Subject: Patch 7.2.150 (extra)
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Note: I haven't tested this myself, since I don't have a compiler that
works for this code.

Patch 7.2.150 (extra)
Problem:    Can't use tab pages from VisVim.
Solution:   Add tab page support to VisVim. (Adam Slater)
Files:	    src/VisVim/Commands.cpp, src/VisVim/Resource.h,

*** ../vim-7.2.149/src/VisVim/Commands.cpp	Thu May 10 20:45:34 2007
--- src/VisVim/Commands.cpp	Mon Mar  2 00:52:15 2009
*** 20,39 ****
  static BOOL g_bEnableVim = TRUE;	// Vim enabled
  static BOOL g_bDevStudioEditor = FALSE;	// Open file in Dev Studio editor simultaneously
  static int g_ChangeDir = CD_NONE;	// CD after file open?
! static void VimSetEnableState (BOOL bEnableState);
! static BOOL VimOpenFile (BSTR& FileName, long LineNr);
! static DISPID VimGetDispatchId (COleAutomationControl& VimOle, char* Method);
! static void VimErrDiag (COleAutomationControl& VimOle);
! static void VimChangeDir (COleAutomationControl& VimOle, DISPID DispatchId, BSTR& FileName);
! static void DebugMsg (char* Msg, char* Arg = NULL);
  // CCommands
! CCommands::CCommands ()
  	// m_pApplication == NULL; M$ Code generation bug!!!
  	m_pApplication = NULL;
--- 20,40 ----
  static BOOL g_bEnableVim = TRUE;	// Vim enabled
  static BOOL g_bDevStudioEditor = FALSE;	// Open file in Dev Studio editor simultaneously
+ static BOOL g_bNewTabs = FALSE;
  static int g_ChangeDir = CD_NONE;	// CD after file open?
! static void VimSetEnableState(BOOL bEnableState);
! static BOOL VimOpenFile(BSTR& FileName, long LineNr);
! static DISPID VimGetDispatchId(COleAutomationControl& VimOle, char* Method);
! static void VimErrDiag(COleAutomationControl& VimOle);
! static void VimChangeDir(COleAutomationControl& VimOle, DISPID DispatchId, BSTR& FileName);
! static void DebugMsg(char* Msg, char* Arg = NULL);
  // CCommands
! CCommands::CCommands()
  	// m_pApplication == NULL; M$ Code generation bug!!!
  	m_pApplication = NULL;
*** 41,57 ****
  	m_pDebuggerEventsObj = NULL;
! CCommands::~CCommands ()
! 	ASSERT (m_pApplication != NULL);
  	if (m_pApplication)
! 		m_pApplication->Release ();
  		m_pApplication = NULL;
! void CCommands::SetApplicationObject (IApplication * pApplication)
  	// This function assumes pApplication has already been AddRef'd
  	// for us, which CDSAddIn did in it's QueryInterface call
--- 42,58 ----
  	m_pDebuggerEventsObj = NULL;
! CCommands::~CCommands()
! 	ASSERT(m_pApplication != NULL);
  	if (m_pApplication)
! 		m_pApplication->Release();
  		m_pApplication = NULL;
! void CCommands::SetApplicationObject(IApplication * pApplication)
  	// This function assumes pApplication has already been AddRef'd
  	// for us, which CDSAddIn did in it's QueryInterface call
*** 61,115 ****
  	// Create Application event handlers
! 	XApplicationEventsObj::CreateInstance (&m_pApplicationEventsObj);
  	if (! m_pApplicationEventsObj)
! 		ReportInternalError ("XApplicationEventsObj::CreateInstance");
! 	m_pApplicationEventsObj->AddRef ();
! 	m_pApplicationEventsObj->Connect (m_pApplication);
  	m_pApplicationEventsObj->m_pCommands = this;
  #ifdef NEVER
  	// Create Debugger event handler
  	CComPtr < IDispatch > pDebugger;
! 	if (SUCCEEDED (m_pApplication->get_Debugger (&pDebugger))
  	    && pDebugger != NULL)
! 		XDebuggerEventsObj::CreateInstance (&m_pDebuggerEventsObj);
! 		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->AddRef ();
! 		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->Connect (pDebugger);
  		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->m_pCommands = this;
  	// Get settings from registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Vim\VisVim
! 	HKEY hAppKey = GetAppKey ("Vim");
  	if (hAppKey)
! 		HKEY hSectionKey = GetSectionKey (hAppKey, "VisVim");
  		if (hSectionKey)
! 			g_bEnableVim = GetRegistryInt (hSectionKey, "EnableVim",
