diff --git a/valgrind-3.14.0-enable-ppc-Iop_Sar_Shr8.patch b/valgrind-3.14.0-enable-ppc-Iop_Sar_Shr8.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8101f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.14.0-enable-ppc-Iop_Sar_Shr8.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+commit 27fe22378da38424102c5292b782cacdd9d7b9e4
+Author: Julian Seward <jseward@acm.org>
+Date:   Tue Nov 20 12:09:03 2018 +0100
+    Add support for Iop_{Sar,Shr}8 on ppc.  --expensive-definedness-checks=yes needs them.
+diff --git a/VEX/priv/host_ppc_isel.c b/VEX/priv/host_ppc_isel.c
+index 5242176..750cf8d 100644
+--- a/VEX/priv/host_ppc_isel.c
++++ b/VEX/priv/host_ppc_isel.c
+@@ -1528,7 +1528,6 @@ static HReg iselWordExpr_R_wrk ( ISelEnv* env, const IRExpr* e,
+                                            True/*32bit shift*/,
+                                            tmp, tmp,    amt));
+                r_srcL = tmp;
+-               vassert(0); /* AWAITING TEST CASE */
+             }
+          }
+          /* Only 64 expressions need 64bit shifts,
diff --git a/valgrind-3.14.0-get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk-ppc.patch b/valgrind-3.14.0-get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk-ppc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9df0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.14.0-get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk-ppc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+commit 7f1dd9d5aec1f1fd4eb0ae3a311358a914f1d73f
+Author: Julian Seward <jseward@acm.org>
+Date:   Tue Nov 20 10:18:29 2018 +0100
+    get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk for ppc32 and ppc64: add missing cases for XER_OV32, XER_CA32 and C_FPCC.
+    The missing cases were discovered whilst testing fixes for bug 386945, but are
+    otherwise unrelated to that bug.
+diff --git a/memcheck/mc_machine.c b/memcheck/mc_machine.c
+index 5ed101f..4ce746e 100644
+--- a/memcheck/mc_machine.c
++++ b/memcheck/mc_machine.c
+@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ static Int get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk ( Int offset, Int szB )
+    Int  o    = offset;
+    tl_assert(sz > 0);
+-#if defined(VGA_ppc64be)
++#  if defined(VGA_ppc64be)
+    tl_assert(host_is_big_endian());
+-#elif defined(VGA_ppc64le)
++#  elif defined(VGA_ppc64le)
+    tl_assert(host_is_little_endian());
++#  endif
+    if (sz == 8 || sz == 4) {
+       /* The point of this is to achieve
+@@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ static Int get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk ( Int offset, Int szB )
+             return GOF(GPRn);
+          by testing ox instead of o, and setting ox back 4 bytes when sz == 4.
+       */
+-#if defined(VGA_ppc64le)
++#     if defined(VGA_ppc64le)
+       Int ox = o;
++#     else
+       Int ox = sz == 8 ? o : (o - 4);
++#     endif
+       if (ox == GOF(GPR0)) return ox;
+       if (ox == GOF(GPR1)) return ox;
+       if (ox == GOF(GPR2)) return ox;
+@@ -240,11 +240,13 @@ static Int get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk ( Int offset, Int szB )
+    if (o == GOF(VSR31) && sz == 8) return o;
+    /* For the various byte sized XER/CR pieces, use offset 8
+-      in VSR0 .. VSR19. */
++      in VSR0 .. VSR21. */
+    tl_assert(SZB(VSR0) == 16);
+    if (o == GOF(XER_SO) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR0);
+    if (o == GOF(XER_OV) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR1);
++   if (o == GOF(XER_OV32) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR20);
+    if (o == GOF(XER_CA) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR2);
++   if (o == GOF(XER_CA32) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR21);
+    if (o == GOF(XER_BC) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR3);
+    if (o == GOF(CR0_321) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR4);
+@@ -388,6 +390,7 @@ static Int get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk ( Int offset, Int szB )
+    if (o == GOF(IP_AT_SYSCALL) && sz == 4) return -1; /* slot unused */
+    if (o == GOF(FPROUND)   && sz == 1) return -1;
+    if (o == GOF(DFPROUND)  && sz == 1) return -1;
++   if (o == GOF(C_FPCC)    && sz == 1) return -1;
+    if (o == GOF(VRSAVE)    && sz == 4) return -1;
+    if (o == GOF(EMNOTE)    && sz == 4) return -1;
+    if (o == GOF(CMSTART)   && sz == 4) return -1;
+@@ -440,11 +443,13 @@ static Int get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk ( Int offset, Int szB )
+    if (o == GOF(VSR31) && sz == 8) return o;
+    /* For the various byte sized XER/CR pieces, use offset 8
+-      in VSR0 .. VSR19. */
++      in VSR0 .. VSR21. */
+    tl_assert(SZB(VSR0) == 16);
+    if (o == GOF(XER_SO) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR0);
+    if (o == GOF(XER_OV) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR1);
++   if (o == GOF(XER_OV32) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR20);
+    if (o == GOF(XER_CA) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR2);
++   if (o == GOF(XER_CA32) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR21);
+    if (o == GOF(XER_BC) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR3);
+    if (o == GOF(CR0_321) && sz == 1) return 8 +GOF(VSR4);
diff --git a/valgrind-3.14.0-memcheck-new-IROps.patch b/valgrind-3.14.0-memcheck-new-IROps.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79e7113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.14.0-memcheck-new-IROps.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+commit e221eca26be6b2396e3fcbf4117e630fc22e79f6
+Author: Julian Seward <jseward@acm.org>
+Date:   Tue Nov 20 11:28:42 2018 +0100
+    Add Memcheck support for IROps added in 42719898.
+    memcheck/mc_translate.c:
+    Add mkRight{32,64} as right-travelling analogues to mkLeft{32,64}.
+    doCmpORD: for the cases of a signed comparison against zero, compute
+    definedness of the 3 result bits (lt,gt,eq) separately, and, for the lt and eq
+    bits, do it exactly accurately.
+    expensiveCountTrailingZeroes: no functional change.  Re-analyse/verify and add
+    comments.
+    expensiveCountLeadingZeroes: add.  Very similar to
+    expensiveCountTrailingZeroes.
+    Add some comments to mark unary ops which are self-shadowing.
+    Route Iop_Ctz{,Nat}{32,64} through expensiveCountTrailingZeroes.
+    Route Iop_Clz{,Nat}{32,64} through expensiveCountLeadingZeroes.
+    Add instrumentation for Iop_PopCount{32,64} and Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1.
+    memcheck/tests/vbit-test/irops.c
+    Add dummy new entries for all new IROps, just enough to make it compile and
+    run.
+diff --git a/memcheck/mc_translate.c b/memcheck/mc_translate.c
+index 68a2ab3..c24db91 100644
+--- a/memcheck/mc_translate.c
++++ b/memcheck/mc_translate.c
+@@ -737,6 +737,34 @@ static IRAtom* mkLeft64 ( MCEnv* mce, IRAtom* a1 ) {
+    return assignNew('V', mce, Ity_I64, unop(Iop_Left64, a1));
+ }
++/* --------- The Right-family of operations. --------- */
++/* Unfortunately these are a lot more expensive then their Left
++   counterparts.  Fortunately they are only very rarely used -- only for
++   count-leading-zeroes instrumentation. */
++static IRAtom* mkRight32 ( MCEnv* mce, IRAtom* a1 )
++   for (Int i = 1; i <= 16; i *= 2) {
++      // a1 |= (a1 >>u i)
++      IRAtom* tmp
++         = assignNew('V', mce, Ity_I32, binop(Iop_Shr32, a1, mkU8(i)));
++      a1 = assignNew('V', mce, Ity_I32, binop(Iop_Or32, a1, tmp));
++   }
++   return a1;
++static IRAtom* mkRight64 ( MCEnv* mce, IRAtom* a1 )
++   for (Int i = 1; i <= 32; i *= 2) {
++      // a1 |= (a1 >>u i)
++      IRAtom* tmp
++         = assignNew('V', mce, Ity_I64, binop(Iop_Shr64, a1, mkU8(i)));
++      a1 = assignNew('V', mce, Ity_I64, binop(Iop_Or64, a1, tmp));
++   }
++   return a1;
+ /* --------- 'Improvement' functions for AND/OR. --------- */
+ /* ImproveAND(data, vbits) = data OR vbits.  Defined (0) data 0s give
+@@ -1280,20 +1308,18 @@ static IRAtom* doCmpORD ( MCEnv*  mce,
+                           IRAtom* xxhash, IRAtom* yyhash, 
+                           IRAtom* xx,     IRAtom* yy )
+ {
+-   Bool   m64    = cmp_op == Iop_CmpORD64S || cmp_op == Iop_CmpORD64U;
+-   Bool   syned  = cmp_op == Iop_CmpORD64S || cmp_op == Iop_CmpORD32S;
+-   IROp   opOR   = m64 ? Iop_Or64  : Iop_Or32;
+-   IROp   opAND  = m64 ? Iop_And64 : Iop_And32;
+-   IROp   opSHL  = m64 ? Iop_Shl64 : Iop_Shl32;
+-   IROp   opSHR  = m64 ? Iop_Shr64 : Iop_Shr32;
+-   IRType ty     = m64 ? Ity_I64   : Ity_I32;
+-   Int    width  = m64 ? 64        : 32;
++   Bool   m64      = cmp_op == Iop_CmpORD64S || cmp_op == Iop_CmpORD64U;
++   Bool   syned    = cmp_op == Iop_CmpORD64S || cmp_op == Iop_CmpORD32S;
++   IROp   opOR     = m64 ? Iop_Or64   : Iop_Or32;
++   IROp   opAND    = m64 ? Iop_And64  : Iop_And32;
++   IROp   opSHL    = m64 ? Iop_Shl64  : Iop_Shl32;
++   IROp   opSHR    = m64 ? Iop_Shr64  : Iop_Shr32;
++   IROp   op1UtoWS = m64 ? Iop_1Uto64 : Iop_1Uto32;
++   IRType ty       = m64 ? Ity_I64    : Ity_I32;
++   Int    width    = m64 ? 64         : 32;
+    Bool (*isZero)(IRAtom*) = m64 ? isZeroU64 : isZeroU32;
+-   IRAtom* threeLeft1 = NULL;
+-   IRAtom* sevenLeft1 = NULL;
+    tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce,xxhash));
+    tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce,yyhash));
+    tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce,xx));
+@@ -1312,30 +1338,55 @@ static IRAtom* doCmpORD ( MCEnv*  mce,
+       /* fancy interpretation */
+       /* if yy is zero, then it must be fully defined (zero#). */
+       tl_assert(isZero(yyhash));
+-      threeLeft1 = m64 ? mkU64(3<<1) : mkU32(3<<1);
++      // This is still inaccurate, but I don't think it matters, since
++      // nobody writes code of the form
++      // "is <partially-undefined-value> signedly greater than zero?".
