Karsten Hopp 845afa
Patches for Vim - Vi IMproved 7.0
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The files in this directory contain source code changes to fix
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problems in released versions of Vim.  Each file also contains an
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explanation of the problem that is fixed, like the message that
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was sent to the vim-dev maillist.
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The best is to apply the patches in sequence.  This avoids problems
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when a patch depends on a previous patch.  If you did not unpack the
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extra archive, you may want to skip patches marked with "extra:".
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Similarly for the "lang" archive.
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Before patching, change to the top Vim directory, where the "src"
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and "runtime" directories are located.
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Depending on the version of "patch" that you use, you may have add
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an argument to make it patch the right file:
Karsten Hopp 845afa
        patch -p < 7.0.001
Karsten Hopp 845afa
        patch -p0 < 7.0.001
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After applying a patch, you need to compile Vim.  There are no
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patches for binaries.
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Karsten Hopp f33019
Checksums for the patch files can be found in the file MD5.
Karsten Hopp f33019
Karsten Hopp a243df
Collection of patches for Vim 7.0:
Karsten Hopp a243df
  SIZE  NAME                  INCLUDES
Karsten Hopp a243df
 98331  7.0.001-100.gz	      patches 7.0.001 to 7.0.100, gzip'ed
Karsten Hopp a243df
Karsten Hopp a243df
Karsten Hopp 845afa
Individual patches for Vim 7.0:
cvsdist 145ee0
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Karsten Hopp 845afa
  1627  7.0.001  'spellsuggest' could not be added to
Karsten Hopp 845afa
  2007  7.0.002  C omni complete has problem with % and # in tags file path
Karsten Hopp 845afa
  1876  7.0.003  GUI: click in tab pages label may warp mouse pointer
Karsten Hopp 845afa
  1596  7.0.004  Compiler warning for debug_saved used before set
Karsten Hopp 845afa
  1579  7.0.005  (extra) Win32: uninstall didn't delete spell and autoload dirs
Karsten Hopp f301e8
  1347  7.0.006  Mac: "make shadow" didn't link infplist.xml
Karsten Hopp f301e8
  1919  7.0.007  AIX: compiling failed for message.c
Karsten Hopp f301e8
  2081  7.0.008  Can't call a function that uses both <SID> and {expr}
Karsten Hopp f301e8
  1625  7.0.009  ml_get errors when 'spell' is set
Karsten Hopp f301e8
  3705  7.0.010  spellfile plugin required typing login name and password
Karsten Hopp 9090be
  1989  7.0.011  can't compile with eval feature without folding feature
Karsten Hopp 9090be
  2532  7.0.012  matchparen plugin changed cursor column in Insert mode
Karsten Hopp fd27d2
  4614  7.0.013  Insert mode completion: CTRL-L jumped back to original text
Karsten Hopp fd27d2
  5712  7.0.014  Motif: doesn't compile with Motif 1.2 and earlier
Karsten Hopp fd27d2
  4485  7.0.015  Athena: type casts for lvalues
Karsten Hopp fd27d2
  1810  7.0.016  recognize encodings "mac-roman", "dec-mcs" and "hp-roman8"
Karsten Hopp 685311
  2302  7.0.017  (after 7.0.014) Motif: doesn't link with Motif 1.2 and earlier
Karsten Hopp cf4243
  1649  7.0.018  VMS: plugins are not loaded on startup
Karsten Hopp cf4243
  1425  7.0.019  crash for "VjA789" and repeating
Karsten Hopp 1ff8a6
  1470  7.0.020  GUI: crash when using 'mousefocus'
Karsten Hopp 569135
  4240  7.0.021  crash when using "\\[" and "\\]" in 'errorformat
Karsten Hopp fecb0b
  5471  7.0.022  Ruby: buffer.append() could append to the wrong buffer
Karsten Hopp f06395
  5351  7.0.023  crash after Insert mode completion without matches
Karsten Hopp f06395
  1619  7.0.024  it is possible to set arbitrary v: variables
Karsten Hopp f06395
  2606  7.0.025  crash when deleting an item from a:000
Karsten Hopp f06395
  1800  7.0.026  Unix: when using libcall() and old error may be shown
Karsten Hopp f06395
  1344  7.0.027  (extra) Win32: hang on exit when compiled with SNiFF+
