diff --git a/7.0.232 b/7.0.232
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d60af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/7.0.232
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+To: vim-dev@vim.org
+Subject: patch 7.0.232 (extra)
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 7.0.232 (extra)
+Problem:    Mac: doesn't support GUI tab page labels.
+Solution:   Add GUI tab page labels. (Nicolas Weber)
+Files:	    src/feature.h, src/gui.c, src/gui.h, src/gui_mac.c,
+	    src/proto/gui_mac.pro
+*** ../vim-7.0.231/src/feature.h	Wed Nov  1 18:10:36 2006
+--- src/feature.h	Thu Mar 15 19:02:15 2007
+*** 756,761 ****
+--- 756,762 ----
+  #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_NORMAL) \
+      && (defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \
+  	|| (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) && defined(HAVE_XM_NOTEBOOK_H)) \
++ 	|| defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC) \
+  	|| (defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) && (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER > 1020)))
+  # define FEAT_GUI_TABLINE
+  #endif
+*** ../vim-7.0.231/src/gui.c	Tue Oct 10 17:36:50 2006
+--- src/gui.c	Thu Mar 15 19:02:15 2007
+*** 1159,1165 ****
+  #endif
+  # if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \
+! 	|| defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF))
+      if (gui_has_tabline())
+  	text_area_y += gui.tabline_height;
+  #endif
+--- 1159,1165 ----
+  #endif
+  # if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \
+!  	|| defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC))
+      if (gui_has_tabline())
+  	text_area_y += gui.tabline_height;
+  #endif
+*** ../vim-7.0.231/src/gui.h	Thu Apr 27 01:52:33 2006
+--- src/gui.h	Thu Mar 15 19:02:15 2007
+*** 421,427 ****
+  #endif	/* FEAT_GUI_GTK */
+  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) \
+! 	&& (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF))
+      int		tabline_height;
+  #endif
+--- 425,432 ----
+  #endif	/* FEAT_GUI_GTK */
+  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) \
+!  	&& (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) \
+!                  || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC))
+      int		tabline_height;
+  #endif
+*** ../vim-7.0.231/src/gui_mac.c	Thu Mar  8 20:39:02 2007
+--- src/gui_mac.c	Fri Mar 16 11:26:05 2007
+*** 4,10 ****
+   *				GUI/Motif support by Robert Webb
+   *				Macintosh port by Dany St-Amant
+   *					      and Axel Kielhorn
+!  *				Port to MPW by Bernhard Pr�mmer
+   *				Initial Carbon port by Ammon Skidmore
+   *
+   * Do ":help uganda"  in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
+--- 4,10 ----
+   *				GUI/Motif support by Robert Webb
+   *				Macintosh port by Dany St-Amant
+   *					      and Axel Kielhorn
+!  *				Port to MPW by Bernhard Pruemmer
+   *				Initial Carbon port by Ammon Skidmore
+   *
+   * Do ":help uganda"  in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
+*** 260,265 ****
+--- 260,270 ----
+  OSErr HandleUnusedParms(const AppleEvent *theAEvent);
+  #endif
++ static void initialise_tabline(void);
++ static WindowRef drawer = NULL; // TODO: put into gui.h
++ #endif
+  /*
+   * ------------------------------------------------------------
+   * Conversion Utility
+*** 2357,2362 ****
+--- 2323,2335 ----
+      thePart = FindWindow(theEvent->where, &whichWindow);
++     /* prevent that the vim window size changes if it's activated by a
++        click into the tab pane */
++     if (whichWindow == drawer)
++         return;
++ #endif
+      switch (thePart)
+      {
+  	case (inDesk):
+*** 3097,3102 ****
+--- 3070,3082 ----
+  #endif
+  */
++     /*
++      * Create the tabline
++      */
++     initialise_tabline();
++ #endif
+      /* TODO: Load bitmap if using TOOLBAR */
+      return OK;
+  }
+*** 5895,5901 ****
+      theCPB.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
+      theCPB.dirInfo.ioNamePtr   = file.name;
+      theCPB.dirInfo.ioVRefNum   = file.vRefNum;
+!   /*theCPB.hFileInfo.ioDirID   = 0;*/
+      theCPB.dirInfo.ioDrDirID   = file.parID;
+      /* As ioFDirIndex = 0, get the info of ioNamePtr,
+--- 5875,5881 ----
+      theCPB.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
+      theCPB.dirInfo.ioNamePtr   = file.name;
+      theCPB.dirInfo.ioVRefNum   = file.vRefNum;
+!     /*theCPB.hFileInfo.ioDirID   = 0;*/
+      theCPB.dirInfo.ioDrDirID   = file.parID;
+      /* As ioFDirIndex = 0, get the info of ioNamePtr,
+*** 6093,6096 ****
+--- 6073,6479 ----
+      return (script != smRoman
+  	    && script == GetScriptManagerVariable(smSysScript)) ? 1 : 0;
+  }
+  #endif /* defined(USE_IM_CONTROL) || defined(PROTO) */
++ #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) || defined(PROTO)
++ // drawer implementation
++ static MenuRef contextMenu = NULL;
++ enum
++ {
++     kTabContextMenuId = 42,
++ };
++ // the caller has to CFRelease() the returned string
++     static CFStringRef
++ getTabLabel(tabpage_T *page)
++ {
++     get_tabline_label(page, FALSE);
++     return mac_enc_to_cfstring(NameBuff, STRLEN(NameBuff));
++ #else
++     // TODO: check internal encoding?
