Subject: Patch 7.3.1061
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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Patch 7.3.1061
Problem:    Python: Dictionary is not standard.
Solution:   Python patch 20: Add standard methods and fields. (ZyX)
Files:	    runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h,
	    src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c, src/proto/,
	    src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
	    src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok

*** ../vim-7.3.1060/runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt	2013-05-29 22:02:18.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt	2013-05-30 12:47:48.000000000 +0200
*** 12,20 ****
  4. Range objects				|python-range|
  5. Window objects				|python-window|
  6. Tab page objects				|python-tabpage|
! 7. pyeval(), py3eval() Vim functions		|python-pyeval|
! 8. Dynamic loading				|python-dynamic|
! 9. Python 3					|python3|
  {Vi does not have any of these commands}
--- 12,21 ----
  4. Range objects				|python-range|
  5. Window objects				|python-window|
  6. Tab page objects				|python-tabpage|
! 7. vim.bindeval objects				|python-bindeval-objects|
! 8. pyeval(), py3eval() Vim functions		|python-pyeval|
! 9. Dynamic loading				|python-dynamic|
! 10. Python 3					|python3|
  {Vi does not have any of these commands}
*** 171,217 ****
  	'eval_expr', 'kind': 'f', 'filename': './src/eval.c'}]
  vim.bindeval(str)					*python-bindeval*
! 	Like |python-eval|, but
! 	1. if expression evaluates to |List| or |Dictionary| it is returned as 
! 	   vimlist or vimdictionary python type that are connected to original 
! 	   list or dictionary. Thus modifications to these objects imply 
! 	   modifications of the original.
! 	   Additionally, vim.List and vim.Dictionary type have read-write 
! 	   `.locked` attribute that returns
! 	     Value           Meaning ~
! 	     zero            Variable is not locked
! 	     vim.VAR_LOCKED  Variable is locked, but can be unlocked
! 	     vim.VAR_FIXED   Variable is locked and can't be unlocked
! 	   integer constants. If variable is not fixed, you can do 
! 	   `var.locked=True` to lock it and `var.locked=False` to unlock. 
! 	   There is no recursive locking like |:lockvar|! does. There is also 
! 	   no way to lock a specific key or check whether it is locked (in any 
! 	   case these locks are ignored by anything except |:let|: |extend()| 
! 	   does not care, neither does python interface).
! 	   vim.Dictionary type also supports `.scope` attribute which is one 
! 	   of
! 	     Value              Meaning ~
! 	     zero               Dictionary is not a scope one
! 	     vim.VAR_DEF_SCOPE  Function-local or global scope dictionary
! 	     vim.VAR_SCOPE      Other scope dictionary
! 	2. if expression evaluates to a function reference, then it returns 
! 	   callable vim.Function object. Use self keyword argument to assign 
! 	   |self| object for dictionary functions.
! 	Note: this function has the same behavior as |lua-eval| (except that 
! 	      lua does not support running vim functions), |python-eval| is 
! 	      kept for backwards compatibility in order not to make scripts 
! 	      relying on outputs of vim.eval() being a copy of original or 
! 	      vim.eval("1") returning a string.
! 	You can use "List", "Dictionary" and "Function" vim module attributes 
! 	to test whether object has given type. These types are currently not 
! 	subclassable, neither they contain constructors, so you can use them 
! 	only for checks like `isinstance(obj, vim.List)`.
  Error object of the "vim" module
--- 172,180 ----
  	'eval_expr', 'kind': 'f', 'filename': './src/eval.c'}]
  vim.bindeval(str)					*python-bindeval*
! 	Like |python-eval|, but returns special objects described in 
! 	|python-bindeval-objects|. These python objects let you modify (|List| 
! 	or |Dictionary|) or call (|Funcref|) vim objecs.
  Error object of the "vim" module
*** 497,509 ****
  TabPage object type is available using "TabPage" attribute of vim module.
! 7. pyeval() and py3eval() Vim functions			*python-pyeval*
  To facilitate bi-directional interface, you can use |pyeval()| and |py3eval()| 
  functions to evaluate Python expressions and pass their values to VimL.
! 8. Dynamic loading					*python-dynamic*
  On MS-Windows the Python library can be loaded dynamically.  The |:version|
  output then includes |+python/dyn|.
--- 460,549 ----
  TabPage object type is available using "TabPage" attribute of vim module.
! 7. vim.bindeval objects				*python-bindeval-objects*
! vim.Dictionary object				*python-Dictionary*
!     Dictionary-like object providing access to vim |Dictionary| type.
!     Attributes:
!         Attribute  Description ~
!         locked     One of                       *python-.locked*
!                     Value           Description ~
!                     zero            Variable is not locked
!                     vim.VAR_LOCKED  Variable is locked, but can be unlocked
!                     vim.VAR_FIXED   Variable is locked and can't be unlocked
!                    Read-write. You can unlock locked variable by assigning 
!                    `True` or `False` to this attribute. No recursive locking 
!                    is supported.
!         scope      One of
!                     Value              Description ~
!                     zero               Dictionary is not a scope one
!                     vim.VAR_DEF_SCOPE  |g:| or |l:| dictionary
!                     vim.VAR_SCOPE      Other scope dictionary,
!                                        see |internal-variables|
!     Methods:
!         Method      Description ~
!         keys()      Returns a list with dictionary keys.
!         values()    Returns a list with dictionary values.
!         items()     Returns a list of 2-tuples with dictionary contents.
!         update(iterable)
!         update(dictionary)
!         update(**kwargs)
!                     Adds keys to dictionary.
!     Examples: >
!         py d = vim.bindeval('{}')
!         d['a'] = 'b'				# Item assignment
!         print d['a']				# getting item
!         d.update({'c': 'd'})			# .update(dictionary)
!         d.update(e='f')				# .update(**kwargs)
!         d.update((('g', 'h'), ('i', 'j')))	# .update(iterable)
!         for key in d.keys():			# .keys()
!         for val in d.values():			# .values()
!         for key, val in d.items():		# .items()
!         print isinstance(d, vim.Dictionary)	# True
!         for key in d:				# Iteration over keys
! <
!     Note: when iterating over keys you should not modify dictionary.
! vim.List object					*python-List*
!     Sequence-like object providing access to vim |List| type.
!     Supports `.locked` attribute, see |python-.locked|. Also supports the 
!     following methods:
!         Method          Description ~
!         extend(item)    Add items to the list.
!     Examples: >
!         l = vim.bindeval('[]')
!         l.extend(['abc', 'def'])	# .extend() method
!         print l[1:]			# slicing
!         l[:0] = ['ghi', 'jkl']		# slice assignment
!         print l[0]			# getting item
!         l[0] = 'mno'			# assignment
!         for i in l:			# iteration
!         print isinstance(l, vim.List)	# True
! vim.Function object				*python-Function*
!     Function-like object, acting like vim |Funcref| object. Supports `.name` 
!     attribute and is callable. Accepts special keyword argument `self`, see 
!     |Dictionary-function|.
!     Examples: >
!         f = vim.bindeval('function("tr")')
!         print f('abc', 'a', 'b')		# Calls tr('abc', 'a', 'b')
!         vim.command('''
!             function DictFun() dict
!                 return self
!             endfunction
!         ''')
!         f = vim.bindeval('function("DictFun")')
!         print f(self={})			# Like call('DictFun', [], {})
!         print isinstance(f, vim.Function)	# True
! ==============================================================================
! 8. pyeval() and py3eval() Vim functions			*python-pyeval*
  To facilitate bi-directional interface, you can use |pyeval()| and |py3eval()| 
  functions to evaluate Python expressions and pass their values to VimL.
! 9. Dynamic loading					*python-dynamic*
  On MS-Windows the Python library can be loaded dynamically.  The |:version|
  output then includes |+python/dyn|.
