Subject: Patch 7.2.190
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.190
Problem:    The register executed by @@ isn't restored.
Solution:   Mark the executable register in the viminfo file.
Files:	    src/ops.c

*** ../vim-7.2.189/src/ops.c	2009-05-13 12:46:36.000000000 +0200
--- src/ops.c	2009-05-26 18:05:23.000000000 +0200
*** 1143,1148 ****
--- 1143,1150 ----
      return OK;
+ static int execreg_lastc = NUL;
   * execute a yank register: copy it into the stuff buffer
*** 1155,1161 ****
      int	    addcr;		/* always add '\n' to end of line */
      int	    silent;		/* set "silent" flag in typeahead buffer */
-     static int	lastc = NUL;
      long	i;
      char_u	*p;
      int		retval = OK;
--- 1157,1162 ----
*** 1163,1174 ****
      if (regname == '@')			/* repeat previous one */
! 	if (lastc == NUL)
  	    EMSG(_("E748: No previously used register"));
  	    return FAIL;
! 	regname = lastc;
  					/* check for valid regname */
      if (regname == '%' || regname == '#' || !valid_yank_reg(regname, FALSE))
--- 1164,1175 ----
      if (regname == '@')			/* repeat previous one */
! 	if (execreg_lastc == NUL)
  	    EMSG(_("E748: No previously used register"));
  	    return FAIL;
! 	regname = execreg_lastc;
  					/* check for valid regname */
      if (regname == '%' || regname == '#' || !valid_yank_reg(regname, FALSE))
*** 1176,1182 ****
  	return FAIL;
!     lastc = regname;
      regname = may_get_selection(regname);
--- 1177,1183 ----
  	return FAIL;
!     execreg_lastc = regname;
      regname = may_get_selection(regname);
*** 5337,5347 ****
--- 5338,5351 ----
      /* We only get here (hopefully) if line[0] == '"' */
      str = virp->vir_line + 1;
+     /* If the line starts with "" this is the y_previous register. */
      if (*str == '"')
  	set_prev = TRUE;
      if (!ASCII_ISALNUM(*str) && *str != '-')
  	if (viminfo_error("E577: ", _("Illegal register name"), virp->vir_line))
*** 5351,5356 ****
--- 5355,5368 ----
      get_yank_register(*str++, FALSE);
      if (!force && y_current->y_array != NULL)
  	do_it = FALSE;
+     if (*str == '@')
+     {
+ 	/* "x@: register x used for @@ */
+ 	if (force || execreg_lastc == NUL)
+ 	    execreg_lastc = str[-1];
+     }
      size = 0;
      limit = 100;	/* Optimized for registers containing <= 100 lines */
      if (do_it)
*** 5360,5366 ****
  	array = y_current->y_array =
  		       (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)(limit * sizeof(char_u *)));
! 	str = skipwhite(str);
  	if (STRNCMP(str, "CHAR", 4) == 0)
  	    y_current->y_type = MCHAR;
  #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
--- 5372,5378 ----
  	array = y_current->y_array =
  		       (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)(limit * sizeof(char_u *)));
! 	str = skipwhite(skiptowhite(str));
  	if (STRNCMP(str, "CHAR", 4) == 0)
  	    y_current->y_type = MCHAR;
  #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
*** 5443,5448 ****
--- 5455,5461 ----
      max_kbyte = get_viminfo_parameter('s');
      if (max_kbyte == 0)
      for (i = 0; i < NUM_REGISTERS; i++)
  	if (y_regs[i].y_array == NULL)
*** 5497,5503 ****
  	if (y_previous == &y_regs[i])
  	    fprintf(fp, "\"");
  	c = get_register_name(i);
! 	fprintf(fp, "\"%c\t%s\t%d\n", c, type,
  #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
--- 5510,5519 ----
  	if (y_previous == &y_regs[i])
  	    fprintf(fp, "\"");
  	c = get_register_name(i);
! 	fprintf(fp, "\"%c", c);
! 	if (c == execreg_lastc)
! 	    fprintf(fp, "@");
! 	fprintf(fp, "\t%s\t%d\n", type,
  #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
*** ../vim-7.2.189/src/version.c	2009-05-26 11:01:43.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2009-05-26 18:10:13.000000000 +0200
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     190,

If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the
human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its
full potential, that word would be "meetings."

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///