Subject: Patch 7.2.017
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.017
Problem:    strlen() used on text that may not end in a NUL. (Dominique Pelle)
	    Pasting a very big selection doesn't work.
Solution:   Use the length passed to the XtSelectionCallbackProc() function.
	    After getting the SelectionNotify event continue dispatching
	    events until the callback is actually called.  Also dispatch the
	    PropertyNotify event.
Files:	    src/ui.c

*** ../vim-7.2.016/src/ui.c	Sun Sep  7 21:47:51 2008
--- src/ui.c	Sun Sep 14 15:52:19 2008
*** 2020,2026 ****
      if (value == NULL || *length == 0)
! 	clip_free_selection(cbd);	/* ???  [what's the query?] */
  	*(int *)success = FALSE;
--- 2020,2026 ----
      if (value == NULL || *length == 0)
! 	clip_free_selection(cbd);	/* nothing received, clear register */
  	*(int *)success = FALSE;
*** 2076,2082 ****
  	text_prop.value = (unsigned char *)value;
  	text_prop.encoding = *type;
  	text_prop.format = *format;
! 	text_prop.nitems = STRLEN(value);
  	status = XmbTextPropertyToTextList(X_DISPLAY, &text_prop,
  							 &text_list, &n_text);
  	if (status != Success || n_text < 1)
--- 2076,2082 ----
  	text_prop.value = (unsigned char *)value;
  	text_prop.encoding = *type;
  	text_prop.format = *format;
! 	text_prop.nitems = len;
  	status = XmbTextPropertyToTextList(X_DISPLAY, &text_prop,
  							 &text_list, &n_text);
  	if (status != Success || n_text < 1)
*** 2131,2137 ****
  	    case 3:  type = text_atom;		break;
  	    default: type = XA_STRING;
! 	success = FALSE;
  	XtGetSelectionValue(myShell, cbd->sel_atom, type,
  	    clip_x11_request_selection_cb, (XtPointer)&success, CurrentTime);
--- 2131,2137 ----
  	    case 3:  type = text_atom;		break;
  	    default: type = XA_STRING;
! 	success = MAYBE;
  	XtGetSelectionValue(myShell, cbd->sel_atom, type,
  	    clip_x11_request_selection_cb, (XtPointer)&success, CurrentTime);
*** 2145,2169 ****
  	 * paste!  Don't worry, we will catch up with any other events later.
  	start_time = time(NULL);
! 	for (;;)
! 	    if (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, SelectionNotify, &event))
! 		/* this is where clip_x11_request_selection_cb() is actually
! 		 * called */
! 		break;
- 	    if (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, SelectionRequest, &event))
- 		/* We may get a SelectionRequest here and if we don't handle
- 		 * it we hang.  KDE klipper does this, for example. */
- 		XtDispatchEvent(&event);
  	    /* Time out after 2 to 3 seconds to avoid that we hang when the
  	     * other process doesn't respond.  Note that the SelectionNotify
  	     * event may still come later when the selection owner comes back
! 	     * to life and the text gets inserted unexpectedly (by xterm).
! 	     * Don't know how to avoid that :-(. */
  	    if (time(NULL) > start_time + 2)
  		timed_out = TRUE;
--- 2145,2171 ----
  	 * paste!  Don't worry, we will catch up with any other events later.
  	start_time = time(NULL);
! 	while (success == MAYBE)
! 	    if (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, SelectionNotify, &event)
! 		    || XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, SelectionRequest, &event)
! 		    || XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, PropertyNotify, &event))
! 		/* This is where clip_x11_request_selection_cb() should be
! 		 * called.  It may actually happen a bit later, so we loop
! 		 * until "success" changes.
! 		 * We may get a SelectionRequest here and if we don't handle
! 		 * it we hang.  KDE klipper does this, for example.
! 		 * We need to handle a PropertyNotify for large selections. */
! 		continue;
  	    /* Time out after 2 to 3 seconds to avoid that we hang when the
  	     * other process doesn't respond.  Note that the SelectionNotify
  	     * event may still come later when the selection owner comes back
! 	     * to life and the text gets inserted unexpectedly.  Don't know
! 	     * why that happens or how to avoid that :-(. */
  	    if (time(NULL) > start_time + 2)
  		timed_out = TRUE;
*** 2177,2183 ****
  	    ui_delay(1L, TRUE);
! 	if (success)
  	/* don't do a retry with another type after timing out, otherwise we
--- 2179,2185 ----
  	    ui_delay(1L, TRUE);
! 	if (success == TRUE)
  	/* don't do a retry with another type after timing out, otherwise we
*** ../vim-7.2.016/src/version.c	Sun Sep 14 14:41:44 2008
--- src/version.c	Sun Sep 14 15:55:34 2008
*** 678,679 ****
--- 678,681 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     17,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
54. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. :-)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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