Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
To: vim-dev@vim.org
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Subject: Patch 7.0.068
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Fcc: outbox
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@moolenaar.net>
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Patch 7.0.068
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Problem:    When 'ignorecase' is set and using Insert mode completion,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
	    typing characters to change the list of matches, case is not
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
	    ignored. (Hugo Ahlenius)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Solution:   Store the 'ignorecase' flag with the matches where needed.
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Files:	    src/edit.c, src/search.c, src/spell.c
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** ../vim-7.0.067/src/edit.c	Tue Aug 29 16:10:54 2006
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- src/edit.c	Tue Aug 29 14:57:46 2006
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** 2405,2411 ****
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
      /* compl_pattern doesn't need to be set */
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
      compl_orig_text = vim_strnsave(ml_get_curline() + compl_col, compl_length);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
      if (compl_orig_text == NULL || ins_compl_add(compl_orig_text,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
      /* Handle like dictionary completion. */
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- 2405,2411 ----
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
      /* compl_pattern doesn't need to be set */
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
      compl_orig_text = vim_strnsave(ml_get_curline() + compl_col, compl_length);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
      if (compl_orig_text == NULL || ins_compl_add(compl_orig_text,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 			-1, p_ic, NULL, NULL, 0, ORIGINAL_TEXT, FALSE) != OK)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
      /* Handle like dictionary completion. */
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** 2821,2827 ****
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			ptr = find_word_end(ptr);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    add_r = ins_compl_add_infercase(regmatch->startp[0],
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  					  (int)(ptr - regmatch->startp[0]),
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 						     FALSE, files[i], *dir, 0);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    if (thesaurus)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			char_u *wstart;
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- 2821,2827 ----
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			ptr = find_word_end(ptr);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    add_r = ins_compl_add_infercase(regmatch->startp[0],
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  					  (int)(ptr - regmatch->startp[0]),
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 						     p_ic, files[i], *dir, 0);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    if (thesaurus)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			char_u *wstart;
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** 2857,2863 ****
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  				ptr = find_word_end(ptr);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			    add_r = ins_compl_add_infercase(wstart,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  				    (int)(ptr - wstart),
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 				    FALSE, files[i], *dir, 0);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    if (add_r == OK)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- 2857,2863 ----
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  				ptr = find_word_end(ptr);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			    add_r = ins_compl_add_infercase(wstart,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  				    (int)(ptr - wstart),
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 				    p_ic, files[i], *dir, 0);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    if (add_r == OK)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** 3826,3832 ****
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    TAG_INS_COMP | (ctrl_x_mode ? TAG_VERBOSE : 0),
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    TAG_MANY, curbuf->b_ffname) == OK && num_matches > 0)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 		ins_compl_add_matches(num_matches, matches, FALSE);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	    p_ic = save_p_ic;
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- 3826,3832 ----
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    TAG_INS_COMP | (ctrl_x_mode ? TAG_VERBOSE : 0),
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    TAG_MANY, curbuf->b_ffname) == OK && num_matches > 0)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 		ins_compl_add_matches(num_matches, matches, p_ic);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	    p_ic = save_p_ic;
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** 3867,3873 ****
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	    num_matches = expand_spelling(first_match_pos.lnum,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  				 first_match_pos.col, compl_pattern, &matches);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	    if (num_matches > 0)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 		ins_compl_add_matches(num_matches, matches, FALSE);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- 3867,3873 ----
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	    num_matches = expand_spelling(first_match_pos.lnum,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  				 first_match_pos.col, compl_pattern, &matches);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	    if (num_matches > 0)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 		ins_compl_add_matches(num_matches, matches, p_ic);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** 4001,4007 ****
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 		if (ins_compl_add_infercase(ptr, len, FALSE,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  				 ins_buf == curbuf ? NULL : ins_buf->b_sfname,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  					   0, flags) != NOTDONE)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- 4001,4007 ----
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 		if (ins_compl_add_infercase(ptr, len, p_ic,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  				 ins_buf == curbuf ? NULL : ins_buf->b_sfname,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  					   0, flags) != NOTDONE)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** 4809,4815 ****
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	compl_orig_text = vim_strnsave(line + compl_col, compl_length);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	if (compl_orig_text == NULL || ins_compl_add(compl_orig_text,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	    compl_pattern = NULL;
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- 4809,4815 ----
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	compl_orig_text = vim_strnsave(line + compl_col, compl_length);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	if (compl_orig_text == NULL || ins_compl_add(compl_orig_text,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 			-1, p_ic, NULL, NULL, 0, ORIGINAL_TEXT, FALSE) != OK)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	    compl_pattern = NULL;
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** ../vim-7.0.067/src/search.c	Fri May  5 23:15:17 2006
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- src/search.c	Tue Aug 29 14:56:15 2006
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** 4871,4877 ****
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			goto exit_matched;
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 		add_r = ins_compl_add_infercase(aux, i, FALSE,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			curr_fname == curbuf->b_fname ? NULL : curr_fname,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			dir, reuse);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		if (add_r == OK)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- 4876,4882 ----
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			goto exit_matched;
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 		add_r = ins_compl_add_infercase(aux, i, p_ic,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			curr_fname == curbuf->b_fname ? NULL : curr_fname,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  			dir, reuse);
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		if (add_r == OK)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** ../vim-7.0.067/src/spell.c	Sun Jul 23 21:52:16 2006
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- src/spell.c	Tue Aug 29 14:56:26 2006
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** 15658,15664 ****
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    ? MB_STRNICMP(p, pat, STRLEN(pat)) == 0
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    : STRNCMP(p, pat, STRLEN(pat)) == 0)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		&& ins_compl_add_infercase(p, (int)STRLEN(p),
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 					  FALSE, NULL, *dir, 0) == OK)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	/* if dir was BACKWARD then honor it just once */
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	*dir = FORWARD;
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- 15662,15668 ----
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    ? MB_STRNICMP(p, pat, STRLEN(pat)) == 0
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		    : STRNCMP(p, pat, STRLEN(pat)) == 0)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  		&& ins_compl_add_infercase(p, (int)STRLEN(p),
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
! 					  p_ic, NULL, *dir, 0) == OK)
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	/* if dir was BACKWARD then honor it just once */
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  	*dir = FORWARD;
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** ../vim-7.0.067/src/version.c	Tue Aug 29 16:10:54 2006
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- src/version.c	Tue Aug 29 16:13:49 2006
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
*** 668,669 ****
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
--- 668,671 ----
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
+ /**/
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
+     68,
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
266. You hear most of your jokes via e-mail instead of in person.
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
 /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
\\\        download, build and distribute -- http://www.A-A-P.org        ///
Karsten Hopp 7a5b07
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///