*** 520,526 ****
  sure edit "gvim.exe" and search for "python\d*.dll\c".
! 9. Python 3						*python3*
  							*:py3* *:python3*
  The `:py3` and `:python3` commands work similar to `:python`.  A simple check
--- 560,566 ----
  sure edit "gvim.exe" and search for "python\d*.dll\c".
! 10. Python 3						*python3*
  							*:py3* *:python3*
  The `:py3` and `:python3` commands work similar to `:python`.  A simple check
*** ../vim-7.3.1060/src/eval.c	2013-05-30 12:35:48.000000000 +0200
--- src/eval.c	2013-05-30 12:52:11.000000000 +0200
*** 10157,10162 ****
--- 10157,10218 ----
+  * Go over all entries in "d2" and add them to "d1".
+  * When "action" is "error" then a duplicate key is an error.
+  * When "action" is "force" then a duplicate key is overwritten.
+  * Otherwise duplicate keys are ignored ("action" is "keep").
+  */
+     void
+ dict_extend(d1, d2, action)
+     dict_T	*d1;
+     dict_T	*d2;
+     char_u	*action;
+ {
+     dictitem_T	*di1;
+     hashitem_T	*hi2;
+     int		todo;
+     todo = (int)d2->dv_hashtab.ht_used;
+     for (hi2 = d2->dv_hashtab.ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi2)
+     {
+ 	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi2))
+ 	{
+ 	    --todo;
+ 	    di1 = dict_find(d1, hi2->hi_key, -1);
+ 	    if (d1->dv_scope != 0)
+ 	    {
+ 		/* Disallow replacing a builtin function in l: and g:.
+ 		 * Check the key to be valid when adding to any
+ 		 * scope. */
+ 		if (d1->dv_scope == VAR_DEF_SCOPE
+ 			&& HI2DI(hi2)->di_tv.v_type == VAR_FUNC
+ 			&& var_check_func_name(hi2->hi_key,
+ 							 di1 == NULL))
+ 		    break;
+ 		if (!valid_varname(hi2->hi_key))
+ 		    break;
+ 	    }
+ 	    if (di1 == NULL)
+ 	    {
+ 		di1 = dictitem_copy(HI2DI(hi2));
+ 		if (di1 != NULL && dict_add(d1, di1) == FAIL)
+ 		    dictitem_free(di1);
+ 	    }
+ 	    else if (*action == 'e')
+ 	    {
+ 		EMSG2(_("E737: Key already exists: %s"), hi2->hi_key);
+ 		break;
+ 	    }
+ 	    else if (*action == 'f' && HI2DI(hi2) != di1)
+ 	    {
+ 		clear_tv(&di1->di_tv);
+ 		copy_tv(&HI2DI(hi2)->di_tv, &di1->di_tv);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ /*
   * "extend(list, list [, idx])" function
   * "extend(dict, dict [, action])" function
*** 10206,10217 ****
      else if (argvars[0].v_type == VAR_DICT && argvars[1].v_type == VAR_DICT)
! 	dict_T		*d1, *d2;
! 	dictitem_T	*di1;
! 	char_u		*action;
! 	int		i;
! 	hashitem_T	*hi2;
! 	int		todo;
  	d1 = argvars[0].vval.v_dict;
  	d2 = argvars[1].vval.v_dict;
--- 10262,10270 ----
      else if (argvars[0].v_type == VAR_DICT && argvars[1].v_type == VAR_DICT)
! 	dict_T	*d1, *d2;
! 	char_u	*action;
! 	int	i;
  	d1 = argvars[0].vval.v_dict;
  	d2 = argvars[1].vval.v_dict;
*** 10238,10283 ****
  		action = (char_u *)"force";
! 	    /* Go over all entries in the second dict and add them to the
! 	     * first dict. */
! 	    todo = (int)d2->dv_hashtab.ht_used;
! 	    for (hi2 = d2->dv_hashtab.ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi2)
! 	    {
! 		if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi2))
! 		{
! 		    --todo;
! 		    di1 = dict_find(d1, hi2->hi_key, -1);
! 		    if (d1->dv_scope != 0)
! 		    {
! 			/* Disallow replacing a builtin function in l: and g:.
! 			 * Check the key to be valid when adding to any
! 			 * scope. */
! 		        if (d1->dv_scope == VAR_DEF_SCOPE
! 				&& HI2DI(hi2)->di_tv.v_type == VAR_FUNC
! 				&& var_check_func_name(hi2->hi_key,
! 								 di1 == NULL))
! 			    break;
! 			if (!valid_varname(hi2->hi_key))
! 			    break;
! 		    }
! 		    if (di1 == NULL)
! 		    {
! 			di1 = dictitem_copy(HI2DI(hi2));
! 			if (di1 != NULL && dict_add(d1, di1) == FAIL)
! 			    dictitem_free(di1);
! 		    }
! 		    else if (*action == 'e')
! 		    {
! 			EMSG2(_("E737: Key already exists: %s"), hi2->hi_key);
! 			break;
! 		    }
! 		    else if (*action == 'f' && HI2DI(hi2) != di1)
! 		    {
! 			clear_tv(&di1->di_tv);
! 			copy_tv(&HI2DI(hi2)->di_tv, &di1->di_tv);
! 		    }
! 		}
! 	    }
  	    copy_tv(&argvars[0], rettv);
--- 10291,10297 ----
  		action = (char_u *)"force";
! 	    dict_extend(d1, d2, action);
  	    copy_tv(&argvars[0], rettv);
*** ../vim-7.3.1060/src/if_py_both.h	2013-05-30 12:43:50.000000000 +0200
--- src/if_py_both.h	2013-05-30 12:52:42.000000000 +0200
*** 31,37 ****
  #define INVALID_TABPAGE_VALUE ((tabpage_T *)(-1))
  #define DICTKEY_DECL \
!     PyObject	*dictkey_todecref;
  #define DICTKEY_CHECK_EMPTY(err) \
      if (*key == NUL) \
      { \
--- 31,37 ----
  #define INVALID_TABPAGE_VALUE ((tabpage_T *)(-1))
  #define DICTKEY_DECL \
!     PyObject	*dictkey_todecref = NULL;
  #define DICTKEY_CHECK_EMPTY(err) \
      if (*key == NUL) \
      { \
*** 63,68 ****
--- 63,69 ----
  static int ConvertFromPyObject(PyObject *, typval_T *);
  static int _ConvertFromPyObject(PyObject *, typval_T *, PyObject *);
+ static int ConvertFromPyMapping(PyObject *, typval_T *);
  static PyObject *WindowNew(win_T *, tabpage_T *);
  static PyObject *BufferNew (buf_T *);
  static PyObject *LineToString(const char *);
*** 877,888 ****
      pylinkedlist_T	ref;
  } DictionaryObject;
      static PyObject *
! DictionaryNew(dict_T *dict)
      DictionaryObject	*self;
!     self = PyObject_NEW(DictionaryObject, &DictionaryType);
      if (self == NULL)
  	return NULL;
      self->dict = dict;
--- 878,893 ----
      pylinkedlist_T	ref;
  } DictionaryObject;
+ static PyObject *DictionaryUpdate(DictionaryObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+ #define NEW_DICTIONARY(dict) DictionaryNew(&DictionaryType, dict)
      static PyObject *
! DictionaryNew(PyTypeObject *subtype, dict_T *dict)
      DictionaryObject	*self;
!     self = (DictionaryObject *) subtype->tp_alloc(subtype, 0);
      if (self == NULL)
  	return NULL;
      self->dict = dict;
*** 893,898 ****
--- 898,946 ----
      return (PyObject *)(self);
+     static dict_T *
+ py_dict_alloc()
+ {
+     dict_T	*r;
+     if (!(r = dict_alloc()))
+     {
+ 	PyErr_NoMemory();
+ 	return NULL;
+     }
+     ++r->dv_refcount;
+     return r;
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ DictionaryConstructor(PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ {
+     DictionaryObject	*self;
+     dict_T	*dict;
+     if (!(dict = py_dict_alloc()))
+ 	return NULL;
+     self = (DictionaryObject *) DictionaryNew(subtype, dict);
+     --dict->dv_refcount;
+     if (kwargs || PyTuple_Size(args))
+     {
+ 	PyObject	*tmp;
+ 	if (!(tmp = DictionaryUpdate(self, args, kwargs)))
+ 	{
+ 	    Py_DECREF(self);
+ 	    return NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	Py_DECREF(tmp);
+     }
+     return (PyObject *)(self);
+ }
      static void
  DictionaryDestructor(DictionaryObject *self)
