diff --git a/valgrind-3.14.0-s390x-vec-float-point-code.patch b/valgrind-3.14.0-s390x-vec-float-point-code.patch
index 5760946..1e73a6f 100644
--- a/valgrind-3.14.0-s390x-vec-float-point-code.patch
+++ b/valgrind-3.14.0-s390x-vec-float-point-code.patch
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
-From d573af02098d17f6b16584a6b20ed4aedd190a33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Vadim Barkov <vbrkov@gmail.com>
-Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 13:51:49 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Vector floating point implementation (code)
+commit 600a0099a1eb2335a3f9563534c112e11817002b
+Author: Vadim Barkov <vbrkov@gmail.com>
+Date:   Fri Oct 5 13:51:49 2018 +0300
- VEX/priv/guest_s390_defs.h    |  10 +-
- VEX/priv/guest_s390_helpers.c |  47 ++
- VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c    | 797 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
- VEX/priv/host_s390_defs.c     | 225 +++++++++-
- VEX/priv/host_s390_defs.h     |  16 +-
- VEX/priv/host_s390_isel.c     | 112 ++++-
- 6 files changed, 1168 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
+    Bug 385411 s390x: Add z13 vector floating point support
+    This adds support for the z/Architecture vector FP instructions that were
+    introduced with z13.
+    The patch was contributed by Vadim Barkov, with some clean-up and minor
+    adjustments by Andreas Arnez.
 diff --git a/VEX/priv/guest_s390_defs.h b/VEX/priv/guest_s390_defs.h
-index 3bfecbe31..d72cc9f6d 100644
+index 3bfecbe..d72cc9f 100644
 --- a/VEX/priv/guest_s390_defs.h
 +++ b/VEX/priv/guest_s390_defs.h
 @@ -281,7 +281,11 @@ enum {
@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ index 3bfecbe31..d72cc9f6d 100644
     ULong serialized;
  } s390x_vec_op_details_t;
 diff --git a/VEX/priv/guest_s390_helpers.c b/VEX/priv/guest_s390_helpers.c
-index d9773e73e..5e5565682 100644
+index d9773e7..5877743 100644
 --- a/VEX/priv/guest_s390_helpers.c
 +++ b/VEX/priv/guest_s390_helpers.c
 @@ -2498,6 +2498,10 @@ s390x_dirtyhelper_vec_op(VexGuestS390XState *guest_state,
@@ -61,26 +59,26 @@ index d9773e73e..5e5565682 100644
          unsigned int op2 : 8;
        } VRRd;
 +      struct {
-+         unsigned int op1 : 8;
-+         unsigned int v1  : 4;
-+         unsigned int v2  : 4;
-+         unsigned int v3  : 4;
-+         unsigned int     : 4;
-+         unsigned int m6  : 4;
-+         unsigned int m5  : 4;
-+         unsigned int m4  : 4;
-+         unsigned int rxb : 4;
-+         unsigned int op2 : 8;
++         UInt op1 : 8;
++         UInt v1  : 4;
++         UInt v2  : 4;
++         UInt v3  : 4;
++         UInt     : 4;
++         UInt m6  : 4;
++         UInt m5  : 4;
++         UInt m4  : 4;
++         UInt rxb : 4;
++         UInt op2 : 8;
 +      } VRRc;
 +      struct {
-+         unsigned int op1 : 8;
-+         unsigned int v1  : 4;
-+         unsigned int v2  : 4;
-+         unsigned int i3  : 12;
-+         unsigned int m5  : 4;
-+         unsigned int m4  : 4;
-+         unsigned int rxb : 4;
-+         unsigned int op2 : 8;
++         UInt op1 : 8;
++         UInt v1  : 4;
++         UInt v2  : 4;
++         UInt i3  : 12;
++         UInt m5  : 4;
++         UInt m4  : 4;
++         UInt rxb : 4;
++         UInt op2 : 8;
 +      } VRIe;
        UChar bytes[6];
     } the_insn;
@@ -114,14 +112,49 @@ index d9773e73e..5e5565682 100644
        vex_printf("operation = %d\n", d->op);
        vpanic("s390x_dirtyhelper_vec_op: unknown operation");
 diff --git a/VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c b/VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c
-index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
+index 50a5a41..1c4ac39 100644
 --- a/VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c
 +++ b/VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c
-@@ -1770,6 +1770,11 @@ s390_vr_get_type(const UChar m)
+@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ typedef enum {
+ } s390_decode_t;
+@@ -421,6 +422,26 @@ yield_if(IRExpr *condition)
+                     S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_IA)));
+ }
++/* Convenience macro to yield a specification exception if the given condition
++   is not met.  Used to pass this type of decoding error up through the call
++   chain. */
++#define s390_insn_assert(mnm, cond)             \
++   do {                                         \
++      if (!(cond)) {                            \
++         dis_res->whatNext = Dis_StopHere;      \
++         dis_res->jk_StopHere = Ijk_NoDecode;   \
++         return (mnm);                          \
++      }                                         \
++   } while (0)
++/* Convenience function to check for a specification exception. */
++static Bool
++   return (dis_res->whatNext == Dis_StopHere &&
++           dis_res->jk_StopHere == Ijk_NoDecode);
+ static __inline__ IRExpr *get_fpr_dw0(UInt);
+ static __inline__ void    put_fpr_dw0(UInt, IRExpr *);
+ static __inline__ IRExpr *get_dpr_dw0(UInt);
+@@ -1770,6 +1791,11 @@ s390_vr_get_type(const UChar m)
  /* Determine if Zero Search (ZS) flag is set in m field */
  #define s390_vr_is_zs_set(m) (((m) & 0b0010) != 0)
-+/* Check if "Single-Element-Control" bit is set.
++/* Check if the "Single-Element-Control" bit is set.
 +   Used in vector FP instructions.
 + */
 +#define s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m) (((m) & 0x8) != 0)
@@ -129,7 +162,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
  /* Generates arg1 < arg2 (or arg1 <= arg2 if allow_equal == True) expression.
     Arguments must have V128 type and are treated as unsigned 128-bit numbers.
-@@ -2001,12 +2006,14 @@ s390_vr_offset_by_index(UInt archreg,IRType type, UChar index)
+@@ -2001,12 +2027,14 @@ s390_vr_offset_by_index(UInt archreg,IRType type, UChar index)
        return vr_offset(archreg) + sizeof(UShort) * index;
     case Ity_I32:
@@ -144,7 +177,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
        if(index > 1) {
           goto invalidIndex;
-@@ -2237,8 +2244,8 @@ encode_bfp_rounding_mode(UChar mode)
+@@ -2237,8 +2265,8 @@ encode_bfp_rounding_mode(UChar mode)
     case S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC:
        rm = get_bfp_rounding_mode_from_fpc();
@@ -155,13 +188,15 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
     case S390_BFP_ROUND_NEAREST_EVEN:  rm = mkU32(Irrm_NEAREST); break;
     case S390_BFP_ROUND_ZERO:          rm = mkU32(Irrm_ZERO);    break;
     case S390_BFP_ROUND_POSINF:        rm = mkU32(Irrm_PosINF);  break;
-@@ -3524,6 +3531,24 @@ s390_format_VRI_VVIM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v3, UShort i2, UChar
+@@ -3524,6 +3552,26 @@ s390_format_VRI_VVIM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v3, UShort i2, UChar
        s390_disasm(ENC5(MNM, VR, VR, UINT, UINT), mnm, v1, v3, i2, m4);
 +static void
-+s390_format_VRI_VVIMM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UShort i3, UChar m4, UChar m5),
-+                     UChar v1, UChar v2, UShort i3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar rxb)
++s390_format_VRI_VVIMM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UShort i3,
++                                            UChar m4, UChar m5),
++                      UChar v1, UChar v2, UShort i3, UChar m4, UChar m5,
++                      UChar rxb)
 +   const HChar *mnm;
@@ -174,13 +209,13 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   v2 = s390_vr_getVRindex(v2, 2, rxb);
 +   mnm = irgen(v1, v2, i3, m4, m5);
-+   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE))
++   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE)
 +      s390_disasm(ENC6(MNM, VR, VR, UINT, UINT, UINT), mnm, v1, v2, i3, m4, m5);
  static void
  s390_format_VRS_RRDVM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar r1, IRTemp op2addr, UChar v3,
-@@ -3680,7 +3705,7 @@ s390_format_VRV_VVRDMT(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, IRTemp op2addr, UChar m3)
+@@ -3680,7 +3728,7 @@ s390_format_VRV_VVRDMT(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, IRTemp op2addr, UChar m3)
  static void
@@ -189,13 +224,15 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
                                                UChar v4, UChar m5, UChar m6),
                          UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5,
                          UChar m6, UChar rxb)
-@@ -3794,6 +3819,84 @@ s390_format_VRRd_VVVVM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3,
+@@ -3794,6 +3842,92 @@ s390_format_VRRd_VVVVM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3,
 +static void
-+s390_format_VRRa_VVMMM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5),
-+                                             UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar rxb)
++s390_format_VRRa_VVMMM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3,
++                                             UChar m4, UChar m5),
++                       UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5,
++                       UChar rxb)
 +   const HChar *mnm;
@@ -208,13 +245,15 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   v2 = s390_vr_getVRindex(v2, 2, rxb);
 +   mnm = irgen(v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
-+   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE))
++   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE)
 +      s390_disasm(ENC6(MNM, VR, VR, UINT, UINT, UINT), mnm, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
 +static void
-+s390_format_VRRa_VVVMM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5),
-+                       UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar rxb)
++s390_format_VRRa_VVVMM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3,
++                                             UChar m4, UChar m5),
++                       UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5,
++                       UChar rxb)
 +   const HChar *mnm;
@@ -228,12 +267,13 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   v3 = s390_vr_getVRindex(v3, 3, rxb);
 +   mnm = irgen(v1, v2, v3, m4, m5);
-+   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE))
++   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE)
 +      s390_disasm(ENC6(MNM, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT), mnm, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5);
 +static void
-+s390_format_VRRa_VVMM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4),
++s390_format_VRRa_VVMM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3,
++                                            UChar m4),
 +                       UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar rxb)
 +   const HChar *mnm;
@@ -247,13 +287,15 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   v2 = s390_vr_getVRindex(v2, 2, rxb);
 +   mnm = irgen(v1, v2, m3, m4);
-+   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE))
++   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE)
 +      s390_disasm(ENC5(MNM, VR, VR, UINT, UINT), mnm, v1, v2, m3, m4);
 +static void
-+s390_format_VRRa_VVVMMM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar m6),
-+                        UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar m6, UChar rxb)
++s390_format_VRRa_VVVMMM(const HChar *(*irgen)(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3,
++                                              UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar m6),
++                        UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5,
++                        UChar m6, UChar rxb)
 +   const HChar *mnm;
@@ -267,32 +309,35 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   v3 = s390_vr_getVRindex(v3, 3, rxb);
 +   mnm = irgen(v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
-+   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE))
-+      s390_disasm(ENC6(MNM, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT), mnm, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
++   if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE)
++      s390_disasm(ENC6(MNM, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT),
++                  mnm, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
  /*--- Build IR for opcodes                                 ---*/
-@@ -17900,6 +18003,548 @@ s390_irgen_VMALH(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5)
+@@ -17895,6 +18029,575 @@ s390_irgen_VMALH(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5)
     return "vmalh";
 +static void
-+s390_vector_fp_from_or_to_operation(IROp op, IRType fromType, IRType toType, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
++s390_vector_fp_convert(IROp op, IRType fromType, IRType toType,
++                       UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   const Bool isSingleElementOperation = s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4);
-+   UChar maxIndex = (UNLIKELY(isSingleElementOperation)) ? 0 : 1;
++   Bool isSingleElementOp = s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4);
++   UChar maxIndex = isSingleElementOp ? 0 : 1;
-+   /* for Iop_F32toF64 we do this:
++   /* For Iop_F32toF64 we do this:
 +      f32[0] -> f64[0]
 +      f32[2] -> f64[1]
-+      for Iop_F64toF32 we do this:
++      For Iop_F64toF32 we do this:
 +      f64[0] -> f32[0]
 +      f64[1] -> f32[2]
-+      The magic below with scaling factors is used to achive the logic described above.
++      The magic below with scaling factors is used to achieve the logic
++      described above.
 +   */
 +   const UChar sourceIndexScaleFactor = (op == Iop_F32toF64) ? 2 : 1;
 +   const UChar destinationIndexScaleFactor = (op == Iop_F64toF32) ? 2 : 1;
@@ -301,7 +346,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   for (UChar i = 0; i <= maxIndex; i++) {
 +      IRExpr* argument = get_vr(v2, fromType, i * sourceIndexScaleFactor);
 +      IRExpr* result;
-+      if (LIKELY(!isUnary)) {
++      if (!isUnary) {
 +         result = binop(op,
 +                        mkexpr(encode_bfp_rounding_mode(m5)),
 +                        argument);
@@ -311,7 +356,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +      put_vr(v1, toType, i * destinationIndexScaleFactor, result);
 +   }
-+   if (UNLIKELY(isSingleElementOperation)) {
++   if (isSingleElementOp) {
 +      put_vr_dw1(v1, mkU64(0));
 +   }
@@ -319,14 +364,14 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VCDG(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m3 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vcdg", m3 == 3);
 +   if (!s390_host_has_fpext && m5 != S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC) {
 +      emulation_warning(EmWarn_S390X_fpext_rounding);
 +      m5 = S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC;
 +   }
-+   s390_vector_fp_from_or_to_operation(Iop_I64StoF64, Ity_I64, Ity_F64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
++   s390_vector_fp_convert(Iop_I64StoF64, Ity_I64, Ity_F64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
 +   return "vcdg";
@@ -334,14 +379,14 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VCDLG(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m3 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vcdlg", m3 == 3);
 +   if (!s390_host_has_fpext && m5 != S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC) {
 +      emulation_warning(EmWarn_S390X_fpext_rounding);
 +      m5 = S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC;
 +   }
-+   s390_vector_fp_from_or_to_operation(Iop_I64UtoF64, Ity_I64, Ity_F64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
++   s390_vector_fp_convert(Iop_I64UtoF64, Ity_I64, Ity_F64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
 +   return "vcdlg";
@@ -349,14 +394,14 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VCGD(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m3 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vcgd", m3 == 3);
 +   if (!s390_host_has_fpext && m5 != S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC) {
 +      emulation_warning(EmWarn_S390X_fpext_rounding);
 +      m5 = S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC;
 +   }
-+   s390_vector_fp_from_or_to_operation(Iop_F64toI64S, Ity_F64, Ity_I64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
++   s390_vector_fp_convert(Iop_F64toI64S, Ity_F64, Ity_I64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
 +   return "vcgd";
@@ -364,14 +409,14 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VCLGD(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m3 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vclgd", m3 == 3);
 +   if (!s390_host_has_fpext && m5 != S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC) {
 +      emulation_warning(EmWarn_S390X_fpext_rounding);
 +      m5 = S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC;
 +   }
-+   s390_vector_fp_from_or_to_operation(Iop_F64toI64U, Ity_F64, Ity_I64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
++   s390_vector_fp_convert(Iop_F64toI64U, Ity_F64, Ity_I64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
 +   return "vclgd";
@@ -379,14 +424,15 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFI(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m3 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfi", m3 == 3);
 +   if (!s390_host_has_fpext && m5 != S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC) {
 +      emulation_warning(EmWarn_S390X_fpext_rounding);
 +      m5 = S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC;
 +   }
-+   s390_vector_fp_from_or_to_operation(Iop_RoundF64toInt, Ity_F64, Ity_F64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
++   s390_vector_fp_convert(Iop_RoundF64toInt, Ity_F64, Ity_F64,
++                          v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
 +   return "vcgld";
@@ -394,9 +440,9 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VLDE(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m3 == 2);
++   s390_insn_assert("vlde", m3 == 2);
-+   s390_vector_fp_from_or_to_operation(Iop_F32toF64, Ity_F32, Ity_F64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
++   s390_vector_fp_convert(Iop_F32toF64, Ity_F32, Ity_F64, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
 +   return "vlde";
@@ -404,31 +450,34 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VLED(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m3 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vled", m3 == 3);
 +   if (!s390_host_has_fpext && m5 != S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC) {
 +      m5 = S390_BFP_ROUND_PER_FPC;
 +   }
-+   s390_vector_fp_from_or_to_operation(Iop_F64toF32, Ity_F64, Ity_F32, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
++   s390_vector_fp_convert(Iop_F64toF32, Ity_F64, Ity_F32, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
-+   return "vlde";
++   return "vled";
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFPSO(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m3 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfpso", m3 == 3);
 +   IRExpr* result;
 +   switch (m5) {
-+   case 0: { 
++   case 0: {
 +      /* Invert sign */
-+      if (LIKELY(!s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4))) {
++      if (!s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4)) {
 +         result = unop(Iop_Neg64Fx2, get_vr_qw(v2));
 +      }
 +      else {
-+         result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, unop(Iop_NegF64, get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0))), mkU64(0));
++         result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128,
++                        unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
++                             unop(Iop_NegF64, get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0))),
++                        mkU64(0));
 +      }
 +      break;
 +   }
@@ -436,13 +485,15 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   case 1: {
 +      /* Set sign to negative */
 +      IRExpr* highHalf = mkU64(0x8000000000000000ULL);
-+      if (LIKELY(!s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4))) {
++      if (!s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4)) {
 +         IRExpr* lowHalf = highHalf;
 +         IRExpr* mask = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, highHalf, lowHalf);
 +         result = binop(Iop_OrV128, get_vr_qw(v2), mask);
 +      }
 +      else {
-+         result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, binop(Iop_Or64, get_vr_dw0(v2), highHalf), mkU64(0ULL));
++         result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128,
++                        binop(Iop_Or64, get_vr_dw0(v2), highHalf),
++                        mkU64(0ULL));
 +      }
 +      break;
@@ -450,11 +501,14 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   case 2: {
 +      /* Set sign to positive */
-+      if (LIKELY(!s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4))) {
++      if (!s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4)) {
 +         result = unop(Iop_Abs64Fx2, get_vr_qw(v2));
 +      }
 +      else {
-+         result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, unop(Iop_AbsF64, get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0))), mkU64(0));
++         result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128,
++                        unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64,
++                             unop(Iop_AbsF64, get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0))),
++                        mkU64(0));
 +      }
 +      break;
@@ -465,22 +519,28 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   }
 +   put_vr_qw(v1, result);
-+   if(UNLIKELY(s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4))) {
-+	put_vr_dw1(v1, mkU64(0ULL));
++   if (s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4)) {
++      put_vr_dw1(v1, mkU64(0ULL));
 +   }
 +   return "vfpso";
 +static void s390x_vec_fp_binary_op(IROp generalOp, IROp singleElementOp,
-+                                   UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
++                                   UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4,
++                                   UChar m5)
 +   IRExpr* result;
-+   if (LIKELY(!s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m5))) {
-+      result = triop(generalOp, get_bfp_rounding_mode_from_fpc(), get_vr_qw(v2), get_vr_qw(v3));
++   if (!s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m5)) {
++      result = triop(generalOp, get_bfp_rounding_mode_from_fpc(),
++                     get_vr_qw(v2), get_vr_qw(v3));
 +   } else {
-+      IRExpr* highHalf = triop(singleElementOp, get_bfp_rounding_mode_from_fpc(), get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0), get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 0));
-+      result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, highHalf), mkU64(0ULL));
++      IRExpr* highHalf = triop(singleElementOp,
++                               get_bfp_rounding_mode_from_fpc(),
++                               get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0),
++                               get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 0));
++      result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, highHalf),
++                     mkU64(0ULL));
 +   }
 +   put_vr_qw(v1, result);
@@ -490,12 +550,16 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +                                  UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4)
 +   IRExpr* result;
-+   if (LIKELY(!s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4))) {
-+      result = binop(generalOp, get_bfp_rounding_mode_from_fpc(), get_vr_qw(v2));
++   if (!s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m4)) {
++      result = binop(generalOp, get_bfp_rounding_mode_from_fpc(),
++                     get_vr_qw(v2));
 +   }
 +   else {
-+      IRExpr* highHalf = binop(singleElementOp, get_bfp_rounding_mode_from_fpc(), get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0));
-+      result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, highHalf), mkU64(0ULL));
++      IRExpr* highHalf = binop(singleElementOp,
++                               get_bfp_rounding_mode_from_fpc(),
++                               get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0));
++      result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, highHalf),
++                     mkU64(0ULL));
 +   }
 +   put_vr_qw(v1, result);
@@ -503,33 +567,32 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static void
-+s390_vector_fp_mulAddOrSub_operation(IROp addOrSub, IROp singleElementOp,
-+                                     UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
++s390_vector_fp_mulAddOrSub(IROp singleElementOp,
++                           UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4,
++                           UChar m5, UChar m6)
-+   const Bool isSingleElementOperation = s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m5);
++   Bool isSingleElementOp = s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m5);
 +   IRTemp irrm_temp = newTemp(Ity_I32);
 +   assign(irrm_temp, get_bfp_rounding_mode_from_fpc());
 +   IRExpr* irrm = mkexpr(irrm_temp);
 +   IRExpr* result;
-+   if (LIKELY(!isSingleElementOperation)) {
-+      IRExpr* mulResult = triop(Iop_Mul64Fx2,
-+                                irrm,
-+                                get_vr_qw(v2),
-+                                get_vr_qw(v3));
-+      result = triop(addOrSub,
-+                     irrm,
-+                     mulResult,
-+                     get_vr_qw(v4));
++   IRExpr* highHalf = qop(singleElementOp,
++                          irrm,
++                          get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0),
++                          get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 0),
++                          get_vr(v4, Ity_F64, 0));
++   if (isSingleElementOp) {
++      result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, highHalf),
++                     mkU64(0ULL));
 +   } else {
-+      IRExpr* highHalf = qop(singleElementOp,
-+                             irrm,
-+                             get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0),
-+                             get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 0),
-+                             get_vr(v4, Ity_F64, 0));
-+      result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, highHalf), mkU64(0ULL));
++      IRExpr* lowHalf = qop(singleElementOp,
++                            irrm,
++                            get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 1),
++                            get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 1),
++                            get_vr(v4, Ity_F64, 1));
++      result = binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, highHalf),
++                     unop(Iop_ReinterpF64asI64, lowHalf));
 +   }
 +   put_vr_qw(v1, result);
@@ -538,7 +601,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFA(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m4 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfa", m4 == 3);
 +   s390x_vec_fp_binary_op(Iop_Add64Fx2, Iop_AddF64, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5);
 +   return "vfa";
@@ -546,7 +609,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFS(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m4 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfs", m4 == 3);
 +   s390x_vec_fp_binary_op(Iop_Sub64Fx2, Iop_SubF64, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5);
 +   return "vfs";
@@ -554,7 +617,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFM(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m4 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfm", m4 == 3);
 +   s390x_vec_fp_binary_op(Iop_Mul64Fx2, Iop_MulF64, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5);
 +   return "vfm";
@@ -562,7 +625,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFD(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m4 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfd", m4 == 3);
 +   s390x_vec_fp_binary_op(Iop_Div64Fx2, Iop_DivF64, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5);
 +   return "vfd";
@@ -570,7 +633,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFSQ(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4)
-+   vassert(m3 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfsq", m3 == 3);
 +   s390x_vec_fp_unary_op(Iop_Sqrt64Fx2, Iop_SqrtF64, v1, v2, m3, m4);
 +   return "vfsq";
@@ -579,27 +642,28 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFMA(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
-+   vassert(m6 == 3);
-+   s390_vector_fp_mulAddOrSub_operation(Iop_Add64Fx2, Iop_MAddF64, v1, v2, v3, v4, m5, m6);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfma", m6 == 3);
++   s390_vector_fp_mulAddOrSub(Iop_MAddF64, v1, v2, v3, v4, m5, m6);
 +   return "vfma";
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFMS(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
-+   vassert(m6 == 3);
-+   s390_vector_fp_mulAddOrSub_operation(Iop_Sub64Fx2, Iop_MSubF64, v1, v2, v3, v4, m5, m6);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfms", m6 == 3);
++   s390_vector_fp_mulAddOrSub(Iop_MSubF64, v1, v2, v3, v4, m5, m6);
 +   return "vfms";
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_WFC(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4)
-+   vassert(m3 == 3);
-+   vassert(m4 == 0);
++   s390_insn_assert("wfc", m3 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("wfc", m4 == 0);
 +   IRTemp cc_vex = newTemp(Ity_I32);
-+   assign(cc_vex, binop(Iop_CmpF64, get_vr(v1, Ity_F64, 0), get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0)));
++   assign(cc_vex, binop(Iop_CmpF64,
++                        get_vr(v1, Ity_F64, 0), get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0)));
 +   IRTemp cc_s390 = newTemp(Ity_I32);
 +   assign(cc_s390, convert_vex_bfpcc_to_s390(cc_vex));
@@ -619,15 +683,17 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFCE(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
-+   vassert(m4 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfce", m4 == 3);
 +   Bool isSingleElementOp = s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m5);
 +   if (!s390_vr_is_cs_set(m6)) {
-+      if (LIKELY(!isSingleElementOp)) {
++      if (!isSingleElementOp) {
 +         put_vr_qw(v1, binop(Iop_CmpEQ64Fx2, get_vr_qw(v2), get_vr_qw(v3)));
 +      } else {
-+         IRExpr* comparationResult = binop(Iop_CmpF64, get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0), get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 0));
-+         IRExpr* result = mkite(binop(Iop_CmpEQ32, comparationResult, mkU32(Ircr_EQ)),
++         IRExpr* comparisonResult = binop(Iop_CmpF64, get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0),
++                                          get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 0));
++         IRExpr* result = mkite(binop(Iop_CmpEQ32, comparisonResult,
++                                      mkU32(Ircr_EQ)),
 +                                mkU64(0xffffffffffffffffULL),
 +                                mkU64(0ULL));
 +         put_vr_qw(v1, binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, result, mkU64(0ULL)));
