Subject: Patch 7.2.418
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.2.418
Problem:    Vim tries to set the background or foreground color in a terminal
	    to -1.  (Graywh)  Happens with ":hi Normal ctermbg=NONE".
Solution:   When resetting the foreground or background color don't set the
	    color, let the clear screen code do that.
Files:	    src/syntax.c

*** ../vim-7.2.417/src/syntax.c	2010-03-23 14:39:07.000000000 +0100
--- src/syntax.c	2010-05-13 15:34:27.000000000 +0200
*** 7136,7142 ****
! 	    /* Add one to the argument, to avoid zero */
  	    if (key[5] == 'F')
  		HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_fg = color + 1;
--- 7136,7143 ----
! 	    /* Add one to the argument, to avoid zero.  Zero is used for
! 	     * "NONE", then "color" is -1. */
  	    if (key[5] == 'F')
  		HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_fg = color + 1;
*** 7150,7156 ****
  			must_redraw = CLEAR;
! 			if (termcap_active)
--- 7151,7157 ----
  			must_redraw = CLEAR;
! 			if (termcap_active && color >= 0)
*** 7167,7182 ****
  			must_redraw = CLEAR;
! 			if (termcap_active)
! 			    term_bg_color(color);
! 			if (t_colors < 16)
! 			    i = (color == 0 || color == 4);
! 			else
! 			    i = (color < 7 || color == 8);
! 			/* Set the 'background' option if the value is wrong. */
! 			if (i != (*p_bg == 'd'))
! 			    set_option_value((char_u *)"bg", 0L,
! 				 i ? (char_u *)"dark" : (char_u *)"light", 0);
--- 7168,7188 ----
  			must_redraw = CLEAR;
! 			if (color >= 0)
! 			{
! 			    if (termcap_active)
! 				term_bg_color(color);
! 			    if (t_colors < 16)
! 				i = (color == 0 || color == 4);
! 			    else
! 				i = (color < 7 || color == 8);
! 			    /* Set the 'background' option if the value is
! 			     * wrong. */
! 			    if (i != (*p_bg == 'd'))
! 				set_option_value((char_u *)"bg", 0L,
! 					i ?  (char_u *)"dark"
! 					  : (char_u *)"light", 0);
! 			}
*** ../vim-7.2.417/src/version.c	2010-05-13 13:12:01.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c	2010-05-13 14:29:59.000000000 +0200
*** 683,684 ****
--- 683,686 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     418,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
30. Even though you died last week, you've managed to retain OPS on your
    favorite IRC channel.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///