++     return CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, (char *)NameBuff,
++ 						   kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
++ #endif
++ }
++ #define DRAWER_SIZE 150
++ #define DRAWER_INSET 16
++ static ControlRef dataBrowser = NULL;
++ // when the tabline is hidden, vim doesn't call update_tabline(). When
++ // the tabline is shown again, show_tabline() is called before upate_tabline(),
++ // and because of this, the tab labels and vims internal tabs are out of sync
++ // for a very short time. to prevent inconsistent state, we store the labels
++ // of the tabs, not pointers to the tabs (which are invalid for a short time).
++ static CFStringRef *tabLabels = NULL;
++ static int tabLabelsSize = 0;
++ enum
++ {
++     kTabsColumn = 'Tabs'
++ };
++     static int
++ getTabCount(void)
++ {
++     tabpage_T	*tp;
++     int		numTabs = 0;
++     for (tp = first_tabpage; tp != NULL; tp = tp->tp_next)
++         ++numTabs;
++     return numTabs;
++ }
++ // data browser item display callback
++     static OSStatus
++ dbItemDataCallback(ControlRef browser,
++ 	DataBrowserItemID itemID,
++         DataBrowserPropertyID property /* column id */,
++         DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
++ 	Boolean changeValue)
++ {
++     OSStatus status = noErr;
++     // assert(property == kTabsColumn); // why is this violated??
++     // changeValue is true if we have a modifieable list and data was changed.
++     // In our case, it's always false.
++     // (that is: if (changeValue) updateInternalData(); else return
++     // internalData();
++     if (!changeValue)
++     {
++ 	CFStringRef str;
++ 	assert(itemID - 1 >= 0 && itemID - 1 < tabLabelsSize);
++ 	str = tabLabels[itemID - 1];
++ 	status = SetDataBrowserItemDataText(itemData, str);
++     }
++     else
++ 	status = errDataBrowserPropertyNotSupported;
++     return status;
++ }
++ // data browser action callback
++     static void
++ dbItemNotificationCallback(ControlRef browser,
++ 	DataBrowserItemID item,
++ 	DataBrowserItemNotification message)
++ {
++     switch (message)
++     {
++ 	case kDataBrowserItemSelected:
++ 	    send_tabline_event(item);
++ 	    break;
++     }
++ }
++ // callbacks needed for contextual menu:
++     static void
++ dbGetContextualMenuCallback(ControlRef browser,
++ 	MenuRef *menu,
++         UInt32 *helpType,
++ 	CFStringRef *helpItemString,
++         AEDesc *selection)
++ {
++     // on mac os 9: kCMHelpItemNoHelp, but it's not the same
++     *helpType = kCMHelpItemRemoveHelp; // OS X only ;-)
++     *helpItemString = NULL;
++     *menu = contextMenu;
++ }
++     static void
++ dbSelectContextualMenuCallback(ControlRef browser,
++ 	MenuRef menu,
++ 	UInt32 selectionType,
++ 	SInt16 menuID,
++ 	MenuItemIndex menuItem)
++ {
++     if (selectionType == kCMMenuItemSelected)
++     {
++ 	MenuCommand command;
++ 	GetMenuItemCommandID(menu, menuItem, &command);
++ 	// get tab that was selected when the context menu appeared
++ 	// (there is always one tab selected). TODO: check if the context menu