@@ -650,15 +716,15 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +                            mkIRExprVec_2(IRExpr_GSPTR(),
 +                                          mkU64(details.serialized)));
-+      const UChar sizeOfElement = (!isSingleElementOp) ? sizeof(V128) : sizeof(ULong);
++      const UChar elementSize = isSingleElementOp ? sizeof(ULong) : sizeof(V128);
 +      d->nFxState = 3;
 +      vex_bzero(&d->fxState, sizeof(d->fxState));
 +      d->fxState[0].fx = Ifx_Read;
 +      d->fxState[0].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v2 * sizeof(V128);
-+      d->fxState[0].size = sizeOfElement;
++      d->fxState[0].size = elementSize;
 +      d->fxState[1].fx = Ifx_Read;
 +      d->fxState[1].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v3 * sizeof(V128);
-+      d->fxState[1].size = sizeOfElement;
++      d->fxState[1].size = elementSize;
 +      d->fxState[2].fx = Ifx_Write;
 +      d->fxState[2].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v1 * sizeof(V128);
 +      d->fxState[2].size = sizeof(V128);
@@ -677,11 +743,13 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   Bool isSingleElementOp = s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m5);
 +   if (!s390_vr_is_cs_set(m6)) {
-+      if (LIKELY(!isSingleElementOp)) {
++      if (!isSingleElementOp) {
 +         put_vr_qw(v1, binop(Iop_CmpLE64Fx2, get_vr_qw(v3), get_vr_qw(v2)));
 +      } else {
-+         IRExpr* comparationResult = binop(Iop_CmpF64, get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0), get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 0));
-+         IRExpr* result = mkite(binop(Iop_CmpEQ32, comparationResult, mkU32(Ircr_GT)),
++         IRExpr* comparisonResult = binop(Iop_CmpF64, get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0),
++                                          get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 0));
++         IRExpr* result = mkite(binop(Iop_CmpEQ32, comparisonResult,
++                                      mkU32(Ircr_GT)),
 +                                mkU64(0xffffffffffffffffULL),
 +                                mkU64(0ULL));
 +         put_vr_qw(v1, binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, result, mkU64(0ULL)));
@@ -705,15 +773,15 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +                            mkIRExprVec_2(IRExpr_GSPTR(),
 +                                          mkU64(details.serialized)));
-+      const UChar sizeOfElement = (!isSingleElementOp) ? sizeof(V128) : sizeof(ULong);
++      const UChar elementSize = isSingleElementOp ? sizeof(ULong) : sizeof(V128);
 +      d->nFxState = 3;
 +      vex_bzero(&d->fxState, sizeof(d->fxState));
 +      d->fxState[0].fx = Ifx_Read;
 +      d->fxState[0].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v2 * sizeof(V128);
-+      d->fxState[0].size = sizeOfElement;
++      d->fxState[0].size = elementSize;
 +      d->fxState[1].fx = Ifx_Read;
 +      d->fxState[1].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v3 * sizeof(V128);
-+      d->fxState[1].size = sizeOfElement;
++      d->fxState[1].size = elementSize;
 +      d->fxState[2].fx = Ifx_Write;
 +      d->fxState[2].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v1 * sizeof(V128);
 +      d->fxState[2].size = sizeof(V128);
@@ -728,16 +796,18 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFCHE(UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
-+   vassert(m4 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vfche", m4 == 3);
 +   Bool isSingleElementOp = s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m5);
 +   if (!s390_vr_is_cs_set(m6)) {
-+      if (LIKELY(!isSingleElementOp)) {
++      if (!isSingleElementOp) {
 +         put_vr_qw(v1, binop(Iop_CmpLT64Fx2, get_vr_qw(v3), get_vr_qw(v2)));
 +      }
 +      else {
-+         IRExpr* comparationResult = binop(Iop_CmpF64, get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 0), get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0));
-+         IRExpr* result = mkite(binop(Iop_CmpEQ32, comparationResult, mkU32(Ircr_LT)),
++         IRExpr* comparisonResult = binop(Iop_CmpF64, get_vr(v3, Ity_F64, 0),
++                                          get_vr(v2, Ity_F64, 0));
++         IRExpr* result = mkite(binop(Iop_CmpEQ32, comparisonResult,
++                                      mkU32(Ircr_LT)),
 +                                mkU64(0xffffffffffffffffULL),
 +                                mkU64(0ULL));
 +         put_vr_qw(v1, binop(Iop_64HLtoV128, result, mkU64(0ULL)));
@@ -761,15 +831,15 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +                            mkIRExprVec_2(IRExpr_GSPTR(),
 +                                          mkU64(details.serialized)));
-+      const UChar sizeOfElement = (!isSingleElementOp) ? sizeof(V128) : sizeof(ULong);
++      const UChar elementSize = isSingleElementOp ? sizeof(ULong) : sizeof(V128);
 +      d->nFxState = 3;
 +      vex_bzero(&d->fxState, sizeof(d->fxState));
 +      d->fxState[0].fx = Ifx_Read;
 +      d->fxState[0].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v2 * sizeof(V128);
-+      d->fxState[0].size = sizeOfElement;
++      d->fxState[0].size = elementSize;
 +      d->fxState[1].fx = Ifx_Read;
 +      d->fxState[1].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v3 * sizeof(V128);
-+      d->fxState[1].size = sizeOfElement;
++      d->fxState[1].size = elementSize;
 +      d->fxState[2].fx = Ifx_Write;
 +      d->fxState[2].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v1 * sizeof(V128);
 +      d->fxState[2].size = sizeof(V128);
@@ -784,7 +854,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +static const HChar *
 +s390_irgen_VFTCI(UChar v1, UChar v2, UShort i3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
-+   vassert(m4 == 3);
++   s390_insn_assert("vftci", m4 == 3);
 +   Bool isSingleElementOp = s390_vr_is_single_element_control_set(m5);
@@ -804,12 +874,12 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +                         mkIRExprVec_2(IRExpr_GSPTR(),
 +                                       mkU64(details.serialized)));
-+   const UChar sizeOfElement = (!isSingleElementOp) ? sizeof(V128) : sizeof(ULong);
++   const UChar elementSize = isSingleElementOp ? sizeof(ULong) : sizeof(V128);
 +   d->nFxState = 2;
 +   vex_bzero(&d->fxState, sizeof(d->fxState));
 +   d->fxState[0].fx = Ifx_Read;
 +   d->fxState[0].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v2 * sizeof(V128);
-+   d->fxState[0].size = sizeOfElement;
++   d->fxState[0].size = elementSize;
 +   d->fxState[1].fx = Ifx_Write;
 +   d->fxState[1].offset = S390X_GUEST_OFFSET(guest_v0) + v1 * sizeof(V128);
 +   d->fxState[1].size = sizeof(V128);
@@ -823,30 +893,29 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
  /* New insns are added here.
     If an insn is contingent on a facility being installed also
     check whether the list of supported facilities in function
-@@ -19362,6 +20007,18 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
-         unsigned int rxb : 4;
+@@ -19358,6 +20061,18 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
          unsigned int op2 : 8;
        } VRR;
-+      struct {
-+         unsigned int op1 : 8;
-+         unsigned int v1  : 4;
-+         unsigned int v2  : 4;
-+         unsigned int v3  : 4;
-+         unsigned int     : 4;
-+         unsigned int m5  : 4;
-+         unsigned int m4  : 4;
-+         unsigned int m3  : 4;
-+         unsigned int rxb : 4;
-+         unsigned int op2 : 8;
-+      } VRRa;
        struct {
++         UInt op1 : 8;
++         UInt v1  : 4;
++         UInt v2  : 4;
++         UInt v3  : 4;
++         UInt     : 4;
++         UInt m5  : 4;
++         UInt m4  : 4;
++         UInt m3  : 4;
++         UInt rxb : 4;
++         UInt op2 : 8;
++      } VRRa;
++      struct {
          unsigned int op1 : 8;
          unsigned int v1  : 4;
-@@ -19374,6 +20031,18 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
-         unsigned int rxb : 4;
+         unsigned int v2  : 4;
+@@ -19370,6 +20085,18 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
          unsigned int op2 : 8;
        } VRRd;
-+      struct {
+       struct {
 +         unsigned int op1 : 8;
 +         unsigned int v1  : 4;
 +         unsigned int v2  : 4;
@@ -858,27 +927,28 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +         unsigned int rxb : 4;
 +         unsigned int op2 : 8;
 +      } VRRe;
-       struct {
++      struct {
          unsigned int op1 : 8;
          unsigned int v1  : 4;
-@@ -19394,6 +20063,16 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
-         unsigned int rxb : 4;
+         unsigned int v3  : 4;
+@@ -19390,6 +20117,16 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
          unsigned int op2 : 8;
        } VRId;
-+      struct {
-+         unsigned int op1 : 8;
-+         unsigned int v1  : 4;
-+         unsigned int v2  : 4;
-+         unsigned int i3  : 12;
-+         unsigned int m5  : 4;
-+         unsigned int m4  : 4;
-+         unsigned int rxb : 4;
-+         unsigned int op2 : 8;
-+      } VRIe;
        struct {
++         UInt op1 : 8;
++         UInt v1  : 4;
++         UInt v2  : 4;
++         UInt i3  : 12;
++         UInt m5  : 4;
++         UInt m4  : 4;
++         UInt rxb : 4;
++         UInt op2 : 8;
++      } VRIe;
++      struct {
          unsigned int op1 : 8;
          unsigned int v1  : 4;
-@@ -19979,7 +20658,10 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
+         unsigned int v3  : 4;
+@@ -19974,7 +20711,10 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
     case 0xe70000000046ULL: s390_format_VRI_VIM(s390_irgen_VGM, ovl.fmt.VRI.v1,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRI.i2, ovl.fmt.VRI.m3,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRI.rxb);  goto ok;
@@ -890,7 +960,7 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
     case 0xe7000000004dULL: s390_format_VRI_VVIM(s390_irgen_VREP, ovl.fmt.VRI.v1,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRI.v3, ovl.fmt.VRI.i2,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRI.m3, ovl.fmt.VRI.rxb);  goto ok;
-@@ -20092,19 +20774,25 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
+@@ -20087,19 +20827,27 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRR.v2, ovl.fmt.VRR.r3,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRR.m4, ovl.fmt.VRR.rxb);  goto ok;
     case 0xe70000000085ULL: /* VBPERM */ goto unimplemented;
@@ -915,15 +985,17 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   case 0xe7000000008eULL: s390_format_VRR_VVVVMM(s390_irgen_VFMS, ovl.fmt.VRRe.v1,
 +                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRe.v2, ovl.fmt.VRRe.v3,
 +                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRe.v4, ovl.fmt.VRRe.m5,
-+                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRe.m6, ovl.fmt.VRRe.rxb);  goto ok;
++                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRe.m6,
++                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRe.rxb);  goto ok;
 +   case 0xe7000000008fULL: s390_format_VRR_VVVVMM(s390_irgen_VFMA, ovl.fmt.VRRe.v1,
 +                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRe.v2, ovl.fmt.VRRe.v3,
 +                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRe.v4, ovl.fmt.VRRe.m5,
-+                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRe.m6, ovl.fmt.VRRe.rxb);  goto ok;
++                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRe.m6,
++                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRe.rxb);  goto ok;
     case 0xe70000000094ULL: s390_format_VRR_VVVM(s390_irgen_VPK, ovl.fmt.VRR.v1,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRR.v2, ovl.fmt.VRR.r3,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRR.m4, ovl.fmt.VRR.rxb);  goto ok;
-@@ -20189,17 +20877,47 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
+@@ -20184,17 +20932,50 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
                                                    ovl.fmt.VRRd.v2, ovl.fmt.VRRd.v3,
                                                    ovl.fmt.VRRd.v4, ovl.fmt.VRRd.m5,
                                                    ovl.fmt.VRRd.rxb);  goto ok;
@@ -968,21 +1040,24 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
 +   case 0xe700000000caULL: s390_format_VRRa_VVMM(s390_irgen_WFK, ovl.fmt.VRRa.v1,
 +                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.v2, ovl.fmt.VRRa.m3,
-+                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.m4, ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
++                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.m4,
++                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
 +   case 0xe700000000cbULL: s390_format_VRRa_VVMM(s390_irgen_WFC, ovl.fmt.VRRa.v1,
 +                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.v2, ovl.fmt.VRRa.m3,
-+                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.m4, ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
++                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.m4,
++                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
 +   case 0xe700000000ccULL: s390_format_VRRa_VVMMM(s390_irgen_VFPSO, ovl.fmt.VRRa.v1,
 +                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRa.v2, ovl.fmt.VRRa.m3,
 +                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRa.m4, ovl.fmt.VRRa.m5,
 +                                                  ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
 +   case 0xe700000000ceULL: s390_format_VRRa_VVMM(s390_irgen_VFSQ, ovl.fmt.VRRa.v1,
 +                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.v2, ovl.fmt.VRRa.m3,
-+                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.m4, ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
++                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.m4,
++                                                 ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
     case 0xe700000000d4ULL: s390_format_VRR_VVM(s390_irgen_VUPLL, ovl.fmt.VRR.v1,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRR.v2, ovl.fmt.VRR.m4,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRR.rxb);  goto ok;
-@@ -20226,13 +20944,34 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
+@@ -20221,13 +21002,37 @@ s390_decode_6byte_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes)
     case 0xe700000000dfULL: s390_format_VRR_VVM(s390_irgen_VLP, ovl.fmt.VRR.v1,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRR.v2, ovl.fmt.VRR.m4,
                                                 ovl.fmt.VRR.rxb);  goto ok;
@@ -1012,28 +1087,58 @@ index c594ad51b..fd80cd747 100644
 +   case 0xe700000000e8ULL: s390_format_VRRa_VVVMMM(s390_irgen_VFCE, ovl.fmt.VRRa.v1,
 +                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.v2, ovl.fmt.VRRa.v3,
 +                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.m3, ovl.fmt.VRRa.m4,
-+                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.m5, ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
++                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.m5,
++                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
 +   case 0xe700000000eaULL: s390_format_VRRa_VVVMMM(s390_irgen_VFCHE, ovl.fmt.VRRa.v1,
 +                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.v2, ovl.fmt.VRRa.v3,
 +                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.m3, ovl.fmt.VRRa.m4,
-+                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.m5, ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
++                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.m5,
++                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
 +   case 0xe700000000ebULL: s390_format_VRRa_VVVMMM(s390_irgen_VFCH, ovl.fmt.VRRa.v1,
 +                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.v2, ovl.fmt.VRRa.v3,
 +                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.m3, ovl.fmt.VRRa.m4,
-+                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.m5, ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
++                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.m5,
++                                                   ovl.fmt.VRRa.rxb); goto ok;
     case 0xe700000000eeULL: /* VFMIN */ goto unimplemented;
     case 0xe700000000efULL: /* VFMAX */ goto unimplemented;
     case 0xe700000000f0ULL: s390_format_VRR_VVVM(s390_irgen_VAVGL, ovl.fmt.VRR.v1,
+@@ -21148,7 +21953,13 @@ s390_decode_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes, UInt insn_length, DisResult *dres)
+       dis_res->jk_StopHere = Ijk_Boring;
+    }
+-   if (status == S390_DECODE_OK) return insn_length;  /* OK */
++   if (status == S390_DECODE_OK) {
++      /* Adjust status if a specification exception was indicated. */
++      if (is_specification_exception())
++      else
++         return insn_length;  /* OK */
++   }
+    /* Decoding failed somehow */
+    if (sigill_diag) {
+@@ -21166,6 +21977,10 @@ s390_decode_and_irgen(const UChar *bytes, UInt insn_length, DisResult *dres)
+          vex_printf("unimplemented special insn: ");
+          break;
++         vex_printf("specification exception: ");
++         break;
+       case S390_DECODE_ERROR:
+          vex_printf("decoding error: ");
+          break;
 diff --git a/VEX/priv/host_s390_defs.c b/VEX/priv/host_s390_defs.c
-index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
+index 98ac938..22cdd04 100644
 --- a/VEX/priv/host_s390_defs.c
 +++ b/VEX/priv/host_s390_defs.c
-@@ -1714,6 +1714,22 @@ emit_VRR_VVM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m4)
+@@ -1711,6 +1711,23 @@ emit_VRR_VVM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m4)
     return emit_6bytes(p, the_insn);
 +static UChar *
-+emit_VRR_VVMMM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
++emit_VRR_VVMMM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4,
++               UChar m5)
 +   ULong the_insn = op;
 +   ULong rxb = s390_update_rxb(0, 1, &v1);
@@ -1051,12 +1156,13 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
  static UChar *
  emit_VRR_VVVM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4)
-@@ -1765,6 +1781,25 @@ emit_VRR_VVVV(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4)
+@@ -1762,6 +1779,26 @@ emit_VRR_VVVV(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4)
     return emit_6bytes(p, the_insn);
 +static UChar *
-+emit_VRRe_VVVVMM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
++emit_VRRe_VVVVMM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4,
++                 UChar m5, UChar m6)
 +   ULong the_insn = op;
 +   ULong rxb = s390_update_rxb(0, 1, &v1);
@@ -1077,12 +1183,13 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
  static UChar *
  emit_VRR_VRR(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar r2, UChar r3)
-@@ -1780,6 +1815,31 @@ emit_VRR_VRR(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar r2, UChar r3)
+@@ -1777,6 +1814,33 @@ emit_VRR_VRR(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar r2, UChar r3)
     return emit_6bytes(p, the_insn);
 +static UChar *
-+emit_VRR_VVVMMM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
++emit_VRR_VVVMMM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4,
++                UChar m5, UChar m6)
 +   ULong the_insn = op;
 +   ULong rxb = s390_update_rxb(0, 1, &v1);
@@ -1101,7 +1208,8 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
 +static UChar*
-+emit_VRR_VVVMM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
++emit_VRR_VVVMM(UChar *p, ULong op, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4,
++               UChar m5)
 +   return emit_VRR_VVVMMM(p, op, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, 0);
@@ -1109,7 +1217,7 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
  /*--- Functions to emit particular instructions            ---*/
-@@ -6060,6 +6120,105 @@ s390_emit_VLVGP(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar r2, UChar r3)
+@@ -6057,6 +6121,116 @@ s390_emit_VLVGP(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar r2, UChar r3)
     return emit_VRR_VRR(p, 0xE70000000062ULL, v1, r2, r3);
@@ -1117,7 +1225,8 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
 +s390_emit_VFPSO(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar m3, UChar m4, UChar m5)
 +   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_ASM))
-+      s390_disasm(ENC6(MNM, VR, VR, UINT, UINT, UINT), "vfpso", v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
++      s390_disasm(ENC6(MNM, VR, VR, UINT, UINT, UINT), "vfpso", v1, v2, m3, m4,
++                  m5);
 +   return emit_VRR_VVMMM(p, 0xE700000000CCULL, v1, v2, m3, m4, m5);
@@ -1168,46 +1277,56 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
 +static UChar *
-+s390_emit_VFMA(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
++s390_emit_VFMA(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5,
++               UChar m6)
 +   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_ASM))
-+      s390_disasm(ENC7(MNM, VR, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT), "vfma", v1, v2, v3, v4, m5, m6);
++      s390_disasm(ENC7(MNM, VR, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT), "vfma",
++                  v1, v2, v3, v4, m5, m6);
 +   return emit_VRRe_VVVVMM(p, 0xE7000000008fULL, v1, v2, v3, v4, m5, m6);
 +static UChar *
-+s390_emit_VFMS(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
++s390_emit_VFMS(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar v4, UChar m5,
++               UChar m6)
 +   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_ASM))
-+      s390_disasm(ENC7(MNM, VR, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT), "vfms", v1, v2, v3, v4, m5, m6);
++      s390_disasm(ENC7(MNM, VR, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT), "vfms",
++                  v1, v2, v3, v4, m5, m6);
 +   return emit_VRRe_VVVVMM(p, 0xE7000000008eULL, v1, v2, v3, v4, m5, m6);
 +static UChar *
-+s390_emit_VFCE(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
++s390_emit_VFCE(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5,
++               UChar m6)
 +   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_ASM))
-+      s390_disasm(ENC7(MNM, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT, UINT), "vfce", v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
++      s390_disasm(ENC7(MNM, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT, UINT), "vfce",
++                  v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
 +   return emit_VRR_VVVMMM(p, 0xE700000000e8ULL, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
 +static UChar *
-+s390_emit_VFCH(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
++s390_emit_VFCH(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5,
++               UChar m6)
 +   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_ASM))
-+      s390_disasm(ENC7(MNM, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT, UINT), "vfce", v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
++      s390_disasm(ENC7(MNM, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT, UINT), "vfch",
++                  v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
 +   return emit_VRR_VVVMMM(p, 0xE700000000ebULL, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
 +static UChar *
-+s390_emit_VFCHE(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5, UChar m6)
++s390_emit_VFCHE(UChar *p, UChar v1, UChar v2, UChar v3, UChar m4, UChar m5,
++                UChar m6)
 +   if (UNLIKELY(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_ASM))
-+      s390_disasm(ENC7(MNM, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT, UINT), "vfce", v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
++      s390_disasm(ENC7(MNM, VR, VR, VR, UINT, UINT, UINT), "vfche",
++                  v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
 +   return emit_VRR_VVVMMM(p, 0xE700000000eaULL, v1, v2, v3, m4, m5, m6);
@@ -1215,7 +1334,7 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
  /*--- Constructors for the various s390_insn kinds            ---*/
-@@ -7204,7 +7363,6 @@ s390_insn *s390_insn_vec_triop(UChar size, s390_vec_triop_t tag, HReg dst,
+@@ -7201,7 +7375,6 @@ s390_insn *s390_insn_vec_triop(UChar size, s390_vec_triop_t tag, HReg dst,
     s390_insn *insn = LibVEX_Alloc_inline(sizeof(s390_insn));
@@ -1223,7 +1342,7 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
     insn->tag  = S390_INSN_VEC_TRIOP;
     insn->size = size;
-@@ -7511,6 +7669,18 @@ s390_insn_as_string(const s390_insn *insn)
+@@ -7508,6 +7681,18 @@ s390_insn_as_string(const s390_insn *insn)
           op = "v-vunpacku";
@@ -1242,7 +1361,7 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
           goto fail;
-@@ -7883,6 +8053,13 @@ s390_insn_as_string(const s390_insn *insn)
+@@ -7880,6 +8065,13 @@ s390_insn_as_string(const s390_insn *insn)
        case S390_VEC_PWSUM_DW:         op = "v-vpwsumdw"; break;
        case S390_VEC_PWSUM_QW:         op = "v-vpwsumqw"; break;
        case S390_VEC_INIT_FROM_GPRS:   op = "v-vinitfromgprs"; break;
@@ -1256,7 +1375,7 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
        default: goto fail;
        s390_sprintf(buf, "%M %R, %R, %R", op, insn->variant.vec_binop.dst,
-@@ -7892,6 +8069,8 @@ s390_insn_as_string(const s390_insn *insn)
+@@ -7889,6 +8081,8 @@ s390_insn_as_string(const s390_insn *insn)
     case S390_INSN_VEC_TRIOP:
        switch (insn->variant.vec_triop.tag) {
        case S390_VEC_PERM:  op = "v-vperm";  break;
@@ -1265,7 +1384,7 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
        default: goto fail;
        s390_sprintf(buf, "%M %R, %R, %R, %R", op, insn->variant.vec_triop.dst,
-@@ -9039,6 +9218,27 @@ s390_insn_unop_emit(UChar *buf, const s390_insn *insn)
+@@ -9036,6 +9230,27 @@ s390_insn_unop_emit(UChar *buf, const s390_insn *insn)
        return s390_emit_VPOPCT(buf, v1, v2, s390_getM_from_size(insn->size));
@@ -1293,7 +1412,7 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
-@@ -11052,6 +11252,21 @@ s390_insn_vec_binop_emit(UChar *buf, const s390_insn *insn)
+@@ -11049,6 +11264,21 @@ s390_insn_vec_binop_emit(UChar *buf, const s390_insn *insn)
           return s390_emit_VSUMQ(buf, v1, v2, v3, s390_getM_from_size(size));
        case S390_VEC_INIT_FROM_GPRS:
           return s390_emit_VLVGP(buf, v1, v2, v3);
@@ -1315,7 +1434,7 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
           goto fail;
-@@ -11073,8 +11288,14 @@ s390_insn_vec_triop_emit(UChar *buf, const s390_insn *insn)
+@@ -11070,8 +11300,14 @@ s390_insn_vec_triop_emit(UChar *buf, const s390_insn *insn)
     UChar v4 = hregNumber(insn->variant.vec_triop.op3);
     switch (tag) {
@@ -1332,7 +1451,7 @@ index 6c22ac843..666d8a48f 100644
           goto fail;
 diff --git a/VEX/priv/host_s390_defs.h b/VEX/priv/host_s390_defs.h
-index 7ea01010e..40f0472a2 100644
+index 7ea0101..40f0472 100644
 --- a/VEX/priv/host_s390_defs.h
 +++ b/VEX/priv/host_s390_defs.h
 @@ -202,7 +202,10 @@ typedef enum {
@@ -1370,7 +1489,7 @@ index 7ea01010e..40f0472a2 100644
  /* The details of a CDAS insn. Carved out to keep the size of
 diff --git a/VEX/priv/host_s390_isel.c b/VEX/priv/host_s390_isel.c
-index bc34f90ff..48cc8625c 100644
+index bc34f90..79581ff 100644
 --- a/VEX/priv/host_s390_isel.c
 +++ b/VEX/priv/host_s390_isel.c
 @@ -787,10 +787,12 @@ get_bfp_rounding_mode(ISelEnv *env, IRExpr *irrm)
@@ -1444,7 +1563,7 @@ index bc34f90ff..48cc8625c 100644
 +      Iop_irrm_V_wrk: {
 +         set_bfp_rounding_mode_in_fpc(env, arg1);
 +         reg1 = s390_isel_vec_expr(env, arg2);
 +         addInstr(env, s390_insn_unop(size, vec_op, dst, s390_opnd_reg(reg1)));
 +         return dst;
 +      }
@@ -1460,37 +1579,17 @@ index bc34f90ff..48cc8625c 100644
        switch (op) {
        case Iop_SetElem8x16:
           size = 1;
-@@ -4551,6 +4595,66 @@ s390_isel_vec_expr_wrk(ISelEnv *env, IRExpr *expr)
+@@ -4551,6 +4595,36 @@ s390_isel_vec_expr_wrk(ISelEnv *env, IRExpr *expr)
                                             dst, reg1, reg2, reg3));
           return dst;
 +      case Iop_Add64Fx2:
 +         size = 8;
-+         /* Add64Fx2(Mul64Fx2(arg1, arg2), arg3) -> MAdd(arg1, arg2, arg3) */
-+         if (UNLIKELY((arg2->tag == Iex_Triop) 
-+                      && (arg2->Iex.Triop.details->op == Iop_Mul64Fx2)
-+                      && (arg1 == arg2->Iex.Triop.details->arg1))
-+             ) {
-+            vec_op = S390_VEC_FLOAT_MADD;
-+            goto Iop_irrm_MAddOrSub;
-+         }
 +         vec_op = S390_VEC_FLOAT_ADD;
 +         goto Iop_irrm_VV_wrk;
 +      case Iop_Sub64Fx2:
 +         size = 8;
-+         /* Sub64Fx2(Mul64Fx2(arg1, arg2), arg3) -> MSub(arg1, arg2, arg3) */
-+         if (UNLIKELY((arg2->tag == Iex_Triop) 
-+                      && (arg2->Iex.Triop.details->op == Iop_Mul64Fx2)
-+                      && (arg1 == arg2->Iex.Triop.details->arg1))
-+            ) {
-+            vec_op = S390_VEC_FLOAT_MSUB;
-+            goto Iop_irrm_MAddOrSub;
-+         }
 +         vec_op = S390_VEC_FLOAT_SUB;
 +         goto Iop_irrm_VV_wrk;
@@ -1514,19 +1613,6 @@ index bc34f90ff..48cc8625c 100644
 +         return dst;
 +       }
-+      Iop_irrm_MAddOrSub: {
-+         reg1 = s390_isel_vec_expr(env, arg2->Iex.Triop.details->arg2);
-+         reg2 = s390_isel_vec_expr(env, arg2->Iex.Triop.details->arg3);
-+         set_bfp_rounding_mode_in_fpc(env, arg1);
-+         addInstr(env,
-+                  s390_insn_vec_triop(size, vec_op, dst, reg1, reg2, s390_isel_vec_expr(env, arg3)));
-+         return dst;
-+      }
           goto irreducible;
diff --git a/valgrind-3.14.0-s390x-vec-float-point-tests.patch b/valgrind-3.14.0-s390x-vec-float-point-tests.patch
index e03dfe7..79ba53b 100644
--- a/valgrind-3.14.0-s390x-vec-float-point-tests.patch
+++ b/valgrind-3.14.0-s390x-vec-float-point-tests.patch
@@ -1,24 +1,19 @@
-From 148f232e414e24e83a547b1c024239da42bde66a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Vadim Barkov <vbrkov@gmail.com>
-Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2018 13:46:44 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Vector floating point implementation (tests)
+commit 86bd889458883295b73c36696ec64dea9338a7a3
+Author: Vadim Barkov <vbrkov@gmail.com>
+Date:   Fri Oct 5 13:46:44 2018 +0300
- .gitignore                               |   10 +
- none/tests/s390x/Makefile.am             |    5 +-
- none/tests/s390x/vector.h                |   92 +-
- none/tests/s390x/vector_float.c          |  174 +++
- none/tests/s390x/vector_float.stderr.exp |    2 +
- none/tests/s390x/vector_float.stdout.exp | 1808 ++++++++++++++++++++++
- none/tests/s390x/vector_float.vgtest     |    2 +
- 7 files changed, 2079 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 none/tests/s390x/vector_float.c
- create mode 100644 none/tests/s390x/vector_float.stderr.exp
- create mode 100644 none/tests/s390x/vector_float.stdout.exp
- create mode 100644 none/tests/s390x/vector_float.vgtest
+    Bug 385411 s390x: Tests and internals for z13 vector FP support
+    Add test cases for the z13 vector FP support.  Bring s390-opcodes.csv
+    up-to-date, reflecting that the z13 vector instructions are now supported.
