Subject: Patch 7.3.795
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.3.795
Problem:    MzScheme does not build with tiny features.
Solution:   Add #ifdefs.  Also add UNUSED to avoid warnings.  And change
	    library ordering.
Files:	    src/if_mzsch.c, src/Makefile

*** ../vim-7.3.794/src/if_mzsch.c	2013-01-30 14:55:35.000000000 +0100
--- src/if_mzsch.c	2013-01-30 17:23:07.000000000 +0100
*** 1483,1489 ****
  /* (eval {expr-string}) */
      static Scheme_Object *
! vim_eval(void *data, int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
      Vim_Prim		*prim = (Vim_Prim *)data;
--- 1483,1489 ----
  /* (eval {expr-string}) */
      static Scheme_Object *
! vim_eval(void *data UNUSED, int argc UNUSED, Scheme_Object **argv UNUSED)
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
      Vim_Prim		*prim = (Vim_Prim *)data;
*** 1686,1695 ****
      static Scheme_Object *
  get_window_count(void *data UNUSED, int argc UNUSED, Scheme_Object **argv UNUSED)
-     win_T   *w;
      int	    n = 0;
      for (w = firstwin; w != NULL; w = w->w_next)
      return scheme_make_integer(n);
--- 1686,1697 ----
      static Scheme_Object *
  get_window_count(void *data UNUSED, int argc UNUSED, Scheme_Object **argv UNUSED)
      int	    n = 0;
+     win_T   *w;
      for (w = firstwin; w != NULL; w = w->w_next)
+ #endif
      return scheme_make_integer(n);
*** 1701,1712 ****
      Vim_Prim	    *prim = (Vim_Prim *)data;
      vim_mz_buffer   *buf;
      Scheme_Object   *list;
!     win_T	    *w;
      buf = get_buffer_arg(prim->name, 0, argc, argv);
      list = scheme_null;
!     for (w = firstwin; w != NULL; w = w->w_next)
  	if (w->w_buffer == buf->buf)
  	    list = scheme_make_pair(window_new(w), list);
--- 1703,1716 ----
      Vim_Prim	    *prim = (Vim_Prim *)data;
      vim_mz_buffer   *buf;
      Scheme_Object   *list;
!     win_T	    *w = firstwin;
      buf = get_buffer_arg(prim->name, 0, argc, argv);
      list = scheme_null;
!     for ( ; w != NULL; w = w->w_next)
! #endif
  	if (w->w_buffer == buf->buf)
  	    list = scheme_make_pair(window_new(w), list);
*** 1755,1768 ****
  /* (get-win-num [window]) */
      static Scheme_Object *
! get_window_num(void *data, int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
      Vim_Prim	*prim = (Vim_Prim *)data;
      win_T	*win = get_window_arg(prim->name, 0, argc, argv)->win;
-     int		nr = 1;
      win_T	*wp;
      for (wp = firstwin; wp != win; wp = wp->w_next)
      return scheme_make_integer(nr);
--- 1759,1774 ----
  /* (get-win-num [window]) */
      static Scheme_Object *
! get_window_num(void *data UNUSED, int argc UNUSED, Scheme_Object **argv UNUSED)
+     int		nr = 1;
      Vim_Prim	*prim = (Vim_Prim *)data;
      win_T	*win = get_window_arg(prim->name, 0, argc, argv)->win;
      win_T	*wp;
      for (wp = firstwin; wp != win; wp = wp->w_next)
+ #endif
      return scheme_make_integer(nr);
*** 1773,1786 ****
  get_window_by_num(void *data, int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
      Vim_Prim	*prim = (Vim_Prim *)data;
!     win_T	*win;
      int		fnum;
      fnum = SCHEME_INT_VAL(GUARANTEE_INTEGER(prim->name, 0));
      if (fnum < 1)
  	scheme_signal_error(_("window index is out of range"));
!     for (win = firstwin; win != NULL; win = win->w_next, --fnum)
  	if (fnum == 1)	    /* to be 1-based */
  	    return window_new(win);
--- 1779,1794 ----
  get_window_by_num(void *data, int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
      Vim_Prim	*prim = (Vim_Prim *)data;
!     win_T	*win = firstwin;
      int		fnum;
      fnum = SCHEME_INT_VAL(GUARANTEE_INTEGER(prim->name, 0));
      if (fnum < 1)
  	scheme_signal_error(_("window index is out of range"));
!     for ( ; win != NULL; win = win->w_next, --fnum)
! #endif
  	if (fnum == 1)	    /* to be 1-based */
  	    return window_new(win);
*** ../vim-7.3.794/src/Makefile	2012-11-20 17:03:23.000000000 +0100
--- src/Makefile	2013-01-30 17:34:55.000000000 +0100
*** 1345,1350 ****
--- 1345,1352 ----
+ # Note: MZSCHEME_LIBS must come before LIBS, because LIBS adds -lm which is
+ # needed by racket.
  ALL_LIBS = \
  	   $(GUI_LIBS1) \
*** 1353,1362 ****
  	   $(X_PRE_LIBS) \
  	   $(X_LIBS) \
  	   $(X_EXTRA_LIBS) \
  	   $(LIBS) \
  	   $(EXTRA_LIBS) \
  	   $(LUA_LIBS) \
- 	   $(MZSCHEME_LIBS) \
  	   $(PERL_LIBS) \
  	   $(PYTHON_LIBS) \
  	   $(PYTHON3_LIBS) \
--- 1355,1364 ----
  	   $(X_PRE_LIBS) \
  	   $(X_LIBS) \
  	   $(X_EXTRA_LIBS) \
+ 	   $(MZSCHEME_LIBS) \
  	   $(LIBS) \
  	   $(EXTRA_LIBS) \
  	   $(LUA_LIBS) \
  	   $(PERL_LIBS) \
  	   $(PYTHON_LIBS) \
  	   $(PYTHON3_LIBS) \
*** ../vim-7.3.794/src/version.c	2013-01-30 17:30:14.000000000 +0100
--- src/version.c	2013-01-30 17:38:25.000000000 +0100
*** 727,728 ****
--- 727,730 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     795,

GUEST:        He's killed the best man!
SECOND GUEST: (holding a limp WOMAN) He's killed my auntie.
FATHER:       No, please!  This is supposed to be a happy occasion!  Let's
              not bicker and argue about who killed who ...
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///