fb77fe |
%global commit 0bbe70862b691da346536a1dd3e75be47a3514eb
fb77fe |
%global gittag
8cc1d7 |
%global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
%define spec_release 1
8cc1d7 |
Summary: Management tools for Virtual Data Optimizer
8cc1d7 |
Name: vdo
8cc1d7 |
Version: %{gittag}
fb77fe |
Release: %{spec_release}%{?dist}
8cc1d7 |
License: GPLv2
8cc1d7 |
Source0: https://github.com/dm-vdo/%{name}/archive/%{commit}/%{name}-%{shortcommit}.tar.gz
8cc1d7 |
Patch0: fix_dmeventd_linking.patch
8cc1d7 |
URL: http://github.com/dm-vdo/vdo
8cc1d7 |
# Requires: libuuid >= 2.23
8cc1d7 |
Requires: kmod-kvdo >= 6.2
8cc1d7 |
# Requires: util-linux >= 2.32.1-7
8cc1d7 |
Provides: kvdo-kmod-common = %{version}
8cc1d7 |
ExcludeArch: s390
8cc1d7 |
ExcludeArch: ppc
8cc1d7 |
ExcludeArch: ppc64
8cc1d7 |
ExcludeArch: i686
8cc1d7 |
BuildRequires: gcc
8cc1d7 |
BuildRequires: libblkid-devel
8cc1d7 |
BuildRequires: libuuid-devel
8cc1d7 |
BuildRequires: device-mapper-devel
8cc1d7 |
BuildRequires: device-mapper-event-devel
8cc1d7 |
%ifarch %{valgrind_arches}
8cc1d7 |
BuildRequires: valgrind-devel
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
# Disable an automatic dependency due to a file in examples/monitor.
8cc1d7 |
%define __requires_exclude perl
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
Virtual Data Optimizer (VDO) is a device mapper target that delivers
8cc1d7 |
block-level deduplication, compression, and thin provisioning.
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
This package provides the user-space management tools for VDO.
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{commit}
8cc1d7 |
%patch0 -p1
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT INSTALLOWNER= bindir=%{_bindir} \
8cc1d7 |
defaultdocdir=%{_defaultdocdir} name=%{name} mandir=%{_mandir} \
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
%dir %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}
8cc1d7 |
%license %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/COPYING
8cc1d7 |
%dir %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/examples
8cc1d7 |
%dir %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/examples/ansible
8cc1d7 |
%doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/examples/ansible/README.txt
8cc1d7 |
%doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/examples/ansible/test_vdocreate.yml
8cc1d7 |
%doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/examples/ansible/test_vdocreate_alloptions.yml
8cc1d7 |
%doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/examples/ansible/test_vdoremove.yml
8cc1d7 |
%dir %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/examples/monitor
8cc1d7 |
%doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/examples/monitor/monitor_check_vdostats_logicalSpace.pl
8cc1d7 |
%doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/examples/monitor/monitor_check_vdostats_physicalSpace.pl
8cc1d7 |
%doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/examples/monitor/monitor_check_vdostats_savingPercent.pl
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
%package support
8cc1d7 |
Summary: Support tools for Virtual Data Optimizer
8cc1d7 |
License: GPLv2
8cc1d7 |
Requires: libuuid >= 2.23
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
%description support
8cc1d7 |
Virtual Data Optimizer (VDO) is a device mapper target that delivers
8cc1d7 |
block-level deduplication, compression, and thin provisioning.
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
This package provides the user-space support tools for VDO.
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
%files support
fb77fe |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
fb77fe |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
fb77fe |
* Sat Feb 12 2022 - Andy Walsh <awalsh@redhat.com> -
fb77fe |
- Fixed vdostats output issues.
fb77fe |
- Resolves: rhbz#2004576
fb77fe |
- Removed incorrect assumptions about major device numbers in vdostats.
fb77fe |
- Resolves: rhbz#2045885
fb77fe |
- Made improvements to the vdorecover script.
fb77fe |
- Resolves: rhbz#2047543
fb77fe |
- Added a tool to make LVMVDO pools read/write so that support and
fb77fe |
debugging tools may access them.
fb77fe |
- Resolves: rhbz#2047543
fb77fe |
fb77fe |
* Sun Jan 23 2022 - Andy Walsh <awalsh@redhat.com> -
fb77fe |
- Fixed off-by-one issue in vdostats.
fb77fe |
- Resolves: rhbz#1999056
fb77fe |
- Improved error handling and path validation in vdostats.
fb77fe |
- Resolves: rhbz#2004576
fb77fe |
8cc1d7 |
* Tue Aug 10 2021 Mohan Boddu <mboddu@redhat.com> -
8cc1d7 |
- Rebuilt for IMA sigs, glibc 2.34, aarch64 flags
8cc1d7 |
Related: rhbz#1991688
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
* Sun Aug 08 2021 - Andy Walsh <awalsh@redhat.com> -
8cc1d7 |
- Rebased to upstream candidate.
8cc1d7 |
- Resolves: rhbz#1955374
8cc1d7 |
- Removed all python based tools, and all management should now be done with
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
- Resolves: rhbz#1949159
8cc1d7 |
- vdostats is now a C program
8cc1d7 |
- Resolves: rhbz#1972302
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
* Thu Jul 29 2021 - Andy Walsh <awalsh@redhat.com> -
8cc1d7 |
- Rebased to upstream candidate.
8cc1d7 |
- Related: rhbz#1955374
8cc1d7 |
8cc1d7 |
* Tue May 04 2021 - Andy Walsh <awalsh@redhat.com> -
8cc1d7 |
- Initial build for EL9
8cc1d7 |
- Resolves: rhbz#1955374