+    Also remove the non-support disclaimer for the vector facility from
+    README.s390.
+    The patch was contributed by Vadim Barkov, with some clean-up and minor
+    adjustments by Andreas Arnez.
 diff --git a/none/tests/s390x/Makefile.am b/none/tests/s390x/Makefile.am
-index 77c00ba19..097c85ac1 100644
+index 77c00ba..097c85a 100644
 --- a/none/tests/s390x/Makefile.am
 +++ b/none/tests/s390x/Makefile.am
 @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ INSN_TESTS = clc clcle cvb cvd icm lpr tcxb lam_stam xc mvst add sub mul \
@@ -38,7 +33,7 @@ index 77c00ba19..097c85ac1 100644
 +vector_float_CFLAGS    = $(AM_CFLAGS) -march=z13 -DS390_TEST_COUNT=4
 diff --git a/none/tests/s390x/vector.h b/none/tests/s390x/vector.h
-index adefbcd74..6c40e450f 100644
+index adefbcd..de23914 100644
 --- a/none/tests/s390x/vector.h
 +++ b/none/tests/s390x/vector.h
 @@ -12,17 +12,21 @@
@@ -65,7 +60,7 @@ index adefbcd74..6c40e450f 100644
  #ifdef __GNUC__
  /* GCC complains about __int128 with -pedantic */
  /* Hope that we will have int128_t in C standard someday. */
-@@ -38,22 +42,57 @@ typedef union {
+@@ -38,18 +42,67 @@ typedef union {
     uint32_t u32[4];
     int32_t s32[4];
@@ -97,33 +92,43 @@ index adefbcd74..6c40e450f 100644
 +   V128_R_ARG1 = 1 << 13,
 +   V128_R_ARG2 = 1 << 14,
 +   V128_R_ARG3 = 1 << 15,
-+   V128_PRINT_ALL = V128_V_RES_AS_INT | 
-+                    V128_V_ARG1_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG2_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG3_AS_INT |
-+                    V128_R_RES |
-+                    V128_R_ARG1 | V128_R_ARG2 | V128_R_ARG3
++   V128_V_RES_EVEN_ONLY = 1 << 16,
++   V128_V_RES_ZERO_ONLY = 1 << 17,
++   V128_PRINT_ALL = (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                     V128_V_ARG1_AS_INT |
++                     V128_V_ARG2_AS_INT |
++                     V128_V_ARG3_AS_INT |
++                     V128_R_RES |
++                     V128_R_ARG1 |
++                     V128_R_ARG2 |
++                     V128_R_ARG3),
 +} s390x_test_usageInfo;
  void print_hex(const V128 value) {
     printf("%016lx | %016lx\n", value.u64[0], value.u64[1]);
-+void print_f32(const V128 value) {
-+   printf("%.5e | %.5e | %.5e | %.5e\n", value.f32[0], value.f32[1], value.f32[2], value.f32[3]);
++void print_f32(const V128 value, int even_only, int zero_only) {
++   if (zero_only)
++      printf("%a | -- | -- | --\n", value.f32[0]);
++   else if (even_only)
++      printf("%a | -- | %a | --\n", value.f32[0], value.f32[2]);
++   else
++      printf("%a | %a | %a | %a\n",
++             value.f32[0], value.f32[1], value.f32[2], value.f32[3]);
-+void print_f64(const V128 value) {
-+   printf("%.9e | %.9e\n", value.f64[0], value.f64[1]);
++void print_f64(const V128 value, int zero_only) {
++   if (zero_only)
++      printf("%a | --\n", value.f64[0]);
++   else
++      printf("%a | %a\n", value.f64[0], value.f64[1]);
  void print_uint64_t(const uint64_t value) {
     printf("%016lx\n", value);
- uint8_t random_element ( void )
- {
-    static uint32_t seed = 80021;
-@@ -118,7 +157,7 @@ void randomize_memory_pool()
+@@ -118,7 +171,7 @@ void randomize_memory_pool()
  #define s390_test_generate(insn, asm_string) \
@@ -132,7 +137,7 @@ index adefbcd74..6c40e450f 100644
  { \
     V128 v_result = { .u64 = {0ULL, 0ULL} }; \
     V128 v_arg1; \
-@@ -138,6 +177,7 @@ static void test_##insn() \
+@@ -138,6 +191,7 @@ static void test_##insn() \
         "vl  %%v2, %[v_arg2]\n" \
         "vl  %%v3, %[v_arg3]\n" \
         "vone %%v5\n" \
@@ -140,7 +145,7 @@ index adefbcd74..6c40e450f 100644
         asm_string "\n"\
         "vst %%v5, %[v_result]\n" \
         "vst %%v1, %[v_arg1]\n" \
-@@ -162,15 +202,43 @@ static void test_##insn() \
+@@ -162,14 +216,49 @@ static void test_##insn() \
           "v1", "v2", "v3", "v5"); \
     printf("insn %s:\n", #insn); \
@@ -152,53 +157,58 @@ index adefbcd74..6c40e450f 100644
 -   printf("  r_arg2   = "); print_uint64_t(r_arg2); \
 -   printf("  r_arg3   = "); print_uint64_t(r_arg3); \
 -   printf("  r_result = "); print_uint64_t(r_result); \
-+   if(info & V128_V_ARG1_AS_INT) \
++   if (info & V128_V_ARG1_AS_INT) \
 +      {printf("  v_arg1   = "); print_hex(v_arg1);} \
-+   if(info & V128_V_ARG2_AS_INT) \
++   if (info & V128_V_ARG2_AS_INT) \
 +      {printf("  v_arg2   = "); print_hex(v_arg2);} \
-+   if(info & V128_V_ARG3_AS_INT) \
++   if (info & V128_V_ARG3_AS_INT) \
 +      {printf("  v_arg3   = "); print_hex(v_arg3);} \
-+   if(info & V128_V_RES_AS_INT) \
++   if (info & V128_V_RES_AS_INT) \
 +      {printf("  v_result = "); print_hex(v_result);} \
 +   \
-+   if(info & V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64) \
-+      {printf("  v_arg1   = "); print_f64(v_arg1);} \
-+   if(info & V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64) \
-+      {printf("  v_arg2   = "); print_f64(v_arg2);} \
-+   if(info & V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT64) \
-+      {printf("  v_arg3   = "); print_f64(v_arg3);} \
-+   if(info & V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64) \
-+      {printf("  v_result = "); print_f64(v_result);} \
-+   \
-+   if(info & V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT32) \
-+      {printf("  v_arg1   = "); print_f32(v_arg1);} \
-+   if(info & V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT32) \
-+      {printf("  v_arg2   = "); print_f32(v_arg2);} \
-+   if(info & V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT32) \
-+      {printf("  v_arg3   = "); print_f32(v_arg3);} \
-+   if(info & V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT32) \
-+      {printf("  v_result = "); print_f32(v_result);} \
++   if (info & V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64) \
++      {printf("  v_arg1   = "); print_f64(v_arg1, 0);} \
++   if (info & V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64) \
++      {printf("  v_arg2   = "); print_f64(v_arg2, 0);} \
++   if (info & V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT64) \
++      {printf("  v_arg3   = "); print_f64(v_arg3, 0);} \
++   if (info & V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64) { \
++      printf("  v_result = "); \
++      print_f64(v_result, info & V128_V_RES_ZERO_ONLY); \
++   } \
 +   \
-+   if(info & V128_R_ARG1) \
++   if (info & V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT32) \
++      {printf("  v_arg1   = "); print_f32(v_arg1, 0, 0);} \
++   if (info & V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT32) \
++      {printf("  v_arg2   = "); print_f32(v_arg2, 0, 0);} \
++   if (info & V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT32) \
++      {printf("  v_arg3   = "); print_f32(v_arg3, 0, 0);} \
++   if (info & V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT32) { \
++      printf("  v_result = "); \
++      print_f32(v_result, info & V128_V_RES_EVEN_ONLY, \
++                info & V128_V_RES_ZERO_ONLY); \
++   } \
++   if (info & V128_R_ARG1) \
 +      {printf("  r_arg1   = "); print_uint64_t(r_arg1);} \
-+   if(info & V128_R_ARG2) \
++   if (info & V128_R_ARG2) \
 +      {printf("  r_arg2   = "); print_uint64_t(r_arg2);} \
-+   if(info & V128_R_ARG3) \
++   if (info & V128_R_ARG3) \
 +      {printf("  r_arg3   = "); print_uint64_t(r_arg3);} \
-+   if(info & V128_R_RES) \
++   if (info & V128_R_RES) \
 +      {printf("  r_result = "); print_uint64_t(r_result);} \
 +} \
-+__attribute__((unused)) static void test_##insn() { test_##insn##_selective (V128_PRINT_ALL); }
++__attribute__((unused)) static void test_##insn() \
++{ \
++   test_##insn##_selective (V128_PRINT_ALL); \
+ }
  /* Stores CC to %[r_result].
-    Usefull when testing instructions which modify condition code.
 diff --git a/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.c b/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.c
 new file mode 100644
-index 000000000..119336d6a
+index 0000000..52f3a29
 --- /dev/null
 +++ b/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
 +#include "vector.h"
 +#define s390_generate_float_test(insn, asm_string) \
@@ -225,13 +235,13 @@ index 000000000..119336d6a
 +   test_with_selective_printing(v ##insn ## 05, info); \
 +   test_with_selective_printing(v ##insn ## 06, info); \
 +   test_with_selective_printing(v ##insn ## 07, info); \
-+   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 00, info); \
-+   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 01, info); \
-+   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 03, info); \
-+   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 04, info); \
-+   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 05, info); \
-+   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 06, info); \
-+   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 07, info); \
++   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 00, info | V128_V_RES_ZERO_ONLY); \
++   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 01, info | V128_V_RES_ZERO_ONLY); \
++   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 03, info | V128_V_RES_ZERO_ONLY); \
++   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 04, info | V128_V_RES_ZERO_ONLY); \
++   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 05, info | V128_V_RES_ZERO_ONLY); \
++   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 06, info | V128_V_RES_ZERO_ONLY); \
++   test_with_selective_printing(w ##insn ## 07, info | V128_V_RES_ZERO_ONLY); \
 +s390_generate_float_test(cdgb, " %%v5, %%v1")
 +s390_generate_float_test(cdlgb, " %%v5, %%v1")
@@ -300,82 +310,183 @@ index 000000000..119336d6a
 +s390_test_generate(vftcidb1024, "vftcidb %%v5, %%v1, 1024\n" S390_TEST_PUT_CC_TO_RESULT)
 +s390_test_generate(vftcidb2048, "vftcidb %%v5, %%v1, 2048\n" S390_TEST_PUT_CC_TO_RESULT)
-+int main() {
++int main()
 +   size_t iteration = 0;
 +   s390_call_float_test(cdgb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_INT));
 +   s390_call_float_test(cdlgb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_INT));
 +   s390_call_float_test(cgdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   s390_call_float_test(clgdb, V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64);
-+   s390_call_float_test(fidb, V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64);
-+   s390_call_float_test(ledb, V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64);
++   s390_call_float_test(clgdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   s390_call_float_test(fidb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   s390_call_float_test(ledb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT32 | V128_V_RES_EVEN_ONLY |
++                               V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vldeb, V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64);
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wldeb, V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64);
++   test_with_selective_printing(vldeb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wldeb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vflcdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wflcdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vflndb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wflndb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vflpdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wflpdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vflcdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wflcdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vflndb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wflndb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vflpdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wflpdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfadb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64| V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfadb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64| V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfsdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64| V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfsdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64| V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfmdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64| V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfmdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64| V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfddb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64| V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfddb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64| V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfadb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfadb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfsdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfsdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfmdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfmdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfddb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfddb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfsqdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfsqdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfsqdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfsqdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfmadb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfmadb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfmsdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfmsdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfmadb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfmadb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfmsdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfmsdb, (V128_V_RES_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                         V128_V_ARG3_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfcdb, (V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfkdb, (V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfcdb, (V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfkdb, (V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                        V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfcedb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfcedb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfcedbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfcedbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfcedb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                          V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfcedb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                          V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfcedbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                          V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfcedbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                          V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfchdb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfchdb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfchdbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfchdbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfchdb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                          V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfchdb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                          V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfchdbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                          V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfchdbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                          V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                          V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfchedb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfchedb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vfchedbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(wfchedbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfchedb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                           V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                           V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfchedb,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                           V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                           V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vfchedbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                           V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                           V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                           V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(wfchedbs, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                           V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                           V128_V_ARG2_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                           V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb0,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb1,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb2,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb3,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb4,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb8,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb16,   (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb32,   (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb64,   (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb128,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb256,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb512,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb1024, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
-+   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb2048, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT | V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 | V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb0,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb1,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb2,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb3,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb4,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb8,    (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb16,   (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb32,   (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb64,   (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb128,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb256,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb512,  (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb1024, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
++   test_with_selective_printing(vftcidb2048, (V128_V_RES_AS_INT |
++                                              V128_V_ARG1_AS_FLOAT64 |
++                                              V128_R_RES));
 +   return 0;
 diff --git a/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.stderr.exp b/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.stderr.exp
 new file mode 100644
-index 000000000..139597f9c
+index 0000000..139597f
 --- /dev/null
 +++ b/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.stderr.exp
 @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@@ -383,1830 +494,1826 @@ index 000000000..139597f9c
 diff --git a/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.stdout.exp b/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.stdout.exp
 new file mode 100644
-index 000000000..a7ac38576
+index 0000000..eac5250
 --- /dev/null
 +++ b/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.stdout.exp
 @@ -0,0 +1,1808 @@
 +insn vcdgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = 0d6a95fac528657d | 501eefeec0d8b847
-+  v_result = 9.667499743e+17 | 5.773315581e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.ad52bf58a50cap+59 | 0x1.407bbfbb0362ep+62
 +insn vcdgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = e540bc6839c44b4a | 36ed3550df9899d8
-+  v_result = -1.927333484e+18 | 3.957878268e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.abf4397c63bb4p+60 | 0x1.b769aa86fcc4cp+61
 +insn vcdgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = 979569ee6d5cbcd8 | 966cf73d98a42d54
-+  v_result = -7.523991129e+18 | -7.607433826e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.a1aa58464a8dp+62 | -0x1.a64c23099d6f4p+62
 +insn vcdgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = 10985cc9e2b9c255 | b2683bbf21432695
-+  v_result = 1.195807723e+18 | -5.591153245e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.0985cc9e2b9c2p+60 | -0x1.365f11037af36p+62
 +insn vcdgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 4208cb757c0f3e0a | 91fe3de1d5e7ca54
-+  v_result = 4.758276711e+18 | -7.926830253e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.08232dd5f03dp+62 | -0x1.b8070878a860dp+62
 +insn vcdgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = e5f1216d47c3a621 | c1582e6bf6f3b5e9
-+  v_result = -1.877682816e+18 | -4.514807585e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.a0ede92b83c5ap+60 | -0x1.f53e8ca048625p+61
 +insn vcdgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 376fbfe93425c861 | 1870f7a36a759b08
-+  v_result = 3.994622402e+18 | 1.761179735e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.bb7dff49a12e4p+61 | 0x1.870f7a36a759bp+60
 +insn vcdgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = bc68bf9dda3685ee | 6fcaf40c7feb0484
-+  v_result = -4.870432312e+18 | 8.055519218e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.0e5d01889725fp+62 | 0x1.bf2bd031ffac1p+62
 +insn vcdgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = ff55ac7f3661970c | 663cba29a8010f0e
-+  v_result = -4.794255864e+16 | 7.366967778e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.54a701933cd1fp+55 | 0x1.98f2e8a6a0043p+62
 +insn vcdgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = 50f94b806c444cdc | 23a9d13a3e4f30f5
-+  v_result = 5.834777807e+18 | 2.569815110e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.43e52e01b1113p+62 | 0x1.1d4e89d1f2799p+61
 +insn vcdgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = 8526565084674a1c | 13c07bfc401df2e6
-+  v_result = -8.852293113e+18 | 1.423273805e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.eb66a6bdee62dp+62 | 0x1.3c07bfc401df3p+60
 +insn vcdgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = bb7d3d1d2e024aea | a9bf6c6c1422b7ac
-+  v_result = -4.936722420e+18 | -6.215129749e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.120b0b8b47f6dp+62 | -0x1.59024e4faf753p+62
 +insn vcdgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 122de4537ebadd80 | 1b359083443f73f0
-+  v_result = 1.309954113e+18 | 1.960632106e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.22de4537ebadep+60 | 0x1.b359083443f74p+60
 +insn vcdgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 74b2685cb1632af8 | 28bac9f9424875f9
-+  v_result = 8.408898201e+18 | 2.934880179e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.d2c9a172c58cbp+62 | 0x1.45d64fca1243bp+61
 +insn vcdgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 4f96da5fe8beae08 | d5b8af0426ba1f6b
-+  v_result = 5.735011280e+18 | -3.046492715e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.3e5b697fa2facp+62 | -0x1.523a87deca2fp+61
 +insn vcdgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 57330304e93afcc5 | 2c244e196b83aa0a
-+  v_result = 6.283369224e+18 | 3.180753107e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.5ccc0c13a4ebfp+62 | 0x1.612270cb5c1d5p+61
 +insn vcdgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = 466d1f2de1b67b62 | fc44eca9b6c0e377
-+  v_result = 5.074746637e+18 | -2.688298640e+17
++  v_result = 0x1.19b47cb786d9ep+62 | -0x1.dd89ab249f8e4p+57
 +insn vcdgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = 9c7aa2bc253b2bf0 | 9c69c1e38f79f1f0
-+  v_result = -7.171240527e+18 | -7.175991348e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.8e15750f6b135p+62 | -0x1.8e58f871c2183p+62
 +insn vcdgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = 609cf752ecc5611e | a9b4be7727660d13
-+  v_result = 6.961711059e+18 | -6.218135766e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.8273dd4bb3158p+62 | -0x1.592d06236267cp+62
 +insn vcdgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = dde43c0d17fa87f9 | c4d4485011ac499a
-+  v_result = -2.457773469e+18 | -4.263703438e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.10de1f97402bcp+61 | -0x1.d95dbd7f729dbp+61
 +insn vcdgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 67f00848ebf0ddad | 55c5fa58099e4a1e
-+  v_result = 7.489495289e+18 | 6.180621319e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.9fc02123afc38p+62 | 0x1.5717e96026793p+62
 +insn vcdgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 14ac275ed2ea3c41 | 4c916736b17f0fd7
-+  v_result = 1.489608864e+18 | 5.517304503e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.4ac275ed2ea3dp+60 | 0x1.32459cdac5fc4p+62
 +insn vcdgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 841359651e19ce5c | db11d6114f3da959
-+  v_result = -8.929695345e+18 | -2.661110534e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.efb29a6b8798cp+62 | -0x1.27714f758612bp+61
 +insn vcdgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 9aee16f6c65ed705 | 3dab044d91370057
-+  v_result = -7.282858298e+18 | 4.443650188e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.9447a424e684ap+62 | 0x1.ed58226c89b81p+61
 +insn vcdgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 41924de22705705d | 7314e64c4af69562
-+  v_result = 4.724924592e+18 | 8.292506029e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.064937889c15cp+62 | 0x1.cc5399312bda5p+62
 +insn vcdgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 28a421fcc48a4766 | 020e652d33f63ba9
-+  v_result = 2.928503027e+18 | 1.481670825e+17
++  v_result = 0x1.45210fe624523p+61 | 0x1.07329699fb1ddp+57
 +insn vcdgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 87d7abd5085662be | b72a218eab5dddb9
-+  v_result = -8.658262827e+18 | -5.248345519e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.e0a150abdea68p+62 | -0x1.235779c552889p+62
 +insn vcdgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = d9abbb790081d963 | 63852f4c78c03c3d
-+  v_result = -2.761907818e+18 | 7.171189987e+18
++  v_result = -0x1.32a22437fbf14p+61 | 0x1.8e14bd31e300fp+62
 +insn wcdgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = a02f983522909f6f | a08ddc4185e4afbe
-+  v_result = -6.904132349e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.7f419f2b75bd8p+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = 24bfbc5409373bdb | 8bbc6803a279e263
-+  v_result = 2.648042175e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.25fde2a049b9dp+61 | --
 +insn wcdgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = 35c59adc3617873f | 895bccaa47e097b0
-+  v_result = 3.874673325e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.ae2cd6e1b0bc3p+61 | --
 +insn wcdgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = e5795953d180798f | 033f758952e56949
-+  v_result = -1.911398350e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.a86a6ac2e7f86p+60 | --
 +insn wcdgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 50a3967f672fd7de | 2a8d07f3c58484af
-+  v_result = 5.810653418e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.428e59fd9cbf6p+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 55572620ab0f011d | b4781cf689a66f00
-+  v_result = 6.149425737e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.555c9882ac3cp+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 5ab7d2b735faacdb | 9d0003212fe3c3b9
-+  v_result = 6.536925068e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.6adf4adcd7eabp+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 0cb41a414677a106 | e7b48241aa40f176
-+  v_result = 9.153854919e+17 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.96834828cef42p+59 | --
 +insn wcdgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = 1dcbf3fa837c83a7 | 5c6f941e16f101b0
-+  v_result = 2.147077904e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.dcbf3fa837c83p+60 | --
 +insn wcdgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = 05ca8a1db62c87a8 | 471d2d4175174e7c
-+  v_result = 4.172977757e+17 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.72a2876d8b21fp+58 | --
 +insn wcdgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = c28bffa291993a8f | 3f76f2af6e814c51
-+  v_result = -4.428164734e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.eba002eb73363p+61 | --
 +insn wcdgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = 99b62bfd6b813f43 | ddc001ae0d6e42c1
-+  v_result = -7.370655372e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.9927500a51fb1p+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = d3825be401140fc5 | 818fb07e8648113d
-+  v_result = -3.205898949e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.63ed20dff75f8p+61 | --
 +insn wcdgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 8273130837abb8f7 | 1287461ff268ecd4
-+  v_result = -9.046866300e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.f633b3df21512p+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 3a1ccdd9d5909f57 | bc17c41010d81ef3
-+  v_result = 4.187448089e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.d0e66eceac85p+61 | --
 +insn wcdgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = d8ddb8444bbc3ec3 | b03fa00d060ac825
-+  v_result = -2.819895188e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.39123ddda21e1p+61 | --
 +insn wcdgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = 3fa47a776e92e735 | e74a85ce1fa4a0d3
-+  v_result = 4.585924973e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.fd23d3bb74973p+61 | --
 +insn wcdgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = 16aeee9b39a78086 | e09214ce8b37b404
-+  v_result = 1.634506065e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.6aeee9b39a78p+60 | --
 +insn wcdgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = 8c46e7988e7d462e | 5e41a7002202251c
-+  v_result = -8.338723017e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.cee4619dc60aep+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = 1584ecd3f3428b01 | 2c0d099a22b2ed9f
-+  v_result = 1.550624566e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.584ecd3f3428bp+60 | --
 +insn wcdgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 2b0dfbf1569378f2 | d9fa40cced239bee
-+  v_result = 3.102412732e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.586fdf8ab49bdp+61 | --
 +insn wcdgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 0fd84793ca3eccd2 | 7d1b4488cd1e1207
-+  v_result = 1.141741205e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.fb08f27947d9ap+59 | --
 +insn wcdgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 86e6fb1a47fa9c10 | 7350c53bb01b4e47
-+  v_result = -8.726011137e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.e4641396e0158p+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 9c07f5646f2f1179 | 1d07e991ed001f2a
-+  v_result = -7.203519267e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.8fe02a6e4343bp+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 659a8c8c44b32df8 | a3fd0c33fddfed09
-+  v_result = 7.321318678e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.966a323112ccbp+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = b84c4aadf38a8756 | b5fd808b43ba73d9
-+  v_result = -5.166672561e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.1eced54831d5fp+62 | --
 +insn wcdgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = f2d6b39d8ea40bfa | 459e4b7dc64184f1
-+  v_result = -9.483731822e+17 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.a5298c4e2b7e9p+59 | --
 +insn wcdgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = bac2fdb4caa1bca9 | 4f08ec2df290cac3
-+  v_result = -4.989146484e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = -0x1.14f4092cd5791p+62 | --
 +insn vcdlgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = b826d785c58e7345 | 91ae17bf5bf582a0
-+  v_result = 1.326953032e+19 | 1.049735389e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.704daf0b8b1cep+63 | 0x1.235c2f7eb7ebp+63
 +insn vcdlgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = 5c6623a3c3a79e8f | 541375117aa74277
-+  v_result = 6.658048285e+18 | 6.058314641e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.71988e8f0e9e7p+62 | 0x1.504dd445ea9dp+62
 +insn vcdlgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = 9ef4bc5cec1602e7 | 228965816f8eb495
-+  v_result = 1.145398685e+19 | 2.488631875e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.3de978b9d82cp+63 | 0x1.144b2c0b7c75ap+61
 +insn vcdlgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = b912318010b2790a | 8eecbeacbe005865
-+  v_result = 1.333577587e+19 | 1.029881609e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.722463002164fp+63 | 0x1.1dd97d597c00bp+63
 +insn vcdlgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = f08d891964bfb5d2 | f0698b2c12804730
-+  v_result = 1.733366128e+19 | 1.732353046e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.e11b1232c97f7p+63 | 0x1.e0d3165825009p+63
 +insn vcdlgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 4982fe3244b3fcf9 | 263cce57fe80ebdd
-+  v_result = 5.297075603e+18 | 2.755303949e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.260bf8c912cffp+62 | 0x1.31e672bff4076p+61
 +insn vcdlgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 551bc293efedead4 | 556b3f05b71fc8b0
-+  v_result = 6.132709258e+18 | 6.155082609e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.546f0a4fbfb7bp+62 | 0x1.55acfc16dc7f2p+62
 +insn vcdlgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = e751bd824f7e331a | a68f0b49dcea370d
-+  v_result = 1.666831206e+19 | 1.200182394e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.cea37b049efc6p+63 | 0x1.4d1e1693b9d47p+63
 +insn vcdlgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = d8ab4e82afe45f9d | 0a8b96352f9d2734
-+  v_result = 1.561265885e+19 | 7.598661173e+17
++  v_result = 0x1.b1569d055fc8bp+63 | 0x1.5172c6a5f3a4fp+59
 +insn vcdlgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = cafc061682c88d0e | f751399a5ae2db05
-+  v_result = 1.462657238e+19 | 1.782108853e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.95f80c2d05911p+63 | 0x1.eea27334b5c5bp+63
 +insn vcdlgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = e328717e23c531bd | 2aa205c4ab0fafbd
-+  v_result = 1.636845763e+19 | 3.072024238e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.c650e2fc478a7p+63 | 0x1.55102e25587d7p+61
 +insn vcdlgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = 8eddcd779023d755 | 63cd7e40d9ebd3b6
-+  v_result = 1.029461023e+19 | 7.191542996e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.1dbb9aef2047bp+63 | 0x1.8f35f90367af5p+62
 +insn vcdlgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 3e5cd1fd2f96dea2 | 2d6e6298be680e29
-+  v_result = 4.493697413e+18 | 3.273662387e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.f2e68fe97cb6fp+61 | 0x1.6b7314c5f3407p+61
 +insn vcdlgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 2c31690b8a033d4d | 943061141b697dee
-+  v_result = 3.184441909e+18 | 1.067814145e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.618b485c5019fp+61 | 0x1.2860c22836d3p+63
 +insn vcdlgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 14f57558143a429c | ed8ae27a577c5238
-+  v_result = 1.510242271e+18 | 1.711674234e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.4f57558143a43p+60 | 0x1.db15c4f4aef8ap+63
 +insn vcdlgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = fc128d1be2bb4f36 | 9283c5cd409f975c
-+  v_result = 1.816373539e+19 | 1.055749943e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.f8251a37c576ap+63 | 0x1.25078b9a813f3p+63
 +insn vcdlgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = ee7dc0c772749ddc | a3701c10cafde98a
-+  v_result = 1.718510371e+19 | 1.177694388e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.dcfb818ee4e93p+63 | 0x1.46e0382195fbdp+63
 +insn vcdlgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = b97c51cd687ff92f | c7b3f102ccb03d91
-+  v_result = 1.336564773e+19 | 1.439011022e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.72f8a39ad0fffp+63 | 0x1.8f67e20599607p+63
 +insn vcdlgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = b460795f4de78a6f | ea7d04e2c6809f9e
-+  v_result = 1.299752197e+19 | 1.689666674e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.68c0f2be9bcf1p+63 | 0x1.d4fa09c58d013p+63
 +insn vcdlgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = 7c4a292a4f638939 | fd8c8a2c9fa1effc
-+  v_result = 8.956016070e+18 | 1.827012971e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.f128a4a93d8e2p+62 | 0x1.fb1914593f43dp+63
 +insn vcdlgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = b2e9c51a04180847 | baecf0585f77a3d4
-+  v_result = 1.289205212e+19 | 1.346940484e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.65d38a3408302p+63 | 0x1.75d9e0b0beef5p+63
 +insn vcdlgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = be39eb18285aad32 | 5eb896a0fa5488ed
-+  v_result = 1.370724542e+19 | 6.825370853e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.7c73d63050b56p+63 | 0x1.7ae25a83e9523p+62
 +insn vcdlgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 8f442ace5a6a7432 | 6dd995ba0537816b
-+  v_result = 1.032342331e+19 | 7.915522446e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.1e88559cb4d4fp+63 | 0x1.b76656e814de1p+62
 +insn vcdlgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 5ae3cc60e43771db | 72c47a987f8e4792
-+  v_result = 6.549302999e+18 | 8.269869611e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.6b8f318390dddp+62 | 0x1.cb11ea61fe392p+62
 +insn vcdlgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 577c8e33711f8ce0 | bc3f092e8bf32882
-+  v_result = 6.304069930e+18 | 1.356457069e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.5df238cdc47e3p+62 | 0x1.787e125d17e65p+63
 +insn vcdlgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 88c462a8d4ae43d2 | 231bfc2b30f1c9fb
-+  v_result = 9.855110361e+18 | 2.529892878e+18
++  v_result = 0x1.1188c551a95c8p+63 | 0x1.18dfe159878e4p+61
 +insn vcdlgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 727d35e1c85c6ce0 | c2f9c2bc20bfe51a
-+  v_result = 8.249809336e+18 | 1.404947462e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.c9f4d7872171bp+62 | 0x1.85f38578417fcp+63
 +insn vcdlgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = e238a379ac52f197 | bb08414f6f020c19
-+  v_result = 1.630095859e+19 | 1.347709369e+19
++  v_result = 0x1.c47146f358a5ep+63 | 0x1.7610829ede041p+63
 +insn wcdlgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = a912c54e442593a2 | f7c3954d578d6511
-+  v_result = 1.218301688e+19 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.52258a9c884b2p+63 | --
 +insn wcdlgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = 6179e4397b98a98a | e4b6cfddfb236dba
-+  v_result = 7.023896029e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.85e790e5ee62ap+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = 27e744d3235cdf76 | 3539b7a62232b627
-+  v_result = 2.875342560e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.3f3a26991ae6fp+61 | --
 +insn wcdlgb00:
 +  v_arg1   = 60a5da31b4d1f8ea | a6328b8cf898a98d
-+  v_result = 6.964212305e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.829768c6d347ep+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 758817a709c58c8a | b6d6be70d26145fc
-+  v_result = 8.469045105e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.d6205e9c27163p+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 97b59c872733cad7 | 6c67baf3e785de23
-+  v_result = 1.093181577e+19 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.2f6b390e4e679p+63 | --
 +insn wcdlgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 7c5f03e2f70438ef | 13f5a03218ade00f
-+  v_result = 8.961886056e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.f17c0f8bdc10ep+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb01:
 +  v_arg1   = 20869d4407d06f50 | fe20038aa9ed8aeb
-+  v_result = 2.343733571e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.0434ea203e838p+61 | --
 +insn wcdlgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = 85b92f7a4d9ce094 | 45d3b155068ab4c0
-+  v_result = 9.635785080e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.0b725ef49b39dp+63 | --
 +insn wcdlgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = 74d3b54ee59c9334 | 87096ba97fb48a34
-+  v_result = 8.418271478e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.d34ed53b96725p+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = 3bc02048cff1e348 | a78aa81e0d4c504e
-+  v_result = 4.305476740e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.de0102467f8f1p+61 | --
 +insn wcdlgb03:
 +  v_arg1   = 6e38186eb26b4443 | 8fad57870c9d1c2e
-+  v_result = 7.942124806e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.b8e061bac9ad1p+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = a781bb039c46fdba | f0169ab6ff259fd8
-+  v_result = 1.207013410e+19 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.4f037607388ep+63 | --
 +insn wcdlgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 462f5c4ac0efef1d | 01788c3b504cdde9
-+  v_result = 5.057362382e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.18bd712b03bfcp+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 32e6464337bf4d7c | 3c53fd240e2af05e
-+  v_result = 3.667696201e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.97323219bdfa7p+61 | --
 +insn wcdlgb04:
 +  v_arg1   = 9615776bc1bd6242 | 25b531bdae44ca53
-+  v_result = 1.081468138e+19 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.2c2aeed7837acp+63 | --
 +insn wcdlgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = a6bc667e825f4ffb | 04fca550cb4ef1c0
-+  v_result = 1.201459059e+19 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.4d78ccfd04be9p+63 | --
 +insn wcdlgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = 5826bd37c548ca0f | a690cbe5e6e9423d
-+  v_result = 6.351972371e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.609af4df15232p+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = 2cad200dbc09e187 | 20acc9022764afbe
-+  v_result = 3.219264552e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.6569006de04fp+61 | --
 +insn wcdlgb05:
 +  v_arg1   = e57be5f73fe3b5c6 | 8c153e6a1a7d0156
-+  v_result = 1.653606330e+19 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.caf7cbee7fc76p+63 | --
 +insn wcdlgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = 4e46db2789824050 | cbdffee0732097f5
-+  v_result = 5.640436546e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.391b6c9e26091p+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = f61204d100c21186 | 422ed2e3cc26252c
-+  v_result = 1.773123997e+19 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.ec2409a201843p+63 | --
 +insn wcdlgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = f5f25be4ea6d0b66 | 9ef13972631676e7
-+  v_result = 1.772232852e+19 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.ebe4b7c9d4da2p+63 | --
 +insn wcdlgb06:
 +  v_arg1   = a5c590ce39f92a4e | 90a72ac9dde52c31
-+  v_result = 1.194511280e+19 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.4b8b219c73f26p+63 | --
 +insn wcdlgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 6afcc73a404c3eb8 | 921dd02006b87bf3
-+  v_result = 7.709255715e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.abf31ce90130fp+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 6c515dd47c7aaffd | a12d4e718fa0f2b3
-+  v_result = 7.805122796e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.b1457751f1eabp+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 598fa3024d843814 | 027f7932ce5b3358
-+  v_result = 6.453556021e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.663e8c093610ep+62 | --
 +insn wcdlgb07:
 +  v_arg1   = 2450a2abba1aac53 | fe49a1158218b7e3
-+  v_result = 2.616770241e+18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_result = 0x1.2285155dd0d56p+61 | --
 +insn vcgdb00:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.250950833e+42 | -2.553961254e-125
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.9d6f33159b52cp+140 | -0x1.149ce8e328c35p-414
 +insn vcgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.364339746e-278 | -1.335490841e-229
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.ef4fc458c90fp-924 | -0x1.9eacbbaf216cep-761
 +insn vcgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.051970952e-133 | -9.376530105e-190
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2a4a56fedd38ep-441 | -0x1.0b5fc7650d28ap-628
 +insn vcgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.142955858e-89 | -1.703946028e-150
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.7484ccf632853p-296 | -0x1.64f8b96b20e65p-498
 +insn vcgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 7fffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 1.638036580e-56 | 4.472828669e+82
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.9b48ee9440faap-186 | 0x1.793a417aab337p+274
 +insn vcgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 8000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 9.267037966e-226 | -2.004905058e+124
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.5f4046914a1dcp-748 | -0x1.e542ddabafc78p+412
 +insn vcgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.476043457e-143 | -1.735423388e-92
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.70a07df4248dp-475 | -0x1.2198d65113dfcp-305
 +insn vcgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 7fffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -7.393155460e-253 | 2.570801943e+20
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.5ae6c84f089cap-838 | 0x1.bdf68a54e9eb5p+67
 +insn vcgdb03:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 8000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.252857911e+273 | -8.114052184e+161
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.80d47f3abbb2ep+908 | -0x1.cdb5faf3bde76p+537
 +insn vcgdb03:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 7fffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -7.519346061e+113 | 4.423630116e+48
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.38aaaf12dcd3cp+378 | 0x1.836d37a9211adp+161
 +insn vcgdb03:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 6.972121955e-159 | -2.187256619e-258
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.88165272004d5p-526 | -0x1.0d0a1a7ba6227p-856
 +insn vcgdb03:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 1.091135678e-250 | -1.513405992e-57
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.8ffc7e4ddbb33p-831 | -0x1.2ffe63a89d2cfp-189
 +insn vcgdb04:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 4.172351456e+162 | -6.833019586e-146
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.28c5adc2722b3p+540 | -0x1.b4dbb5f02f86ep-483
 +insn vcgdb04:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -4.359213596e-127 | -3.105920425e-91
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.2e2a9ecf4008dp-420 | -0x1.43ef92717c06ap-301
 +insn vcgdb04:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 7fffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -3.512185119e+191 | 2.467800744e+302
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.3b4fcd4237299p+636 | 0x1.707f549662d89p+1004
 +insn vcgdb04:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.112347477e+285 | -3.777249473e-07
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c6918fb45aa0bp+947 | -0x1.95943e2ff17aep-22
 +insn vcgdb05:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 8000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.656075694e-19 | -7.661383209e+140
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.4de033057b236p-61 | -0x1.01575361bed9ap+468
 +insn vcgdb05:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 8000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.252253258e+43 | -6.898297177e+81
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.028bc6484274bp+144 | -0x1.d16db6de475aap+271
 +insn vcgdb05:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 8000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.894658942e+38 | -6.270934018e+101
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2500671e7fe19p+128 | -0x1.1eb435732889ep+338
 +insn vcgdb05:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.490641152e-133 | 6.775625997e-90
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.b161dd74543cdp-442 | 0x1.b9ab9294bd84fp-297
 +insn vcgdb06:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 8000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.714758021e+96 | -7.832933439e+154
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.9b07d7ad5d6b2p+319 | -0x1.75e473ea1aa76p+514
 +insn vcgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 7fffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -1.673157881e-252 | 1.315140509e+300
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.888a166fb2dfp-837 | 0x1.f6bb5d7969d6ap+996
 +insn vcgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | 8000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 6.037303970e-262 | -7.575582216e+124
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.302c08b07155p-868 | -0x1.ca648dc3a61e1p+414
 +insn vcgdb06:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 8000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.680276219e+101 | -1.344819936e+65
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3349182f971f5p+336 | -0x1.46e859a0a81adp+216
 +insn vcgdb07:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 8000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -8.701672660e+254 | -1.004729988e+279
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.dac06473efa23p+846 | -0x1.c56ee83b11b7fp+926
 +insn vcgdb07:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 4.464304171e-33 | -1.469246183e-289
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.72e13fd73fefbp-108 | -0x1.6e8c2f2c9a3a6p-960
 +insn vcgdb07:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 8000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.810105723e+288 | -1.222879064e+118
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.27466ae20223bp+958 | -0x1.365c0e59aa4cep+392
 +insn vcgdb07:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 7fffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 8.938401011e+102 | 2.195137478e+205
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.fed2f087c21p+341 | 0x1.180e4c1d87fc4p+682
 +insn wcgdb00:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 9.032134522e+201 | 2.933189189e+240
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.d7fd9222e8b86p+670 | 0x1.c272612672a3p+798
 +insn wcgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.109650301e-150 | -4.569235607e-97
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.745cd360987e5p-496 | -0x1.f3b404919f358p-321
 +insn wcgdb00:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.776306980e+193 | 4.855850646e-168
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.9523565cd92d5p+643 | 0x1.253677d6d3be2p-556
 +insn wcgdb00:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 4.022453677e+254 | -2.111487035e+80
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.b6eb576ec3e6ap+845 | -0x1.c7e102c503d91p+266
 +insn wcgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.647452984e-305 | -2.366562369e-205
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.3d4319841f4d6p-1011 | -0x1.2feabf7dfc506p-680
 +insn wcgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.449025155e-254 | -1.130661814e+10
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.6fb8d1cd8b32cp-843 | -0x1.50f6a6922f97ep+33
 +insn wcgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.767996221e-171 | -1.581642028e+248
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.64a673daccf1ap-566 | -0x1.69ef9b1d01499p+824
 +insn wcgdb01:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -4.261646376e+302 | -2.922681489e+55
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.3e2ddd862b4adp+1005 | -0x1.312466410271p+184
 +insn wcgdb03:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.409266154e-287 | -6.034001446e-68
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.d594c3412a11p-953 | -0x1.a07393d34d77cp-224
 +insn wcgdb03:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -3.990154908e+31 | -5.958882134e-212
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.f7a0dbcfd6e4cp+104 | -0x1.40f7cde7f2214p-702
 +insn wcgdb03:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -4.724110542e+168 | -4.131894607e-113
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.40739c1574808p+560 | -0x1.970328ddf1b6ep-374
 +insn wcgdb03:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 4.653517954e-12 | 2.842024946e-116
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.477653afd7048p-38 | 0x1.1eac2f8b2a93cp-384
 +insn wcgdb04:
 +  v_result = ffffffffe9479a7d | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -3.811833632e+08 | 4.654888641e-218
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.6b865833eff3p+28 | 0x1.06e8cf1834d0ep-722
 +insn wcgdb04:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.357338565e-164 | -3.688011320e+226
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.eef0b2294a5cp-544 | -0x1.8e8b133ccda15p+752
 +insn wcgdb04:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.476764166e-269 | -3.072148588e-270
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.f34e77e6b6698p-894 | -0x1.9f7ce1cb53bddp-896
 +insn wcgdb04:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 4.448581351e+306 | -4.564743018e-68
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.95707a6d75db5p+1018 | -0x1.3b0c072d23011p-224
 +insn wcgdb05:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -6.669844029e-292 | 1.564663301e-297
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a9fb71160793p-968 | 0x1.05f601fe8123ap-986
 +insn wcgdb05:
 +  v_result = 8000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -6.005299507e+135 | -8.818660585e-181
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.0864159b94305p+451 | -0x1.d4647f5a78b7ep-599
 +insn wcgdb05:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.351318974e+130 | -5.169901269e+139
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.37eadff8397c8p+432 | -0x1.15d896b6f6063p+464
 +insn wcgdb05:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.508143982e-235 | 1.854099168e-61
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.eb0812b0d677p-781 | 0x1.3117c5e0e288cp-202
 +insn wcgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.420698293e-200 | -4.165126129e+76
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.6b88069167c0fp-662 | -0x1.70571d27e1279p+254
 +insn wcgdb06:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.637693277e+78 | 6.985241716e+181
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.f6a6d6e883596p+260 | 0x1.0d578afaaa34ap+604
 +insn wcgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.894416205e-143 | -1.378653328e+250
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.d91c7d13c4694p-475 | -0x1.ecf1f8529767bp+830
 +insn wcgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.808253488e-31 | 9.659895527e+288
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.fac8dd3bb7af6p-101 | 0x1.fb8324a00fba8p+959
 +insn wcgdb07:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.357358000e+33 | -2.386052583e+18
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.4b0fa18fa73c7p+111 | -0x1.08e7b17633a49p+61
 +insn wcgdb07:
 +  v_result = e636b693e39a1100 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.858097049e+18 | 1.142435541e-172
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.9c9496c1c65efp+60 | 0x1.c4182ee728d76p-572
 +insn wcgdb07:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -9.242667875e-92 | 9.505507107e-188
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.819718032dff7p-303 | 0x1.a784c77ff6aa2p-622
 +insn wcgdb07:
 +  v_result = 7fffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 9.088820454e+45 | 7.644784340e+94
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.978e8abfd83c2p+152 | 0x1.2531ebf451762p+315
 +insn vclgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -4.880640399e+155 | 8.667290392e-95
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.23363aaa9ca54p+517 | 0x1.7243af9b17426p-313
 +insn vclgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -8.274173733e-290 | -2.968365014e-260
