Subject: Patch 7.3.1083
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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Patch 7.3.1083
Problem:    New regexp engine: Does not support \%^ and \%$.
Solution:   Support matching start and end of file.
Files:	    src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok

*** ../vim-7.3.1082/src/regexp_nfa.c	2013-05-31 21:45:05.000000000 +0200
--- src/regexp_nfa.c	2013-05-31 21:55:35.000000000 +0200
*** 865,878 ****
  		 * pattern -- regardless of whether or not it makes sense. */
  		case '^':
- 		    /* TODO: Not yet supported */
- 		    return FAIL;
  		case '$':
- 		    /* TODO: Not yet supported */
- 		    return FAIL;
  		case '#':
--- 865,874 ----
*** 1780,1785 ****
--- 1776,1783 ----
  	case NFA_BOL:		STRCPY(code, "NFA_BOL "); break;
  	case NFA_EOW:		STRCPY(code, "NFA_EOW "); break;
  	case NFA_BOW:		STRCPY(code, "NFA_BOW "); break;
+ 	case NFA_EOF:		STRCPY(code, "NFA_EOF "); break;
+ 	case NFA_BOF:		STRCPY(code, "NFA_BOF "); break;
  	case NFA_STAR:		STRCPY(code, "NFA_STAR "); break;
  	case NFA_PLUS:		STRCPY(code, "NFA_PLUS "); break;
  	case NFA_NOT:		STRCPY(code, "NFA_NOT "); break;
*** 3705,3710 ****
--- 3703,3719 ----
+ 	    case NFA_BOF:
+ 		if (reglnum == 0 && reginput == regline
+ 					&& (!REG_MULTI || reg_firstlnum == 1))
+ 		    addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->sub, &listidx);
+ 		break;
+ 	    case NFA_EOF:
+ 		if (reglnum == reg_maxline && curc == NUL)
+ 		    addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->sub, &listidx);
+ 		break;
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
  	    case NFA_COMPOSING:
*** ../vim-7.3.1082/src/testdir/	2013-05-31 21:45:05.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/	2013-05-31 22:10:12.000000000 +0200
*** 267,272 ****
--- 267,281 ----
  :call add(tl, [2, '\_f', "  \na ", "\n"])
  :call add(tl, [2, '\_f\+', "  \na ", "\na"])
+ :"""" Test start/end of line, start/end of file
+ :call add(tl, [2, '^a.', "a_\nb ", "a_"])
+ :call add(tl, [2, '^a.', "b a \na_"])
+ :call add(tl, [2, '.a$', " a\n "])
+ :call add(tl, [2, '.a$', " a b\n_a", "_a"])
+ :call add(tl, [2, '\%^a.', "a a\na", "a "])
+ :call add(tl, [2, '\%^a', " a \na "])
+ :call add(tl, [2, '.a\%$', " a\n "])
+ :call add(tl, [2, '.a\%$', " a\n_a", "_a"])
  :"""" Test recognition of some character classes
  :call add(tl, [2, '[0-9]', '8', '8'])
*** 466,471 ****
--- 475,489 ----
  :call Postest()
+ :" start and end of buffer
+ /\%^
+ yeGop:"
+ 50%/\%^..
+ yeGopA END:"
+ 50%/\%$
+ "ayb20gg/..\%$
+ "bybGo"apo"bp:"
+ :"
  :/\%#=1^Results/,$wq! test.out
*** ../vim-7.3.1082/src/testdir/test64.ok	2013-05-31 21:45:05.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/test64.ok	2013-05-31 22:10:47.000000000 +0200
*** 585,590 ****
--- 585,614 ----
  OK 0 - \_f\+
  OK 1 - \_f\+
  OK 2 - \_f\+
+ OK 0 - ^a.
+ OK 1 - ^a.
+ OK 2 - ^a.
+ OK 0 - ^a.
+ OK 1 - ^a.
+ OK 2 - ^a.
+ OK 0 - .a$
+ OK 1 - .a$
+ OK 2 - .a$
+ OK 0 - .a$
+ OK 1 - .a$
+ OK 2 - .a$
+ OK 0 - \%^a.
+ OK 1 - \%^a.
+ OK 2 - \%^a.
+ OK 0 - \%^a
+ OK 1 - \%^a
+ OK 2 - \%^a
+ OK 0 - .a\%$
+ OK 1 - .a\%$
+ OK 2 - .a\%$
+ OK 0 - .a\%$
+ OK 1 - .a\%$
+ OK 2 - .a\%$
  OK 0 - [0-9]
  OK 1 - [0-9]
  OK 2 - [0-9]
*** 818,820 ****
--- 842,848 ----
+ Test
+ Test END
+ EN
+ E
*** ../vim-7.3.1082/src/version.c	2013-05-31 21:45:05.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2013-05-31 21:57:03.000000000 +0200
*** 730,731 ****
--- 730,733 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1083,

Have you heard about the new Beowulf cluster? It's so fast, it executes
an infinite loop in 6 seconds.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///