Karsten Hopp f06395
  3014  7.0.028  (extra) OS/2: compilation problem
Karsten Hopp f06395
  1494  7.0.029  cursor position may be wrong when using getchar()
Karsten Hopp f06395
  1664  7.0.030  the ":compiler" command can't be used in a FileChangedRO event
Karsten Hopp f06395
  1808  7.0.031  after deleting a buffer its Select mode mappings remain
Karsten Hopp f06395
  1424  7.0.032  (extra, after 7.0.027) missing semicolon
Karsten Hopp f06395
  2431  7.0.033  pasting after autoindent removes the indent
Karsten Hopp f06395
  2042  7.0.034  repeating completion was wrong after typing text or using BS
Karsten Hopp f06395
  5905  7.0.035  repeating Insert mode completion doesn't work properly
Karsten Hopp 424e24
  3990  7.0.036  can't compile with small features and syntax HL
Karsten Hopp 424e24
  1880  7.0.037  crash when resizing Vim window when a line doesn't fit
Karsten Hopp 424e24
  3236  7.0.038  complete() can be used from expr. mapping after inserting text
Karsten Hopp 424e24
  3240  7.0.039  third argument for inputdialog() doesn't work in the console
Karsten Hopp 6b9cac
  1946  7.0.040  mouse selection with "z=" and inputlist() gets wrong entry
Karsten Hopp 6b9cac
  2229  7.0.041  cursor([1, 2]) failed, required third item in the list
Karsten Hopp 6b9cac
  1603  7.0.042  crash or hang when pasting a block in Insert mode
Karsten Hopp bf84e6
  1534  7.0.043  "%!" at start of 'statusline' didn't work
Karsten Hopp bf84e6
  5277  7.0.044  Perl: changing a line in a non-current buffer may not work
Karsten Hopp bf84e6
  1741  7.0.045  (extra) Win32: MSVC 2005 compiler warnings for OLE version
Karsten Hopp bf84e6
  2318  7.0.046  the matchparen plugin didn't handle parens in single quotes
Karsten Hopp bf84e6
  2219  7.0.047  the exit status of the configure script can be wrong
Karsten Hopp bf84e6
  2173  7.0.048  the gzip plugin can't handle file names that have a paren
Karsten Hopp bf84e6
  2221  7.0.049  some Tcl scripts are not recognized
Karsten Hopp bf84e6
  1437  7.0.050  can't properly close a buffer through the NetBeans interface
Karsten Hopp 5617c4
  6097  7.0.051  (after 7.0.44) compile and/or run problem with Perl interface
Karsten Hopp 5617c4
  2237  7.0.052  the Vim server may expose more functionality than expected
Karsten Hopp 5617c4
  1379  7.0.053  shortening multi-byte directory name may fail
Karsten Hopp 6dc7fc
  2464  7.0.054  using an empty menu name may cause a crash
Karsten Hopp 6dc7fc
  2204  7.0.055  ":startins" in CmdwinEnter autocmd doesn't work immediately
Karsten Hopp 6dc7fc
  1484  7.0.056  can't use "#!" in Vim scripts to make them executable
Karsten Hopp 6dc7fc
  1779  7.0.057  (extra, after 7.0.45) compilation trouble with Borland C 5.5
Karsten Hopp 6dc7fc
  1423  7.0.058  gbk and gb18030 encodings are not recognized
Karsten Hopp 6dc7fc
  2110  7.0.059  Perl interface doesn't compile with ActiveState Perl 5.8.8
Karsten Hopp 6dc7fc
 18082  7.0.060  code for switching buffers is repeated in several places
Karsten Hopp 6dc7fc
  2249  7.0.061  crash in Vim command completion when nothing to complete
Karsten Hopp 6dc7fc
  4075  7.0.062  Mac: crash when using popup menu with spell error
Karsten Hopp 6dc7fc
  1295  7.0.063  tiny chance for a memory leak
Karsten Hopp c13ccf
  1818  7.0.064  compiler warnings for unused variables
Karsten Hopp c13ccf
  1750  7.0.065  (extra) Mac: horizontal scroll wheel caused vertical scroll
Karsten Hopp c13ccf
  1407  7.0.066  tab pages line not redrawn after removing the popup menu
Karsten Hopp c7c6da
  3038  7.0.067  undo problems when using input method
Karsten Hopp c7c6da
  6123  7.0.068  'ignorecase' is not used properly for Insert mode completion
Karsten Hopp c7c6da
  1457  7.0.069  crash when setting 'guitablabel' to "%!expand(\%)"
Karsten Hopp c7c6da
 71560  7.0.070  compiler warnings for shadowed and uninitialized variables
Karsten Hopp c7c6da
  1550  7.0.071  using empty search pattern may cause a crash
Karsten Hopp c7c6da
  2791  7.0.072  can't specify anything to do when starting the GUI fails
Karsten Hopp c7c6da
  1597  7.0.073  CR in Insert mode completion may select original text
Karsten Hopp c7c6da
  6819  7.0.074  (extra) Win32: tooltips can be in the wrong encoding
Karsten Hopp c7c6da
  1495  7.0.075  winsaveview() could store wrong desired cursor column
Karsten Hopp c7c6da
  2635  7.0.076  (after 7.0.010) could not get spell files from non-ftp server
Karsten Hopp 296d63
  2799  7.0.077  crash when unletting a v: variable
Karsten Hopp 296d63
