Subject: Patch 7.1.258
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From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.258
Problem:    Crash when doing "d/\n/e" and 'virtualedit' is "all". (Andy Wokula)
Solution:   Avoid that the column becomes negative.  Also fixes other problems
	    with the end of a pattern match is in column zero. (A.Politz)
Files:	    src/search.c

*** ../vim-7.1.257/src/search.c	Sat Jan 26 21:15:00 2008
--- src/search.c	Wed Feb 20 13:22:23 2008
*** 624,630 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
  		    submatch = first_submatch(&regmatch);
! 		    /* Line me be past end of buffer for "\n\zs". */
  		    if (lnum + matchpos.lnum > buf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
  			ptr = (char_u *)"";
--- 624,630 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
  		    submatch = first_submatch(&regmatch);
! 		    /* "lnum" may be past end of buffer for "\n\zs". */
  		    if (lnum + matchpos.lnum > buf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
  			ptr = (char_u *)"";
*** 833,853 ****
! 		    if (options & SEARCH_END && !(options & SEARCH_NOOF))
  			pos->lnum = lnum + endpos.lnum;
! 			pos->col = endpos.col - 1;
! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
! 			if (has_mbyte)
! 			    /* 'e' offset may put us just below the last line */
! 			    if (pos->lnum > buf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
! 				ptr = (char_u *)"";
! 			    else
! 				ptr = ml_get_buf(buf, pos->lnum, FALSE);
! 			    pos->col -= (*mb_head_off)(ptr, ptr + pos->col);
--- 833,870 ----
! 		    /* With the SEARCH_END option move to the last character
! 		     * of the match.  Don't do it for an empty match, end
! 		     * should be same as start then. */
! 		    if (options & SEARCH_END && !(options & SEARCH_NOOF)
! 			    && !(matchpos.lnum == endpos.lnum
! 				&& matchpos.col == endpos.col))
+ 			/* For a match in the first column, set the position
+ 			 * on the NUL in the previous line. */
  			pos->lnum = lnum + endpos.lnum;
! 			pos->col = endpos.col;
! 			if (endpos.col == 0)
! 			    if (pos->lnum > 1)  /* just in case */
! 			    {
! 				--pos->lnum;
! 				pos->col = (colnr_T)STRLEN(ml_get_buf(buf,
! 							   pos->lnum, FALSE));
! 			    }
+ 			else
+ 			{
+ 			    --pos->col;
+ #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+ 			    if (has_mbyte
+ 				    && pos->lnum <= buf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
+ 			    {
+ 				ptr = ml_get_buf(buf, pos->lnum, FALSE);
+ 				pos->col -= (*mb_head_off)(ptr, ptr + pos->col);
+ 			    }
+ 			}
*** ../vim-7.1.257/src/version.c	Wed Feb 20 12:43:05 2008
--- src/version.c	Wed Feb 20 13:37:32 2008
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     258,

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 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///