++ 	// isn't opened on an item but on empty space (has to be possible some
++ 	// way, the finder does it too ;-) )
++ 	Handle items = NewHandle(0);
++ 	if (items != NULL)
++ 	{
++ 	    int numItems;
++ 	    GetDataBrowserItems(browser, kDataBrowserNoItem, false,
++ 					   kDataBrowserItemIsSelected, items);
++ 	    numItems = GetHandleSize(items) / sizeof(DataBrowserItemID);
++ 	    if (numItems > 0)
++ 	    {
++ 		int idx;
++ 		DataBrowserItemID *itemsPtr;
++ 		HLock(items);
++ 		itemsPtr = (DataBrowserItemID *)*items;
++ 		idx = itemsPtr[0];
++ 		HUnlock(items);
++ 		send_tabline_menu_event(idx, command);
++ 	    }
++ 	    DisposeHandle(items);
++ 	}
++     }
++ }
++ // focus callback of the data browser to always leave focus in vim
++     static OSStatus
++ dbFocusCallback(EventHandlerCallRef handler, EventRef event, void *data)
++ {
++     assert(GetEventClass(event) == kEventClassControl
++ 	    && GetEventKind(event) == kEventControlSetFocusPart);
++     return paramErr;
++ }
++ // drawer callback to resize data browser to drawer size
++     static OSStatus
++ drawerCallback(EventHandlerCallRef handler, EventRef event, void *data)
++ {
++     switch (GetEventKind(event))
++     {
++ 	case kEventWindowBoundsChanged: // move or resize
++ 	    {
++ 		UInt32 attribs;
++ 		GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamAttributes, typeUInt32,
++ 				       NULL, sizeof(attribs), NULL, &attribs);
++ 		if (attribs & kWindowBoundsChangeSizeChanged) // resize
++ 		{
++ 		    Rect r;
++ 		    GetWindowBounds(drawer, kWindowContentRgn, &r);
++ 		    SetRect(&r, 0, 0, r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top);
++ 		    SetControlBounds(dataBrowser, &r);
++ 		    SetDataBrowserTableViewNamedColumnWidth(dataBrowser,
++ 							kTabsColumn, r.right);
++ 		}
++ 	    }
++ 	    break;
++     }
++     return eventNotHandledErr;
++ }
++ // Load DataBrowserChangeAttributes() dynamically on tiger (and better).
++ // This way the code works on 10.2 and 10.3 as well (it doesn't have the
++ // blue highlights in the list view on these systems, though. Oh well.)
++ #import <mach-o/dyld.h>
++ enum { kMyDataBrowserAttributeListViewAlternatingRowColors = (1 << 1) };
++     static OSStatus
++ myDataBrowserChangeAttributes(ControlRef inDataBrowser,
++ 	OptionBits inAttributesToSet,
++ 	OptionBits inAttributesToClear)
++ {
++     long osVersion;
++     char *symbolName;
++     NSSymbol symbol = NULL;
++     OSStatus (*dataBrowserChangeAttributes)(ControlRef inDataBrowser,
++ 	      OptionBits   inAttributesToSet, OptionBits inAttributesToClear);
++     Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &osVersion);
++     if (osVersion < 0x1040) // only supported for 10.4 (and up)
++ 	return noErr;
++     // C name mangling...
++     symbolName = "_DataBrowserChangeAttributes";
++     if (!NSIsSymbolNameDefined(symbolName)
++ 	    || (symbol = NSLookupAndBindSymbol(symbolName)) == NULL)
++ 	return noErr;
++     dataBrowserChangeAttributes = NSAddressOfSymbol(symbol);
++     if (dataBrowserChangeAttributes == NULL)
++ 	return noErr; // well...