*** 918,924 ****
      if (val == NULL)
! 	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, _("Cannot delete DictionaryObject attributes"));
  	return -1;
--- 966,973 ----
      if (val == NULL)
! 	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError,
! 		_("cannot delete vim.Dictionary attributes"));
  	return -1;
*** 926,932 ****
  	if (self->dict->dv_lock == VAR_FIXED)
! 	    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, _("Cannot modify fixed dictionary"));
  	    return -1;
--- 975,981 ----
  	if (self->dict->dv_lock == VAR_FIXED)
! 	    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, _("cannot modify fixed dictionary"));
  	    return -1;
*** 943,949 ****
! 	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, _("Cannot set this attribute"));
  	return -1;
--- 992,998 ----
! 	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, _("cannot set this attribute"));
  	return -1;
*** 954,979 ****
      return ((PyInt) (self->dict->dv_hashtab.ht_used));
      static PyObject *
! DictionaryItem(DictionaryObject *self, PyObject *keyObject)
      char_u	*key;
      dictitem_T	*di;
!     di = dict_find(self->dict, key, -1);
!     if (di == NULL)
! 	PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, keyObject);
  	return NULL;
!     return ConvertToPyObject(&di->di_tv);
      static PyInt
--- 1003,1172 ----
      return ((PyInt) (self->dict->dv_hashtab.ht_used));
+ #define DICT_FLAG_HAS_DEFAULT	0x01
+ #define DICT_FLAG_POP		0x02
+ #define DICT_FLAG_RETURN_BOOL	0x08 /* Incompatible with DICT_FLAG_POP */
+ #define DICT_FLAG_RETURN_PAIR	0x10
      static PyObject *
! _DictionaryItem(DictionaryObject *self, PyObject *args, int flags)
+     PyObject	*keyObject;
+     PyObject	*defObject = ((flags & DICT_FLAG_NONE_DEFAULT)? Py_None : NULL);
+     PyObject	*r;
      char_u	*key;
      dictitem_T	*di;
+     dict_T	*dict = self->dict;
+     hashitem_T	*hi;
+     if (flags & DICT_FLAG_HAS_DEFAULT)
+     {
+ 	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|O", &keyObject, &defObject))
+ 	    return NULL;
+     }
+     else
+ 	keyObject = args;
+     if (flags & DICT_FLAG_RETURN_BOOL)
+ 	defObject = Py_False;
!     hi = hash_find(&dict->dv_hashtab, key);
!     if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
! 	if (defObject)
! 	{
! 	    Py_INCREF(defObject);
! 	    return defObject;
! 	}
! 	else
! 	{
! 	    PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, keyObject);
! 	    return NULL;
! 	}
!     }
!     else if (flags & DICT_FLAG_RETURN_BOOL)
!     {
! 	Py_INCREF(Py_True);
! 	return Py_True;
!     }
!     di = dict_lookup(hi);
!     if (!(r = ConvertToPyObject(&di->di_tv)))
  	return NULL;
+     if (flags & DICT_FLAG_POP)
+     {
+ 	if (dict->dv_lock)
+ 	{
+ 	    PyErr_SetVim(_("dict is locked"));
+ 	    Py_DECREF(r);
+ 	    return NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	hash_remove(&dict->dv_hashtab, hi);
+ 	dictitem_free(di);
!     if (flags & DICT_FLAG_RETURN_PAIR)
!     {
! 	PyObject	*tmp = r;
! 	if (!(r = Py_BuildValue("(" Py_bytes_fmt "O)", hi->hi_key, tmp)))
! 	{
! 	    Py_DECREF(tmp);
! 	    return NULL;
! 	}
!     }
!     return r;
! }
!     static PyObject *
! DictionaryItem(DictionaryObject *self, PyObject *keyObject)
! {
!     return _DictionaryItem(self, keyObject, 0);
! }
!     static int
! DictionaryContains(DictionaryObject *self, PyObject *keyObject)
! {
!     PyObject	*rObj = _DictionaryItem(self, keyObject, DICT_FLAG_RETURN_BOOL);
!     int		r;
!     r = (rObj == Py_True);
!     Py_DECREF(Py_True);
!     return r;
! }
! typedef struct
! {
!     hashitem_T	*ht_array;
!     long_u	ht_used;
!     hashtab_T	*ht;
!     hashitem_T	*hi;
!     int		todo;
! } dictiterinfo_T;
!     static PyObject *
! DictionaryIterNext(dictiterinfo_T **dii)
! {
!     PyObject	*r;
!     if (!(*dii)->todo)
! 	return NULL;
!     if ((*dii)->ht->ht_array != (*dii)->ht_array ||
! 	    (*dii)->ht->ht_used != (*dii)->ht_used)
!     {
! 	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
! 		_("hashtab changed during iteration"));
! 	return NULL;
!     }
!     while (((*dii)->todo) && HASHITEM_EMPTY((*dii)->hi))
! 	++((*dii)->hi);
!     --((*dii)->todo);
!     if (!(r = PyBytes_FromString((char *) (*dii)->hi->hi_key)))
! 	return NULL;
!     return r;
! }
!     static PyObject *
! DictionaryIter(DictionaryObject *self)
! {
!     dictiterinfo_T	*dii;
!     hashtab_T		*ht;
!     if (!(dii = PyMem_New(dictiterinfo_T, 1)))
!     {
! 	PyErr_NoMemory();
! 	return NULL;
!     }
!     ht = &self->dict->dv_hashtab;
!     dii->ht_array = ht->ht_array;
!     dii->ht_used = ht->ht_used;
!     dii->ht = ht;
!     dii->hi = dii->ht_array;
!     dii->todo = dii->ht_used;
!     return IterNew(dii,
! 	    (destructorfun) PyMem_Free, (nextfun) DictionaryIterNext,
! 	    NULL, NULL);
      static PyInt
*** 1016,1033 ****
      if (di == NULL)
! 	di = dictitem_alloc(key);
! 	if (di == NULL)
  	    return -1;
  	di->di_tv.v_lock = 0;
  	if (dict_add(dict, di) == FAIL)
  	    PyErr_SetVim(_("failed to add key to dictionary"));
  	    return -1;
--- 1209,1227 ----
      if (di == NULL)
! 	if (!(di = dictitem_alloc(key)))
  	    return -1;
  	di->di_tv.v_lock = 0;
+ 	di->di_tv.v_type = VAR_UNKNOWN;
  	if (dict_add(dict, di) == FAIL)
+ 	    dictitem_free(di);
  	    PyErr_SetVim(_("failed to add key to dictionary"));
  	    return -1;
*** 1042,1062 ****
      return 0;
      static PyObject *
! DictionaryListKeys(DictionaryObject *self)
      dict_T	*dict = self->dict;
      long_u	todo = dict->dv_hashtab.ht_used;
      Py_ssize_t	i = 0;
      PyObject	*r;
      hashitem_T	*hi;
      r = PyList_New(todo);
      for (hi = dict->dv_hashtab.ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
  	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
! 	    PyList_SetItem(r, i, PyBytes_FromString((char *)(hi->hi_key)));
--- 1236,1269 ----
      return 0;
+ typedef PyObject *(*hi_to_py)(hashitem_T *);
      static PyObject *
! DictionaryListObjects(DictionaryObject *self, hi_to_py hiconvert)
      dict_T	*dict = self->dict;
      long_u	todo = dict->dv_hashtab.ht_used;
      Py_ssize_t	i = 0;
      PyObject	*r;
      hashitem_T	*hi;
+     PyObject	*newObj;
      r = PyList_New(todo);
      for (hi = dict->dv_hashtab.ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
  	if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
! 	    if (!(newObj = hiconvert(hi)))
! 	    {
! 		Py_DECREF(r);
! 		return NULL;
! 	    }
! 	    if (PyList_SetItem(r, i, newObj))
! 	    {
! 		Py_DECREF(r);
! 		Py_DECREF(newObj);
! 		return NULL;
! 	    }
*** 1064,1069 ****
--- 1271,1505 ----
      return r;
+     static PyObject *
+ dict_key(hashitem_T *hi)
+ {
+     return PyBytes_FromString((char *)(hi->hi_key));
