Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
To: vim-dev@vim.org
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Subject: Patch 7.2.309
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Fcc: outbox
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Mime-Version: 1.0
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Patch 7.2.309 (after 7.2.308)
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Problem:    Warning for missing function prototype. (Patrick Texier)
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Solution:   Add the prototype.
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Files:	    src/regexp.c
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
*** ../vim-7.2.308/src/regexp.c	2009-11-25 19:51:56.000000000 +0100
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
--- src/regexp.c	2009-11-26 20:39:18.000000000 +0100
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
*** 7214,7219 ****
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
--- 7214,7221 ----
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
+ static char_u *reg_getline_submatch __ARGS((linenr_T lnum));
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
   * Call reg_getline() with the line numbers from the submatch.  If a
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
   * substitute() was used the reg_maxline and other values have been
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
*** ../vim-7.2.308/src/version.c	2009-11-25 19:51:56.000000000 +0100
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
--- src/version.c	2009-11-26 20:40:11.000000000 +0100
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
*** 683,684 ****
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
--- 683,686 ----
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
+ /**/
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
+     309,
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Female engineers become irresistible at the age of consent and remain that
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
way until about thirty minutes after their clinical death.  Longer if it's a
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
warm day.
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
				(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
 /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
\\\        download, build and distribute -- http://www.A-A-P.org        ///
Karsten Hopp f6dcd8
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///