++      // We therefore simply declare "x >s 0" to be undefined if any bit in
++      // x is undefined.  That's clearly suboptimal in some cases.  Eg, if
++      // the highest order bit is a defined 1 then x is negative so it
++      // doesn't matter whether the remaining bits are defined or not.
++      IRAtom* t_0_gt_0_0
++         = assignNew(
++              'V', mce,ty,
++              binop(
++                 opAND,
++                 mkPCastTo(mce,ty, xxhash),
++                 m64 ? mkU64(1<<2) : mkU32(1<<2)
++              ));
++      // For "x <s 0", we can just copy the definedness of the top bit of x
++      // and we have a precise result.
++      IRAtom* t_lt_0_0_0
++         = assignNew(
++              'V', mce,ty,
++              binop(
++                 opSHL,
++                 assignNew(
++                    'V', mce,ty,
++                    binop(opSHR, xxhash, mkU8(width-1))),
++                 mkU8(3)
++              ));
++      // For "x == 0" we can hand the problem off to expensiveCmpEQorNE.
++      IRAtom* t_0_0_eq_0
++         = assignNew(
++              'V', mce,ty,
++              binop(
++                 opSHL,
++                 assignNew('V', mce,ty,
++                    unop(
++                    op1UtoWS,
++                    expensiveCmpEQorNE(mce, ty, xxhash, yyhash, xx, yy))
++                 ),
++                 mkU8(1)
++              ));
+       return
+          binop(
+             opOR,
+-            assignNew(
+-               'V', mce,ty,
+-               binop(
+-                  opAND,
+-                  mkPCastTo(mce,ty, xxhash), 
+-                  threeLeft1
+-               )),
+-            assignNew(
+-               'V', mce,ty,
+-               binop(
+-                  opSHL,
+-                  assignNew(
+-                     'V', mce,ty,
+-                     binop(opSHR, xxhash, mkU8(width-1))),
+-                  mkU8(3)
+-               ))
+-	 );
++            assignNew('V', mce,ty, binop(opOR, t_lt_0_0_0, t_0_gt_0_0)),
++            t_0_0_eq_0
++         );
+    } else {
+       /* standard interpretation */
+-      sevenLeft1 = m64 ? mkU64(7<<1) : mkU32(7<<1);
++      IRAtom* sevenLeft1 = m64 ? mkU64(7<<1) : mkU32(7<<1);
+       return 
+          binop( 
+             opAND, 
+@@ -2211,14 +2262,14 @@ IRAtom* expensiveCountTrailingZeroes ( MCEnv* mce, IROp czop,
+    tl_assert(sameKindedAtoms(atom,vatom));
+    switch (czop) {
+-      case Iop_Ctz32:
++      case Iop_Ctz32: case Iop_CtzNat32:
+          ty = Ity_I32;
+          xorOp = Iop_Xor32;
+          subOp = Iop_Sub32;
+          andOp = Iop_And32;
+          one = mkU32(1);
+          break;
+-      case Iop_Ctz64:
++      case Iop_Ctz64: case Iop_CtzNat64:
+          ty = Ity_I64;
+          xorOp = Iop_Xor64;
+          subOp = Iop_Sub64;
+@@ -2232,8 +2283,30 @@ IRAtom* expensiveCountTrailingZeroes ( MCEnv* mce, IROp czop,
+    // improver = atom ^ (atom - 1)
+    //
+-   // That is, improver has its low ctz(atom) bits equal to one;
+-   // higher bits (if any) equal to zero.
++   // That is, improver has its low ctz(atom)+1 bits equal to one;
++   // higher bits (if any) equal to zero.  So it's exactly the right
++   // mask to use to remove the irrelevant undefined input bits.
++   /* Here are some examples:
++         atom   = U...U 1 0...0
++         atom-1 = U...U 0 1...1
++         ^ed    = 0...0 1 11111, which correctly describes which bits of |atom|
++                                 actually influence the result
++      A boundary case
++         atom   = 0...0
++         atom-1 = 1...1
++         ^ed    = 11111, also a correct mask for the input: all input bits
++                         are relevant
++      Another boundary case
++         atom   = 1..1 1
++         atom-1 = 1..1 0
++         ^ed    = 0..0 1, also a correct mask: only the rightmost input bit
++                          is relevant
++      Now with misc U bits interspersed:
++         atom   = U...U 1 0 U...U 0 1 0...0
++         atom-1 = U...U 1 0 U...U 0 0 1...1
++         ^ed    = 0...0 0 0 0...0 0 1 1...1, also correct
++      (Per re-check/analysis of 14 Nov 2018)
++   */
+    improver = assignNew('V', mce,ty,
+                         binop(xorOp,
+                               atom,
+@@ -2242,8 +2315,96 @@ IRAtom* expensiveCountTrailingZeroes ( MCEnv* mce, IROp czop,
+    // improved = vatom & improver
+    //
+-   // That is, treat any V bits above the first ctz(atom) bits as
+-   // "defined".
++   // That is, treat any V bits to the left of the rightmost ctz(atom)+1
++   // bits as "defined".
++   improved = assignNew('V', mce, ty,
++                        binop(andOp, vatom, improver));
++   // Return pessimizing cast of improved.
++   return mkPCastTo(mce, ty, improved);
++IRAtom* expensiveCountLeadingZeroes ( MCEnv* mce, IROp czop,
++                                      IRAtom* atom, IRAtom* vatom )
++   IRType ty;
++   IROp shrOp, notOp, andOp;
++   IRAtom* (*mkRight)(MCEnv*, IRAtom*);
++   IRAtom *improver, *improved;
++   tl_assert(isShadowAtom(mce,vatom));
++   tl_assert(isOriginalAtom(mce,atom));
++   tl_assert(sameKindedAtoms(atom,vatom));
++   switch (czop) {
++      case Iop_Clz32: case Iop_ClzNat32:
++         ty = Ity_I32;
++         shrOp = Iop_Shr32;
++         notOp = Iop_Not32;
++         andOp = Iop_And32;
++         mkRight = mkRight32;
++         break;
++      case Iop_Clz64: case Iop_ClzNat64:
++         ty = Ity_I64;
++         shrOp = Iop_Shr64;
++         notOp = Iop_Not64;
++         andOp = Iop_And64;
++         mkRight = mkRight64;
++         break;
++      default:
++         ppIROp(czop);
++         VG_(tool_panic)("memcheck:expensiveCountLeadingZeroes");
++   }
++   // This is in principle very similar to how expensiveCountTrailingZeroes
++   // works.  That function computed an "improver", which it used to mask
++   // off all but the rightmost 1-bit and the zeroes to the right of it,
++   // hence removing irrelevant bits from the input.  Here, we play the
++   // exact same game but with the left-vs-right roles interchanged.
++   // Unfortunately calculation of the improver in this case is
++   // significantly more expensive.
