Subject: Patch 7.0.101
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.0.101
Problem:    When the "~/.vim/spell" directory does not exist "zg" may create
	    a wrong directory.  "zw" doesn't work.
Solution:   Use the directory of the file name instead of NameBuff.  For "zw"
	    not only remove a good word but also add the word with "!".
Files:	    src/spell.c

*** ../vim-7.0.100/src/spell.c	Mon Sep 11 21:37:27 2006
--- src/spell.c	Tue Sep 12 20:21:01 2006
*** 9347,9366 ****
!     else
  	fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "a");
  	if (fd == NULL && new_spf)
  	    /* We just initialized the 'spellfile' option and can't open the
  	     * file.  We may need to create the "spell" directory first.  We
  	     * already checked the runtime directory is writable in
  	     * init_spellfile(). */
! 	    if (!dir_of_file_exists(fname))
  		/* The directory doesn't exist.  Try creating it and opening
  		 * the file again. */
! 		vim_mkdir(NameBuff, 0755);
  		fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "a");
--- 9347,9373 ----
!     if (!undo)
  	fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "a");
  	if (fd == NULL && new_spf)
+ 	    char_u *p;
  	    /* We just initialized the 'spellfile' option and can't open the
  	     * file.  We may need to create the "spell" directory first.  We
  	     * already checked the runtime directory is writable in
  	     * init_spellfile(). */
! 	    if (!dir_of_file_exists(fname) && (p = gettail_sep(fname)) != fname)
+ 		int c = *p;
  		/* The directory doesn't exist.  Try creating it and opening
  		 * the file again. */
! 		*p = NUL;
! 		vim_mkdir(fname, 0755);
! 		*p = c;
  		fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "a");
*** ../vim-7.0.100/src/version.c	Mon Sep 11 21:37:27 2006
--- src/version.c	Tue Sep 12 21:47:21 2006
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     101,

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