! 			g_bDevStudioEditor = GetRegistryInt(hSectionKey,"DevStudioEditor",
! 							    g_bDevStudioEditor);
! 			g_ChangeDir = GetRegistryInt (hSectionKey, "ChangeDir",
! 			RegCloseKey (hSectionKey);
! 		RegCloseKey (hAppKey);
! void CCommands::UnadviseFromEvents ()
! 	ASSERT (m_pApplicationEventsObj != NULL);
  	if (m_pApplicationEventsObj)
! 		m_pApplicationEventsObj->Disconnect (m_pApplication);
! 		m_pApplicationEventsObj->Release ();
  		m_pApplicationEventsObj = NULL;
--- 62,118 ----
  	// Create Application event handlers
! 	XApplicationEventsObj::CreateInstance(&m_pApplicationEventsObj);
  	if (! m_pApplicationEventsObj)
! 		ReportInternalError("XApplicationEventsObj::CreateInstance");
! 	m_pApplicationEventsObj->AddRef();
! 	m_pApplicationEventsObj->Connect(m_pApplication);
  	m_pApplicationEventsObj->m_pCommands = this;
  #ifdef NEVER
  	// Create Debugger event handler
  	CComPtr < IDispatch > pDebugger;
! 	if (SUCCEEDED(m_pApplication->get_Debugger(&pDebugger))
  	    && pDebugger != NULL)
! 		XDebuggerEventsObj::CreateInstance(&m_pDebuggerEventsObj);
! 		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->AddRef();
! 		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->Connect(pDebugger);
  		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->m_pCommands = this;
  	// Get settings from registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Vim\VisVim
! 	HKEY hAppKey = GetAppKey("Vim");
  	if (hAppKey)
! 		HKEY hSectionKey = GetSectionKey(hAppKey, "VisVim");
  		if (hSectionKey)
! 			g_bEnableVim = GetRegistryInt(hSectionKey, "EnableVim",
! 			g_bDevStudioEditor = GetRegistryInt(hSectionKey,
! 					"DevStudioEditor", g_bDevStudioEditor);
! 			g_bNewTabs = GetRegistryInt(hSectionKey, "NewTabs",
! 						    g_bNewTabs);
! 			g_ChangeDir = GetRegistryInt(hSectionKey, "ChangeDir",
! 			RegCloseKey(hSectionKey);
! 		RegCloseKey(hAppKey);
! void CCommands::UnadviseFromEvents()
! 	ASSERT(m_pApplicationEventsObj != NULL);
  	if (m_pApplicationEventsObj)
! 		m_pApplicationEventsObj->Disconnect(m_pApplication);
! 		m_pApplicationEventsObj->Release();
  		m_pApplicationEventsObj = NULL;
*** 121,130 ****
  		// unadvise from its events (thus the VERIFY_OK below--see
  		// stdafx.h).
  		CComPtr < IDispatch > pDebugger;
! 		VERIFY_OK (m_pApplication->get_Debugger (&pDebugger));
! 		ASSERT (pDebugger != NULL);
! 		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->Disconnect (pDebugger);
! 		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->Release ();
  		m_pDebuggerEventsObj = NULL;
--- 124,133 ----
  		// unadvise from its events (thus the VERIFY_OK below--see
  		// stdafx.h).
  		CComPtr < IDispatch > pDebugger;
! 		VERIFY_OK(m_pApplication->get_Debugger(&pDebugger));
! 		ASSERT(pDebugger != NULL);
! 		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->Disconnect(pDebugger);
! 		m_pDebuggerEventsObj->Release();
  		m_pDebuggerEventsObj = NULL;
*** 136,156 ****
  // Application events
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeBuildStart ()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BuildFinish (long nNumErrors, long nNumWarnings)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeApplicationShutDown ()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
--- 139,159 ----
  // Application events
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeBuildStart()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BuildFinish(long nNumErrors, long nNumWarnings)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeApplicationShutDown()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
*** 158,166 ****
  // is done.
  // Vim gets called from here.
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::DocumentOpen (IDispatch * theDocument)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	if (! g_bEnableVim)
  		// Vim not enabled or empty command line entered
--- 161,169 ----
  // is done.
  // Vim gets called from here.
