diff --git a/forth.vim b/forth.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8713a72 --- /dev/null +++ b/forth.vim @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ +" Vim syntax file +" Language: FORTH +" Maintainer: Christian V. J. Br�ssow <cvjb@cvjb.de> +" Last Change: Sa 09 Feb 2008 13:27:29 CET +" Filenames: *.fs,*.ft +" URL: http://www.cvjb.de/comp/vim/forth.vim + +" $Id$ + +" The list of keywords is incomplete, compared with the offical ANS +" wordlist. If you use this language, please improve it, and send me +" the patches. +" +" Before sending me patches, please download the newest version of this file +" from http://www.cvjb.de/comp/vim/forth.vim or http://www.vim.org/ (search +" for forth.vim). + +" Many Thanks to... +" +" 2008-02-09: +" Shawn K. Quinn <sjquinn at speakeasy dot net> send a big patch with +" new words commonly used in Forth programs or defined by GNU Forth. +" +" 2007-07-11: +" Benjamin Krill <ben at codiert dot org> send me a patch +" to highlight space errors. +" You can toggle this feature on through setting the +" flag forth_space_errors in you vimrc. If you have switched it on, +" you can turn off highlighting of trailing spaces in comments by +" setting forth_no_trail_space_error in your vimrc. If you do not want +" the highlighting of a tabulator following a space in comments, you +" can turn this off by setting forth_no_tab_space_error. +" +" 2006-05-25: +" Bill McCarthy <WJMc@...> and Ilya Sher <ilya-vim@...> +" Who found a bug in the ccomment line in 2004!!! +" I'm really very sorry, that it has taken two years to fix that +" in the offical version of this file. Shame on me. +" I think my face will be red the next ten years... +" +" 2006-05-21: +" Thomas E. Vaughan <tevaugha at ball dot com> send me a patch +" for the parenthesis comment word, so words with a trailing +" parenthesis will not start the highlighting for such comments. +" +" 2003-05-10: +" Andrew Gaul <andrew at gaul.org> send me a patch for +" forthOperators. +" +" 2003-04-03: +" Ron Aaron <ron at ronware dot org> made updates for an +" improved Win32Forth support. +" +" 2002-04-22: +" Charles Shattuck <charley at forth dot org> helped me to settle up with the +" binary and hex number highlighting. +" +" 2002-04-20: +" Charles Shattuck <charley at forth dot org> send me some code for correctly +" highlighting char and [char] followed by an opening paren. He also added +" some words for operators, conditionals, and definitions; and added the +" highlighting for s" and c". +" +" 2000-03-28: +" John Providenza <john at probo dot com> made improvements for the +" highlighting of strings, and added the code for highlighting hex numbers. +" + + +" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items +" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded +if version < 600 + syntax clear +elseif exists("b:current_syntax") + finish +endif + +" Synchronization method +syn sync ccomment +syn sync maxlines=200 + +" I use gforth, so I set this to case ignore +syn case ignore + +" Some special, non-FORTH keywords +syn keyword forthTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX +syn match forthTodo contained 'Copyright\(\s([Cc])\)\=\(\s[0-9]\{2,4}\)\=' + +" Characters allowed in keywords +" I don't know if 128-255 are allowed in ANS-FORTH +if version >= 600 + setlocal