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ DictionaryListKeys(DictionaryObject *self)
+ {
+     return DictionaryListObjects(self, dict_key);
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ dict_val(hashitem_T *hi)
+ {
+     dictitem_T	*di;
+     di = dict_lookup(hi);
+     return ConvertToPyObject(&di->di_tv);
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ DictionaryListValues(DictionaryObject *self)
+ {
+     return DictionaryListObjects(self, dict_val);
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ dict_item(hashitem_T *hi)
+ {
+     PyObject	*keyObject;
+     PyObject	*valObject;
+     PyObject	*r;
+     if (!(keyObject = dict_key(hi)))
+ 	return NULL;
+     if (!(valObject = dict_val(hi)))
+     {
+ 	Py_DECREF(keyObject);
+ 	return NULL;
+     }
+     r = Py_BuildValue("(OO)", keyObject, valObject);
+     Py_DECREF(keyObject);
+     Py_DECREF(valObject);
+     return r;
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ DictionaryListItems(DictionaryObject *self)
+ {
+     return DictionaryListObjects(self, dict_item);
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ DictionaryUpdate(DictionaryObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ {
+     dict_T	*dict = self->dict;
+     if (dict->dv_lock)
+     {
+ 	PyErr_SetVim(_("dict is locked"));
+ 	return NULL;
+     }
+     if (kwargs)
+     {
+ 	typval_T	tv;
+ 	if (ConvertFromPyMapping(kwargs, &tv) == -1)
+ 	    return NULL;
+ 	VimTryStart();
+ 	dict_extend(self->dict, tv.vval.v_dict, (char_u *) "force");
+ 	clear_tv(&tv);
+ 	if (VimTryEnd())
+ 	    return NULL;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+ 	PyObject	*object;
+ 	if (!PyArg_Parse(args, "(O)", &object))
+ 	    return NULL;
+ 	if (PyObject_HasAttrString(object, "keys"))
+ 	    return DictionaryUpdate(self, NULL, object);
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 	    PyObject	*iterator;
+ 	    PyObject	*item;
+ 	    if (!(iterator = PyObject_GetIter(object)))
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	    while ((item = PyIter_Next(iterator)))
+ 	    {
+ 		PyObject	*fast;
+ 		PyObject	*keyObject;
+ 		PyObject	*valObject;
+ 		PyObject	*todecref;
+ 		char_u		*key;
+ 		dictitem_T	*di;
+ 		if (!(fast = PySequence_Fast(item, "")))
+ 		{
+ 		    Py_DECREF(iterator);
+ 		    Py_DECREF(item);
+ 		    return NULL;
+ 		}
+ 		Py_DECREF(item);
+ 		if (PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(fast) != 2)
+ 		{
+ 		    Py_DECREF(iterator);
+ 		    Py_DECREF(fast);
+ 		    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ 			    _("expected sequence element of size 2"));
+ 		    return NULL;
+ 		}
+ 		keyObject = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(fast, 0);
+ 		if (!(key = StringToChars(keyObject, &todecref)))
+ 		{
+ 		    Py_DECREF(iterator);
+ 		    Py_DECREF(fast);
+ 		    return NULL;
+ 		}
+ 		di = dictitem_alloc(key);
+ 		Py_XDECREF(todecref);
+ 		if (di == NULL)
+ 		{
+ 		    Py_DECREF(fast);
+ 		    Py_DECREF(iterator);
+ 		    PyErr_NoMemory();
+ 		    return NULL;
+ 		}
+ 		di->di_tv.v_lock = 0;
+ 		di->di_tv.v_type = VAR_UNKNOWN;
+ 		valObject = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(fast, 1);
+ 		if (ConvertFromPyObject(valObject, &di->di_tv) == -1)
+ 		{
+ 		    Py_DECREF(iterator);
+ 		    Py_DECREF(fast);
+ 		    dictitem_free(di);
+ 		    return NULL;
+ 		}
+ 		Py_DECREF(fast);
+ 		if (dict_add(dict, di) == FAIL)
+ 		{
+ 		    Py_DECREF(iterator);
+ 		    dictitem_free(di);
+ 		    PyErr_SetVim(_("failed to add key to dictionary"));
+ 		    return NULL;
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    Py_DECREF(iterator);
+ 	    /* Iterator may have finished due to an exception */
+ 	    if (PyErr_Occurred())
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+     }
+     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+     return Py_None;
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ DictionaryGet(DictionaryObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ {
+     return _DictionaryItem(self, args,
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ DictionaryPop(DictionaryObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ {
+     return _DictionaryItem(self, args, DICT_FLAG_HAS_DEFAULT|DICT_FLAG_POP);
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ DictionaryPopItem(DictionaryObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ {
+     PyObject	*keyObject;
+     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &keyObject))
+ 	return NULL;
+     return _DictionaryItem(self, keyObject,
+ }
+     static PyObject *
+ DictionaryHasKey(DictionaryObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ {
+     PyObject	*keyObject;
+     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &keyObject))
+ 	return NULL;
+     return _DictionaryItem(self, keyObject, DICT_FLAG_RETURN_BOOL);
+ }
+ static PySequenceMethods DictionaryAsSeq = {
+     0,					/* sq_length */
+     0,					/* sq_concat */
+     0,					/* sq_repeat */
+     0,					/* sq_item */
+     0,					/* sq_slice */
+     0,					/* sq_ass_item */
+     0,					/* sq_ass_slice */
+     (objobjproc) DictionaryContains,	/* sq_contains */
+     0,					/* sq_inplace_concat */
+     0,					/* sq_inplace_repeat */
+ };
  static PyMappingMethods DictionaryAsMapping = {
      (lenfunc)       DictionaryLength,
      (binaryfunc)    DictionaryItem,
*** 1072,1077 ****
--- 1508,1520 ----
  static struct PyMethodDef DictionaryMethods[] = {
      {"keys",	(PyCFunction)DictionaryListKeys,	METH_NOARGS,	""},
+     {"values",	(PyCFunction)DictionaryListValues,	METH_NOARGS,	""},
+     {"items",	(PyCFunction)DictionaryListItems,	METH_NOARGS,	""},
+     {"update",	(PyCFunction)DictionaryUpdate,		METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, ""},
+     {"get",	(PyCFunction)DictionaryGet,		METH_VARARGS,	""},
+     {"pop",	(PyCFunction)DictionaryPop,		METH_VARARGS,	""},
+     {"popitem",	(PyCFunction)DictionaryPopItem,		METH_VARARGS,	""},
+     {"has_key",	(PyCFunction)DictionaryHasKey,		METH_VARARGS,	""},
      {"__dir__",	(PyCFunction)DictionaryDir,		METH_NOARGS,	""},
      { NULL,	NULL,					0,		NULL}
*** 1541,1554 ****
  	selfdictObject = PyDict_GetItemString(kwargs, "self");
  	if (selfdictObject != NULL)
! 	    if (!PyMapping_Check(selfdictObject))
! 	    {
! 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
! 				   _("'self' argument must be a dictionary"));
! 		clear_tv(&args);
! 		return NULL;
! 	    }
! 	    if (ConvertFromPyObject(selfdictObject, &selfdicttv) == -1)
  		return NULL;
--- 1984,1990 ----
  	selfdictObject = PyDict_GetItemString(kwargs, "self");
  	if (selfdictObject != NULL)
! 	    if (ConvertFromPyMapping(selfdictObject, &selfdicttv) == -1)