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::DocumentOpen(IDispatch * theDocument)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	if (! g_bEnableVim)
  		// Vim not enabled or empty command line entered
*** 169,175 ****
  	// First get the current file name and line number
  	// Get the document object
! 	CComQIPtr < ITextDocument, &IID_ITextDocument > pDoc (theDocument);
  	if (! pDoc)
  		return S_OK;
--- 172,178 ----
  	// First get the current file name and line number
  	// Get the document object
! 	CComQIPtr < ITextDocument, &IID_ITextDocument > pDoc(theDocument);
  	if (! pDoc)
  		return S_OK;
*** 177,202 ****
  	long LineNr = -1;
  	// Get the document name
! 	if (FAILED (pDoc->get_FullName (&FileName)))
  		return S_OK;
  	// Get a selection object dispatch pointer
! 	if (SUCCEEDED (pDoc->get_Selection (&pDispSel)))
  		// Get the selection object
! 		CComQIPtr < ITextSelection, &IID_ITextSelection > pSel (pDispSel);
  		if (pSel)
  			// Get the selection line number
! 			pSel->get_CurrentLine (&LineNr);
! 		pDispSel->Release ();
  	// Open the file in Vim and position to the current line
! 	if (VimOpenFile (FileName, LineNr))
  		if (! g_bDevStudioEditor)
--- 180,205 ----
  	long LineNr = -1;
  	// Get the document name
! 	if (FAILED(pDoc->get_FullName(&FileName)))
  		return S_OK;
  	// Get a selection object dispatch pointer
! 	if (SUCCEEDED(pDoc->get_Selection(&pDispSel)))
  		// Get the selection object
! 		CComQIPtr < ITextSelection, &IID_ITextSelection > pSel(pDispSel);
  		if (pSel)
  			// Get the selection line number
! 			pSel->get_CurrentLine(&LineNr);
! 		pDispSel->Release();
  	// Open the file in Vim and position to the current line
! 	if (VimOpenFile(FileName, LineNr))
  		if (! g_bDevStudioEditor)
*** 204,233 ****
  			CComVariant vSaveChanges = dsSaveChangesPrompt;
  			DsSaveStatus Saved;
! 			pDoc->Close (vSaveChanges, &Saved);
  	// We're done here
! 	SysFreeString (FileName);
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeDocumentClose (IDispatch * theDocument)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::DocumentSave (IDispatch * theDocument)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::NewDocument (IDispatch * theDocument)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	if (! g_bEnableVim)
  		// Vim not enabled or empty command line entered
--- 207,236 ----
  			CComVariant vSaveChanges = dsSaveChangesPrompt;
  			DsSaveStatus Saved;
! 			pDoc->Close(vSaveChanges, &Saved);
  	// We're done here
! 	SysFreeString(FileName);
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::BeforeDocumentClose(IDispatch * theDocument)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::DocumentSave(IDispatch * theDocument)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::NewDocument(IDispatch * theDocument)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	if (! g_bEnableVim)
  		// Vim not enabled or empty command line entered
*** 235,253 ****
  	// First get the current file name and line number
! 	CComQIPtr < ITextDocument, &IID_ITextDocument > pDoc (theDocument);
  	if (! pDoc)
  		return S_OK;
  	BSTR FileName;
  	HRESULT hr;
! 	hr = pDoc->get_FullName (&FileName);
! 	if (FAILED (hr))
  		return S_OK;
  	// Open the file in Vim and position to the current line
! 	if (VimOpenFile (FileName, 0))
  		if (! g_bDevStudioEditor)
--- 238,256 ----
  	// First get the current file name and line number
! 	CComQIPtr < ITextDocument, &IID_ITextDocument > pDoc(theDocument);
  	if (! pDoc)
  		return S_OK;
  	BSTR FileName;
  	HRESULT hr;
! 	hr = pDoc->get_FullName(&FileName);
! 	if (FAILED(hr))
  		return S_OK;
  	// Open the file in Vim and position to the current line
! 	if (VimOpenFile(FileName, 0))
  		if (! g_bDevStudioEditor)
*** 255,303 ****
  			CComVariant vSaveChanges = dsSaveChangesPrompt;
  			DsSaveStatus Saved;
! 			pDoc->Close (vSaveChanges, &Saved);
! 	SysFreeString (FileName);
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WindowActivate (IDispatch * theWindow)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WindowDeactivate (IDispatch * theWindow)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WorkspaceOpen ()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WorkspaceClose ()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::NewWorkspace ()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
  // Debugger event
! HRESULT CCommands::XDebuggerEvents::BreakpointHit (IDispatch * pBreakpoint)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	return S_OK;
--- 258,306 ----
  			CComVariant vSaveChanges = dsSaveChangesPrompt;
  			DsSaveStatus Saved;
! 			pDoc->Close(vSaveChanges, &Saved);
! 	SysFreeString(FileName);
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WindowActivate(IDispatch * theWindow)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WindowDeactivate(IDispatch * theWindow)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WorkspaceOpen()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::WorkspaceClose()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
! HRESULT CCommands::XApplicationEvents::NewWorkspace()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
  // Debugger event
! HRESULT CCommands::XDebuggerEvents::BreakpointHit(IDispatch * pBreakpoint)
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	return S_OK;
*** 308,324 ****
  class CMainDialog : public CDialog
! 	CMainDialog (CWnd * pParent = NULL);	// Standard constructor
  	enum { IDD = IDD_ADDINMAIN };
  	int	m_ChangeDir;
  	BOOL	m_bDevStudioEditor;
! 	virtual void DoDataExchange (CDataExchange * pDX);	// DDX/DDV support
--- 311,328 ----
  class CMainDialog : public CDialog
! 	CMainDialog(CWnd * pParent = NULL);	// Standard constructor
  	enum { IDD = IDD_ADDINMAIN };
  	int	m_ChangeDir;
  	BOOL	m_bDevStudioEditor;
+ 	BOOL	m_bNewTabs;
! 	virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange * pDX);	// DDX/DDV support
*** 326,425 ****
  	afx_msg void OnEnable();
  	afx_msg void OnDisable();
! CMainDialog::CMainDialog (CWnd * pParent /* =NULL */ )
! 	: CDialog (CMainDialog::IDD, pParent)
  	m_ChangeDir = -1;
  	m_bDevStudioEditor = FALSE;
! void CMainDialog::DoDataExchange (CDataExchange * pDX)
! 	CDialog::DoDataExchange (pDX);
  	DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_CD_SOURCE_PATH, m_ChangeDir);
! 	DDX_Check (pDX, IDC_DEVSTUDIO_EDITOR, m_bDevStudioEditor);
! BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP (CMainDialog, CDialog)
  // CCommands methods
! STDMETHODIMP CCommands::VisVimDialog ()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	// Use m_pApplication to access the Developer Studio Application
  	// object,
  	// and VERIFY_OK to see error strings in DEBUG builds of your add-in
  	// (see stdafx.h)
! 	VERIFY_OK (m_pApplication->EnableModeless (VARIANT_FALSE));
  	CMainDialog Dlg;
  	Dlg.m_bDevStudioEditor = g_bDevStudioEditor;
  	Dlg.m_ChangeDir = g_ChangeDir;
! 	if (Dlg.DoModal () == IDOK)
  		g_bDevStudioEditor = Dlg.m_bDevStudioEditor;
  		g_ChangeDir = Dlg.m_ChangeDir;
  		// Save settings to registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Vim\VisVim
! 		HKEY hAppKey = GetAppKey ("Vim");
  		if (hAppKey)
! 			HKEY hSectionKey = GetSectionKey (hAppKey, "VisVim");
  			if (hSectionKey)
! 				WriteRegistryInt (hSectionKey, "DevStudioEditor",
! 				WriteRegistryInt (hSectionKey, "ChangeDir", g_ChangeDir);
! 				RegCloseKey (hSectionKey);
! 			RegCloseKey (hAppKey);
! 	VERIFY_OK (m_pApplication->EnableModeless (VARIANT_TRUE));
  	return S_OK;
! STDMETHODIMP CCommands::VisVimEnable ()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
! 	VimSetEnableState (true);
  	return S_OK;
! STDMETHODIMP CCommands::VisVimDisable ()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
! 	VimSetEnableState (false);
  	return S_OK;
! STDMETHODIMP CCommands::VisVimToggle ()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
! 	VimSetEnableState (! g_bEnableVim);
  	return S_OK;
! STDMETHODIMP CCommands::VisVimLoad ()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
  	// Use m_pApplication to access the Developer Studio Application object,
  	// and VERIFY_OK to see error strings in DEBUG builds of your add-in
--- 330,435 ----
  	afx_msg void OnEnable();
  	afx_msg void OnDisable();
! CMainDialog::CMainDialog(CWnd * pParent /* =NULL */ )
! 	: CDialog(CMainDialog::IDD, pParent)
  	m_ChangeDir = -1;
  	m_bDevStudioEditor = FALSE;
+ 	m_bNewTabs = FALSE;
! void CMainDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange * pDX)
! 	CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);
  	DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_CD_SOURCE_PATH, m_ChangeDir);
! 	DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_DEVSTUDIO_EDITOR, m_bDevStudioEditor);
! 	DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_NEW_TABS, m_bNewTabs);
! BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMainDialog, CDialog)
  // CCommands methods
! STDMETHODIMP CCommands::VisVimDialog()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	// Use m_pApplication to access the Developer Studio Application
  	// object,
  	// and VERIFY_OK to see error strings in DEBUG builds of your add-in
  	// (see stdafx.h)
! 	VERIFY_OK(m_pApplication->EnableModeless(VARIANT_FALSE));
  	CMainDialog Dlg;
  	Dlg.m_bDevStudioEditor = g_bDevStudioEditor;
+ 	Dlg.m_bNewTabs = g_bNewTabs;
  	Dlg.m_ChangeDir = g_ChangeDir;
! 	if (Dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
  		g_bDevStudioEditor = Dlg.m_bDevStudioEditor;
+ 		g_bNewTabs = Dlg.m_bNewTabs;
  		g_ChangeDir = Dlg.m_ChangeDir;
  		// Save settings to registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Vim\VisVim
! 		HKEY hAppKey = GetAppKey("Vim");
  		if (hAppKey)
! 			HKEY hSectionKey = GetSectionKey(hAppKey, "VisVim");
  			if (hSectionKey)
! 				WriteRegistryInt(hSectionKey, "DevStudioEditor",
! 				WriteRegistryInt(hSectionKey, "NewTabs",
! 						  g_bNewTabs);
! 				WriteRegistryInt(hSectionKey, "ChangeDir", g_ChangeDir);
! 				RegCloseKey(hSectionKey);
! 			RegCloseKey(hAppKey);
! 	VERIFY_OK(m_pApplication->EnableModeless(VARIANT_TRUE));
  	return S_OK;
! STDMETHODIMP CCommands::VisVimEnable()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
! 	VimSetEnableState(true);
  	return S_OK;
! STDMETHODIMP CCommands::VisVimDisable()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
! 	VimSetEnableState(false);
  	return S_OK;
! STDMETHODIMP CCommands::VisVimToggle()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
! 	VimSetEnableState(! g_bEnableVim);
  	return S_OK;
! STDMETHODIMP CCommands::VisVimLoad()
! 	AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
  	// Use m_pApplication to access the Developer Studio Application object,
  	// and VERIFY_OK to see error strings in DEBUG builds of your add-in
*** 430,436 ****
  	CComPtr < IDispatch > pDispDoc, pDispSel;
  	// Get a document object dispatch pointer
! 	VERIFY_OK (m_pApplication->get_ActiveDocument (&pDispDoc));
  	if (! pDispDoc)
  		return S_OK;
--- 440,446 ----
  	CComPtr < IDispatch > pDispDoc, pDispSel;
  	// Get a document object dispatch pointer
! 	VERIFY_OK(m_pApplication->get_ActiveDocument(&pDispDoc));
  	if (! pDispDoc)
  		return S_OK;
*** 438,467 ****
  	long LineNr = -1;
  	// Get the document object
! 	CComQIPtr < ITextDocument, &IID_ITextDocument > pDoc (pDispDoc);
  	if (! pDoc)
  		return S_OK;
  	// Get the document name
! 	if (FAILED (pDoc->get_FullName (&FileName)))
  		return S_OK;
  	// Get a selection object dispatch pointer
! 	if (SUCCEEDED (pDoc->get_Selection (&pDispSel)))
  		// Get the selection object
! 		CComQIPtr < ITextSelection, &IID_ITextSelection > pSel (pDispSel);
  		if (pSel)
  			// Get the selection line number
! 			pSel->get_CurrentLine (&LineNr);
  	// Open the file in Vim
! 	VimOpenFile (FileName, LineNr);
! 	SysFreeString (FileName);
  	return S_OK;
--- 448,477 ----
  	long LineNr = -1;
  	// Get the document object
! 	CComQIPtr < ITextDocument, &IID_ITextDocument > pDoc(pDispDoc);
  	if (! pDoc)
  		return S_OK;
  	// Get the document name
! 	if (FAILED(pDoc->get_FullName(&FileName)))
  		return S_OK;
  	// Get a selection object dispatch pointer
! 	if (SUCCEEDED(pDoc->get_Selection(&pDispSel)))
  		// Get the selection object
! 		CComQIPtr < ITextSelection, &IID_ITextSelection > pSel(pDispSel);
  		if (pSel)
  			// Get the selection line number
! 			pSel->get_CurrentLine(&LineNr);
  	// Open the file in Vim
! 	VimOpenFile(FileName, LineNr);
! 	SysFreeString(FileName);
  	return S_OK;
*** 472,487 ****
  // Set the enable state and save to registry
! static void VimSetEnableState (BOOL bEnableState)
  	g_bEnableVim = bEnableState;
! 	HKEY hAppKey = GetAppKey ("Vim");
  	if (hAppKey)
! 		HKEY hSectionKey = GetSectionKey (hAppKey, "VisVim");
  		if (hSectionKey)
! 			WriteRegistryInt (hSectionKey, "EnableVim", g_bEnableVim);
! 		RegCloseKey (hAppKey);
--- 482,497 ----
  // Set the enable state and save to registry
! static void VimSetEnableState(BOOL bEnableState)
  	g_bEnableVim = bEnableState;
! 	HKEY hAppKey = GetAppKey("Vim");
  	if (hAppKey)
! 		HKEY hSectionKey = GetSectionKey(hAppKey, "VisVim");
  		if (hSectionKey)
! 			WriteRegistryInt(hSectionKey, "EnableVim", g_bEnableVim);
! 		RegCloseKey(hAppKey);
*** 490,496 ****
  // letter.
  // 'LineNr' must contain a valid line number or 0, e. g. for a new file
! static BOOL VimOpenFile (BSTR& FileName, long LineNr)
  	// OLE automation object for com. with Vim
--- 500,506 ----
  // letter.
  // 'LineNr' must contain a valid line number or 0, e. g. for a new file
! static BOOL VimOpenFile(BSTR& FileName, long LineNr)
  	// OLE automation object for com. with Vim
*** 507,513 ****
  	// Get a dispatch id for the SendKeys method of Vim;
  	// enables connection to Vim if necessary
  	DISPID DispatchId;
! 	DispatchId = VimGetDispatchId (VimOle, "SendKeys");
  	if (! DispatchId)
  		// OLE error, can't obtain dispatch id
  		goto OleError;
--- 517,523 ----
  	// Get a dispatch id for the SendKeys method of Vim;
  	// enables connection to Vim if necessary
  	DISPID DispatchId;
! 	DispatchId = VimGetDispatchId(VimOle, "SendKeys");
  	if (! DispatchId)
  		// OLE error, can't obtain dispatch id
  		goto OleError;
*** 525,544 ****
  	// Update the current file in Vim if it has been modified.
  	// Disabled, because it could write the file when you don't want to.
! 	sprintf (VimCmd + 2, ":up\n");
! 	if (! VimOle.Method (DispatchId, "s", TO_OLE_STR_BUF (VimCmd, Buf)))
  		goto OleError;
  	// Change Vim working directory to where the file is if desired
  	if (g_ChangeDir != CD_NONE)
! 		VimChangeDir (VimOle, DispatchId, FileName);
  	// Make Vim open the file.
  	// In the filename convert all \ to /, put a \ before a space.
! 	sprintf(VimCmd, ":drop ");
  	sprintf(FileNameTmp, "%S", (char *)FileName);
- 	s = VimCmd + 6;
  	for (p = FileNameTmp; *p != '\0' && s < FileNameTmp + MAX_OLE_STR - 4;
  		if (*p == '\\')
--- 535,562 ----
  	// Update the current file in Vim if it has been modified.
  	// Disabled, because it could write the file when you don't want to.
! 	sprintf(VimCmd + 2, ":up\n");
! 	if (! VimOle.Method(DispatchId, "s", TO_OLE_STR_BUF(VimCmd, Buf)))
  		goto OleError;
  	// Change Vim working directory to where the file is if desired
  	if (g_ChangeDir != CD_NONE)
! 		VimChangeDir(VimOle, DispatchId, FileName);
  	// Make Vim open the file.
  	// In the filename convert all \ to /, put a \ before a space.