iskeyword=!,@,33-35,%,$,38-64,A-Z,91-96,a-z,123-126,128-255 +else + set iskeyword=!,@,33-35,%,$,38-64,A-Z,91-96,a-z,123-126,128-255 +endif + +" when wanted, highlight trailing white space +if exists("forth_space_errors") + if !exists("forth_no_trail_space_error") + syn match forthSpaceError display excludenl "\s\+$" + endif + if !exists("forth_no_tab_space_error") + syn match forthSpaceError display " \+\t"me=e-1 + endif +endif + +" Keywords + +" basic mathematical and logical operators +syn keyword forthOperators + - * / MOD /MOD NEGATE ABS MIN MAX +syn keyword forthOperators AND OR XOR NOT LSHIFT RSHIFT INVERT 2* 2/ 1+ +syn keyword forthOperators 1- 2+ 2- 8* UNDER+ +syn keyword forthOperators M+ */ */MOD M* UM* M*/ UM/MOD FM/MOD SM/REM +syn keyword forthOperators D+ D- DNEGATE DABS DMIN DMAX D2* D2/ +syn keyword forthOperators F+ F- F* F/ FNEGATE FABS FMAX FMIN FLOOR FROUND +syn keyword forthOperators F** FSQRT FEXP FEXPM1 FLN FLNP1 FLOG FALOG FSIN +syn keyword forthOperators FCOS FSINCOS FTAN FASIN FACOS FATAN FATAN2 FSINH +syn keyword forthOperators FCOSH FTANH FASINH FACOSH FATANH F2* F2/ 1/F +syn keyword forthOperators F~REL F~ABS F~ +syn keyword forthOperators 0< 0<= 0<> 0= 0> 0>= < <= <> = > >= U< U<= +syn keyword forthOperators U> U>= D0< D0<= D0<> D0= D0> D0>= D< D<= D<> +syn keyword forthOperators D= D> D>= DU< DU<= DU> DU>= WITHIN ?NEGATE +syn keyword forthOperators ?DNEGATE + +" stack manipulations +syn keyword forthStack DROP NIP DUP OVER TUCK SWAP ROT -ROT ?DUP PICK ROLL +syn keyword forthStack 2DROP 2NIP 2DUP 2OVER 2TUCK 2SWAP 2ROT 2-ROT +syn keyword forthStack 3DUP 4DUP 5DUP 3DROP 4DROP 5DROP 8DROP 4SWAP 4ROT +syn keyword forthStack 4-ROT 4TUCK 8SWAP 8DUP +syn keyword forthRStack >R R> R@ RDROP 2>R 2R> 2R@ 2RDROP +syn keyword forthRstack 4>R 4R> 4R@ 4RDROP +syn keyword forthFStack FDROP FNIP FDUP FOVER FTUCK FSWAP FROT + +" stack pointer manipulations +syn keyword forthSP SP@ SP! FP@ FP! RP@ RP! LP@ LP! + +" address operations +syn keyword forthMemory @ ! +! C@ C! 2@ 2! F@ F! SF@ SF! DF@ DF! +syn keyword forthAdrArith CHARS CHAR+ CELLS CELL+ CELL ALIGN ALIGNED FLOATS +syn keyword forthAdrArith FLOAT+ FLOAT FALIGN FALIGNED SFLOATS SFLOAT+ +syn keyword forthAdrArith SFALIGN SFALIGNED DFLOATS DFLOAT+ DFALIGN DFALIGNED +syn keyword forthAdrArith MAXALIGN MAXALIGNED CFALIGN CFALIGNED +syn keyword forthAdrArith ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS ALLOT ALLOCATE HERE +syn keyword forthMemBlks MOVE ERASE CMOVE CMOVE> FILL BLANK + +" conditionals +syn keyword forthCond IF ELSE ENDIF THEN CASE OF ENDOF ENDCASE ?DUP-IF +syn keyword forthCond ?DUP-0=-IF AHEAD CS-PICK CS-ROLL CATCH THROW WITHIN + +" iterations +syn keyword forthLoop BEGIN WHILE REPEAT UNTIL AGAIN +syn keyword forthLoop ?DO LOOP I J K +DO U+DO -DO U-DO DO +LOOP -LOOP +syn keyword forthLoop UNLOOP LEAVE ?LEAVE EXIT DONE FOR NEXT + +" new words +syn match forthClassDef '\<:class\s*[^ \t]\+\>' +syn match forthObjectDef '\<:object\s*[^ \t]\+\>' +syn match forthColonDef '\<:m\?