  1968  7.0.078  there are two error messages called E46
Karsten Hopp 296d63
 51669  7.0.079  vimtutor doesn't work for Russian when 'encoding' is utf-8
Karsten Hopp 296d63
  1759  7.0.080  compile error when CFLAGS contains a backslash
Karsten Hopp 296d63
  2043  7.0.081  command line completion doesn't work for ":!/path"
Karsten Hopp 296d63
  2850  7.0.082  crash when using List or Dict argument and waiting for input
Karsten Hopp 296d63
  3001  7.0.083  mouse doesn't work for all entries with inputlist()
Karsten Hopp b0623e
  5968  7.0.084  garbage collection may free Lists and Dicts still in use
Karsten Hopp b0623e
  1512  7.0.085  running tests changes the viminfo file
Karsten Hopp b0623e
  2379  7.0.086  getqflist() uses number zero for empty pattern and text
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  7382  7.0.087  'acd' doesn't work for ":file fname" and ":saveas fname"
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  3066  7.0.088  generated prototypes have "extern" when build with Perl
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  2445  7.0.089  "ga" gave wrong results for non-Unicode multi-byte encoding
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  2486  7.0.090  need to type Esc twice in console confirm() dialog
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  1698  7.0.091  winrestview() may leave cursor in the wrong position
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  2952  7.0.092  (after 7.0.082) list of internal function args is obsolete
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  2320  7.0.093  matchparen plugin can't handle some values of 'matchpairs'
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  2394  7.0.094  fileinfo message is given too often after ":buf N"
Karsten Hopp d427c0
 52575  7.0.095  Greek tutor is not available in utf-8
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  2561  7.0.096  taglist() does not use path of tags file
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  2617  7.0.097  tab pages line was not updated for ":tabclose N"
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  2196  7.0.098  redirection didn't work inside cmdline completion
Karsten Hopp d427c0
  2189  7.0.099  GUI: scrolling causes problems for the popup menu 
Karsten Hopp 18e2b7
  2086  7.0.100  "zug" may report the wrong filename
Karsten Hopp 2d83a5
  2732  7.0.101  "zw" mostly doesn't work; "zg" may create wrong directory
Karsten Hopp 2d83a5
  1634  7.0.102  redraw problem in cmdline when using SCIM
Karsten Hopp 2d83a5
  1617  7.0.103  (after 7.0.101) compiler warning for uninitialized variable
Karsten Hopp 2d83a5
  2522  7.0.104  CursorHold[I] may trigger when it is not wanted
Karsten Hopp 2d83a5
  1513  7.0.105  during incremental search the ruler is not updated
Karsten Hopp 2d83a5
  5102  7.0.106  spell popup menu may have side effects
Karsten Hopp 2d83a5
  1805  7.0.107  tab pages line was not redrawn when using 'incsearch'
Karsten Hopp 2d83a5
  2583  7.0.108  (extra) Amiga: compilation error for mch_mkdir()
Karsten Hopp 2d83a5
  1923  7.0.109  Lisp indenting gets confused by an escaped quote in a string
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2557  7.0.110  Amiga: Compilation problems when not using libnix
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
 10411  7.0.111  gzip plugin can't handle file names with special characters
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2687  7.0.112  Python interface doesn't compile with Python 2.5
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  1878  7.0.113  crash when using CTRL-L in Insert mode completion
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  1964  7.0.114  get extra undo point when using CTRL-C to abort Insert mode
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2339  7.0.115  missing some matches when Insert mode completion ignores case
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  1508  7.0.116  MS-Windows: :version reported 32 bits for 64 bits systems
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  5028  7.0.117  problem when mixing keepend and extend in syntax highlighting
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  1529  7.0.118  printf() doesn't allow zero padding for strings
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  1412  7.0.119  CursorHold event is not triggered when leaving Insert mode
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  1780  7.0.120  crash when using getreg('=') in the = register
