Subject: Patch 7.4.527
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From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.4.527
Problem:    Still confusing regexp failure and NFA_TOO_EXPENSIVE.
Solution:   NFA changes equivalent of 7.4.526.
Files:	    src/regexp_nfa.c

*** ../vim-7.4.526/src/regexp_nfa.c	2014-11-05 14:26:30.764758363 +0100
--- src/regexp_nfa.c	2014-11-23 15:50:57.980625347 +0100
*** 6767,6773 ****
   * Try match of "prog" with at regline["col"].
!  * Returns 0 for failure, number of lines contained in the match otherwise.
      static long
  nfa_regtry(prog, col)
--- 6767,6773 ----
   * Try match of "prog" with at regline["col"].
!  * Returns <= 0 for failure, number of lines contained in the match otherwise.
      static long
  nfa_regtry(prog, col)
*** 6897,6903 ****
   * Match a regexp against a string ("line" points to the string) or multiple
   * lines ("line" is NULL, use reg_getline()).
!  * Returns 0 for failure, number of lines contained in the match otherwise.
      static long
  nfa_regexec_both(line, startcol)
--- 6897,6903 ----
   * Match a regexp against a string ("line" points to the string) or multiple
   * lines ("line" is NULL, use reg_getline()).
!  * Returns <= 0 for failure, number of lines contained in the match otherwise.
      static long
  nfa_regexec_both(line, startcol)
*** 7137,7143 ****
   * Uses curbuf for line count and 'iskeyword'.
   * If "line_lbr" is TRUE consider a "\n" in "line" to be a line break.
!  * Return TRUE if there is a match, FALSE if not.
      static int
  nfa_regexec_nl(rmp, line, col, line_lbr)
--- 7137,7143 ----
   * Uses curbuf for line count and 'iskeyword'.
   * If "line_lbr" is TRUE consider a "\n" in "line" to be a line break.
!  * Returns <= 0 for failure, number of lines contained in the match otherwise.
      static int
  nfa_regexec_nl(rmp, line, col, line_lbr)
*** 7157,7163 ****
      ireg_icombine = FALSE;
      ireg_maxcol = 0;
!     return (nfa_regexec_both(line, col) != 0);
--- 7157,7163 ----
      ireg_icombine = FALSE;
      ireg_maxcol = 0;
!     return nfa_regexec_both(line, col);
*** 7166,7172 ****
   * "rmp->regprog" is a compiled regexp as returned by vim_regcomp().
   * Uses curbuf for line count and 'iskeyword'.
!  * Return zero if there is no match.  Return number of lines contained in the
   * match otherwise.
   * Note: the body is the same as bt_regexec() except for nfa_regexec_both()
--- 7166,7172 ----
   * "rmp->regprog" is a compiled regexp as returned by vim_regcomp().
   * Uses curbuf for line count and 'iskeyword'.
!  * Return <= 0 if there is no match.  Return number of lines contained in the
   * match otherwise.
   * Note: the body is the same as bt_regexec() except for nfa_regexec_both()
*** ../vim-7.4.526/src/version.c	2014-11-20 23:07:00.515474686 +0100
--- src/version.c	2014-11-23 15:53:23.170981186 +0100
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     527,

"I know that there are people who don't love their fellow man,
and I hate those people!" - Tom Lehrer

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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