    if (*listids == NULL)
+! 	    {
+! 		EMSG(_("E878: (NFA) Could not allocate memory for branch traversal!"));
+! 		return 0;
+! 	    }
+! 	}
+! 	nfa_save_listids(prog, *listids);
+! 	need_restore = TRUE;
+! 	/* any value of nfa_listid will do */
+!     }
+!     else
+!     {
+! 	/* First recursive nfa_regmatch() call, switch to the second lastlist
+! 	 * entry.  Make sure nfa_listid is different from a previous recursive
+! 	 * call, because some states may still have this ID. */
+! 	++nfa_ll_index;
+! 	if (nfa_listid <= nfa_alt_listid)
+! 	    nfa_listid = nfa_alt_listid;
+!     }
+!     /* Call nfa_regmatch() to check if the current concat matches at this
+!      * position. The concat ends with the node NFA_END_INVISIBLE */
+      nfa_endp = endposp;
+      result = nfa_regmatch(prog, state->out, submatch, m);
+!     if (need_restore)
+! 	nfa_restore_listids(prog, *listids);
+!     else
+!     {
+! 	--nfa_ll_index;
+! 	nfa_alt_listid = nfa_listid;
+!     }
+      /* restore position in input text */
+      reginput = save_reginput;
+*** 3776,3781 ****
+--- 3811,3817 ----
+      reglnum = save_reglnum;
+      nfa_match = save_nfa_match;
+      nfa_endp = save_nfa_endp;
++     nfa_listid = save_nfa_listid;
+  #ifdef ENABLE_LOG
+      log_fd = fopen(NFA_REGEXP_RUN_LOG, "a");
+*** 3821,3827 ****
+      nfa_list_T	list[3];
+      nfa_list_T	*listtbl[2][2];
+      nfa_list_T	*ll;
+-     int		listid = 1;
+      int		listidx;
+      nfa_list_T	*thislist;
+      nfa_list_T	*nextlist;
+--- 3857,3862 ----
+*** 3875,3881 ****
+  #ifdef ENABLE_LOG
+      fprintf(log_fd, "(---) STARTSTATE\n");
+  #endif
+!     thislist->id = listid;
+      addstate(thislist, start, m, 0);
+      /* There are two cases when the NFA advances: 1. input char matches the
+--- 3910,3916 ----
+  #ifdef ENABLE_LOG
+      fprintf(log_fd, "(---) STARTSTATE\n");
+  #endif
+!     thislist->id = nfa_listid + 1;
+      addstate(thislist, start, m, 0);
+      /* There are two cases when the NFA advances: 1. input char matches the
+*** 3923,3932 ****
+  	nextlist = &list[flag ^= 1];
+  	nextlist->n = 0;	    /* clear nextlist */
+  	listtbl[1][0] = nextlist;
+! 	++listid;
+! 	thislist->id = listid;
+! 	nextlist->id = listid + 1;
+! 	neglist->id = listid + 1;
+  #ifdef ENABLE_LOG
+  	fprintf(log_fd, "------------------------------------------\n");
+--- 3958,3967 ----
+  	nextlist = &list[flag ^= 1];
+  	nextlist->n = 0;	    /* clear nextlist */
+  	listtbl[1][0] = nextlist;
+! 	++nfa_listid;
+! 	thislist->id = nfa_listid;
+! 	nextlist->id = nfa_listid + 1;
+! 	neglist->id = nfa_listid + 1;
+  #ifdef ENABLE_LOG
+  	fprintf(log_fd, "------------------------------------------\n");
+*** 4843,4848 ****
+--- 4878,4885 ----
+      nfa_has_zend = prog->has_zend;
+      nfa_has_backref = prog->has_backref;
+      nfa_nsubexpr = prog->nsubexp;
++     nfa_listid = 1;
++     nfa_alt_listid = 2;
+  #ifdef DEBUG
+      nfa_regengine.expr = prog->pattern;
+  #endif
+*** 4851,4857 ****
+      for (i = 0; i < nstate; ++i)
+      {
+  	prog->state[i].id = i;
+! 	prog->state[i].lastlist = 0;
+      }
+      retval = nfa_regtry(prog, col);
+--- 4888,4895 ----
+      for (i = 0; i < nstate; ++i)
+      {
+  	prog->state[i].id = i;
+! 	prog->state[i].lastlist[0] = 0;
+! 	prog->state[i].lastlist[1] = 0;
+      }
+      retval = nfa_regtry(prog, col);
+*** ../vim-7.3.1105/src/version.c	2013-06-02 22:37:39.000000000 +0200
+--- src/version.c	2013-06-03 12:13:15.000000000 +0200
+*** 730,731 ****
+--- 730,733 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     1106,
+  /**/
+hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
+59. Your wife says communication is important in a marriage...so you buy
+    another computer and install a second phone line so the two of you can
+    chat.
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\  an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///