  		return NULL;
*** 1994,2000 ****
      else if (strcmp(name, "number") == 0)
  	return PyLong_FromLong((long) get_tab_number(self->tab));
      else if (strcmp(name, "vars") == 0)
! 	return DictionaryNew(self->tab->tp_vars);
      else if (strcmp(name, "window") == 0)
  	/* For current tab window.c does not bother to set or update tp_curwin
--- 2430,2436 ----
      else if (strcmp(name, "number") == 0)
  	return PyLong_FromLong((long) get_tab_number(self->tab));
      else if (strcmp(name, "vars") == 0)
! 	return NEW_DICTIONARY(self->tab->tp_vars);
      else if (strcmp(name, "window") == 0)
  	/* For current tab window.c does not bother to set or update tp_curwin
*** 2225,2231 ****
  	return PyLong_FromLong((long)(W_WINCOL(self->win)));
      else if (strcmp(name, "vars") == 0)
! 	return DictionaryNew(self->win->w_vars);
      else if (strcmp(name, "options") == 0)
  	return OptionsNew(SREQ_WIN, self->win, (checkfun) CheckWindow,
  			(PyObject *) self);
--- 2661,2667 ----
  	return PyLong_FromLong((long)(W_WINCOL(self->win)));
      else if (strcmp(name, "vars") == 0)
! 	return NEW_DICTIONARY(self->win->w_vars);
      else if (strcmp(name, "options") == 0)
  	return OptionsNew(SREQ_WIN, self->win, (checkfun) CheckWindow,
  			(PyObject *) self);
*** 3402,3408 ****
      else if (strcmp(name, "number") == 0)
  	return Py_BuildValue(Py_ssize_t_fmt, self->buf->b_fnum);
      else if (strcmp(name, "vars") == 0)
! 	return DictionaryNew(self->buf->b_vars);
      else if (strcmp(name, "options") == 0)
  	return OptionsNew(SREQ_BUF, self->buf, (checkfun) CheckBuffer,
  			(PyObject *) self);
--- 3838,3844 ----
      else if (strcmp(name, "number") == 0)
  	return Py_BuildValue(Py_ssize_t_fmt, self->buf->b_fnum);
      else if (strcmp(name, "vars") == 0)
! 	return NEW_DICTIONARY(self->buf->b_vars);
      else if (strcmp(name, "options") == 0)
  	return OptionsNew(SREQ_BUF, self->buf, (checkfun) CheckBuffer,
  			(PyObject *) self);
*** 4307,4312 ****
--- 4743,4778 ----
      static int
+ ConvertFromPyMapping(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv)
+ {
+     PyObject	*lookup_dict;
+     int		r;
+     if (!(lookup_dict = PyDict_New()))
+ 	return -1;
+     if (PyType_IsSubtype(obj->ob_type, &DictionaryType))
+     {
+ 	tv->v_type = VAR_DICT;
+ 	tv->vval.v_dict = (((DictionaryObject *)(obj))->dict);
+ 	++tv->vval.v_dict->dv_refcount;
+ 	r = 0;
+     }
+     else if (PyDict_Check(obj))
+ 	r = convert_dl(obj, tv, pydict_to_tv, lookup_dict);
+     else if (PyMapping_Check(obj))
+ 	r = convert_dl(obj, tv, pymap_to_tv, lookup_dict);
+     else
+     {
+ 	PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ 		_("unable to convert object to vim dictionary"));
+ 	r = -1;
+     }
+     Py_DECREF(lookup_dict);
+     return r;
+ }
+     static int
  ConvertFromPyObject(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv)
      PyObject	*lookup_dict;
*** 4322,4328 ****
      static int
  _ConvertFromPyObject(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookup_dict)
!     if (obj->ob_type == &DictionaryType)
  	tv->v_type = VAR_DICT;
  	tv->vval.v_dict = (((DictionaryObject *)(obj))->dict);
--- 4788,4794 ----
      static int
  _ConvertFromPyObject(PyObject *obj, typval_T *tv, PyObject *lookup_dict)
!     if (PyType_IsSubtype(obj->ob_type, &DictionaryType))
  	tv->v_type = VAR_DICT;
  	tv->vval.v_dict = (((DictionaryObject *)(obj))->dict);
*** 4437,4443 ****
  	case VAR_LIST:
  	    return ListNew(tv->vval.v_list);
  	case VAR_DICT:
! 	    return DictionaryNew(tv->vval.v_dict);
  	case VAR_FUNC:
  	    return FunctionNew(tv->vval.v_string == NULL
  					  ? (char_u *)"" : tv->vval.v_string);
--- 4903,4909 ----
  	case VAR_LIST:
  	    return ListNew(tv->vval.v_list);
  	case VAR_DICT:
! 	    return NEW_DICTIONARY(tv->vval.v_dict);
  	case VAR_FUNC:
  	    return FunctionNew(tv->vval.v_string == NULL
  					  ? (char_u *)"" : tv->vval.v_string);
*** 4608,4617 ****
      DictionaryType.tp_name = "vim.dictionary";
      DictionaryType.tp_basicsize = sizeof(DictionaryObject);
      DictionaryType.tp_dealloc = (destructor)DictionaryDestructor;
      DictionaryType.tp_as_mapping = &DictionaryAsMapping;
!     DictionaryType.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT;
      DictionaryType.tp_doc = "dictionary pushing modifications to vim structure";
      DictionaryType.tp_methods = DictionaryMethods;
      DictionaryType.tp_getattro = (getattrofunc)DictionaryGetattro;
      DictionaryType.tp_setattro = (setattrofunc)DictionarySetattro;
--- 5074,5087 ----
      DictionaryType.tp_name = "vim.dictionary";
      DictionaryType.tp_basicsize = sizeof(DictionaryObject);
      DictionaryType.tp_dealloc = (destructor)DictionaryDestructor;
+     DictionaryType.tp_as_sequence = &DictionaryAsSeq;
      DictionaryType.tp_as_mapping = &DictionaryAsMapping;
!     DictionaryType.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT|Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE;
      DictionaryType.tp_doc = "dictionary pushing modifications to vim structure";
      DictionaryType.tp_methods = DictionaryMethods;
+     DictionaryType.tp_iter = (getiterfunc)DictionaryIter;
+     DictionaryType.tp_new = (newfunc)DictionaryConstructor;
+     DictionaryType.tp_alloc = (allocfunc)PyType_GenericAlloc;
      DictionaryType.tp_getattro = (getattrofunc)DictionaryGetattro;
      DictionaryType.tp_setattro = (setattrofunc)DictionarySetattro;
*** 4786,4793 ****
  	return -1;
      ADD_OBJECT(m, "error", VimError);
!     ADD_CHECKED_OBJECT(m, "vars",  DictionaryNew(&globvardict));
!     ADD_CHECKED_OBJECT(m, "vvars", DictionaryNew(&vimvardict));
      ADD_CHECKED_OBJECT(m, "options",
  	    OptionsNew(SREQ_GLOBAL, NULL, dummy_check, NULL));
      return 0;
--- 5256,5263 ----
  	return -1;
      ADD_OBJECT(m, "error", VimError);
!     ADD_CHECKED_OBJECT(m, "vars",  NEW_DICTIONARY(&globvardict));
!     ADD_CHECKED_OBJECT(m, "vvars", NEW_DICTIONARY(&vimvardict));
      ADD_CHECKED_OBJECT(m, "options",
  	    OptionsNew(SREQ_GLOBAL, NULL, dummy_check, NULL));
      return 0;
*** ../vim-7.3.1060/src/if_python3.c	2013-05-30 12:40:36.000000000 +0200
--- src/if_python3.c	2013-05-30 12:47:48.000000000 +0200
*** 96,101 ****
--- 96,102 ----
  #define PyInt_FromLong(i) PyLong_FromLong(i)
  #define PyInt_AsLong(obj) PyLong_AsLong(obj)
  #define Py_ssize_t_fmt "n"
+ #define Py_bytes_fmt "y"
  #if defined(DYNAMIC_PYTHON3) || defined(PROTO)
*** 149,154 ****
--- 150,156 ----
  # define PySequence_Check py3_PySequence_Check
  # define PySequence_Size py3_PySequence_Size
  # define PySequence_GetItem py3_PySequence_GetItem
+ # define PySequence_Fast py3_PySequence_Fast