\s*[^ \t]\+\>' +syn keyword forthEndOfColonDef ; ;M ;m +syn keyword forthEndOfClassDef ;class +syn keyword forthEndOfObjectDef ;object +syn keyword forthDefine CONSTANT 2CONSTANT FCONSTANT VARIABLE 2VARIABLE +syn keyword forthDefine FVARIABLE CREATE USER VALUE TO DEFER IS DOES> IMMEDIATE +syn keyword forthDefine COMPILE-ONLY COMPILE RESTRICT INTERPRET POSTPONE EXECUTE +syn keyword forthDefine LITERAL CREATE-INTERPRET/COMPILE INTERPRETATION> +syn keyword forthDefine <INTERPRETATION COMPILATION> <COMPILATION ] LASTXT +syn keyword forthDefine COMP' POSTPONE, FIND-NAME NAME>INT NAME?INT NAME>COMP +syn keyword forthDefine NAME>STRING STATE C; CVARIABLE +syn keyword forthDefine , 2, F, C, +syn match forthDefine "\[IFDEF]" +syn match forthDefine "\[IFUNDEF]" +syn match forthDefine "\[THEN]" +syn match forthDefine "\[ENDIF]" +syn match forthDefine "\[ELSE]" +syn match forthDefine "\[?DO]" +syn match forthDefine "\[DO]" +syn match forthDefine "\[LOOP]" +syn match forthDefine "\[+LOOP]" +syn match forthDefine "\[NEXT]" +syn match forthDefine "\[BEGIN]" +syn match forthDefine "\[UNTIL]" +syn match forthDefine "\[AGAIN]" +syn match forthDefine "\[WHILE]" +syn match forthDefine "\[REPEAT]" +syn match forthDefine "\[COMP']" +syn match forthDefine "'" +syn match forthDefine '\<\[\>' +syn match forthDefine "\[']" +syn match forthDefine '\[COMPILE]' + +" debugging +syn keyword forthDebug PRINTDEBUGDATA PRINTDEBUGLINE +syn match forthDebug "\<\~\~\>" + +" Assembler +syn keyword forthAssembler ASSEMBLER CODE END-CODE ;CODE FLUSH-ICACHE C, + +" basic character operations +syn keyword forthCharOps (.) CHAR EXPECT FIND WORD TYPE -TRAILING EMIT KEY +syn keyword forthCharOps KEY? TIB CR +" recognize 'char (' or '[char] (' correctly, so it doesn't +" highlight everything after the paren as a comment till a closing ')' +syn match forthCharOps '\<char\s\S\s' +syn match forthCharOps '\<\[char\]\s\S\s' +syn region forthCharOps start=+."\s+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ + +" char-number conversion +syn keyword forthConversion <<# <# # #> #>> #S (NUMBER) (NUMBER?) CONVERT D>F +syn keyword forthConversion D>S DIGIT DPL F>D HLD HOLD NUMBER S>D SIGN >NUMBER +syn keyword forthConversion F>S S>F + +" interptreter, wordbook, compiler +syn keyword forthForth (LOCAL) BYE COLD ABORT >BODY >NEXT >LINK CFA >VIEW HERE +syn keyword forthForth PAD WORDS VIEW VIEW> N>LINK NAME> LINK> L>NAME FORGET +syn keyword forthForth BODY> ASSERT( ASSERT0( ASSERT1( ASSERT2( ASSERT3( ) +syn region forthForth start=+ABORT"\s+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ + +" vocabularies +syn keyword forthVocs ONLY FORTH ALSO ROOT SEAL VOCS ORDER CONTEXT #VOCS +syn keyword forthVocs VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS + +" File keywords +syn keyword forthFileMode R/O R/W W/O BIN +syn keyword forthFileWords OPEN-FILE CREATE-FILE CLOSE-FILE DELETE-FILE +syn keyword forthFileWords RENAME-FILE READ-FILE READ-LINE KEY-FILE +syn keyword forthFileWords KEY?-FILE WRITE-FILE WRITE-LINE EMIT-FILE +syn keyword forthFileWords FLUSH-FILE FILE-STATUS FILE-POSITION +syn keyword forthFileWords REPOSITION-FILE FILE-SIZE RESIZE-FILE +syn keyword forthFileWords SLURP-FILE SLURP-FID STDIN STDOUT STDERR +syn keyword forthBlocks OPEN-BLOCKS USE LOAD --> BLOCK-OFFSET +syn keyword forthBlocks GET-BLOCK-FID BLOCK-POSITION LIST SCR BLOCK +syn keyword forthBlocks BUFER EMPTY-BUFFERS EMPTY-BUFFER UPDATE UPDATED? +syn keyword forthBlocks SAVE-BUFFERS SAVE-BUFFER FLUSH THRU +LOAD +THRU +syn keyword forthBlocks BLOCK-INCLUDED + +" numbers +syn keyword forthMath DECIMAL HEX BASE +syn match forthInteger '\<-\=[0-9.]*[0-9.]\+\>' +syn match forthInteger '\<&-\=[0-9.]*[0-9.]