Subject: Patch 7.3.308
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.3.308
Problem:    Writing to 'verbosefile' has problems, e.g. for :highlight.
Solution:   Do not use a separate verbose_write() function but write with the
	    same code that does redirecting. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
Files:	    src/message.c

*** ../vim-7.3.307/src/message.c	2011-08-17 20:33:18.000000000 +0200
--- src/message.c	2011-09-14 15:32:57.000000000 +0200
*** 39,45 ****
  static void msg_screen_putchar __ARGS((int c, int attr));
  static int  msg_check_screen __ARGS((void));
  static void redir_write __ARGS((char_u *s, int maxlen));
- static void verbose_write __ARGS((char_u *s, int maxlen));
  static char_u *msg_show_console_dialog __ARGS((char_u *message, char_u *buttons, int dfltbutton));
  static int	confirm_msg_used = FALSE;	/* displaying confirm_msg */
--- 39,44 ----
*** 58,63 ****
--- 57,65 ----
  static struct msg_hist *last_msg_hist = NULL;
  static int msg_hist_len = 0;
+ static FILE *verbose_fd = NULL;
+ static int  verbose_did_open = FALSE;
   * When writing messages to the screen, there are many different situations.
   * A number of variables is used to remember the current state:
*** 1551,1557 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      if (has_mbyte && !IS_SPECIAL(c))
!         int len = (*mb_ptr2len)(str);
  	/* For multi-byte characters check for an illegal byte. */
  	if (has_mbyte && MB_BYTE2LEN(*str) > len)
--- 1553,1559 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      if (has_mbyte && !IS_SPECIAL(c))
! 	int len = (*mb_ptr2len)(str);
  	/* For multi-byte characters check for an illegal byte. */
  	if (has_mbyte && MB_BYTE2LEN(*str) > len)
*** 1560,1569 ****
  	    *sp = str + 1;
  	    return buf;
!         /* Since 'special' is TRUE the multi-byte character 'c' will be
!          * processed by get_special_key_name() */
!         c = (*mb_ptr2char)(str);
!         *sp = str + len;
--- 1562,1571 ----
  	    *sp = str + 1;
  	    return buf;
! 	/* Since 'special' is TRUE the multi-byte character 'c' will be
! 	 * processed by get_special_key_name() */
! 	c = (*mb_ptr2char)(str);
! 	*sp = str + len;
*** 3065,3076 ****
      if (redir_off)
!     /*
!      * If 'verbosefile' is set write message in that file.
!      * Must come before the rest because of updating "msg_col".
!      */
!     if (*p_vfile != NUL)
! 	verbose_write(s, maxlen);
      if (redirecting())
--- 3067,3075 ----
      if (redir_off)
!     /* If 'verbosefile' is set prepare for writing in that file. */
!     if (*p_vfile != NUL && verbose_fd == NULL)
! 	verbose_open();
      if (redirecting())
*** 3084,3092 ****
  		    write_reg_contents(redir_reg, (char_u *)" ", -1, TRUE);
  		else if (redir_vname)
  		    var_redir_str((char_u *)" ", -1);
! 		else if (redir_fd)
  		    fputs(" ", redir_fd);
--- 3083,3094 ----
  		    write_reg_contents(redir_reg, (char_u *)" ", -1, TRUE);
  		else if (redir_vname)
  		    var_redir_str((char_u *)" ", -1);
! 		else
+ 		    if (redir_fd != NULL)
  		    fputs(" ", redir_fd);
+ 		if (verbose_fd != NULL)
+ 		    fputs(" ", verbose_fd);
*** 3098,3110 ****
  	    var_redir_str(s, maxlen);
! 	/* Adjust the current column */
  	while (*s != NUL && (maxlen < 0 || (int)(s - str) < maxlen))
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
! 	    if (!redir_reg && !redir_vname && redir_fd != NULL)
! 		putc(*s, redir_fd);
  	    if (*s == '\r' || *s == '\n')
  		cur_col = 0;
  	    else if (*s == '\t')
--- 3100,3115 ----
  	    var_redir_str(s, maxlen);
! 	/* Write and adjust the current column. */
  	while (*s != NUL && (maxlen < 0 || (int)(s - str) < maxlen))
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
! 	    if (!redir_reg && !redir_vname)
! 		if (redir_fd != NULL)
! 		    putc(*s, redir_fd);
! 	    if (verbose_fd != NULL)
! 		putc(*s, verbose_fd);
  	    if (*s == '\r' || *s == '\n')
  		cur_col = 0;
  	    else if (*s == '\t')
*** 3122,3128 ****
!     return redir_fd != NULL
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
  			  || redir_reg || redir_vname
--- 3127,3133 ----
!     return redir_fd != NULL || *p_vfile != NUL
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
  			  || redir_reg || redir_vname
*** 3180,3188 ****
  	cmdline_row = msg_row;
- static FILE *verbose_fd = NULL;
- static int  verbose_did_open = FALSE;
   * Called when 'verbosefile' is set: stop writing to the file.
--- 3185,3190 ----
*** 3220,3268 ****
-  * Write a string to 'verbosefile'.
-  * When "maxlen" is -1 write the whole string, otherwise up to "maxlen" bytes.
-  */
-     static void
- verbose_write(str, maxlen)
-     char_u	*str;
-     int		maxlen;
- {
-     char_u	*s = str;
-     static int	cur_col = 0;
-     /* Open the file when called the first time. */
-     if (verbose_fd == NULL)
- 	verbose_open();
-     if (verbose_fd != NULL)
-     {
- 	/* If the string doesn't start with CR or NL, go to msg_col */
- 	if (*s != '\n' && *s != '\r')
- 	{
- 	    while (cur_col < msg_col)
- 	    {
- 		fputs(" ", verbose_fd);
- 		++cur_col;
- 	    }
- 	}
- 	/* Adjust the current column */
- 	while (*s != NUL && (maxlen < 0 || (int)(s - str) < maxlen))
- 	{
- 	    putc(*s, verbose_fd);
- 	    if (*s == '\r' || *s == '\n')
- 		cur_col = 0;
- 	    else if (*s == '\t')
- 		cur_col += (8 - cur_col % 8);
- 	    else
- 		++cur_col;
- 	    ++s;
- 	}
-     }
- }
- /*
   * Give a warning message (for searching).
   * Use 'w' highlighting and may repeat the message after redrawing
--- 3222,3227 ----
*** ../vim-7.3.307/src/version.c	2011-09-14 15:01:54.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2011-09-14 15:38:31.000000000 +0200
*** 711,712 ****
--- 711,714 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     308,

The average life of an organization chart is six months.  You can safely
ignore any order from your boss that would take six months to complete.
				(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///