++   //
++   // improver = ~(RIGHT(atom) >>u 1)
++   //
++   // That is, improver has its upper clz(atom)+1 bits equal to one;
++   // lower bits (if any) equal to zero.  So it's exactly the right
++   // mask to use to remove the irrelevant undefined input bits.
++   /* Here are some examples:
++         atom             = 0...0 1 U...U
++         R(atom)          = 0...0 1 1...1
++         R(atom) >>u 1    = 0...0 0 1...1
++         ~(R(atom) >>u 1) = 1...1 1 0...0
++                            which correctly describes which bits of |atom|
++                            actually influence the result
++      A boundary case
++         atom             = 0...0
++         R(atom)          = 0...0
++         R(atom) >>u 1    = 0...0
++         ~(R(atom) >>u 1) = 1...1
++                            also a correct mask for the input: all input bits
++                            are relevant
++      Another boundary case
++         atom             = 1 1..1
++         R(atom)          = 1 1..1
++         R(atom) >>u 1    = 0 1..1
++         ~(R(atom) >>u 1) = 1 0..0
++                            also a correct mask: only the leftmost input bit
++                            is relevant
++      Now with misc U bits interspersed:
++         atom             = 0...0 1 U...U 0 1 U...U
++         R(atom)          = 0...0 1 1...1 1 1 1...1
++         R(atom) >>u 1    = 0...0 0 1...1 1 1 1...1
++         ~(R(atom) >>u 1) = 1...1 1 0...0 0 0 0...0, also correct
++      (Per initial implementation of 15 Nov 2018)
++   */
++   improver = mkRight(mce, atom);
++   improver = assignNew('V', mce, ty, binop(shrOp, improver, mkU8(1)));
++   improver = assignNew('V', mce, ty, unop(notOp, improver));
++   // improved = vatom & improver
++   //
++   // That is, treat any V bits to the right of the leftmost clz(atom)+1
++   // bits as "defined".
+    improved = assignNew('V', mce, ty,
+                         binop(andOp, vatom, improver));
+@@ -4705,6 +4866,7 @@ IRExpr* expr2vbits_Unop ( MCEnv* mce, IROp op, IRAtom* atom )
+       case Iop_RecipEst32F0x4:
+          return unary32F0x4(mce, vatom);
++      // These are self-shadowing.
+       case Iop_32UtoV128:
+       case Iop_64UtoV128:
+       case Iop_Dup8x16:
+@@ -4745,6 +4907,7 @@ IRExpr* expr2vbits_Unop ( MCEnv* mce, IROp op, IRAtom* atom )
+       case Iop_MulI128by10Carry:
+       case Iop_F16toF64x2:
+       case Iop_F64toF16x2:
++         // FIXME JRS 2018-Nov-15.  This is surely not correct!
+          return vatom;
+       case Iop_I32StoF128: /* signed I32 -> F128 */
+@@ -4770,7 +4933,6 @@ IRExpr* expr2vbits_Unop ( MCEnv* mce, IROp op, IRAtom* atom )
+       case Iop_RoundF64toF64_NegINF:
+       case Iop_RoundF64toF64_PosINF:
+       case Iop_RoundF64toF64_ZERO:
+-      case Iop_Clz64:
+       case Iop_D32toD64:
+       case Iop_I32StoD64:
+       case Iop_I32UtoD64:
+@@ -4785,17 +4947,32 @@ IRExpr* expr2vbits_Unop ( MCEnv* mce, IROp op, IRAtom* atom )
+       case Iop_D64toD128:
+          return mkPCastTo(mce, Ity_I128, vatom);
+-      case Iop_Clz32:
+       case Iop_TruncF64asF32:
+       case Iop_NegF32:
+       case Iop_AbsF32:
+       case Iop_F16toF32: 
+          return mkPCastTo(mce, Ity_I32, vatom);
+-      case Iop_Ctz32:
+-      case Iop_Ctz64:
++      case Iop_Ctz32: case Iop_CtzNat32:
++      case Iop_Ctz64: case Iop_CtzNat64:
+          return expensiveCountTrailingZeroes(mce, op, atom, vatom);
++      case Iop_Clz32: case Iop_ClzNat32:
++      case Iop_Clz64: case Iop_ClzNat64:
++         return expensiveCountLeadingZeroes(mce, op, atom, vatom);
++      // PopCount32: this is slightly pessimistic.  It is true that the
++      // result depends on all input bits, so that aspect of the PCast is
++      // correct.  However, regardless of the input, only the lowest 5 bits
++      // out of the output can ever be undefined.  So we could actually
++      // "improve" the results here by marking the top 27 bits of output as
++      // defined.  A similar comment applies for PopCount64.
++      case Iop_PopCount32:
++         return mkPCastTo(mce, Ity_I32, vatom);
++      case Iop_PopCount64:
++         return mkPCastTo(mce, Ity_I64, vatom);
++      // These are self-shadowing.
+       case Iop_1Uto64:
+       case Iop_1Sto64:
+       case Iop_8Uto64:
+@@ -4821,6 +4998,7 @@ IRExpr* expr2vbits_Unop ( MCEnv* mce, IROp op, IRAtom* atom )
+       case Iop_V256to64_2: case Iop_V256to64_3:
+          return assignNew('V', mce, Ity_I64, unop(op, vatom));
++      // These are self-shadowing.
+       case Iop_64to32:
+       case Iop_64HIto32:
+       case Iop_1Uto32:
+@@ -4830,8 +5008,10 @@ IRExpr* expr2vbits_Unop ( MCEnv* mce, IROp op, IRAtom* atom )
+       case Iop_16Sto32:
+       case Iop_8Sto32:
+       case Iop_V128to32:
++      case Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1:
+          return assignNew('V', mce, Ity_I32, unop(op, vatom));
++      // These are self-shadowing.
+       case Iop_8Sto16:
+       case Iop_8Uto16:
+       case Iop_32to16:
+@@ -4840,6 +5020,7 @@ IRExpr* expr2vbits_Unop ( MCEnv* mce, IROp op, IRAtom* atom )
+       case Iop_GetMSBs8x16:
+          return assignNew('V', mce, Ity_I16, unop(op, vatom));
++      // These are self-shadowing.
+       case Iop_1Uto8:
+       case Iop_1Sto8:
+       case Iop_16to8:
+@@ -4868,6 +5049,7 @@ IRExpr* expr2vbits_Unop ( MCEnv* mce, IROp op, IRAtom* atom )
+       case Iop_Not16:
+       case Iop_Not8:
+       case Iop_Not1:
++         // FIXME JRS 2018-Nov-15.  This is surely not correct!
+          return vatom;
+       case Iop_CmpNEZ8x8:
+@@ -4929,6 +5111,7 @@ IRExpr* expr2vbits_Unop ( MCEnv* mce, IROp op, IRAtom* atom )
+       case Iop_Ctz64x2:
+          return mkPCast64x2(mce, vatom);
++      // This is self-shadowing.