! 	if (g_bNewTabs)
! 	{
! 		sprintf(VimCmd, ":tab drop ");
! 		s = VimCmd + 11;
! 	}
! 	else
! 	{
! 		sprintf(VimCmd, ":drop ");
! 		s = VimCmd + 6;
! 	}
  	sprintf(FileNameTmp, "%S", (char *)FileName);
  	for (p = FileNameTmp; *p != '\0' && s < FileNameTmp + MAX_OLE_STR - 4;
  		if (*p == '\\')
*** 552,571 ****
  	*s++ = '\n';
  	*s = '\0';
! 	if (! VimOle.Method (DispatchId, "s", TO_OLE_STR_BUF (VimCmd, Buf)))
  		goto OleError;
  	if (LineNr > 0)
  		// Goto line
! 		sprintf (VimCmd, ":%d\n", LineNr);
! 		if (! VimOle.Method (DispatchId, "s", TO_OLE_STR_BUF (VimCmd, Buf)))
  			goto OleError;
  	// Make Vim come to the foreground
! 	if (! VimOle.Method ("SetForeground"))
! 		VimOle.ErrDiag ();
  	// We're done
  	return true;
--- 570,589 ----
  	*s++ = '\n';
  	*s = '\0';
! 	if (! VimOle.Method(DispatchId, "s", TO_OLE_STR_BUF(VimCmd, Buf)))
  		goto OleError;
  	if (LineNr > 0)
  		// Goto line
! 		sprintf(VimCmd, ":%d\n", LineNr);
! 		if (! VimOle.Method(DispatchId, "s", TO_OLE_STR_BUF(VimCmd, Buf)))
  			goto OleError;
  	// Make Vim come to the foreground
! 	if (! VimOle.Method("SetForeground"))
! 		VimOle.ErrDiag();
  	// We're done
  	return true;
*** 573,579 ****
  	// There was an OLE error
  	// Check if it's the "unknown class string" error
! 	VimErrDiag (VimOle);
  	return false;
--- 591,597 ----
  	// There was an OLE error
  	// Check if it's the "unknown class string" error
! 	VimErrDiag(VimOle);
  	return false;
*** 581,598 ****
  // Create the Vim OLE object if necessary
  // Returns a valid dispatch id or null on error
! static DISPID VimGetDispatchId (COleAutomationControl& VimOle, char* Method)
  	// Initialize Vim OLE connection if not already done
! 	if (! VimOle.IsCreated ())
! 		if (! VimOle.CreateObject ("Vim.Application"))
  			return NULL;
  	// Get the dispatch id for the SendKeys method.
  	// By doing this, we are checking if Vim is still there...
! 	DISPID DispatchId = VimOle.GetDispatchId ("SendKeys");
  	if (! DispatchId)
  		// We can't get a dispatch id.
--- 599,616 ----
  // Create the Vim OLE object if necessary
  // Returns a valid dispatch id or null on error
! static DISPID VimGetDispatchId(COleAutomationControl& VimOle, char* Method)
  	// Initialize Vim OLE connection if not already done
! 	if (! VimOle.IsCreated())
! 		if (! VimOle.CreateObject("Vim.Application"))
  			return NULL;
  	// Get the dispatch id for the SendKeys method.
  	// By doing this, we are checking if Vim is still there...
! 	DISPID DispatchId = VimOle.GetDispatchId("SendKeys");
  	if (! DispatchId)
  		// We can't get a dispatch id.
*** 604,615 ****
  		// should not be kept long enough to allow the user to terminate Vim
  		// to avoid memory corruption (why the heck is there no system garbage
  		// collection for those damned OLE memory chunks???).
! 		VimOle.DeleteObject ();
! 		if (! VimOle.CreateObject ("Vim.Application"))
  			// If this create fails, it's time for an error msg
  			return NULL;
! 		if (! (DispatchId = VimOle.GetDispatchId ("SendKeys")))
  			// There is something wrong...
  			return NULL;
--- 622,633 ----
  		// should not be kept long enough to allow the user to terminate Vim
  		// to avoid memory corruption (why the heck is there no system garbage
  		// collection for those damned OLE memory chunks???).
! 		VimOle.DeleteObject();
! 		if (! VimOle.CreateObject("Vim.Application"))
  			// If this create fails, it's time for an error msg
  			return NULL;
! 		if (! (DispatchId = VimOle.GetDispatchId("SendKeys")))
  			// There is something wrong...
  			return NULL;
*** 620,639 ****
  // Output an error message for an OLE error
  // Check on the classstring error, which probably means Vim wasn't registered.
! static void VimErrDiag (COleAutomationControl& VimOle)
! 	SCODE sc = GetScode (VimOle.GetResult ());
  	if (sc == CO_E_CLASSSTRING)
  		char Buf[256];
! 		sprintf (Buf, "There is no registered OLE automation server named "
  			 "Use the OLE-enabled version of Vim with VisVim and "
  			 "make sure to register Vim by running \"vim -register\".");
! 		MessageBox (NULL, Buf, "OLE Error", MB_OK);
! 		VimOle.ErrDiag ();
  // Change directory to the directory the file 'FileName' is in or it's parent
--- 638,657 ----
  // Output an error message for an OLE error
  // Check on the classstring error, which probably means Vim wasn't registered.