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  1549  7.0.121  GUI: dragging last status line doesn't work with text tabline
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2865  7.0.122  only half of double-wide bold character may be drawn
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  4200  7.0.123  SCO Openserver: configure selects the wrong terminal library
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2376  7.0.124  window-local variables from getwinvar() are for current window
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2335  7.0.125  '< and '> marks were set before Visual mode finishes
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2112  7.0.126  undo could be wrong when 'formatexpr' uses setline()
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2605  7.0.127  crash when swap file has invalid timestamp
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2246  7.0.128  GUI: display not updated when cancelling exit dialog
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2884  7.0.129  GTK GUI: avoid GTK bug concerning directory for file dialog
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  5509  7.0.130  (extra) MS-DOS, MS-Windows: may get stuck using a device name
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2632  7.0.131  Win32: "vim -r" does not find swap files starting with a dot
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2163  7.0.132  (after 7.0.130) crash when reading from stdin
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  3189  7.0.133  too many messages in history when searching included files
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  2290  7.0.134  crash when trying to compare recusively looped List or Dict
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
 10022  7.0.135  crash in garbage collector with recusively looped List/Dict
Karsten Hopp 05a3cc
  1703  7.0.136  CursorMoved not triggered when inserting a line
Karsten Hopp f9584c
  2746  7.0.137  configure check for big features is wrong
Karsten Hopp f9584c
 12174  7.0.138  (extra) Mac: modifiers keys don't work with function keys
Karsten Hopp f9584c
  2044  7.0.139  undo info missing when using CTRL-PageUp in Insert mode
Karsten Hopp a243df
  2235  7.0.140  (after 7.0.134) comparing list/dict with itself is inefficient
Karsten Hopp a243df
  6513  7.0.141  extra CR when pasting with the mouse on the command line
Karsten Hopp a243df
  2075  7.0.142  middle mouse button didn't work right in Select mode
Karsten Hopp a243df
  1531  7.0.143  setting 'scroll' to its default value didn't work correctly
Karsten Hopp a243df
  5584  7.0.144  pattern matching may do wrong pointer computations
Karsten Hopp a243df
  1463  7.0.145  (after 7.0.142) compiler warning
Karsten Hopp a243df
  4308  7.0.146  opening file for quickfix may ignore windows already open
Karsten Hopp a243df
  8181  7.0.147  session file can be wrong when there are multiple tab pages
Karsten Hopp a243df
  1710  7.0.148  no error message for ":call d.foo()" when "foo" doesn't exist
Karsten Hopp a243df
  5277  7.0.149  when resizing windows scrolling is not done in the best way
Karsten Hopp a243df
  2416  7.0.150  when resizing the Vim window scrollbinding doesn't work
Karsten Hopp a243df
  1932  7.0.151  button order in GTK file dialog is different from Gnome rules
Karsten Hopp a243df
  2279  7.0.152  crash when using lesstif 2
Karsten Hopp a243df
  4356  7.0.153  crash with cscope when temp file can't be opened
Karsten Hopp a243df
  1727  7.0.154  when 'foldnextmax' is negative Vim could hang
Karsten Hopp a243df
  5872  7.0.155  when getchar() returns a mouse button the position is unknown
Karsten Hopp a243df
 21499  7.0.156  (extra) Vim doesn't compile on Amiga OS4
Karsten Hopp a243df
  3594  7.0.157  profiling info was bogus for a recursively called function
Karsten Hopp a243df
  1485  7.0.158  cursor in closed fold after adding new line
Karsten Hopp c4ab21
  2455  7.0.159  not enough information for an I/O error in the swap file
Karsten Hopp c4ab21
  9446  7.0.160  ":@a" echoes the command
Karsten Hopp c4ab21
  6639  7.0.161  (extra) Win32: window and tabline menu may use wrong encoding
Karsten Hopp c4ab21
  5819  7.0.162  doesn't exit with "vim -o a b" and abort at ATTENTION prompt
Karsten Hopp 3eb014
  4306  7.0.163  can't get the position of a sign over the netbeans interface
Karsten Hopp 3eb014
  1518  7.0.164  ":redir @+" doesn't work