Subject: Patch 7.0.067
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.0.067
Problem:    Undo doesn't always work properly when using "scim" input method.
	    Undo is split up when using preediting.
Solution:   Reset xim_has_preediting also when preedit_start_col is not
	    MAXCOL.  Don't split undo when <Left> is used while preediting.
	    (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
Files:	    src/edit.c, src/mbyte.c

*** ../vim-7.0.066/src/edit.c	Tue Aug 22 19:58:22 2006
--- src/edit.c	Tue Aug 29 14:57:46 2006
*** 8597,8603 ****
      tpos = curwin->w_cursor;
      if (oneleft() == OK)
! 	start_arrow(&tpos);
  	/* If exit reversed string, position is fixed */
  	if (revins_scol != -1 && (int)curwin->w_cursor.col >= revins_scol)
--- 8597,8608 ----
      tpos = curwin->w_cursor;
      if (oneleft() == OK)
! #if defined(FEAT_XIM) && defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK)
! 	/* Only call start_arrow() when not busy with preediting, it will
! 	 * break undo.  K_LEFT is inserted in im_correct_cursor(). */
! 	if (!im_is_preediting())
! #endif
! 	    start_arrow(&tpos);
  	/* If exit reversed string, position is fixed */
  	if (revins_scol != -1 && (int)curwin->w_cursor.col >= revins_scol)
*** ../vim-7.0.066/src/mbyte.c	Wed Aug 16 18:05:36 2006
--- src/mbyte.c	Tue Aug 29 14:41:45 2006
*** 3514,3519 ****
--- 3514,3524 ----
  	add_to_input_buf(delkey, (int)sizeof(delkey));
+ /*
+  * Move the cursor left by "num_move_back" characters.
+  * Note that ins_left() checks im_is_preediting() to avoid breaking undo for
+  * these K_LEFT keys.
+  */
      static void
  im_correct_cursor(int num_move_back)
*** 3741,3748 ****
      else if (cursor_index == 0 && preedit_string[0] == '\0')
! 	if (preedit_start_col == MAXCOL)
! 	    xim_has_preediting = FALSE;
  	/* If at the start position (after typing backspace)
  	 * preedit_start_col must be reset. */
--- 3746,3752 ----
      else if (cursor_index == 0 && preedit_string[0] == '\0')
! 	xim_has_preediting = FALSE;
  	/* If at the start position (after typing backspace)
  	 * preedit_start_col must be reset. */
*** ../vim-7.0.066/src/version.c	Tue Aug 22 21:51:18 2006
--- src/version.c	Tue Aug 29 16:09:35 2006
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     67,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
265. Your reason for not staying in touch with family is that
     they do not have e-mail addresses.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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