+       case Iop_PwBitMtxXpose64x2:
+          return assignNew('V', mce, Ity_V128, unop(op, vatom));
+diff --git a/memcheck/tests/vbit-test/irops.c b/memcheck/tests/vbit-test/irops.c
+index bfd82fc..e8bf67d 100644
+--- a/memcheck/tests/vbit-test/irops.c
++++ b/memcheck/tests/vbit-test/irops.c
+@@ -111,6 +111,12 @@ static irop_t irops[] = {
+   { DEFOP(Iop_Clz32,      UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 0, .amd64 = 0, .x86 = 1, .arm = 1, .ppc64 = 1, .ppc32 = 1, .mips32 =1, .mips64 = 1 },
+   { DEFOP(Iop_Ctz64,      UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 0, .amd64 = 1, .x86 = 0, .arm = 0, .ppc64 = 0, .ppc32 = 0, .mips32 =0, .mips64 = 0 },
+   { DEFOP(Iop_Ctz32,      UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 0, .amd64 = 0, .x86 = 1, .arm = 0, .ppc64 = 0, .ppc32 = 0, .mips32 =0, .mips64 = 0 },
++  { DEFOP(Iop_ClzNat64,   UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 0, .amd64 = 0, .x86 = 0, .arm = 0, .ppc64 = 1, .ppc32 = 0, .mips32 =0, .mips64 = 0 }, // ppc32 asserts
++  { DEFOP(Iop_ClzNat32,   UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 0, .amd64 = 0, .x86 = 0, .arm = 0, .ppc64 = 1, .ppc32 = 1, .mips32 =0, .mips64 = 0 },
++  { DEFOP(Iop_CtzNat64,   UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 0, .amd64 = 0, .x86 = 0, .arm = 0, .ppc64 = 1, .ppc32 = 0, .mips32 =0, .mips64 = 0 },
++  { DEFOP(Iop_CtzNat32,   UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 0, .amd64 = 0, .x86 = 0, .arm = 0, .ppc64 = 0, .ppc32 = 1, .mips32 =0, .mips64 = 0 },
++  { DEFOP(Iop_PopCount64, UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 0, .amd64 = 0, .x86 = 0, .arm = 0, .ppc64 = 1, .ppc32 = 0, .mips32 =0, .mips64 = 0 },
++  { DEFOP(Iop_PopCount32, UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 0, .amd64 = 0, .x86 = 0, .arm = 0, .ppc64 = 1, .ppc32 = 1, .mips32 =0, .mips64 = 0 },
+   { DEFOP(Iop_CmpLT32S,   UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 1, .amd64 = 1, .x86 = 1, .arm = 1, .ppc64 = 1, .ppc32 = 1, .mips32 =1, .mips64 = 1 },
+   { DEFOP(Iop_CmpLT64S,   UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 1, .amd64 = 1, .x86 = 0, .arm = 0, .ppc64 = 0, .ppc32 = 0, .mips32 =0, .mips64 = 1 }, // ppc, mips assert
+   { DEFOP(Iop_CmpLE32S,   UNDEF_ALL),  .s390x = 1, .amd64 = 1, .x86 = 1, .arm = 1, .ppc64 = 1, .ppc32 = 1, .mips32 =1, .mips64 = 1 },
+@@ -336,6 +342,7 @@ static irop_t irops[] = {
+   { DEFOP(Iop_Sad8Ux4, UNDEF_UNKNOWN), },
+   { DEFOP(Iop_CmpNEZ16x2, UNDEF_UNKNOWN), },
+   { DEFOP(Iop_CmpNEZ8x4, UNDEF_UNKNOWN), },
++  { DEFOP(Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1, UNDEF_UNKNOWN) },
+   /* ------------------ 64-bit SIMD FP ------------------------ */
+   { DEFOP(Iop_I32UtoFx2, UNDEF_UNKNOWN), },
+   { DEFOP(Iop_I32StoFx2, UNDEF_UNKNOWN), },
diff --git a/valgrind-3.14.0-new-strlen-IROps.patch b/valgrind-3.14.0-new-strlen-IROps.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6587d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.14.0-new-strlen-IROps.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+commit 4271989815b5fc933c1e29bc75507c2726dc3738
+Author: Julian Seward <jseward@acm.org>
+Date:   Tue Nov 20 10:52:33 2018 +0100
+    Add some new IROps to support improved Memcheck analysis of strlen etc.
+    This is part of the fix for bug 386945.  It adds the following IROps, plus
+    their supporting type- and printing- fragments:
+    Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1: 32-bit byteswap.  A fancy name, but it is consistent
+    with naming for the other swapping IROps that already exist.
+    Iop_PopCount64, Iop_PopCount32: population count
+    Iop_ClzNat64, Iop_ClzNat32, Iop_CtzNat64, Iop_CtzNat32: counting leading and
+    trailing zeroes, with "natural" (Nat) semantics for a zero input, meaning, in
+    the case of zero input, return the number of bits in the word.  These
+    functionally overlap with the existing Iop_Clz64, Iop_Clz32, Iop_Ctz64,
+    Iop_Ctz32.  The existing operations are undefined in case of a zero input.
+    Adding these new variants avoids the complexity of having to change the
+    declared semantics of the existing operations.  Instead they are deprecated
+    but still available for use.
+diff --git a/VEX/priv/ir_defs.c b/VEX/priv/ir_defs.c
+index 823b6be..3221033 100644
+--- a/VEX/priv/ir_defs.c
++++ b/VEX/priv/ir_defs.c
+@@ -194,6 +194,14 @@ void ppIROp ( IROp op )
+       case Iop_Ctz64:    vex_printf("Ctz64"); return;
+       case Iop_Ctz32:    vex_printf("Ctz32"); return;
++      case Iop_ClzNat64: vex_printf("ClzNat64"); return;
++      case Iop_ClzNat32: vex_printf("ClzNat32"); return;
++      case Iop_CtzNat64: vex_printf("CtzNat64"); return;
++      case Iop_CtzNat32: vex_printf("CtzNat32"); return;
++      case Iop_PopCount64: vex_printf("PopCount64"); return;
++      case Iop_PopCount32: vex_printf("PopCount32"); return;
+       case Iop_CmpLT32S: vex_printf("CmpLT32S"); return;
+       case Iop_CmpLE32S: vex_printf("CmpLE32S"); return;
+       case Iop_CmpLT32U: vex_printf("CmpLT32U"); return;
+@@ -395,6 +403,7 @@ void ppIROp ( IROp op )
+       case Iop_CmpNEZ16x2: vex_printf("CmpNEZ16x2"); return;
+       case Iop_CmpNEZ8x4:  vex_printf("CmpNEZ8x4"); return;
++      case Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1: vex_printf("Reverse8sIn32_x1"); return;
+       case Iop_CmpF64:    vex_printf("CmpF64"); return;
+@@ -2719,6 +2728,7 @@ void typeOfPrimop ( IROp op,
+          UNARY(Ity_I16, Ity_I16);
+       case Iop_Not32:
+       case Iop_CmpNEZ16x2: case Iop_CmpNEZ8x4:
++      case Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1:
+          UNARY(Ity_I32, Ity_I32);
+       case Iop_Not64:
+@@ -2782,9 +2792,13 @@ void typeOfPrimop ( IROp op,
+          BINARY(Ity_I64,Ity_I64, Ity_I128);
+       case Iop_Clz32: case Iop_Ctz32:
++      case Iop_ClzNat32: case Iop_CtzNat32:
++      case Iop_PopCount32:
+          UNARY(Ity_I32, Ity_I32);
+       case Iop_Clz64: case Iop_Ctz64:
++      case Iop_ClzNat64: case Iop_CtzNat64:
++      case Iop_PopCount64:
+          UNARY(Ity_I64, Ity_I64);
+       case Iop_DivU32: case Iop_DivS32: case Iop_DivU32E: case Iop_DivS32E:
+diff --git a/VEX/pub/libvex_ir.h b/VEX/pub/libvex_ir.h
+index 17bcb55..93fa5ac 100644
+--- a/VEX/pub/libvex_ir.h
++++ b/VEX/pub/libvex_ir.h
+@@ -452,12 +452,21 @@ typedef
+       Iop_MullS8, Iop_MullS16, Iop_MullS32, Iop_MullS64,
+       Iop_MullU8, Iop_MullU16, Iop_MullU32, Iop_MullU64,
+-      /* Wierdo integer stuff */
++      /* Counting bits */
++      /* Ctz64/Ctz32/Clz64/Clz32 are UNDEFINED when given arguments of zero.
++         You must ensure they are never given a zero argument.  As of
++         2018-Nov-14 they are deprecated.  Try to use the Nat variants
++         immediately below, if you can.
++      */
+       Iop_Clz64, Iop_Clz32,   /* count leading zeroes */
+       Iop_Ctz64, Iop_Ctz32,   /* count trailing zeros */
+-      /* Ctz64/Ctz32/Clz64/Clz32 are UNDEFINED when given arguments of
+-         zero.  You must ensure they are never given a zero argument.
+-      */
++      /* Count leading/trailing zeroes, with "natural" semantics for the
++         case where the input is zero: then the result is the number of bits
++         in the word. */
++      Iop_ClzNat64, Iop_ClzNat32,
++      Iop_CtzNat64, Iop_CtzNat32,
++      /* Population count -- compute the number of 1 bits in the argument. */
++      Iop_PopCount64, Iop_PopCount32,
+       /* Standard integer comparisons */
+       Iop_CmpLT32S, Iop_CmpLT64S,
+@@ -831,6 +840,9 @@ typedef
+       /* MISC (vector integer cmp != 0) */
+       Iop_CmpNEZ16x2, Iop_CmpNEZ8x4,
++      /* Byte swap in a 32-bit word */
++      Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1,
+       /* ------------------ 64-bit SIMD FP ------------------------ */
+       /* Convertion to/from int */
+@@ -1034,8 +1046,9 @@ typedef
+       Iop_Slice64,  // (I64, I64, I8) -> I64
+       /* REVERSE the order of chunks in vector lanes.  Chunks must be
+-         smaller than the vector lanes (obviously) and so may be 8-,
+-         16- and 32-bit in size. */
++         smaller than the vector lanes (obviously) and so may be 8-, 16- and
++         32-bit in size.  Note that the degenerate case,
++         Iop_Reverse8sIn64_x1, is a simply a vanilla byte-swap. */
+       /* Examples:
+             Reverse8sIn16_x4([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h]) = [b,a,d,c,f,e,h,g]
+             Reverse8sIn32_x2([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h]) = [d,c,b,a,h,g,f,e]
diff --git a/valgrind-3.14.0-ppc-frontend-new-IROps.patch b/valgrind-3.14.0-ppc-frontend-new-IROps.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a550975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.14.0-ppc-frontend-new-IROps.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+commit 81d9832226d6e3d1ee78ee3133189d7b520e7eea
+Author: Julian Seward <jseward@acm.org>
+Date:   Tue Nov 20 11:36:53 2018 +0100
+    ppc front end: use new IROps added in 42719898.
+    This pertains to bug 386945.
+    VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c:
+    gen_POPCOUNT: use Iop_PopCount{32,64} where possible.
+    gen_vpopcntd_mode32: use Iop_PopCount32.
+    for cntlz{w,d}, use Iop_CtzNat{32,64}.
+    gen_byterev32: use Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1 instead of lengthy sequence.
+    verbose_Clz32: remove (was unused anyway).
+diff --git a/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c b/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c
+index cb1cae1..8977d4f 100644
+--- a/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c
++++ b/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c
+@@ -1595,7 +1595,8 @@ typedef enum {
+ /* Generate an IR sequence to do a popcount operation on the supplied
+    IRTemp, and return a new IRTemp holding the result.  'ty' may be
+    Ity_I32 or Ity_I64 only. */
+-static IRTemp gen_POPCOUNT ( IRType ty, IRTemp src, _popcount_data_type data_type )
++static IRTemp gen_POPCOUNT ( IRType ty, IRTemp src,
++                             _popcount_data_type data_type )
+ {
+   /* Do count across 2^data_type bits,
+      byte:        data_type = 3
+@@ -1611,6 +1612,22 @@ static IRTemp gen_POPCOUNT ( IRType ty, IRTemp src, _popcount_data_type data_typ
+    vassert(ty == Ity_I64 || ty == Ity_I32);
++   // Use a single IROp in cases where we can.
++   if (ty == Ity_I64 && data_type == DWORD) {
++      IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I64);
++      assign(res, unop(Iop_PopCount64, mkexpr(src)));
++      return res;
++   }
++   if (ty == Ity_I32 && data_type == WORD) {
++      IRTemp res = newTemp(Ity_I32);
++      assign(res, unop(Iop_PopCount32, mkexpr(src)));
++      return res;
++   }
++   // For the rest, we have to do it the slow way.
+    if (ty == Ity_I32) {
+       for (idx = 0; idx < WORD; idx++) {
+@@ -1638,7 +1655,7 @@ static IRTemp gen_POPCOUNT ( IRType ty, IRTemp src, _popcount_data_type data_typ
+       return nyu;
+    }
+-// else, ty == Ity_I64
++   // else, ty == Ity_I64
+    vassert(mode64);
+    for (i = 0; i < DWORD; i++) {
+@@ -1670,52 +1687,15 @@ static IRTemp gen_POPCOUNT ( IRType ty, IRTemp src, _popcount_data_type data_typ
+  */
+ static IRTemp gen_vpopcntd_mode32 ( IRTemp src1, IRTemp src2 )
+ {
+-   Int i, shift[6];
+-   IRTemp mask[6];
+-   IRTemp old = IRTemp_INVALID;
+-   IRTemp nyu1 = IRTemp_INVALID;
+-   IRTemp nyu2 = IRTemp_INVALID;
+    IRTemp retval = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+    vassert(!mode64);
+-   for (i = 0; i < WORD; i++) {
+-      mask[i]  = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-      shift[i] = 1 << i;
+-   }
+-   assign(mask[0], mkU32(0x55555555));
+-   assign(mask[1], mkU32(0x33333333));
+-   assign(mask[2], mkU32(0x0F0F0F0F));
+-   assign(mask[3], mkU32(0x00FF00FF));
+-   assign(mask[4], mkU32(0x0000FFFF));
+-   old = src1;
+-   for (i = 0; i < WORD; i++) {
+-      nyu1 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-      assign(nyu1,
+-             binop(Iop_Add32,
+-                   binop(Iop_And32,
+-                         mkexpr(old),
+-                         mkexpr(mask[i])),
+-                   binop(Iop_And32,
+-                         binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(old), mkU8(shift[i])),
+-                         mkexpr(mask[i]))));
+-      old = nyu1;
+-   }
+-   old = src2;
+-   for (i = 0; i < WORD; i++) {
+-      nyu2 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-      assign(nyu2,
+-             binop(Iop_Add32,
+-                   binop(Iop_And32,
+-                         mkexpr(old),
+-                         mkexpr(mask[i])),
+-                   binop(Iop_And32,
+-                         binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(old), mkU8(shift[i])),
+-                         mkexpr(mask[i]))));
+-      old = nyu2;
+-   }
+-   assign(retval, unop(Iop_32Uto64, binop(Iop_Add32, mkexpr(nyu1), mkexpr(nyu2))));
++   assign(retval,
++          unop(Iop_32Uto64,
++               binop(Iop_Add32,
++                     unop(Iop_PopCount32, mkexpr(src1)),
++                     unop(Iop_PopCount32, mkexpr(src2)))));
+    return retval;
+ }
+@@ -5715,7 +5695,7 @@ static Bool dis_modulo_int ( UInt theInstr )
+                 rA_address, rS_address);
+             assign( rS, getIReg( rS_address ) );
+-            assign( result, unop( Iop_Ctz32,
++            assign( result, unop( Iop_CtzNat32,
+                                   unop( Iop_64to32, mkexpr( rS ) ) ) );
+             assign( rA, binop( Iop_32HLto64, mkU32( 0 ), mkexpr( result ) ) );
+@@ -5746,7 +5726,7 @@ static Bool dis_modulo_int ( UInt theInstr )
+                 rA_address, rS_address);
+             assign( rS, getIReg( rS_address ) );
+-            assign( rA, unop( Iop_Ctz64, mkexpr( rS ) ) );
++            assign( rA, unop( Iop_CtzNat64, mkexpr( rS ) ) );
+             if ( flag_rC == 1 )
+                set_CR0( mkexpr( rA ) );
+@@ -6307,7 +6287,6 @@ static Bool dis_int_logic ( UInt theInstr )
+    IRTemp rS     = newTemp(ty);
+    IRTemp rA     = newTemp(ty);
+    IRTemp rB     = newTemp(ty);
+-   IRExpr* irx;
+    Bool do_rc    = False;
+    assign( rS, getIReg(rS_addr) );
+@@ -6404,26 +6383,16 @@ static Bool dis_int_logic ( UInt theInstr )
+          break;
+       case 0x01A: { // cntlzw (Count Leading Zeros Word, PPC32 p371)
+-         IRExpr* lo32;
+          if (rB_addr!=0) {
+             vex_printf("dis_int_logic(ppc)(cntlzw,rB_addr)\n");
+             return False;
+          }
+-         DIP("cntlzw%s r%u,r%u\n",
+-             flag_rC ? ".":"", rA_addr, rS_addr);
++         DIP("cntlzw%s r%u,r%u\n", flag_rC ? ".":"", rA_addr, rS_addr);
+          // mode64: count in low word only
+-         lo32 = mode64 ? unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(rS)) : mkexpr(rS);
+-         // Iop_Clz32 undefined for arg==0, so deal with that case:
+-         irx =  binop(Iop_CmpNE32, lo32, mkU32(0));
+-         assign(rA, mkWidenFrom32(ty,
+-                         IRExpr_ITE( irx,
+-                                     unop(Iop_Clz32, lo32),
+-                                     mkU32(32)),
+-                         False));
+-         // TODO: alternatively: assign(rA, verbose_Clz32(rS));
++         IRExpr* lo32 = mode64 ? unop(Iop_64to32, mkexpr(rS)) : mkexpr(rS);
++         IRExpr* res32 = unop(Iop_ClzNat32, lo32);
++         assign(rA, mode64 ? unop(Iop_32Uto64, res32) : res32);
+          break;
+       }
+@@ -6521,14 +6490,8 @@ static Bool dis_int_logic ( UInt theInstr )
+             vex_printf("dis_int_logic(ppc)(cntlzd,rB_addr)\n");
+             return False;
+          }
+-         DIP("cntlzd%s r%u,r%u\n",
+-             flag_rC ? ".":"", rA_addr, rS_addr);
+-         // Iop_Clz64 undefined for arg==0, so deal with that case:
+-         irx =  binop(Iop_CmpNE64, mkexpr(rS), mkU64(0));
+-         assign(rA, IRExpr_ITE( irx,
+-                                unop(Iop_Clz64, mkexpr(rS)),
+-                                mkU64(64) ));
+-         // TODO: alternatively: assign(rA, verbose_Clz64(rS));
++         DIP("cntlzd%s r%u,r%u\n", flag_rC ? ".":"", rA_addr, rS_addr);
++         assign(rA, unop(Iop_ClzNat64, mkexpr(rS)));
+          break;
+       case 0x1FC: // cmpb (Power6: compare bytes)
+@@ -6574,8 +6537,9 @@ static Bool dis_int_logic ( UInt theInstr )
+          putFReg( rS_addr, mkexpr(frA));
+          return True;
+       }
+-      case 0x1FA: // popcntd (population count doubleword
++      case 0x1FA: // popcntd (population count doubleword)
+       {
++          vassert(mode64);
+     	  DIP("popcntd r%u,r%u\n", rA_addr, rS_addr);
+     	  IRTemp result = gen_POPCOUNT(ty, rS, DWORD);
+     	  putIReg( rA_addr, mkexpr(result) );
+@@ -9154,18 +9118,7 @@ static Bool dis_int_shift ( UInt theInstr )
+ static IRExpr* /* :: Ity_I32 */ gen_byterev32 ( IRTemp t )
+ {
+    vassert(typeOfIRTemp(irsb->tyenv, t) == Ity_I32);
+-   return
+-      binop(Iop_Or32,
+-         binop(Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(t), mkU8(24)),
+-      binop(Iop_Or32,
+-         binop(Iop_And32, binop(Iop_Shl32, mkexpr(t), mkU8(8)), 
+-                          mkU32(0x00FF0000)),
+-      binop(Iop_Or32,
+-         binop(Iop_And32, binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(t), mkU8(8)),
+-                          mkU32(0x0000FF00)),
+-         binop(Iop_And32, binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(t), mkU8(24)),
+-                          mkU32(0x000000FF) )
+-      )));
++   return unop(Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1, mkexpr(t));
+ }
+ /* Generates code to swap the byte order in the lower half of an Ity_I32,
+@@ -9225,6 +9178,10 @@ static Bool dis_int_ldst_rev ( UInt theInstr )
+       case 0x214: // ldbrx (Load Doubleword Byte-Reverse Indexed)
+       {
++         // JRS FIXME:
++         // * is the host_endness conditional below actually necessary?
++         // * can we just do a 64-bit load followed by by Iop_Reverse8sIn64_x1?
++         //   That would be a lot more efficient.
+          IRExpr * nextAddr;
+          IRTemp w3 = newTemp( Ity_I32 );
+          IRTemp w4 = newTemp( Ity_I32 );
+@@ -17056,8 +17013,8 @@ dis_av_count_bitTranspose ( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
+       case 0x7C3:    // vpopcntd
+       {
+          if (mode64) {
+-            /* Break vector into 64-bit double words and do the population count
+-             * on each double word.
++            /* Break vector into 64-bit double words and do the population
++               count on each double word.
+              */
+             IRType ty = Ity_I64;
+             IRTemp bits0_63   = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+@@ -17077,15 +17034,16 @@ dis_av_count_bitTranspose ( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
+                                       mkexpr( cnt_bits0_63 ) ) );
+          } else {
+             /* Break vector into 32-bit words and do the population count
+-             * on each doubleword.
++               on each 32-bit word.
+              */
+             IRTemp bits0_31, bits32_63, bits64_95, bits96_127;
+             bits0_31 = bits32_63 = bits64_95 = bits96_127 = IRTemp_INVALID;
+-            IRTemp cnt_bits0_63   = newTemp(Ity_I64);
++            IRTemp cnt_bits0_63    = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+             IRTemp cnt_bits64_127  = newTemp(Ity_I64);
+             DIP("vpopcntd v%d,v%d\n", vRT_addr, vRB_addr);
+-            breakV128to4x32(mkexpr( vB), &bits96_127, &bits64_95, &bits32_63, &bits0_31 );
++            breakV128to4x32(mkexpr( vB), &bits96_127, &bits64_95,
++                                         &bits32_63, &bits0_31 );
+             cnt_bits0_63   = gen_vpopcntd_mode32(bits0_31, bits32_63);
+             cnt_bits64_127 = gen_vpopcntd_mode32(bits64_95, bits96_127);
+@@ -29103,10 +29061,12 @@ DisResult disInstr_PPC_WRK (
+       /* Miscellaneous ISA 2.06 instructions */
+       case 0x1FA: // popcntd
++         if (!mode64) goto decode_failure;
++         /* else fallthru */
+       case 0x17A: // popcntw
+       case 0x7A:  // popcntb
+-	  if (dis_int_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
+-    	  goto decode_failure;
++         if (dis_int_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
++         goto decode_failure;
+       case 0x0FC: // bpermd
+          if (!mode64) goto decode_failure;
+@@ -29669,94 +29629,6 @@ DisResult disInstr_PPC ( IRSB*        irsb_IN,
+    return dres;
+ }
+-/*--- Unused stuff                                         ---*/
+-///* A potentially more memcheck-friendly implementation of Clz32, with
+-//   the boundary case Clz32(0) = 32, which is what ppc requires. */
+-//static IRExpr* /* :: Ity_I32 */ verbose_Clz32 ( IRTemp arg )
+-//   /* Welcome ... to SSA R Us. */
+-//   IRTemp n1  = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n2  = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n3  = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n4  = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n5  = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n6  = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n7  = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n8  = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n9  = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n10 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n11 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   IRTemp n12 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
+-//   /* First, propagate the most significant 1-bit into all lower
+-//      positions in the word. */
+-//   /* unsigned int clz ( unsigned int n )
+-//      {
+-//         n |= (n >> 1);
+-//         n |= (n >> 2);
+-//         n |= (n >> 4);
+-//         n |= (n >> 8);
+-//         n |= (n >> 16);
+-//         return bitcount(~n);
+-//      }
+-//   */
+-//   assign(n1, mkexpr(arg));
+-//   assign(n2, binop(Iop_Or32, mkexpr(n1), binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(n1), mkU8(1))));
+-//   assign(n3, binop(Iop_Or32, mkexpr(n2), binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(n2), mkU8(2))));
+-//   assign(n4, binop(Iop_Or32, mkexpr(n3), binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(n3), mkU8(4))));
+-//   assign(n5, binop(Iop_Or32, mkexpr(n4), binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(n4), mkU8(8))));
+-//   assign(n6, binop(Iop_Or32, mkexpr(n5), binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(n5), mkU8(16))));
+-//   /* This gives a word of the form 0---01---1.  Now invert it, giving
+-//      a word of the form 1---10---0, then do a population-count idiom
+-//      (to count the 1s, which is the number of leading zeroes, or 32
+-//      if the original word was 0. */
+-//   assign(n7, unop(Iop_Not32, mkexpr(n6)));
+-//   /* unsigned int bitcount ( unsigned int n )
+-//      {
+-//         n = n - ((n >> 1) & 0x55555555);
+-//         n = (n & 0x33333333) + ((n >> 2) & 0x33333333);
+-//         n = (n + (n >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
+-//         n = n + (n >> 8);
+-//         n = (n + (n >> 16)) & 0x3F;
+-//         return n;
+-//      }
+-//   */
+-//   assign(n8, 
+-//          binop(Iop_Sub32, 
+-//                mkexpr(n7),  
+-//                binop(Iop_And32, 
+-//                      binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(n7), mkU8(1)),
+-//                      mkU32(0x55555555))));
+-//   assign(n9,
+-//          binop(Iop_Add32,
+-//                binop(Iop_And32, mkexpr(n8), mkU32(0x33333333)),
+-//                binop(Iop_And32,
+-//                      binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(n8), mkU8(2)),
+-//                      mkU32(0x33333333))));
+-//   assign(n10,
+-//          binop(Iop_And32,
+-//                binop(Iop_Add32, 
+-//                      mkexpr(n9), 
+-//                      binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(n9), mkU8(4))),
+-//                mkU32(0x0F0F0F0F)));
+-//   assign(n11,
+-//          binop(Iop_Add32,
+-//                mkexpr(n10),
+-//                binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(n10), mkU8(8))));
+-//   assign(n12,
+-//          binop(Iop_Add32,
+-//                mkexpr(n11),
+-//                binop(Iop_Shr32, mkexpr(n11), mkU8(16))));
+-//   return
+-//      binop(Iop_And32, mkexpr(n12), mkU32(0x3F));
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*--- end                                         guest_ppc_toIR.c ---*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
diff --git a/valgrind-3.14.0-ppc-instr-new-IROps.patch b/valgrind-3.14.0-ppc-instr-new-IROps.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4332736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.14.0-ppc-instr-new-IROps.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+commit 97d336b79e36f6c99d8b07f49ebc9b780e6df84e
+Author: Julian Seward <jseward@acm.org>
+Date:   Tue Nov 20 11:07:37 2018 +0100
+    Add ppc host-side isel and instruction support for IROps added in previous commit.
+    VEX/priv/host_ppc_defs.c, VEX/priv/host_ppc_defs.h:
+    Dont emit cnttz{w,d}.  We may need them on a target which doesn't support
+    them.  Instead we can generate a fairly reasonable alternative sequence with
+    cntlz{w,d} instead.
+    Add support for emitting popcnt{w,d}.
+    VEX/priv/host_ppc_isel.c
+    Add support for: Iop_ClzNat32 Iop_ClzNat64
+    Redo support for: Iop_Ctz{32,64} and their Nat equivalents, so as to not use
+    cnttz{w,d}, as mentioned above.
+    Add support for: Iop_PopCount64 Iop_PopCount32 Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1
+diff --git a/VEX/priv/host_ppc_defs.c b/VEX/priv/host_ppc_defs.c
+index b073c1d..f4b52e4 100644
+--- a/VEX/priv/host_ppc_defs.c
++++ b/VEX/priv/host_ppc_defs.c
+@@ -501,9 +501,9 @@ const HChar* showPPCUnaryOp ( PPCUnaryOp op ) {
+    case Pun_NEG:   return "neg";
+    case Pun_CLZ32: return "cntlzw";
+    case Pun_CLZ64: return "cntlzd";
+-   case Pun_CTZ32: return "cnttzw";
+-   case Pun_CTZ64: return "cnttzd";
+    case Pun_EXTSW: return "extsw";
++   case Pun_POP32: return "popcntw";
++   case Pun_POP64: return "popcntd";
+    default: vpanic("showPPCUnaryOp");
+    }
+ }
+@@ -4265,20 +4265,19 @@ Int emit_PPCInstr ( /*MB_MOD*/Bool* is_profInc,
+          vassert(mode64);
+          p = mkFormX(p, 31, r_src, r_dst, 0, 58, 0, endness_host);
+          break;
+-      case Pun_CTZ32:  // cnttzw r_dst, r_src
+-         /* Note oder of src and dst is backwards from normal */
+-         p = mkFormX(p, 31, r_src, r_dst, 0, 538, 0, endness_host);
+-         break;
+-      case Pun_CTZ64:  // cnttzd r_dst, r_src
+-         /* Note oder of src and dst is backwards from normal */
+-         vassert(mode64);
+-         p = mkFormX(p, 31, r_src, r_dst, 0, 570, 0, endness_host);
+-         break;
+       case Pun_EXTSW:  // extsw r_dst, r_src
+          vassert(mode64);
+          p = mkFormX(p, 31, r_src, r_dst, 0, 986, 0, endness_host);
+          break;
+-      default: goto bad;
++      case Pun_POP32:  // popcntw r_dst, r_src
++         p = mkFormX(p, 31, r_src, r_dst, 0, 378, 0, endness_host);
++         break;
++      case Pun_POP64:  // popcntd r_dst, r_src
++         vassert(mode64);
++         p = mkFormX(p, 31, r_src, r_dst, 0, 506, 0, endness_host);
++         break;
++      default:
++         goto bad;
+       }
+       goto done;
+    }
+diff --git a/VEX/priv/host_ppc_defs.h b/VEX/priv/host_ppc_defs.h
+index 17baff5..321fba9 100644
+--- a/VEX/priv/host_ppc_defs.h
++++ b/VEX/priv/host_ppc_defs.h
+@@ -291,9 +291,9 @@ typedef
+       Pun_NOT,
+       Pun_CLZ32,
+       Pun_CLZ64,
+-      Pun_CTZ32,
+-      Pun_CTZ64,
+-      Pun_EXTSW
++      Pun_EXTSW,
++      Pun_POP32, // popcntw
++      Pun_POP64  // popcntd
+    }
+    PPCUnaryOp;
+diff --git a/VEX/priv/host_ppc_isel.c b/VEX/priv/host_ppc_isel.c
+index 6bdb5f7..5242176 100644
+--- a/VEX/priv/host_ppc_isel.c
++++ b/VEX/priv/host_ppc_isel.c
+@@ -2065,12 +2065,15 @@ static HReg iselWordExpr_R_wrk ( ISelEnv* env, const IRExpr* e,
+             return r_dst;
+          }
+          break;
+-      case Iop_Clz32:
+-      case Iop_Clz64: {
++      case Iop_Clz32: case Iop_ClzNat32:
++      case Iop_Clz64: case Iop_ClzNat64: {
++         // cntlz is available even in the most basic (earliest) ppc
++         // variants, so it's safe to generate it unconditionally.
+          HReg r_src, r_dst;
+-         PPCUnaryOp op_clz = (op_unop == Iop_Clz32) ? Pun_CLZ32 :
+-                                                      Pun_CLZ64;
+-         if (op_unop == Iop_Clz64 && !mode64)
++         PPCUnaryOp op_clz = (op_unop == Iop_Clz32 || op_unop == Iop_ClzNat32)
++                                ? Pun_CLZ32 : Pun_CLZ64;
++         if ((op_unop == Iop_Clz64 || op_unop == Iop_ClzNat64) && !mode64)
+             goto irreducible;
+          /* Count leading zeroes. */
+          r_dst = newVRegI(env);
+@@ -2079,18 +2082,133 @@ static HReg iselWordExpr_R_wrk ( ISelEnv* env, const IRExpr* e,
+          return r_dst;
+       }
+-      case Iop_Ctz32:
+-      case Iop_Ctz64: {
+-         HReg r_src, r_dst;
+-         PPCUnaryOp op_clz = (op_unop == Iop_Ctz32) ? Pun_CTZ32 :
+-                                                      Pun_CTZ64;
+-         if (op_unop == Iop_Ctz64 && !mode64)
+-            goto irreducible;
+-         /* Count trailing zeroes. */
+-         r_dst = newVRegI(env);
+-         r_src = iselWordExpr_R(env, e->Iex.Unop.arg, IEndianess);
+-         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Unary(op_clz,r_dst,r_src));
+-         return r_dst;
++      //case Iop_Ctz32:
++      case Iop_CtzNat32:
++      //case Iop_Ctz64:
++      case Iop_CtzNat64:
++      {
++         // Generate code using Clz, because we can't assume the host has
++         // Ctz.  In particular, part of the fix for bug 386945 involves
++         // creating a Ctz in ir_opt.c from smaller fragments.
++         PPCUnaryOp op_clz = Pun_CLZ64;
++         Int WS = 64;
++         if (op_unop == Iop_Ctz32 || op_unop == Iop_CtzNat32) {
++            op_clz = Pun_CLZ32;
++            WS = 32;
++         }
++         /* Compute ctz(arg) = wordsize - clz(~arg & (arg - 1)), thusly:
++            t1 = arg - 1
++            t2 = not arg
++            t2 = t2 & t1
++            t2 = clz t2
++            t1 = WS
++            t2 = t1 - t2
++            // result in t2
++         */
++         HReg arg = iselWordExpr_R(env, e->Iex.Unop.arg, IEndianess);
++         HReg t1 = newVRegI(env);
++         HReg t2 = newVRegI(env);
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Alu(Palu_SUB, t1, arg, PPCRH_Imm(True, 1)));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Unary(Pun_NOT, t2, arg));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Alu(Palu_AND, t2, t2, PPCRH_Reg(t1)));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Unary(op_clz, t2, t2));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_LI(t1, WS, False/*!64-bit imm*/));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Alu(Palu_SUB, t2, t1, PPCRH_Reg(t2)));
++         return t2;
++      }
++      case Iop_PopCount64: {
++         // popcnt{x,d} is only available in later arch revs (ISA 3.0,
++         // maybe) so it's not really correct to emit it here without a caps
++         // check for the host.
++         if (mode64) {
++            HReg r_dst = newVRegI(env);
++            HReg r_src = iselWordExpr_R(env, e->Iex.Unop.arg, IEndianess);
++            addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Unary(Pun_POP64, r_dst, r_src));
++            return r_dst;
++         }
++         // We don't expect to be required to handle this in 32-bit mode.
++         break;
++      }
++      case Iop_PopCount32: {
++         // Similar comment as for Ctz just above applies -- we really
++         // should have a caps check here.
++        HReg r_dst = newVRegI(env);
++        // This actually generates popcntw, which in 64 bit mode does a
++        // 32-bit count individually for both low and high halves of the
++        // word.  Per the comment at the top of iselIntExpr_R, in the 64
++        // bit mode case, the user of this result is required to ignore
++        // the upper 32 bits of the result.  In 32 bit mode this is all
++        // moot.  It is however unclear from the PowerISA 3.0 docs that
++        // the instruction exists in 32 bit mode; however our own front
++        // end (guest_ppc_toIR.c) accepts it, so I guess it does exist.
++        HReg r_src = iselWordExpr_R(env, e->Iex.Unop.arg, IEndianess);
++        addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Unary(Pun_POP32, r_dst, r_src));
++        return r_dst;
++      }
++      case Iop_Reverse8sIn32_x1: {
++         // A bit of a mouthful, but simply .. 32-bit byte swap.
++         // This is pretty rubbish code.  We could do vastly better if
++         // rotates, and better, rotate-inserts, were allowed.  Note that
++         // even on a 64 bit target, the right shifts must be done as 32-bit
++         // so as to introduce zero bits in the right places.  So it seems
++         // simplest to do the whole sequence in 32-bit insns.
++         /*
++            r     = <argument>  // working temporary, initial byte order ABCD
++            Mask  = 00FF00FF
++            nMask = not Mask
++            tHi   = and r, Mask
++            tHi   = shl tHi, 8
++            tLo   = and r, nMask
++            tLo   = shr tLo, 8
++            r     = or tHi, tLo  // now r has order BADC
++            and repeat for 16 bit chunks ..
++            Mask  = 0000FFFF
++            nMask = not Mask
++            tHi   = and r, Mask
++            tHi   = shl tHi, 16
++            tLo   = and r, nMask
++            tLo   = shr tLo, 16
++            r     = or tHi, tLo  // now r has order DCBA
++         */
++         HReg r_src  = iselWordExpr_R(env, e->Iex.Unop.arg, IEndianess);
++         HReg rr     = newVRegI(env);
++         HReg rMask  = newVRegI(env);
++         HReg rnMask = newVRegI(env);
++         HReg rtHi   = newVRegI(env);
++         HReg rtLo   = newVRegI(env);
++         // Copy r_src since we need to modify it
++         addInstr(env, mk_iMOVds_RR(rr, r_src));
++         // Swap within 16-bit lanes
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_LI(rMask, 0x00FF00FFULL,
++                                   False/* !64bit imm*/));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Unary(Pun_NOT, rnMask, rMask));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Alu(Palu_AND, rtHi, rr, PPCRH_Reg(rMask)));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Shft(Pshft_SHL, True/*32 bit shift*/,
++                                     rtHi, rtHi,
++                                     PPCRH_Imm(False/*!signed imm*/, 8)));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Alu(Palu_AND, rtLo, rr, PPCRH_Reg(rnMask)));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Shft(Pshft_SHR, True/*32 bit shift*/,
++                                     rtLo, rtLo,
++                                     PPCRH_Imm(False/*!signed imm*/, 8)));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Alu(Palu_OR, rr, rtHi, PPCRH_Reg(rtLo)));
++         // And now swap the two 16-bit chunks
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_LI(rMask, 0x0000FFFFULL,
++                                   False/* !64bit imm*/));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Unary(Pun_NOT, rnMask, rMask));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Alu(Palu_AND, rtHi, rr, PPCRH_Reg(rMask)));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Shft(Pshft_SHL, True/*32 bit shift*/,
++                                     rtHi, rtHi,
++                                     PPCRH_Imm(False/*!signed imm*/, 16)));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Alu(Palu_AND, rtLo, rr, PPCRH_Reg(rnMask)));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Shft(Pshft_SHR, True/*32 bit shift*/,
++                                     rtLo, rtLo,
++                                     PPCRH_Imm(False/*!signed imm*/, 16)));
++         addInstr(env, PPCInstr_Alu(Palu_OR, rr, rtHi, PPCRH_Reg(rtLo)));
++         return rr;
+       }
+       case Iop_Left8:
diff --git a/valgrind-3.14.0-transform-popcount64-ctznat64.patch b/valgrind-3.14.0-transform-popcount64-ctznat64.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8b2ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.14.0-transform-popcount64-ctznat64.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+commit cb5d7e047598bff6d0f1d707a70d9fb1a1c7f0e2
+Author: Julian Seward <jseward@acm.org>
+Date:   Tue Nov 20 11:46:55 2018 +0100
+    VEX/priv/ir_opt.c
+    fold_Expr: transform PopCount64(And64(Add64(x,-1),Not64(x))) into CtzNat64(x).
+    This is part of the fix for bug 386945.
+diff --git a/VEX/priv/ir_opt.c b/VEX/priv/ir_opt.c
+index f40870b..23964be 100644
+--- a/VEX/priv/ir_opt.c
++++ b/VEX/priv/ir_opt.c
+@@ -1377,6 +1377,8 @@ static IRExpr* fold_Expr ( IRExpr** env, IRExpr* e )
+    case Iex_Unop:
+       /* UNARY ops */
+       if (e->Iex.Unop.arg->tag == Iex_Const) {
++         /* cases where the arg is a const */
+          switch (e->Iex.Unop.op) {
+          case Iop_1Uto8:
+             e2 = IRExpr_Const(IRConst_U8(toUChar(
+@@ -1690,8 +1692,56 @@ static IRExpr* fold_Expr ( IRExpr** env, IRExpr* e )
+          default: 
+             goto unhandled;
+-      }
+-      }
++         } // switch (e->Iex.Unop.op)
++      } else {
++         /* other cases (identities, etc) */
++         switch (e->Iex.Unop.op) {
++         case Iop_PopCount64: {
++            // PopCount64( And64( Add64(x,-1), Not64(x) ) ) ==> CtzNat64(x)
++            // bindings:
++            //   a1:And64( a11:Add64(a111:x,a112:-1), a12:Not64(a121:x) )
++            IRExpr* a1 = chase(env, e->Iex.Unop.arg);
++            if (!a1)
++               goto nomatch;
++            if (a1->tag != Iex_Binop || a1->Iex.Binop.op != Iop_And64)
++               goto nomatch;
++            // a1 is established
++            IRExpr* a11 = chase(env, a1->Iex.Binop.arg1);
++            if (!a11)
++               goto nomatch;
++            if (a11->tag != Iex_Binop || a11->Iex.Binop.op != Iop_Add64)
++               goto nomatch;
++            // a11 is established
++            IRExpr* a12 = chase(env, a1->Iex.Binop.arg2);
++            if (!a12)
++               goto nomatch;
++            if (a12->tag != Iex_Unop || a12->Iex.Unop.op != Iop_Not64)
++               goto nomatch;
++            // a12 is established
++            IRExpr* a111 = a11->Iex.Binop.arg1;
++            IRExpr* a112 = chase(env, a11->Iex.Binop.arg2);
++            IRExpr* a121 = a12->Iex.Unop.arg;
++            if (!a111 || !a112 || !a121)
++               goto nomatch;
++            // a111 and a121 need to be the same temp.
++            if (!eqIRAtom(a111, a121))
++               goto nomatch;
++            // Finally, a112 must be a 64-bit version of -1.
++            if (!isOnesU(a112))
++               goto nomatch;
++            // Match established.  Transform.
++            e2 = IRExpr_Unop(Iop_CtzNat64, a111);
++            break;
++           nomatch:
++            break;
++         }
++         default:
++            break;
++         } // switch (e->Iex.Unop.op)
++      } // if (e->Iex.Unop.arg->tag == Iex_Const)
+       break;
+    case Iex_Binop:
diff --git a/valgrind.spec b/valgrind.spec
index 30013ba..0d35170 100644
--- a/valgrind.spec
+++ b/valgrind.spec
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Summary: Tool for finding memory management bugs in programs
 Name: %{?scl_prefix}valgrind
 Version: 3.14.0
-Release: 3%{?dist}
+Release: 4%{?dist}
 Epoch: 1
 License: GPLv2+
 URL: http://www.valgrind.org/
@@ -119,6 +119,15 @@ Patch8: valgrind-3.14.0-s390x-vec-float-point-tests.patch
 # KDE#401277 More bugs in z13 support
 Patch9: valgrind-3.14.0-s390z-more-z13-fixes.patch
+# KDE#386945 Bogus memcheck errors on ppc64(le) when using strcmp
+Patch10: valgrind-3.14.0-get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk-ppc.patch
+Patch11: valgrind-3.14.0-new-strlen-IROps.patch
+Patch12: valgrind-3.14.0-ppc-instr-new-IROps.patch
+Patch13: valgrind-3.14.0-memcheck-new-IROps.patch
+Patch14: valgrind-3.14.0-ppc-frontend-new-IROps.patch
+Patch15: valgrind-3.14.0-transform-popcount64-ctznat64.patch
+Patch16: valgrind-3.14.0-enable-ppc-Iop_Sar_Shr8.patch
 %if %{build_multilib}
 # Ensure glibc{,-devel} is installed for both multilib arches
 BuildRequires: /lib/libc.so.6 /usr/lib/libc.so /lib64/libc.so.6 /usr/lib64/libc.so
@@ -260,6 +269,13 @@ Valgrind User Manual for details.
 %patch7 -p1
 %patch8 -p1
 %patch9 -p1
+%patch10 -p1
+%patch11 -p1
+%patch12 -p1
+%patch13 -p1
+%patch14 -p1
+%patch15 -p1
+%patch16 -p1
@@ -494,6 +510,15 @@ fi
+* Fri Nov 23 2018 Mark Wielaard  <mjw@fedoraproject.org> - 3.14.0-4
+- Add valgrind-3.14.0-get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk-ppc.patch,
+  valgrind-3.14.0-new-strlen-IROps.patch,
+  valgrind-3.14.0-ppc-instr-new-IROps.patch,
+  valgrind-3.14.0-memcheck-new-IROps.patch,
+  valgrind-3.14.0-ppc-frontend-new-IROps.patch,
+  valgrind-3.14.0-transform-popcount64-ctznat64.patch and
+  valgrind-3.14.0-enable-ppc-Iop_Sar_Shr8.patch (#1652926)
 * Wed Nov 21 2018 Mark Wielaard  <mjw@fedoraproject.org> - 3.14.0-3
 - Add valgrind-3.14.0-s390z-more-z13-fixes.patch.