Karsten Hopp 16bcfe
Karsten Hopp 4a08e5
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
#debug="echo "
Zdenek Dohnal c33f2c
branches=( "rawhide" "f38" "f37" )
Zdenek Dohnal c33f2c
releases=( "fc39" "fc38" "fc37" )
Zdenek Dohnal bde766
# the first bodhi enabled release is the last without \| - all
Zdenek Dohnal bde766
# others need to have \|
Zdenek Dohnal c33f2c
regexps=( "fc39" "fc38" "\|fc37" )
Zdenek Dohnal c33f2c
bodhi_enabled=( "0" "1" "1"  )
zdohnal 34c6d4
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
Zdenek Dohnal 0e0607
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal fbda9b
Zdenek Dohnal 468749
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
let "regexp_index+=1"
Karsten Hopp 16bcfe
Karsten Hopp 722559
cd `dirname $0`
Karsten Hopp 16bcfe
Karsten Hopp 16bcfe
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
Karsten Hopp 87222e
Karsten Hopp 87222e
Karsten Hopp 87222e
if [ "x$1" == "x--force" ]; then
Karsten Hopp 87222e
Karsten Hopp 87222e
Karsten Hopp 16bcfe
Karsten Hopp 16bcfe
DATE=`date +"%a %b %d %Y"`
Zdenek Dohnal 6e7834
$debug fedpkg switch-branch "${branches[@]: $branches_index: 1}"
Zdenek Dohnal e51544
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
  echo "Error with switching branch"
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
  exit 1
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
Karsten Hopp 16bcfe
MAJORVERSION=`grep "define baseversion" vim.spec | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
Zdenek Dohnal 59beea
MAJORVERDIR=$(echo $MAJORVERSION | sed -e 's/\.//')
Zdenek Dohnal c33193
EPOCH=`grep "Epoch:" vim.spec | cut -d ':' -f 2`
Zdenek Dohnal c33193
Karsten Hopp 4a08e5
ORIGPL=`grep "define patchlevel" vim.spec | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sed -e "s/^0*//g"`
Karsten Hopp 4a08e5
ORIGPLFILLED=`printf "%03d" $ORIGPL`
Karsten Hopp 16bcfe
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
if [ ! -d vim-upstream ]; then
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
   git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git vim-upstream
Karsten Hopp bba8e9
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
   pushd vim-upstream
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
   git pull
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
pushd vim-upstream
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Karsten Hopp 871038
# get the latest tag. Might be tricky with other packages, but upstream vim uses just a single branch:
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
LASTTAG=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Karsten Hopp 871038
# vim upstream tags have the form v7.4.123. Remove the 'v' and get major release and patchlevel:
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
UPSTREAMMAJOR=$(echo $LASTTAG | sed -e 's/v\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/')
Zdenek Dohnal 59beea
Karsten Hopp 73a6a7
LASTPL=`echo $LASTTAG| sed -e 's/.*\.//;s/^0*//'`
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
LASTPLFILLED=`printf "%03d" $LASTPL`
Karsten Hopp 87222e
if [ $force -ne 1 -a "$ORIGPLFILLED" == "$LASTPLFILLED" ]; then
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
    echo "No new patchlevel available"
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
rm -rf dist/* 2>/dev/null
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
make unixall
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Karsten Hopp 871038
# include patchlevel in tarball name so that older sources won't get overwritten:
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
mv dist/vim-${UPSTREAMMAJOR}.tar.bz2 dist/vim-${UPSTREAMMAJOR}-${LASTPLFILLED}.tar.bz2
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Karsten Hopp 871038
# We don't include the full upstream changelog in the rpm changelog, just ship a file with
Karsten Hopp 871038
# the changes:
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
Karsten Hopp 56ffd8
cp -f vim-upstream/dist/vim-${UPSTREAMMAJOR}-${LASTPLFILLED}.tar.bz2 .