  # define PyTuple_Size py3_PyTuple_Size
  # define PyTuple_GetItem py3_PyTuple_GetItem
  # define PySlice_GetIndicesEx py3_PySlice_GetIndicesEx
*** 168,173 ****
--- 170,176 ----
  #undef PyRun_String
  # define PyRun_String py3_PyRun_String
  # define PyObject_GetAttrString py3_PyObject_GetAttrString
+ # define PyObject_HasAttrString py3_PyObject_HasAttrString
  # define PyObject_SetAttrString py3_PyObject_SetAttrString
  # define PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs py3_PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs
  # define PyEval_GetLocals py3_PyEval_GetLocals
*** 269,274 ****
--- 272,278 ----
  static int (*py3_PySequence_Check)(PyObject *);
  static Py_ssize_t (*py3_PySequence_Size)(PyObject *);
  static PyObject* (*py3_PySequence_GetItem)(PyObject *, Py_ssize_t);
+ static PyObject* (*py3_PySequence_Fast)(PyObject *, const char *);
  static Py_ssize_t (*py3_PyTuple_Size)(PyObject *);
  static PyObject* (*py3_PyTuple_GetItem)(PyObject *, Py_ssize_t);
  static int (*py3_PyMapping_Check)(PyObject *);
*** 282,287 ****
--- 286,292 ----
  static int (*py3_PyRun_SimpleString)(char *);
  static PyObject* (*py3_PyRun_String)(char *, int, PyObject *, PyObject *);
  static PyObject* (*py3_PyObject_GetAttrString)(PyObject *, const char *);
+ static int (*py3_PyObject_HasAttrString)(PyObject *, const char *);
  static PyObject* (*py3_PyObject_SetAttrString)(PyObject *, const char *, PyObject *);
  static PyObject* (*py3_PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs)(PyObject *, ...);
  static PyObject* (*py3_PyEval_GetGlobals)();
*** 425,430 ****
--- 430,436 ----
      {"PySequence_Check", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PySequence_Check},
      {"PySequence_Size", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PySequence_Size},
      {"PySequence_GetItem", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PySequence_GetItem},
+     {"PySequence_Fast", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PySequence_Fast},
      {"PyTuple_Size", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PyTuple_Size},
      {"PyTuple_GetItem", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PyTuple_GetItem},
      {"PySlice_GetIndicesEx", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PySlice_GetIndicesEx},
*** 435,440 ****
--- 441,447 ----
      {"PyRun_SimpleString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PyRun_SimpleString},
      {"PyRun_String", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PyRun_String},
      {"PyObject_GetAttrString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PyObject_GetAttrString},
+     {"PyObject_HasAttrString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PyObject_HasAttrString},
      {"PyObject_SetAttrString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PyObject_SetAttrString},
      {"PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs},
      {"PyEval_GetGlobals", (PYTHON_PROC*)&py3_PyEval_GetGlobals},
*** ../vim-7.3.1060/src/if_python.c	2013-05-30 12:40:36.000000000 +0200
--- src/if_python.c	2013-05-30 12:48:47.000000000 +0200
*** 103,108 ****
--- 103,109 ----
  # define PyIntIntObjArgProc intintobjargproc
  # define Py_ssize_t_fmt "i"
+ #define Py_bytes_fmt "s"
  /* Parser flags */
  #define single_input	256
*** 187,192 ****
--- 188,194 ----
  # define PySequence_Check dll_PySequence_Check
  # define PySequence_Size dll_PySequence_Size
  # define PySequence_GetItem dll_PySequence_GetItem
+ # define PySequence_Fast dll_PySequence_Fast
  # define PyTuple_Size dll_PyTuple_Size
  # define PyTuple_GetItem dll_PyTuple_GetItem
  # define PyTuple_Type (*dll_PyTuple_Type)
*** 207,212 ****
--- 209,215 ----
  # define PyRun_SimpleString dll_PyRun_SimpleString
  # define PyRun_String dll_PyRun_String
  # define PyObject_GetAttrString dll_PyObject_GetAttrString
+ # define PyObject_HasAttrString dll_PyObject_HasAttrString
  # define PyObject_SetAttrString dll_PyObject_SetAttrString
  # define PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs dll_PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs
  # define PyString_AsString dll_PyString_AsString
*** 227,232 ****
--- 230,236 ----
  # define PySys_SetArgv dll_PySys_SetArgv
  # define PyType_Type (*dll_PyType_Type)
  # define PyType_Ready (*dll_PyType_Ready)
+ # define PyType_GenericAlloc dll_PyType_GenericAlloc
  # define Py_BuildValue dll_Py_BuildValue
  # define Py_FindMethod dll_Py_FindMethod
  # define Py_InitModule4 dll_Py_InitModule4
*** 318,323 ****
--- 322,328 ----
  static int (*dll_PySequence_Check)(PyObject *);
  static PyInt(*dll_PySequence_Size)(PyObject *);
  static PyObject*(*dll_PySequence_GetItem)(PyObject *, PyInt);
+ static PyObject*(*dll_PySequence_Fast)(PyObject *, const char *);
  static PyInt(*dll_PyTuple_Size)(PyObject *);
  static PyObject*(*dll_PyTuple_GetItem)(PyObject *, PyInt);
  static PyTypeObject* dll_PyTuple_Type;
*** 336,341 ****
--- 341,347 ----
  static int(*dll_PyRun_SimpleString)(char *);
  static PyObject *(*dll_PyRun_String)(char *, int, PyObject *, PyObject *);
  static PyObject* (*dll_PyObject_GetAttrString)(PyObject *, const char *);
+ static int (*dll_PyObject_HasAttrString)(PyObject *, const char *);
  static PyObject* (*dll_PyObject_SetAttrString)(PyObject *, const char *, PyObject *);
  static PyObject* (*dll_PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs)(PyObject *, ...);
  static char*(*dll_PyString_AsString)(PyObject *);
*** 354,359 ****
--- 360,366 ----
  static int(*dll_PySys_SetArgv)(int, char **);
  static PyTypeObject* dll_PyType_Type;
  static int (*dll_PyType_Ready)(PyTypeObject *type);
+ static PyObject* (*dll_PyType_GenericAlloc)(PyTypeObject *type, PyInt nitems);
  static PyObject*(*dll_Py_BuildValue)(char *, ...);
  static PyObject*(*dll_Py_FindMethod)(struct PyMethodDef[], PyObject *, char *);
  static PyObject*(*dll_Py_InitModule4)(char *, struct PyMethodDef *, char *, PyObject *, int);
*** 475,483 ****
      {"PyList_SetItem", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_SetItem},
      {"PyList_Size", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_Size},
      {"PyList_Type", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_Type},
-     {"PySequence_GetItem", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PySequence_GetItem},
      {"PySequence_Size", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PySequence_Size},
      {"PySequence_Check", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PySequence_Check},
      {"PyTuple_GetItem", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyTuple_GetItem},
      {"PyTuple_Size", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyTuple_Size},
      {"PyTuple_Type", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyTuple_Type},