! static void VimErrDiag(COleAutomationControl& VimOle)
! 	SCODE sc = GetScode(VimOle.GetResult());
  	if (sc == CO_E_CLASSSTRING)
  		char Buf[256];
! 		sprintf(Buf, "There is no registered OLE automation server named "
  			 "Use the OLE-enabled version of Vim with VisVim and "
  			 "make sure to register Vim by running \"vim -register\".");
! 		MessageBox(NULL, Buf, "OLE Error", MB_OK);
! 		VimOle.ErrDiag();
  // Change directory to the directory the file 'FileName' is in or it's parent
*** 644,650 ****
! static void VimChangeDir (COleAutomationControl& VimOle, DISPID DispatchId, BSTR& FileName)
  	// Do a :cd first
--- 662,668 ----
! static void VimChangeDir(COleAutomationControl& VimOle, DISPID DispatchId, BSTR& FileName)
  	// Do a :cd first
*** 655,661 ****
  	char DirUnix[_MAX_DIR * 2];
  	char *s, *t;
! 	_splitpath (StrFileName, Drive, Dir, NULL, NULL);
  	// Convert to Unix path name format, escape spaces.
  	t = DirUnix;
--- 673,679 ----
  	char DirUnix[_MAX_DIR * 2];
  	char *s, *t;
! 	_splitpath(StrFileName, Drive, Dir, NULL, NULL);
  	// Convert to Unix path name format, escape spaces.
  	t = DirUnix;
*** 676,694 ****
  	char VimCmd[MAX_OLE_STR];
! 	sprintf (VimCmd, ":cd %s%s%s\n", Drive, DirUnix,
  		 g_ChangeDir == CD_SOURCE_PARENT && DirUnix[1] ? ".." : "");
! 	VimOle.Method (DispatchId, "s", TO_OLE_STR_BUF (VimCmd, Buf));
  #ifdef _DEBUG
  // Print out a debug message
! static void DebugMsg (char* Msg, char* Arg)
  	char Buf[400];
! 	sprintf (Buf, Msg, Arg);
! 	AfxMessageBox (Buf);
--- 694,711 ----
  	char VimCmd[MAX_OLE_STR];
! 	sprintf(VimCmd, ":cd %s%s%s\n", Drive, DirUnix,
  		 g_ChangeDir == CD_SOURCE_PARENT && DirUnix[1] ? ".." : "");
! 	VimOle.Method(DispatchId, "s", TO_OLE_STR_BUF(VimCmd, Buf));
  #ifdef _DEBUG
  // Print out a debug message
! static void DebugMsg(char* Msg, char* Arg)
  	char Buf[400];
! 	sprintf(Buf, Msg, Arg);
! 	AfxMessageBox(Buf);
*** ../vim-7.2.149/src/VisVim/Resource.h	Sun Jun 13 19:17:32 2004
--- src/VisVim/Resource.h	Mon Mar  2 00:39:21 2009
*** 16,21 ****
--- 16,22 ----
  #define IDC_CD_SOURCE_PATH		1001
  #define IDC_CD_SOURCE_PARENT		1002
  #define IDC_CD_NONE			1003
+ #define IDC_NEW_TABS			1004
  // Next default values for new objects
*** ../vim-7.2.149/src/VisVim/VisVim.rc	Sun Jun 13 19:38:03 2004
--- src/VisVim/VisVim.rc	Mon Mar  2 00:40:19 2009
*** 122,127 ****
--- 122,130 ----
      CONTROL         "&Open file in DevStudio editor simultaneously",
                      IDC_DEVSTUDIO_EDITOR,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_GROUP | 
+     CONTROL         "Open files in new tabs",
+                     IDC_NEW_TABS,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_GROUP | 
+                     WS_TABSTOP,7,21,153,10
      GROUPBOX        "Current directory",IDC_STATIC,7,35,164,58,WS_GROUP
      CONTROL         "Set to &source file path",IDC_CD_SOURCE_PATH,"Button",
                      BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,17,49,85,10
*** ../vim-7.2.149/src/version.c	Wed Apr 22 12:53:31 2009
--- src/version.c	Wed Apr 22 13:04:32 2009
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     150,

A poem:                read aloud:

<> !*''#               Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash,
^"`$$-                 Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash,
!*=@$_                 Bang splat equal at dollar under-score,
%*<> ~#4               Percent splat waka waka tilde number four,
&[]../                 Ampersand bracket bracket dot dot slash,
|{,,SYSTEM HALTED      Vertical-bar curly-bracket comma comma CRASH.

Fred Bremmer and Steve Kroese (Calvin College & Seminary of Grand Rapids, MI.)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\        download, build and distribute --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///