Subject: Patch 7.4.543
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.4.543
Problem:    Since patch 7.4.232 "1,3s/\n//" joins two lines instead of three.
	    (Eliseo Martínez)  Issue 287
Solution:   Correct the line count. (Christian Brabandt)
	    Also set the last used search pattern.
Files:	    src/ex_cmds.c, src/search.c, src/proto/

*** ../vim-7.4.542/src/ex_cmds.c	2014-11-30 13:34:16.889626728 +0100
--- src/ex_cmds.c	2014-12-13 03:11:09.032894963 +0100
*** 4408,4413 ****
--- 4408,4415 ----
  	    && (*cmd == NUL || (cmd[1] == NUL && (*cmd == 'g' || *cmd == 'l'
  					     || *cmd == 'p' || *cmd == '#'))))
+ 	linenr_T    joined_lines_count;
  	curwin->w_cursor.lnum = eap->line1;
  	if (*cmd == 'l')
  	    eap->flags = EXFLAG_LIST;
*** 4416,4425 ****
  	else if (*cmd == 'p')
  	    eap->flags = EXFLAG_PRINT;
! 	(void)do_join(eap->line2 - eap->line1 + 1, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
! 	sub_nlines = sub_nsubs = eap->line2 - eap->line1 + 1;
! 	(void)do_sub_msg(FALSE);
! 	ex_may_print(eap);
--- 4418,4444 ----
  	else if (*cmd == 'p')
  	    eap->flags = EXFLAG_PRINT;
! 	/* The number of lines joined is the number of lines in the range plus
! 	 * one.  One less when the last line is included. */
! 	joined_lines_count = eap->line2 - eap->line1 + 1;
! 	if (eap->line2 < curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
! 	    ++joined_lines_count;
! 	if (joined_lines_count > 1)
! 	{
! 	    (void)do_join(joined_lines_count, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
! 	    sub_nsubs = joined_lines_count - 1;
! 	    sub_nlines = 1;
! 	    (void)do_sub_msg(FALSE);
! 	    ex_may_print(eap);
! 	}
! 	if (!cmdmod.keeppatterns)
! 	    save_re_pat(RE_SUBST, pat, p_magic);
! 	/* put pattern in history */
! 	add_to_history(HIST_SEARCH, pat, TRUE, NUL);
! #endif
*** ../vim-7.4.542/src/search.c	2014-11-27 17:29:52.770188864 +0100
--- src/search.c	2014-12-13 03:12:18.032159491 +0100
*** 12,18 ****
  #include "vim.h"
- static void save_re_pat __ARGS((int idx, char_u *pat, int magic));
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
  static void set_vv_searchforward __ARGS((void));
  static int first_submatch __ARGS((regmmatch_T *rp));
--- 12,17 ----
*** 272,278 ****
!     static void
  save_re_pat(idx, pat, magic)
      int		idx;
      char_u	*pat;
--- 271,277 ----
!     void
  save_re_pat(idx, pat, magic)
      int		idx;
      char_u	*pat;
*** ../vim-7.4.542/src/proto/	2013-08-10 13:37:25.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/	2014-12-13 03:12:21.440123253 +0100
*** 2,7 ****
--- 2,8 ----
  int search_regcomp __ARGS((char_u *pat, int pat_save, int pat_use, int options, regmmatch_T *regmatch));
  char_u *get_search_pat __ARGS((void));
  char_u *reverse_text __ARGS((char_u *s));
+ void save_re_pat __ARGS((int idx, char_u *pat, int magic));
  void save_search_patterns __ARGS((void));
  void restore_search_patterns __ARGS((void));
  void free_search_patterns __ARGS((void));
*** ../vim-7.4.542/src/version.c	2014-12-08 04:16:26.273702793 +0100
--- src/version.c	2014-12-13 02:54:27.295570327 +0100
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     543,

For large projects, Team Leaders use sophisticated project management software
to keep track of who's doing what.  The software collects the lies and guesses
of the project team and organizes them in to instantly outdated charts that
are too boring to look at closely.  This is called "planning".
				(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///