--- 482,491 ----
      {"PyList_SetItem", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_SetItem},
      {"PyList_Size", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_Size},
      {"PyList_Type", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyList_Type},
      {"PySequence_Size", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PySequence_Size},
      {"PySequence_Check", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PySequence_Check},
+     {"PySequence_GetItem", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PySequence_GetItem},
+     {"PySequence_Fast", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PySequence_Fast},
      {"PyTuple_GetItem", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyTuple_GetItem},
      {"PyTuple_Size", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyTuple_Size},
      {"PyTuple_Type", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyTuple_Type},
*** 496,501 ****
--- 504,510 ----
      {"PyRun_SimpleString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyRun_SimpleString},
      {"PyRun_String", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyRun_String},
      {"PyObject_GetAttrString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyObject_GetAttrString},
+     {"PyObject_HasAttrString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyObject_HasAttrString},
      {"PyObject_SetAttrString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyObject_SetAttrString},
      {"PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs},
      {"PyString_AsString", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyString_AsString},
*** 514,519 ****
--- 523,529 ----
      {"PySys_SetArgv", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PySys_SetArgv},
      {"PyType_Type", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyType_Type},
      {"PyType_Ready", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyType_Ready},
+     {"PyType_GenericAlloc", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_PyType_GenericAlloc},
      {"Py_FindMethod", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_FindMethod},
      {"Py_SetPythonHome", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_SetPythonHome},
      {"Py_Initialize", (PYTHON_PROC*)&dll_Py_Initialize},
*** 1116,1125 ****
      (PyIntObjArgProc)	BufferAssItem,	    /* sq_ass_item,  x[i]=v   */
      (PyIntIntObjArgProc) BufferAssSlice,    /* sq_ass_slice, x[i:j]=v */
      (objobjproc)	0,
      (binaryfunc)	0,
- #endif
  /* Buffer object - Implementation
--- 1126,1133 ----
*** ../vim-7.3.1060/src/proto/	2013-05-30 12:35:48.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/	2013-05-30 12:47:48.000000000 +0200
*** 75,80 ****
--- 75,81 ----
  dictitem_T *dict_find __ARGS((dict_T *d, char_u *key, int len));
  char_u *get_dict_string __ARGS((dict_T *d, char_u *key, int save));
  long get_dict_number __ARGS((dict_T *d, char_u *key));
+ void dict_extend __ARGS((dict_T *d1, dict_T *d2, char_u *action));
  char_u *get_function_name __ARGS((expand_T *xp, int idx));
  char_u *get_expr_name __ARGS((expand_T *xp, int idx));
  char_u *get_expanded_name __ARGS((char_u *name, int check));
*** ../vim-7.3.1060/src/testdir/	2013-05-30 12:26:52.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/	2013-05-30 12:47:48.000000000 +0200
*** 31,46 ****
  :" Extending Dictionary directly with different types
  :let d = {}
! :py d=vim.bindeval('d')
! :py d['1']='asd'
! :py d['b']=[1, 2, f]
! :py d['-1']={'a': 1}
! :let dkeys = []
! :py dk=vim.bindeval('dkeys')
! :py dkeys=d.keys()
! :py dkeys.sort()
! :py dk.extend(dkeys)
! :$put =string(dkeys)
  :for [key, val] in sort(items(d))
  :  $put =string(key) . ' : ' . string(val)
  :  unlet key val
--- 31,52 ----
  :" Extending Dictionary directly with different types
  :let d = {}
! py << EOF
! d=vim.bindeval('d')
! d['1']='asd'
! d.update(b=[1, 2, f])
! d.update((('-1', {'a': 1}),))
! d.update({'0': -1})
! dk = d.keys()
! dv = d.values()
! di = d.items()
! dk.sort(key=repr)
! dv.sort(key=repr)
! di.sort(key=repr)
! :$put =pyeval('repr(dk)')
! :$put =substitute(pyeval('repr(dv)'),'0x\x\+','','g')
! :$put =substitute(pyeval('repr(di)'),'0x\x\+','','g')
  :for [key, val] in sort(items(d))
  :  $put =string(key) . ' : ' . string(val)
  :  unlet key val
*** 60,66 ****
--- 66,85 ----
  :$put =string(l)
  :py del d['-1']
+ :$put =string(pyeval('d.get(''b'', 1)'))
+ :$put =string(pyeval('d.pop(''b'')'))
+ :$put =string(pyeval('d.get(''b'', 1)'))
+ :$put =string(pyeval('d.pop(''1'', 2)'))
+ :$put =string(pyeval('d.pop(''1'', 2)'))
+ :$put =pyeval('repr(d.has_key(''0''))')
+ :$put =pyeval('repr(d.has_key(''1''))')
+ :$put =pyeval('repr(''0'' in d)')
+ :$put =pyeval('repr(''1'' in d)')
+ :$put =pyeval('repr(list(iter(d)))')
  :$put =string(d)
+ :$put =pyeval('repr(d.popitem(''0''))')
+ :$put =pyeval('repr(d.get(''0''))')
+ :$put =pyeval('repr(list(iter(d)))')
  :" removing items out of range: silently skip items that don't exist
  :let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
*** 198,203 ****
--- 217,225 ----
+ em('d.pop("abc")')
+ em('d.popitem("abc")')
  :$put =messages
  :unlet messages
*** 709,714 ****
--- 731,740 ----
  del o
+ :" Test vim.*.__new__
+ :$put =string(pyeval('vim.Dictionary({})'))
+ :$put =string(pyeval('vim.Dictionary(a=1)'))
+ :$put =string(pyeval('vim.Dictionary(((''a'', 1),))'))
  :" Test stdout/stderr
  :redir => messages
*** 718,723 ****
--- 744,759 ----
  :py sys.stderr.writelines(iter('abc'))
  :redir END
  :$put =string(substitute(messages, '\d\+', '', 'g'))
+ :" Test subclassing
+ py << EOF
+ class DupDict(vim.Dictionary):
+     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+         super(DupDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
+         super(DupDict, self).__setitem__('dup_' + key, value)
+ dd = DupDict()
+ dd['a'] = 'b'
+ :$put =string(sort(keys(pyeval('dd'))))
  :" Test exceptions
  :fun Exe(e)
*** ../vim-7.3.1060/src/testdir/test86.ok	2013-05-30 12:26:52.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/test86.ok	2013-05-30 12:47:48.000000000 +0200
*** 4,16 ****
  [0, 'as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
  [0, function('strlen'), [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
! ['-1', '1', 'b']
  '-1' : {'a': 1}
  '1' : 'asd'
  'b' : [1, 2, function('strlen')]
  [0, function('strlen')]
! {'1': 'asd', 'b': [1, 2, function('strlen')]}
  [0, 1, 2, 3]
  [0, 1, 2, 3]
  [0, 1, 3]
--- 4,32 ----
  [0, 'as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
  [0, function('strlen'), [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
! ['-1', '0', '1', 'b']