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.9cd926092c28dp-961 | -0x1.d359f3e9bb6fdp-863
 +insn vclgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.087873570e+34 | -5.349810693e-193
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.0c2e79701cfedp+113 | -0x1.386cc4d0c2753p-639
 +insn vclgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.427992802e-251 | -6.090649075e-264
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.6404fbeee6e51p-833 | -0x1.88c7c4c78e8b5p-875
 +insn vclgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -1.796859445e-84 | 1.746633468e+102
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.becf5aabeedb2p-279 | 0x1.8f46a8584af8bp+339
 +insn vclgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -2.338822907e+126 | 1.910769483e+289
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.ba405560535ecp+419 | 0x1.f5f0d2ac089dbp+960
 +insn vclgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.529123016e-14 | -2.931048896e-10
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.13765a3448273p-46 | -0x1.4245b126d990bp-32
 +insn vclgdb01:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.733542346e+54 | -3.395155301e+196
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.42f7c19ab251ep+182 | -0x1.d11887b37d89ep+652
 +insn vclgdb03:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.644891834e+301 | -1.051492428e-258
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c89eea4d649dfp+1002 | -0x1.02ac7c6fad4f4p-857
 +insn vclgdb03:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.487759613e-198 | -7.860865792e-25
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c785c5992ac87p-658 | -0x1.e69063f7f720dp-81
 +insn vclgdb03:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.494414851e+121 | -7.136682242e+102
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.7262730986284p+402 | -0x1.97db5d33ead45p+341
 +insn vclgdb03:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000001
-+  v_arg1   = -1.065625124e+102 | 1.695799638e-15
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.e732cc74f96a5p+338 | 0x1.e8c7ed81c5518p-50
 +insn vclgdb04:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 5.969296665e-182 | 7.209405400e-196
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.fb488268d49d4p-603 | 0x1.af20dca2dd1dep-649
 +insn vclgdb04:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.242195681e-297 | 4.585518127e-204
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.77654765512dap-986 | 0x1.700c80872de8ep-676
 +insn vclgdb04:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.912050716e+202 | 8.785139846e-100
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.f3969c999dd1dp+671 | 0x1.ebe969b9a4e7ep-330
 +insn vclgdb04:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 4.134866933e+258 | 5.504170257e+84
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.1361bd5f8ad64p+859 | 0x1.6aa9af0c3cb2p+281
 +insn vclgdb05:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 6.707260887e+79 | 8.044225988e+41
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.21a00ba7f5a8fp+265 | 0x1.277f89a3992c5p+139
 +insn vclgdb05:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 3.035806876e+202 | 1.311555596e+112
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.8c9a9b86a5462p+672 | 0x1.5d08d1235385bp+372
 +insn vclgdb05:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -9.457965414e-37 | 8.365086984e-258
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.41d67fae35e3ap-120 | 0x1.013ba779e6931p-854
 +insn vclgdb05:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.249132742e+271 | -4.779736496e+248
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7a5064fc054d4p+900 | -0x1.117184fcaa4b1p+826
 +insn vclgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -5.266749878e+207 | 3.276901487e+204
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.06793ec47e70cp+690 | 0x1.4e743453c0123p+679
 +insn vclgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 9.919034170e-188 | 1.688434800e+64
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.b9f182ced5c9ap-622 | 0x1.48593e965ed7p+213
 +insn vclgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.637172863e-219 | -2.665961381e+01
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.27e5c501152d5p-727 | -0x1.aa8dc7366e9dbp+4
 +insn vclgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.848439727e-115 | -1.017795247e+226
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.eeca740c47973p-380 | -0x1.b7f3480cb4ec7p+750
 +insn vclgdb07:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -9.770940911e-40 | -1.909760026e+34
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.5477b49835c46p-130 | -0x1.d6cacd4500c77p+113
 +insn vclgdb07:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -3.350835310e+140 | -5.969121772e+08
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.c235bdef919ffp+466 | -0x1.1ca14189e67c8p+29
 +insn vclgdb07:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.424974377e+19 | -1.383849005e-189
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.5088657c024edp+64 | -0x1.8a9ba9a0ebaf7p-628
 +insn vclgdb07:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.402923620e+92 | 5.264362659e-240
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.137bbb51f08bdp+306 | 0x1.18d2a1063356p-795
 +insn wclgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.164707177e-305 | -4.449413528e-92
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.e66f55dcc2639p-1013 | -0x1.733ee56929f3bp-304
 +insn wclgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.341441542e-297 | -3.969880446e-306
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.8802fd9ab740cp-986 | -0x1.64d4d2c7c145fp-1015
 +insn wclgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.130273328e-194 | -5.557748843e+146
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.a67209b8c407bp-645 | -0x1.6410ff9b1c801p+487
 +insn wclgdb00:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.009763309e+15 | 1.428684894e-151
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.cb2febaefeb2dp+49 | 0x1.dee368b2ec375p-502
 +insn wclgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 9.489348235e-220 | 5.577969873e+185
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.5703db3c1b0e2p-728 | 0x1.068c4d51ea4ebp+617
 +insn wclgdb01:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -6.685999144e+87 | 1.704659821e+113
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.ae350291e5b3ep+291 | 0x1.1b87bb09b6032p+376
 +insn wclgdb01:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.655981082e+127 | -7.040461257e+147
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c4666a710127ep+424 | -0x1.19e969b6c0076p+491
 +insn wclgdb01:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.234693170e+31 | -5.424692149e+225
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c892c5a4d103fp+105 | -0x1.d4f937cc76704p+749
 +insn wclgdb03:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 5.793368246e-34 | 2.402306303e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.81090d8fc663dp-111 | 0x1.337ec5e0f0904p+1
 +insn wclgdb03:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.874541103e-179 | 7.657765536e-230
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.e787adc70b91p-593 | 0x1.db8d83196b53cp-762
 +insn wclgdb03:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.759106980e+117 | -2.521806959e+177
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.6529307e907efp+389 | -0x1.3ea0d8d5b4dd2p+589
 +insn wclgdb03:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.212955896e-116 | 2.875387222e+32
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.be701a158637p-385 | 0x1.c5a7f70cb8a09p+107
 +insn wclgdb04:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.483792680e+06 | -2.051928990e-280
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.2f328571ab445p+21 | -0x1.dcc21fc82ba01p-930
 +insn wclgdb04:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.212813490e-125 | 3.977258052e+275
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.06b69fcbb7bffp-415 | 0x1.6f9a13a0a827ap+915
 +insn wclgdb04:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.265438158e+144 | 4.675553720e-14
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.738e549b38bcdp+479 | 0x1.a522edb999c9p-45
 +insn wclgdb04:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.845529115e-65 | -2.593040696e+246
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7f9399d2bcf3bp-215 | -0x1.7bc35f2d69a7fp+818
 +insn wclgdb05:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.600666773e+265 | -3.046433798e-292
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.fc542bdb707f6p+880 | -0x1.8521ebc93a25fp-969
 +insn wclgdb05:
 +  v_result = 1ce8d9951b8c8600 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.083154062e+18 | 1.533597002e+143
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.ce8d9951b8c86p+60 | 0x1.92712589230e7p+475
 +insn wclgdb05:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.685604080e-47 | 4.135051071e-62
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.8a297f60a0811p-156 | 0x1.102b79043d82cp-204
 +insn wclgdb05:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.737476522e-59 | -4.941554876e+04
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.beb9057e1401dp-196 | -0x1.820f18f830262p+15
 +insn wclgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000001 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 6.355724199e-130 | -1.594081088e-284
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c321a966ecb4dp-430 | -0x1.2f6a1a95ead99p-943
 +insn wclgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.697808812e-17 | -2.651702127e-271
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.f1a86b4aed821p-56 | -0x1.1ee6717cc2d7fp-899
 +insn wclgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.782450677e-91 | 3.834534551e-216
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.73ce49d89ecb9p-302 | 0x1.52663b975ed23p-716
 +insn wclgdb06:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.016325726e+264 | 1.778932106e+289
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.3e9c2de97a292p+879 | 0x1.d34eed36f2eafp+960
 +insn wclgdb07:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -7.330127666e-191 | -1.720716620e+111
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.4e6ec6ddc6a45p-632 | -0x1.6e564d0fec72bp+369
 +insn wclgdb07:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.877487450e+138 | -6.280614639e+25
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.42e2c658e4c4dp+459 | -0x1.9f9dc0252e44p+85
 +insn wclgdb07:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -8.168224180e-230 | 1.179946010e-103
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.fb40ac8cda3c1p-762 | 0x1.0e9ed614bc8f1p-342
 +insn wclgdb07:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.840963925e+35 | -4.177517439e+227
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.c1f8b3c68e214p+118 | -0x1.1a26a49368b61p+756
 +insn vfidb00:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.061156573e-164 | -2.016075042e+28
-+  v_result = -0.000000000e+00 | -2.016075042e+28
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.38df4cf9d52dbp-545 | -0x1.049253d90dd92p+94
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -0x1.049253d90dd92p+94
 +insn vfidb00:
-+  v_arg1   = 7.592184597e+238 | -4.883213521e+164
-+  v_result = 7.592184597e+238 | -4.883213521e+164
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.75187b3d8d386p+793 | -0x1.0f5aea6c1c123p+547
++  v_result = 0x1.75187b3d8d386p+793 | -0x1.0f5aea6c1c123p+547
 +insn vfidb00:
-+  v_arg1   = 6.408778030e-102 | -5.935002058e+17
-+  v_result = 0.000000000e+00 | -5.935002058e+17
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.cb54303729724p-337 | -0x1.0791295e0541p+59
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | -0x1.0791295e0541p+59
 +insn vfidb00:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.478665243e+248 | -5.875030556e+194
-+  v_result = -2.478665243e+248 | -5.875030556e+194
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.1b9a77d71eb22p+825 | -0x1.0189f7d748475p+647
++  v_result = -0x1.1b9a77d71eb22p+825 | -0x1.0189f7d748475p+647
 +insn vfidb01:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.197181731e+305 | -4.470726643e-175
-+  v_result = -1.197181731e+305 | -0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.5d26e474def0ap+1013 | -0x1.c4e9efb30da4ap-580
++  v_result = -0x1.5d26e474def0ap+1013 | -0x0p+0
 +insn vfidb01:
-+  v_arg1   = 5.242256987e+31 | -8.600112358e-106
-+  v_result = 5.242256987e+31 | -0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.4ad53aba85947p+105 | -0x1.f8f178fb43126p-350
++  v_result = 0x1.4ad53aba85947p+105 | -0x0p+0
 +insn vfidb01:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.364864372e+32 | 1.362733455e-107
-+  v_result = 1.364864372e+32 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.aeacddb1336dep+106 | 0x1.0008f60517dffp-355
++  v_result = 0x1.aeacddb1336dep+106 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfidb01:
-+  v_arg1   = -7.292757011e+22 | 6.900047080e-66
-+  v_result = -7.292757011e+22 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.ee2d2afcea935p+75 | 0x1.740cbfdc486e6p-217
++  v_result = -0x1.ee2d2afcea935p+75 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfidb03:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.911809156e-258 | -6.835348512e-125
-+  v_result = -1.000000000e+00 | -1.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.662966287abcfp-856 | -0x1.7228d17f9aacep-413
++  v_result = -0x1p+0 | -0x1p+0
 +insn vfidb03:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.875874778e-116 | -2.002927285e+203
-+  v_result = 1.000000000e+00 | -2.002927285e+203
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.86f4c5919ca0cp-384 | -0x1.4715448c89f45p+675
++  v_result = 0x1p+0 | -0x1.4715448c89f45p+675
 +insn vfidb03:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.558123380e-66 | -6.467943492e-105
-+  v_result = -1.000000000e+00 | -1.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.500e2dc4dececp-219 | -0x1.dab1ecfba3037p-347
++  v_result = -0x1p+0 | -0x1p+0
 +insn vfidb03:
-+  v_arg1   = -6.015661098e-269 | -8.367862624e-183
-+  v_result = -1.000000000e+00 | -1.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.fc7c8db9b09ccp-892 | -0x1.1c72852c3fcb1p-605
++  v_result = -0x1p+0 | -0x1p+0
 +insn vfidb04:
-+  v_arg1   = 6.476788718e-259 | 1.999454988e-75
-+  v_result = 0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3eaa8ace8f425p-858 | 0x1.cf0ac9c083a9ap-249
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfidb04:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.124042088e+155 | 2.659915256e+212
-+  v_result = 4.124042088e+155 | 2.659915256e+212
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.ec22dc8481352p+516 | 0x1.948a15e99787bp+705
++  v_result = 0x1.ec22dc8481352p+516 | 0x1.948a15e99787bp+705
 +insn vfidb04:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.626873010e-30 | -9.536890026e-224
-+  v_result = 0.000000000e+00 | -0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.aa3c092bc234ap-99 | -0x1.1a67dee375837p-741
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | -0x0p+0
 +insn vfidb04:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.316584445e-262 | -3.974190484e+204
-+  v_result = -0.000000000e+00 | -3.974190484e+204
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.0954410f3f66p-870 | -0x1.959f40b0d52d1p+679
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -0x1.959f40b0d52d1p+679
 +insn vfidb05:
-+  v_arg1   = 5.659580441e+56 | -1.413128353e-270
-+  v_result = 5.659580441e+56 | -0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.714e0b00c3609p+188 | -0x1.7e3b89779752bp-897
++  v_result = 0x1.714e0b00c3609p+188 | -0x0p+0
 +insn vfidb05:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.712657822e-11 | -2.350055015e+297
-+  v_result = 0.000000000e+00 | -2.350055015e+297
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2d4b405512095p-36 | -0x1.cbf3a5cc327c4p+987
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | -0x1.cbf3a5cc327c4p+987
 +insn vfidb05:
-+  v_arg1   = -9.922819027e-121 | 7.116542778e-106
-+  v_result = -0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.47fa188fc49f3p-399 | 0x1.a1d66c8e3e178p-350
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfidb05:
-+  v_arg1   = 9.715544436e-203 | -1.814057731e+227
-+  v_result = 0.000000000e+00 | -1.814057731e+227
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.e760458f45d6fp-672 | -0x1.ea169b23ef443p+754
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | -0x1.ea169b23ef443p+754
 +insn vfidb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 7.020954428e-186 | -1.549680602e+260
-+  v_result = 1.000000000e+00 | -1.549680602e+260
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.e8c7afa8edb76p-616 | -0x1.4286e146748fdp+864
++  v_result = 0x1p+0 | -0x1.4286e146748fdp+864
 +insn vfidb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.498779983e-257 | 1.024040407e+207
-+  v_result = 1.000000000e+00 | 1.024040407e+207
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0cf9c1b4fdb5p-852 | 0x1.9845bcfe1181dp+687
++  v_result = 0x1p+0 | 0x1.9845bcfe1181dp+687
 +insn vfidb06:
-+  v_arg1   = -5.445034386e+42 | -3.151096043e+05
-+  v_result = -5.445034386e+42 | -3.151090000e+05
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.f40c24aa8cae3p+141 | -0x1.33b966adbb779p+18
++  v_result = -0x1.f40c24aa8cae3p+141 | -0x1.33b94p+18
 +insn vfidb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.399712440e+269 | 7.781118106e+260
-+  v_result = 3.399712440e+269 | 7.781118106e+260
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.497c3bfb72975p+895 | 0x1.94dc5d4f14f02p+866
++  v_result = 0x1.497c3bfb72975p+895 | 0x1.94dc5d4f14f02p+866
 +insn vfidb07:
-+  v_arg1   = 6.400869599e+02 | -2.358310186e+43
-+  v_result = 6.400000000e+02 | -2.358310186e+43
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.400b2180c5169p+9 | -0x1.0eb881ef09e8bp+144
++  v_result = 0x1.4p+9 | -0x1.0eb881ef09e8bp+144
 +insn vfidb07:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.663939085e-209 | 1.073162872e+297
-+  v_result = 0.000000000e+00 | 1.073162872e+297
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.5e1a1176032ffp-694 | 0x1.a413f4290b781p+986
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | 0x1.a413f4290b781p+986
 +insn vfidb07:
-+  v_arg1   = 9.183830226e+197 | -1.586493565e-140
-+  v_result = 9.183830226e+197 | -1.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.89260655d1017p+657 | -0x1.82ecae03ac7b3p-465
++  v_result = 0x1.89260655d1017p+657 | -0x1p+0
 +insn vfidb07:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.868172911e+287 | 5.135497201e+44
-+  v_result = -2.868172911e+287 | 5.135497201e+44
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.e233d525b46edp+954 | 0x1.70742fcc3ce0bp+148
++  v_result = -0x1.e233d525b46edp+954 | 0x1.70742fcc3ce0bp+148
 +insn wfidb00:
-+  v_arg1   = -9.881257853e-248 | 2.140392178e+54
-+  v_result = -0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.61bc4941f04ddp-821 | 0x1.658c3c22e6351p+180
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb00:
-+  v_arg1   = -6.279590634e-127 | 1.946612913e-286
-+  v_result = -0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.b347e049e111fp-420 | 0x1.da424426c71edp-950
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb00:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.717522767e+99 | 8.146636480e-179
-+  v_result = 1.717522767e+99 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.920b565b7898ap+329 | 0x1.520bc351efda4p-592
++  v_result = 0x1.920b565b7898ap+329 | --
 +insn wfidb00:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.285783317e+219 | 5.880210638e-47
-+  v_result = -4.285783317e+219 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.8482d1dfaa054p+729 | 0x1.57c1eb750de59p-154
++  v_result = -0x1.8482d1dfaa054p+729 | --
 +insn wfidb01:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.142444399e+52 | -2.074951773e+44
-+  v_result = -1.142444399e+52 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.e88ebfa665fcep+172 | -0x1.29bdb0b3e83ccp+147
++  v_result = -0x1.e88ebfa665fcep+172 | --
 +insn wfidb01:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.891731816e-253 | -2.195546949e+52
-+  v_result = 0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0f5f1ef25622bp-839 | -0x1.d57455b11b25dp+173
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb01:
-+  v_arg1   = 9.978946730e+111 | 6.501569967e+248
-+  v_result = 9.978946730e+111 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.098fed551a139p+372 | 0x1.73f2976a143c8p+826
++  v_result = 0x1.098fed551a139p+372 | --
 +insn wfidb01:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.835018573e-183 | 1.148828914e-268
-+  v_result = -0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.f30512cb12425p-608 | 0x1.e58939033eae8p-891
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb03:
-+  v_arg1   = -6.364493628e+22 | -2.717703691e-231
-+  v_result = -6.364493628e+22 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.af465d77bce39p+75 | -0x1.0e08c063beb77p-766
++  v_result = -0x1.af465d77bce39p+75 | --
 +insn wfidb03:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.017063478e-230 | -1.698953607e-178
-+  v_result = -1.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.f50b5e41314ap-764 | -0x1.607de181ae4ccp-591
++  v_result = -0x1p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb03:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.367931325e-15 | -1.837222009e+285
-+  v_result = 1.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.8a47842c8c31fp-50 | -0x1.8b5cdaee0879ap+947
++  v_result = 0x1p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb03:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.112315305e+55 | -6.608303795e-251
-+  v_result = 1.112315305e+55 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.d08648a9cbedcp+182 | -0x1.e47de14095eb5p-832
++  v_result = 0x1.d08648a9cbedcp+182 | --
 +insn wfidb04:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.432224181e+40 | -1.454888195e+209
-+  v_result = 1.432224181e+40 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.50b6db7fbbd1ap+133 | -0x1.c5293bf4286cfp+694
++  v_result = 0x1.50b6db7fbbd1ap+133 | --
 +insn wfidb04:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.048895597e-297 | 4.374800053e+10
-+  v_result = -0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.57085ee8210f9p-986 | 0x1.45f2b06247536p+35
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb04:
-+  v_arg1   = -9.088906540e+83 | -2.762946037e+289
-+  v_result = -9.088906540e+83 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.df15d38b85b39p+278 | -0x1.6ae64eaf6b596p+961
++  v_result = -0x1.df15d38b85b39p+278 | --
 +insn wfidb04:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.751211242e+72 | -2.020155991e-254
-+  v_result = 3.751211242e+72 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0fc2143d758f6p+241 | -0x1.2f53bcf6ea7bcp-843
++  v_result = 0x1.0fc2143d758f6p+241 | --
 +insn wfidb05:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.698927665e-152 | 5.924660291e-119
-+  v_result = 0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c793f2582996cp-505 | 0x1.31faa416f414fp-393
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb05:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.337121536e-96 | -3.571596094e-241
-+  v_result = 0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c831f1a8f44b3p-318 | -0x1.30d67b0cbd098p-799
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb05:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.417064110e+157 | -1.732302577e+22
-+  v_result = -2.417064110e+157 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.c2aea42bdd582p+522 | -0x1.d58aa3500b839p+73
++  v_result = -0x1.c2aea42bdd582p+522 | --
 +insn wfidb05:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.563161290e+242 | -1.754893975e+101
-+  v_result = -2.563161290e+242 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.33846647de0efp+805 | -0x1.40ee74cfe2ff8p+336
++  v_result = -0x1.33846647de0efp+805 | --
 +insn wfidb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 9.992263694e-179 | -7.891324063e-239
-+  v_result = 1.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.9ea16aeaccd2bp-592 | -0x1.0718e98de0774p-791
++  v_result = 0x1p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb06:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.296233923e+130 | 1.822558736e+41
-+  v_result = -1.296233923e+130 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.2b33d73559b49p+432 | 0x1.0bcd0a3aa62edp+137
++  v_result = -0x1.2b33d73559b49p+432 | --
 +insn wfidb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.218950043e-41 | -1.036213688e-163
-+  v_result = 1.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0fd5bed729ef7p-136 | -0x1.7de5c9c1a7cffp-542
++  v_result = 0x1p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.666504937e+301 | 2.770990494e-63
-+  v_result = 2.666504937e+301 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3e88df9ab4141p+1001 | 0x1.23d1c18546565p-208
++  v_result = 0x1.3e88df9ab4141p+1001 | --
 +insn wfidb07:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.860401117e-300 | 2.169090494e+217
-+  v_result = 0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.a0a30de14c554p-995 | 0x1.f75fbd2aac4b9p+721
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb07:
-+  v_arg1   = -7.162566543e+116 | 1.255802249e-12
-+  v_result = -7.162566543e+116 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.22d9d06f10138p+388 | 0x1.617a16b5e9631p-40
++  v_result = -0x1.22d9d06f10138p+388 | --
 +insn wfidb07:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.513320523e-146 | -2.112170578e+106
-+  v_result = -1.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.415ecc4742193p-484 | -0x1.26b342b60ed63p+353
++  v_result = -0x1p+0 | --
 +insn wfidb07:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.296130131e+05 | 5.897176873e+236
-+  v_result = 4.296130000e+05 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.a38b40d7c686bp+18 | 0x1.72f17be0db2p+786
++  v_result = 0x1.a38b4p+18 | --
 +insn vledb00:
-+  v_arg1   = -3.318287632e-146 | 9.571309915e-225
-+  v_result = -2.121995790e-314 | 2.121995790e-314
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a84c84057eee2p-484 | 0x1.c57adf9f0649bp-745
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -- | 0x0p+0 | --
 +insn vledb00:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.608131309e+242 | 1.754556148e-30
-+  v_result = 1.404447761e+306 | 5.688820890e-241
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.81df9df7f63fbp+804 | 0x1.1cb169383d862p-99
++  v_result = 0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | 0x1.1cb168p-99 | --
 +insn vledb00:
-+  v_arg1   = -9.059641070e+203 | -9.469984123e-36
-+  v_result = -1.404447761e+306 | -3.416813451e-283
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.71dd9545fca52p+677 | -0x1.92cefededf8e1p-117
++  v_result = -0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | -0x1.92cefep-117 | --
 +insn vledb00:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.201116905e-282 | 1.034099019e+146
-+  v_result = -2.121995790e-314 | 1.404447761e+306
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.65375ad0e40e7p-937 | 0x1.09014cbc484c5p+485
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -- | 0x1.fffffep+127 | --
 +insn vledb01:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.131672984e+32 | -1.455189969e+24
-+  v_result = -2.267210284e+256 | -1.161740370e+191
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.505196110b3d2p+107 | -0x1.3426019ccd495p+80
++  v_result = -0x1.505196p+107 | -- | -0x1.342602p+80 | --
 +insn vledb01:
-+  v_arg1   = -3.822451271e+252 | 3.785726599e-264
-+  v_result = -1.404449100e+306 | 2.121995790e-314
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.0af0f091bac0ep+839 | 0x1.e846aa8b59579p-876
++  v_result = -inf | -- | 0x0p+0 | --
 +insn vledb01:
-+  v_arg1   = -7.320207397e+144 | -1.252458998e-229
-+  v_result = -1.404449100e+306 | -2.121995790e-314
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.2c25e28cf0631p+481 | -0x1.84e49efdf88f6p-761
++  v_result = -inf | -- | -0x0p+0 | --
 +insn vledb01:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.064929095e-189 | -1.297492262e+16
-+  v_result = -2.121995790e-314 | -4.126639302e+126
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.2668ee57bb531p-627 | -0x1.70c4fcb1747afp+53
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -- | -0x1.70c4fcp+53 | --
 +insn vledb03:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.050554979e-17 | -4.644117108e+96
-+  v_result = 7.470787484e-139 | -1.404447761e+306
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.83961ccdd811fp-57 | -0x1.164d03f590024p+321
++  v_result = 0x1.83961ep-57 | -- | -0x1.fffffep+127 | --
 +insn vledb03:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.059246895e-101 | 9.877882900e+268
-+  v_result = -4.243991581e-314 | 1.404447761e+306
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.70f9991e0c8eep-335 | 0x1.7eedb358f3874p+893
++  v_result = -0x1p-149 | -- | 0x1.fffffep+127 | --
 +insn vledb03:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.134055529e+47 | -1.951983167e-103
-+  v_result = 1.404447761e+306 | -4.243991581e-314
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2b0b7cd5f402cp+157 | -0x1.bfafe3c4f891dp-342
++  v_result = 0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | -0x1p-149 | --
 +insn vledb03:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.029812216e+27 | 1.188736331e+222
-+  v_result = -7.056225743e+213 | 1.404447761e+306
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a9eb9c0dfb4c6p+89 | 0x1.a4f0449a065bap+737
++  v_result = -0x1.a9eb9ep+89 | -- | 0x1.fffffep+127 | --
 +insn vledb04:
-+  v_arg1   = -5.391605751e+76 | -3.907528595e-251
-+  v_result = -1.404449100e+306 | -2.121995790e-314
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.dccda0e58c3c6p+254 | -0x1.1e7b977b4d2c3p-832
++  v_result = -inf | -- | -0x0p+0 | --
 +insn vledb04:
-+  v_arg1   = -6.862967811e+161 | 2.026866160e+83
-+  v_result = -1.404449100e+306 | 1.404449100e+306
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.8685582eca417p+537 | 0x1.ab5a3c7ae2d4fp+276
++  v_result = -inf | -- | inf | --
 +insn vledb04:
-+  v_arg1   = -8.695609395e+271 | 9.667700874e+89
-+  v_result = -1.404449100e+306 | 1.404449100e+306
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.49320cface53ep+903 | 0x1.e5fc9e15ce8d3p+298
++  v_result = -inf | -- | inf | --
 +insn vledb04:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.674141956e+116 | 2.664050795e-109
-+  v_result = 1.404449100e+306 | 2.121995790e-314
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.b25b34a582821p+386 | 0x1.4056fd2fc4ce3p-361
++  v_result = inf | -- | 0x0p+0 | --
 +insn vledb05:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.367602520e+62 | 3.584189964e-43
-+  v_result = 1.404447761e+306 | 5.432309224e-312
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.26ac2b21ee5c2p+207 | 0x1.ff8d7ccf938eep-142
++  v_result = 0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | 0x1.fep-142 | --
 +insn vledb05:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.204276103e+170 | 2.603133239e+161
-+  v_result = -1.404447761e+306 | 1.404447761e+306
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.fe8fde9582b04p+564 | 0x1.28400eaaee105p+536
++  v_result = -0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | 0x1.fffffep+127 | --
 +insn vledb05:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.020627540e-49 | -3.352820326e+100
-+  v_result = -2.121995790e-314 | -1.404447761e+306
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.317d5b9516063p-163 | -0x1.ea868ea209093p+333
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -- | -0x1.fffffep+127 | --
 +insn vledb05:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.382899884e-165 | -7.666853114e+10
-+  v_result = -2.121995790e-314 | -7.480798873e+84
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.027399100fdbfp-546 | -0x1.1d9ccf1c66825p+36
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -- | -0x1.1d9ccep+36 | --
 +insn vledb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.789343429e+295 | 1.021772091e-135
-+  v_result = 1.404449100e+306 | 4.243991581e-314
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2bf5345ca531p+982 | 0x1.7c3e64b441d22p-449
++  v_result = inf | -- | 0x1p-149 | --
 +insn vledb06:
-+  v_arg1   = -3.311478460e+301 | 1.052397331e+257
-+  v_result = -1.404447761e+306 | 1.404449100e+306
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.8b94ed2434a31p+1001 | 0x1.c092c292abf92p+853
++  v_result = -0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | inf | --
 +insn vledb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.995055112e+71 | 4.496698026e+296
-+  v_result = 1.404449100e+306 | 1.404449100e+306
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.ce81218ec1d98p+236 | 0x1.6009662b86edap+985
++  v_result = inf | -- | inf | --
 +insn vledb06:
-+  v_arg1   = -3.657046371e+154 | 6.048051516e-288
-+  v_result = -1.404447761e+306 | 4.243991581e-314
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.5d2059ff4201bp+513 | 0x1.d7857339c237dp-955
++  v_result = -0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | 0x1p-149 | --
 +insn vledb07:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.856847233e-77 | -1.773279287e-175
-+  v_result = 2.121995790e-314 | -4.243991581e-314
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.a76ca53f97aabp-255 | -0x1.674a200b06edbp-581
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | -- | -0x1p-149 | --
 +insn vledb07:
-+  v_arg1   = 5.242220689e+297 | 9.547883901e+118
-+  v_result = 1.404447761e+306 | 1.404447761e+306
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0080548c7ec1bp+989 | 0x1.2ee6511bf33f3p+395
++  v_result = 0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | 0x1.fffffep+127 | --
 +insn vledb07:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.939587831e-245 | -3.107359523e-197
-+  v_result = -4.243991581e-314 | -4.243991581e-314
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.9b113781789d9p-813 | -0x1.2950f56406c23p-653
++  v_result = -0x1p-149 | -- | -0x1p-149 | --
 +insn vledb07:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.077685530e+217 | -1.141363956e-21
-+  v_result = 1.404447761e+306 | -1.473815324e-170
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.651d480507cb1p+722 | -0x1.58f4c2418ebe6p-70
++  v_result = 0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | -0x1.58f4c4p-70 | --
 +insn wledb00:
-+  v_arg1   = 5.462326220e-78 | -7.633075151e+210
-+  v_result = 2.121995790e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.43d646747c59p-257 | -0x1.737c6f65a1694p+700
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb00:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.572760095e-100 | -6.927649059e+107
-+  v_result = -2.121995790e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.201dc5801fd3dp-331 | -0x1.2e0e52d09aa24p+358
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb00:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.940063725e+04 | 2.007483344e+236
-+  v_result = 1.762395614e+35 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.81f14646f0e21p+15 | 0x1.f918fd1d379ebp+784
++  v_result = 0x1.81f146p+15 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb00:
-+  v_arg1   = -5.371163827e-225 | -1.034752004e-58
-+  v_result = -2.121995790e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.fcf63412ffdffp-746 | -0x1.4c8e74fd72c5cp-193
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb01:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.678143261e+42 | 7.273145812e+151
-+  v_result = 1.404449100e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.ebe5b0e50a1bap+140 | 0x1.638103a5e01c9p+504
++  v_result = inf | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb01:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.894591175e+108 | -1.947724133e-23
-+  v_result = -1.404449100e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.9d0900d0d6914p+359 | -0x1.78bea0aa48f2p-76
++  v_result = -inf | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb01:
-+  v_arg1   = 7.546480806e-64 | 1.206296800e+94
-+  v_result = 2.121995790e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3de51688f1b6cp-210 | 0x1.721d2e08e7eadp+312
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb01:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.504134542e-201 | -1.675823209e-38
-+  v_result = -2.121995790e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.d796ceeae907ep-668 | -0x1.6cf64417450ddp-126
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb03:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.491195390e+31 | 5.835392408e+20
-+  v_result = 8.171191861e+248 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3a6edd4af7926p+104 | 0x1.fa23bd7d81cf7p+68
++  v_result = 0x1.3a6edep+104 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb03:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.944180648e+46 | -4.825025573e+92
-+  v_result = 1.404447761e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.4a0dd74061d1cp+154 | -0x1.d9bae342b4ee3p+307
++  v_result = 0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb03:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.635719877e-83 | -2.667226057e-251
-+  v_result = 4.243991581e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.99a06111419b7p-275 | -0x1.871938f8d69e6p-833
++  v_result = 0x1p-149 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb03:
-+  v_arg1   = -7.382411377e+43 | -1.487852560e-202
-+  v_result = -1.404447761e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a7bac92e920acp+145 | -0x1.752ff858cc562p-671
++  v_result = -0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb04:
-+  v_arg1   = -6.079083495e+259 | -6.061152290e+175
-+  v_result = -1.404449100e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.fa1544402b9cfp+862 | -0x1.ea203dae35299p+583
++  v_result = -inf | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb04:
-+  v_arg1   = 8.285804218e+77 | -5.371910723e+207
-+  v_result = 1.404449100e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c9f7f990a04cfp+258 | -0x1.0bb6e363b546ap+690
++  v_result = inf | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb04:
-+  v_arg1   = 6.115559462e-296 | 4.034824854e+186
-+  v_result = 2.121995790e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3ff6eeb9a76fdp-981 | 0x1.dac90e9ec2511p+619
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb04:
-+  v_arg1   = 8.064082156e+265 | 1.264491472e-180
-+  v_result = 1.404449100e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.401df3afc9905p+883 | 0x1.4fcf4a8bbf7e9p-598
++  v_result = inf | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb05:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.569563614e-145 | -4.578712590e-249
-+  v_result = 2.121995790e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.f5bcdeae2ceb1p-482 | -0x1.064234e9c8f2cp-825
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb05:
-+  v_arg1   = 5.733553694e-42 | -3.117163510e+66
-+  v_result = 8.683206776e-311 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.ff73387320bacp-138 | -0x1.d99679d700cbp+220
++  v_result = 0x1.ff6p-138 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb05:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.063794741e+276 | 1.252019705e-81
-+  v_result = 1.404447761e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.eb9c782bd9d3bp+916 | 0x1.30084fbc69faap-269
++  v_result = 0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb05:
-+  v_arg1   = -6.106439971e+211 | 2.252730918e-238
-+  v_result = -1.404447761e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.737c1f102e804p+703 | 0x1.7787f359d506ep-790
++  v_result = -0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb06:
-+  v_arg1   = -3.010722565e-201 | -3.191508337e-263
-+  v_result = -2.121995790e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.d7f9453ee23c9p-667 | -0x1.01459401fc02bp-872
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 5.844267882e+56 | 3.156680540e+29
-+  v_result = 1.404449100e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7d5b34b9d1d2cp+188 | 0x1.fdfd3f465e2b2p+97
++  v_result = inf | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 7.676226741e+151 | 9.775922973e-65
-+  v_result = 1.404449100e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7734c6119fb6cp+504 | 0x1.4972ad038c12ep-213
++  v_result = inf | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb06:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.813462890e+239 | 9.516428612e-01
-+  v_result = 1.404449100e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.d480ec418f825p+795 | 0x1.e73dbbacd3fecp-1
++  v_result = inf | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb07:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.212701275e-154 | 6.503210584e-121
-+  v_result = 2.121995790e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7bbe60bc02413p-511 | 0x1.ade60bc87d013p-400
++  v_result = 0x0p+0 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb07:
-+  v_arg1   = -5.694456664e+108 | 7.837975564e-136
-+  v_result = -1.404449100e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.365bcf06526cdp+361 | 0x1.23aefc8b7436bp-449
++  v_result = -inf | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb07:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.713043195e-303 | -5.312083638e-17
-+  v_result = -4.243991581e-314 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.9db391449fb8dp-1005 | -0x1.e9f40755e7a19p-55
++  v_result = -0x1p-149 | -- | -- | --
 +insn wledb07:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.458668508e+100 | 7.841231794e+281
-+  v_result = 1.404447761e+306 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.46282bf59b5e5p+334 | 0x1.59946c0e82d5fp+936
++  v_result = 0x1.fffffep+127 | -- | -- | --
 +insn vldeb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.698091888e-251 | -2.166269797e-85
-+  v_result = -8.964299348e-32 | -4.977969078e-11
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.8b9fd9ef53d8ap-833 | -0x1.aeef3cdf1ac5fp-282
++  v_result = -0x1.d173fap-104 | -0x1.b5dde6p-35
 +insn vldeb:
-+  v_arg1   = 6.497433512e-130 | 9.219213407e-87
-+  v_result = 1.360234592e-16 | 3.327379691e-11
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.cd30a83a7130bp-430 | 0x1.256f7a4029ad8p-286
++  v_result = 0x1.39a614p-53 | 0x1.24adeep-35
 +insn vldeb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.762440973e-110 | 9.451306781e-197
-+  v_result = -3.921497255e-14 | 6.083001596e-25
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.09bc929ea0999p-364 | 0x1.c4281f653b3e6p-652
++  v_result = -0x1.613792p-45 | 0x1.788502p-81
 +insn vldeb:
-+  v_arg1   = -3.491935257e+167 | -2.295650476e-260
-+  v_result = -1.694212662e+21 | -6.480261583e-33
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.7afd9ede30cbfp+556 | -0x1.696fbd68a88c4p-863
++  v_result = -0x1.6f5fb2p+70 | -0x1.0d2df6p-107
 +insn wldeb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.053299582e-131 | 1.428160191e+231
-+  v_result = -8.896909823e-17 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.d26169729db2ap-435 | 0x1.d6fd080793e8cp+767
++  v_result = -0x1.9a4c2cp-54 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wldeb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.155011920e-280 | 4.822954718e-51
-+  v_result = -2.099849757e-35 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.f4b59107fce61p-930 | 0x1.cdf2816e253f4p-168
++  v_result = -0x1.be96b2p-116 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wldeb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.793014366e-133 | -2.147990293e-231
-+  v_result = -5.060532830e-17 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.9603a2997928cp-441 | -0x1.aada85e355a11p-767
++  v_result = -0x1.d2c074p-55 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wldeb:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.993557570e+186 | 6.075971627e-27
-+  v_result = 4.211466251e+23 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.25ccf5bd0e83p+620 | 0x1.e1635864ebb17p-88
++  v_result = 0x1.64b99ep+78 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vflcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.114633658e-50 | -6.085871555e-58
-+  v_result = -1.114633658e-50 | 6.085871555e-58
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0ae6d82f76afp-166 | -0x1.e8fb1e03a7415p-191
++  v_result = -0x1.0ae6d82f76afp-166 | 0x1.e8fb1e03a7415p-191
 +insn vflcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 8.509948164e+05 | 1.699969908e-289
-+  v_result = -8.509948164e+05 | -1.699969908e-289
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.9f865a209464cp+19 | 0x1.a81bca7f2dbbcp-960
++  v_result = -0x1.9f865a209464cp+19 | -0x1.a81bca7f2dbbcp-960
 +insn vflcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 6.023236037e-02 | 2.296236906e+252
-+  v_result = -6.023236037e-02 | -2.296236906e+252
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.ed6c6a3ed0163p-5 | 0x1.40b73b91e5a17p+838
++  v_result = -0x1.ed6c6a3ed0163p-5 | -0x1.40b73b91e5a17p+838
 +insn vflcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.697319935e-91 | 2.700296999e+119
-+  v_result = -2.697319935e-91 | -2.700296999e+119
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.19520153d35b4p-301 | 0x1.ac5325cd23253p+396
++  v_result = -0x1.19520153d35b4p-301 | -0x1.ac5325cd23253p+396
 +insn wflcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.396231918e-250 | -1.420002551e+44
-+  v_result = -1.396231918e-250 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.ffd3eecfd54d7p-831 | -0x1.97854fa523a77p+146
++  v_result = -0x1.ffd3eecfd54d7p-831 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wflcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.157606164e-133 | 5.323741307e+175
-+  v_result = 1.157606164e-133 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.508ea45606447p-442 | 0x1.ae7f0e6cf9d2bp+583
++  v_result = 0x1.508ea45606447p-442 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wflcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.671589186e+28 | 8.619391787e-244
-+  v_result = -3.671589186e+28 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.da8ab2188c21ap+94 | 0x1.78a9c152aa074p-808
++  v_result = -0x1.da8ab2188c21ap+94 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wflcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.819581845e-302 | -1.796844926e-79
-+  v_result = 4.819581845e-302 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.086882645e0c5p-1001 | -0x1.54e2de5af5a74p-262
++  v_result = 0x1.086882645e0c5p-1001 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vflndb:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.751271620e+246 | -4.781545627e+281
-+  v_result = -4.751271620e+246 | -4.781545627e+281
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.5bec561d407dcp+819 | -0x1.a5773dadb7a2dp+935
++  v_result = -0x1.5bec561d407dcp+819 | -0x1.a5773dadb7a2dp+935
 +insn vflndb:
-+  v_arg1   = -7.895303303e+292 | 4.181808977e-132
-+  v_result = -7.895303303e+292 | -4.181808977e-132
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.fa5a407a116cep+972 | 0x1.7bf005c15063dp-437
++  v_result = -0x1.fa5a407a116cep+972 | -0x1.7bf005c15063dp-437
 +insn vflndb:
-+  v_arg1   = -6.538884336e-300 | -2.583011768e-107
-+  v_result = -6.538884336e-300 | -2.583011768e-107
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.184242f0442acp-994 | -0x1.e54e17c7617a2p-355
++  v_result = -0x1.184242f0442acp-994 | -0x1.e54e17c7617a2p-355
 +insn vflndb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.913346745e-78 | 3.095513670e-251
-+  v_result = -1.913346745e-78 | -3.095513670e-251
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.c5bc39a06d4e2p-259 | 0x1.c5e61ad849e77p-833
++  v_result = -0x1.c5bc39a06d4e2p-259 | -0x1.c5e61ad849e77p-833
 +insn wflndb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.151873357e-35 | -2.128261154e-215
-+  v_result = -1.151873357e-35 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.e9f3e6d1beffap-117 | -0x1.d58cc8bf123b3p-714
++  v_result = -0x1.e9f3e6d1beffap-117 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wflndb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.215821342e-208 | 9.655382077e-234
-+  v_result = -1.215821342e-208 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.3fc4ef2e7485ep-691 | 0x1.eb328986081efp-775
++  v_result = -0x1.3fc4ef2e7485ep-691 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wflndb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.210045084e+07 | -1.002236531e-213
-+  v_result = -1.210045084e+07 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.7146c5afdec16p+23 | -0x1.597fcfa1fab2p-708
++  v_result = -0x1.7146c5afdec16p+23 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wflndb:
-+  v_arg1   = 8.536518593e-286 | 4.820296677e-36
-+  v_result = -8.536518593e-286 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.03f8d7e9afe84p-947 | 0x1.9a10c3feb6b57p-118
++  v_result = -0x1.03f8d7e9afe84p-947 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vflpdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.215332566e-123 | -5.562612862e+160
-+  v_result = 4.215332566e-123 | 5.562612862e+160
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.64ae59b6c762ep-407 | -0x1.fa7191ab21e86p+533
++  v_result = 0x1.64ae59b6c762ep-407 | 0x1.fa7191ab21e86p+533
 +insn vflpdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.273890588e-35 | -1.060214486e+241
-+  v_result = 2.273890588e-35 | 1.060214486e+241
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.e39a61250e473p-116 | -0x1.970a4244b7a3dp+800
++  v_result = 0x1.e39a61250e473p-116 | 0x1.970a4244b7a3dp+800
 +insn vflpdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.635848183e+79 | 2.621061998e-195
-+  v_result = 4.635848183e+79 | 2.621061998e-195
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.905c12e0e2c53p+264 | 0x1.87daa9c3e4967p-647
++  v_result = 0x1.905c12e0e2c53p+264 | 0x1.87daa9c3e4967p-647
 +insn vflpdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.279809631e+51 | 6.704771907e-292
-+  v_result = 2.279809631e+51 | 6.704771907e-292
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.85fa2de1d492ap+170 | 0x1.ac36828822c11p-968
++  v_result = 0x1.85fa2de1d492ap+170 | 0x1.ac36828822c11p-968
 +insn wflpdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.049009059e-262 | 3.530446378e-84
-+  v_result = 1.049009059e-262 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.a6cf677640a73p-871 | 0x1.b6f1792385922p-278
++  v_result = 0x1.a6cf677640a73p-871 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wflpdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -5.482790822e-58 | -3.875993337e-194
-+  v_result = 5.482790822e-58 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.b886774f6d888p-191 | -0x1.6a2b08d735d22p-643
++  v_result = 0x1.b886774f6d888p-191 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wflpdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 9.766470263e+283 | -1.367212748e-305
-+  v_result = 9.766470263e+283 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.5045d37d46f5fp+943 | -0x1.333a86ef2dcf6p-1013
++  v_result = 0x1.5045d37d46f5fp+943 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wflpdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 8.098776786e+75 | 1.447292028e-46
-+  v_result = 8.098776786e+75 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.1e7bec6ada14dp+252 | 0x1.a70b3f3e24dap-153
++  v_result = 0x1.1e7bec6ada14dp+252 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfadb:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.259925651e-89 | -9.924441632e+36
-+  v_arg2   = -9.113437066e+278 | 1.248570335e+204
-+  v_result = -9.113437066e+278 | 1.248570335e+204
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.5b1ad8e9f17c6p-294 | -0x1.ddd8300a0bf02p+122
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.9b49c31ca8ac6p+926 | 0x1.fdbc992926268p+677
++  v_result = -0x1.9b49c31ca8ac5p+926 | 0x1.fdbc992926267p+677
 +insn vfadb:
-+  v_arg1   = -5.895137888e+96 | -1.662961748e+57
-+  v_arg2   = 6.054475177e-198 | -4.866765308e+95
-+  v_result = -5.895137888e+96 | -4.866765308e+95
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.6144d24f60f19p+321 | -0x1.0f4885e73979ap+190
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.cf70ab6af95e5p-656 | -0x1.d2a10763bba9ep+317
++  v_result = -0x1.6144d24f60f18p+321 | -0x1.d2a10763bba9ep+317
 +insn vfadb:
-+  v_arg1   = -3.875108393e-253 | 4.217789560e-167
-+  v_arg2   = -1.941984410e+183 | 1.777451991e-26
-+  v_result = -1.941984410e+183 | 1.777451991e-26
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.6ba7d00ea2037p-839 | 0x1.3e5b07b555046p-553
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.d400afb20401fp+608 | 0x1.600f85fbc2774p-86
++  v_result = -0x1.d400afb20401fp+608 | 0x1.600f85fbc2774p-86
 +insn vfadb:
-+  v_arg1   = -8.007903519e+141 | -7.407594591e-163
-+  v_arg2   = 1.758294907e+155 | 4.800319656e+212
-+  v_result = 1.758294907e+155 | 4.800319656e+212
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.5039c4164f26bp+471 | -0x1.554272eaa3a01p-539
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.a3a594bc042dep+515 | 0x1.6d08aceb68682p+706
++  v_result = 0x1.a3a594bc0418dp+515 | 0x1.6d08aceb68681p+706
 +insn wfadb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.975003524e+147 | -1.517181339e+278
-+  v_arg2   = 3.102793875e-285 | 2.913321229e+301
-+  v_result = 1.975003524e+147 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3c5466cb80722p+489 | -0x1.11e1770053ca2p+924
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.d876cd721a726p-946 | 0x1.5c04ceb79c9bcp+1001
++  v_result = 0x1.3c5466cb80722p+489 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfadb:
-+  v_arg1   = 8.360780583e+173 | 1.322543627e+130
-+  v_arg2   = -2.452630856e-206 | -1.734795962e-252
-+  v_result = 8.360780583e+173 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.b0b142d6b76a3p+577 | 0x1.3146824e993a2p+432
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.f7f3b7582925fp-684 | -0x1.9700143c2b935p-837
++  v_result = 0x1.b0b142d6b76a2p+577 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfadb:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.388383981e+73 | 4.426788795e-43
-+  v_arg2   = -8.558850266e+144 | 1.011275065e+244
-+  v_result = -8.558850266e+144 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.8d65e15edabd6p+244 | 0x1.3be7fd08492d6p-141
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.5eef86490fb0ap+481 | 0x1.7b26c897cb6dfp+810
++  v_result = -0x1.5eef86490fb0ap+481 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfadb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.026678447e+10 | 8.955624510e-266
-+  v_arg2   = 4.940417777e+227 | -3.978941725e-186
-+  v_result = 4.940417777e+227 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.2dffa5b5f29p+34 | 0x1.71a026274602fp-881
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.4dad707287289p+756 | -0x1.1500d55807247p-616
++  v_result = 0x1.4dad707287288p+756 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 7.451375639e+193 | 2.001220815e-235
-+  v_arg2   = 9.984325696e+148 | -3.649389910e-91
-+  v_result = 7.451375639e+193 | 3.649389910e-91
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.054fd9c4d4883p+644 | 0x1.45c90ed85bd7fp-780
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.f3bc7a611dadap+494 | -0x1.7c9e1e858ba5bp-301
++  v_result = 0x1.054fd9c4d4882p+644 | 0x1.7c9e1e858ba5bp-301
 +insn vfsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.045829031e-70 | 1.513010077e-226
-+  v_arg2   = 1.346232903e-270 | 3.363028125e+155
-+  v_result = -2.045829031e-70 | -3.363028125e+155
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.697779c72f8a1p-232 | 0x1.cac8c6a6fbe36p-751
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.6c23630c5305bp-897 | 0x1.91525e7f72d26p+516
++  v_result = -0x1.697779c72f8a1p-232 | -0x1.91525e7f72d25p+516
 +insn vfsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 6.519119042e-218 | 1.969584649e-177
-+  v_arg2   = -3.789371037e+61 | 3.202715271e-104
-+  v_result = 3.789371037e+61 | -3.202715271e-104
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7033a03797d39p-722 | 0x1.fecd2799b8d1fp-588
