Subject: Patch 7.3.792
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.3.792
Problem:    ":substitute" works differently without confirmation.
Solution:   Do not change the text when asking for confirmation, only display
Files:	    src/ex_cmds.c

*** ../vim-7.3.791/src/ex_cmds.c	2013-01-17 18:33:58.000000000 +0100
--- src/ex_cmds.c	2013-01-30 16:01:58.000000000 +0100
*** 4727,4732 ****
--- 4727,4734 ----
+ 			    char_u *orig_line = NULL;
+ 			    int    len_change = 0;
  			    int save_p_fen = curwin->w_p_fen;
*** 4737,4745 ****
  			    temp = RedrawingDisabled;
  			    RedrawingDisabled = 0;
  			    search_match_lines = regmatch.endpos[0].lnum
  						  - regmatch.startpos[0].lnum;
! 			    search_match_endcol = regmatch.endpos[0].col;
  			    highlight_match = TRUE;
--- 4739,4781 ----
  			    temp = RedrawingDisabled;
  			    RedrawingDisabled = 0;
+ 			    if (new_start != NULL)
+ 			    {
+ 				/* There already was a substitution, we would
+ 				 * like to show this to the user.  We cannot
+ 				 * really update the line, it would change
+ 				 * what matches.  Temporarily replace the line
+ 				 * and change it back afterwards. */
+ 				orig_line = vim_strsave(ml_get(lnum));
+ 				if (orig_line != NULL)
+ 				{
+ 				    char_u *new_line = concat_str(new_start,
+ 						     sub_firstline + copycol);
+ 				    if (new_line == NULL)
+ 				    {
+ 					vim_free(orig_line);
+ 					orig_line = NULL;
+ 				    }
+ 				    else
+ 				    {
+ 					/* Position the cursor relative to the
+ 					 * end of the line, the previous
+ 					 * substitute may have inserted or
+ 					 * deleted characters before the
+ 					 * cursor. */
+ 					len_change = STRLEN(new_line)
+ 							  - STRLEN(orig_line);
+ 					curwin->w_cursor.col += len_change;
+ 					ml_replace(lnum, new_line, FALSE);
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 			    }
  			    search_match_lines = regmatch.endpos[0].lnum
  						  - regmatch.startpos[0].lnum;
! 			    search_match_endcol = regmatch.endpos[0].col
! 								 + len_change;
  			    highlight_match = TRUE;
*** 4781,4786 ****
--- 4817,4826 ----
  			    msg_didout = FALSE;	/* don't scroll up */
  			    msg_col = 0;
+ 			    /* restore the line */
+ 			    if (orig_line != NULL)
+ 				ml_replace(lnum, orig_line, FALSE);
  			need_wait_return = FALSE; /* no hit-return prompt */
*** 5045,5058 ****
  		 * The check for nmatch_tl is needed for when multi-line
  		 * matching must replace the lines before trying to do another
  		 * match, otherwise "\@<=" won't work.
- 		 * When asking the user we like to show the already replaced
- 		 * text, but don't do it when "\<@=" or "\<@!" is used, it
- 		 * changes what matches.
  		 * When the match starts below where we start searching also
  		 * need to replace the line first (using \zs after \n).
  		if (lastone
- 			|| (do_ask && !re_lookbehind(regmatch.regprog))
  			|| nmatch_tl > 0
  			|| (nmatch = vim_regexec_multi(&regmatch, curwin,
  							curbuf, sub_firstlnum,
--- 5085,5094 ----
*** ../vim-7.3.791/src/version.c	2013-01-30 14:55:35.000000000 +0100
--- src/version.c	2013-01-30 16:25:36.000000000 +0100
*** 727,728 ****
--- 727,730 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     792,

Trees moving back and forth is what makes the wind blow.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///