Zdenek Dohnal 148131
#wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ignatenkobrain/vim-spec-plugin/rawhide/ftplugin/spec.vim -O ftplugin-spec.vim
Zdenek Dohnal 148131
#wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ignatenkobrain/vim-spec-plugin/rawhide/syntax/spec.vim -O syntax-spec.vim
Karsten Hopp bcbb2a
if [ $CHANGES -ne 0 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal f55f59
Karsten Hopp 871038
   $debug sed -i -e "/Release: /cRelease: 1%{?dist}" $SPEC
Karsten Hopp 871038
   if [ "x$MAJORVERSION" != "x$UPSTREAMMAJOR" ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal 59beea
      $debug sed -i -s "s/define baseversion $MAJORVERSION/define baseversion $UPSTREAMMAJOR/" $SPEC
Zdenek Dohnal 59beea
      $debug sed -i -s "s/define vimdir vim$MAJORVERDIR/define vimdir vim$UPSTREAMMAJORDIR/" $SPEC
Karsten Hopp 871038
Karsten Hopp 871038
   $debug sed -i -e "s/define patchlevel $ORIGPLFILLED/define patchlevel $LASTPLFILLED/" $SPEC
Karsten Hopp 871038
   $debug sed -i -e "/\%changelog/a$CHLOG.$LASTPLFILLED-1\n- patchlevel $LASTPLFILLED\n" $SPEC
Karsten Hopp 871038
   $debug fedpkg new-sources vim-${UPSTREAMMAJOR}-${LASTPLFILLED}.tar.bz2
Zdenek Dohnal c48460
   $debug git add vim.spec
Karsten Hopp 871038
   $debug git commit -m "- patchlevel $LASTPL" 
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
   # mockbuild
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
   $debug fedpkg mockbuild
Zdenek Dohnal d6afc6
   if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal d6afc6
     echo "Error: fedpkg mockbuild"
Zdenek Dohnal d6afc6
     exit 1
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
   # push
Zdenek Dohnal d6afc6
   $debug fedpkg push
Zdenek Dohnal 9a6f13
   if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal d6afc6
     echo "Error: fedpkg push"
Zdenek Dohnal d6afc6
     exit 1
Zdenek Dohnal e51544
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
   $debug fedpkg build
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
Zdenek Dohnal 53e324
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
     echo "Error when building package in $branch"
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
     exit 1
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
Zdenek Dohnal 53e324
Zdenek Dohnal 9bf4b1
   let "release_index+=1"
Zdenek Dohnal fbda9b
   let "bodhi_enabled_index+=1"
Zdenek Dohnal 9bf4b1
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
   for branch in "${branches[@]:(1)}";
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     # switch to branch
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     $debug fedpkg switch-branch $branch
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     # merge with previous branch
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     $debug bash -c "git merge ${branches[@]: $branches_index: 1} <<<':x'"
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
       echo "Error: git merge ${branches[@]: $branches_index: 1}"
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
       exit 1
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     # mockbuild
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     $debug fedpkg mockbuild
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
       echo "Error: fedpkg mockbuild failed"
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
       exit 1
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     # push
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     $debug fedpkg push
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
       echo "Error: fedpkg push"
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
       exit 1
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
     # append next release to regexp if the branch is enabled in bodhi - because we
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
     # need to check if there aren't any testing updates from higher enabled branches
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
     # (lower branch cannot have bigger NVR than higher branch) in next iteration
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
     if [ ${bodhi_enabled[@]: $bodhi_enabled_index: 1} -eq 1 ]
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
       releases_regexp="$releases_regexp${regexps[@]: regexp_index: 1}"
Zdenek Dohnal 7e14bc
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
Zdenek Dohnal 33c92f
     # Check if release has an update in testing - if not, build package
Zdenek Dohnal e68ece
     # and submit update for testing
Zdenek Dohnal 33c92f
     # done_build is a check, if previous branch did build - lower branch can do
Zdenek Dohnal fbda9b
     # a build only when higher branch build was ok.
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
     testing_update=`bodhi updates query --packages vim --status testing \
Zdenek Dohnal e68ece
       | grep $releases_regexp`
Zdenek Dohnal de9328
     if [ "$testing_update" == "" ] && [ $done_build -eq 1 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal 6e7834
       $debug fedpkg build
Zdenek Dohnal e68ece
       if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal 33c92f
         # if branch isn't rawhide or branch is enabled in bodhi, create the update if newer branch does
Zdenek Dohnal 33c92f
         # not have an update in testing
Zdenek Dohnal 148131
         if [ $branch != "rawhide" ] || [ ${bodhi_enabled[@]: $bodhi_enabled_index: 1} -eq 1 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal 0e7aaa
           $debug bodhi updates new --type enhancement --notes "The newest upstream commit" --request testing --autotime --autokarma --stable-karma 3 --unstable-karma -3 vim-${UPSTREAMMAJOR}.${LASTPLFILLED}-1.${releases[@]: $release_index: 1}
Zdenek Dohnal e68ece
Zdenek Dohnal e68ece
Zdenek Dohnal e68ece
         echo "Error when building package for $branch"
Zdenek Dohnal e68ece
         exit 1
Zdenek Dohnal 53e324
Zdenek Dohnal 468749
Zdenek Dohnal 468749
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
Zdenek Dohnal 53e324
Zdenek Dohnal fbda9b
     # Increment index
Zdenek Dohnal 8354e6
     let "branches_index+=1"
Zdenek Dohnal 9bf4b1
     let "release_index+=1"
Zdenek Dohnal 66ccb6
     let "regexp_index+=1"
Zdenek Dohnal fbda9b
     let "bodhi_enabled_index+=1"
Zdenek Dohnal 5f35bd
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
   #$debug git push
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
   #if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
   #   $debug rm -f $HOME/.koji/config
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
   #   $debug fedpkg build
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
   #   $debug ln -sf ppc-config $HOME/.koji/config
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
   #   echo "GIT push failed"
Zdenek Dohnal b26d69
Karsten Hopp bba8e9
Zdenek Dohnal 85fe8c
Zdenek Dohnal 148131
#go back to rawhide
Zdenek Dohnal 148131
$debug fedpkg switch-branch rawhide
Zdenek Dohnal 85fe8c
Zdenek Dohnal fd9785
# clean up the downloaded vim-upstream repo - to prevent changes in it and breaking update process
Zdenek Dohnal fd9785
# prevents #1931099
Zdenek Dohnal fd9785
$debug rm -rf vim-upstream
Zdenek Dohnal fd9785
Zdenek Dohnal d6afc6
exit 0