! ['asd', -1L, <vim.dictionary object at >, <vim.list object at >]
! [('-1', <vim.dictionary object at >), ('0', -1L), ('1', 'asd'), ('b', <vim.list object at >)]
  '-1' : {'a': 1}
+ '0' : -1
  '1' : 'asd'
  'b' : [1, 2, function('strlen')]
  [0, function('strlen')]
! [1, 2, function('strlen')]
! [1, 2, function('strlen')]
! 1
! 'asd'
! 2
! True
! False
! True
! False
! ['0']
! {'0': -1}
! ('', -1L)
! None
! []
  [0, 1, 2, 3]
  [0, 1, 2, 3]
  [0, 1, 3]
*** 44,49 ****
--- 60,67 ----
+ KeyError
+ KeyError
  d : locked:0;scope:0
  dl : locked:1;scope:0
  v: : locked:2;scope:1
*** 387,396 ****
! dictionary:__dir__,__members__,keys,locked,scope
  line  :
--- 405,417 ----
! dictionary:__dir__,__members__,get,has_key,items,keys,locked,pop,popitem,scope,update,values
+ {}
+ {'a': 1}
+ {'a': 1}
  line  :
*** 398,403 ****
--- 419,425 ----
  line  :
+ ['a', 'dup_a']
  (<class 'vim.error'>, error('abc',))
  (<class 'vim.error'>, error('def',))
  (<class 'vim.error'>, error('ghi',))
*** ../vim-7.3.1060/src/testdir/	2013-05-30 12:26:52.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/	2013-05-30 12:47:48.000000000 +0200
*** 26,41 ****
  :" Extending Dictionary directly with different types
  :let d = {}
! :py3 d=vim.bindeval('d')
! :py3 d['1']='asd'
! :py3 d['b']=[1, 2, f]
! :py3 d['-1']={'a': 1}
! :let dkeys = []
! :py3 dk=vim.bindeval('dkeys')
! :py3 dkeys=d.keys()
! :py3 dkeys.sort()
! :py3 dk+=dkeys
! :$put =string(dkeys)
  :for [key, val] in sort(items(d))
  :  $put =string(key) . ' : ' . string(val)
  :  unlet key val
--- 26,47 ----
  :" Extending Dictionary directly with different types
  :let d = {}
! py3 << EOF
! d=vim.bindeval('d')
! d['1']='asd'
! d.update(b=[1, 2, f])
! d.update((('-1', {'a': 1}),))
! d.update({'0': -1})
! dk = d.keys()
! dv = d.values()
! di = d.items()
! dk.sort(key=repr)
! dv.sort(key=repr)
! di.sort(key=repr)
! :$put =py3eval('repr(dk)')
! :$put =substitute(py3eval('repr(dv)'),'0x\x\+','','g')
! :$put =substitute(py3eval('repr(di)'),'0x\x\+','','g')
  :for [key, val] in sort(items(d))
  :  $put =string(key) . ' : ' . string(val)
  :  unlet key val
*** 55,61 ****
--- 61,80 ----
  :$put =string(l)
  :py3 del d['-1']
+ :$put =string(py3eval('d.get(''b'', 1)'))
+ :$put =string(py3eval('d.pop(''b'')'))
+ :$put =string(py3eval('d.get(''b'', 1)'))
+ :$put =string(py3eval('d.pop(''1'', 2)'))
+ :$put =string(py3eval('d.pop(''1'', 2)'))
+ :$put =py3eval('repr(d.has_key(''0''))')
+ :$put =py3eval('repr(d.has_key(''1''))')
+ :$put =py3eval('repr(''0'' in d)')
+ :$put =py3eval('repr(''1'' in d)')
+ :$put =py3eval('repr(list(iter(d)))')
  :$put =string(d)
+ :$put =py3eval('repr(d.popitem(''0''))')
+ :$put =py3eval('repr(d.get(''0''))')
+ :$put =py3eval('repr(list(iter(d)))')
  :" removing items out of range: silently skip items that don't exist
  :let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
*** 181,215 ****
  :py3 <<EOF
! try:
!     d['abc']
! except Exception as e:
!     m.extend([e.__class__.__name__])
! try:
!     d['abc']="\0"
! except Exception as e:
!     m.extend([e.__class__.__name__])
! try:
!     d['abc']=vim
! except Exception as e:
!     m.extend([e.__class__.__name__])
! try:
!     d['']=1
! except Exception as e:
!     m.extend([e.__class__.__name__])
! try:
!     d['a\0b']=1
! except Exception as e:
!     m.extend([e.__class__.__name__])
! try:
!     d[b'a\0b']=1
! except Exception as e:
!     m.extend([e.__class__.__name__])
  :$put =messages
  :unlet messages
--- 200,220 ----
  :py3 <<EOF
! def em(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
!     try:
!         exec(expr, g, l)
!     except Exception as e:
!         m.extend([e.__class__.__name__])
! em('d["abc"]')
! em('d["abc"]="\\0"')
! em('d["abc"]=vim')
! em('d[""]=1')
! em('d["a\\0b"]=1')
! em('d[b"a\\0b"]=1')
! em('d.pop("abc")')
! em('d.popitem("abc")')
  :$put =messages
  :unlet messages
*** 687,692 ****
--- 692,701 ----
  del o
+ :" Test vim.Dictionary.__new__
+ :$put =string(py3eval('vim.Dictionary({})'))
+ :$put =string(py3eval('vim.Dictionary(a=1)'))
+ :$put =string(py3eval('vim.Dictionary(((''a'', 1),))'))
  :" Test stdout/stderr
  :redir => messages
*** 696,701 ****
--- 705,720 ----
  :py sys.stderr.writelines(iter('abc'))
  :redir END
  :$put =string(substitute(messages, '\d\+', '', 'g'))
+ :" Test subclassing
+ py3 << EOF
+ class DupDict(vim.Dictionary):
+     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+         super(DupDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
+         super(DupDict, self).__setitem__('dup_' + key, value)
+ dd = DupDict()
+ dd['a'] = 'b'
+ :$put =string(sort(keys(py3eval('dd'))))
  :" Test exceptions
  :fun Exe(e)
*** ../vim-7.3.1060/src/testdir/test87.ok	2013-05-30 12:26:52.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/test87.ok	2013-05-30 12:47:48.000000000 +0200
*** 4,16 ****
  [0, 'as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
  [0, function('strlen'), [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
! ['-1', '1', 'b']
  '-1' : {'a': 1}
  '1' : 'asd'
  'b' : [1, 2, function('strlen')]
  [0, function('strlen')]
! {'1': 'asd', 'b': [1, 2, function('strlen')]}
  [0, 1, 2, 3]
  [0, 1, 2, 3]
  [0, 1, 3]
--- 4,32 ----
  [0, 'as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
  [0, function('strlen'), [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
! [b'-1', b'0', b'1', b'b']
! [-1, <vim.dictionary object at >, <vim.list object at >, b'asd']
! [(b'-1', <vim.dictionary object at >), (b'0', -1), (b'1', b'asd'), (b'b', <vim.list object at >)]
  '-1' : {'a': 1}
+ '0' : -1
  '1' : 'asd'
  'b' : [1, 2, function('strlen')]
  [0, function('strlen')]
! [1, 2, function('strlen')]
! [1, 2, function('strlen')]
! 1
! 'asd'
! 2
! True
! False
! True
! False
! [b'0']
! {'0': -1}
! (b'', -1)
! None
! []
  [0, 1, 2, 3]
  [0, 1, 2, 3]
  [0, 1, 3]
*** 44,49 ****
--- 60,67 ----
+ KeyError
+ KeyError
  d : locked:0;scope:0
  dl : locked:1;scope:0
  v: : locked:2;scope:1
*** 376,385 ****
! dictionary:__dir__,keys,locked,scope
  line  :
--- 394,406 ----
! dictionary:__dir__,get,has_key,items,keys,locked,pop,popitem,scope,update,values
+ {}
+ {'a': 1}
+ {'a': 1}
  line  :
*** 387,392 ****
--- 408,414 ----
  line  :
+ ['a', 'dup_a']
  (<class 'vim.error'>, error('abc',))
  (<class 'vim.error'>, error('def',))
  (<class 'vim.error'>, error('ghi',))
*** ../vim-7.3.1060/src/version.c	2013-05-30 12:43:50.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2013-05-30 12:59:48.000000000 +0200
*** 730,731 ****
--- 730,733 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1061,

How To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity:
4. Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "in".

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///