cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Vim filetype plugin
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Language: spec file
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Maintainer: Guillaume Rousse <rousse@ccr.jussieu.fr>
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" URL: http://lis.snv.jussieu.fr/~rousse/linux/spec.vim
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Version: $Id: spec.vim,v 1.1 2004/09/09 14:07:26 cvsdist Exp $
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Add mappings, unless user doesn't want
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_spec_maps")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !hasmapto("<Plug>AddChangelogBlock")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
map <buffer> <LocalLeader>ch <Plug>AddChangelogBlock
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !hasmapto("<Plug>AddChangelogEntry")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
map <buffer> <LocalLeader>CH <Plug>AddChangelogEntry
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
noremap <buffer> <unique> <script> <Plug>AddChangelogBlock :call <SID>AddChangelogBlock()<CR>
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
noremap <buffer> <unique> <script> <Plug>AddChangelogEntry :call <SID>AddChangelogEntry()<CR>
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" compilation option
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
setlocal makeprg=rpm\ -ba\ %
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
setlocal errorformat=error:\ line\ %l:\ %m
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" navigation through sections
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let b:match_ignorecase = 0
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let b:match_words =
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
\ '^Name:^%description:^%clean:^%setup:^%build:^%install:^%files:' .
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
\ '^%package:^%preun:^%postun:^%changelog'
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("*s:AddChangelogBlock")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Adds a changelog block
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
function s:AddChangelogBlock()
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" look for changelog section
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let line = <SID>GetFirstLocation(0, '^%changelog')
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
call <SID>InsertChangelogHeader(line)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
call <SID>InsertChangelogEntry(line + 1)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("*s:AddChangelogEntry")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Adds a changelog entry
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
function s:AddChangelogEntry()
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" look for changelog section
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let line = <SID>GetFirstLocation(0, '^%changelog')
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" look for last entry
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let line = <SID>GetLastLocation(line + 1, '^- ')
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
call <SID>InsertChangelogEntry(line)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("*s:InsertChangelogHeader")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Insert a changelog header just after the given line
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
function s:InsertChangelogHeader(line)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" ensure english locale
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
language time C
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" insert blank line first
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
call append(a:line, "")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" insert changelog header
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
call append(a:line,
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
\ "* " . strftime("%a %b %d %Y") .
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
\ " " . <SID>GetTagValue("Packager") .
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
\ " " . <SID>GetTagValue("Version") .
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
\ "-" . <SID>GetTagValue("Release")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("*s:InsertChangelogEntry")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Insert a changelog entry just after the given line
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
function s:InsertChangelogEntry(line)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" insert changelog entry
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
call append(a:line, "- ")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" position cursor here
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
execute a:line
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" enter insert mode
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("*s:GetTagValue")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Return value of a rpm tag
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
function s:GetTagValue(tag)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let pattern = '^' . a:tag . ':\s*'
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let line = <SID>GetFirstLine(0, pattern)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let value = substitute(line, pattern, "", "")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" resolve macros
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
while (value =~ '%{\?\w\{3,}}\?')
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let macro = matchstr(value, '%{\?\w\{3,}}\?')
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let macro_name = substitute(macro, '%{\?\(\w\{3,}\)}\?', '\1', "")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let macro_value = <SID>GetMacroValue(macro_name)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let value = substitute(value, '%{\?' . macro_name . '}\?', macro_value, "")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" try to read externaly defined values
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if (value == "")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let value = <SID>GetExternalMacroValue(a:tag)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
return value
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("*s:GetMacroValue")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Return value of a rpm macro
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
function s:GetMacroValue(macro)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let pattern = '^%define\s*' . a:macro . '\s*'
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let line = <SID>GetFirstLine(0, pattern)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
return substitute(line, pattern, "", "")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("*s:GetExternalMacroValue")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Return value of an external rpm macro defined in $HOME/.rpmmacros
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
function s:GetExternalMacroValue(macro)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if filereadable($HOME . "/.rpmmacros")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let pattern = '^%' . tolower(a:macro) . '\s*'
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let line = system("grep '" . pattern . "' $HOME/.rpmmacros")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" get rid of this !#&* trailing <NL>
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let line = strpart(line, 0, strlen(line) - 1)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
return substitute(line, pattern, "", "")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("*s:GetFirstLocation")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Return location of first line matching the given pattern after the given line
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Return -1 if not found at the end of the file
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
function s:GetFirstLocation(from, pattern)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let linenb = a:from
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
while (linenb <= line("$"))
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let linenb = linenb + 1
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let linestr = getline(linenb)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if (linestr =~ a:pattern)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
return linenb
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
return -1
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("*s:GetLastLocation")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Return location of last line matching the given pattern after the given line
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Return -1 if still found at the end of the file
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
function s:GetLastLocation(from, pattern)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let linenb = a:from
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
while (linenb <= line("$"))
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let linenb = linenb + 1
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let linestr = getline(linenb)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if (linestr !~ a:pattern)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
return linenb - 1
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
return -1
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if !exists("*s:GetFirstLine")
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Return first line matching the given pattern after the given line
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
" Return "" if not found at the end of the file
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
function s:GetFirstLine(from, pattern)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let linenb = a:from
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
while (linenb <= line("$"))
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let linenb = linenb + 1
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
let linestr = getline(linenb)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
if (linestr =~ a:pattern)
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
return linestr
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
return ""
cvsdist |
1401a3 |
cvsdist |
1401a3 |