\+\>' +" recognize hex and binary numbers, the '$' and '%' notation is for gforth +syn match forthInteger '\<\$\x*\x\+\>' " *1* --- dont't mess +syn match forthInteger '\<\x*\d\x*\>' " *2* --- this order! +syn match forthInteger '\<%[0-1]*[0-1]\+\>' +syn match forthFloat '\<-\=\d*[.]\=\d\+[DdEe]\d\+\>' +syn match forthFloat '\<-\=\d*[.]\=\d\+[DdEe][-+]\d\+\>' + +" XXX If you find this overkill you can remove it. this has to come after the +" highlighting for numbers otherwise it has no effect. +syn region forthComment start='0 \[if\]' end='\[endif\]' end='\[then\]' contains=forthTodo + +" Strings +syn region forthString start=+\.*\"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ +" XXX +syn region forthString start=+s\"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ +syn region forthString start=+c\"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ + +" Comments +syn match forthComment '\\\s.*$' contains=forthTodo,forthSpaceError +syn region forthComment start='\\S\s' end='.*' contains=forthTodo,forthSpaceError +syn match forthComment '\.(\s[^)]*)' contains=forthTodo,forthSpaceError +syn region forthComment start='\s(\s' skip='\\)' end=')' contains=forthTodo,forthSpaceError +syn region forthComment start='/\*' end='\*/' contains=forthTodo,forthSpaceError + +" Include files +syn match forthInclude '^INCLUDE\s\+\k\+' +syn match forthInclude '^require\s\+\k\+' +syn match forthInclude '^fload\s\+' +syn match forthInclude '^needs\s\+' + +" Locals definitions +syn region forthLocals start='{\s' start='{$' end='\s}' end='^}' +syn match forthLocals '{ }' " otherwise, at least two spaces between +syn region forthDeprecated start='locals|' end='|' + +" Define the default highlighting. +" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already +" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet +if version >= 508 || !exists("did_forth_syn_inits") + if version < 508 + let did_forth_syn_inits = 1 + command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> + else + command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> + endif + + " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overriden later. + HiLink forthTodo Todo + HiLink forthOperators Operator + HiLink forthMath Number + HiLink forthInteger Number + HiLink forthFloat Float + HiLink forthStack Special + HiLink forthRstack Special + HiLink forthFStack Special + HiLink forthSP Special + HiLink forthMemory Function + HiLink forthAdrArith Function + HiLink forthMemBlks Function + HiLink forthCond Conditional + HiLink forthLoop Repeat + HiLink forthColonDef Define + HiLink forthEndOfColonDef Define + HiLink forthDefine Define + HiLink forthDebug Debug + HiLink forthAssembler Include + HiLink forthCharOps Character + HiLink forthConversion String + HiLink forthForth Statement + HiLink forthVocs Statement + HiLink forthString String + HiLink forthComment Comment + HiLink forthClassDef Define + HiLink forthEndOfClassDef Define + HiLink forthObjectDef Define + HiLink forthEndOfObjectDef Define + HiLink forthInclude Include + HiLink forthLocals Type " nothing else uses type and locals must stand out + HiLink forthDeprecated Error " if you must, change to Type + HiLink forthFileMode Function + HiLink forthFileWords Statement + HiLink forthBlocks Statement + HiLink forthSpaceError Error + + delcommand HiLink +endif + +let b:current_syntax = "forth" + +" vim:ts=8:sw=4:nocindent:smartindent: