diff --git a/valgrind-3.8.1-sigill_diag.patch b/valgrind-3.8.1-sigill_diag.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6755e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/valgrind-3.8.1-sigill_diag.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/m_main.c valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_main.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/m_main.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.722415879 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_main.c	2012-11-04 21:57:37.250896792 +0100
+@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
+ "              To use a non-libc malloc library that is\n"
+ "                  in the main exe:  --soname-synonyms=somalloc=NONE\n"
+ "                  in libxyzzy.so:   --soname-synonyms=somalloc=libxyzzy.so\n"
++"    --sigill-diagnostics=yes|no  warn about illegal instructions? [yes]\n"
+ "\n";
+    Char* usage2 = 
+@@ -422,6 +423,10 @@
+    Char* log_fsname_unexpanded = NULL;
+    Char* xml_fsname_unexpanded = NULL;
++   /* Whether the user has explicitly provided --sigill-diagnostics.
++      If not explicitly given depends on general verbosity setting. */
++   Bool sigill_diag_set = False;
+    /* Log to stderr by default, but usage message goes to stdout.  XML
+       output is initially disabled. */
+    tmp_log_fd = 2; 
+@@ -516,6 +521,9 @@
+                VG_STREQ(arg, "--quiet"))
+          VG_(clo_verbosity)--;
++      else if VG_BOOL_CLO(arg, "--sigill-diagnostics", VG_(clo_sigill_diag))
++         sigill_diag_set = True;
+       else if VG_BOOL_CLO(arg, "--stats",          VG_(clo_stats)) {}
+       else if VG_BOOL_CLO(arg, "--xml",            VG_(clo_xml))
+          VG_(debugLog_setXml)(VG_(clo_xml));
+@@ -777,6 +785,9 @@
+    if (VG_(clo_verbosity) < 0)
+       VG_(clo_verbosity) = 0;
++   if (!sigill_diag_set)
++      VG_(clo_sigill_diag) = (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 0);
+    if (VG_(clo_trace_notbelow) == -1) {
+      if (VG_(clo_trace_notabove) == -1) {
+        /* [] */
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/m_main.c.orig valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_main.c.orig
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/m_main.c.orig	2012-11-04 21:57:03.719415834 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_main.c.orig	2012-11-04 21:56:19.950788253 +0100
+@@ -2537,7 +2537,7 @@
+    /* terminate gdbserver if ever it was started. We terminate it here so that it get
+       the output above if output was redirected to gdb */
+-   VG_(gdbserver) (0);
++   VG_(gdbserver_exit) (tid, tids_schedretcode);
+    /* Ok, finally exit in the os-specific way, according to the scheduler's
+       return code.  In short, if the (last) thread exited by calling
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/m_options.c valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_options.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/m_options.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.709415680 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_options.c	2012-11-04 21:57:37.251896807 +0100
+@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
+ VgSmc  VG_(clo_smc_check)      = Vg_SmcStack;
+ HChar* VG_(clo_kernel_variant) = NULL;
+ Bool   VG_(clo_dsymutil)       = False;
++Bool   VG_(clo_sigill_diag)    = True;
+ /*====================================================================*/
+ /*=== File expansion                                               ===*/
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/m_scheduler/scheduler.c valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_scheduler/scheduler.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/m_scheduler/scheduler.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.720415849 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_scheduler/scheduler.c	2012-11-04 21:57:37.252896823 +0100
+@@ -1427,9 +1427,10 @@
+       case VEX_TRC_JMP_NODECODE: {
+          Addr addr = VG_(get_IP)(tid);
+-         VG_(umsg)(
+-            "valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address %#lx.\n", addr);
+-         VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace)(tid, VG_(clo_backtrace_size));
++         if (VG_(clo_sigill_diag)) {
++            VG_(umsg)(
++               "valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address %#lx.\n", addr);
++            VG_(get_and_pp_StackTrace)(tid, VG_(clo_backtrace_size));
+ #define M(a) VG_(umsg)(a "\n");
+    M("Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind" );
+    M("did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this."    );
+@@ -1442,6 +1443,7 @@
+    M("Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will"  );
+    M("probably kill your program."                                     );
+ #undef M
++         }
+ #if defined(VGA_s390x)
+          /* Now that the complaint is out we need to adjust the guest_IA. The
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_scheduler: scheduler.c.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/m_translate.c valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_translate.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/m_translate.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.721415864 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/m_translate.c	2012-11-04 21:57:37.261896960 +0100
+@@ -1524,6 +1524,7 @@
+    vta.needs_self_check  = needs_self_check;
+    vta.preamble_function = preamble_fn;
+    vta.traceflags        = verbosity;
++   vta.sigill_diag       = VG_(clo_sigill_diag);
+    vta.addProfInc        = VG_(clo_profile_flags) > 0
+                            && kind != T_NoRedir;
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind: m_translate.c.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/pub_core_options.h valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/pub_core_options.h
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/coregrind/pub_core_options.h	2012-11-04 21:57:03.704415605 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/coregrind/pub_core_options.h	2012-11-04 21:57:37.300897526 +0100
+@@ -275,6 +275,11 @@
+ extern Bool VG_(should_we_trace_this_child) ( HChar* child_exe_name,
+                                               HChar** child_argv );
++/* Whether illegal instructions should be reported/diagnosed.
++   Can be explicitly set through --sigill-diagnostics otherwise
++   depends on verbosity (False if -q). */
++extern Bool VG_(clo_sigill_diag);
+ #endif   // __PUB_CORE_OPTIONS_H
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/docs/xml/manual-core.xml valgrind-3.8.1/docs/xml/manual-core.xml
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/docs/xml/manual-core.xml	2012-11-04 21:57:03.689415507 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/docs/xml/manual-core.xml	2012-11-04 21:57:37.302897560 +0100
+@@ -1036,6 +1036,26 @@
+     </listitem>
+   </varlistentry>
++  <varlistentry id="opt.sigill-diagnostics" xreflabel="--sigill-diagnostics">
++    <term>
++      <option><![CDATA[--sigill-diagnostics=<yes|no> [default: yes] ]]></option>
++    </term>
++    <listitem>
++      <para>Enable/disable printing of illegal instruction diagnostics.
++      Enabled by default, but defaults to disabled when
++      <option>--quiet</option> is given. The default can always be explicitly
++      overridden by giving this option.</para>
++      <para>When enabled a warning message will be printed with some
++      diagnostics whenever some instruction is encountered that valgrind
++      cannot decode or translate before the program is given a SIGILL signal.
++      Often an illegal instruction indicates a bug in the program or missing
++      support for the particular instruction in Valgrind. But some programs
++      do deliberately try to execute an instruction that might be missing
++      and trap the SIGILL signal to detect processor features.</para>
++    </listitem>
++  </varlistentry>
+   <varlistentry id="opt.stack-traces" xreflabel="--show-below-main">
+     <term>
+       <option><![CDATA[--show-below-main=<yes|no> [default: no] ]]></option>
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/docs/xml: manual-core.xml.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/none/tests/cmdline1.stdout.exp valgrind-3.8.1/none/tests/cmdline1.stdout.exp
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/none/tests/cmdline1.stdout.exp	2012-11-04 21:57:03.844417741 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/none/tests/cmdline1.stdout.exp	2012-11-04 21:57:37.385898730 +0100
+@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
+               To use a non-libc malloc library that is
+                   in the main exe:  --soname-synonyms=somalloc=NONE
+                   in libxyzzy.so:   --soname-synonyms=somalloc=libxyzzy.so
++    --sigill-diagnostics=yes|no  warn about illegal instructions? [yes]
+   user options for Nulgrind:
+     (none)
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/none/tests/cmdline2.stdout.exp valgrind-3.8.1/none/tests/cmdline2.stdout.exp
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/none/tests/cmdline2.stdout.exp	2012-11-04 21:57:03.811417238 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/none/tests/cmdline2.stdout.exp	2012-11-04 21:57:37.386898745 +0100
+@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
+               To use a non-libc malloc library that is
+                   in the main exe:  --soname-synonyms=somalloc=NONE
+                   in libxyzzy.so:   --soname-synonyms=somalloc=libxyzzy.so
++    --sigill-diagnostics=yes|no  warn about illegal instructions? [yes]
+   user options for Nulgrind:
+     (none)
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_defs.h valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_defs.h
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:03.782416795 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:36.328883370 +0100
+@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
+                            VexArch      guest_arch,
+                            VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+                            VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-                           Bool         host_bigendian );
++                           Bool         host_bigendian,
++                           Bool         sigill_diag );
+ /* Used by the optimiser to specialise calls to helpers. */
+ extern
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_amd64_defs.h.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_toIR.c valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_toIR.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.784416825 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:36.465885366 +0100
+@@ -30426,7 +30426,8 @@
+              void*        callback_opaque,
+              Long         delta64,
+              VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+-             VexAbiInfo*  vbi
++             VexAbiInfo*  vbi,
++             Bool         sigill_diag
+           )
+ {
+    IRTemp    t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
+@@ -30956,29 +30957,31 @@
+      //default:
+   decode_failure:
+    /* All decode failures end up here. */
+-   vex_printf("vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: "
+-              "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n",
+-              (Int)getUChar(delta_start+0),
+-              (Int)getUChar(delta_start+1),
+-              (Int)getUChar(delta_start+2),
+-              (Int)getUChar(delta_start+3),
+-              (Int)getUChar(delta_start+4),
+-              (Int)getUChar(delta_start+5),
+-              (Int)getUChar(delta_start+6),
+-              (Int)getUChar(delta_start+7) );
+-   vex_printf("vex amd64->IR:   REX=%d REX.W=%d REX.R=%d REX.X=%d REX.B=%d\n",
+-              haveREX(pfx) ? 1 : 0, getRexW(pfx), getRexR(pfx),
+-              getRexX(pfx), getRexB(pfx));
+-   vex_printf("vex amd64->IR:   VEX=%d VEX.L=%d VEX.nVVVV=0x%x ESC=%s\n",
+-              haveVEX(pfx) ? 1 : 0, getVexL(pfx),
+-              getVexNvvvv(pfx),
+-              esc==ESC_NONE ? "NONE" :
+-                esc==ESC_0F ? "0F" :
+-                esc==ESC_0F38 ? "0F38" :
+-                esc==ESC_0F3A ? "0F3A" : "???");
+-   vex_printf("vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=%d PFX.F2=%d PFX.F3=%d\n",
+-              have66(pfx) ? 1 : 0, haveF2(pfx) ? 1 : 0,
+-              haveF3(pfx) ? 1 : 0);
++   if (sigill_diag) {
++      vex_printf("vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: "
++                 "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n",
++                 (Int)getUChar(delta_start+0),
++                 (Int)getUChar(delta_start+1),
++                 (Int)getUChar(delta_start+2),
++                 (Int)getUChar(delta_start+3),
++                 (Int)getUChar(delta_start+4),
++                 (Int)getUChar(delta_start+5),
++                 (Int)getUChar(delta_start+6),
++                 (Int)getUChar(delta_start+7) );
++      vex_printf("vex amd64->IR:   REX=%d REX.W=%d REX.R=%d REX.X=%d REX.B=%d\n",
++                 haveREX(pfx) ? 1 : 0, getRexW(pfx), getRexR(pfx),
++                 getRexX(pfx), getRexB(pfx));
++      vex_printf("vex amd64->IR:   VEX=%d VEX.L=%d VEX.nVVVV=0x%x ESC=%s\n",
++                 haveVEX(pfx) ? 1 : 0, getVexL(pfx),
++                 getVexNvvvv(pfx),
++                 esc==ESC_NONE ? "NONE" :
++                   esc==ESC_0F ? "0F" :
++                   esc==ESC_0F38 ? "0F38" :
++                   esc==ESC_0F3A ? "0F3A" : "???");
++      vex_printf("vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=%d PFX.F2=%d PFX.F3=%d\n",
++                 have66(pfx) ? 1 : 0, haveF2(pfx) ? 1 : 0,
++                 haveF3(pfx) ? 1 : 0);
++   }
+    /* Tell the dispatcher that this insn cannot be decoded, and so has
+       not been executed, and (is currently) the next to be executed.
+@@ -31041,7 +31044,8 @@
+                            VexArch      guest_arch,
+                            VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+                            VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-                           Bool         host_bigendian_IN )
++                           Bool         host_bigendian_IN,
++                           Bool         sigill_diag_IN )
+ {
+    Int       i, x1, x2;
+    Bool      expect_CAS, has_CAS;
+@@ -31064,7 +31068,7 @@
+    dres = disInstr_AMD64_WRK ( &expect_CAS, resteerOkFn,
+                                resteerCisOk,
+                                callback_opaque,
+-                               delta, archinfo, abiinfo );
++                               delta, archinfo, abiinfo, sigill_diag_IN );
+    x2 = irsb_IN->stmts_used;
+    vassert(x2 >= x1);
+@@ -31097,7 +31101,7 @@
+       dres = disInstr_AMD64_WRK ( &expect_CAS, resteerOkFn,
+                                   resteerCisOk,
+                                   callback_opaque,
+-                                  delta, archinfo, abiinfo );
++                                  delta, archinfo, abiinfo, sigill_diag_IN );
+       for (i = x1; i < x2; i++) {
+          vex_printf("\t\t");
+          ppIRStmt(irsb_IN->stmts[i]);
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_toIR.c.orig valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_toIR.c.orig
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_toIR.c.orig	2012-11-04 21:57:03.788416887 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_amd64_toIR.c.orig	2012-11-04 21:56:20.017789271 +0100
+@@ -20986,6 +20986,14 @@
+       delta = dis_movx_E_G ( vbi, pfx, delta, 2, sz, True );
+       return delta;
++   case 0xC0: { /* XADD Gb,Eb */ 
++      Bool decode_OK = False;
++      delta = dis_xadd_G_E ( &decode_OK, vbi, pfx, 1, delta );
++      if (!decode_OK)
++         goto decode_failure;
++      return delta;
++   }
+    case 0xC1: { /* XADD Gv,Ev */ 
+       Bool decode_OK = False;
+       delta = dis_xadd_G_E ( &decode_OK, vbi, pfx, sz, delta );
+@@ -30932,14 +30940,6 @@
+       /* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- XADD -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */
+-      case 0xC0: { /* XADD Gb,Eb */ 
+-         Bool decode_OK = False;
+-         delta = dis_xadd_G_E ( &decode_OK, vbi, pfx, 1, delta );
+-         if (!decode_OK)
+-            goto decode_failure;
+-         break;
+-      }
+       /* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SGDT and SIDT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */
+       /* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- unimp2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_arm_defs.h valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_arm_defs.h
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_arm_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:03.790416917 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_arm_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:36.588887153 +0100
+@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
+                          VexArch      guest_arch,
+                          VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+                          VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-                         Bool         host_bigendian );
++                         Bool         host_bigendian,
++                         Bool         sigill_diag );
+ /* Used by the optimiser to specialise calls to helpers. */
+ extern
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_arm_defs.h.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_arm_toIR.c valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_arm_toIR.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_arm_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.787416871 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_arm_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:36.812890419 +0100
+@@ -12564,7 +12564,8 @@
+              void*        callback_opaque,
+              UChar*       guest_instr,
+              VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+-             VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo
++             VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
++             Bool         sigill_diag
+           )
+ {
+    // A macro to fish bits out of 'insn'.
+@@ -14643,15 +14644,17 @@
+   decode_failure:
+    /* All decode failures end up here. */
+-   vex_printf("disInstr(arm): unhandled instruction: "
+-              "0x%x\n", insn);
+-   vex_printf("                 cond=%d(0x%x) 27:20=%u(0x%02x) "
+-                                "4:4=%d "
+-                                "3:0=%u(0x%x)\n",
+-              (Int)INSN_COND, (UInt)INSN_COND,
+-              (Int)INSN(27,20), (UInt)INSN(27,20),
+-              (Int)INSN(4,4),
+-              (Int)INSN(3,0), (UInt)INSN(3,0) );
++   if (sigill_diag) {
++      vex_printf("disInstr(arm): unhandled instruction: "
++                 "0x%x\n", insn);
++      vex_printf("                 cond=%d(0x%x) 27:20=%u(0x%02x) "
++                                   "4:4=%d "
++                                   "3:0=%u(0x%x)\n",
++                 (Int)INSN_COND, (UInt)INSN_COND,
++                 (Int)INSN(27,20), (UInt)INSN(27,20),
++                 (Int)INSN(4,4),
++                 (Int)INSN(3,0), (UInt)INSN(3,0) );
++   }
+    /* Tell the dispatcher that this insn cannot be decoded, and so has
+       not been executed, and (is currently) the next to be executed.
+@@ -14760,7 +14763,8 @@
+              void*        callback_opaque,
+              UChar*       guest_instr,
+              VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+-             VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo
++             VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
++             Bool         sigill_diag
+           )
+ {
+    /* A macro to fish bits out of insn0.  There's also INSN1, to fish
+@@ -18746,8 +18750,9 @@
+   decode_failure:
+    /* All decode failures end up here. */
+-   vex_printf("disInstr(thumb): unhandled instruction: "
+-              "0x%04x 0x%04x\n", (UInt)insn0, (UInt)insn1);
++   if (sigill_diag)
++      vex_printf("disInstr(thumb): unhandled instruction: "
++                 "0x%04x 0x%04x\n", (UInt)insn0, (UInt)insn1);
+    /* Back up ITSTATE to the initial value for this instruction.
+       If we don't do that, any subsequent restart of the instruction
+@@ -18892,7 +18897,8 @@
+                          VexArch      guest_arch,
+                          VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+                          VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-                         Bool         host_bigendian_IN )
++                         Bool         host_bigendian_IN,
++                         Bool         sigill_diag_IN )
+ {
+    DisResult dres;
+    Bool isThumb = (Bool)(guest_IP_ENCODED & 1);
+@@ -18914,12 +18920,12 @@
+       dres = disInstr_THUMB_WRK ( resteerOkFn,
+                                   resteerCisOk, callback_opaque,
+                                   &guest_code_IN[delta_ENCODED - 1],
+-                                  archinfo, abiinfo );
++                                  archinfo, abiinfo, sigill_diag_IN );
+    } else {
+       dres = disInstr_ARM_WRK ( resteerOkFn,
+                                 resteerCisOk, callback_opaque,
+                                 &guest_code_IN[delta_ENCODED],
+-                                archinfo, abiinfo );
++                                archinfo, abiinfo, sigill_diag_IN );
+    }
+    return dres;
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_arm_toIR.c.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.c valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.790416917 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:36.918891974 +0100
+@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@
+          /*IN*/ Addr64           guest_IP_bbstart,
+          /*IN*/ Bool             (*chase_into_ok)(void*,Addr64),
+          /*IN*/ Bool             host_bigendian,
++         /*IN*/ Bool             sigill_diag,
+          /*IN*/ VexArch          arch_guest,
+          /*IN*/ VexArchInfo*     archinfo_guest,
+          /*IN*/ VexAbiInfo*      abiinfo_both,
+@@ -361,7 +362,8 @@
+                             arch_guest,
+                             archinfo_guest,
+                             abiinfo_both,
+-                            host_bigendian );
++                            host_bigendian,
++                            sigill_diag );
+       /* stay sane ... */
+       vassert(dres.whatNext == Dis_StopHere
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h	2012-11-04 21:57:03.790416917 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h	2012-11-04 21:57:36.970892726 +0100
+@@ -150,7 +150,10 @@
+       /*IN*/  VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+       /* Is the host bigendian? */
+-      /*IN*/  Bool         host_bigendian
++      /*IN*/  Bool         host_bigendian,
++      /* Should diagnostics be printed for illegal instructions? */
++      /*IN*/  Bool         sigill_diag
+    );
+@@ -171,6 +174,7 @@
+          /*IN*/ Addr64           guest_IP_bbstart,
+          /*IN*/ Bool             (*chase_into_ok)(void*,Addr64),
+          /*IN*/ Bool             host_bigendian,
++         /*IN*/ Bool             sigill_diag,
+          /*IN*/ VexArch          arch_guest,
+          /*IN*/ VexArchInfo*     archinfo_guest,
+          /*IN*/ VexAbiInfo*      abiinfo_both,
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_generic_bb_to_IR.h.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_mips_defs.h valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_mips_defs.h
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_mips_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:03.790416917 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_mips_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:36.984892934 +0100
+@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
+                                  VexArch      guest_arch,
+                                  VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+                                  VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-                                 Bool         host_bigendian );
++                                 Bool         host_bigendian,
++                                 Bool         sigill_diag );
+ /* Used by the optimiser to specialise calls to helpers. */
+ extern IRExpr *guest_mips32_spechelper(HChar * function_name, IRExpr ** args,
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_mips_defs.h.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_mips_toIR.c valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_mips_toIR.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_mips_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.785416840 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_mips_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:36.986892956 +0100
+@@ -1195,7 +1195,8 @@
+                                      void*        callback_opaque,
+                                      Long         delta64,
+                                      VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+-                                     VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo )
++                                     VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
++                                     Bool         sigill_diag )
+ {
+    IRTemp t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8;
+    UInt opcode, cins, rs, rt, rd, sa, ft, fs, fd, fmt, tf, nd, function,
+@@ -3399,12 +3400,13 @@
+  decode_failure:
+       /* All decode failures end up here. */
+-      DIP("vex mips->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: "
+-          "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n",
+-          (Int) getIByte(delta_start + 0),
+-          (Int) getIByte(delta_start + 1),
+-          (Int) getIByte(delta_start + 2),
+-          (Int) getIByte(delta_start + 3));
++      if (sigill_diag)
++         vex_printf("vex mips->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: "
++                    "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n",
++                    (Int) getIByte(delta_start + 0),
++                    (Int) getIByte(delta_start + 1),
++                    (Int) getIByte(delta_start + 2),
++                    (Int) getIByte(delta_start + 3));
+       /* Tell the dispatcher that this insn cannot be decoded, and so has
+          not been executed, and (is currently) the next to be executed.
+@@ -3494,7 +3496,8 @@
+               VexArch      guest_arch,
+               VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+               VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-              Bool         host_bigendian_IN)
++              Bool         host_bigendian_IN,
++              Bool         sigill_diag_IN)
+ {
+    DisResult dres;
+@@ -3510,7 +3513,7 @@
+    guest_PC_bbstart = (Addr32) toUInt(guest_IP - delta);
+    dres = disInstr_MIPS_WRK(resteerOkFn, resteerCisOk, callback_opaque,
+-                            delta, archinfo, abiinfo);
++                            delta, archinfo, abiinfo, sigill_diag_IN);
+    return dres;
+ }
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_mips_toIR.c.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_defs.h valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_defs.h
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:03.782416795 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:37.030893654 +0100
+@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@
+                          VexArch      guest_arch,
+                          VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+                          VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-                         Bool         host_bigendian );
++                         Bool         host_bigendian,
++                         Bool         sigill_diag );
+ /* Used by the optimiser to specialise calls to helpers. */
+ extern
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_ppc_defs.h.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.784416825 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:37.034893677 +0100
+@@ -16475,7 +16475,8 @@
+              void*        callback_opaque,
+              Long         delta64,
+              VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+-             VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo
++             VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
++             Bool         sigill_diag
+           )
+ {
+    UChar     opc1;
+@@ -17688,10 +17689,12 @@
+    decode_failure:
+    /* All decode failures end up here. */
+    opc2 = (theInstr) & 0x7FF;
+-   vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): unhandled instruction: "
+-              "0x%x\n", theInstr);
+-   vex_printf("                 primary %d(0x%x), secondary %u(0x%x)\n", 
+-              opc1, opc1, opc2, opc2);
++   if (sigill_diag) {
++      vex_printf("disInstr(ppc): unhandled instruction: "
++                 "0x%x\n", theInstr);
++      vex_printf("                 primary %d(0x%x), secondary %u(0x%x)\n", 
++                 opc1, opc1, opc2, opc2);
++   }
+    /* Tell the dispatcher that this insn cannot be decoded, and so has
+       not been executed, and (is currently) the next to be executed.
+@@ -17752,7 +17755,8 @@
+                          VexArch      guest_arch,
+                          VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+                          VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-                         Bool         host_bigendian_IN )
++                         Bool         host_bigendian_IN,
++                         Bool         sigill_diag_IN )
+ {
+    IRType     ty;
+    DisResult  dres;
+@@ -17788,7 +17792,7 @@
+    guest_CIA_bbstart    = mkSzAddr(ty, guest_IP - delta);
+    dres = disInstr_PPC_WRK ( resteerOkFn, resteerCisOk, callback_opaque,
+-                             delta, archinfo, abiinfo );
++                             delta, archinfo, abiinfo, sigill_diag_IN );
+    return dres;
+ }
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c.orig valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c.orig
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c.orig	2012-11-04 21:57:03.786416855 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_ppc_toIR.c.orig	2012-11-04 21:56:20.081790240 +0100
+@@ -16629,6 +16629,7 @@
+    /* 64bit Integer Rotate Instructions */
+    case 0x1E: // rldcl, rldcr, rldic, rldicl, rldicr, rldimi
++      if (!mode64) goto decode_failure;
+       if (dis_int_rot( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
+       goto decode_failure;
+@@ -16663,7 +16664,12 @@
+       goto decode_failure;
+    /* Trap Instructions */
+-   case 0x02: case 0x03: // tdi, twi
++   case 0x02:    // tdi
++      if (!mode64) goto decode_failure;
++      if (dis_trapi(theInstr, &dres)) goto decode_success;
++      goto decode_failure;
++   case 0x03:   // twi
+       if (dis_trapi(theInstr, &dres)) goto decode_success;
+       goto decode_failure;
+@@ -17264,7 +17270,12 @@
+          goto decode_failure;
+          /* 64bit Integer Parity Instructions */
+-      case 0xba: case 0x9a: // prtyd, prtyw
++      case 0xba: // prtyd
++         if (!mode64) goto decode_failure;
++         if (dis_int_parity( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
++         goto decode_failure;
++      case 0x9a: // prtyw
+          if (dis_int_parity( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
+          goto decode_failure;
+@@ -17309,9 +17320,13 @@
+          goto decode_failure;
+       /* Integer Load and Store with Byte Reverse Instructions */
+-      case 0x316: case 0x216: case 0x396: // lhbrx, lwbrx, sthbrx
+-      case 0x296: case 0x214:             // stwbrx, ldbrx
+-      case 0x294:                         // stdbrx
++      case 0x214: case 0x294: // ldbrx, stdbrx
++         if (!mode64) goto decode_failure;
++         if (dis_int_ldst_rev( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
++         goto decode_failure;
++      case 0x216: case 0x316: case 0x296:    // lwbrx, lhbrx, stwbrx
++      case 0x396:                            // sthbrx
+          if (dis_int_ldst_rev( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
+          goto decode_failure;
+@@ -17361,7 +17376,12 @@
+ //zz          goto decode_failure;
+       /* Trap Instructions */
+-      case 0x004: case 0x044:             // tw,   td
++      case 0x004:             // tw
++         if (dis_trap(theInstr, &dres)) goto decode_success;
++         goto decode_failure;
++      case 0x044:             // td
++         if (!mode64) goto decode_failure;
+          if (dis_trap(theInstr, &dres)) goto decode_success;
+          goto decode_failure;
+@@ -17455,6 +17475,7 @@
+     	  goto decode_failure;
+       case 0x0FC: // bpermd
++         if (!mode64) goto decode_failure;
+          if (dis_int_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
+          goto decode_failure;
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_s390_defs.h valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_s390_defs.h
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_s390_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:03.782416795 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_s390_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:37.098894575 +0100
+@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@
+                           VexArch      guest_arch,
+                           VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+                           VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-                          Bool         host_bigendian );
++                          Bool         host_bigendian,
++                          Bool         sigill_diag );
+ /* Used by the optimiser to specialise calls to helpers. */
+ IRExpr* guest_s390x_spechelper ( HChar   *function_name,
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_s390_defs.h.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.789416902 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:37.102894640 +0100
+@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@
+ static Bool (*resteer_fn)(void *, Addr64);
+ static void *resteer_data;
++/* Whether to print diagnostics for illegal instructions. */
++static Bool sigill_diag;
+ /* The last seen execute target instruction */
+ ULong last_execute_target;
+@@ -14143,34 +14146,36 @@
+    if (status == S390_DECODE_OK) return insn_length;  /* OK */
+    /* Decoding failed somehow */
+-   vex_printf("vex s390->IR: ");
+-   switch (status) {
+-      vex_printf("unknown insn: ");
+-      break;
++   if (sigill_diag) {
++      vex_printf("vex s390->IR: ");
++      switch (status) {
++      case S390_DECODE_UNKNOWN_INSN:
++         vex_printf("unknown insn: ");
++         break;
+-      vex_printf("unimplemented insn: ");
+-      break;
++         vex_printf("unimplemented insn: ");
++         break;
+-      vex_printf("unimplemented special insn: ");
+-      break;
++         vex_printf("unimplemented special insn: ");
++         break;
+-   default:
+-   case S390_DECODE_ERROR:
+-      vex_printf("decoding error: ");
+-      break;
+-   }
++      default:
++      case S390_DECODE_ERROR:
++         vex_printf("decoding error: ");
++         break;
++      }
+-   vex_printf("%02x%02x", bytes[0], bytes[1]);
+-   if (insn_length > 2) {
+-      vex_printf(" %02x%02x", bytes[2], bytes[3]);
+-   }
+-   if (insn_length > 4) {
+-      vex_printf(" %02x%02x", bytes[4], bytes[5]);
++      vex_printf("%02x%02x", bytes[0], bytes[1]);
++      if (insn_length > 2) {
++         vex_printf(" %02x%02x", bytes[2], bytes[3]);
++      }
++      if (insn_length > 4) {
++         vex_printf(" %02x%02x", bytes[4], bytes[5]);
++      }
++      vex_printf("\n");
+    }
+-   vex_printf("\n");
+    return 0;  /* Failed */
+ }
+@@ -14261,7 +14266,8 @@
+               VexArch      guest_arch,
+               VexArchInfo *archinfo,
+               VexAbiInfo  *abiinfo,
+-              Bool         host_bigendian)
++              Bool         host_bigendian,
++              Bool         sigill_diag_IN)
+ {
+    vassert(guest_arch == VexArchS390X);
+@@ -14273,6 +14279,7 @@
+    irsb = irsb_IN;
+    resteer_fn = resteerOkFn;
+    resteer_data = callback_opaque;
++   sigill_diag = sigill_diag_IN;
+    return disInstr_S390_WRK(guest_code + delta);
+ }
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_s390_toIR.c.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_x86_defs.h valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_x86_defs.h
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_x86_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:03.782416795 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_x86_defs.h	2012-11-04 21:57:37.169895603 +0100
+@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
+                          VexArch      guest_arch,
+                          VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+                          VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-                         Bool         host_bigendian );
++                         Bool         host_bigendian,
++                         Bool         sigill_diag );
+ /* Used by the optimiser to specialise calls to helpers. */
+ extern
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_x86_defs.h.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_x86_toIR.c valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_x86_toIR.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/guest_x86_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.790416917 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/guest_x86_toIR.c	2012-11-04 21:57:37.176895720 +0100
+@@ -7927,7 +7927,8 @@
+              void*        callback_opaque,
+              Long         delta64,
+              VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+-             VexAbiInfo*  vbi
++             VexAbiInfo*  vbi,
++             Bool         sigill_diag
+           )
+ {
+    IRType    ty;
+@@ -15157,12 +15158,14 @@
+   default:
+   decode_failure:
+    /* All decode failures end up here. */
+-   vex_printf("vex x86->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: "
+-              "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n",
+-              (Int)getIByte(delta_start+0),
+-              (Int)getIByte(delta_start+1),
+-              (Int)getIByte(delta_start+2),
+-              (Int)getIByte(delta_start+3) );
++   if (sigill_diag) {
++      vex_printf("vex x86->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: "
++                 "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n",
++                 (Int)getIByte(delta_start+0),
++                 (Int)getIByte(delta_start+1),
++                 (Int)getIByte(delta_start+2),
++                 (Int)getIByte(delta_start+3) );
++   }
+    /* Tell the dispatcher that this insn cannot be decoded, and so has
+       not been executed, and (is currently) the next to be executed.
+@@ -15225,7 +15228,8 @@
+                          VexArch      guest_arch,
+                          VexArchInfo* archinfo,
+                          VexAbiInfo*  abiinfo,
+-                         Bool         host_bigendian_IN )
++                         Bool         host_bigendian_IN,
++                         Bool         sigill_diag_IN )
+ {
+    Int       i, x1, x2;
+    Bool      expect_CAS, has_CAS;
+@@ -15244,7 +15248,7 @@
+    dres = disInstr_X86_WRK ( &expect_CAS, resteerOkFn,
+                              resteerCisOk,
+                              callback_opaque,
+-                             delta, archinfo, abiinfo );
++                             delta, archinfo, abiinfo, sigill_diag_IN );
+    x2 = irsb_IN->stmts_used;
+    vassert(x2 >= x1);
+@@ -15264,7 +15268,7 @@
+       dres = disInstr_X86_WRK ( &expect_CAS, resteerOkFn,
+                                 resteerCisOk,
+                                 callback_opaque,
+-                                delta, archinfo, abiinfo );
++                                delta, archinfo, abiinfo, sigill_diag_IN );
+       for (i = x1; i < x2; i++) {
+          vex_printf("\t\t");
+          ppIRStmt(irsb_IN->stmts[i]);
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv: guest_x86_toIR.c.orig
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/main_main.c valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/main_main.c
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/priv/main_main.c	2012-11-04 21:57:03.784416825 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/priv/main_main.c	2012-11-04 21:57:37.247896750 +0100
+@@ -605,6 +605,7 @@
+                      vta->guest_bytes_addr,
+                      vta->chase_into_ok,
+                      host_is_bigendian,
++                     vta->sigill_diag,
+                      vta->arch_guest,
+                      &vta->archinfo_guest,
+                      &vta->abiinfo_both,
+diff -ur valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/pub/libvex.h valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/pub/libvex.h
+--- valgrind-3.8.1.orig/VEX/pub/libvex.h	2012-11-04 21:57:03.781416780 +0100
++++ valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/pub/libvex.h	2012-11-04 21:57:37.248896764 +0100
+@@ -622,6 +622,9 @@
+       /* IN: debug: trace vex activity at various points */
+       Int     traceflags;
++      /* IN: debug: print diagnostics when an illegal instr is detected */
++      Bool    sigill_diag;
+       /* IN: profiling: add a 64 bit profiler counter increment to the
+          translation? */
+       Bool    addProfInc;
+Only in valgrind-3.8.1/VEX/pub: libvex.h.orig
diff --git a/valgrind.spec b/valgrind.spec
index 758ff50..2d84b06 100644
--- a/valgrind.spec
+++ b/valgrind.spec
@@ -131,6 +131,10 @@ Patch30: valgrind-3.8.1-stpncpy.patch
 #              in 32-bit mode
 Patch31: valgrind-3.8.1-ppc-32-mode-64-bit-instr.patch
+# KDE#309425 - Provide a --sigill-diagnostics flag to suppress
+#              illegal instruction reporting
+Patch32: valgrind-3.8.1-sigill_diag.patch
 Obsoletes: valgrind-callgrind
 %ifarch x86_64 ppc64
 # Ensure glibc{,-devel} is installed for both multilib arches
@@ -263,6 +267,7 @@ touch ./none/tests/amd64/bmi.stderr.exp
 %patch29 -p1
 %patch30 -p1
 %patch31 -p1
+%patch32 -p1
 # To suppress eventual automake warnings/errors
 rm -f gdbserver_tests/filter_gdb.orig
@@ -415,6 +420,7 @@ echo ===============END TESTING===============
 * Sun Nov  4 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com>
 - Add valgrind-3.8.1-stpncpy.patch (KDE#309427)
 - Add valgrind-3.8.1-ppc-32-mode-64-bit-instr.patch (#810992, KDE#308573)
+- Add valgrind-3.8.1-sigill_diag.patch (#810992, KDE#309425)
 * Tue Oct 16 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.1-4
 - Add valgrind-3.8.1-xaddb.patch (#866793, KDE#307106)