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.794d0fc274286p+204 | 0x1.25d121c810391p-344
++  v_result = 0x1.794d0fc274286p+204 | -0x1.25d121c81039p-344
 +insn vfsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.095779942e+44 | 2.246049834e-04
-+  v_arg2   = -3.680570843e+106 | 4.727390154e-262
-+  v_result = 3.680570843e+106 | 2.246049834e-04
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3a79321b93187p+146 | 0x1.d707e1ddd2a26p-13
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.00c3f844d79b5p+354 | 0x1.dc5a03907c923p-869
++  v_result = 0x1.00c3f844d79b5p+354 | 0x1.d707e1ddd2a25p-13
 +insn wfsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.339666669e-195 | 1.214487515e+99
-+  v_arg2   = -2.210076021e+95 | 4.984601399e+12
-+  v_result = 2.210076021e+95 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.9090dabf846e7p-648 | 0x1.1c4ab843a2d15p+329
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.a7ceb293690dep+316 | 0x1.22245954a20cp+42
++  v_result = 0x1.a7ceb293690dep+316 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.798636245e-281 | -7.255618572e-20
-+  v_arg2   = -4.095598373e-47 | 1.127688122e-157
-+  v_result = 4.095598373e-47 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.4e5347c27819p-933 | -0x1.56a30bda28351p-64
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.dedb9f3935b56p-155 | 0x1.8c5b6ed76816cp-522
++  v_result = 0x1.dedb9f3935b56p-155 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.654364893e-148 | 3.815406135e-207
-+  v_arg2   = 1.087974347e+289 | -8.090545905e-80
-+  v_result = -1.087974347e+289 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0ec4e562a015bp-491 | 0x1.3996381b52d9fp-686
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.1dcce4e81819p+960 | -0x1.32fa425e8fc08p-263
++  v_result = -0x1.1dcce4e81818fp+960 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.566322333e-06 | 1.044472206e-236
-+  v_arg2   = -5.927152129e+159 | -3.628829140e-262
-+  v_result = 5.927152129e+159 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.587229f90f77dp-19 | 0x1.100d8eb8105e4p-784
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.afb4cce4c43ddp+530 | -0x1.6da7f05e7f512p-869
++  v_result = 0x1.afb4cce4c43dcp+530 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfmdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 7.221373687e-38 | 4.077773219e-198
-+  v_arg2   = 7.105764609e-81 | -1.114338612e-264
-+  v_result = 5.131338158e-118 | -0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.892b425556c47p-124 | 0x1.38222404079dfp-656
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.af612ed2c342dp-267 | -0x1.1f735fd6ce768p-877
++  v_result = 0x1.4b428afda35a7p-390 | -0x0p+0
 +insn vfmdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.328400199e-82 | 1.946233021e-137
-+  v_arg2   = -2.730257796e+235 | -1.029551562e-217
-+  v_result = 3.626875000e+153 | -0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.02106dba6feecp-272 | 0x1.cf890a91d4eefp-455
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.12c7fc909ffcbp+782 | -0x1.22bf2e2dd2204p-721
++  v_result = 0x1.14ff2ed0ce42bp+510 | -0x0p+0
 +insn vfmdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.793206151e+30 | 7.906597933e+245
-+  v_arg2   = -4.368790788e-41 | 1.069094067e+54
-+  v_result = 2.094051487e-10 | 8.452896946e+299
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.e3fd7999ca339p+101 | 0x1.cf2eff4ef5fd2p+816
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.e722ee73a2523p-135 | 0x1.652dfb0cc8dbfp+179
++  v_result = 0x1.cc7c9e66fd70ap-33 | 0x1.431fddc319ee2p+996
 +insn vfmdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.294497693e+219 | 1.229062173e+15
-+  v_arg2   = -1.880053790e+143 | -9.148762339e+169
-+  v_result = -1.797693134e+308 | -1.124439772e+185
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2aa65e0fe665dp+729 | 0x1.1774d58fb5c62p+50
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.ed5baf340bd7ep+475 | -0x1.83de646bb6511p+564
++  v_result = -0x1.fffffffffffffp+1023 | -0x1.a76863c8aab11p+614
 +insn wfmdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.298096132e-206 | -3.934242530e-150
-+  v_arg2   = 5.091335681e-08 | -4.240093317e+68
-+  v_result = -2.188305020e-213 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.b992d950126a1p-683 | -0x1.9c1b22eb58c59p-497
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.b557a7d8e32c3p-25 | -0x1.f746b2ddafccep+227
++  v_result = -0x1.792f6fb13894ap-707 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfmdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -7.074722335e+263 | 1.199298767e-194
-+  v_arg2   = 8.450016725e-305 | -2.251678302e-276
-+  v_result = -5.978152206e-41 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.677a8c20a5a2fp+876 | 0x1.c03e7b97e8c0dp-645
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.dab44be430937p-1011 | -0x1.3f51352c67be9p-916
++  v_result = -0x1.4d4b0a1827064p-134 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfmdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -5.364190063e+76 | 8.239661072e+290
-+  v_arg2   = 8.561988480e+64 | 4.009500651e+61
-+  v_result = -4.592813353e+141 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.da60f596ad0cep+254 | 0x1.52332e0650e33p+966
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.a042c52ed993cp+215 | 0x1.8f380c84aa133p+204
++  v_result = -0x1.81aca4bbcbd24p+470 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfmdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -9.938490277e-142 | -3.393630118e-109
-+  v_arg2   = 1.471367221e-211 | -5.121088576e+179
-+  v_result = -0.000000000e+00 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.83d17f11f6aa3p-469 | -0x1.98117efe89b9ep-361
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.8c445fd46d214p-701 | -0x1.f98118821821cp+596
++  v_result = -0x0p+0 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfddb:
-+  v_arg1   = -9.603647854e+291 | 1.709696656e-06
-+  v_arg2   = -6.497417830e+62 | 2.167128020e+145
-+  v_result = 1.478071459e+229 | 7.889227773e-152
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.ecbb48899e0f1p+969 | 0x1.caf175ab352p-20
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.9455d67f9f79dp+208 | 0x1.bc4a431b04a6fp+482
++  v_result = 0x1.37f78f2cbe546p+761 | 0x1.087170c12984cp-502
 +insn vfddb:
-+  v_arg1   = 5.165593907e-100 | 1.049023221e+165
-+  v_arg2   = 7.024091349e-65 | -1.080284051e+42
-+  v_result = 7.354109806e-36 | -9.710623971e+122
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.213d83f7082d8p-330 | 0x1.237737a5fa7a6p+548
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.d96c3df5d6415p-214 | -0x1.8cd56c8cef818p+139
++  v_result = 0x1.38cf2a1e99e53p-117 | -0x1.780d86d7eff49p+408
 +insn vfddb:
-+  v_arg1   = 5.822985653e-276 | -1.536810724e-301
-+  v_arg2   = 4.214240762e-273 | -7.865615856e+296
-+  v_result = 1.381740147e-03 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.9ce332231f317p-915 | -0x1.a58e84e32263ep-1000
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.23d041c374ad6p-905 | -0x1.33e41797e24ep+986
++  v_result = 0x1.6a3702fbc252cp-10 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfddb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.285414065e-103 | 7.076318510e-247
-+  v_arg2   = -1.465795040e+96 | 2.664208156e+128
-+  v_result = 8.769398381e-200 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.26cf3de11efccp-342 | 0x1.3ca733ce42f94p-818
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.5f5a8f87a6e19p+319 | 0x1.8993c56b2ba2dp+426
++  v_result = 0x1.ad9a43954644bp-662 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfddb:
-+  v_arg1   = 8.374830339e-35 | 7.344444003e-16
-+  v_arg2   = -1.055595553e-121 | -4.710488974e-293
-+  v_result = -7.933749163e+86 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.bd48489b60731p-114 | 0x1.a760dcf57b74fp-51
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.171f83409eeb6p-402 | -0x1.e159d1409bdc6p-972
++  v_result = -0x1.9864f1511f8cp+288 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfddb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.876871152e-192 | -1.150035064e+82
-+  v_arg2   = -9.261063073e+89 | 3.812904802e-137
-+  v_result = 2.026626033e-282 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.120505ef4606p-637 | -0x1.83f6f775c0eb7p+272
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.d18ba3872fde1p+298 | 0x1.c60f8d191068cp-454
++  v_result = 0x1.2d5cdb15a686cp-936 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfddb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.238064503e-29 | -1.164276299e+57
-+  v_arg2   = -2.638722597e-66 | -5.824755244e-106
-+  v_result = -4.691908518e+36 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.f637f7f8c790fp-97 | -0x1.7bdce4d74947p+189
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.1c8f2d1b3a2edp-218 | -0x1.55fdfd1840241p-350
++  v_result = -0x1.c3d0799c1420fp+121 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfddb:
-+  v_arg1   = -3.210236365e+75 | 4.406735706e-38
-+  v_arg2   = 2.308593293e+189 | 1.768700925e-245
-+  v_result = -1.390559512e-114 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.c63b7b2eee253p+250 | 0x1.dfd9dcd8b823fp-125
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.094a1f1f87e0cp+629 | 0x1.eeaa23c0d7843p-814
++  v_result = -0x1.b653a10ebdeccp-379 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfsqdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.660398830e-212 | -1.629766426e+190
-+  v_result = 2.158795689e-106 | nan
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.f60db25f7066p-703 | -0x1.d43509abca8c3p+631
++  v_result = 0x1.fb009ab25ec11p-352 | nan
 +insn vfsqdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -6.112512022e-263 | 9.043888843e-88
-+  v_result = nan | 3.007305911e-44
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.ecbce2bb2e245p-872 | 0x1.cc9173d132a3bp-290
++  v_result = nan | 0x1.575fa6778042ep-145
 +insn vfsqdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.046267132e-62 | -3.978617665e-113
-+  v_result = 1.745355875e-31 | nan
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.9102ffd19ccb3p-205 | -0x1.87e9ee7454345p-374
++  v_result = 0x1.c51ecb6cc318p-103 | nan
 +insn vfsqdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.872495768e+150 | -2.462414979e+276
-+  v_result = 1.368391672e+75 | nan
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.24e1d7ad32eb5p+499 | -0x1.1c7d22b78039bp+918
++  v_result = 0x1.833dba0954bccp+249 | nan
 +insn wfsqdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 9.016116890e+144 | -2.986586314e-265
-+  v_result = 3.002684946e+72 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.71af4e7f64978p+481 | -0x1.3429dc60011d7p-879
++  v_result = 0x1.b30fc65551133p+240 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfsqdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.590421718e+52 | 5.171736977e+32
-+  v_result = 1.261119232e+26 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.5410db1c5f403p+173 | 0x1.97fa6581e692fp+108
++  v_result = 0x1.a144f43a592c1p+86 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfsqdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -8.605469690e+01 | 2.020863316e+170
-+  v_result = nan | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.5838027725afep+6 | 0x1.ac61529c11f38p+565
++  v_result = nan | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfsqdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -7.639053161e-133 | 3.116600749e-173
-+  v_result = nan | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.159e341dcc06ep-439 | 0x1.ed54ce5481ba5p-574
++  v_result = nan | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfmadb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.725764103e+162 | 1.194650762e+231
-+  v_arg2   = -2.489705238e+215 | 2.689558029e+229
-+  v_arg3   = 1.275911836e+107 | 4.755088845e-282
-+  v_result = 1.797693134e+308 | 1.797693134e+308
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.eb00a5c503d75p+538 | 0x1.89fae603ddc07p+767
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.71c72712c3957p+715 | 0x1.1bd5773442feap+762
++  v_arg3   = 0x1.bd0daed56ada5p+355 | 0x1.618b7cfa37a8bp-935
++  v_result = 0x1.fffffffffffffp+1023 | 0x1.fffffffffffffp+1023
 +insn vfmadb:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.892817144e-119 | -3.508423938e+180
-+  v_arg2   = 2.226352128e-08 | -2.146371031e+05
-+  v_arg3   = 6.689152543e-299 | 1.752893113e+121
-+  v_result = 6.440429607e-127 | 7.530379509e+185
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2acc8fc4a8115p-394 | -0x1.b0e5a531a368ep+599
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.7e7c008b06eb6p-26 | -0x1.a3368d351c861p+17
++  v_arg3   = 0x1.665fcd4adbb82p-991 | 0x1.b27284ea351eap+402
++  v_result = 0x1.be6dfa3f5b30dp-420 | 0x1.62720e4cb1583p+617
 +insn vfmadb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.846559434e-95 | 8.425888605e+39
-+  v_arg2   = 1.676722347e+94 | -2.689514863e-226
-+  v_arg3   = -1.847527318e-254 | 3.785211040e+83
-+  v_result = -4.772889818e-01 | 3.785211040e+83
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.e66ac8a348fedp-315 | 0x1.8c2ef1e0615c5p+132
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.01397e671d7fdp+313 | -0x1.97c403198fa76p-750
++  v_arg3   = -0x1.1568273c73bf1p-843 | 0x1.8f0b6073eadccp+277
++  v_result = -0x1.e8be715f14671p-2 | 0x1.8f0b6073eadcbp+277
 +insn vfmadb:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.352566868e+212 | 3.063362691e+209
-+  v_arg2   = 5.441874533e-219 | -5.794019666e-177
-+  v_arg3   = 6.984700416e+30 | -3.701065630e-197
-+  v_result = 6.984700416e+30 | -1.774918368e+33
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.4afc3142483f9p+706 | 0x1.dd14885973858p+695
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.ebc6146439945p-726 | -0x1.77a97fce9117p-586
++  v_arg3   = 0x1.60a3231346326p+102 | -0x1.621f717816614p-653
++  v_result = 0x1.60a3231346325p+102 | -0x1.5e0a7a3b97e9bp+110
 +insn wfmadb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.362369079e+201 | -3.828344234e+185
-+  v_arg2   = -5.477005627e+203 | -2.412880331e+179
-+  v_arg3   = -1.160994057e-244 | -1.564090733e-168
-+  v_result = -1.797693134e+308 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.1cc5b10a14d54p+668 | -0x1.686407390f7d1p+616
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.bf34549e73246p+676 | -0x1.dc5a34cc470f3p+595
++  v_arg3   = -0x1.95e0fdcf13974p-811 | -0x1.79c7cc1a8ec83p-558
++  v_result = -0x1.fffffffffffffp+1023 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfmadb:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.638108816e+214 | -9.276248753e+114
-+  v_arg2   = -4.153409483e-233 | 4.301692291e+277
-+  v_arg3   = -1.459895630e-306 | 6.247623456e+113
-+  v_result = -1.926396514e-18 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.138bc1a5d75f8p+713 | -0x1.e226ebba2fe54p+381
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.081ebb7cc3414p-772 | 0x1.369d99e174fc3p+922
++  v_arg3   = -0x1.0671c682a5d0cp-1016 | 0x1.03c9530dd0377p+378
++  v_result = -0x1.1c4933e117d95p-59 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfmadb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.006326709e+19 | -1.645650707e-136
-+  v_arg2   = -3.495473314e-20 | 8.372809353e-122
-+  v_arg3   = -1.155942031e+30 | 2.530283583e-290
-+  v_result = -1.155942031e+30 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.166f0b1fad67bp+64 | -0x1.e9ee8d32e1069p-452
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.4a235bdd109e2p-65 | 0x1.bacaa96fc7e81p-403
++  v_arg3   = -0x1.d2e19acf7c4bdp+99 | 0x1.f901130f685adp-963
++  v_result = -0x1.d2e19acf7c4bcp+99 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfmadb:
-+  v_arg1   = -5.612166170e-298 | -1.665524984e-62
-+  v_arg2   = -1.210446896e+222 | 3.768728017e+15
-+  v_arg3   = 4.278783524e+56 | -1.519979365e+167
-+  v_result = 4.278783524e+56 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.77d7bfec863d2p-988 | -0x1.b68029700c6b1p-206
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.aca05ad00aec1p+737 | 0x1.ac746bd7e216bp+51
++  v_arg3   = 0x1.17342292078b4p+188 | -0x1.49efaf9392301p+555
++  v_result = 0x1.17342292078b4p+188 | 0x0p+0
 +insn vfmsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.803108342e+10 | 6.532042297e-34
-+  v_arg2   = 2.255448620e-80 | 8.657756711e+220
-+  v_arg3   = 3.762649361e-305 | -8.823304468e+294
-+  v_result = -6.322266842e-70 | 8.823304468e+294
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a1b218e84e61p+34 | 0x1.b220f0d144daep-111
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.564fcc2527961p-265 | 0x1.ea85a4154721ep+733
++  v_arg3   = 0x1.a6c16c3dc593cp-1012 | -0x1.ba15ae51a252bp+979
++  v_result = -0x1.1743102949c9bp-230 | 0x1.ba15ae51a252bp+979
 +insn vfmsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 6.447673500e+181 | -2.403728022e+201
-+  v_arg2   = -6.288659967e+43 | 2.293872874e+26
-+  v_arg3   = -9.337458878e-158 | -8.661706564e+161
-+  v_result = -4.054722623e+225 | -5.513846509e+227
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.f13a61419bc27p+603 | -0x1.f671d1b532c7fp+668
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.68f38da70d3cdp+145 | 0x1.7b7d4b8a38256p+87
++  v_arg3   = -0x1.4830d858cdf7dp-522 | -0x1.ecdfb36fb2682p+537
++  v_result = -0x1.5e89932819567p+749 | -0x1.746835a6a3d29p+756
 +insn vfmsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.588354637e+82 | -2.452631111e+01
-+  v_arg2   = 5.539451561e-229 | 1.648561022e-58
-+  v_arg3   = 2.708682437e+181 | 4.256377497e+172
-+  v_result = -2.708682437e+181 | -4.256377497e+172
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.82f8829619ba4p+274 | -0x1.886bc5356fc9fp+4
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.ae0143a6fff31p-759 | 0x1.08e9ddebff9acp-192
++  v_arg3   = 0x1.a1c5f6283d74p+602 | 0x1.60722d2eadabcp+573
++  v_result = -0x1.a1c5f6283d74p+602 | -0x1.60722d2eadabcp+573
 +insn vfmsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.596331172e-71 | -1.742948325e+05
-+  v_arg2   = 3.111748151e-179 | 2.151047890e-123
-+  v_arg3   = -3.126475221e+108 | 3.206777376e+146
-+  v_result = 3.126475221e+108 | -3.206777376e+146
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.6efc50de44d76p-235 | -0x1.546b6a9202facp+17
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.023eb4e92d296p-593 | 0x1.6c05c52e8d255p-408
++  v_arg3   = -0x1.54cc2efc022a8p+360 | 0x1.9ae520664c8abp+486
++  v_result = 0x1.54cc2efc022a7p+360 | -0x1.9ae520664c8abp+486
 +insn wfmsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.148162989e-30 | -5.660356238e-63
-+  v_arg2   = -5.814460142e-275 | 5.269711154e+95
-+  v_arg3   = 6.805983740e+295 | 7.206720198e+236
-+  v_result = -6.805983740e+295 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.7499a639673a6p-100 | -0x1.2a0d737e6cb1cp-207
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.01ad4670a7aa3p-911 | 0x1.f94385e1021e8p+317
++  v_arg3   = 0x1.aa42b2bb17af9p+982 | 0x1.c550e471711p+786
++  v_result = -0x1.aa42b2bb17af8p+982 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfmsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 4.788815267e+150 | -1.034853279e+179
-+  v_arg2   = 6.215462126e-26 | -1.001782626e+243
-+  v_arg3   = -4.209812930e-106 | -3.083158186e+14
-+  v_result = 2.976469992e+125 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.76840f99b431ep+500 | -0x1.989a500c92c08p+594
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.33c657cb8385cp-84 | -0x1.2c795ad92ce17p+807
++  v_arg3   = -0x1.ee58a39f02d54p-351 | -0x1.18695ed9a280ap+48
++  v_result = 0x1.c242894a0068p+416 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfmsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -7.146138375e-142 | -3.154194200e+207
-+  v_arg2   = 1.213522328e-162 | 2.796919016e-280
-+  v_arg3   = 6.466267074e-66 | -1.900669946e-07
-+  v_result = -6.466267074e-66 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.16db07e054a65p-469 | -0x1.3a627ab99c6e4p+689
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.17872eae826e5p-538 | 0x1.44ed513fb5873p-929
++  v_arg3   = 0x1.5ca912008e077p-217 | -0x1.982a6f7359876p-23
++  v_result = -0x1.5ca912008e077p-217 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfmsdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -9.700991790e+36 | 3.701959958e+154
-+  v_arg2   = -2.666884687e+166 | 2.434688677e-226
-+  v_arg3   = 2.963099619e-58 | -5.406623875e+111
-+  v_result = 2.587142645e+203 | 0.000000000e+00
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.d315f4a932c6p+122 | 0x1.616a04493e143p+513
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.cf1cd3516f23fp+552 | 0x1.7121749c3932cp-750
++  v_arg3   = 0x1.dc26d92304d7fp-192 | -0x1.1fc3cca9ec20ep+371
++  v_result = 0x1.a67ca6ba395bcp+675 | 0x0p+0
 +insn wfcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 3.332920378e-191 | -1.900641299e-141
-+  v_arg2   = -1.180177621e-05 | -3.345606043e+171
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.302001b736011p-633 | -0x1.72d5300225c97p-468
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.8c007c5aba108p-17 | -0x1.bb3f9ae136acdp+569
 +  r_result = 0000000000000002
 +insn wfcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -4.707272313e-133 | -8.899012275e-185
-+  v_arg2   = 1.665380738e-91 | 8.172676374e+59
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.56248d3fff55ap-440 | -0x1.83340f6a06bedp-612
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.5b62caabf4e3ep-302 | 0x1.0465808809e02p+199
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn wfcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 2.981122897e-292 | 4.259903229e+238
-+  v_arg2   = -2.559918727e-72 | -2.269813902e+183
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7cca43b8250bap-969 | 0x1.a2ae4e71459b3p+792
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.2178959d8e9fbp-238 | -0x1.1180e41cc8654p+609
 +  r_result = 0000000000000002
 +insn wfcdb:
-+  v_arg1   = 1.599823550e-233 | 1.205066691e+135
-+  v_arg2   = -7.298043711e-221 | -1.403144890e+72
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.96f03c4f3ec0dp-774 | 0x1.a86fcf7f54875p+448
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.a61696da8f939p-732 | -0x1.969b12babcde9p+239
 +  r_result = 0000000000000002
 +insn wfkdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -5.166748518e-92 | 5.573084181e+84
-+  v_arg2   = -7.641901728e-150 | 4.113501001e+199
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.af19141b6194ep-304 | 0x1.6f34172e4ec9ap+281
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.903d268d15b8dp-496 | 0x1.132593e7a3848p+663
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn wfkdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -2.591024788e-295 | -4.460292430e+79
-+  v_arg2   = -4.086609351e+219 | 2.302865503e-153
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.52e78ae61bf57p-979 | -0x1.8132c8874542ap+264
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.7274a70a201eep+729 | 0x1.ee05a55085e12p-508
 +  r_result = 0000000000000002
 +insn wfkdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.069680115e-08 | -4.180119649e-169
-+  v_arg2   = -2.632581524e-204 | 3.714040841e-132
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.6f8a0ed73189ep-27 | -0x1.93db112e3a289p-560
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.a699712dab56fp-677 | 0x1.5170475506fc8p-437
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn wfkdb:
-+  v_arg1   = -1.956078167e+104 | -4.307756680e-305
-+  v_arg2   = 3.046339477e+267 | 9.305929470e-98
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.5d56e841d7af8p+346 | -0x1.e40064ce1ce3bp-1012
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.79e790363d4ffp+888 | 0x1.97168873bee8ap-323
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn vfcedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 4.255056885e+11 | 5.027679644e-247
-+  v_arg2   = -1.433392304e+275 | 1.900865854e-69
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.8c48762fd0b58p+38 | 0x1.c1f5c994768a1p-819
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.08f71db17132ep+914 | 0x1.a3d14196177d5p-229
 +insn vfcedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.237904063e+22 | 2.094121109e+107
-+  v_arg2   = -5.917178259e+40 | 6.697769970e-35
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.4f88d97dc8b9p+73 | 0x1.6d3a343e053bap+356
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.5bc7cd97d3ee9p+135 | 0x1.641d521c77b43p-114
 +insn vfcedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -3.374213249e-149 | -3.625622909e-25
-+  v_arg2   = -4.620512928e-198 | 1.704128688e-264
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.b9ce020750f0dp-494 | -0x1.c0d4939228ce1p-82
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.61ad6a28bf43bp-656 | 0x1.b7973bba1ff4dp-877
 +insn vfcedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 6.430051476e+187 | -1.362415875e-182
-+  v_arg2   = -1.094473459e+133 | -8.039072172e+243
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.d8e5c9930c19dp+623 | -0x1.cf1facff4e194p-605
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.ed6ba02646d0dp+441 | -0x1.2d677e710620bp+810
 +insn wfcedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.438834737e-133 | 4.862103420e-155
-+  v_arg2   = -2.342193323e-207 | -2.810268613e-271
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a252009e1a12cp-442 | 0x1.4dc608268bb29p-513
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.81020aa1a36e6p-687 | -0x1.300e64ce414f1p-899
 +insn wfcedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.774615426e-53 | -1.202219821e+269
-+  v_arg2   = 4.439637438e-265 | 1.589530135e+164
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.cec439a8d4781p-175 | -0x1.d20e3b281d599p+893
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.ca17cf16cf0aap-879 | 0x1.61506f8596092p+545
 +insn wfcedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.032641639e+264 | 3.957875699e-205
-+  v_arg2   = -1.016083961e-304 | -2.427439899e+173
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0659f5f24a004p+877 | 0x1.fc46867ed0338p-680
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.1d6849587155ep-1010 | -0x1.f68171edc235fp+575
 +insn wfcedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 4.259682164e-246 | 1.714513882e+256
-+  v_arg2   = 9.726506298e-247 | -8.273010615e+236
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.dc88a0d46ad79p-816 | 0x1.245140dcaed79p+851
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.b33e977c7b3ep-818 | -0x1.04319d7c69367p+787
 +insn vfcedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.043462719e-150 | -1.208393539e+107
-+  v_arg2   = 4.898230754e+08 | -1.437764286e-43
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.ac196c30148c5p-498 | -0x1.a58093963d1aep+355
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.d321b63762fb1p+28 | -0x1.9a68be31efa17p-143
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vfcedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.462469626e-136 | 1.690344995e+304
-+  v_arg2   = -2.296009343e+293 | 9.961563640e+200
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.b3657c390dfa7p-452 | 0x1.8a62662f245c4p+1010
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.70208c68a03aep+974 | 0x1.a0729665a79fap+667
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vfcedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.663531686e-255 | -4.693276092e+285
-+  v_arg2   = 4.342340132e-154 | -3.713096528e+295
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3ff1b361c377ep-846 | -0x1.f8fcaa95ff309p+948
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.749db766981d1p-510 | -0x1.d11abab1dc779p+981
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vfcedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.109673769e-211 | -2.127030814e+142
-+  v_arg2   = 1.470146837e+100 | -2.744379897e+247
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2adb2ed7d2b08p-701 | -0x1.be89092fe5ce8p+472
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.ae2c06ea88ff4p+332 | -0x1.f668ce4f8ef9ap+821
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn wfcedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.078388601e-300 | 6.994780763e+298
-+  v_arg2   = -1.793122040e+34 | 3.588324357e-237