++     return dataBrowserChangeAttributes(inDataBrowser,
++ 				      inAttributesToSet, inAttributesToClear);
++ }
++     static void
++ initialise_tabline(void)
++ {
++     Rect drawerRect = { 0, 0, 0, DRAWER_SIZE };
++     DataBrowserCallbacks dbCallbacks;
++     EventTypeSpec focusEvent = {kEventClassControl, kEventControlSetFocusPart};
++     EventTypeSpec resizeEvent = {kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowBoundsChanged};
++     DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc colDesc;
++     // drawers have to have compositing enabled
++     CreateNewWindow(kDrawerWindowClass,
++ 	    kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute
++ 		    | kWindowCompositingAttribute
++ 		    | kWindowResizableAttribute
++ 		    | kWindowLiveResizeAttribute,
++ 	    &drawerRect, &drawer);
++     SetThemeWindowBackground(drawer, kThemeBrushDrawerBackground, true);
++     SetDrawerParent(drawer, gui.VimWindow);
++     SetDrawerOffsets(drawer, kWindowOffsetUnchanged, DRAWER_INSET);
++     // create list view embedded in drawer
++     CreateDataBrowserControl(drawer, &drawerRect, kDataBrowserListView,
++ 								&dataBrowser);
++     dbCallbacks.version = kDataBrowserLatestCallbacks;
++     InitDataBrowserCallbacks(&dbCallbacks);
++     dbCallbacks.u.v1.itemDataCallback =
++ 				NewDataBrowserItemDataUPP(dbItemDataCallback);
++     dbCallbacks.u.v1.itemNotificationCallback =
++ 		NewDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP(dbItemNotificationCallback);
++     dbCallbacks.u.v1.getContextualMenuCallback =
++ 	      NewDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP(dbGetContextualMenuCallback);
++     dbCallbacks.u.v1.selectContextualMenuCallback =
++ 	NewDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP(dbSelectContextualMenuCallback);
++     SetDataBrowserCallbacks(dataBrowser, &dbCallbacks);
++     SetDataBrowserListViewHeaderBtnHeight(dataBrowser, 0); // no header
++     SetDataBrowserHasScrollBars(dataBrowser, false, true); // only vertical
++     SetDataBrowserSelectionFlags(dataBrowser,
++ 	      kDataBrowserSelectOnlyOne | kDataBrowserNeverEmptySelectionSet);
++     SetDataBrowserTableViewHiliteStyle(dataBrowser,
++ 					     kDataBrowserTableViewFillHilite);
++     Boolean b = false;
++     SetControlData(dataBrowser, kControlEntireControl,
++ 		  kControlDataBrowserIncludesFrameAndFocusTag, sizeof(b), &b);
++     // enable blue background in data browser (this is only in 10.4 and vim
++     // has to support older osx versions as well, so we have to load this
++     // function dynamically)
++     myDataBrowserChangeAttributes(dataBrowser,
++ 		      kMyDataBrowserAttributeListViewAlternatingRowColors, 0);
++     // install callback that keeps focus in vim and away from the data browser
++     InstallControlEventHandler(dataBrowser, dbFocusCallback, 1, &focusEvent,
++ 								  NULL, NULL);
++     // install callback that keeps data browser at the size of the drawer
++     InstallWindowEventHandler(drawer, drawerCallback, 1, &resizeEvent,
++ 								  NULL, NULL);
++     // add "tabs" column to data browser
++     colDesc.propertyDesc.propertyID = kTabsColumn;
++     colDesc.propertyDesc.propertyType = kDataBrowserTextType;
++     // add if items can be selected (?): kDataBrowserListViewSelectionColumn
++     colDesc.propertyDesc.propertyFlags = kDataBrowserDefaultPropertyFlags;
++     colDesc.headerBtnDesc.version = kDataBrowserListViewLatestHeaderDesc;
++     colDesc.headerBtnDesc.minimumWidth = 100;
++     colDesc.headerBtnDesc.maximumWidth = 150;
++     colDesc.headerBtnDesc.titleOffset = 0;
++     colDesc.headerBtnDesc.titleString = CFSTR("Tabs");
++     colDesc.headerBtnDesc.initialOrder = kDataBrowserOrderIncreasing;
++     colDesc.headerBtnDesc.btnFontStyle.flags = 0; // use default font
++     colDesc.headerBtnDesc.btnContentInfo.contentType = kControlContentTextOnly;
++     AddDataBrowserListViewColumn(dataBrowser, &colDesc, 0);
++     // create tabline popup menu required by vim docs (see :he tabline-menu)
++     CreateNewMenu(kTabContextMenuId, 0, &contextMenu);
++     AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(contextMenu, CFSTR("Close"), 0,
++     AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(contextMenu, CFSTR("New Tab"), 0,
++ 						      TABLINE_MENU_NEW, NULL);
++     AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString(contextMenu, CFSTR("Open Tab..."), 0,
++ 						     TABLINE_MENU_OPEN, NULL);
++ }
++ /*
++  * Show or hide the tabline.
++  */
++     void
++ gui_mch_show_tabline(int showit)
++ {
++     if (showit == 0)
++         CloseDrawer(drawer, true);
++     else
++         OpenDrawer(drawer, kWindowEdgeRight, true);
++ }
++ /*
++  * Return TRUE when tabline is displayed.
++  */
++     int
++ gui_mch_showing_tabline(void)
++ {
++     WindowDrawerState state = GetDrawerState(drawer);
++     return state == kWindowDrawerOpen || state == kWindowDrawerOpening;
++ }
++ /*
++  * Update the labels of the tabline.
++  */
++     void
++ gui_mch_update_tabline(void)
++ {
++     tabpage_T	*tp;
++     int		numTabs = getTabCount();
++     int		nr = 1;
++     int		curtabidx = 1;
++     // adjust data browser
++     if (tabLabels != NULL)
++     {
++         int i;
++         for (i = 0; i < tabLabelsSize; ++i)
++             CFRelease(tabLabels[i]);
++         free(tabLabels);
++     }
++     tabLabels = (CFStringRef *)malloc(numTabs * sizeof(CFStringRef));
++     tabLabelsSize = numTabs;
++     for (tp = first_tabpage; tp != NULL; tp = tp->tp_next, ++nr)
++     {
++ 	if (tp == curtab)
++ 	    curtabidx = nr;
++         tabLabels[nr-1] = getTabLabel(tp);
++     }
++     RemoveDataBrowserItems(dataBrowser, kDataBrowserNoItem, 0, NULL,
++ 						  kDataBrowserItemNoProperty);
++     // data browser uses ids 1, 2, 3, ... numTabs per default, so we
++     // can pass NULL for the id array
++     AddDataBrowserItems(dataBrowser, kDataBrowserNoItem, numTabs, NULL,
++ 						  kDataBrowserItemNoProperty);
++     DataBrowserItemID item = curtabidx;
++     SetDataBrowserSelectedItems(dataBrowser, 1, &item, kDataBrowserItemsAssign);
++ }
++ /*
++  * Set the current tab to "nr".  First tab is 1.
++  */
++     void
++ gui_mch_set_curtab(nr)
++     int		nr;
++ {
++     DataBrowserItemID item = nr;
++     SetDataBrowserSelectedItems(dataBrowser, 1, &item, kDataBrowserItemsAssign);
++     // TODO: call something like this?: (or restore scroll position, or...)
++     RevealDataBrowserItem(dataBrowser, item, kTabsColumn,
++ 						      kDataBrowserRevealOnly);
++ }
++ #endif // FEAT_GUI_TABLINE
+*** ../vim-7.0.231/src/proto/gui_mac.pro	Tue Mar 28 23:01:02 2006
+--- src/proto/gui_mac.pro	Thu Mar 15 20:23:42 2007
+*** 84,89 ****
+--- 84,93 ----
+  int gui_mch_dialog __ARGS((int type, char_u *title, char_u *message, char_u *buttons, int dfltbutton, char_u *textfield));
+  char_u *gui_mch_browse __ARGS((int saving, char_u *title, char_u *dflt, char_u *ext, char_u *initdir, char_u *filter));
+  void gui_mch_set_foreground __ARGS((void));
++ void gui_mch_show_tabline __ARGS((int showit));
++ int gui_mch_showing_tabline __ARGS((void));
++ void gui_mch_update_tabline __ARGS((void));
++ void gui_mch_set_curtab __ARGS((int nr));
+  char_u *C2Pascal_save __ARGS((char_u *Cstring));
+  char_u *C2Pascal_save_and_remove_backslash __ARGS((char_u *Cstring));
+*** ../vim-7.0.231/src/version.c	Thu Apr 26 17:23:28 2007
+--- src/version.c	Thu Apr 26 18:17:42 2007
+*** 668,669 ****
+--- 668,671 ----
+  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++     232,
+  /**/
+hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
+24. You realize there is not a sound in the house and you have no idea where
+    your children are.
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
+///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
+\\\        download, build and distribute -- http://www.A-A-P.org        ///
+ \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///