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.645261bf86b1fp-996 | 0x1.abd13c95397aap+992
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.ba09e8fc66a8cp+113 | 0x1.75dbfe92c16c4p-786
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn wfcedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.534168809e+125 | -1.140940472e-24
-+  v_arg2   = -4.701073452e+217 | 2.644629392e-185
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.d02831d003e7dp+415 | -0x1.611a9dfd10f36p-80
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.10bda62f4647p+723 | 0x1.cc47af6653378p-614
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn wfcedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 4.548266507e-97 | -1.693375093e-41
-+  v_arg2   = 2.575050428e+03 | -5.005791233e-137
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.f168f32f84178p-321 | -0x1.79a2a0b9549d1p-136
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.41e19d1cfa692p+11 | -0x1.2a0ed6e7fd517p-453
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn wfcedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.741654936e+56 | -8.476892260e-164
-+  v_arg2   = 2.807532236e-301 | -2.184401870e+24
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.76a9144ee26c5p+188 | -0x1.386aaea2d9cddp-542
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.810fcf222efc4p-999 | -0x1.ce90a9a43e2a1p+80
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vfchdb:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -2.446148841e-213 | 3.649413095e+162
-+  v_arg2   = -2.886224874e+259 | -7.430068370e+108
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a5a0d9e617637p-707 | 0x1.039393f56f89cp+540
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.e08e4bda75373p+861 | -0x1.94f3e6b2a5373p+361
 +insn vfchdb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 2.449175857e-135 | 9.192781439e+251
-+  v_arg2   = 1.314909013e-114 | 1.607743982e-06
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c7b84b4fa508p-448 | 0x1.00ca9b4b8a0ecp+837
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.9e7afd1c5fe6dp-379 | 0x1.af9353417f907p-20
 +insn vfchdb:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.553551083e-144 | -4.750259764e-205
-+  v_arg2   = -1.690132403e-85 | 2.468997847e-148
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.15637df5529edp-476 | -0x1.3104698aaf00bp-679
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.503783453ef9dp-282 | 0x1.94198721f3bb6p-491
 +insn vfchdb:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 8.985832908e+284 | -8.191728814e-281
-+  v_arg2   = 6.374104669e+147 | 1.886555182e-77
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.82be31fb88a2dp+946 | -0x1.7ca9e9ff31953p-931
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.fe75a1052beccp+490 | 0x1.179d18543d678p-255
 +insn wfchdb:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.189297579e-140 | -2.085951585e+61
-+  v_arg2   = -3.042592032e-203 | 2.184549783e+142
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0af85d8d8d609p-464 | -0x1.9f639a686e0fep+203
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.3142b77b55761p-673 | 0x1.ca9c474339da1p+472
 +insn wfchdb:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.876610600e+64 | 4.709894330e+283
-+  v_arg2   = -7.191917489e+282 | -4.270870228e-131
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.6cf16959a022bp+213 | 0x1.445606e4363e1p+942
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.8c343201bbd2p+939 | -0x1.e5095ad0c37a4p-434
 +insn wfchdb:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.694953458e-16 | -7.001301972e+162
-+  v_arg2   = 2.823321610e-53 | -5.426421831e+17
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.36b4fc9cf5bdap-52 | -0x1.f1fd95cbcd533p+540
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.5a2362891c9edp-175 | -0x1.e1f68c319e5d2p+58
 +insn wfchdb:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.460426097e+244 | 2.138111190e+137
-+  v_arg2   = -8.094822172e-47 | 4.502838235e-293
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.11c6489f544bbp+811 | 0x1.262a740ec3d47p+456
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.d9394d354e989p-154 | 0x1.cc21b3094391ap-972
 +insn vfchdbs:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 6.505442675e+279 | 1.126582939e-249
-+  v_arg2   = 2.012396053e+256 | -1.201449758e+222
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.6efcb54fbf69p+929 | 0x1.021ce0bff3c4cp-827
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.571ae4a8be152p+851 | -0x1.a970c1164e0c9p+737
 +  r_result = 0000000000000000
 +insn vfchdbs:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.455618689e-134 | -4.637565356e-200
-+  v_arg2   = -5.458548053e-89 | 1.538399565e-193
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.528f5ccfc3efbp-445 | -0x1.c660b9810c512p-663
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.bcc535b108e06p-294 | 0x1.675d8eddf5a4ap-641
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn vfchdbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -9.187972591e+25 | -5.556874111e+190
-+  v_arg2   = -7.951619909e-152 | -1.105003869e+111
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.300127b01433ap+86 | -0x1.8f19f65e5e3c6p+633
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.0a88d3c279f7fp-502 | -0x1.d68196f88bde5p+368
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vfchdbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.788075539e+287 | -7.071763125e+240
-+  v_arg2   = 4.548189589e+111 | 9.701092469e-263
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.e68d08fc23febp+955 | -0x1.0f80357b376b4p+800
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.e426748435a76p+370 | 0x1.8702527d17783p-871
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn wfchdbs:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.246454913e+192 | 2.354065483e+211
-+  v_arg2   = 3.603066073e+156 | -1.547463904e+104
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.6c51b9f6442c8p+639 | 0x1.1e6b37adff703p+702
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.0cba9c1c75e43p+520 | -0x1.145d44ed90967p+346
 +  r_result = 0000000000000000
 +insn wfchdbs:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 6.473697621e+245 | -3.443807764e-206
-+  v_arg2   = -4.902289457e-234 | 1.453395310e+172
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7b3dd643bf36bp+816 | -0x1.61ce7bfb9307ap-683
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.f2c998dc15c9ap-776 | 0x1.e16397f2dcdf5p+571
 +  r_result = 0000000000000000
 +insn wfchdbs:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.307898289e-261 | -1.079399332e+247
-+  v_arg2   = -6.823669292e-11 | -1.287328328e-131
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.cc3be81884e0ap-865 | -0x1.8b353bd41064p+820
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.2c1bafaafdd4ep-34 | -0x1.24666808ab16ep-435
 +  r_result = 0000000000000000
 +insn wfchdbs:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.040852521e+167 | 1.095763951e-240
-+  v_arg2   = -9.818593942e-250 | 1.395970479e-237
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c3de33d3b673ap+554 | 0x1.d39ed71e53096p-798
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.c1e8f7b3c001p-828 | 0x1.22e2cf797fabp-787
 +  r_result = 0000000000000000
 +insn vfchedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.661898890e-51 | 2.805579930e-40
-+  v_arg2   = 6.890922319e-142 | 1.100324054e+142
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.fdeb244b026aep-169 | 0x1.870a6fe40fd9ep-132
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.0ce586903392fp-469 | 0x1.cdfd736ae03f8p+471
 +insn vfchedb:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 6.313672147e-289 | 5.680993139e+23
-+  v_arg2   = -7.791990659e+205 | 9.009019262e+96
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.89c8a6a740af8p-958 | 0x1.e132e6edb1316p+78
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.f10d2c3491358p+683 | 0x1.0def4f092fca2p+322
 +insn vfchedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.476515913e+103 | 1.122082917e+83
-+  v_arg2   = 1.816299348e+114 | 1.220664262e+281
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a5e8e6900e845p+342 | 0x1.d92b370ee2a1cp+275
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.799f9efc6ef56p+379 | 0x1.ae60d0239ade7p+933
 +insn vfchedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -5.094793600e+249 | -8.145100941e-300
-+  v_arg2   = -1.708584930e-144 | -3.303068910e+148
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.6c5599e7ba923p+829 | -0x1.5d1a1191ed6eap-994
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.555c8775bc4d2p-478 | -0x1.4aa6a2c82319cp+493
 +insn wfchedb:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.436116423e-70 | -6.262508695e-23
-+  v_arg2   = -3.355472188e-272 | -2.061763942e+101
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.ae6cad07b0f3ep-232 | -0x1.2ed61a43f3b99p-74
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.226f7cddbde13p-902 | -0x1.790d1d6febbf8p+336
 +insn wfchedb:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.432153370e-116 | 5.596570189e+222
-+  v_arg2   = 2.641392419e-248 | -2.430868598e-39
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.20eb8eac3711dp-385 | 0x1.ef71d3312d7e1p+739
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.7a3ba08c5a0bdp-823 | -0x1.a7845ccaa544dp-129
 +insn wfchedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.782595755e+248 | 2.583558089e+71
-+  v_arg2   = 7.459498887e-25 | -6.077586820e-126
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.97ebdbc057be8p+824 | 0x1.2b7798b063cd6p+237
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.cdb87a6074294p-81 | -0x1.074c902b19bccp-416
 +insn wfchedb:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.755625620e+282 | 6.832954351e-203
-+  v_arg2   = -8.995972510e+168 | 1.809895724e+31
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.82deebf9ff023p+937 | 0x1.56c5adcf9d4abp-672
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.311ce49bc9439p+561 | 0x1.c8e1c512d8544p+103
 +insn vfchedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -3.792466282e-126 | 3.058680331e+19
-+  v_arg2   = 9.701648768e+130 | -4.446045425e-277
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.489a0cf606972p-417 | 0x1.a87a278f79c72p+64
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.17ec17aedbaeap+435 | -0x1.f867d39e61ce2p-919
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn vfchedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 4.435382602e-127 | -1.046298194e+150
-+  v_arg2   = 1.605953871e+02 | 5.405318131e+106
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.33723ef431356p-420 | -0x1.474f097f9ead8p+498
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.4130d6951ee45p+7 | 0x1.791689e1040f1p+354
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vfchedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 6.455195021e-72 | 1.294732461e-56
-+  v_arg2   = 1.097022153e-60 | 6.253030678e+231
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.6cf89093275eep-237 | 0x1.451631aa628ebp-186
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.c349eac0f4204p-200 | 0x1.01c558c10699ap+770
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vfchedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -8.621677282e+15 | -7.384553853e-206
-+  v_arg2   = -6.630006742e-172 | 8.875091256e-229
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.ea15eabc329b6p+52 | -0x1.7b556461496d6p-682
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.47f5dfc7a5bcp-569 | 0x1.5877ef33664a3p-758
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn wfchedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.731685168e+152 | 2.191562676e-178
-+  v_arg2   = 2.500327650e+203 | -3.628919081e-12
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a7370ccfd9e49p+505 | 0x1.c6b2385850ca2p-591
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.984f4fcd338b1p+675 | -0x1.feb996c821232p-39
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn wfchedbs:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.861117729e+62 | 8.215311594e+170
-+  v_arg2   = -1.116622714e+90 | -8.705103017e+305
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.641878612dd2p+207 | 0x1.b35e3292db7f6p+567
++  v_arg2   = -0x1.18a87f209e96bp+299 | -0x1.3d598f3612d8ap+1016
 +  r_result = 0000000000000000
 +insn wfchedbs:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.484666607e+121 | 2.241933037e+83
-+  v_arg2   = 6.745471652e-250 | 1.627726871e-125
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.cfc2cda244153p+404 | 0x1.d8b2b28e9d8d7p+276
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.3517b8c7a59a1p-828 | 0x1.6096fab7003ccp-415
 +  r_result = 0000000000000000
 +insn wfchedbs:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -4.010695768e-182 | -4.587311642e+76
-+  v_arg2   = 1.911591070e-185 | 5.539907405e-260
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.54d656f033e56p-603 | -0x1.95ad0e2088967p+254
++  v_arg2   = 0x1.4cb319db206e4p-614 | 0x1.b41cd9e3739b6p-862
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb0:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -7.755576323e-110 | -4.181113913e-232
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.7507654eb1cbdp-363 | -0x1.4c5a2d70578a7p-769
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb0:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.664585697e+192 | -3.159918182e+29
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.759a0ba4abaf7p+638 | -0x1.fe832724aaa38p+97
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb0:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.921584440e-31 | -6.686669619e+230
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7b3e4bb774c14p-102 | -0x1.b908fc2ed3a14p+766
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb0:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -6.263790716e+62 | -1.380895669e-239
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.85cbf177a1d82p+208 | -0x1.705033c741858p-794
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb1:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -7.396630933e+86 | -4.044679556e+211
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.7cbeef2c94fcap+288 | -0x1.ec1d97b93cbfdp+702
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb1:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.642109065e+14 | -6.171377206e+100
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2ab2a98079656p+47 | -0x1.c371901eb3099p+334
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb1:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.983255661e-173 | 5.943986139e+137
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.39eeb39c6012dp-574 | 0x1.98e49f4cc3921p+457
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb1:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.074053803e-136 | -3.989544962e-156
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.3fc28ae45b2b3p-452 | -0x1.b632de2f2b0a8p-517
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb2:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.208072737e-142 | 9.178144881e+290
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.792143331a16dp-472 | 0x1.78b867d4bf21fp+966
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb2:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.713139352e-109 | 1.051470149e+124
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.463e12b675eb9p-361 | 0x1.fcfd460adb415p+411
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb2:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.538110318e+70 | -9.508673668e+171
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.d6b7fe0aecc99p+233 | -0x1.3af17c9a3c277p+571
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb2:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.035919003e+221 | -3.073603372e+61
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2575c4180e868p+734 | -0x1.320885d20bb51p+204
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb3:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.010841368e+196 | -1.175741623e-247
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.14f24a3c080a1p+651 | -0x1.a4e63e948d889p-821
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb3:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.882324537e+196 | 7.571081666e-148
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.8ad818084fd9dp+652 | 0x1.35c9f1c2ca3a9p-489
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb3:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.118744165e-174 | -8.199093702e+79
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0c4da3ccb1a54p-577 | -0x1.620b34e8dc095p+265
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb3:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.290495699e+254 | -3.098996343e+165
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.19a17db46ab1ap+844 | -0x1.ae8523c97a84fp+549
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb4:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.865312893e+228 | 8.768759350e+193
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3af5acd125862p+758 | 0x1.3382dcaa769b8p+644
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb4:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.558314242e+54 | -7.282752951e+278
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.ab5c5a37a5f7ep+180 | -0x1.48ab6c0046851p+926
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb4:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -8.444440407e+76 | 2.202196117e+229
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.7563ad8b9565bp+255 | 0x1.d0cda8ea71ff4p+761
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb4:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.689081996e-276 | -1.142172414e-85
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.df11489b4e747p-917 | -0x1.c66c509f6e09ep-283
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb8:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.052709647e-292 | 2.901076717e+141
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.85ef23ec393aep-969 | 0x1.e73a12c839128p+469
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb8:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 7.866509814e-163 | -2.195774605e-97
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.6a66b9f6771d7p-539 | -0x1.e0455d9d06f08p-322
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb8:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.897402949e-46 | 1.713580689e-250
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.1ccd94013eda9p-151 | 0x1.3a149960dcc13p-830
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb8:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.168591491e+222 | -3.090455716e+282
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.1881157e6896bp+739 | -0x1.5481e51d7d13cp+938
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb16:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.113956295e+235 | -6.616133002e-47
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.c0728816e9f7ep+780 | -0x1.82c791cf93d54p-154
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb16:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -4.961861634e-86 | 7.927703278e-283
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.8ad2e81651e24p-284 | 0x1.d78b8f22e24cap-938
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb16:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.083402359e-171 | -1.611071710e+248
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7d4f40176493bp-567 | -0x1.70aba71dbb26bp+824
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb16:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.079666682e+272 | -2.706249794e-212
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.98bc950f87c01p+903 | -0x1.2389a9fd7e622p-703
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb32:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 2.219036452e-293 | -8.213622318e-07
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.c583723b0e8dp-973 | -0x1.b8f72a62558b8p-21
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb32:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.897942666e+26 | -1.159641329e+83
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.df6ca559152e2p+87 | -0x1.e901b98b7f494p+275
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb32:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 9.729512698e+66 | 4.692742769e+236
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.718c8a77ed80dp+222 | 0x1.272ea2c2cbd7ap+786
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb32:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.452407172e+235 | 1.957790085e+31
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.125f88105ad86p+783 | 0x1.ee37380928c4ep+103
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb64:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 5.636126617e-277 | -7.847928271e+17
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.3fb5daf24d9ap-918 | -0x1.5c849d623cfd1p+59
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb64:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.888063607e-71 | -6.901109602e+140
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.0adfa2607fa8cp-235 | -0x1.cf9ba570a4a61p+467
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb64:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.783862064e-201 | -3.942888222e+78
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.b468fbdc60619p-667 | -0x1.10695d31ddabcp+261
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb64:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.411606683e-140 | -1.755329332e+148
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.58459f52a0775p-465 | -0x1.5f6e77fa32ebcp+492
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb128:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.201389672e+33 | 1.484917169e-228
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.d9dd5b268dee9p+109 | 0x1.202b8b70f8c1ap-757
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb128:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.032477894e-19 | -5.548585434e+251
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.dfe7c00e2019fp-63 | -0x1.35fd1bac1932ep+836
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb128:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -5.715429458e+08 | 6.839165394e+141
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.10886d0eb3e5ep+29 | 0x1.1f27771caf4acp+471
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb128:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 3.261858315e+129 | 1.893770303e-117
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.2d2aab983764ap+430 | 0x1.31a3029a73867p-388
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb256:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 3.778930697e-228 | -1.184400475e+241
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.6eadbb81663a7p-756 | -0x1.c6b7c55047e1p+800
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn vftcidb256:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 2.562044420e-57 | -4.525123716e+164
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.0150bf13f5396p-188 | -0x1.f6e9b4e793af6p+546
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn vftcidb256:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.127369946e-173 | 2.438586361e+182
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.50be96c89ecd5p-574 | 0x1.d624d134ff7c6p+605
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn vftcidb256:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 5.947339495e+173 | -2.315946167e+218
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.33ca5d92be782p+577 | -0x1.4fe8b0a3a164bp+725
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn vftcidb512:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.749826041e-81 | -1.592828492e-67
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a8eaa4ccad5d7p-269 | -0x1.12d51bd1f8e2ep-222
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb512:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = 6.837070781e+173 | 6.671461300e+249
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.61d62033addeep+577 | 0x1.dd1569eceabb6p+829
 +  r_result = 0000000000000000
 +insn vftcidb512:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | ffffffffffffffff
-+  v_arg1   = -5.995948204e+241 | 8.717704301e-59
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.1fbf51c3c7c7cp+803 | 0x1.182d1c5c7d087p-193
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn vftcidb512:
 +  v_result = ffffffffffffffff | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 4.904433958e-242 | -4.151812710e+290
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.4ee08603f4498p-802 | -0x1.54d34adf83565p+965
 +  r_result = 0000000000000001
 +insn vftcidb1024:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 1.003496386e+222 | -2.048116610e-153
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.63580fb229f75p+737 | -0x1.b75f3fb7baaf1p-508
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb1024:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -1.179061415e-188 | 2.645116668e+246
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.a443f42ef8a22p-625 | 0x1.8363d375b5369p+818
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb1024:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -9.820338600e-233 | 3.001823083e-217
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.383e46d9f5b4fp-771 | 0x1.a7dc0924f6a6bp-720
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb1024:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = -2.633769867e-156 | 8.447332903e-152
++  v_arg1   = -0x1.2148e5bdb7c09p-517 | 0x1.1b2689f7c01b1p-502
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb2048:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 6.337601232e-178 | 1.682594878e-280
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.48b9851b82d7cp-589 | 0x1.86f1e1a36bdd4p-930
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb2048:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 9.988476885e-173 | -5.822812106e-83
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.8b45cbb7947aep-572 | -0x1.c478ca5bd9d0cp-274
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb2048:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 5.321533227e-06 | 3.614043333e+79
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.651f3ea4ff449p-18 | 0x1.381d68603b1edp+264
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 +insn vftcidb2048:
 +  v_result = 0000000000000000 | 0000000000000000
-+  v_arg1   = 5.571605547e+196 | 1.540286044e-125
++  v_arg1   = 0x1.7d9f2d51b7851p+653 | 0x1.4da616b63e42ap-415
 +  r_result = 0000000000000003
 diff --git a/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.vgtest b/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.vgtest
 new file mode 100644
-index 000000000..428d2a21c
+index 0000000..428d2a2
 --- /dev/null
 +++ b/none/tests/s390x/vector_float.vgtest
 @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
 +prog: vector_float
 +prereq: test -e vector_float && ../../../tests/s390x_features s390x-vx
-Only in valgrind-3.14.0: autom4te.cache
 diff -ru valgrind-3.14.0.orig/none/tests/s390x/Makefile.in valgrind-3.14.0/none/tests/s390x/Makefile.in
 --- valgrind-3.14.0.orig/none/tests/s390x/Makefile.in	2018-11-20 17:55:21.383617322 +0100
 +++ valgrind-3.14.0/none/tests/s390x/Makefile.in	2018-11-20 17:55:33.442353544 +0100
diff --git a/valgrind.spec b/valgrind.spec
index d5f1082..593f97a 100644
--- a/valgrind.spec
+++ b/valgrind.spec
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Summary: Tool for finding memory management bugs in programs
 Name: %{?scl_prefix}valgrind
 Version: 3.14.0
-Release: 4%{?dist}
+Release: 5%{?dist}
 Epoch: 1
 License: GPLv2+
 URL: http://www.valgrind.org/
@@ -514,8 +514,10 @@ fi
-* Sat Dec  1 2018 Mark Wielaard <mjw@fedoraproject.org>
+* Sat Dec  1 2018 Mark Wielaard <mjw@fedoraproject.org> -
 - Add valgrind-3.14.0-wcsncmp.patch (#1645971)
+- Replace valgrind-3.14.0-s390x-vec-float-point-{code,test}.patch
+  with upstream versions.
 * Fri Nov 23 2018 Mark Wielaard  <mjw@fedoraproject.org> - 3.14.0-4
 - Add valgrind-3.14.0-get_otrack_shadow_offset_wrk-ppc.patch,